Anarchkiddies BTFO

Anarchkiddies BTFO

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These ancap comics so shitty, every single time.

"No, it belongs to everyone."
It belongs to the anarchist movement, not capitalists.

Language has constantly been evolving, newspeak is nothing to be ashamed of.

I agree, that's why I personally prefer to call you guys neo-feudalists.

Different from anarcho capitalism

In what way?

Can we please word filter ancap/anarcho-capitalist to neo-feudalist?

i laugh everytime on this no true scotsman
hurr anarcho-capitalists are not anarchists

meanwhile first dude to use the term was righty anarchist proudhon not some "anarcho-"commie
and anarcho-capitalists/voluntaryists derive themselves from anarcho-individualism/mutualism

statelessness is even bigger unachievable utopia than full communism or totally free market lel, good luck returning to feudalism

I know it's off topic, but why does the ancap ball have hair in all these comics?



posting not an argument memes is not an argument.




"Anarchism" is socially owned property. Ancaps try to privatize it. Anarchists are against private property. There is no contradiction.


Lol enjoy your juche-lite, hoxhaist

Ancapism derives from classical liberalism, injected with a heavy dose of insanity. Mutualism has had zero influence on the movement, and they only cherry pick individualist anarchists' quotes in order to make it seem like they have some sort of historical connection to anarchism.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but: read Rothbard

go soul-bond with objects and murder people over it you religious nut



are you fucking stupid? Proudhon's mutualism involved the use of LTV and the worker ownership of the means of production. He was part of the socialist movement and even said he was a socialist.

Like said. Go read a fucking book

Proudhon and other individualists were explicitly anti-capitalist you imbecile. Anarchism was born as the libertarian wing of socialism. The only thing that Rothbard who who himself admitted that he bastardized libertarianism and anarchism found attractive about these political philosophies was their anti-state stance. That's very shallow. He was just an anti-state capitalist. Next you'll be saying that Hitler was a socialist.

that wasn't an argument either

Pls fam. It hurts more than you know.

The best argument against state socialism is to just let you people talk long enough.

Also why are propertarians the most smug, self-assured bastards out there?

you could try to do some research before assuming Proudhon was *insert marxist meme to make people ignorant over the meaning of anarchism*

For example, there are communities all over the world that organize their society without a state on the basis of direct democracy, even though they don't call it anarchism or have read any anarchist thinker. How can it be impossible if its a thing and it has always been a thing in the history of humanity?

more of these gay little drawings?…


Have you actually read any of his works and do you know these terms; private property, rental property, absentee landlord, usury, loan.

America has not right to talk about anarchism. And am not even an anarchist.

Not really. Ancaps kind of pick and choose which parts of liberal philosophy matches up with their free-market ideology. A large part of the liberal philosophy was coming up with different ways to justify the existence of the state. Which an-cap writers derive their shit ideology to Thomas Paine and Hobbes? Most don't even want to use class the analysis of classical economics that we find in Adam Smith and David ricardo.

Are you trying to make a point or do you need someone to google those terms for you?

Relevant Proudhon quote on ideology
