I get that there are risks for botnet to cripple the extent of anonymity, but has there been any actual reported cases where someone was compromised because they were something illegal while using a cpu with some sort of management engine?
Has anyone actually been arrested for malicious activity while using a cpu with a management engine?
sage goes in all fields
Not people who got arrested. Assange isn't even wanted for computer crimes. He's wanted on sexual misconduct allegations. Which could have happened even if computers didn't exist. As for Snowden, he didn't get any shit until he was out of the country. If they had known he was stealing classified info while he was doing it he'd have been arrested before he got to the airport.
Both of these groups are usually comprised of idiots who would get busted for whatever because they posted about it on Facebook. If I could use my ultra botnet to spy on basically anyone I wouldn't bother doing it to these fags because it would be a waste when I could just wait for them to fuck themselves over.
>what is (((suicide)))
>what is (((suicide)))
If you're suggesting that Assange didn't rape and murder a girl on 1990 then you're probably right. There's still no evidence that anything surrounding him is the result of government spying and not just him pissing off people in power the good old fashioned way.
Then how do you know that's what these people were doing?
if the person was doing something that warranted the use of ME to incriminate, i doubt we would ever hear of it.
We wouldn't hear about it, because of the practise of "parallel reconstruction". The Feds illegally wiretap people all the time, they just use that information to build a legitimate case with customary methods.
Take one for the team and become aforementioned body.
Intel ME was put there for spying purposes, not law enforcement. Revealing its capabilities to arrest some nobody wouldn't make any sense. It's the same with 0days, they don't waste them on low-value targets.
This is the only intelligent response so far. The rest of you need to fuck off back to Holla Forums.
Actually, if anything you're from Holla Forums since you clearly want to enforce your opinion while mocking others, even though you don't have a sound foundation. Emotion is the antithesis of rationality.
You think they'd risk revealing them spying on most computers?
Nah. If you're valuable enough to use this for, you're valuable enough to throw into a blacksite or to accident.
Nope, because it isn't a backdoor. All this talk of parallel construction is pure conjecture.
Thanks for contributing nothing to the thread, you faggot.
Its capabilities are largely known (ring -3, RAM access, LAN, storage access) but the majority of criminals who would be caught by it would not likely have even heard of it. It is useful to them it because only computer elitists really know about it. Do you think the majority of criminals that the CIA/NSA is after would actually be aware of it?
I hope you are pretending to be retarded.
Like clockwork.
OP here.
So should there be a group of people to do something incredibly heinous within the realm of computer crime? All of it would be done with the newest cpu's, hell even pre-built computers. Maybe they use Windows instead of alternative operating systems for the greater possibility of being caught. Then see if they ever get caught. If they do get caught, they would be tried with some sort of evidence. Evidence from whom? Either NSA or the designers of the CPU via sale. The former would get enormous backlash and the latter would have their own set tribulations of backlash. The CPU designers would need to worry about negative publicity and public backlash. Not only could they loose stocks and/or shareholders, but they risk loosing customers. This crime is worth modifying and/or creating evidence for. But, in the fear of just that or worse (assassination), that hacker group documented everything they did and sent out that information to various outlets and forums on the internet and in real life so that a Streisand effect would be of notice of some degree.
I'm having a hard time understanding how exactly parallel construction of evidence would occur and how it would succeed in its purpose given that any falsified evidence or illegally obtained evidence is inadmissible. Can someone please give me an example other than the one given in the poorly written Wikipedia article on parallel construction.
*they sent out the information prior to being caught.
*prior meaning a very short time between being arrested and being free.
Such as making computers that aren't backdoored. Or trying to expose things like government agents being blackmailed.
Wrong, why do you think the FBI has the largest stash of child porn in existence? They use it for cases where nobody broke the law to frame them. If that doesn't work then the cpu manufacturer pays the cia to kill the target thereby avoiding bad press. It is in the kikes and the USA's interest to make people dependent on (((them))) creating x86 CPU's.
Who do you think julian assange is? Why do you think this website exists still? Because of a streisand effect against pedo investigations.
Let's pretend the not secret agency wanted to get you arrested for something. They find on your computer that you have been browsing Holla Forums which they discovered via intel ME since you stay behind seven proxies and encrypt your DNS. So one day the NSA spams Holla Forums with CP and you happen to have a police officer walk up to your place of residence because you mysteriously have had reports of "antisemitism" and "recognizing niggers are black" called in by your payed off with money or blackmail neighbors.
So you are browsing Holla Forums with that CP in RAM. When you close your browser to answer the door. Bam, the police officer arrests you for (((disturbing the peace))) and a swat team comes by to seize your computer later. The court will never mention how they knew you were browsing Holla Forums in that very moment. On paper in your secret trial with no jury or a jury hand selected to be the stupidist retards ever who don't know any of this you will look like you were a pedoshit who was browsing for CP. But the website will never be mentioned nor how they discovered it other then the police officer having come up to your door.
Who said it was for spying ?
Maybe it's also used for their own mesh network.
Other question
Has anyone actually been arrested for malicious activity while Windows XP ?
No the ME was made to solve IT problems in specific domains.
the only case i can think of was involving some drug dealers i heard about on the news, 2 drug dealers wanted to stay in contact for shipments n' such, these clever guys opened an email address, yahoo i think, and instead of emailing each other, they both had the login/pw for the email, so guy 1 would login and write a draft email and save it but not send it, then guy 2 would login and read the draft then delete it, and write a new draft, back and forth back and forth, the cops busted them without ever showing how they recovered the deleted emails, im pretty sure the guys werent american so im not sure about how much disclosure cops have to reveal about their methods like in the usa.
i found a link to the story actually
The guy was already in prison so the police were probably watching him from day 1.
If the CP is stored in the RAM it would be wiped when the computer has no power. RAM is volatile memory. It needs power to store data.
Modern computers (and most appliances for that matter) don't ever truly shut off unless actually unplugged. And the IME can still activate when connected to a power source even if the computer is off. All it would need to do would keep enough voltage going to the RAM to keep it from getting flushed.
but watching him how? yahoo says they dont keep those emails,
There are three possibilities:
1. Yahoo is lying and they actually have access to everyone's stored emails.
2. The police have access to the management engine within the computers that the criminals are using.
3. The police infiltrated the network in a way different from the vector that is the management engine.
We'll never know as the answer was shown under seal only to the defendant and his attorney.
4. Yahoo are a bunch of lazy incompetent niggers that are pretty sure they have some or even all emails backed up somewhere on something but they just can't be arsed to dig through a million boxes and find the relevant tapes and/or the guy who set it all up died years ago and nobody has any fucking clue how the backup actually works.
You do realise if you are correct that means 1 can not be true, right? Which also means it must be 2 or 3 as the way they spyed on those druggies.
It's no wonder they got caught. They were retards.
is pgp only able to be used with pop/imap? what free email provider is recommended?
That's how numbered possibilities work, they either are mutually exclusive or they aren't. Plus you're assuming that 4 is true in the first place.
I thought the operating system and kernel is supposed to free all the memory.
*when it shuts down
Nope. Never. Why do you think Israel makes Intel chips? It's so they can commit massive bank fraud with a legal invincibility distortion field.
Grichka was arrested for this reason..