Ritual Abuse in a ring of UN-Tavistock-Military related Orgs/Foundations

From 4chan:

An user came forward with this statement:

"I experienced ritual abuse, or MKULTRA type abuse.
I saw the trafficking of children in cages myself. I saw murder.
I was given drugs and I experienced near-drowning. I saw others tortured and die. I saw rape, experienced sexual abuse. I was used in child porn. I saw birth, I saw abortion. I saw people cut open, I saw worse.

I was electroshocked and I was terrified of masks, and people in costumes. I was utterly traumatized to the point that I had hysterical fits that looked like seizures. I was to the point of being in altered states with names. I thought I had a different family.
My life has been severely affected by these events. Years of time have been taken away from me by regression and PTSD/DID."

user submitted the following drawings made as a child, as well as excerpts from medical records of medical testimony and an EEG reading as a small token of proof:


Do not ask for any more proof as none will be given. The story is much bigger than user.

Spanning from user’s testimony and its ties to Harbin Hot Springs, we have uncovered a network of ritual abuse, child trafficking and evidence of Project MKULTRA taking place at institutions ranging from Harbin Hot Springs and Esalen Institute in CA through Ecstatic living, HAI Global and the Human Potential Movement through to The Haven in Canada, Findhorn in Scotland and more. These organizations are tied via the International Holistic Centers Gathering to the United Nations via the Findhorn Foundation, GEN, and Kitezh orphanage and Ecologia Youth Trust. They also share mutual ties and ancestry through the Psychosynthesis Institute, Teens & Toddlers and ARK (a part of the Clinton Foundation) with Tavistock, the Huxleys and Military Intelligence in Britain and the US. Psychosynthesis’ founder then ties back through Alice Bailey to Lucis Trust and finally returns to the occult foundations of the UN.

We have just begun to develop this investigation based on publicly available information. Every link we found important has been archived, but there is so much more out there. We did our best to archive enough so that this investigation can continue without obfuscation. We are asking for help and more eyes on this topic to to see if more proof can be found of any illicit activity by these groups. This may be a piece of the architecture behind pizzagate.

We have tried our best to document everything as neatly as possible, but we still need your help in coalescing the information. Below we will detail the architecture of the story. The ensuing pastebins are works in progress, but we felt it was time to get more help, so please excuse anything unfinished. This file here contains every link we have found so far in the following format (with exceptions):

Subject {

1. Description1: LINK1
2. Description2: LINK2


Sources (warning: disorganized): pastebin.com/ghVvmS1s

Not everything in this file is laid out below, but could still be relevant to future investigation.

Where each pastebin references, in line, citations with "(Subject.1)" referencing that relevant link. For your convenience, each pastebin will have a collection of links at the bottom copied straight out of the sources pastebin. All leads need MUCH more digging.

Our recommended reading order is as follows:

Harbin Hot Springs -> Ecstatic Living -> The Haven -> International Holistic Centers Gathering -> Findhorn Foundation -> GEN/GAIA -> Ark.


Ecstatic Living (Needs expansion on all 6 locations mentioned):

The Haven:

International Holistic Centers Gathering (Every location from the directory needs to be expanded on):

Findhorn Foundation:



This is only the beginning. We need your help and we need it now.

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com.au/books?id=oW81AQAAQBAJ&pg=PT96&lpg=PT96&dq="habonim dror" and "mossad"&source=bl&ots=IcTgV4D5yo&sig=tC_-dRtXrJwyzS8Mu71tMvk3zs8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiGlsThj-DQAhUFFZQKHck0CnYQ6AEIKDAC#v=onepage&q="habonim dror" and "mossad"&f=false)

this is in esalendotorg if you search for tavistock, in a '67 pdf that is going to get taken down pretty quick.

Anyone seen this yet

Comment by beersheva on November 8, 2015 at 6:33 PM:
"I know of personally, that Donald Hamrick was a CIA operative, his "handler" was LOU MOBLEY, ex IBM Vice-President, and that Hamtick frequently saw Marion Pettie (of the FINDERS) at the Harbinger Commune. Hamrick was NOT independently wealthy but was provided all the money he needed, along with any and all drugs used at the commune, as part of the ongoing CIA operation known as CHAOS.

Hamrick took me to a remote area one day, in an area I believe was close to San Luis Obispo, where a silo existed. He took me to the entrance, where another CIA agent and Don injected me with drugs which allowed them to control me, I was taken underground where I observed many young human children and animals, in cages, where they were being experimented on, primarily MIND CONTROL experiments. My memory was concealed from me by some type of Mind-Control technique that kept me from knowing what had occurred for most of my life until recently. Anyone who has information regarding Hamricks' secret CIA connections, MIND-CONTROL projects, and his vast sexual diversions while parading himself as some great guru, please leave any info here. Also, John Wester knows about all of this, as Wester was Hamricks' right hand man at that time, who went with Hamrick in his plane trips to meet secretly with CIA handlers. But, John will not talk, and took his very curious "poem" about Harbinger down from it's website years ago. I have a copy of that poem that spells out what HAMRICK, the secret pervert, was really up to" (Harbin.2)

Pic from similar location called The Haven

Gary Dillon works for the Haven in Canada, his site heartcoretouchdotcom has some obvious MKULTRA shit

Esalen Sunday Dinner with Stratfor:


More Gary Dillon Art.. He works for the Haven on Gabriola Island as a "body worker?"

Ecstatic Living teaches at these places:

Mount Madonna Center - www.mountmadonna.org
Breightenbush Hot Springs - www.breitenbush.com
Harbin Hot Springs - www.harbin.org
Esalen - www.esalen.org
Omega - www.eomega.org
the haven - www.haven.ca

They advocated for sexual education for 4 year olds.


Video Svetlana Bakushina made for Gabriele Wosen, of Findhorn………….

Ritual Abuse guys, this is another Abramovic. Look up Svetlana, it's not good.


These places are connected too


CIA at harbin


Jesus Christ. Is there anywhere that these fucks haven't touched.


I thought Travestock was a fake meme by paranoids who were in GATE classes like me and believe they were experimented on because they have mental problems now?

Which is it?

put "findhorn" into wikileaks

this comes up


ARK is part of the clinton foundation - CGI

Also links to Tavistock and 3rd world trafficking (probable) so I would get these links before they are scrubbed

Good thread.

Link to gnostic media's "brain" network (a massive database of research) centered on MK ULTRA, tstock, the technocratic families like the Huxleys, etc.. Linking specifically to the Esalen node: webbrain.com/brainpage/brain/6FBA86B0-0C57-9FCA-5CF9-D742DA541AAA#-4535

Note the appearance of Andrej Puharich, and several other key figures and organizations that came up during the GATE dig:
Thread I: archive.is/qQkpC
Thread II: archive.is/wced0
Thread III: archive.is/d0pID
Thread IV: archive.is/nNVa3
Thread V: archive.is/ANDHs

I've been thinking more and more that GATE has something to do with cult pedophilia and that, in turn this cult pedophilia stuff has something to do with psy-stuff. The figures involved in each are the same.


If you cant figure out for yourself that fuckig tstock is not somehow made up you need to leave because you're some kind of absolute retard. Tstock has it's hands in all the most evil shit on the planet and it takes two seconds on a search engine to figure that out. Anons like you who LARP through shit like the GATE threads and probably even think "Holla Forums is ironic" need to FUCKING LEAVE or stop being fucking 12 and realize no one is fucking joking about this shit.

All GATE ever brought was paranoids and fake paranoid shills with fan-fiction tier GATE stories.

The GATE links show it's a psyop, but nothing on the level of pizza gate. You can see that in how it's damaged-controlled, Pizza gate you have the entire media being led around and false-flags, GATE you got…idk some random (1) user with an inane story that checks off the DSM jew psychiatrist guide to crazy people.

Tavistock is one of those orgs that have been around doing nefarious things for decades.

did not mean to imply GATE threads were LARPing, meant to say user and others like him who LARP in serious threads and think it's a joke are absolute faggots.

sage for double post

bump fuck

Better get on this.

it's real, and it's been happening since the end of the Second World War thanks to Dr. Ewen Cameron's forerunner program for MK-Ultra.

also keep an eye on the Temple of Set as it was created by notorious psy-ops officer Dr. Michael Aquino


this is it anons…

stay on this path

There's no media camaign against GATE because it never left the chans. It was like 2 threads on 4chan and those 6 or 7 threads here and that's all that came of it. Pizza is different because it involves accusations of provable crimes against specific living individuals currently active in the power structure and because of how it tied into the last leg of the election it got massive spread into the normie sphere. GATE is less immediate and less relevant to our current everyday political situation, doesn't mean it's less serious. It think it's all part of the same thing anyway. Even without GATE, the connections OP makes between MK Ultra projects and pedophile networks shows there is a connection between the /x/ psy stuff and the pedo stuff. GATE key figures all being connected to pedo key figures and institutes is just further confirmation that it's one big nexus with some deep dark motive.

the network in S.Korea that just got exposed.. the "8 goddesses" is a part of the bigger picture. the pizzagate group of sickos is a sister org to the korean one. every developed country has an embedded cult group like these at the source of power. the ultimate source is the united nations. it truly is the whole one world gov/religion. they chose satanism/kabbalah/luciferianism long long ago. albert pike talked about this very thing in morals and dogma.

You want how the entire world is run? We just gave it to you, now stop bitching and read the god damned pastebin.


I was in TAG* (GATE for Oregon) as a kid back in kindergarten and I really don't remember shit about it even though I remember kindergarten before and after TAG. After taking the class I started to act out sexually and was always trying to get girls to show me their shit and 'rub' eachother. My parents were not fucking sickos either.

I assure you I'm not making any of this up.

*I don't remember what it was called until searching online, but it was a class with very few people and we were told how special and gifted and smart we were. I remember always getting treats and cool toys like rubiks cubes, like a reward.



There was this girl, right before I went into TAG, that was accompanying me and others on a field trip to local pool. During the ride she grabbed my crotch and looked me in the face while moaning "does that feel good, user?" as a kid it freaked me the fuck out and I told the teacher, teacher told the asst principle and asst principle took me to talk about it to the counselour. Right after that I got into TAG. It was as if due to me realizing that felt wrong and telling on it, the powers of be decided to induct me into it too.

"the Huxleys "

No kidding. I saw first hand what these people have done.

At findhorn




good goy, limit your dragnet of info, let US take over your infrastructure

Intelligence gathering 101: anything can become an asset, even your own enemies.

That the best you got, Chaim? If you really believe that, why come here? Go back to TRS, Something Awful, or StormFront.


Same place that was founded by Tavistock, and hosted Boris Yeltsin in 87, are you people blind?


fucking copy this shit

Some of these pastebins are just collections of very loosely related information. Not everyone who is connected to a pedo is a pedo. Make tighter connections.

stop posting direct links to these sites. Delete the http:// or get out until you learn to post

shit dude, all of this ties back into the GATE threads.


I hope the annons figure it out…

I have looked deep into this stuff previously I need to warn you guys: a lot of legitly mentally ill people make shit up to jump on the bandwagon. This substantially obscures the good data. There is truth to it but you can't believe every schizo that spergs out with a story. Apply Ockam's Razor liberally. Think about how you would run a pedo-mind-control op. It probably dosn't involve super underground labrinths and bunkers most of the time.

here are some tavistock research papers and publications that have been floating around the net.

[removed hypertext header so autists stop spilling their pasta about MUH WEBCRAWLERS] (PROTIP: nunna this matters since there are already several webcrawlers scraping the whole of Holla Forums on leekyforums and other hosts you autistic faggots.)

it gets pretty fucking spooky as they go into group identity manipulation, social stigma control and early childhood development and psychology. The weirdest part is that they operate out in the open

Alright so back on track, let's look at some facts.

Lucis Trust was founded by Alice Bailey. Whose disciple Roberto Assagioli, founded Psychosynthesis

Lady Diana Whitmore was on the Board of Trustees for Findhorn until 2014,..As well as being founder of Teens and Toddlers, (with Huxley's window) Diana is President and Co-chair of the Psychosynthesis Trust,

how much more do I need to fucking spoon feed you?




So here we have a link directly between Findhorn, Tavistock, and Lucis Trust. Start reading.

do you even know how a honeypot actually functions you tech illiterate spergazoid?

let the growups do the work since you wastes of placental tissue can't do anything other than sagebomb anythign remotely unrelated to Trump.

Ok so Harbin is shady as fuck. Ecstatic Living is a super red beacon of pedo activity. The rest is luke-warm. By Findhorn we just have a location that might be associated with some of the hippy activities. These people operate within circles within circles. So their outer level contacts aren't necessarily exposed to their inner workings.

This weird fucker in a suit came to my school and tested me with some sort of cognitive capabilities thing, had to do with this observation of the students' "systems analysis" capabilities. The other teachers loathed me after that, but I kept getting special treatment by the local GATE teacher. For whatever reason used Zener cards to play "memory games" with me, and I didn't quite get it at the time.
This isn't just conjecture, I clearly remember this happening and so do my parents.

I don't give half a damn what you want to believe, those programs are fucking bizarre.

Psychics are real and generally are high IQ. Psychic abilities can be further expanded using trauma induced DID.

What the fuck is this shit?

daily reminder that Holla Forums is always right


In Melbourne, Victoria (Australia) we had a program called GATEways (caps are mine for emphasis).

I do not know if it is related to the US GATE programs, but I attended several of these in primary school. I never saw anything suspicious. Usually intelligent/curious students were picked from the class and the parents paid for them to attend special courses (e.g. chemistry, computers, biology, etc) that took place at a nearby school.

Again, I don't recall anything suspicious occurring when I attended.

Just thought I'd chime in with this in case it's relevant or if anyone else experienced something different in their Gateway program.

>cuckchan LARPing
>ever real

I'd also like to add another line of thought regarding Esalen. Many notable and seemingly good-intentioned people have taught here historically.

Personally, I have doubts that all (or even most) of them are in on the ruse. (Robert Anton Wilson, Dr John C Lilly, etc.)

Have we explored the possibility that Esalen was co-opted at a later date - or acted as a honeypot to capture and subvert experimental research?


This is difficult to look at.



Somehow all of this wasn't tangible until this.


"ARK and Psychosynthesis

ARK funds Teens and Toddlers, part of ‘Children Our Ultimate Investment’ (COUI, founded by Laura Huxley), and senior staff at Teens and Toddlers are heavily involved in Psychosynthesis:

‘The Psychosynthesis and Education Trust’ as described on the Charity Commission website: charity-commission.gov.uk/ShowCharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityFramework.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=1077365&SubsidiaryNumber=0


Teens and Toddlers, funded by ARK. Senior staff: Diana Whitmore (writes books on psychosynthesis), Stacy Millichamp, training therapist and supervisor for the Psychosynthesis and Education Trust, (has worked at the Findhorn Foundation, a United Nations training centre), Peter Hein, Director of COUI UK (founded by Laura Huxley) since 2002. He was a lecturer in Psychosynthesis at Waltham Forest College for 6 years.

Main stream media report in the US about ‘Children Our Ultimate Investment’ washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/12/14/AR2007121401997.html "Children are our ultimate investment and also very much the ultimate investment of the tobacco companies, the ultimate investment of the liquor companies and, for sure, of the gun companies," she told an interviewer. …….In practice, the organization featured programs uniting the elderly with babies, based on the belief that both were emotionally needy and could benefit from a healing touch. Liability issues later ended this effort. "


I am going to murder these people.

i second gnosticmedia's web brain research page

Aldous huxley?

>From 4chan:

Not a good start.

I don't like that either.

Isn't that the guy who says Darwin's theory of evolution is a conspiracy by the Illuminati to get christians to stop believing in God?

Yes Aldous Huxley, his Widow Laura Huxley Co Founded Teens and Toddlers.


Teens and Toddlers Spawned this Pedophilic crap


Our Children Our Investment openly sponsors old men touching little children. So if you ever wondered what Tavistock is into……

Sound's very much like something a spy would say :)

Anyway, there is no record of an original thread on halfchan Holla Forums being recorded in the 4plebs archive. Just insinuations that it had been posted, so im calling bullshit.

The imgur links point to a child psychiatic assesment which shows child abuse, no links to any of the places the abuse was alleged to have taken place are present.

"Spanning from user’s testimony and its ties to Harbin Hot Springs, we have uncovered a network of ritual abuse, child trafficking and evidence of Project MKULTRA "

there is no evidence in the child abuse sufferer's statement that links the abuse to any of these sites.

No thread can be found on the 4plebs.org/pol archive. only threads claiming that this thread existed.

It was easy to check this as all i had to do was enter the victims statement into the archive.

Given that the archive has been running pretty much solidly indexing halfchan Holla Forums (you can pull up threads from 2014 there), we can pretty much assume this thread never existed.

As for the supposed statement, no anonymous website forum is given such as wearelegion for example.

please find 3 threads similar to this on halfchan Holla Forums claiming the existence of the original thread in this archive


which is not to say stuff like this doesn't go on, but there is not enough evidence presented in this thread and others to take it seriously.

At a guess the same thing as Findhorn and probably other intentional communities like Tamera… autonomous experiments in non-family living that yield data for TVStick in what works/doesn't work for keeping individuals functional when there is no family structure. As people tend to go to these communities either through a desire to experiment in alternative living arrangements or a retreat to work through some trauma/grief, they are an easily watchable pool of more pliant individuals, ready to try different "therapies" and provide a non-state origin story for anything that goes awry.

That said,

are standard hippy dancing stuff.

Standard hippy dancing stuff right nothing to see here move along.

You're cherrypicking the images, shill


I guess when Findhorn isn't doing nothing but innocently dancing on the Reichstag there's no coincidence their longest serving teachers are hiring this woman to make videos:


Totally innocent I'm sure no big deal


Yeah Findhorn is clearly just innocent hippies when Gabriele Wosen hires Svetlana Bakuhina.



I live in reasonable proximity to this location. Is this worth investigating?

So Bakushina is pure MKULTA/Ritual abuse, and Findhorn is full of shit

did I mention it is 1/4 mile from a military base?





oh shit, for those who don't know, Habonim Dror is a government-funded Socialist Zionist youth camp that takes teens as young as 13 on year-long trips to Israel, where they do military training and build Kibbutz camps on Israel's borders to expand their territory - it's literally MOSSAD/IDF shit. See: this recount, written by a Habonim Dror jew himself, of how he was scouted out and secretly tested after being involved with the camp (books.google.com.au/books?id=oW81AQAAQBAJ&pg=PT96&lpg=PT96&dq="habonim dror" and "mossad"&source=bl&ots=IcTgV4D5yo&sig=tC_-dRtXrJwyzS8Mu71tMvk3zs8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiGlsThj-DQAhUFFZQKHck0CnYQ6AEIKDAC#v=onepage&q="habonim dror" and "mossad"&f=false)

The (((people))) that run it in Perth in Australia are the same people responsible for putting this man (vid related) in maximum security prison for 3 years (originally it was going to be more than 10 years) - with the help of virtually the entire Australian jewish 'community', and an Israeli ambassador - for offending a jew.

Oh look another shill post, just grand



this is fine no MKULTRA here, no Ritual abuse at all please go



No I would not summarize his work like that. Here are notes about that topic from him gnosticmedia.com/how-darwin-huxley-and-the-esalen-institute-launched-the-2012-and-psychedelic-revolutions-and-began-one-of-the-largest-mind-control-operations-in-history/

I found this about Findhorn. citizeninitiative.com/the_findhorn-foundation.htm. Looks to be the usual suspects.

bump for ending this

Bakushina > Findhorn > Psychosynthesis > Lucis Trust > ARK

please learn how to use paragraphs
t. everyone here with an IQ over 100


Oh look here, pedos

Well connected ones

People interested in this should read "Programmed to Kill" by Dave McGowan.

Another good one is "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare" by Michael Hoffman (who is also redpilled on the kikes and the holohoax).

archives for op



And a huge redpill on this is Rene Guenon's "The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times." He predicted what we see today, and if he was correct then it is all leading to the end times (and he has interesting predictions of how the end times will come about).

A note on Guenon: a lot of people in the "radical traditional" sphere misunderstand Guenon and come to gay conclusions based on his works. I would avoid reading secondhand sources on his writings like blogs because these people who write them are, almost without exception, worthless faggots.


This post just got another sub banned, I guess we should assume there is nothing to it and walk away

Fuck you shills


Hey harbin

your friends at ecstatic living didn't take this down fast enough

pedo bastards


oy vey shut it down!



Harbin's fuckwit pedo friends the Ecstatic Living Institute like to teach kids how to fondle as four year olds.

We want tantric yoga teachers teaching four year olds sex ed because why….? How is this even legal?

I actually read that entire blog post, so I'll summarize it for people who won't read it all. The Harbin hot springs was a huge sprawling complex that was originally a resort, but after gas rationing during WWII it went out of business. Some weird physicist who believed in metaphysics and magic bought the property out of pocket and turned it into a crazed new age paradise during the 60s where hippies walked around nude and giant piles of drugs were passed around. Nobody paid for admittance or housing there or anything, it was just one big commune. Mysteriously while all of this was going on the person who bought it was "out of town", and this is a repeated occurence in the history of the commune. There were social experiments conducted there under the guise of astroturfing, specifically in controlling the population; multiple groups appointed themselves as leaders to vow for control of the masses of homeless shitstains that congregated there, including a man and woman who appointed themselves King and Queen, and the formation of factions and revolts.

The place was also frequented by big names in the 60s such as Timothy Leary and The Grateful Dead. The latter played an entire, original four hour set there which wasn't recorded and hasn't been heard since.

In the comments, an account named beersheva made the post in the picture of the post I'm replying to referencing the MK\/L7RA/C1A connections. In actuality, he made two posts, the first four months prior, but he deleted it for reasons unknown.

this thread need more attention

Because nobody has made it illegal.

from about a month ago…


On the surface, the Tavistock Institute works through many organizations; think tanks, research institutes, charitable organizations. The dark underbelly includes infiltrating religions, from the large to the smallest of cults, intelligence agencies and news organizations.


You need complete control of enough individuals to affect change in certain situations. How would you do such a thing? Realistically, how does your organization reach into someone's life directly to force them to do something when the media wasn't enough?

Truthfully, there are a lot of ways. Money. Blackmail. Political favors. Sexual favors. Religion.

The Tavistock Institute set up a variety of cults a long time ago to test the effectiveness of a variety of methods. In addition to making their own cults, they infiltrated others. From the Mormons to the Muslims. From the New Age to the Occult. From Moloch to the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

The Process Church of the Final Judgment is of note because it comes from Tavistock and it contains the elements of all religions in an effort to combine symbology, because symbols are shortcuts to the communication of large amounts of thoughts, as opposed to explaining them. 4chan delights in the same idea. Cultural Symbol Mimetics, where simple images evolve through a social group and communicate long running jokes and years of history with a single picture of a cartoon frog wearing a MAGA hat.

Because the Process Church of the Final Judgment believes in combing Jesus with Satan and Yahweh with Lucifer, we have an example of exactly the type of people that would be able to infiltrate a church or cult by presenting it as "the next level of understanding."


The Internet has been searching for an answer to why all of these bizarre sets of symbols have emerged among a group of politically powerful people involved in a wide variety of crimes. Fucking Pizzagate. The most delicious gates of them all. More people have sunk into a slice of scandal than ever before and it cost the powers that be their Tavistock Candidate.

But is Tavistock even tied to Pizzagate?

Is Tavistock even tied to Hillary?

Yes and yes.

Tavistock arm, the Brookings Institute is operated by Strobe Talbott.

Strobe Talbott is in regular communication with Hillary Clinton.


The victims of the Hampstead Satanic Ritual Abuse were getting counseling at Tavistock.

After Alisa came back from Russia, James has already begun the counseling seesions in the Tavistock Centre after witnessing the violence towards me and been hit my Mr Dearman.


It was an autism test

ok I'm going to ask again, do any anons think it would be a good idea to scope one of these places out? I live within reasonable distance of the haven (have to take the ferry) and can travel there on the weekend if anons think it is a good idea.

If you were to pass by with your dashcam on that would be helpful, but I'd avoid it myself.

I have some ideas to check out at Comet PPP.

1. Is the second Bathroom inner wall flush with what is seen from the ping pong table play room? Or is there a passage there?

2. Is the business to the right side of Comet PPP having a left wall close to the R wall of Comet PPP? Or is there an 8 foot space there?

Do you mean Harbin?

no, haven on gabriola. its mentioned in the op

[alphabet soup]
Having done some HUMINT legwork on GATE, I'm confident in the Tavistock connection at this point. I talked to several individuals involved in the Berkeley, CA GATE precursor run by IPAR for the Manhattan Project. I believe this was a magnet for Tavistock which got in the program after the Berkeley operation was shut down at around the same time that and MKULTRA (covering for ARTICHOKE and MKOFTEN) was rolled up at the feet of the Rockefellers. GATE was salvaged material from the Church Committee debacle and (((they))) weren't going to get shut out again. Tavistock was at least clearly involved in my program which was graded with, what can only be described as, "an esoteric group participation rubric."
[/alphabet soup]

Any program designed to round up persons of interest is going to have many, many, different fingers in the pot.

The Secret Sun has a nice run down on Esalen and The Nine, be aware this includes copious references to the Ogdoad:

secretsun. blogspot.sg/2013/06/secret-star-trek-part-2-unknown-nine.html

gb2 cuckchan fag

Wait, I remember those cards now. I never associated them with my own program until you mentioned "memory games". Now I can see them clearly, the stupid little blue waves and the red circle.

Hol up, my memories are coming back and I just realized how that game really works.

The game "memory" involves a bunch of cards set face down on a table, cards are then picked up one at a time "at random" in sets of two before being turned down. The goal is to match pairs, which are then removed.

This game obviously tests memory, BUT IT COULD ALSO TEST INTUITION. The accuracy of guesses and random pairings as a percentage of the cards could be used just like Zener cards to measure intuitive ability. All under the innocent guise of a children's game.

Alright, now I'll sage for too "GATE RP nutty" for Holla Forums.

I am also only a ferry trip away. I know people who have gone to The Haven on Gabriola. The $875 course for adults. There was no mention of any pedophile vibes. From what I heard, it's more "new age" than anything.

Unfortunately I think you'd have to go there and actually volunteer to help out with the kids program. If anything nefarious is going on, it will be in the kids programs - not the adult one.

Every time.

Here's some more ritual abuse by powerful people in NoCal perpetrated by a MKUltra connected doctor:


tl;dr: There may be MKUltra scientists ritualistically fucking kids near Goat Rock Beach CA 38.4466° N, 123.1264° W
Richard Hamlin and his wife Susan are both successful lawyers. He's making 700k a year but quits allegedly to help his wife deal with her recovered memories of being serially molested by her dad and his friends. The couple spends the next few years spreading the word that her dad, Dr. Sidney Siemer, was a member fo a Satanist group that passed around a lot of little kids. Eventually they go to the police with this bizarre story that her dad's group was about to kill Richard. She later recants, and says that her husband forced her to say these things. Richard, her husband, eventually goes to prison for a life sentence for torture. The wife blames the years she spent accusing her father of molesting her on Stockholm Syndrome and false memory syndrome. The husband still maintains his innocence now. The kicker is that according to this website the father, Dr. Sidney Siemer, was a pretty big player in MK Ultra.



reminds me of

check out this flogging vid on her channel


Haven't read the thread yet, but given the use of the T-word in the title, I'm willing to bet there are an army of shills in here.

To any newfags, that T-word is a trigger. Use it anywhere on the internet, and be amazed at how quickly posts and accounts will be deleted, and armies of obviously unthinking, unresponsive bots do everything they can to shut you down.

Have we looked into it in much detail before, it's definitely been touched-on, but tends to go down the memory hole. Considering how off-limits it is, and the things it seems connected to, the T-redpill must be right up there with the pedo/pizzagate-redpill and the holohoax-redpill in terms of importance.

you need to understand tavistock is a middlegroup. It is everywhere but why? They mediate the masonic ritual abuse. You tell me tht freemasonry is not involved in this? The blue house? It is the missing link here. The blue house SRA case from Evansville indiana is almost an exact word for word thing as this.

This is concern trolling. Tavistock is in the thread title why would you not say it? Do you think that makes it seem more powerful. They are cucked to the global masonic apparatus.


System babby

That's Lee/Kirby FF




huh, many shills

We don't. I fucking love butch women and transguys.


For some reason I want to experience this


Is this from the future..?

is there any actual HQ versions of this vid?




shit i wanted to reply to that
, not create new thread

go hump your granny, crt-autist

i bet money Fairfax Hospital in Kirkland/Seattle is involved

I'm starting to think we may as well investigate every organization that works with children. At this point it seems like they've got their fucking fingers in every thing

I miss Ranflakes ;_;

Looks like a shill needs to learn how to spell CTR


It's funny because it only really happens when its the exact word or a slight misspelling. Tonycoke Institution doesn't seem to trigger them.

Evil is permitted in mainstream media/culture now if you have enough 'oppression points' or you claim to be supporting those that do

they are covering it but only to talk about MUH ALEPPO CIVILIANS

They're welcome to try.

a list of

Shit thread

Any evidence from non liberal/WE WUZ KANGZ sources?


Who gives a fuck about race. I'd take a redpilled black over a leftist faggot white.

lol implying Protestant faith communities are equal to the actual Christian Church. Sola Scriptura is nonsense, the real Church wrote the bible so of course they have the authority to interpret it.


Churches are different everywhere, what's important is your relationship with God. I've been reading a lot of history, and some countries were introduced to Christianity with a psyop- or had it forced on them. I think some Slavic country told me the other day they are Christian out of spite for the Communists. There's a lot of different things going around in the world of politics, but I think what's most important is the appreciation of the beauty of God's gifts.

They are going to absolutely announce advanced ruins to negate and in a last ditch effort to divert attention and controll the narrative. Also obivoulsy it would be aliens that arent here anymore duhhhh. Digits

St. Petersburg

That's my bad, I couldn't resist baiting them. I hope this isn't the reason for the site-wide fuck up. If it is though, hopefully people will start paying attention to this. Too often it gets ignored or thought of as conspiracy.

On an unrelated note (since this thread has devolved into unrelated bullshit anyway) you sir, have good taste in movies. 11/10, would turn it up for.


what would a shitskin mudslime such as yourself know about whiskey?

The worlds most renowned connoisseur stampted northern rye as the best whiskey in the world last year shitskin, its canadian.

name 1 swedish whiskey (that someones actually heard of)

We already found out who is spamming us. Some furry autist from Japan who has been spamming the furry boards for a week and is now spamming us site-wide. Also, about half of the posts in this thread are Bui's bots/pahjeets taking text from random posts and posting it all across the site.





everybody who's served me has been great and there's no tipping

go for it, user. don't break any laws, especially don't trespass, and have a plausible (and ideally true) reason for being there and being curious that's not alarming. you love the island, you're interested in the history of the place because of X innocent reason, you're curious about the camp because you might send a child there or recommend that a family member does, etc etc

this literally reads like the chapter 3 of brave new world. did people somewhere interpret that as a handbook for building a perfectly controllable society rather than a stark warning? Signs point to yes.



T a v i s to c k= Huxley so of course this sounds like brave new world ….

this user is right
these are all the same thing

Sounds like a carbon copy of the kinderladen movement from post war Germany. Disgusting Freudian kike bullshit designed to destroy families, mess kids up in the head, and let jews diddle in the open.

well, shit. good work user. has this been shown on the ping pong pedo thread?

this. they have ppl in hospitals all across the country. they'll put you in there and torture you like they did john nash