The jesuit meme

the jesuit meme


This shit is as jewy as the khazaria psyop. Kikes have spent the last Millenia using the cucked Monarchs and lesser gentiles to push their judeo-Christian agenda upon the west.

Such kikery. High level shill authors love this angle. Jews have pushed monarchy upon the entire western and mostly eastern societies, so of course you will believe the evil gentiles control banking and other modes of jewry. Top kek when this article claims (((Adam weishaupt))) was white.

Other urls found in this thread:,_antithesis,_synthesis of Anti-Christ with the Church and Christian Civilization (Msgr. Dillon).pdf

Jesuits may be cucked, but I'm pretty sure the Rothschilds are just plain ol' Jews. Why would they join a Catholic religious order of a religion they hate?

i dont think so moishe.

Look at the Supreme Court. It's entirely Jewish and Roman Catholic, an alliance to keep the Christians that make up 50% of the country out of power.

They don't hate them, they ally with them.

Interesting rabbit hole for people, research Vatican II and the anti-popes, especially krypto kike Pope Paul VI AKA Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini. He drove the final nail into Catholicism, turning the church upside down into a Satanic charade. The staff he had specially made sums it all up perfectly.

Francis, communist/humanist, is his protege.

All this Ilerminaty/muh masons/Jesuits shit is just for tinfoil retards who can't grasp what's actually happening. If people can barely resist Jewish crypsis (which they hardly bother to hide any more) what makes you think they even need all these extra layers of deracinated conspiracy bullshit?

Luigi, please.

Do I need to remind you that the first branch of Christianity to be usurped by kikes was Protestantism, in the late 1700s-early 1800s? Catholics followed suit around a century later. Luther, in his original plan, considered using the help of Jews to split from Catholicism to make Protestantism but they tried to Jew him. That's why he cursed them until his death and it was only usurped about 200 years after his work.

Sage because I certainly do not want to spark a whole religious D&C debacle.

Papist, please go (back to a third-world, Roman Catholic cesspool).

I hate both denomination, Semitic slave.

I live in a real country where papist boylovers have absolutely zero cultural clout, let alone political power.

I'm assuming you're from the States, right? Then micks and wops are just being used as a dumb cudgel to batter down the (close to nonexistent) WASP resistance. Papist races are not very bright and easily manipulated. You should look at the forces behind the curtain rather than the puppet show you're throwing your rage towards.


>please, please, please don't pay attention while my religion takes over your country!

When you wish… upon a star…

I'm not going to close my eyes on this huge and deliberate power play.



do protestants not realize that st peter denied christ 3 times and st paul went full kgb on christians?

Wait. What do you mean, user., and where do you stand on the Jesuit question, the topic of the O.P.?

Those with any jewish ancestry were prohibited from becoming a Jesuit from 1593 to 1946

I'am starting to think we are gonna need some ovens for ((christians)) too. You guys are dumb as fuck if you think your "religion' is not a huge player in regards to destroying the west for the jews. Whatever good the church did in the name of Yaweh has been dead for centuries, your church is corrupt, your bible is a forgery, your priests are degenerates, your arguments are terrible, your weakness is disgusting. What are you going to do retards, pray the jew away? Yeah right, good fucking luck.

I just picked up "The Enemy Unmasked" by Bill Hughes at a used bookstore the other day. This is the central thesis.
A lot of it seems absolutely crazy–for instance, the idea that the ONLY president to fight against the Jesuit "Roman Agenda" was JFK, a Catholic (maybe he knew more than most?)
However, there are a lot of passages quoted from G. Edward Griffin's "A Creature From Jekyll Island", which is a good book in its own right.
At the upper echelons of the elite circles, there are certainly a lot of incestuous relationships and conspiracies, so it wouldn't surprise me if there are some Jesuits with connections to the Rothschilds.
However, pushing this meme seems like it aids the D&C tactics that the Jews like to use against their enemies (Catholic vs. Orthodox vs. Protestant vs. Muslim etc.).
One thing I'd like to know is what E. Michael Jones thinks about this


And since 1946 it has become the Synagogue of Satan.

Go fuck yourself. The vatican is kike-run.

No, it was the SoS since 33 AD.

at lease you didn't use the "christcucks" may-may

From what (little) I understand, the Jesuit order started off pretty based, but at one point started sending their priests to secular (((universities))) and they shortly became the most cucked Catholics / goodest goys.

(((Freemasons))) are another threat. I remember at Uni they were trying to poach future priests from the liturgical club.

And reported for not even trying.

Quit this D&C shit. It's not helping anyone.
Atheists voted overwhelmingly for Clinton, and Communism has always promoted state Atheism and the breakup of the traditional family unit, something that religion protects.
If you're proposing some sort of 'ancestral' Pagan religion (Norse/Celtic/Druidic), then I'm fine with that, as are MOST racially aware Christians. The ONLY 'Christians' here who ever say anything bad about Paganism are Kike shills (something I suspect you to be).
There is nothing to gain from joining blue-haired radical feminist leftist atheists in bashing Christianity.
We can and should push to 'uncuck' Christianity (and other religions) where
Remember that the most virulent Anti-Semites have nearly always been Christians.


Protestantism was bringing Christianity back to God and away from the corruption that had taken over in the Vatican. The Catholic Church was not always wrong or corrupt; and it is true that many Protestants 'threw the baby out with the bathwater' in their attempt to rid the faith of corruption. There are many 'Catholic' ideas that are true, Godly and great that Protestants have rejected on principle, and this is bad.

However Catholicism was fully corrupted over a hundred years before the Protestant Schism, and had infact suffered several schisms prior. The idea that Protestantism destroyed the Church is thus patently wrong; schism had already happened! Iconoclasm? Anti-Popes? … Sigh, Papists tend to be woefully ill informed.

Protestantism remained a bulwark against all degeneracy due to the Puritanical attitudes for a fair while, although actual Puritanism would fall in Europe relatively quickly, and of course fell in the US when the Italian/Irish 'Papist' hordes destroyed the previously Protestant Anglo/Dutch/Swedish America.

Today there is a movement of Protestants who think they are supposed to love Israel and have bought into the 'chosen' lie and a historically moronic thing called 'judaeo-christianity'; however if you had read ANY of the old Protestant 'masters' like Spurgeon or indeed anyone you would see that the truth about the Pharisees and their jewish spawn was well known. American 'Evangelicals' as they are misleadingly called (considering they refuse to evangelise to kikes) are those who make Protestants look bad; but even they must bow to Scripture due to the 'Sola Scriptura'; and thus when properly shown the truth WILL accept it (or else cease to be Protestant by definition). The goal for us all is thus to be telling the deceived Protestants the truth and forcing them to accept it.

Can't deny your dubs.

I've noticed extremely foreign butthurt types show up on Jesuit/Vatican/Masonic threads. Every fucking time. It's like circumcision threads, they can't help but be butthurt and defensive.

You know what else is not helping anyone?

140+ cuckstian institutions housing rapefugess in europe.Cuckstian theology promoting a cult of weakness and emasculation. Cuckstians being the biggest supporters of zionisms in the political arena. Cuckstians turning the other cheek to hordes of invaders because "moral superiority".cuckstian leaders misleading the public with propaganda. cuckstian churches pocketing money that should go to the poor, especialy poor whites. Cuckstian churches demanding money from those same poor whites to then pour that money in fucking africa to create more cuckstians instead of giving a single fuck about europe or white cuckstians. cuckstians bending over and forgiving everything wrong in society becausew "jeebus died for our sins so nothing bad matters"

This is the sort of thing that is not helping anyone. Break out of your delusion idiots, they jews are fucking USING you to destroy US.


Oh and btw, this is not fucking D&C, Its called REALITY, and its about time you get your fucking shit together and stop spreading this SICKNESS called christianity.

Where Christianity disappears, greed, envy, and lust invent a thousand ideologies to justify themselves.

Jesuits preached absolute submission, rejection of free will and enslaving of minds to religious authority. Doesn't sound too different from what the yids want from gentiles.

and plenty of others were in it to get their hands on all that valuable church property. Many abbeys were turned into private mansions.

Anybody who isn't autistic to should be able to see which is the dominant side in that relationship.

Fixed that for you.

aren't our most virulent traitors those that have rejected traditional Christianity?

Like the popes wich welcomed the jews in europe?


Jesuits=Cypto Jews

Pope Francis is a Marxist Jew by blood and ideology. The Rothschild's are the Vatican's bankers as well. For any Christians out there read John 8:44, Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9. The same people who MURDERED YOUR GOD, are GENOCIDING YOU and YOUR FAMILIES as we speak, while destroying any Aryan countries, culture, and heritage. No more d&c against Christians and other White folk. Race before Religion, we must be united against this spiritual and physical evil known as Jewry, or we will all perish. May the Eternal guide us to victory against the kikes and cucks.


Checked for truth.
Luther would be proud.
Sola Scriptura

Your childish language belies the infantile nature of the modern godless Left. These are the tactics of those with no substance and no real position, who only seek to cause disruption to the Natural Order.
Christianity HAD to be perverted because it was the greatest danger that the Jews had ever faced (video related).
If Christianity is so 'weak' and 'emasculating', then how did it spread so far around the world in such a short time, despite the best attempts of the Jews to persecute the early church?
If Jews were trying to subvert Atheism, rather than actively promoting it, there might be a shred of value to your pathetic shilling attempts, but such is not the case.
They'll hire anyone with a pulse at CTR nowadays, won't they?

Europeans are just as capable of falling to such vices as other people groups–see the decline of Greece and Rome.

The last true Pope (not a Marxist infiltrator) was Pius XII.
They forgot to teach you how to sage, ch'aim.

If that is the case, then why are there still Jews in Europe after 2000 years of Christianity.

Waiting for a response.

There is no such thing as uncucked Christianity. Anyone who worships a Semite is a race traitor (barring the Semites themselves). Race traitors cannot be accepted in European ethnostates, and therefore no Cuckstian can be tolerated by a European ethnonationalist. Our tradition stretches back 50,000 years, the 1000 years of Semitic cultural hegemony are meaningless.

All Christcucks are race traitors.

Reminds me of

Stratfor emails are full of this shit. Just thpe in ordo or templi into wikileaks.

Nice logic. Hating all the heroes of our race is the only way to not be race-traitor! Back to reddit lad.

Let's not forget, it was Christcucks who murdered the traditionalist priests and nobles of Europe, to be replaced by rabbis and Cuckstian thugs whose only qualification for rulership was that they would allow Semites into their courts. This led to the destruction of European heritage and the enslavement of the lower classes for the benefit of Semites. The Jews were never actually expelled from anywhere. The ghettos were cleared to diffuse popular anger, but the court Jews remained, and of course if you will note, there isn't a single European country today from which the Jews are barred. So much for Cuckstians kicking out the Jews, in fact, every single Cuckstian nation is under the control of Semites. A natural result for anyone that understands what happens when you worship a foreigner, embrace foreign ideals, and participate in a foreign tradition responsible for the genocide of one's own people. And of course, that is to say nothing about the disinformation which has been spread in order to keep Cuckstianity relevant in the face of the true history of Europe as well as the true nature of reality.

The Abrahamic tradition holds ZERO truth, and any non-Semite participant is a race traitor capable only of serving the interests of his Semitic masters.

Naive or cucked monarchs, then a liberal outpouring killed the immune system with egalitarian dogma.

Sup LearningCode, still trying to D&C?

Just a note, none of the Americanists are heroes. They were a bunch of merchants and lawyers who rebelled against European order in the name of selfishness and liberal ideology. Americanism is folly, there is no greatness outside of Europa.

Liberalism and egalitarianism begin with Cuckstianity. It is the proto-Marxist filth contained in Cuckstianity that led to the degradation of Europe.

That's fair, though many people will take issue with various of those I mentioned; but as a whole they are heroes to lots of different 'whites'. I also managed to forget Vlad the Impaler somehow.

My point is that the D&C kike is a bloody moron.

Man, you're really going all out. Egalitarianism began with the religion that cemented divine right? Brilliant.

Wow just realised you are the D&C kike. Communism in various forms existed at all throughout history. The Catholic Church and the Inquisition notably put down a lot of 'proto-communist' false religions and executed their false prophets.

Try reading a book?

Divine right existed long, long before Cuckstianity. Aryanism included divinely mandated caste hierarchy.

Who cares if they took out competitors, the point is that Cuckstianity is a degenerate religion for race traitors. It is responsible for the transition from traditional Europe to cucked, modern Europe. It was never a decent religion with good ideals, but there were some Europeans who did great things despite the limitation. Just imagine what those men could have done if we still had the wisdom of pre-Younger Dryas Europeans.

All Christcucks are race traitors. Until you can explain how worshiping a foreigner can be reconciled with ethnonationalist ideology, your cries of divide and conquer are nothing more than the salty tears of an ideological loser. Damn straight we are dividing the cucks and traitors from our ranks, you have no place in civilization.

As said before you are claiming that not hating 99% of our races heroes makes us a race traitor. That is just beyond stupid. You should feel bad.

Hate that they were blind to the nature of Cuckstianity, and then commit to not making the same mistake yourself. I don't hate the dead, I hate the living who refuse to throw off their Semitic shackles despite the vast and easily obtained knowledge of the truth which is available to every man in this age. It is ironic in a way that at the height of degeneracy, the truth is also freely available. In the past, you would have had to endear yourself to a member of a secret tradition in order to receive the version of history not edited by Cuckstians, but today you can find it for yourself online. Even the necessary books have been reduced to easily acquired digital versions, or have had commentaries written upon them which can guide the truly adept student.

The dead take their mistakes to the grave, but the living can be held accountable for their treasons.

The Jesuits were started by conversos. Jews who just pretended to be Catholic.

In fact, I've made a terrible error in phrasing. The living MUST be held accountable for their treasons. It is failure in that exact duty which led to the emergence of Semitic hegemony in Europe. Race traitors cannot be allowed to shape the culture of a nation, thus is the death of the ethnostate. All of a nation's institutions must be supported by an ethnocentric "mystery cult". At the familial level, ancestor worship. At the state level, enshrinement of the volk as the core of the nation. Joseph Campbell explains how recreating the myths of a society's founding lead to the recreation of the values underlying that era. True to the cyclic understanding of time which permeates authentic IE culture, the mystery cult is meant to be an active force in society which renews the values of tradition by symbolically recreating the conditioning which led to their emergence. From these concepts, it is quite clear that any foreign intrusion into this system will be catastrophic for the ethnostate. A healthy nation worships its own culture hero, and when supplanted by a foreign culture hero, subversion follows.

Semites have no place in Europe, and that includes Yeshua.

I've heard the same of Loyola who was a convert like Weishaupt. That Jeremy Irons fronted show implied the Borgias who bankrolled the order were cryptos themselfs, who knows though. The original roman families had already moved further into the shadows behind the papal throne way earlier. The London fire was 1666, many of those families had moved up north, the City of London established way before the Bauer family showed up on the map. By definition you have to submit to Rome if you're a knight or want to knight as a monarch.
All I'm saying is it'd probably be very foolish to underestimate this continuity which has existed for over 2000 years only changing it's shape here and there ever so slightly.

I thought this was common knowledge. The order was founded by and staffed with converts.

Jesuits are heavily financing rapefugee invasion of Europe.

Also, Holla Forums needs to deal more with various (((monarchs))), as they are one of centers of global kikery.

Anyone who has been around long enough knows that the Jesuit thing is literally in the JIDF handbook.

If you bother to look into it, most of those heroes were not strongly Christian at all. Or they simply believed standard Aryan ethos but called it "Christianity," despite the Bible teaching contrary, which was extremely common before protestantism.

You see, Christianity was only ever halfway decent because the European theologians worked very hard using mental gymnastics to explain how the bible didn't really mean what it plainly said and that instead it meant standard Aryan culture that had been followed for thousands of years before Christianity. This worked until plebs learned to read and could see that the bible really very clearly taught pure unadulterated faggotry and treason. That is when Aryan culture finally began to be dismantled. Christianity was a slow poison and a Trojan horse that allowed Jews to dominate European people.

Pick one.
Your shilling is so transparent, I don't know why I'm even bothering to respond, except to point it out as an instructive example for others.
Atheists and Pagans rarely, if ever, expelled Jews. In fact, it was the Atheists who helped to put Jewish Bolsheviks in power in the USSR.
Pic related. If we were still in power, the Jews would have to find another civilization to ruin with their usury and degeneracy.

lol, you’re so fucking retarded.

The conflict in the colonies began when the Crown discovered the Americans were issuing their own interest-free currency.

I have been saying that for a long time. Our biggest opposition will come from Christians, not kikes or mudslimes. We will mostly need to kill Christians.

Christianity was a Trojan horse for Jewry. Notice on your image that the Jews were expelled, not exterminated. They were expelled, at the behest of the church, to protect then from righteous annihilation at the hands of Europeans. The church expelled them to prevent them from being justifiably killed. They have been protecting Jews since the beginning.

The "Jesuits" were started by a Jew. "Judeo-Christian" is a term popularized by Jews in order to stifle anti-semitism from growing in Christians. The latter only popularized in the last 70 years or so.

It was more that the colonists protested the taxation which was levied in response to defending the colonies from the French and Indians. The merchants and lawyers in power were going to lose their grip over the working classes, so they reframed the issue based on the idea that the taxes would harm the working class. In fact, those must impacted by such things were the merchants themselves who were engaged in international trade rather than being self-sufficient landowners. The American Revolution is another example of why the merchant caste is to be valued below artisans and laborers. Their political and social power in a stable nation will always be ZERO, with autocratic meisters being those to decide economic policy. Nations driven by mercantilism are doomed to materialist degeneration, as exposed by the lacking ideology of libertarianism. Capitalism will always work against the ethnostate, as the profit motive will always be greatest for those who break rules and sell their own kin against outside interests. The free market is a false ideal, as economic efficiency has no mechanism of defense against subversion.

Those expulsions were of ghetto Jews, not the court Jews and bankers. Notice also how often locations are repeated on that list, indicating that none of those expulsions were final and conclusive. In fact, perhaps you could find a Cuckstian nation from which Jews are barred today, because I know of none. The Vatican even shills for them, but I guess you don't consider that sect valid Cuckstianity despite being an insignificant, singular shill on a Taiwanese pottery aficionado forum arguing against the majority of those who consider themselves Cuckstian and who follow the tradition and book to the letter of every filthy, proto-Marxist word.

The expulsions always went something like this:

History of christcuckoldry relation to Jews in a nutshell.

Jews, Masons, and Jesuits all deserve the rope.

What a load of rubbish. Those 'heroes', or at least the writers who went on to immortalise them; would glorify the Christian virtues which were noticeably different from the pre-Christian. That is not to say there was nothing of value in Europe before Christianity. In fact it the pre-Christian virtues are collected alongside the Christian ones. You should really do a small amount of research before making your claims. Here's a few crappy wikipedia links to get your thinking more in line with historical truth:

This is actually EXACTLY what Jews do. They literally interpret God punishing and humbling certain characters and people for their arrogance, cowardice, deceit and other sins as God blessing them for their 'cunning intelligence'. Its madness. Again try reading the Bible before making statements. If you want to discuss any particular passage I'd be happy to share what I know.

I've already said it in this thread, but why not say again. The Protestants (those who read the Bible for themselves) were until recently jew-wise. Their obsession with Scripture (and the fact they read it for themselves and learned from real theologians, not jew-televangelists) made the obvious truths about the Pharisees known to all. Have a read of the old Protestant 'masters' like Luther or Spurgeon; these people knew well the perversion of the sons of the devil who are called jews. Puritanism also stopped jews from trading in many places. Americans are in fact still being attacked by jews today because their Puritan ancestors refused to do business with lying, cheating, no-good kikes.

I can't believe some of you are still this asspained about being outjewed by a bunch of potato niggers.

Man, you're the most pretentious faggot I've seen all day. I hope you kill yourself.

The USA used to be about the 'American dream'. People would go there from the Old World and start homesteads, farms, their own businesses. They'd pan for gold, they'd roam the country doing work on those already set up or in areas that were rich in gold.

The Irish and Italians flooded to the cities. Very few of them worked hard for themselves, very few pursued their own 'American dream', very few went out into the country (to this day rural areas in the US are overwhelming Anglo/Scot/Swede/Dutch, its particularly noticeable with the Swedes as there are so many blondes in the country). The Irish/Italians/Papists settled in the cities (where they still live today) and turned America from a nation known for its people's hardiness and capacity to sustain themselves in savage rural environments without government intervention; to a nation where massive cities with huge voting power would vote for increasing 'welfare', moving the centres of political power to specific areas with specific cultural/ethnic interests. It marked the end of the 'golden era' of the USA, the time where all the Ameriboos look back on with longing and it began the 'modern' urban slave-wage and increasingly 'unfree' era.

It would of course get a lot worse when the Jews flooded in during WW2, and then would get out of control after Irish/Papist president JFK changed immigration laws to restrict Europeans and instead favour the Spics.

The Irish and Italians did damage to the USA. They changed its culture from a freedom-loving small-government Protestant nation with Anglo-Scotch-Dutch-Swedish roots to a more socialist one. It wasn't the death of the USA, that would come later with the Jews and the Spics; but it was certainly a turning point that changed the USA from great to sad.

Not trying to D&C, just trying to speak the truth. Whether it was because Anglo-Dutch-Swedes were Nordic/Germanic, or whether they were Protestant I cannot say for certain; but the Irish/Italian Papists never shared their goals and their presence marked the beginning of the end for the US.

Could be. I heard from people studying under them that they (jesuits) are a power in the world. They have their own pope aswell, the black pope. It wouldn't be surprising if the rothschild are indeed jesuits.

This is some of the heaviest disinformation I've ever seen on this board.

Really sad what the church has turned into.
The Vatican and Christianity must be killed out of mercy at this point.

what movie is this from, if any? That pope seems pretty cool

It's a series. "The young pope".

The Vatican has been influenced heavily by jews for centuries.

Pope John the whatever and Pope Paul the whatever completely sold the Catholic Church to the kikes with the Second Vatican Council. Then Pope John Paul I (the last italian pope) had a crisis of conscience upon realizing that not only was the Vatican corrupt to the core as it had always been, but now was controlled by invested jewish interest. So some cardinal poisoned him and he (((coincidentally))) died of a (((heart attack))) just 33 days after becoming pope. Then he was succeeded by a POLISH pope who was likely jewish, and definitely loved jews either way.

Then Pope Benedict XVI became pope and he is actually the best pope that the vatican has had in a long while, but smart enough to realize he couldn't do shit to stop the corruption of the Church so he just went along. Pope Benedict is still the pope, his resignation was a sham and "Pope Francis" is an Argentine JEW, a non European cannot be pope, Pope Francis is an anti-pope.

Correct. I endorse the Bolshevik solution to the Christian problem. Send them to be worked to death in gulags, execute the priests, and burn the churches to the ground. If Jews could do it, then so can we.

Completely bullshit. Those virtues were standard before Christendom you uneducated faggot. And also those virtues are not even in the Bible at all. Your post proved my thesis 100%. Theologians took standard Aryan ethos and then simply said it was Christian while cherry picking Bible quotes to support that (while ignoring the 99% that otherwise contradicts it). Youbare literally retarded and literally cuckolded by Jews.

And this is also completely incorrect. Protestants only opposed the Jewish religion, but not Jews per se. They did not understand the Jewish problem, which is a racial problem not a religious one (in fact, more religious Jews tend to be less of a problem because they want to wall themselves off away from the goyim).

Fuck, even the Wikipedia link you provide admits that these virtues were stolen from Greek philosophy, you illiterate retard. Exactly what I said. Anything good about Christianity is actually Aryan and predated Christ by thousands of years. Anything bad about Christianity is uniquely Christian and cancer.

You will join your fellow kikes in a mass grave once we take control, so you can look forward to going to Jew heaven with them and eating matzo balls with Rabbi Jesus for eternity.

And one more thing, another pure lie here. Puritans loved Jews and identified themselves with the Hebrews of the Jewish bible. America has always been philosemitic and open to Jewry because of this.

someone needs to come up with a list of all the conspiracy theories and how they relate to one another. like a crib-sheet version of that RAW book

In your opinion. Meanwhile, it's impossible to not notice how the Vatican religion made Central and South America into the brown third-world while the U.S. white until it was foolish enough to vote in the first Vatican-Roman president, who, by the way, didn't last long, though his brother did help to begin the browning-out process.

Wait, you're forgetting the Africans imported into the Americas by the Jewish slave trade. Sure, some colonies had nearly pure beginnings, but the "U.S." has never been an ethnostate. The Founders specifically skirted the issue since their only care was Enlightenment selfishness.


Zionist Infiltration of the Vatican

Hmm so cultural pushes like the ((Melting Pot)) even from the early 1900s on and ((ideological)) pushes at the universities even from the 1930s on had nothing to do with it, it was the Vatican-Roman president?

Check'd and rek'd


Essentially yes. Every nation has traitors and hostile elements lurking within it. These are almost impossible to track down because they are difficult to find, or in the case of the old Anglo nations freedom of speech allowed people to say anything they wanted; but it did not mean anyone agreed with it.

The US survived a long time because the few traitors/jews were ignored or verbally attacked where-ever they went. You talk about how the rot set in during the early decades of the 20th Century, but it was at that time that the KKK was at its largest. The masses viewed blacks as subhuman, and if you see their views on Japs during WW2 well… Let's just say they had not at all bought into multiculturalism.

It was the subversion of city-dwelling Italians and Irish who were used as easy-manipulated voting-blocks that gradually encroached on the freedoms of Anglo-Dutch-Scotch-Swedish Protestant America; and it culminated in them finally have actual political power in JFK who made it law that European immigration would be diminished whilst Spic (notably Catholic like him) would be drastically increased. It was that act that truly sealed the death of the USA.

Up until that point there were just hostile elements living within the nation. It wasn't until JFK's legislature that the US spiritually died. It may have been under attack, but it was not dead until then.

Horseshit, Solzehenitsyn was a White Christian man who fought kikes his whole life, and survived the Gulags. He was a fucking hero and had an unbreakable will. Read the Gulag Archipelago by him if you want to see the real face of kike Bolshevism, only race traitors and kikes deserve such a fate. Christianity needs to be reformed and if not salvageable then done away with, as the low IQ masses need rewards and punishment, and promises of eternal life to live as decent human beings. Hopefully we can craft a new religion/movement based on Aryan peoples and families, Science, Honor, Strength, Truth, Knowledge, Well tempered violence against our foes, etc. We need a new religion or ideal to take us to the stars so we may create new life on distant worlds and ascend to our fullest potential, unhindered by parasitic kikes and their many shabbos goyim proxies. If anyone can cook up a way to save the Aryan races it will be Holla Forums, or some group of high IQ White men from somewhere who are jew wise. As it stands however most Christians are just shabbos goyim, I quit going to church when I noticed the traitorous dogs were always soliciting money to send to Africa and Israel, or bring in goddamn Somalians and Mexicunts, yet never ONCE helped the poor white community, white youth, or orphans, never helped the SA Boers, or poor Christian Europeans. These motherfucking cucks are more disgusting than the malicious yids they serve. If the Church puts White People first and helps us they are an ally, if not and they keep helping muds and kikes at our expense,they are our enemy. How many Christian Misionaries went to Bosnia, Kosovo, Ukraine to help their poor white Christian brothers? None, but they sure as fuck can go to Africa to virtue signal how great they are helping the poor downtrodden nigger, or raise money for Israel as they are "god's chosen people". Christians are the only people on Earth who are so fucking stupid they believe jews are "the light unto the world and " gods chosen people" and it makes me sick, shit the kikes even murdered their god and they still love them unconditionally. The Aryan Altruistic thinking should only apply to our own people, otherwise if we let these kikes and their cuck slaves and their feels continue we will all pay a terrible price, our genocide. I guess what I am saying is do not blame it all on christians blame it all on JEWS. If most Christians side with the jew then those who do will swing with them as they are traitors to their ancestors, living family, dead family, culture, tradition, and themselves. Once again I think we need a new unifier, something that has not failed and is not jewable. Something based on Aryan people and Truth, strangely something like the Hive Mind Here, but diluted for the sub 100 IQ cattle out there. They are stupid goyim, but as their people it is our duty to save them if at all possible, they are our people like it or not, our numbers as Aryans worldwide are around 760 million or so. I will just end my long ass rambling post with one thing, these jews will pay for the hundreds of millions of Aryan men,women, and children they have murdered, raped, and worse over the 1900's to present. They have used many methods to destroy us ,from Bolshevism/Communism/Marxism, to the Hooten Plan and Coudenhove Kalergi plan, to stealing all the worlds wealth via fractional reserve banking and all forms of Usury, paying subhuman shitskins to come to our countries and murder and rape us, to " The War on Terror/ Greater Israel plan". They will pay for their more than 2,000 years of wrecking Aryan nations and people, more than Two Millenia of bloody sacrifice to Moloch and sucking mutilated baby dicks, while parasitizing all countries foolish enough to lety them in, this needs to stop. There is no punishment too severe for them, we tryed to treat them as humans and help them have a better life, and they respond by genociding us for our naivete, and kindness, they are truly beyond redemption.
To any Christians or people wanting to know how the kikes got so rich, look up "Court Jews". Christian kings made the jew a special protected banker class as Christians themselves were forbidden from engaging in Usury, so these cucks gave the jews all the power and wealth. Court Jews were the precursor to the Central Bankers.

No, it's fact. Puritans thought of themselves as the Hebrews escaping the pharaoh. This is historical fact. It's why Yale has a Hebrew slogan and why America has been the most open and accepting of Jews of all white nations in history.

Yeah, that's because all of Christianity is shit. Like I said above, Christianity was only ever decent because the theologians ignored what the Bible actually said and instead pushed traditional Aryan ethos under the label of "Christianity." Christianity itself has nothing to do with it and is in fact pure cancer. Aryan belief and social structure that was passed off as christianity is the key, not the Jewish religion itself. In fact, the Catholic Church at one point was decent only because it preserved Aryan culture in part. Protestantism removed all traces of Aryan values from the religon and the world immediately became a Jewish hell after that.

Incorrect. The USA was a Jewish shit hole long before then because they considered kikes to be white since the beginning. That is because American culture has always been Jewish, because it has always been christcucked.

Bone up on our parlance if you’re going to post here.

Aryan thinking isn't altruistic you dumb kike-loving faggot. That comes form christcuckoldry.

And the Bolshevik solution is the only real solution. Kill the Christians, kill their priests, and burn their churches to the ground permanently. The religion needs to be wiped out from the white race.

I don't love kikes I hate them you slimy slug twat. You sound like a fucking jew with your kill whitey bullshit.

He is a jew.

If you want to see his other posts, he is the same guy as this:

He is hating on white people, their history, their heroes and advocating killing us; but doing it in an anti-Christian way to try to get the pagan/kek types to agree with him. He'll hang with the rest.

You worship one and your conceptual horizons are all defined by Jewish myths.

I am not a christian either faggot, nice try. I think we need a new glue for our people as anything jew invented is poison as I said in my earlier post. You edgy faggots keep harping on about killing all christians, some are decent white people, most are not. Race before religion you angsty little cocksuckers.

So there are shills here saying that christians are communist bolsheviks and then their fellow shills come here too to say that the christians must be exterminated like the bolsheviks like the bolsheviks were doing it to them.

I know you Holla Forumsirgins are retarded fedoras but come on…

yea apparently these fucking idiots think Jewish Bolsheviks were the good guys for murdering millions of Aryan women and children.

Care to debunk it?

Gonna need evidence that Italians and Irish are responsible for "teh welfare state".


No, lol. I can assure you my fresh off the boat Italian side of the family was working harder in shit conditions than my Anglo side at the time.

Not downplaying the shitty guinea Italian underclass (they're garbage and should be bred out), but these are maybe 10-20% of the Italian population.

City dwellers would be manipulated and used to force through legislation that the rural types would never agree to. This has been done all over the world, but it is noticeable in the US that the rural areas are to this day largely Anglo/Scotch/Swede/Dutch whilst the Urban areas still have their Italian and Irish hives (among many others now, but Irish/Italians are important because they were the element that were manipulated by kikes/misguided naive papists into allowing for welfare, civil rights and finally spic immigration).

Remember, it's down the road and not across the street

No, I never said Bolsheviks were the good guys, just that their methods show how a small minority can oppose the majority. That is how non-cucked whites will need to approach the issue if we are to defeat the majority of christcucked whites. Because the fact is that the majority of whites are too christcucked to ever be redpilled. This is just the way it is. So we will need to use effective methods to suppress them and their Jewish ideology. We can learn these methoda from how the minority Jews suppressed the majority Russian Christians.

We will need to make up a secret police force and use it to suppress the Christians who are killing our race

Seriously get in an oven you fucking kike. Your nose has been showing for several days now. Be gone.

Faggot Christians like to pretend that knights were inspired by christfaggotry, when really it was simply carrying on Aryan warrior ethos against and despite the faggotry in the Bible. There is no precedent in the Bible for knights. All the warriors in the Bible are dishonorable Jewish kikes like King David, who cheated in a duel to defeat a superior enemy and is revered by chirstkikes and Jews for it.

All of those are enemies. But without getting rid of the traitors within our own race, we have no chance at victory. It is just the way things are. Unfortunately, whites got mentally cucked by Jews and their abrahamic religion, and now we are paying the price.

The whole narrative is trash and falsified. The Irish and the Italians were brought into this country is massive numbers because the US needed workers and it wanted settlers. He's trying to frame them as the power behind the welfare state, but maybe he should take a look at the electoral maps for the postbellum period [a war, by the way, that the Irish rioted like crazy to keep from being drafted in because they didn't want to fight to free niggers] right through to the JFK period.

Roosevelt and JFK were elected in large electoral victories across the nation. The postbellum Republicans often took large swaths of the Midwest and West.

He's also flat out lying about JFK being the one behind the 1965 Immigration Act. JFK was dead. It was LBJ who signed both the Civil Rights Act and the Hart-Cellar Act [the user tries to throw a shot at jews to maintain credibility, but the deflection of the Hart-Cellar Act as "papist" is a surefire sign of a kike or kike-sympathizer trying to cover their tracks] into law. JFK was resisting any definitive civil rights legislation and was actively trying to stop Israel from getting nuclear weapons. He was arguably one of the most pro-White Presidents of the postwar era.

If you look at the country today, it's the South and old pioneer states that have the most race-mixing. They hardly need to flood the Midwest with niggers and spics to get those welfare state votes, but they sure as shit had to break New Jersey didn't they?

And reported.

I want a future for my people free of jewish subversion and control you fucking milquetoast faggot. I don't switch IDs like a kike either I stay and argue, you can fuck right off with calling others a shill you fucking shill. I love my people with every fiber of my being and wish to see us fulfill our potential out among the stars not die as cucked slaves to the goddamn jew.

If you want to see his other posts, he is the same guy as this:

Unless I misunderstood and the person you are calling a murderous yid is eb48cb, in that case apologies. All this kill Aryan people like the Judeo-Bolsheviks talk rustles my jimmies.

Yeah. I was showing you what his previous ID was, not accusing you.

Apologies fam, I get worked up about this shit. Keep up the good work calling out filthy kike shills like that cocksucker

No shit. If they took the time to look into what their beloved church did to the knights in the name of religion after they were no longer useful, the cuckstians on Holla Forums would Deus Bult their sorry asses all the way to the cuck shed.

Marxists and jews= Gas/expel/genocide
Cuckstians=Educate them about their anti-white semitic religion.

The part you don't seem to understand is, its not US just saying cuckstianity is a major driving force in the destruction of the west, it's the actins, mentality, ethos and dogmas of the christians doing that added to the jews and muslims. The unholy trinity of the braindamaged semitic mindset.

Nice strawman, thou, christcuck.

are we and the jews really that different? we both hate white christians both are willing to do anything for world power both hate muslims and both shill this "cuckstians" word

i say the jews arent our enemy its those christians!!!

CHECKED!!! kek confirms jews are innocent and its the christians

Jesus, if he existed, was just some guy who rebelled against his jewish nature. Cuckstians however, won't go to heaven, as jews know. White cuckstians will end up in Hell(wich s both a place and the name of a godess who oversees such place), hell itself was ALSO a concept stolen from nordic paganism, its the land where the cowardly and the unremarkable go after they die, when they reach hell they will spend all eternity beig laughed at by the gods for being such gullible fucks.

To the cuckstians reading this, look it up if you think i'am joking.

Jeremiah 16:11-17:4King James Version (KJV)

Then shalt thou say unto them, Because your fathers have forsaken me, saith the Lord, and have walked after other gods, and have served them, and have worshipped them, and have forsaken me, and have not kept my law;

And ye have done worse than your fathers; for, behold, ye walk every one after the imagination of his evil heart, that they may not hearken unto me:

Therefore will I cast you out of this land into a land that ye know not, neither ye nor your fathers; and there shall ye serve other gods day and night; where I will not shew you favour.

Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that it shall no more be said, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;

But, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers.

Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the Lord, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.

For mine eyes are upon all their ways: they are not hid from my face, neither is their iniquity hid from mine eyes.

And first I will recompense their iniquity and their sin double; because they have defiled my land, they have filled mine inheritance with the carcases of their detestable and abominable things.

O Lord, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit.

Shall a man make gods unto himself, and they are no gods?

Therefore, behold, I will this once cause them to know, I will cause them to know mine hand and my might; and they shall know that my name is The Lord.

The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond: it is graven upon the table of their heart, and upon the horns of your altars;

Whilst their children remember their altars and their groves by the green trees upon the high hills.

O my mountain in the field, I will give thy substance and all thy treasures to the spoil, and thy high places for sin, throughout all thy borders.

And thou, even thyself, shalt discontinue from thine heritage that I gave thee; and I will cause thee to serve thine enemies in the land which thou knowest not: for ye have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall burn for ever.

Oh no no no, my friend, jews are by no means innocent. They are doing evil by intent, while the cucktians are fucking things up by proxy, even if they dont understand it. Cuckstians are innocent, but its by ignorance, not by intent, wich is why we must educate them before they end up wasting their whole life believing in a jewish religion designed to trick them into willing slavery.

nono man its the jesuits and the christians who are up to it all!! jesuits world bank!!!!!
the jews are the ignorant ones and are fucking things up by proxy can you not see unenlightened one?


Seriously dude, your fanaticism is blinding you if you believe you are going to heaven for serving jews. Also, no mention of hell.

Your desperation is showing, christcuck

Losing argument and appealing to sophistry. Cuckstianity at its finest.

As well as:

So in other words. He will be known not as the God who brought the Hebrews of Egypt; but who gathered 'Israel' (the Church) from the lands of the North (Europe/Russia/Greece when you consider where 'Israel' [the geographical location] is).

God will make Himself known to the Gentiles (that's us).

He will 'discontinue thine heritage' of the Jews because 'The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond; it is graven upon the table of their heart…'.


For a better quote about ovens:

Malachi 4:1King James Version (KJV)

For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.

Where does this hungry Jesus meme come from?
Considering his profession he must have been pretty fit.

That reads more like schizophrenic ramblings than that of a god that one should worship. I wouldn't want to worship a god that forsaken his supposedly own and jumped on the Gentile bandwagon as you say. Also the Exodus didn't happen, but it should have.

Dude just give up, you dont get it do you? Anything the bible says is completely irrelevant, its a FABRICATION of JEWS to TRICK YOU. You are not the "real israelites", you are fucking white, you are european, and thats it. All this bullshit was designed to mae dumb whites like you go die in the middle-east, be it by crusade or by zionism, so that the jews can then subvert you later and use you as pawns, and that is exactly what they are doing. Why, why in fucks sake can't you see what is happening? Drop the fucking bible and go read some non-jewish literature, christian theology is full of holes and contradictions for a reason you retard, it was designed to be that way, so that the jews can use you to do the heavy lifting in any situation require. Oy vey we need more zogbots, tell them cuckstianity is the base of the family (because all other religions say you shouldnt have kids, right?) . Oy vey, there is too many goys around, tell them sex is sinful so they stop having fun and popping out these disgusting white kids!

Thats exactly what it is, Yaweh was a crazy god who stabbed the other desert gods in the back and started portraying himself as the only god, he's the desert god of lies, if cuckstians took their heads out of their asses for a second and actualy did the fucking research they would know that, but no, we get fanatical "we are the real joos" like this retard here sperging out and lying to gigantic degrees to defend his own failiure at understand spirituality and his cognitive-dissonance in admiting he is wrong.

kys traitor

Reminder that oficially, a jesuit nor rotarian may become a pope.
Guess who beling to both of those groups.

Love thine enemy, right Shlomo?


Fuck off with your strawmen, Christkike. Christians and Jews are one and the same. It's a false opposition created by Jews, and you're the good goyim who fell for it. Just like Jews tell you it's communism vs capitalism (hehehe, your only two choices goyim, both coincidentally controlled by kikes).

The only thing that can defeat Jews is Aryan national socialism, not your controlled opposition semitic religion.

Yep, Thor will be giving these Christfags swirlies and wedgies in the afterlife, like they deserve.

keep rambling you Bolshevik jew wannabe, all traitors get rope be they kike or cuck

Is this autism or JIDF?

it all makes sense now

Israel is the name God gave to Jacob who was reborn from a sinner, into being God's servant. To be a part of the 'Nation of Israel' is to be a part of the 'Reborn' community who follow the Lord.

It is nothing to do with the descendants of Shem (Semites), it is nothing to do with the modern-day geographical nation of Israel, and the only thing it has to do with 'Jews' is that those very same Jews are regarded as one of its primary enemies due to the fact that they serve their father the devil.

You seem to hate Christianity yet are incredibly ignorant of Scripture, history and theology. Christianity was the original 'anti-Pharisee (jews before they were jews)' ideology. Today it is legitimately being called an 'anti-semitic' religion with a very 'troubling history' by Jews in the UK and probably other nations as well.

Any crazy occultic ideas fall apart relatively rapidly when one truly looks into Scripture. For instance when you read the first 11 names in the genealogy of Jesus in sequence it says:

God = God
Adam = Man
Seth = (is) appointed
Enosh = (a) mortal man (of)
Kenan = Sorrow
Mahalalel = The Glory of God
Jared = Coming down/ Descending
Enoch = Teaching/Instructing (that)
Methusaleh = His death shall bring
Lamech = Those in despair
Noah = Comfort and rest

(The) God Man (is) appointed (a) mortal man (of) sorrow. (The) Glory of God (shall) come down/descend teaching/instructing (that) His death shall bring those in despair comfort and rest.

Its not alone, nor is it even the best 'evidence' of God. Its just a quick and easy one that people can look up for themselves. The idea that Yahweh is some desert daemon who beat down the other nearby daemons to become top daemon becomes absurd when one realises the extent and time frame of the prophecies and their accuracy.

Good game newfag.


Another false divide, between Pharisees and "good Jews." But these alleged "good Jews" that you revere, like Moses or Abraham or David, are all dishonorable kikes just as much as any Pharisee. Just read their stories and it is clear as day that they are Jewish and opposed to everything Aryan in the world.

Your religion literally teaches you to be a subhuman Jew. All the memes are Jewish, and you gulp them down like matzo balls.

Shiggty Giggity, m8te.

What part of "the bible is a fabrication made by jews' did you not understand?

This is how every single conversation turns into with cuckstians. And yet they have the gull to accuse others of causing D&C to hurt whites

"Occult" is just true Aryan religion suppressed by the Jewish golem of Christianity.

The entire history of reality is a battle between Aryan (truth and beauty) and Jew (falseness and ugliness). Chirstkikes are unwitting golems for these anti-Aryan Jews. It took 2000 years, but they have successfully wiped out almost all traces of Aryanness on earth.

Chirstkikes have killed Baldur (beauty) and are bringing about Ragnarok. They are the religion of subhumans over humans, quantity over quality, ugliness over beauty, weakness over strength. All values inverted.

It happens everytime someone tries to fuck with Holla Forums, we grow stronger, because we are autists and ALWAYS find the truth of things. Now get in line for the gas, cuckstian, or stop idolizing your jewish made-up religion.

There were no 'good jews'. When the Second Temple Period ended with the destruction of the Temple in 70AD, the 'Hebrew' faith was left with two choices. The Zealots, Essenes, Sadducees and others who required the Levitical Priests to perform their rituals could not continue, because there was no temple.

Pharisees had a new 'doctrine'. They believed their Rabbis were 'the same as God', that they were like God and His angels studying the Torah to define the truth. Thus their 'traditions of men' negated the necessity for the temple, and Pharisaism could thus continue where the other Hebrew faiths could not.

Christianity of course did not need a temple because Jesus was their 'Temple'. He was the last sacrifice and His blood the only thing that is required for salvation.

Pharisees would codify their 'Oral Torah' (traditions of men) in the Talmud, and would come to be known as Jews throughout the world at a later time.

Not so. The 'Mystery religions' existed amongst the Romans and Greeks for a long time before Christianity was ever a thing.

You dont need to tell me that, i already did the research. Cuckstianity is so abviously anti-white it hurts. I swear dude, it must be the same south american cuckstians sperging here day in and ay out.

Really activates your almonds.

Did you even read my post? There were no good Hebrews. Moses and Abraham are just as Jewish as Pharisees. Same with Jesus, just as Jewish. You are making a distinction that doesn't truly exist, pretending that false Jew ideology A is somehow better than false Jew ideology B, and that these are the only two options. The truth is that everything in the Bible is false, ancient Hebrews were subhuman, Jesus was a faggot twink kike, and all of it is extremely jewish and anti-Aryan.

Exactly what I said, faggot. What is known as "occult" to Christfags is simply Aryan religion. But I cannot expect a low IQ christcuck to have any reading comprehension. If it isn't spelled out for you by a Jew, you cannot understand it!

Christcuckery, everyone.

I know all about it. It is natural Aryan mentality when proper aesthetic sense is built and used to disqualify all false doctrines. It all exist already within you, as long as your mind is not clouded by Jewish concepts.

So Jesus getting crucified on ((their)) orders was just a big conspiracy he was a part of?

Because a village stories about a guy fighting ice giants is the ultimate truth(TM).

And you will know it by its fruit. What is the fruit of Christianity? Billions of niggers and destruction of everything beautiful in the world. Good job Christfags.

You have no idea how glad i'am you mentioned tacitus, christcuk.

Historian Ronald Mellor has stated that the Annals is "Tacitus's crowning achievement" which represents the "pinnacle of Roman historical writing".[9] Scholars view it as establishing three separate facts about Rome around AD 60: (i) that there were a sizable number of Christians in Rome at the time, (ii) that it was possible to distinguish between Christians and Jews in Rome, and (iii) that at the time pagans made a connection between Christianity in Rome and its origin in Roman Judea.

Pagans have been warning about the jewish origins of cuckstianity for centuries, and yet we get retards like you.

Was getting caught part of your plan, jew-slave?

Than provide links to documents, evidence, records, and sources to back up your claim of having said knowledge, or continue to be called a shill trying to divide Holla Forums from more important issues

Want to know where the usury, child-molesting, stealing, subverting, and so on comes from? The stuff we hate the 'Jews' for? It's the Talmud! Want the quotes? Here:

Baba Mezi’a 114b:

Baba Mezi’a 70b:

‘Abodah Zarah 36b-37a:

Kethuboth 11b:

Babi Mezi’a 24a:

Baba Kamma 113a:

Sanhedrin 59a:

The little we know about about mystery religions was that they tended to revolve around phallus worship, drunkeness and orgies. Now unless you're one of those 'alt-right' types who wants to say how homosexuality was the pinnacle of Western achievement; get fucked (and if you do want to say that; get drowned in a bog sodomite). The occult is vast and encompassing, but the majority of it is a pile of degenerate filth (that even non-Christian European 'heroes' turned their noses up at). If you want to discuss anything in particular that is dubbed as 'occult' then I'd be happy to talk. Its simply too broad of a term to address adequately with a few sentences. The vast majority of what is commonly considered the occult however is both degenerate and non-european.

The eddas? The sagas? The many occult writings and historical texts regarding the jewish origin of cuckstianity, like the fucking BIBLE for example?


Jewish infighting. That is how the Romans saw it, and they were right. It shouldn't matter to us.

Yes. There is far more truth in the symbols there than in the metaphysically garbage Jewish bible, that only has stories of Jews murdering gentiles and subverting their society.

I would say it was the Imperial Era where Britain and France ruled most of the world and instated a natural hierarchy that allowed most of humanity to prosper as it never had before.

The decline of faith and growth of secularism/atheism is what has led to this 'multiculturalism' and 'mass-immigration'. It is also in line with what God says; He told Israel and Judah that if they did not return to Him, He would destroy them by making their nations the abode of foreigners.

So turn back to the Lord my brothers, lest we be destroyed entirely.

There is especulation that huge humanoids existed by the examination of fossils, however, the fact remains that paganism is european, while christianity is semitic garbage wich was written by jews

Yeah, not like Europe ruled the world under christianity!
Also the current mass immigration is somehow fault of christianity even though the west is now more atheist than ever.

Crashing this D&C.
With no survivors!

Oh so you admit your religion is jewish? At least we are making some progress.

The narrative is starting to break down, christcuck.

You people are always funny. Like what are even your sources for the 'true Aryan religion'. Likely ome Judenloge member creative writers from the 'Enlightenment' or kabbalist or whaterver fagotts like Guido von List.

Only according to Jews like you.


I sense a lot of pent up anger in your post, and I don't recall asking you for the information. Working with your friend perhaps? Or forget to use a different IP?

No, like I said, it is internal as long as you are not mentally cucked by Jewish memes. Superior transcendent worldview is your birthright, yet you throw it away in order to worship a Jew and fill your head with Jewish myths. It is the most disgusting thing imaginable.

Didn't the Icelandic historian Snorri Sturluson wrote that Odin came from the from the area of the Don River? That area was also settled by Jews for a long time. Odin was Jew.

Europe ruled the world because it was european, if it was because of cuckstianity, ethiopia would have ruled the wrold too, or any other non-white christian race

The only reason jews were able to infiltrate and rule the west was because of christian zionism, wich let it in. Rich christians were told they could be "the real joos" so they opened the gates, like many american politicians.


It didn't. Jews ruled the world while Europe was under christianity.

Spanish empire- controlled by conversions
British empire- openly controlled by kikes
American empire- goes without saying this is fully Jewish

So when did European Christians rule the world? All I see in this history is golem Christfags doing the legwork for their Jewish masters like always.

Christianity was a Trojan horse for Jewish world domination.

I love how intellectualy dishnest you guys get when you can't defend your desert cult.

Both of those were controlled by Jews, dumbass.

Niggers aren't human. All it did was allow kikes to institute their tikkun olam under the guise of "white man's burden." Christfags, cucked for hundreds of years.

This is at least the fourth time i caugh a christian lying in this thread.

ITT: Faggots that haven't heard of the phrase "Hoffjuden".

If you think Jews are the highest, keep digging.

You want to _really_ prove it? Pay a misdemeanor fine with a cheque, then run a trace on it via your bank. see where it ultimately ends up. I'll bet you 100,000 shekels (not sure of the conversion rate) that motherfucker ends up somewhere catholic.

We found the man in charge of the New World Order. Pic Related.

Meanwhile, you faggots love your Red #2-coated bluepills. Stay asleep. Stay on halfchan. Ignore people like Craig Oxley and his youtube videos. too much blinding truth for you guys.

There are none so hopelessly enslaved as those that falsely believe they are redpilled.

Oh so youre talkng just about protestants. Yes they represent the christian ideas. Yes. Ok.

But lets talk about a different powerful country riddled with jews, yet beign hell-bent on destroying christianity.
Remember Soviet union?

Pic related

And then they will honestly try to say that Rabbi Jesus, adherent to the law of Moses and son of Abraham, wasn't really a Jew.

Redpills can still click the wrong image.

It's what we are trying to tell them, cuckstianity is nothing but part of the whole thing. Catholics, the vatican in particular, are at the center. The are no "christians" side fro the gullible idiots the semites manage to mislead, christianity is not fucking real, its ALL made-up to control low IQ sheep.

Praise Kek, christcucks btfo

redpills can also forget to attach images before clicking "New Reply".

Vatican II is a heresy. What else is new?

Kikes are parasites who cling to everything that would give them profit. That does not mean they had power over them. You make a fair case for Kikes having serious power in the current day, and arguably they had a lot of power after the battle of Waterloo; but the kikes hardly 'ruled', they profited off of and tried to guide in their best interests. They could only actually get what they wanted because of WW2. The Kikes tried to slip in their perversion but largely failed at first, and even after that struggled and instead tried to stay hidden as pass things people would not notice (like women;'s rights or disarmament). Kikes were not running the show, kikes were not the military leaders, kikes were not the poltiical leaders, kikes did have the banks and used their money to try to get their own way; but these nations were not fully serving them. Otherwise they would have outlawed "anti-semitism" long ago.

I tire of dealing with your easily disprovable bullshit, but I know there are a lot of reddit faggots who are new here who will lap it up.

Hebrew =/= Israelite
Israelite =/= Jew
Hebrew =/= Jew
Judean =/= Jew

Jesus was a Hebrew. Jesus was an Israelite. Jesus was a Judean. Jesus was not a 'Jew'.

Jews are what the Pharisees became. Pharisees were the Hebrew sect that claimed there was an 'oral tradition' that existed since the time of Moses, that existed alongside the 'actual' Torah. They claim this 'Oral Torah' is more important. The 'Oral Torah' could be updated, and was used to interpret the actual Torah (for instance interpreting God punishing people as God actually blessing them). The Oral Torah IS the Talmud. The Talmud is the Holy Book of the Jews. The Talmud is what tells the Jews to commit usury, blood libel, pervert justice, deceive foreigners, steal from others, and so on. The other Hebrews/Israelites did NOT believe these things, it came from the Talmud/Oral Torah.

So Pharisees became Jews. Jesus was not a Pharisee.


Soviet Union killed millions of Jews you dumb faggot.

Good job buying into Jewish persecution propaganda. Not surprising for a christfag. In reality, the Christian church defended Jews for thousands of years. Jews would kill a white child, sacrificing the child to Jesus's father yahweh, the Jewish demon worshipped by chirstkikes. So then the Europeans would want to kill these Jews for their crimes. But the church would step in and "expel" the Jews instead, allowing them to escape justice for their crimes. So the Jews would skip town under the protection of the christcucked church and go on to kill other European children in another town. And the cycle would repeat until Christians finally just handed their society over to be ruled by Jews. Yeah, Christianity sure is an antisemitic religion alright.

Lets play connect the dots, shall we? You know the term "useful idiots"? Cuckstians are the primordial useful idiots, they are the first disposed off once the jews take over, but they are to stupid to realize they themselves are the ones paving way for the jews by adopting the weakness wich cuckstianity imposes. Also, to your image, people dont throw jews about because of cuckstianity, they trhow jewsout because jews are shit and cause trouble everywhere they go, in fact, the reason they are allowed in in the firstr place, in europe, was cuckstianity, it was how they first infiltrated the roman empire, AS EXPLAINED BY TACITUS.

This pepe dressed as a crusader is the perfect example of how cuckstians infiltrate and take over pagan religions, even if they dont understand what they are doing.

Cant you see you are just helping the jews?

More people should visit >>>/cucktianity/

Varg is not a reliable source of information.

Except if you actually researched it, Jews did control these fully. It is a fact of history. Not that I would expect a Christian to do anything other than cover for Jews and defend them.

Lol, you're a completely bluepilled ignoramus. Jews ruled Europe long before that. I know it is difficult to see because there is not much to separate Christians and Jews, and because you have jewish values and your entire mental landscape consists of Jewish myths and memes.

Wrong. They are all identical. I have read the Bible. Israelites acted like kikes, Hebrews acted like kikes, Judeans acted like kikes. They are all Jews. You are splitting hairs because you follow a Jewish religion and have already picked up many of their Semitic cultural traits.

I have given up, the cognitive dissonance is too much, from now on i will just filter and buy more gas everytime i see a "redpilled" cuckstian.

These retards are a fucking disgrace, it's like i am debating a cucktian version of Tim Wise, they lie, lie, lie some more, claim "victory" out of nowehre after getting BTFO multiple times and then go to the mirror to tell themselves they are right even if their logic arguments and sources make no fucking sense. Its disgusting.

Your source is Jewish persecution propaganda, not historical fact. I bet you believe in the six goriklion too, huh? Fact is, Jews lived comfortably under the Christian church. They occupied a social position above European peasants, and they were often promoted to powerful positions as court Jews. "Pogroms" are mostly a Jewish myth, and when they did happen they were opposed by the Christkike church. The Soviet Union did a better job killing Jews in one decade than Christians ever have in thiusands of years. That's because you are traitorous effeminate faggots.

Afaik what Sturluson wrote, Odin went to Scandinavia in the 1st century AD.


Thomas Monaghan.
Thomas LaSorda (yes, the coach).
Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
Thomas Mapother II (Look who III is!).
International Tribunal on Crimes of Church and State.
The Sixties Scoop, and it's ties to ritual cannibalism.

All Laws come from the Vatican. What judicial authority subrogates/bankrolls the following:
Vatican Canon Law
UNIDROIT Principles of Private International Contracts

"I spit in the mouth of your god
who whispers in the minds of your children
'you've been sold again'
set fire to the hive as you flee
it's fiction, a faceless illusion
you've been had again" - Ian Kenny

Exactly. They adopt Aryan exterior to hide their semitic Jewish core. Then as time goes by they remove more and more of the Aryan traits until all that remains is pure Judaism.

Like always, [citation needed].

Maybe crack open a book that wasn't written by Jews (like 99% of the Bible) sometime.

In fairness some did. And God promised to destroy them for it, every time. Punished them several times and they returned to Him (after being told to by the prophets), until He finally completely destroys first Israel, and then leaves Judea with the threat; and they are destroyed shortly after the events of the New Testament.

The thing is the Bible opposed all those things the entire time. They (the Hebrews/Israelites) are chastised for it constantly, told to stop being like that or else face destruction. These are the lessons Christians follow; they do not act in such evil ways. These ways of the Jew are what the Bible teaches against the whole time.

Yeah that's why there were many groups trying to kick Jews out of the UK, Germany and America for years after they were supposedly 'owned' by them. That's why Christian missionaries went all over the world teaching people that the Pharisees/Jews were the sons of the devil. You have not burned all of the history books yet kike; people still know what went on in the West pre-1945.

The best thing is that you kikes think you are actually convincing people. You do not realise that the way you avoid any arguments like the slime you are is simply showing people your well known kikish behaviour. You out yourselves every time. With every avoidance you dig yourselves deeper graves; yet you think you are winning.

Its glorious because it shows a parallel with real life. You imbeciles genuinely believe that you are bringing the 'idiotic goyim' back under your rule with your pleas on the BBC and CNN. You are digging yourselves a grave that you will not escape. Keep it up you deluded fucks.

Hell is forever!

Here you go

No, all did. Unfortunately, you have been christcucked and your values are all semitic, so you view a lot of Jewish behavior as "good." It is like a fish in water, you cannot fully see the essence of the Jew because your mind is infested with Jewish memes and concepts.

I'am not afraid of hell, since i'am not going to end up there, all christians will however, and all the pagans will be laughing at them for it.

Yet it never happened. That is because Jews knew they had nothing to fear because they had full control. It wasn't until Hitler kicked their shit in that they finally knew they had to actively suppress all opposition.

Nigger, the whole book of Exodus exemplifies the evil nature of your volcano demon YHWH's Chosen. They even utilise BLOOD MAGIC as commanded by their semitic demon lord.

Christianity is to religion what cultural marxism is to phylosophy. It was meant to destroy the original concept while giving a temporary replacement until the ((chosen)) take over. Christian brainwashing makes marxism look like childs play. A christcuk will come to Holla Forums and make incoherent arguments in defense of cuckstianity at the same time that his church is housing refugees in his country. Its completely ridiculous.

Reminds me of:
"One cannot defend himself against the Jew. He attacks with lightning speed from his position of safety and uses his abilities to crush any attempt at defense.

Quickly he turns the attacker’s charges back on him and the attacker becomes the liar, the troublemaker, the terrorist. Nothing could be more mistaken than to defend oneself. That is just what the Jew wants. He can invent a new lie every day for the enemy to respond to, and the result is that the enemy spends so much time defending himself that he has no time to do what the Jew really fears: to attack. The accused has become the accuser…"

Get gassed kike.

And guess wh was into nordic mithologie and paganism? Hitler and the national socialists. A return to european paganism meant the complete reversal of the jewish plans. Christianity is a placebo religion that gives jews time to recover when they fuck up, Himmler himself stated that.

Yes, and then they will say that the 99% of Christians who disagree with them aren't truly Christian, then right after saying these people aren't really Christian they will turn around and use stats claiming that 75% of a country is Christian or whatever. They are almost as bad as Jews when it comes to this shit.

I've seen D&C religious shilling on all sides of the religious spectrum, and you and your friend (or you under a different IP) are textbook examples of it, trying to get everyone at each others throats and trying to have us question our beliefs and each other. May as well admit it now.

Aryan bodies with Aryan blood living on Aryan soil, but with Semitic souls. They're the Abrahamist version of John Carpenter's The Thing.

I refuted the core of the argument. No reason to continue to refute all that follows from it when you effectively attack the central premise. But I wouldn't expect a low IQ Christfag to understand anything about argumentation. They just look up their favorite Jewish apologetics website and copy the fallacious Jewish/sophist arguments verbatim.

Have you ever tried to argue with a drug addict? I have multiple times, arguing with christians is exactly the same thing, they are DESPERATE to find some sort of way to refute others while completely ignoreing their own incoherence, lies and manipulation. It is pitiful.

Nope, just trying to get Christfags to realize they are our enemy and fuck off back to Holla Forums where they belong.

Actually, they're Jews. P good first try at disinfo though, Moshe-kun.

Your argument was:
Thus Christians = Jews

My argument was:
Thus Christians = Anti-Jews. They opposed Jewish ideas.

You telling me that all Israelites/Hebrews were 'Jews' (or acted like them) does not at all address my argument that the Old Testament shows their actions in a negative light and instructs us to act differently to them. Your argument that Christians opposing this (jewish) behaviour makes them actual jews is even more absurd.

You answered nothing.

Yep, it's the same thing. Another analogy is talking to an abuse victim who defends and won't leave her abuser. Chirstkikes have battered wife syndrome.

Oh you're one of those Christian Identity cucks.

You seem to conveinently forget the religious freedom in Netherlands and England. Jews everywhere, holding stock in the India companies, in the Bank of England, members in the Royal Society, in America founding members in Scottish Rite lodges, founding members of the NY Stock exchange, etc.

Nice to see you're still not addressing my argument. You do realise this is one of the ways that we identify jews, right?

Your argument is CI "we wuz jewz n sheeit" bs. Your precious Hebrews/Israelites were evil semite parasites as the book of Exodus shows.

No shit, check out the thread where some retarded christcuck's daughter got raped and murdered by a refugee, the guy then proceeded to APOLOGIZE TO THE REFUGEE and ask in his daughters OBITUARY for people to donate money to the church that was BRINGING AND HOUSING REFUGESS.

Its completely mental

Nobody here is arguing for state atheism, nice strawman. Paganism is the european way, it will keep both fedoras in line, and jews and their slaves out, both christians AND muslims.

Except it doesn't. It says many if them are good, like Moses or David. But if you read it, these people are obvious kikes and act exactly like Jews today.

You pick and choose which kikes are "good" based on the Jewish laws that have cucked your mind. It is really sad to see Aryans reduced to the level of Jews. You can see this progressively happen through history as more if the leftover aryan culture is purged from Christendom and the semitic Jewish core is revealed. The end result being what we see today. Christians are numales, literal cuckolds adopting niggers, Jew-lovers, etc. This is the true essence of Christianity cleansed of all non-biblical Aryan cultural residue. Europeans have been reduced to a degenerated Semitic slave race by Christianity. Disgusting.

Is he still talking about how aroused he gets when he sees trannies?

Daily reminder that all black peopers are mentally ill.

His argument was that 'Christian are jews because Jesus was a Jew'.

My argument was then 'Jesus was a Hebrew/Israelite/Judean, not a Jew. Jews are Pharisees, those who do the bad things that are in the talmud;.

His argument was then: 'In the Old Testament Hebrews/Israelites/Judeans do similar bad things to those described in the Talmud'.

My argument was then: 'The Old Testament instances of 'evil' Hebrew/Israelite/Judean behaviour are always negative. They are the stories of the prophets where God threatens to destroy the people unless they STOP acting like that (jews). Christianity thus opposes that behaviour, so you cannot say Christians = jews.'

His responses since have been all about avoiding what I've said and instead accusing me of random irrelevant shit whilst proclaiming himself the victor. Typical kike behaviour.

At this point I am convinced you do this to make pagans look bad.

Thanks, but all this really proves is that jews were always being jews, and that some popes were againt persecution of jews.
Nothing new there.

Atheism is simply an extreme form of protestant Christianity anyway. The sort of secular humanist atheism we see today is just Christianity taken to its dialectical end.

Except the evil semitic actions taken by the Israelites against Egypt are seen as positive and YHWH rewards Moses for them, not punishes.

It is an argument. You are a christfag, so you believe that statements are detached from the person making them. But this idea comes from false egalitarian Christian assumptions. You are so christcucked that you cannot even imagine any other type of thought.

This is untrue. David's affair is punished with Absalom's civil war and the death of his son as well as other things.

Moses' murder stops him from entering the 'Promised Land'.

The later instances of the Prophets are even more overt with CLEAR accusations of complete destruction should they not repent and turn back to God.

You'll have to define because Moses is punished for killing an Egyptian, and then Pharoah is punished for breaking his promise.


You misconstrued my argument. I said that all the Hebrews, Judeans, and Israelites in the Jewish Bible were evil kikes. That is what I said, and it is precisely what I meant. Then you twisted my words to make it seem like I was only talking about those kikes punished by yahweh and not also those kikes who are described as "walking with God" like Moses or Abraham. But this is not what I said. I said all of them, including Moses and Abraham and David, all subhuman kikes that you revere and consider to be "good jews." This is because you are mentally a Jew and must lie and misrepresent your opponent's in order to win.

Yet he is good for dishonorably cheating on a duel against a superior opponent. You simply do not get it. David was oure kike to the core, yet you believe he is only bad for having an affair, not for being a dirty subhuman dishonorable kike.

You cannot see this because your mentality is Jewish, you are a Jew mind-slave and you are beyond redemption. That is why I claimed that Christians must be killed and their religion destroyed. It perverts Aryan minds so thoroughly that they cannot escape it.

Yeah, obviously by then Christianity had fully subverted these societies. I was trying to make the point that even in the good old days of Deus vult and feudalism the Jews were treated well by the church. This is contrary to Jewish persecution propaganda about them being mistreated by everyone since the beginning of time. Christians buy into this propaganda because they are effeminate and degenerate cuckolds.


So just general D&C then. How long are you and your friends here shitting up all sides here rather than focusing on the actual topic of the thread (where even Christians and Pagans agree on what (((Jesuits))) really are). Our goal on Holla Forums is to defend our traditions, heritage, homelands, and race from (((them))), not trying to divide us when we've been gaining good victories working together (because as much as you hate to admit it, Paganism and Christianity had an impact on how great European civilization became)

I re-read the chapter just to check, but there is no declaration as to what the rules of combat would be. The way the battle is depicted is David approaching with a staff and sling, and Goliath with sword, spear and shield; Goliath mocks David by saying 'Am I a dog, that thou comest to me with staves?'

In reply David says: 'Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.

This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.

And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hands.'

They then both run towards each other and David slings a stone into his forehead an fells him, and then runs up close and hacks his head off to finish him.

I assume you're saying that it is dishonourable to use slings/ranged weapons in a duel? The rules of a duel were not laid out, and the pre-battle speech implies that both men knew and understood what was going down; David specifically saying he was not going to use a sword/spear to strike him down, which would imply that he was going to use the staff that he has on him that Goliath made reference to; but remember that most 'slingers' historically actually had their slings attached to their staffs as it gave extra range and power. It seems highly probable that Goliath had agreed to the terms of duel as he approached David at the same time David approached him after this speech had taken place. That would mean that he had agreed to the use of the sling/staff. I gather that you might consider it dishonourable to use a ranged weapon in a duel; but if both parties agree then surely it is not.

There are just so many instances where this is not true. Rather than list them all I'll just say the 'Spanish inquisition'; but the fact that 'pogroms' were a fairly regular occurence that are remembered (unfortunately with infamy) today surely suggests that Christians and jews did NOT get along as you are stating here.

I'm a true anti-Semite, I hate all the semitic religions: Judaism, Christianity, Satanism, and Islam.

Lutherans are impossibly cucky. Though recently my mother admitted to me that she doesn't really like jews, so I might be making some progress after all.

the good part of catholicism is the trinity. it's a literally unbreakable logic trap which can be used to defend christianity against all memetic attacks. if you believe in the trinity, your belief is unbreakable.


the original no-scope headshot

going by its internal logic, both the father and the son can be agreed to have died. Nietzsche could be right, God the Father could be dead. It's established scripture that Jesus, the Son, is dead. However, it's impossible to say that the holy spirit is dead, since the holy spirit is most easily understood as the unbreakable bond of unconditional love which unites the son and the father and is mirrored in familial relationships here on earth. As the diagram establishes, if the Holy Spirit still Is, then God is. I'm not a catholic, I just think it's a neat trick.

Kek has confirmed the truth of this post.

100% correct.>>8475660
You're missing the point of Nietzche.

But what if the spirit is "incorporeal" and can't actually DO anything anymore. What if the spirit was the omniscient part, but the omnipotent part died.

that's were it gets recursive. the spirit is God (in the center) and God (in the center) is both the father and the son. that's how even though both may be dead, they are still alive. God still is, therefore all three of his aspects still are.

What is the resurrection?

While can I agree with the logic you've used in this hypothetical, here's a wall of text.
To properly follow the internal logic you also need to understand the nature of all 3. God the Father can't die and Jesus can't stay dead more than the 3 days allotted and already passed. God the Father exists outside of creation (1 Kings 8:27, Isaiah 66:1). Jesus exists both within and without creation. The Holy Spirit exists both within and without creation. Life flows from God through the Holy Spirit (Genesis 6:3). Death is bound within the creation (1 Corinthians 15, TL;DR:1 Corinthians 15:54-55).
To be subject to the finality of death, it is inherent that you must also be subject to time.

In John 8:56-58 Jesus is shown as existing before Abraham existed while also simultaneously schooling the Jews in their time. Also before time, space and matter existed he must have existed otherwise he could not have created them (Genesis 1:1).
It follows then that God is not subject to time and scripture indicates he exists concurrently at all points in time and no point in time. Therefore, in light of this, he cannot die.

The flesh was nailed to the cross and according to the understanding of carnal men he was dead, but man is not exclusively flesh and God is not subject to death. The flesh died and so Jesus died but being that Jesus exists in unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit the agency of his spirit was retained. The fate of all men until that time was that the human spirit, no longer having a body to inhabit, must go to Sheol (aka Hades) and so this is where Jesus went during his 3days of being dead. However since Jesus was also fully God and had thus fully retained his agency, he spent 3 days raiding Sheol and liberating all the saints held there (Psalm 49:15; 86:13; 89:48, Gospel of Nicodemus Pt.2 Ch.8).

Try to understand all of 1 Corinthians 15. Jesus hints at the same understanding in Luke 8:49-56.

But what if knowledge is power?

Can't you just agree Abrahamism is middle eastern tier?

I agree completely. The stuff I was talking about is basic level logic for showing atheists that they can't disassemble the trinity even if there is no afterlife.Here's a biblical quote that's literally what you're talking about:

Jesus said to them, "When you (plur.) make the two one and make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside and the above like the below, and that you might make the male and the female be one and the same, so that the male might not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye and a hand in place of a hand and a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image - then you will enter [the kingdom]."


pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
They are the ones making the best indie today

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
I had it for GameCube too. I liked the fighter jet missions the best. Subsequently I went on to play a lot of Ace Combat.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
I fucking hate French and Spanish. French sounds so fucking retarded and pompous and Spanish sounds like shit.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws

I can't tell which is worse, the cuck with a death grips shirt or the numale with the st Vincent shirt

Stay in school, you'll get it eventually.

He's cute, but his character in the show is absolutely insufferable.


Her voice sucks desu.

Interesting how that doesn't even exist and has never been demonstrated. And even if that's what Boom achieves, they've already themselves claimed that it'll still be less than half as fuel efficient and subsonic aircraft, which fucking spoiler: are also built with cutting edge engines, carbon fiber and composites, and computer-aided design.

Don't know why in the world you thought those things were differentiators.

Beatrice should be /i/'s mascot

I'm serious /int/ you will go in hell !

  ( ´∀`)< >>>/t/,_antithesis,_synthesis


this guy is a fucking meme
I might drop by and say hi

look at the other side

What anime is this again?

There's not really a child-like "movement", but there have been a few notable artists that drew in a child-like manner. It's usually the case of lack of development than an intentional choice though. Look up "outsider art" and "naive art".


Rolled 17 (1d100)


I'm not sure about the welfare state sentiment but the ethnic divide is really noticeable geographically. Both coasts have the same issue. The rural areas are full of taller, lighter people, while the cities are both flooded with chinks, spics, and nigs but also Italians, Irish, etc. On the east coast, the most peaceful and well-kept areas of new England and the like are relatively sparse compared to the mega cities rife with overcrowding and extremely dense populations. The midwest is obviously very white while the west coast is fairly odd in its variation.

Along the pacific northwest, there are fewer large cities that are home to massive hordes of minorities but also much of the darker Europeans. Seriously a half hour outside the sprawl is blue eyes and light hair everywhere.

Part of the irritation is the software boom in cities, people that are seriously just cogs in the machine and really don't work too hard with minor degrees that don't really require much independent thought are now making six figures. It's annoying because it rewards people with the worst attitudes and frustrating sensibilities.

I feel like I'm being transported back to 1997 with that opening.
This is exactly what I'd expect of a Yumi King subscriber though

I'm really bad at small talk

I end up socially ostracized in every workplace.

Anyone else know this feel?

No transparency

and that act 2 was kind of bland / wasted potential, I take back "the last 3/4", all of act 1 was ok, rando maybe talks too much

cop vilence roid rage
all on roids
union fuck mentality


There is only you
All of Holla Forums is a personalized network of shitposting bots. No humans post here

Imagine being as lonely as OP and replying to your own thread in anger

Oh fucking please! We don't do shit like that overseas.

We are the nicest shitskins, you fucking cuck. Whine about the niggers and sand niggers who are raping you.

Anyone have the tweet from Andrew Breitbart?

mods why are there so many shit threads up again?

aw shucks OP

There are no legitimate institutions anywhere ever. Civilization is built on slavery and fraud.

Now there's gonna be stories about how thousands if not millions of jews were wrongfully targeted by cops. Oy vey

sage goes in all fields

LARPing belongs in

No lol. You were wrong.

new trailer for planet of the apes?

you can make your skin look white but you'll still have subhuman genetics


only if it goes through with it,but by the looks of it the butthurt libbies are gonna ask for a new voting after new voting until it goes their way
the only way to trully deal with them is to either ignore them or fight back

Cool idea, bump



Little known fact kids: both the templars and jesuits were founded by two branches of the exilarchs. of Anti-Christ with the Church and Christian Civilization (Msgr. Dillon).pdf

Here's part of the real deal plan. Written in the late 19th Century and re-released in the 50s. These old conspiracy books are the most valuable as they predict exactly what happened! It's kind of amazing.

Anyone familiar with Vatican 2 and the new Cuck Pope will get chills reading this

Traitor's hang first user.

Templar Knights were Satanists who fell for the Hashashin's old "talking head on a plate" trick

Nobody mentioned Zeitgeist nonsense or said that MUH GAYSUS didn't exist. Please go suck jewish cock somewhere else


You are forgetting the Catholic Bavarian's, and Catholic French who had a hand in making our country great.
Not all Catholic people's are simpletons with corrupt ulterior motives.

Khazar theory is 100% bunk.

This whole thread is trash except for the valiant Christian bro wasting his time on people who won't see reason.

But this comment.

This comment specifically made me kek.

it's not the jesuits but the jews, have a bump anyway