You can delete the truth, but you can't escape it.
Genocide: The Inescapable Conclusion
You can delete the truth, but you can't escape it.
Genocide: The Inescapable Conclusion
Other urls found in this thread:
#1-Competition for resources:
The reality is that humanity, just like any other part of the Animal Kingdom is stained red, tooth and claw. Bee and ant colonies, wolf packs, lion prides, some herd animals, and human tribes are groups that compete against other groups within the species whether it be for nectar, grazing, water, physical space to live in, hunting grounds, farmland, fossil fuels, fishing waters, or the other group’s females. Chimpanzees have even been documented to fight a 4 year war for territory. Human tribes are unique in that they also compete for political dominance including wars for ideology and religion. To the chagrin of anti-religionists and despite Islam winning its own category, religious wars are a very small part of global interethnic violence. Of course if someone were to count Liberalism/Communism as a religion I suspect that would change the numbers a good bit. It appears the vast majority of wars boil down to the genetic interest of one group vs the genetic interest of the other group.
The water shortages in California, hunting rights in Alaska, the global oil market, and many seafoods are examples of white:nonwhite competition for natural resources. The multiplying hungry mouths in Africa (and NYC, LA, Chicongo) demand that more American woodlands are converted to farmlands, and that the price of a home in the country rises accordingly. White flight from browning neighborhoods is the result of literal territorial competition, much like territorial competition among wolf packs, lion prides, or hyena cackles. In other times, white colonists outcompeted Amerinds in America, Aboriginals in Australia, and Africans in targeted parts of Africa. We don’t get to choose whether territorial competition among human tribes occurs or not, but we do get to decide whether we win or lose that competition.
#2a-Disease control (existing diseases)
The brown hordes of the world are a reservoir for diseases that we could easily eradicate if we were only willing to eradicate the host population. Rotary club has long worked toward the vision of A Polio Free World, and could have achieved it a long time ago if we would only eliminate the native population of Afghanistan and Pakistan along with some other problem areas. Rotary claims that polio vaccines can be as cheap as $0.60 USD each, but of course these children (that we also pay to feed and vaccinate for other diseases) grow up to bear more children who will also need to be vaccinated and fed. Meanwhile, the going rate for AK-47 ammo is less than $0.30 USD, can be administered at any age, and actually breaks the cycle. With wide scale 3rd world genocides, we could much more easily eradicate polio, measles, mumps, whooping cough, influenza, rubella, zika, malaria, and many other diseases for good.
#2b-Disease Control (naturally occurring new diseases & antibiotic resistance)
It’s important to realize that new diseases and antibiotic resistant strains of microorganisms are continually evolving. For instance, AIDS is not a disease from antiquity, but could have been eradicated before it was even discovered if negroes had been eradicated from Africa as little as 50-100 years ago. Antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria are evolving in the 3rd world, and are likely to soon eclipse our ability to develop new antibiotics unless a lot of unforeseen disruptive technology comes to the rescue soon. Here’s a WHO list of resistance documented so far. These new diseases and new strains of existing diseases were not created upon Man’s eviction from the Garden of Eden, but are mostly gifts from an ever expanding 3rd world, where antibiotics are more often administered carelessly and where hospital wastes are often poorly handled. And with a booming population, it’s just getting started. Here’s what WHO says about the prospect of widespread antibiotic resistance:
“New resistance mechanisms are emerging and spreading globally, threatening our ability to treat common infectious diseases, resulting in prolonged illness, disability, and death. Without effective antimicrobials for prevention and treatment of infections, medical procedures such as organ transplantation, cancer chemotherapy, diabetes management and major surgery (for example, caesarean sections or hip replacements) become very high risk. Antimicrobial resistance increases the cost of health care *[sic] with lengthier stays in hospitals and more intensive care required.*”
While antibiotic use in 1st world commercial agriculture is also a likely contributor, it is likely to be an overly blamed, least guilty player in the game. (Can we really blame antibiotic use in farm animals for antibiotic resistance in gonorrhea and antiviral resistant HIV?) Even if commercial agriculture is the main culprit, it’s going to be a lot harder to get the 3rd world to toe the line of future regulations than it is the 1st world.
The glaring reality is that billions of hominids in crowded living conditions (often living with animals) coupled with poor sanitation, poor hygiene and promiscuity found in shanty towns and tribal villages around the world are a breeding ground for new diseases and antibiotic resistant strains of old diseases, forcing the white world to continually innovate vaccines, antibiotics, and epidemiology methods just to keep us safe from naturally occurring diseases and infections, a Red Queen Race that we are bound to lose if our scientist:dindu ratio gets too far out of whack. The medical community has already dubbed the crisis the “post antibiotic era”.
We really got lucky with AIDS being that it’s just an STD. Imagine a disease like AIDS but spread by casual contact like the cold or flu. To put things in perspective, the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic was estimated to kill 50-100 million people globally and 675,000 in the US alone–and that was just the flu. Given enough time and enough 3rd world, a super-disease of Black Death proportions is virtually guaranteed to hit us at some point. The Black Death did its damage to Europe in about 7 years while we still don’t have a vaccine for AIDS after it being first named in 1982
#2c-Disease control (engineered diseases)
Biological warfare from the Islamic World hasn’t been a problem yet because they have simply lacked the means to develop it. With the advancement of science, biological warfare will eventually fall within their grasp and it would be a dream weapon for a group like ISIS. It would work like this:
Engineer a deadly, highly contagious disease and its vaccine.
Vaccinate all the men, women, children from your ingroup that you wish to spare.
Spread the disease in several international airports, subways, etc.
The above scenario would be many times worse than nuclear war and given the trickle down of scientific knowledge it is virtually guaranteed to happen someday if present trends persist long enough.
#3-Environmental pollution:
Most readers are probably already aware that preserving endangered species is a white thing, but perhaps few have realized that third worlders will happily dump durable pollutants into the air and water that will eventually end up in the globally shared seafood supply. Example: DDT was banned from USA in 1972 but is still being found in seafood and still being made and used in India while China only recently stopped manufacturing it. Given that DDT only has a 150 yr half life in water, it is unlikely that India alone is going to doom the world’s oceans with this one chemical, but it demonstrates a problem that is bound to grow as the 3rd world grows. If African countries ever manage to profitably manufacture and use chemicals like this, there is little doubt that they will use them carelessly, just like they mismanage everything else they do. Similar concerns should be expected if any of these countries ever manages to split the atom and generate nuclear wastes.
The inescapable conclusion:
Thoughts, Holla Forums? A good insight into the immutable fact that sentience does not free humanity from biological realities.
Kill em all.
Any proof it was deleted of trs? I believe it but the proof would make it much sweeter.
Okay but the hard part is we have to sell this to the soft weak cucks that make up 99% of the whites now. The ones for whom "genocide" is the greatest evil. You're unlikely to do it openly. Ethnonationalism with the removal of aid to the whole third world? Genocide. But that's not how you word it. You simply shut the eyes of the public print a load of stories about how they're growing their own food and doing fine shut the borders to them and shoot on sight and the public cannot know. They lack the callousness and the viciousness you require of them. It's not even an argument of "muh PR" it's simply beyond the scope of people as a whole to do hard ovens and gas genocide. As I said muh nationalism for everyone will result in death and chaos for the third world and so long as no one tells the common folks what it takes to keep them safe from certain murder and rape… the world keeps on turning.
Was this really deleted from TRS?
Genocide makes martyrs of the dead and heroes of the survivors.
You're off the deep end, and won't kill anyone yourself, so shut up.
No archive. TRS never deleted an article before, iirc.
Here's the link. It 404s. Was saved by a fella in the comments on Lawrence Murray's latest article.
It's a shame. Genocide is a topic that's simply dismissed out of hand and never given the proper trial any idea deserves.
Actually it makes heroes out of the victor and losers out of the dead.
Here's the disqus thread with a few commenters kvetching over the removal. No archive.
I saw it and started reading it thinking, "Uh oh this isn't going to be good".
Last I saw was Lawrence Murray in the comments saying "jesus christ" lol
Google text and look cor a cache?
I haven't killed anyone but I wouldn't hesitate against colored hoardes if it meant the future of the white race. But this user has it the most correct, I feel. A lot of people wouldn't want to know about it and it'd make more sense to just starve them off, maybe release a pathogen to quicken the death rate, and just close the doors to the soft hearted normies.
Cheers, seems it was up for at least 4 hours by the way.
Thanks user. Wish I had the agency to dig that up.
what isn't too extreme for TRS
You're wrong.
Wow. That faggot uses the the Kalki as his avatar too. What a faggot.
>tfw you're the anti-TRS barneyfag
I hate trs just as much as the next user but you're practically spamming now.
That's why you leave no trace and finish the damn job.
Nobody ever mourned the hundreds of thousands of Gauls Ceasar had killed. There's a reason for that: They're all gone.
TRS is shit.
I want to kill all of Africa off and everyone secretly agrees with me if they're not a nigger
also: sage isn't a downboat, my posts contribute nothing to the thread aside from shitting on TRS, I don't want to bump it with garbage.
If decent discussion is to occur that isn't just
then let it be bumoed.
Agreed, and please keep reminding us while we discuss the subject of genocide but please don't spam the same image over and over.
I'm personally curious if Holla Forums understands what this all must eventually lead to if we're to be serious about our values and reality. There's a lot of psuedo-ironicposting a-la "kill all the niggers and faggots" but will user cuck?
I didn't mean to do that shit. 8ch should have some kind of flood detection for that.
I don't want to be "that annoying spammer that downboats every mention of TRS"
I will spam the living shit out of their shilling threads with [alt+255] though
filtered for shitting up every fucking thread you're in.
I've made my amends. I'm down for whatever it takes.
Kill Christianity… Then whites will become white again.
I keep telling you faggots and some of you scream "no D/C against pagans and Christians". But that's not the point. As Nietzsche put it From the total nihilistic state comes corruption of society and the rise of the new barbarians. We have a choice if that is going to be Aryan Overmen or fucking Planet of the Apes
Christianity is already a dead religion in the Nihilistic stages of death throngs.
I think a lot of the people here are cuckchanners / outsiders from TRS/DS/aut-right clickbate site #1589/whatever trump reddit-blog the cool kids hang out at now and will eventually either come around or abandon ship.
Don't you mean illuminating? I am necessary evil.
to become a martyr you cant be a coward. the coward dies and his reign ends, the martyr dies and his reign begins. the subhumans that will be eradicated have never been worthy of becoming martyrs in the first place so your point is illogical.
Author pretty much hits the nail on the head. He seems to follow the Nietzsche school of thought in regards to the jewish question, i.e. crying about white genocide isn't going to redpill normalfags on an entry level, however, pointing out demographic change (aka more voters from third world shitholes) and these new voting blocs historically being apathetic towards individual rights, government regulation and corruption. At the same time, pointing out white genocide is important for those who have already swallowed the immigration pill it shouldn't be the end-all nail in the coffin; stefan molyneax's argument being that the mass importation of populations that historically vote left does not imply a covert act to exterminate the white race (I'm aware he hasn't directly argued this, but he hasn't acknowledged it either)
The survival of the fittest operates outside the realms of man-made theories, and as we often point out on Holla Forums "Equality is a false god". The reason why the kikes have started to lose recently is because all their ancestors that lied, cheated, backstabbed and deceived meant that once they finally made it to the top of the pyramid (pun intended) they forgot how they gained power to begin with, that being subterfuge. Nowadays they have become so arrogant they don't even try to hide the fact that it's always them behind every useful idiot whether they be communist, feminist, and/or low iq shitskin. While you could make the argument that their power structure hasn't adapted to the free flowing information matrix that is the internet although they are trying, it's a mixture of both. Just like how the Gutenberg press allowed the common european to have personal insight into the intricacies of Christianity that were previously controlled by the vatican monopoly,
Take Alex Soros for example, he spends his time publicly meeting with puppets like Obama and going to dinner parties with models. You don't just have to look at his appearance to know he is soft, and say what you want about GS, but he is a cunning adversary to the white race, and should be respected as such. Although he seems to be losing his touch as of recently, his masters the Rothschilds are still in the game.
Subvert the jew by exploiting their arrogance, because once they are exposed they lose the basis for their power, being able to subvert
Author pretty much hits the nail on the head. He seems to follow the Nietzsche school of thought in regards to the jewish question, i.e. crying about white genocide isn't going to redpill normalfags on an entry level, however, pointing out demographic change (aka more voters from third world shitholes) and these new voting blocs historically being apathetic towards individual rights, government regulation and corruption. At the same time, pointing out white genocide is important for those who have already swallowed the immigration pill it shouldn't be the end-all nail in the coffin; stefan molyneax's argument being that the mass importation of populations that historically vote left does not imply a covert act to exterminate the white race (I'm aware he hasn't directly argued this, but he hasn't acknowledged it either)
The survival of the fittest operates outside the realms of man-made theories, and as we often point out on Holla Forums "Equality is a false god". The reason why the kikes have started to lose recently is because all their ancestors that lied, cheated, backstabbed and deceived meant that once they finally made it to the top of the pyramid (pun intended) they forgot how they gained power to begin with, that being subterfuge. Nowadays they have become so arrogant they don't even try to hide the fact that it's always them behind every useful idiot whether they be communist, feminist, and/or low iq shitskin. While you could make the argument that their power structure hasn't adapted to the free flowing information matrix that is the internet although they are trying, it's a mixture of both. Just like how the Gutenberg press allowed the common european to have personal insight into the intricacies of Christianity that were previously controlled by the vatican monopoly,
Take Alex Soros for example, he spends his time publicly meeting with puppets like Obama and going to dinner parties with models. You don't just have to look at his appearance to know he is soft, and say what you want about GS, but he is a cunning adversary to the white race, and should be respected as such. Although he seems to be losing his touch as of recently, his masters the Rothschilds are still in the game.
Subvert the jew by exploiting their arrogance, because once they are exposed they lose the basis for their power, being able to subvert
Author pretty much hits the nail on the head. He seems to follow the Nietzsche school of thought in regards to the jewish question, i.e. crying about white genocide isn't going to redpill normalfags on an entry level, however, pointing out demographic change (aka more voters from third world shitholes) and these new voting blocs historically being apathetic towards individual rights, government regulation and corruption. At the same time, pointing out white genocide is important for those who have already swallowed the immigration pill it shouldn't be the end-all nail in the coffin; stefan molyneax's argument being that the mass importation of populations that historically vote left does not imply a covert act to exterminate the white race (I'm aware he hasn't directly argued this, but he hasn't acknowledged it either)
The survival of the fittest operates outside the realms of man-made theories, and as we often point out on Holla Forums "Equality is a false god". The reason why the kikes have started to lose recently is because all their ancestors that lied, cheated, backstabbed and deceived meant that once they finally made it to the top of the pyramid (pun intended) they forgot how they gained power to begin with, that being subterfuge. Nowadays they have become so arrogant they don't even try to hide the fact that it's always them behind every useful idiot whether they be communist, feminist, and/or low iq shitskin. While you could make the argument that their power structure hasn't adapted to the free flowing information matrix that is the internet although they are trying, it's a mixture of both. Just like how the Gutenberg press allowed the common european to have personal insight into the intricacies of Christianity that were previously controlled by the vatican monopoly,
Take Alex Soros for example, he spends his time publicly meeting with puppets like Obama and going to dinner parties with models. You don't just have to look at his appearance to know he is soft, and say what you want about GS, but he is a cunning adversary to the white race, and should be respected as such. Although he seems to be losing his touch as of recently, his masters the Rothschilds are still in the game.
Subvert the jew by exploiting their arrogance, because once they are exposed they lose the basis for their power, being able to subvert
fucking dammit
This user gets it.
As much irony and silliness some may dress our situation in, we are the founders and apostles of a new religion. In so many ways what we are doing now is a revival of our old gods and the prophets of our movement do not claim divinity for just themselves as the Semites have, but rather they have illuminated the divinity and sanctity omnipresent in our shared blood. With each new Aryan child born we see a new light born, and with each case of heretical miscegenation we see the sacred light of a bloodline extinguished.
We are the priests fighting to keep the holy lights of our traditions, our cultures, and most importantly, our people shining so that we do not slip into a new and more permanent 'dark age' where the achievements and evolution of the Aryan man are forever undone.
Extreme or stupid? Pic related is much more of an "extremist" than the writer of this Goldberg style hit piece.
Can you refute it, or will you simply call names?
Speaking of things you don't understand: synergy and symbiosis. Go learn them.
Daily Reminder: Esoteric Hermetic Homosexual Alt-Right anime-pedos are a gate keeper group, they hang out, they want to destroy White Nationalism, and they run this board.
Nice projection. Watch too much TV have you? I see this thread is full of children.
What Yankee transplant wrote this garbage?
I'm a National Socialist and there's nothing extreme about any of this. It's edgy LARPing. These people aren't a threat unless we make them one the white man is the most supreme race on this world. We don't need to exterminate every other race on the earth. They can be kept at a distance and be of no consequence to us.
The fall of Christianity coincides with an increase in racial cuckoldry. These modern atheistic nihilists aren't Nietzscheans they are dead spiritually and preparing themselves for their own physical slaughter. The barbarians don't come from within those people they come to conquer those people.
redneck nigger doesn't understand what "peril" means
funny how not doing something would be considered genocide. In reality, it wouldn't wipe them out, it would just put them at sustainable numbers again.
We're exporting the fertility of the land of america to make an african population bubble that can never sustain itself.
It be hard trying to organize a sizable group for a big genocide jamboree. Maybe the hardcore Nazis that live in the Ukraine would join you, but that would be it. Wouldn't it be better just to live in a secluded northern European territory and just not have cucked laws? Everybody else was doing it until the new millennium came.
You will hang with your pets.
Can we have some threads that don't talk about TRS?
This tbh, all this talk about TRS and Ironmarch is gonna just devolve into fights.
Honestly, there's only one race that deserves to be exterminated.
So, why should we keep those of the Telluric spirit alive?
filtered for filtering anons rather than TRShills
White Nationalism > White Supremacy
You LARPing snowniggers can rip your pants in butt anguish all day, everyday. Won't change the facts.
So-called “race realists” tell us that a DNA test will allow the tester to determine with up to 80% accuracy which of “the races” a person belongs to, as if this then justifies prejudging and socially discriminating against individuals based on their ethnic background. But the same DNA test could tell us with 100% accuracy which blood type a person belongs to, yet we do not prejudge individuals according to their blood type, and would not take seriously anyone who advocated policies of social discrimination based on “blood type realism”. Therefore “race realism” ought to be taken even less seriously than that.
A big deal is made by the same so-called “race realists” of studies that show ”the races” vary in average IQ test scores, yet it is statistical regularity that when a realistic data set is divided along any marker-based criterion, the resulting subsets are unlikely to have exactly equal averages. If, for example, we regrouped IQ test data by somatotype (endomorph, mesomorph, ectomorph), we would find different average IQ for each somatotype, as documented by William Herbert Sheldon (and indeed hypothesized since Plato, Pythagoras and even earlier). Yet there are no “somatotype realists” blogging about crimes committed by mesomorphs only (while ignoring crimes committed by non-mesomorphs) and then ringing alarm bells about the horrors of “mesomorph-on-endomorph crime” (even though mesomorphs are in fact the most criminality-prone somatotype), or “Endomorph Advocates” calling those who reproduce outside of their somatotype “metabolism traitors” and talking about “undeclared war” being waged against endomorphs, nor would we take them seriously even if they existed. Anyone able to see the ridiculousness of such notions has no excuse not to see the same ridiculousness of so-called “race realism”.
The tunnel-visioned ZCs/BSs who tout crime disparity between “the races” as an argument for segregation between “the races” would never advocate segregation between the genders on the same grounds, let alone as a higher priority, despite the fact that crime disparity between men and women far exceeds that between any of ”the races”. Indeed, every time you come across a rabid racist who cites crime disparity to blame an entire ethnic group, the best retort is to compare him with a rabid feminist who cites crime disparity to blame all men. If the feminist contention sounds absurd (as it should to any rational mind), remember that it has stronger statistical backing than the racist contention. Can feminists defend their position by calling themselves ”gender realists”? If not, how can racists defend their position by calling themselves “race realists”?
The truth is that the predominance of ”the races” over other classifications is due solely to political utility for post-Renaissance Western civilization. Primarily to justify colonialism, the British Empire introduced a hierarchical concept of ”the three races” (“Caucasoid”, “Mongoloid”, “Negroid” - which are really just modernized versions of the Tanakh’s Japheth, Shem and Ham respectively), a classification continued by post-independence America in policies relating to slavery and other issues, and consequently embedded into modern thought. Social and reproductive segregation along such lines caused separate cultures along these same lines to develop even in a single society, making the classification a self-fulfilling prophecy, much as the designers intended, which in turn made it easy for themselves (and their descendants) to believe in it as if it were fundamental truth.
Meanwhile, the Zionist agenda to cause interethnic hostility is best served precisely by this deliberately coarse racial identity classification, both so that statistics can be manipulated conveniently, and so that people can easily be fed with the required stereotypes (something that would be much harder with a classification scheme involving hundreds of anthropometric categories). This is why Zionist government organizations do not tell us about the Pamirid unemployment rate or the Phalid divorce rate: because this would not help them start fights between non-Jews nearly as well as the coarser classification.
The positive response – the National Socialist response – is to take control and redefine race as a product of our control. We agree that culture is significantly a product of genetics. The difference is that we despise the cultures that the ethnopreservationists support - cultures of arrogance, slavery, industrialization, finance, fuel machines, cruelty to animals, exploitation of the environment and almost every other evil imaginable. Their aim is to preserve their cultures, and thus by logic the gene pools that produced them. Our aim is to start fresh. Authentic National Socialism was never about comparing one gene pool with another, but about recognizing and promoting the high-quality elements from any number of gene pools for the sake of a new, idealistic beginning (hence Hitler speaking of “two Germanys” and “two Japans“).
The simplest way to understand racial idealism is to think of a race as a genetic folk. If a folk is a people that work towards a common purpose, then a race is a people with a biological – and therefore heritable – tendency to work towards a common purpose. Indeed any folk that reproduces with sufficiently strong selective pressure concordant with its purpose will, given enough time (which can be drastically shortened by appropriate state initiatives), become such a race. And the larger the starting gene pool, the higher the resulting racial quality is likely to be, simply because we have more possible genetic combinations from which to make our quality selection in the first place.
If you call for racial identity, you will get interethnic tension. If you call for racial segregation, you will get interethnic conflict. The Zionists know this; that is why they are increasingly pushing racial identity into current reactionary politics. Our Aryanist reponse is: if you call for racial idealism, you will get interethnic unity. As such, all who continue to keep the discussion stuck in racial identity instead of helping us shift it towards racial idealism can be safely counted among our enemies.
Belief in the importance of race to society is one of the founding principles of authentic National Socialism. But the race in which we believe is qualitative race, not ethnic race. We seek racial type in the pure sense: we care about the heritable trait, not about where or when the heritable trait evolved. We want a society of people genetically superior in nobility, in honour, in empathy, in kindness, in health and in beauty – in short, a society of Aryans. It does not matter at all what colour they are or in which part of the world their ancestors lived. Indeed, a serious, unbiased discussion about quality cannot begin until all ethnocentrism is removed from the table.
“In the scientific sense there is no such thing as race. But you … cannot get your breeding successfully achieved without the conception of race. And I as a politician need a conception which enables the order which has hitherto existed on historic bases to be abolished and an entirely new anti-historic order enforced and given an intellectual basis … For this purpose the conception of race serves me well … With the conception of race, National Socialism will carry the revolution abroad and re-cast the world.” – Adolf Hitler
So you're Holla Forums? Sounds like a Leftist argument.
Miscegenation laws will prevent mixing. If a white man goes to Africa and miscegenates with the locals he's not coming back and bringing his children with him.
These people aren't a threat unless we make them one. Saying they must be exterminated because they could be a threat is like saying bears must be exterminated because they might maul someone. They can be kept at a distance and be no threat.
You forgot about population pressures you dumb nigger. When we take back our lands we will grow and require Lebensraum. We don't want brother-wars so we will take land from non-whites. After a long enough time there will be no non-whites. Our supremacy is in our biology, how we feel about the matter is an argument between us and the cucks.
And that's what I said. But Christianity was the ONLY time that Europe for 30,000 years started race mixing. All the way to Spain. So that should tell you something.
Nihilism = modern hipsters, SJW, Christianity (because it's not believable at all and we know it too well. There was a time that a homosexual Priesthood held the book and we couldn't read it; but once read, there was no going back).
The new Barbarians Arabs, niggers, spics, Chinese… Unless we abadon this sick obsession with worshiping a pathetic death cult of a pacified Jew, waiting for him to return, we are going to CONTINUE to die out.
If not for this, I wouldn't care if people were Christians. I was raised as one. It's Christianity that made National Socialism weak. The Jews were stronger because they were more vicious and invented nukes even (then claim the nazis were going to do it first to cover their typical war crimes of genocide)
We kept them out of our countries before. Look how that worked out. If they're still around, they're a sympathetic figure, and when they inevitably have mass suffering in their shit-run nations, our weak will cry out in humanitarianism to aid them. Ending them ends the possibility of that forever - without requiring, long-term, policies that are foreign to natural white altruism, or extinguishing it..
Destruction of the other allows the complete and guaranteed preservation of the in-group.
No one cares what a shitskin says. You are infected with nigger blood and need to die off already. Fuck you and South America
Reminder: 99.9999999% of Christians on Holla Forums are secret shitskins from their 3rd world hellholes and destroyed Aryan lands like Spain, Italy, Greece
If you kill your enemies, they win?
I don't really disagree with you, but allowing white genocide to take place is not a winning strategy.
Once you turn your back on God nothing will save you. This is all happening because the white man has turned against God.
delete your life
It was deleted because if genocide is the ultimate conclusion, then there is absolutely nothing wrong in white genocide.
Bend over and take it like a man, might maes right you sore loser.
pagans are losers
and if boniface took hours to cut it down, it meant german pagans just watched him cuck their fake religion for literal hours! Sad!
That only holds true if all races are equal.
Are you stupid? Even if they are made martyrs why the fuck would that matter if they are literally gone from existence? You think if a small handful of people feel bad that will somehow 'will' those groups back into existing alongside us?
The difference between a genocide and successful genocide is a lack of survivors m8
nice argument tbh
That's an interesting point. Morally, there is nothing wrong with white genocide by that law. If the group is too weak to survive in changing circumstances, let it die. That fact, however, does not mean whites must simply take it as inevitable, merely fight against it and prevail. Thites conquered the world and generously refrained from executing the conquered - If we can beat back the psychological assault our kosher competitors have evolved, we can do it again. Proper, this time.
The jews might be on top of the world now, but 85 years ago they were wondering if there'd be any left. It's not like dramatic changes in circumstances are unknown in biological competition.
This is pure retardation. Might makes right when the battle is actually over and as far as I know, white people still seem to exist.
We need a Night of The Long Knives 2.0 to hang all TRScucks.
Meant to post this
RAW died poor as dirt. Poor guy, in the end he was a victim. He died going "remember le spaghetti monster teehee!".
He rejected God because he had nightmares of ground glass being poured into his eye's for his sins. If only he really knew Christ.
Psuedo-intellectual race realist horse shit
The ideal is the identity. It's pre-programmed in. Acting holier than thou will not get you further and has failed since the 1950s to have ANY EFFECT of waking up white people. The identity has become niggerfied and beta-cucked. This is why their is no "idealism". We live in a Nihilistic world, with a nihilistic dead religion
Maybe it's time for you "race realists" to stop controlling the movement and crying about the evil "Zionists". No one gives a fuck if Israel kills Arabs. And World Zionism = Globalism which you cucks have done NOTHING to prevent or change anyone's mind on it.
Racial Identity is the KEY to a racial awakening because they attacked that specific thread of though for a reason. They didn't demoralize white people FIRST!!! They attacked our history. They attacked our differences from niggers (the "human" meme). They attacked our loyalty to our culture and forefathers, acting as though (((they))) had a bigger plan. They infiltrated our lodges. Then and only then did they introduce the LCD party of the 1960s.
You "race realists" talk a lot and like to sound intellectual, negating other people and calling them "ignorant" or "pawns" but in the end your theories are lacking history, hard evidence, and come from the most pompous windbag writers and speakers on the Earth.
Fuck David Duke and the entire Alt-Right. You're failures, jokes, bafoons, and worst Cowardly trying to walk the middle-line as though "morality" has anything to do with fucking survival. It's like people who refuse to butchers Muslims or say Radical Islamic Terror yet want us to be at war with them
The only way to save our race is through mass genocide. The Holocaust never happened but it will…
Painless genocide may as well be very humanitarian if you think about the suffering the average sub-Saharan African or low-caste Indian goes through.
How so? Genetic traits only reffer to intelligence and physique, are you by any chance saying that genocide is ok when the inferior is genocided by the superior? Because if that's the case, you just confirmed there really is nothing wrong in white genocide.
Yet the jew controls the collective spirit of whites through deceit, which means that he is superior, ergo, he can genocide whites and the world would be better for it, survival of the fittest.
Jesus doesn't make you rich. He takes your money, and then you die and never go to the Jew eternal cube in the sky. Stop derailing.
The assumption is that all races provide some positive benefit by existing. I would argue the existence of jews and niggers are a net detriment to the universe. Genociding them would therefore not be bad.
That's not how the concept of might makes right works, you shit-for-brains retard.
Blatant exaggeration, nowhere in story where the kikes threatened with absolute extinction, but I do agree, never implied whites shouldn't fight it, just wanted to make clear that the "hurr durr ur conquered lmao deal with it" logic goes both sides.
Look at what we did to the Indians as a sublime example. There were no mass camps of indian-death. We just pushed them, gradually, onto shittier land, and cut off their food supply so that population growth was impossible. Keeps them out of your society, gene pool, and keeps any humanitarian-inclined white from sparking a 'preservation movement'.
Your memes are 4chan? I don't care about any of this chan shit. You're some 40yr old Spic from Brazil trying to convince people to follow a dead religion
How grotesque.
> Lutz von Padberg and others point out that what the vitae leave out is that the action was most likely well-prepared and widely publicized in advance for maximum effect, and that Boniface had little reason to fear for his personal safety since the Frankish fortified settlement of Büraburg was nearby
Wew lad.
Exxageration, sure, but to hear them tell it you'd swear there were only 2 kikes left when we finished.
The logic goes both ways, it's simply up to the species to deal with it. There is no moral qualm with genocide: morals change with generations, biology is timeless. If we are too weak to rightly stand up against jewish subversion, they will not mourn for the natural right to life of the conquered. Nor should we. This is why crying about White Genocide is a weak position - it is a defensive one, rather than an offensive one, a wall built to answer the enemy's ladders.
By that same logic, whites are at the helm of all the intellectual movements the jews have pushed on everyone, had it not been for white efforts to conform to the wished of their handlers we wouldn't have any life threatening cultural degeneration to talk abote, therefore, the existence of whites is also a detriment to the universe masked with relatively shallow scientific advancements.
maybe in your special snowflake dumbass mind, but might makes right just means whatever the stronger does is justified by virtue of their power, and right now, certain non whites are the strongest.
That's not the same logic, that's an entirely different set of assumptions.
And reported. Thanks.
Well, we're gaining power now, but we're going to lose it eventually. If we refuse to strike down our enemy, then he will do it to us as soon as he again holds the upper hand. We need to be looking to make such an ideal world that our descendants don't need to worry about niggers, jews, and whatever other competitors for several thousand years until evolution leads them back to our situation. That will be their fight though, and this one is ours..
God cares for you. RAW also attempted to cryogenically froze his murdered daughter in the hopes that the technology of the 90's and beyond would be able to resurrect his daughter.
He had a hard life, and I think if he had found Christ he would have found comfort. Instead he sought confusion.
I disagree. Simply on the grounds of morality. I don't want the end of non-white human existence. I want non-white psychology and intelligence to supplement ours. Dogs were domesticated, turning them from wild wolves to complete submission to superior human beings. Alligators and Crocodiles serve little benefit to our civilization, but that is no cause for eradication. I advocate to a similar approach we take to another species. Simply uplift. Just as an advanced galactic civilization would do to us, uplifting humans to a similar technological and intelligence level. Differing psychology is a problem when it negatively effects our people, not when it is simply different. Of course when preforming the uplifting process, we must not allow negative consequences to our own people. Their will always be differences. The point is to produce a situation where the differences do not have negative consequences. Instead of preforming genocide upon lesser creatures like some immoral (((groups))) would. Why not uplift lesser creatures into a position of benefit for our people?
Why not use jewish intelligence to create technology and science for our own benefit. Why not use negroid physical capacity for our own benefit.
Not true, you just stated the right to existence is determined by the net benefits said existence provides, white people have done really good stuff, but every day that balance tilts more and more towards the bad, and it is about to completely flip.
A characteristic of dying peoples.
You're comparing a type of political philosophy with a fact of nature (((user))).
Also you just proved my point. Without jews "we wouldn't have any life threatening cultural degeneration." Thus the existence of jews is a detriment to the universe.
Pagan apologism.
If the pagans truly followed their gods, they would have died to defend them.
God lives, you rub your nose in ash and praise it.
then so is whites's
Do you think that whites are unique in that? Every race on the planet has their movement towards esoteric dildoism coming once we're gone, it just so happens that we were their first targets. This does not mean it's too late for us - if we die, then the Asians die, then the jews finally have their sub-90 IQ slave caste, then yes, your statement is correct, but we haven't lost yet. Just been weakened.
What African Philosophy is worth learning?
What can they do that we cannot do ourselves?
Every non-white life could be a massively more productive and intellectual white life. Non-whites are objectively a genetic failure.
White Nationalism that does not lead to White Supremacy is not assured.
You are literally pulling a "If you kill your enemy, they win".
Its maximum, Cananda-level cuckoldry.
Jesus Christ lad, even that kike on the cross would be facepalming if his fucking hands weren't nailed to that beam.
It's, at best, a white paper to be used as a framework for future policy. But as a serious proposal, it's unrealistic and contradictory. We must genocide all non–whites to prevent communicable diseases, and to qchieve it we must either send entire armies of whites to the third world cess pools or use unconventional weapons to achieve he goal. I swear, some people do not think their plans all the way through.
No, you stupid fucking nigger. Might makes right is less a moral statement, and far more a qualitative observation. There is no moral duty for anyone to accept their defeat simply because someone else is stronger them them. Accepting that might makes right does not in any way require one to also accept the death of the white race as a good thing.
All this concept means is that if you have enough power to enforce your will over another people, then there is no moral argument against doing so. This does not, however, place any moral duty on the receiving party to accept its own demise. to the contrary, actually. Just as there is no moral argument against imposing your will on your enemies, there is no moral argument against them fighting back and doing the same to you. Mudshit invaders are no less "moral" in their actions against whites than whites were against them during colonialism. This is the essence of "might makes right".
Doing so will dimidiate the already woeful state of our lot.
We must be like bolts of lightning, only more direct and less controversial*. It is imperative that we improve relative to the prior bounds of our achievement even when our civilization will eclipse others.
*= by controversial, I'm referring to the path of the lightning in this metaphor; that we don't turn against or err from the path. It has nothing to do with cucking
history tells us that life is either genocide your enemies or be genocided
modernity has not changed that one bit
You operate on false universalistic principles that we have no reason to accept. Why must we accept our own extinction if we advocate the extinction of Jews? This only applies if you accept equality, which I fully reject.
Your entire argument rests on jewish exploitation. If there was no jewish exploitation, then whites wouldn't be furthering jewish interests.
Who is RAW?
Wew lad.
So when are you converting to Judaism? I mean, if you're going to do something, go all the way, right?
After all, the Jews killed Jesus, and his buddies didn't die to defend him - clearly he wasn't much of a God, and those who worship him are just cucks to the Jew.
God is a Germanic word from Godin. You're praying to Odin you dumb Jew worshiping slave. Fuck
You mean until it actually happens, then the conquered have nothing to say to their BASED STRONK conquerors, right? Jackass.
Yeah sure, never said the contrary
Do not get me wrong i fully encourage the purging of the active problematic members of these specific groups. Just as we do not eradicate every alligator because one was a man-eater why waste the potential. jews have the potential to be great scientists, should we allow wide spread experimentation that would ultimately lead to negative side effects to our people? no of course not. We prune the bad and grow the beneficial.
White supremacy is a political stance that has been promoted by failed fedgov infiltrated stooge organizations since the 50s. You old Boomer snowniggers need to fuck off already.
Robert Anton Wilson.
Most of his readers only read The Illuminatus! and Prometheus Rising, they don't read his biographies where he tells you how much of an insane hippie he was in the 70's and gradually came down to a level-headed but melancholic cynical libertarian in the mid-80's to early 90's.
He had a hard life, but he was a smart man. He just fell too hard into the occult and sexual revolution.
I'm reading Libido Dominadi by E. Michael Jones, and you can infer by the historical information that RAW knew all about it, but he chose to be on the side of the relative moralists and proto-scientism.
His descent into the occult really fucked him up, and I don't think he ever recovered. He died mocking God with a sad face.
Go back to the designated shitting streets, pajeet.
You don't belong here
And I thought genocide was cruel. Damn, user.
This is entirely irrelevant to the subject of the argument. Accepting the belief that "might makes right" carries no requirement to also accept ones own destruction at the hands of a "stronger" enemy. The point is, it doesn't matter whether you accept might makes right as a moral standard - if you are not strong, you will perish. I don't know why you seem to think we automatically worship our enemies simply because they have the upper hand. This just makes me more firm in my belief that we have to exterminate them.
White supremacy is not an "idea". It is a biological fact evident in the greatness produced by the European people.
Every human life has value simply based on its ability to produce. My argument is basically why not domesticate rather then exterminate.
We lack the ability to prevent this from happening? We lack the ability to create a situation in which it is impossible for them to do so?
Yes, I just haven't taken the red suppository, oh how naive of me to think the struggle of life and it's moral neutrality doesn't apply to certain groups.
jew's are 2% of the world, whites are 10% of the world, "jewish interests" are more white than jewish.
If alligators had hands, I would support their global extermination.
We don't kill all the gators because they're not that much of a threat - there have been fewer than 300 alligators attacks since the 1950s, and less than 10 were fatal.
Compare that to the figures for niggers, Jews, etc., and while gators tend to avoid humans, niggers, Jews and the like actively seek out Whites to parasitize off of, if they exist and are known to these degenerate vermin.
Did you even fucking think before you made that commentary?
Can you imagine alligators running around like niggers, biting people and doing crack?
Can you imagine the degenerate faggots fucking the alligators?
The Jews using the alligators as wedges in our community, to fool rubes like you?
You have to be shitposting, there's no way you're legitimately this much of a naive child.
Really fires up the neurons.
Yet according to.>>8453801 I'm a cuck.
We have the ability. We lack the will unfortunately.
inb4: jews made us support all of it
You're having a serious problem with your logical reasoning. Jewish is not white. If jewish interests are jewish, they are not white. They are jewish.
And reported for intl.
Because if we are indeed the superior being, we are inefficiently using that value of other lives. That food could go to a while body X% more useful, that land could be utilized by another white X% more efficiently.
If human life has value based on it's ability to produce, the only valid option not to exterminate is asians. Those, however, represent a long-term threat to us in terms of closeness of ability to compete.
Peaceful cooexistance, barring the development of interstellar travel and thus unlimited lebensraum, is scientifically impossible in the long-term.
reported for not having an argument
Trying to use a basic example. Of course the danger these parasites pose a far worse. I fully understand what dire straits we are in at this time. But you are working on the idea that we are unable to overcome. That we lack the ability, the superiority. That assumption is nihilistic at best. We have no idea what our people is capable of. What feats of complete and other conquest we can achieve.
Good article but don't mention TRS next time since it summons the shitposting troupe that floods goods threads with Christianity vs Paganism and Holla Forums vs TRS D&C.
Wish they'd get trips so that I didn't have to filter them every time.
And reported for intl.
You know I was shilling him right? It's not because he didn't worship a dead kike. It's because he was a degenerate using kike magic
"jewish interests" are more white than jewish.
Go fuck yourself you shill
Why expel the energy to exterminate when domestication is easier? Going simply on the assumption that domestication would be easier. I do believe that interstellar travel is not as far off as we may believe. Why not use Asian and Jewish intelligence to attain that level of technology. Or the less intelligent to produce that technology. Then after we have attained that level of technology we segregate if it is to our benefit.
Go back to your shitty website nobody cares about
good thread, read it all
In what reality? Domestication requires a lot of management that would be impossible to place on a human, even a nigger, in the modern day. Domestication requires control whereas extermination is just killing. We can talk all day about who deserves extermination, who deserves domestication and who deserves to be allies but don't act like it's easier at all. You're just setting yourself up to be backstabbed with that giant nose.
I'm sorry, that's just not true. One will get over the trauma inflicted from a generation of extinctions. One will constantly battle to maintain themselves while the other is in their midst.
If you kill your enemies they win?
Kek speaks
Maybe you are right. I am not a scientist with all the answers. My only fear is becoming what we despise the most. Abandoning our Honor and Values and putting us on a level only the jewish parasites would inhabit. I don't feel pity for the races that would be exterminated. I simply don't know how it would effect our people psychologically, or if it would reduce us to something lesser than we are. What we strive to be.
>"One can say, with more and more certainty as the “Dark Age” goes on, that the god-like men of action are defeated, at least for the time being, not for having been too ruthless (and thus for having roused against themselves and their ideas and their collaborators the indignation of the “decent people”), but for not having been ruthless enough — for not having killed off their fleeing enemies, to the last man, in the brief hour of triumph; for not having silenced both the squeamish millions of hypocrites and their masters, the clever producers of atrocity-tales, by more substantial violences, more complete exterminations."
>The Holocaust didn't happen but it should have.
She wasn't talking about niggers.
If you shill LARPagan white supremacy from another board, Holla Forums, you lose.
Jesus and whoever your ancestors prayed to are disappoint.
If sand nigger larping doesn't die soon. The white race will.
apex kek
Haven't seen the second and third one before. Good shit.
Then kill yourself, kike.
Sorry I gotta do one more.
aryanism huh
Say we do all this and then gleefully live happy lives in our now-whiter world. Do you really think the asians are going to sit around and let us build strength after showing that we can slaughter half the world without guilt? They outnumber us greatly and aren't the same tier as africans and middle easterners. I think opening pandora's box by having an overt genocide is just asking to be fed a bit of our own medicine. I'm not moralfagging I'm just saying that once we take the gloves off everyone else will too.
African population growth is out of control. There ware 120 million Africans in 1900. There are 1 billion Africans now. There will be 4 billion Africans in 2100. African wildlife and ecosystems will be absolutely decimated by this. Already, lions are restricted to small areas of land and end up inbreeding. Many Lions today now suffer from debilitating genetic diseases due to this.
Have you seen how these people get their bush meat? They form large parties of hundreds of people wielding spears. They then go out to the wilderness and encircle and kill everything they can find. They take the bodies to shitholes where they skin the animals and cook their corpses over burning tires.
People who give money to Africans are destroying African wildlife and producing a problem that will eventually destroy their own countries through demographic change. Is it worth dooming the remaining 20,000 lions so that 3 billion more Africans can be born who can only survive on international aid, donations, and destroying their environment and wildlife?
That sounds like a recipe for MAD.
But anywho
I think that word is the secret to neutralising those "Cumskin" posters, just mentally replace their cuck rage with that silliness and laugh.
The asinine idea that a future hypothetical circumstances should be used as a irrefutable argument for your particular imperialist warhammer tier delusion even if its detrimental to your people is almost as laughable as the sophistry you use to further your agenda, Even if its true that your dream sceneario is pausible , and in that case you would be correct to say it was a inescapable conclusion the chance look lower and lower with the recent found of posible habitable exo planets and advances in terraforming
It's a truism that most wish to ignore or avoid because they've been so programmed to think of their biological success as bad.
It's very strange that they shoa'd this article, but were fine with Cesar Tort's interview, where he advocates for literally the exact same thing, and has even written several books about it.
Sometime down the road, it's either us or them, and I'm not cucking.
Okay, so if we start up Imperialism again, what places do you call dibs on Holla Forums?
I already called Mauritania.
Once you fully apply evolutionary laws to humanity, it becomes quite clear that white supremacy is kinda the logical conclusion. I mean, maybe we could sorta get along with East Asians since our core territories are distant from one another, but nigs, spics, kikes and hajis are going to have to go, they pose too many problems and offer absolutely no benefits, there's no reason to keep them alive.
Consensus on the forum is it's too big of a redpill to be on the front page.
muh pr
Nobody has denounced the content itself, they just don't want it to be on the site itself because of the postering campaign.
TRS is Reddit now? hahaha so not surprised. Anarchist fags turn libertarian fags turned, junior Republicans turn pozzed cheese pizza eaters.
There've been faggots even here on Holla Forums that I've been saying this to for years and still won't listen.
Basic question to answer first:
Are niggers human?
If they are not human, then, just as we wiped out other mammals…
Until Christ comes back to lead the fight against evil, starting with pedo pizza purveyors, I don't want to hear from his fanboys.
I'm glad it's not a complete cuckening, because this wont be feasible for several decades anyway. Is there any other noteworthy things coming out of the 504um? I'm not part of it but I love most of their articles and podcasts.
Only if you're a useless Christcuck that thinks fighting to the death of your enemies for the good of your own people is somehow sinful.
That's a pretty Jewish argument.
Why not? They have no love for nigs, kikes, spics and other muds, hell, they can join in the fun!
Yes. I want to build a future for my posterity.
Mostly just typical namefag drama
Core of the problem tbh
the blind watchmaker is the best of all possible watchmakers yet the watches he makes break often, yet he is not at fault despite making the watches and sitting the criteria for failure. He has a plan. A plan to go out of business making watches?
We tried that with slavery and look where we are now. Fucking retard.
All subhumans must die.
everything must die.
Congratulations, you wrote a few thousands words to say "2 + 2 != 4, because roses are red".
that's probably pasta
That is bullshit and you know it
Our culture has been the most pro animal (by not doing halal style rituals) pro enviroment (just compare how the preservation of woods and others are compared to the other world) snd much more
Our culture of course has done things in the past like pollution or slavery (wich we were the first to treat them not like fucking animals and then abolish it in our lands (most arabs just straight up killed slaves))
Most our negative impacts were on ages of develpment before technology to supress the negative impacts and is given importance today just because our civilization was the first to have succes and we are talking from the inside with no external views
Just look at fucking china were they skin dogs alive and give 0fucks about enviroment while they have capacity to supress the impact
The problem is always going to be there and when you can see that niggers are always fucking stupid even when they have been 400years on contact with white people and havent done any progress..
Of course you argue about how we should divide the racial groups and that is okay but you have to look at this like bacterias or fungi where some of them are the same family and genere while their (for example) fermentstive conditions and such are totally different
The first part of your posts is all bullshit while the second claiming a trans euroasiatic single race clasification could be heavily debated…
Just tell me how much does the poles and the brits have in common and try to explain the brits why poles invading are good for their genetics…
Or with germans and spanish workers or anything else really
David duke has nothing to do with alt right or their civic bullshit
But yeah your post made me realize a potentisl redpill
Those who hate their history and trsditions hate themselves as culture comes from history and tradition that is created from similar genetic groups of people
Of course we need to restore traditional segregation between men and women.
Feminists can't defend their position because they're women and generally not suited for rational discourse. When a feminist starts defending positions, it's either because she's angry at men men since she's lesbian or because she's angry at men since no man has turned her into a mother yet. The solution is to exile the lesbians and wife up the rest.
The second pic proves it's White Men and not Christians that are the dirving force behind the Trump campaign, if you remove people who have been to university it rises to 70%.
i thinl that i missread the post lol
Anyway this thread is being shilled to death
You do realise Atheism and Paganism are both Christian cults, right?
I understand being personally against the first half, but the second half is what Hitler actually intended, while having all genes from within the Fatherland as gene poll.
How much money did you pay to get that high?
Alright, awnser me this, what God are they attacking?
None specific, just the concept that one exists. They're atheists. More than 100?
Really, I am pretty sure they are only attacking the Abrahamic concept of God.
If white atheists are going to worship themselves they might as well go full white supremacist.
While it is a harsh, objective truth that follows the rationale of racial survival and economic cost-benefit analysis, it cannot be sold as such to the public. It's a radical notion, in that it departs too sharply from humanitarian paradigm established in the international community and would throw into question pretty much the entire global order, when it becomes apparent that westerners are going to solve the problems in the old European fashion of butchering natives.
There must be a two-fold change, in both the aid and in the public presentation of that aid - war, conflict and ethnic tensions in the third world must be escalated and fanned so they become a constant source of human bonfire, while the public must see it as the fault of western misguided aid and point to Libya/Iraq/Syria as examples of places that have been "aided". Then, the flow of humanitarian aid will be restricted and finally cut off with realization that it's impossible to deliver aid to a warzone.
This ideally must be followed by shutting down of borders, but again, it's dependant on the paradigm shift and the idea that best aid is delivered locally, not by taking in more migrants who are suffering alienation and aren't helping in their home countries. As West is closed off and the rest of the world's poor succumb to a small apocalypse, further paradigm changes would have to be instituted, where ratinoal thinking would take priority over humanitarian feelings and final pacification and containment of the infected would happen.
Then, the emptied Africa could be colonized and Depopulated S.America cowed into submission.
Asia would remain the biggest problem, as they would threaten the whole project, so the plagues and conflicts would have to be seeded there as well.
If memory serves, and I do try to avoid those fags, TRS fractured and all the nazi white nationalist anti jew types went off to Iron March
so despite tl;dr I could understand this being seen as an Iron march post from the title and being deleted for that
We've been there, done that.
Look how hard it bit us in the ass.
A final solution against the weak cannot be carried out, because there is really no moral or political justification for the genocide of the weak and your own subjects will undermine and sabotage any such effort.
A genocide can only be justified for the strong. These, possessing great strength and being a threat will be justifiably genocided and no one will bat an eye, ever. Not even the ones being genocided, because they will know that they played and lost.
Look at how everyone cares about Gypsy or Rwandan genocide, but no one cares about the genocide of the Germans or Chinese.
So, no matter how you look at it, you should respect and promote nationalism of all peoples. The ones, growing strong and arrogant enough to oppose you will face the final solution.
And as a side conclusion - one of the greatest Jew weapons is appearing weak, while being one of the strongest.
Learn from the enemy - don't do it yourself but give the weak the tools to destroy themselves.
All three of them need their heads caved in with a roofing hammer
That backfired too. Look at half of ME and Africa pouring into white countries, because they nations got fucked.
And look at the crime rates and the distortion of morality after the niggers got introduced to the rap crime culture and crack.
These weapons work both ways, there is always collateral damage.
This is the wait for Hitler meme coming from the people who use it all the time.
Hitler never genocided anyone.
Alright then, I'm open to alternative suggestions.
If not openly and if not by subversion then how?
Open your eyes maybe. You aren't going to out sneak and scream we are all equal to deal with these subhumans that will always be a threat even without Jewish using them as puppets.
Just stick to the "help the weak get strong, then kill them after a fair contest".
The jew level of kikery is unattainable by whites. They are genociding by proxy AND under a false flag AND play both sides simultaneously, so they neither suffer the consequences or the collateral damage.
When they genocide, they pose as whites fighting for freedom and equality, while at the same time posing as the victims of their own actions so they can criticize and forgive themselves.
The jew screams out in pain as he strikes you.
Seriously, whites can't do that.
There is such thing as objective morality, what is good for the White race is good and what you believe is good does not generally go in that direction.
Your set of beliefs lost to cultural-marxism was not coincidence but a logical conclusion, that in turn led the (((Current Year))) era.
170X255, what?
Holy shit, make it at least 888 wide!
I mean…left to their own devices, a lot of them probably would do, given their inability to provide for themselves at this point in time.
What's with all the pseud's in this thread. these babbytier people that haven't even understood that the eternal jew is behind most of their "intellectual" theories. hopefully they are shills.
think for yourselves. stop reading (((the press))), educate yourself instead based on WHAT YOU want to know.
If you can't tell that was written by a jew or someone who didn't finish the mandatory lurking period, WEW.
That's how jews think we think. That's not how we think. If something sounds that cartoon natzee, it's because it is.
But whatever. I'll let you kids get back to your Ironmarch edgelord thread.
and a hearty hello to you too fellow (((user)))
I've realized that only TRS shills do this.
This is what the polster doesnt understand. he hates every "race" other than his own which is understandable of course but the only reason he has so much interaction with all these other races and to an extent, so much hate, are because of ONE other race & tribe. for some reason he doesnt hate this other tribe, even though this one tribe is the antithesis of everything he himself is. maybe he doesn't believe it exists because how can something evil exist if oneself is good? because the gentile was never evil he couldnt understand that something evil could exist and thus the jew slowly but surely gained a hold of the gentile's mind and even became part of it.
Now he has lived so long with the parasite he has problems even remembering how life was like without the parasite and the parasite's values has become his own and he's even willing to defend them against attackers. still the gentile keeps his pride and touts his ingeniousness or idealism and although true he still has these features they are at the behest of the jew.
A low, disgusting race & tribe of vipers have taken over power over a superior and noble but naive race. This tribe control the minds of the higher creatures from birth to death but since the eternal good cannot see eternal evil nothing is done.
oh shit, meant to quote:
i also wanted to say:
The jews follow the old ways(well, their old ways, which are pettier than our old ways). They don't have any sentimental wrong-headed morality weighing them down. the gentiles have cultural christianity weighing them down and a confused set of universal moralism…
sanctity of life and all that. but really… how much value do evil have?
Unironically using the language of the enemy (accepting their framing.)
Promoting controlled opposition with a Jewish boyfriend.
Read enough.
OP should post this on his own blog. TRS is smart enough to know that promoting a genocide plan through their platform, will probably just get them killed first.
Shouldn't you be learning French, Varg?
okay and whos next once the niggers are dead? are we back to slavs? then italians? different germanic tribes? mass extermination is no way to make friends or maintain unity, because with a policy like that all anyone is going to be thinking is "am i next?"
What happens after we genocide all the non-whites? Its unrealistic to say we'd remain peaceful with each other forever. Much of our history is us fighting, killing and conquering each other.
Stop excusing your cuckoldry, you fucking nigger-lover
Jews occupy a singular place in western imagination chiefly because of the central role they have been assigned in the mythology of Christianity, as the people to whom god revealed himself and by whom he was subsequently betrayed.
At a New York rally in June 1938, Stephen S. Wise, president of the American Jewish Congress and the World Jewish Congress, told the audience, "I am not an American citizen of the Jewish faith, I am a Jew… Hitler was right in one thing. He calls the Jewish people a race and we are a race." Theodore Herzl, founder of modern Zionism, explained in his book “The Jewish State” that anti-Semitism is not an aberration, but a natural and completely understandable response by non-Jews to alien Jewish behavior and attitudes.
Judaism is the originator of the pernicious myth of patriarchal monotheism. The brutal god they invented is a repellent entity whose cruelty and capriciousness mirror the harshness of the ancestral desert nomadic environment. His malevolent presence is invasive: he demands ultimate authority over what foods you eat, what clothes you wear, whom you love and how, and the ways you think and feel. Even death cannot free you from his baleful influence. And his wiles could only be interpreted by an hereditary priestly caste who ruled their Jewish subjects absolutely. Contemporary Graeco-Roman deities by comparison left you free to live life as you saw fit, as long as you made the occasional token sacrifice to them.
Through Christianity and to a lesser extent Islam, knowledge of the dreadful Jewish god has been forced on every culture in every corner of the planet, at a terrific cost in human misery. Cursing mankind with this dreadful burden of intolerance and superstition is a fundamental reason why Jews are so despised wherever they travel.
The slippery slope not a valid argument, faggot. Stop trying to dress up your cuckoldrd egalitariansism in the form of concern for our race. You are not making an argument against exterminating non-whites in principle. All your doing Is saying that X might lead to Y therefore X should not occur. Your fear could only apply if you believed in universal egalitarianism and saw no distinction between races.
based as fuck
Imperium of Man when?
Not if you do genocide right :^)
We can't half ass things anymore.
Double dubs checked. Finish the job.
This. We must make a new religion. We cannot keep turning back to old ones.
This is always the argument for inaction and a plea for cowardice. We must make the leap and ignore it.
You fly into a rage when you see Scandinavian women run off with hardcore Muslim extremists, and you don't even fucking know why.
Religion is an incubator of culture: remove it and the void will soon be filled. Christianity, even with all its schisms, is a time tested, successful match with Western Civilization.
Something tells me you're not what you say you are.
This is his principle, the "other" from his "in group" will include other white nations, and so its logical for any white nation not in his direct in group to take that as the serious threat it is and decide whether a bunch of niggers in africa are more dangerous than a white neighbor with designs for total violent eradication against them. The only thing advocating for genocide does is drive whites apart
It would not surprise me. They are not the most extreme element out there, but they get noticed the most so it forces them to moderate their message sometimes. I don't expect any kind of discussion here about it though, just a thought.
Fucking hell these are weak memes
We don't have to genocide all Africans to stop that though. All we have to do is stop sending them food, medicine, and other aid, and their numbers will drop on their own.
Because domestication is the exact problem that led us here. We tried to domesticate niggers, they ruin our cities.
We tried to pacify muslims, thinking they would be too scared to come back. What they really did was lick their wounds and plot vengeance.
We tried letting the jews into positions of importance, using their intelligence to our advantage. They have become the source of all our problems.
We tried to use spics for cheap labor. They now threaten to outnumber us.
Domestication leads to resentment in the subjugated and apathy in the ruler. The slave obeys for a time, but plots rebellion against his master. That is why genocide is a better solution than slavery.
tl;dr: Give me liberty or give me death.
This meme needs to die. The data behind that is ambiguous at best. It was basically the 20th century version of global warming
t. environmental chemist
Not an argument
Yes, I am speaking from the perspective of the white race here. Does that make you mad, kike?
literally something I never said.
You argue like a fucking Jew. You clearly have no interest in arguing and would rather just act like an arrogant basic bitch college libshit, so how about splatter your brains on the fucking wall?
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you're not a kike shill, but you're totally wrong. The cucking of Christianity is just another symptom of the cucking of the West. A symptom, not a cause.
Not to mention that no right-wing anti-Christian movement could ever be successful (at least not in most white countries). Even Hitler recognized that in his writings
I have pictures too, faggot.
The only one I don't have is the one where it shows Christains and their overwhelming support on non-white immigration.
Retard, that's not even what he said or what you think he meant by that. You're just repeating the caricature of what they claimed he said, you're repeating what the media in France told their audiences.
I read the initial quote and he said – in the context of the controversy surrounding holocaust revisionists in France and the possibility of legal measures against them – that the gas chambers are a detail of history, that WW2 killed a ton of people and how people were killed isn't that important, and also that the State shouldn't decrete what the Truth is and the debate should be left to the historians, not the government.
That then was twisted by the media into JEANMARIELEPENDENIESTHEHOLOCAUST!
You're just another sucker who believed the lie.
Hitler held a purely pragmatic view of christainity. Hitler was not a christain. He saw the benefit of saying he was, and knew he couldn't just throw the frog into the boiling water.
I never said otherwise. I'm merely pointing out that you're attempting to do exactly what he was wise enough to (mostly) avoid doing
I recognize you, you're that autistic buffoon the sci-fi nerd with an imperialism + genocide fetish. Whites could become a minority in the United States in a few decades but you think it's more important to talk about how cool it would be to conquer the whole world and eliminate all the non-white races. Congratulations, you're just another useless retarded LARPer. Go gas yourself.
Positive Christianity even implies that normal Christianity is negative. That's what so funny about the "but Hitler was a Christian meme".
If Hitler really was a Christian who recognized Christianity as something good for the Third Reich as claimed by the shills, he would not have seen a need to create Positive Christianity in the first place.
I'm not going for an irreligious movement here. I understand that the masses NEED a god, where the leaders don't, but I disagree that it needs to be a foreign one.
Did you even read that article?
Or maybe I should've read your post right, sorry about that
LOL nigger, even the Nazis didn't want to exterminate all the non-aryans. You're pathetic.
Yet another thread that proves Holla Forums is by majority cucks.
You're pathetic, Americuck. Whites were 30% of the world then, we're barely 10% now. Times have changed.
Okay, now this defiantly a confirmation that 8/pol/ is fucked.
TRS was a fucking mistake.
Funny, nothing in your post seemed to actually refute OPs article.
What's more you observe that the white race is in decline and inching closer to extinction and for some reason this is grounds to dismiss OP's hardline racism. Why? Are all of the more moderate forms of racism doing such a great job at preserving the Europoid's genetic lineage? No. You don't win any elections or wars by concern-trolling yourself to death. So already your post reeks of (((alternate-agenda))).
You seem a bit triggered sir. Perhaps you doth protest too much?
They are sheep. If we can seize the organs of propaganda, we can create a new "crisis" and bring their childish emotions to the boiling point. The sheep will never approve strategic aggression (the best and wisest kind) but they will approve defensive or vengeful aggression.
Racial separation will automatically lead to natural tribalist thinking - when Britain partitioned India, giving birth to Pakistan, it created eternal hostility between the groups.
The key is the propaganda organs: media and universities. Takeover, destroy or bypass.
What the author fails to recognize is the profound differences between competitor and cooperator groups. Not everyone is meant for the same role, ergo not everyone will be identical. To use their example, you'll want an ectomorph sometimes and a mesomorph others. To compare it to a competitor group such as races is absurd. All the listed "counter-examples" are rightfully not proposed because they are not competitor groups.
Soldiers don't go to war with generals, but armies go to war with each other.
Is this OC, user? If not, who the fuck is this guy? I've never read shit like this before.
The chance of miscegenation when nonwhites don't exist is 0%.
genocide is escapable. We're under no obligation to murder our enemies. They can inherit the Earth–when we abandon it.
meanwhile waxing on about genocide misses that most of our enemies we can destroy just by withdrawing our support for them.
I have, from a Jew Ironmarch poster that used to shill his "Aryanism" on 4chons /new/. He had a website for it too, nothing but another way to push race mixing.
Aryanism was started by somebody affiliated with JAM Jr., not a jew or anybody from Iron March.
Joshua "Trollberg" Goldberg has written a fantastic (that is, "full of shit") article for TRS urging the goyim to absolutely discard any notion of morality or benevolence whatsoever - because nothing screams "sanity and mental health" like accusing White Nationalists who merely desire to have a country for their own people of being too lukewarm and possible cuckolds for not clamoring 24/7 to spill the blood of some benighted Bushmen tribe or bomb into oblivion random Australasians on the other side of the globe for shits and giggles.
Using the doubtlessly impeccable logic of "my genes are better than yours because they're mine and not yours, therefore I'm obligated to butcher your ass", Goldberg has demonstrated that no, murdering the family living across the street and cannibalizing on their children is NOT in fact "wrong", since, as it were, resources are limited and my family is just more valuable to me than your family because I share many more genes with them, thus it is morally justifiable for me and my kin to devour you and your family - lzozozozl "might makes right".
Alas, Goldberg's newfound Gospel of ethnic collective psychopathy may induce any 19th century Pan-Teutonist to conclude, logically, that "muh genetic interests" demand the wholesale extermination of those rotten Celts to the West - no worries though, it's the Current Century and there's just no way any sinister demagogue would take advantage of the "inevitability of genocide" to target Slavs, Italians, Greeks, and eventually every other outgroup whose resources he covets and whose "alien" genes are at risk of causing pollution as arbitrarily defined by himself. Well, since the slippery slope is but a logical fallacy, ye goyim, nothing could go wrong and no White Man will ever find himself on the wrong side of a rifle, Goldberg asserts assuringly. No "real" White Man, that is.
Morality Shmorality, we must secure the existence of our people by de-populating a bunch of distant islands and miserable swamps in remote continents because "why not?"
Goldberg hasn't been released.
Morrakiuh, Jazzhands and Habberstram are pretty good, but Enoch and Seventh son are cucky normalfags
All three of them are "fashy lolbergs", but at least Morrakiu is open about it and doesn't LARP like the other two.
This is correct. We need to replace Christianity and all other old religions with a new one, where the masses worship their own race, rather than any god. People should worship the ideal of the Aryan overman, the idea that we can achieve a godlike state through struggle and improving yourself.
Daily fucking reminder to anyone who buys into the LARPapagn D&C shilling that the only thing that would replace Christianity if it went away is Islam; and that paganism can be as cucked as the most cucked church out there.
Dubs denied. Filtered. Eat shit kike zombie worshipper.
Here is an archive of the article in the OP
Well then, by your own logic, we should embrace Islam.
If the only choices are Christcuckoldry to the Jew and eventual destruction or adoption of a foreign Jewish faith to avoid destruction…. Well, hah, Christcucks, you really have no argument here - you already cucked out to the Jew once to avoid destruction, you might as well do it again to avoid destruction, right?
Protip: Every ideological stance has outliers that are shit – but which is more common: self-identified pagans who are trash, or self-identified christcucks who are cucks?
Just based on numbers, the proportional contribution to cuckoldry on behalf of christcuckolds answers that question.
Let's be real though: Lots of shit could replace Christianity – you're just pushing this false meme to try to justify your support for Christcuckoldry.
I'm not even a Pagan, though I certainly identify more with them than I do those who espouse a foreign Jewish religion and believe they are going to employ that foreign Jewish religion to free their people from foreign Jewish control.
I'm a neutral observer, and I'll be the first to say that ancient paganism is not the answer to our needs – though some of its material might have use going forward.
The same is true of Christcuckoldry.
Yet, in both cases, neither ascribant can admit to the reality of their chosen cult-structure – but, unlike the pagan, the christcuck is espousing a ideology that derives DIRECTLY from Jews, from Judaism, and yet still deny it to be so. And if there's one thing I can't stand more than any other, its White people refusing to acknowledge their associations with Jewry.
Vast majority are hardline nationalists who completely want to eradicate all forms of degeneracy. While majority of Christians definitely are tolerant cucks.
Simple. You sell it to them the same way the kikes sold them cuckoldry. ie. "Slow-boiling the frog", as it were. We merely need to shift the Overton Window far enough Right that the total genocide of all non-whites seems a reasonable compromise in comparison.
OP here. I've gotten a great insight on Holla Forums's perspective on this, thank you all. Bit surprised at how many anons won't give it the thought it deserves - an inevitable consequence of our conditioning. Going to respond to some of the more valid criticisms.
religious flame war fags pls go i'm trying to have a srs discussion here :c
My only beef is that they deleted it. Are you going to be honest about what you believe, or continue to deceive oneself? TRS is always the one trying to shame us about being cowards - look what we have here.
Likely. Or until we have reached such a point that genetic differences and competition are negligble. America is a good example - very few Americans regard even Italians or Greeks as nonwhite.
Biology does not make friends or unity. The only thing that matters is whomever is more fit to thrive in the current environment. Should Italians, just as an example, wish to survive, they will be aligned to us, despite our differences. If they become a problem, well, that's a shame. They shouldn't have become a problem.
Nice Ad-hom. Literally not a single argument
I actually didn't write this article, though it's a truth I came to about a year ago. Was amazed to see it expressed.
Obviously you don't have to go full retard with how you preserve your spot at the top of the totem pole. Simply dis-encourage the other from breeding and encourage your own to breed. I suggest you look back to the previous posts on my ID: the Americans did a phenominal job with the native north americans. Reduce their food supply to enough to maintain their current population levels, having only 1 or 2 children. Do not let them interact with your society. Do not let them stop being the other. Eventually the other gets caught in a downward spiral and suddenly there's only a million left.
We need to depopulate Asia, for example, lest they realize that they have the men and material to do it to us
Always one genocide from Utopia.
Sage this shit. Nice try FBI
Try ALT+F4 instead.
Lad, were I FBI I'd tell you to go blow up a federal building. We have no means to restart natural selection as-is, and anybody wishing to do so before we've taken power is fooling themselves.
After we take power, we must simply all be on the page of what we are mandated to do. Get all of this infighting out of the way while our movement is a bunch of guys typing in their spare time between JoJo episodes.
And what exactly are we mandated to do?
Like any other creature of nature, compete and attempt to establish as much hegemony over as much of our competitors as we can.
The most striking example is the Asians. There's a billion chinese, and eventually they're going to realize they don't need to do this whole let's all hug eachother thing. We may wish to cooperate with them, but the only way we can assure that we are never under their boot is by rendering them unable to put on a metaphorical boot.
If the best defense is a good offense, why is it that on matters of biological competition, we insist that offense is too far? Somebody's going to press that button when they're able to, and if it's not us, we die.
It is obvious that at least 5 billion people will need to be culled from the earth. It is simple math that we cannoy sustain this level of population with the available resources. It is our job to ensure that mosy of those culled are non-white. And we also need to make sure that all Jews are exterminated. This is a moral imperative.
I think Lawrence Murray is not opposed to it, but he is very practical. His writings tend to be about stuff that we need to do right now, not pie in the sky fantasies of genocide somewhere down the line in the future. The fact is, we are in no position to implement anything like this and discussing it is basically larping at this point. We need to focus first in overturning the liberal world order first before we can even think about conquering the world or destroying our enemies.
kill the jews. they were the original poison and they are the poison today. the whole reason you are even in this situation is because of the jew. yet you hate everyone else because it has been conditioned in you by the jew media you claim to be so wise to.
if you want to kill the rest of the people based on some race percentage or something count me out because im a mix and i dont hate anyone but the jews; and so do every other race on this planet; at least in this we all stand united.
You presuppose that they are thinking exactly like you in terms of becoming a dominant race with the same intellectual clarity that you do. Hence you are guilty of attributing the same intellectual and morals values to others that you ascribe to yourself.
If you believe that there is no conscious thought involved in this hostile takeover on your part, then why are you afraid?
Just saying genocide isn't the answer. The fact that I have to type that sentence means I don't think I'm gonna be browsing Holla Forums much longer into the future.
Of course the christfag would be opposed to genocide. Follow your Jewish god and kill yourself, faggot.
Spencer isn't part of TRS.
The world is not a pissing contest, you goddamned idiot. Don't fucking give your enemies resources.
Again, it is simply math. We cannot sustain these global population levels without creating ecological disaster. Either we cull the herd or mother nature will do it for us. Our duty is to make sure it is not our people who are culled. I don't think killing off everyone else will be necessary, but global white hegemony is necessary. As long as the other groups are kept in an inferior position with no real power, then there is no problem.
Guess who lost.
They aren't Marxist, dumbass. In fact, Marxists support growth of the third world.
Fucking what!?
You don't know much about chinese if you don't think they would take the chance to conquer the world for their own. If we don't do it, they certainly will. Personally, I don't want to see the world ruled by a bunch of disgusting subhuman amoral chinks. It is a moral imperative that whites must work to become dominant on earth.
DDT actually isn't a problem. Silent Spring was kike bullshit. I would have said PCBs which were and are more widely used.
All of them are a problem.
No DDT isn't a problem, it doesn't do what they said it does, and by the way we still use it indoors in the US to kill pests, they only prohibited it for use on crops. And no it doesn't thin bird eggshells either, that was actually a viral disease which was going around at the time, a mere coincidence.
I do.
When has white flight ever worked?
Yes we are. The reason white flight never works is because we never send the message that parasites will not be tolerated.
War has different rules.
I am prepared to genocide the juden for their crimes against us. Every one of them must die.
The other races not so much. They will be left on Earth when we conquer the galaxy.
Globalists, kikes, and many marxists support depopulation, and use the general cultural marxist love for the 3rd worlders as the tool to do it. Exporting all the surplus crops from 1st world to create their shitskin army to destabilize us.
I personally would like to have less population, but that doesn't mean the carrying capacity of the environment is that low. If you can prove your point with basic logic, or arguments from non-leftist sources, I'm willing to listen.
No they wont. The main reason it is desirable to push the genocide meme into the zeitgeist is not because of possible future competition per se (though, this is a large concern), it is about the type of highly competitive mindset it will instill in the general populace. I don't actually think it will be logistically possible to "purge" the earth and maintain a secure tactical position. The resources to kill muh six gorrillion alone, as Holla Forums well knows, reaches absurd degree and will likely never happen. It will, however, foster a much, much more fit mindset of "us vs them", which is the default state of human instinct for a damned good reason.
Forgot to expound upon this.
Failure to imbue the aforementioned "us first" as a moral foundation will ultimately lead to space cucks importing talking gorillas from Planet of the Apes in an attempt to "uplift" them, just as our ancestors had previously tried with niggers, leading us right back to where we are now.
It is absolutely imperative that we destroy slave morality at its roots.
I don't agree.
#1 Advocating positions more extreme than what we actually want is not an intelligent strategy for us. It works for someone like Trump who is shifting the Overton window to match popular sentiment. If we want true revolutionary change our goals need to be achievable, clearly stated, and strongly supported.
#2 You've already conceded defeat if you think that we can't erase the jew from this planet. Nothing is beyond our reach if we are unified and spiritually healthy. This isn't LARPing. We absolutely have to kill them all. Kicking them out of our countries is pointless, they will always return.
The guy's written some ok articles, nothing great but some decent stuff.
Talking about creating viruses to wipe out non-Whites is a less than ideal solution to a very serious and real problem, which is the nonstop breeding of shitty races. Nigeria went from 140 to 190 million people from 2006 to 2015 alone, think of how that larger trend is going to work out when these countries' shitty economies can't even come close to providing enough jobs, leading to conflicts from which every dumb broad in the West and plenty of others will weep and cry about how we need to help the poor refugees from these conflicts in a never ending flood of subhumanity that will dwarf the 2015-2016 non-White invasion of Europe.
Even if we got our countries back and removed 95% or 100% of the non-Whites in them, and built walls to keep them all out, the endless breeding of these savages would test the will of future generations, provide environmental catastrophes, and simply poison the purity of this Earth by having ugly, stupid, unnecessary billions and billions of these idiots.
I don't think it'll require some kind of evil hand-rubbing 12 Monkeys virus, but we damn well start thinking more like Margaret Sanger and less like George the faggot "AIDS initiative" Bush. Niggers who breed out of control because their children die at fish-like rates don't stop when Doctors Without Borders and Oxfam and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation idiots show up and start saving them by the hundreds of millions with food and medicine. They still have 9 children, causing more problems, hunting more animals to extinction (which only "evil whitey" tries to stop, as the superstitious Chinese are complicit in the black market of rare animal parts).
However it's done, through refusing to "help" them, providing mass birth control, or any other means, if we don't slow down and somehow reverse the breeding of this Global South pile of shit humanity, there is nothing that will stop it from simply destroying everything in a mindless low iq rage brought on by the conniving kikes who have all the intelligence in the world, but no wisdom at all, unless literally destroying the world a la Maurice Samuel was their plan all along.
Once again you say both the Chinese and Whites have an end goal that involves world domination and destruction of the other party.
Do you believe they have equal capability to do so? Would they rule the world in the same way?
do you think that other races are just not capable of acting in their natural interest?
Yes, ultimately, even if they are not aware of it.
The very existence of other groups puts them in competition with one-another. It's inevitable that one of them realizes it once there's no longer enough of the world's resources to go around.
It doesn't matter if they do.
Africa, for example, is projected to have 4 billion niggers by 2050. They might not have equal capability to exterminate their competition, or understand the concept of competiton, but that's a massive percentage of world population being brought up. China's already 1/7 of the world population and India as well. It doesn't matter what their capability is if they're outnumbering you. The Neanderthals were completely superior humans, yet the Cro-Magnons simply bred faster than them and pushed them into irrelevance. We're not so different.
I did not say xenocide was a position I do not advocate, I said that it is, for the most part, not an immediate concern and that there are psychological reasons one should hold such
a position.
No, the public most definitely is not prepped to empathize with my position. I do agree with the decision to pull the article…for the time being.
It always works and is a necessary component to success. If a merchant always sold his wares at-cost he would go bankrupt very fast.
That's my entire point. Failure to follow our eugenic and Darwinian principles to their natural conclusions will only end in philosophical defeat.
I didn't say we couldn't and definitely not that we shouldn't. I only commented that the idea that a nation could do so while fighting the most immense war in human history is laughable. You'd need to devote a large part of your military and political capital to that end.
What I was actually trying to get across is that an immediate and violent culling of ALL aliens and once or in quick succession is untenable. The Darwinian win-state takes many generations to achieve. To accomplish this we have to be as certain as possible that Cuck cannot creep back. To achieve this, I argue that we should, when it is appropriate to do so, push xenocide as being desirable.
What I really want to know is why you are so eager to exterminate the Jews (rightfully so, I might add) but draw the line at increment destruction of the other parasite breeds and our real competitors?
For the time being, yes, they absolutely do. Having both the will to conquer and despoil foreigners the the freedom from moralistic opposition to genetic research makes them a very serious threat.
Good luck trying to do any of this. I don't think there has been a single successful violent genocide in all of human history. And now with non-white populations being as high as they are, even if america, and every european state became fully white, and then joined together in such an endeavor (good luck convincing the vast majority of normies to go along with this, even in a white ethno-state), they would still fail because of the sheer scale of such an undertaking. Every nation that isn't completely third world would resist in an endless bloody war that would decimate the european population. Literally the only way to commit any kind of extermination ever, especially in the modern world, is through total nuclear annihilation. That means the target landscape will be contaminated, and maybe the environment as a whole. But first of course you will have to somehow magically disarm non white nuclear nations. Anyone who thinks any of this is somehow possible, and isnt a far fetched fantasy, is beyond delusional. The only competition we would ever have is from the east asians, maybe India if they ever get their shit together, no pun intended. Africans and sandniggers pose absolutely no threat when they are forced to remain in their own landscapes. At the very least you could simply prevent them from leaving their continent, and restrict all aid, they would eventually decimate themselves.
Most of human history was violent genocide and the second we stop sending aid to the third world at least 2 billion niggers will die. The fact that you don't know these things shows you need to fucking lurk more.
I said successful genocide, as in complete extermination of a race or ethnicity. Never happened through purely violent means. Give me one example where one group managed to physically wipe out another group simply by killing them to the last man, woman, and child.
Which is what I wrote, but I think you didn't read very well.
Itt: cuckstian asshurt.
Nice post OP. People who don't agree will hang.
What does that even mean? Do you mean replace it with the same level of effectiveness or simply replace one morality with another?
No permutation of legalism (see also: Islam, Communism, Secularism) was able to achieve the same breakthroughs and developments in civilization that Christianity did. Whatever tenuous stability we have now is owed to Christian philosophy. Once it's gone, so are we–and so are all of the useful idiots who're going out of their way to tear it down.
Not even paganism has the cultural or metaphysical resources to stymie or halt the spread of tyranny since, by it's very nature, paganism is a morally relativist prototype. While the Church has been infected by morally relativist postmodernism, you cannot claim the doctrine itself is simpatico with its effects and belief systems. It's the people who've been corrupted. Not the faith. It's the people who were weak. Not the Philosophy.
Good clarifications, agreed.
Two reasons. Most importantly, the other races are not inherently evil and inherently opposed to truth. They may not have the same respect for truth that we do, but they don't naturally stand against it.
The second reason is I don't even view them as legitimate competitors. We already have plenty of land. In my opinion, trying to exterminate the chinks (for example) would cost us more than we would gain. It is possible for us to live in peace with every other race, provided they aren't among us.
The only thing you bunch of edgy larpings cucks have done is help FBI push a violent and extremist narrative over any intelligenece and valid criticism of current democratic system that this board could help propagate.
Just leave schlomo
Any more emotionally charged buzz words you'd like to enlighten us with?
"Prez Jeff Davis" has only written 3 other articles. He may have been a plant who somehow gained publishing access and used it to disrupt TRS and justify violence against rightists.
PR in the streets, autism in the board
We kill our enemies. We send the rest off to their respective countries.
Advocating genocide is fucking retarded. We have neither a nationalist country nor a white super majority in the US. Arguing this is beyond stupid. The white nationalist position in the last few years has been cultivated as an intelligent and pragmatic one. We have been offering reasonable solutions that don't discount war. You absolute fucking morons are trying to toss that all away and become the ultimate boogeyman that the left and it's nonwhite coalition will squash instantly under the moral imperative of, "look! The Nazis really are the genocidal maniacs we always said they were!" Do you guys understand how fractured we are? We can't afford to adopt positions that even the edgiest of right wing communities are a little unsure of.
Mark my fucking words. If this position of non-ironically supporting genocide gets a strong foothold around right wing communities, it will cripple them. A country for whites is not beyond the pale for the most basic bitch of whites, but advocating genocide is beyond the pale for nearly 99% of whites. If we adopt this position unironically, we're fucked. We're fucked as an intellectual and credible movement
Why do you think being a republican is something worthy of praise?
Given how badly they got BTFO, yeah I think we can be smarter and more ruthless than the nazis.
TBH I think a lot of their writers are just prominent namefags who don't want to have X article attached to their namefag
It's the logical conclusion of accepting that darwin doesn't stop at sentience. You don't have to like it, but you can't pretend it's not true. Doesn't mean we should advocate it - yet - but you have to understand what your ideals really are and why they are right, or you're just pretending t have them
All that pic shows is your own bias
It's an obvious conclusion that the races are in fact biological competitors, and somebody will win. Someone has to if humanity is going to continue advancing into the stars, multuculturalism isn't gonna cut it out there, and neither will most races. If anyone but whites or maybe Asians wins out, humanity is doomed to a slow death.
I'd say they were remarkably formidable, but were severely outnumbered.
"Muh pr" leaves room for executing enemies, displacing people's, eradicating jewery in the US, and being a sovereign people. What about my position do you take issue with? That i don't think it's wise for long term goals to advocate for killing every last nigger?
Just want to let all the self obsessed TRScucks in this thread know that
You are not welcome here
And neither is your "muh pr" arguments or your demoralisation faggotry. Just go back to where you came from and stay there. You've already proven time and time again that not only you are a gaggle of homosexual namefags, but you want to subvert this board for attention and money. You guys are so easy to spot as well.
Welcome to Holla Forums, now get out.
I never said to go argue on lefty blogs about the imperative of genocide, lad. Your post looked like you're scared to realize what the truths you've discovered means and don't want to embrace it. What I'm saying is while we advocate for these things strategically as the situation dictates, but when we take power we all need to be on board with what our state marches towards.
Also, relevant TRS trigger material. Keep punching to the right ya cucks.
I don't find genocide morally defensible. If our state marches towards any goal, I want it to be to the benefit of our people, and not to the detriment of others.
Between the us, Canada, Europe, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Whites have plenty of resources to pull from. Plenty of opportunities to pursue. We don't need to step foot in other countries to destroy them. It's silly.
And if any non-white country picks a fight, then fucking raze them to the ground. That will be the new selection process on planet earth.
what kinda fancy expensive ammo is this nigger using? that shit should be 22-26cents a pop. maybe as low as 18 in bulk
Do not be concerned with which race is the most morally pure. Such a thing is impossible to determine. You need to understand that population level conflicts operate on immutable laws which your moral code, which is designed for personal interactions, cannot account for. It is also not acceptable to discard the thought of destroying all those whom are not immediately opposed to us. There is no telling where they may stand in the future. In extremely large scale competitions, such as genetic conflict, only pure Machiavellianism has any chance of success. Anything else – especially moralism – leaves the fate of an entire breed in the hands of a few extremely fallible individuals.
We must destroy the Jew, for he has shown himself over the course of thousands of years to to be dedicated to weakening and now to destroying our people, just as we must steel ourselves to the thought of destroying those with whom we are currently aligned and we must quietly maneuver ourselves into positions from which we may successfully counter betrayal. Betrayals which are absolutely inevitable, as a state of eternal harmony requires absolute perfection. This, of course, is completely impossible.
nice dubs!
This was a good article, I've felt same for years. sage for TRS
It shows the collective opinion of Christian demographics, which is what was requested.
Reccomend you read the rest of the posts on this ID.
Their existence is picking a fight. This is the stark reality of genetic competition.
Their existence is within our borders. Diversity combined with proximity is a recipe for conflict.
I have not issue with pygmies. Who gives a fuck about them. Because they aren't next door. I hate spiders when they are in my house, and I squish every last one of them. But I can care less if they're crawling around elsewhere.
Let's separate ourselves before we try more drastic means.
You sure have a high opinion of yourself
And should those means not work?
No, just 20something posts and I already argued this same point laddi
Post meant for
Wouldn't want to deny a worthy lad his (you)s
Bears cannot wield tools.
Bears cannot operate firearms.
Bears cannot build nukes.
Bears cannot engineer viruses.
Bears will likely not be uplifted by geneticists "So we can all be equal, yay!"
All humans can wiled tools and firearms.
Many races can build nukes.
More than one race can engineer viruses.
There is no guarantee that all the rest will not be genetically enhanced to do such things as well.
Bears are not a real threat. All other humans are.
the thing that will kill all the jews once and for all and topple the power pyramid is flat earth. oh and btw, everyone thought it was retarded at first
Then we neutralize them in war.
Are you implying we'd lose?
What is with this selfcucking that all you faggots want to do by letting these subhumans become a trap for future generations?
They just love to kick that can. Must be Boomers.
The civic nationalists have split from the altright due to Dickie Spencer giving a toast with his right hand.
i believe genocide would solve many problems, but genocide as a solution is a non-starter. If you can't reason out why, then you're hopeless to begin with
Give me a fucking break faggot. There's "muh pr" and then there's "maybe we shouldn't advocate the extermination of all non-whites". Jews need to go, period. But we can live in peace with the other races, until such time as we conquer space and leave them behind.
I only attack the Jew and exoteric Christian gods, not the real God.
I think that you overstate the disease threat, as the vast majority of the dead would be the non-whites themselves. A major disease outbreak in the third-world would be overwhelmingly to our benefit. Other than that, I fully support your sentiments.
Civic nationalists and peaceful white-separatists are now in the mainstream. The ideological vacuum which has opened on the far-right will inevitably be filled by genocidal white-supremacists. Even if genocidal white-supremacists fail to acquire much political traction in the near future, the movement is necessary in order to continue pushing the Overton window in the direction of European interests. It is an undeniable fact that we benefit nothing from the continued existence of non-whites, all anti-genocide arguments eventually boil down to "muh Christian morality".
I would go slightly further than you have gone. You fail to mention that the final phase of this ideological movement will be the extermination of East Asians, our only real continental competitors. There is no rational reason to give East Asians an exemption from extermination, if anything, they are the most dangerous of the gentile non-whites. They can copy our technologies, and with the help of genetic engineering, they have the potential to eventually surpass us.
Also, any future articles should include objective evidence of European genetic superiority, such as the attached pics. Cucks will be less inclined to counter-signal your ideas if you hammer home the genetic gulf between Europeans and the lower-races.
C'mon now, we're going to have to control Muslims with violence and the populations of Africa and Latin America pose significant ecological threats.
All other options have been tried before you are all just being delusional.
bitch please
I don't have a smug enough chinese cartoon to reply to such are pee…
I've been doing that this whole thread, but okay.
Probably. But only the jews have earned genocide. I don't think preemptive genocide is an appropriate policy for us to adopt.
I'm implying if we win, we make sure that we don't ever have to fight the same war again. An enemy wiped off the face of a planet is one you never have to face again. Ceasar spared those who he defeated and was stabbed for it. Augustus killed everybody who had a possibility of being a threat and lived 50 more years, dying peacefully for it. An enemy spared is an enemy who will fight you again, given enough time.
Definitely. They are the greatest threat to our continuted hegemony. I'd even argue that they go first, but I'd rather establish white rule over the rest of the world first to shore up our numbers.
I don't agree with that at all, but I don't know about deleting it, it's actually a thing that needs to be talked about and moving the Overton Window to the right never hurts.
Pic is TRS' perfect country. The black dot was on the purple but it flip the fuck out and went off the graph when I lifted all restrictions on fag rights.
Last I checked, the standard position of Republican Christians is that there is only one race, the human race, created by God, and Dems R Real Racisses.
Lo and behold, the anti-TRS faggot, the most retarded group of this entire board.
Can't even understand this thread is a prime chance for him.
So many autistic cuckchanners triggered becuase someone insulted them and their warhammer imperialist deleusion
Nazis didn't live through the times we do, they had limite contact with non-whites, we've had non-whites down our throats every day of our lives.
I just don't think the other races are inherently evil. There has to be good cause for wiping an entire race which has existed for tens of thousands of years off the face of the Earth. "They might threaten us in the future" isn't good cause.
When nuclear weapons are involved we need to tread carefully. The exception is Israel, which must be annihilated regardless of the cost.
Of no consequence, apply the logic of the MSM.
Money=USA Dar Al-Saud
ISIS =/= Dar Al-Saud
MSM=Dar Al-Saud
Shove a rifle up your ass and sit on the trigger.
It's not even that they have to be inherently evil, it's that by not fufilling our role as the superior species we are pretending not to be subject to natural selection, and letting the genetic shitshows continue to reproduce unabated. It's denying a fundamental law of nature. To put this in AnCapistani terms, we're opening up a market inefficiency in the genetics market by subsidizing the existence of less competitive companies.
It's not moral. It's not just. But it's the cold reality of evolution, and to deny it we doom ourselves until somebody embraces it.
Hate to break it to you, but biological competition is a zero-sum game as it operates in a field of finite territory and resources.
STFU Iran, unless you cherish your immaculate archaeological heritage
Still operating in that slave morality, I see. It's appropriate because it's necessary.
This is a matter beyond good and evil. Good and evil is baby thinking, to be honest, few thing are one or the other.
A slave would resent a symbol of his(or hers) subjugation, like say the.. tomb of Noah, Palmyra and the legal procedures of the Unites States.
I agree. More to this point; I am largely of Slavic ancestry and even though I like Nazi aesthetics and use Nazi memes, I am not a Germanic nationalist as Hitler was, a German victory in WWII would have likely been unfavorable to my genetic stock. With that said, modern knowledge of group-differences allows us to point out Hitler's greatest mistake; in 1941 Hitler possessed the majority of the world's human capital, if Germany spent a few decades cultivating and growing the Nordic super-race, Germanic global victory would have eventually become inevitable. By 1960 the gulf in genetic capital between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union would have become insurmountable. For this reason, I believe that white nationalists should not take any chances against the East Asians, let us cut off all trade and academic relations with Asia, containing and stunting them while we colonize the third world and grow our human capital.
Once we get rid of kikes in our media, we will be able to make our own red-pilled cartoons. Nips will be obsolete.
before you shill out and abandon the thread with your obvious CTR esk post, tell me why, idc if you are beyond convincing, but you fags hate the alt-right and TRS and all those groups who care enough about the white race to leave their parent's basement and never give a fucking reason.
inb4 they are just fags, I know they are fags, but I don't think they would give that reason for their retarded thinking
Makes sense.
Any more extreme ideas we can float around for 10-20 ideas?
The nips have a very specific type of endearing wackiness I'm not sure we'll be able to replicate, though.
Besides, if we ever come to blows in another race war in the future, this means the means and methods of war will probably include us versus the Japs in a giant mecha war, which we'd win anyways and send the Nips back to their animu-mines anyways every odd century or so until they built their robot armies back up. Otherwise, we're going to get bored.
You are a massive faggot, being a imperialist cuck doesnt make you superior, its make incredibly foolish as you dont seem to understand how Global Empire under one race would backfired easily. Centralization of all power and influence without even though of a governmental system is stupid and if it had to be under a democratic systme it would be inherently flawed , The administration and management of civilization is already scaled way out of proportion in our current climate . You are overestimating heavily our capacity to regulate and manage a grand scale empire with our current tech.
Globalization would not only incredibly ineffective but also incredibly inefficient , i even would argue that we should decentralize and lower the scale that we currently most nations use.
You are quite insane, I must say.
Good post you can die last. Jk
Who's left then, just Richie and his merry band of implicit gloryholers?
Iudaei delenda est
And how, exactly, would it backfire?
Do you think there will be a democratic vote to make the world white? Top hej.
We'd likely see the same scenario we had with America and Britain once we're all done with it, the various white colonies splitting off and forming their own nations a-la the Boers/Afrikaners/Americans until we're able to move into the way future of space colonization LARPing.
He's saying you're insane because you're unable to recognize the flaw in your logic.
Will OP admit he is a disingenuous faggot as proved by >>8455071
With the exception of one race, amirite? From there on, one must drudge through a vast space of idioms qualifying ones own justification for existence, for which there is none apparent.
That is a 100% good enough reason unless you are a self-cucking faggot.
You are probably talking with he's the autistic warhammer cuck as pointed out by he usually use proxies to pretend multiple people support his idiotic narrative, he is that autistic
t. (1)
I've had all my posts save three on one ID in this thread :^)
self-cucking faggot
Watch "Invader Zim" for European style endearing cartoon wackiness. It is darker and more masculine style of wackiness, much more suitable to us than saccharine and feminine gook wackiness.
I find gook cartoons to be highly objectionable. The innate biological differences between our races are glaringly obvious in the revolting effeminacy of male characters in anime, and the screeching infantile neotony of female characters in anime. Neurologically and hormonally healthy Europeans find anime completely unpalatable.
Here. Paint this.
Trying to point out that globalization is not inherently bad in a board that has highlighted to dead the inherent flaws of globalization in the last past 2 years under the excuse of being white globalization is as stupid the commies saying venezuela is not socialism and socialism has never been implementede
I don't even have a problem with genocide. There is no emotional revulsion at the act, or sympathy for the potential victims, underlying my perspective here. But there are legitimate moral objections to just killing everyone that isn't White. In my opinion it is neither desirable nor practical to do so. That "practical" part is relevant when you consider the world landscape as it is today.
There is no logical contradiction in wanting the jews exterminated:
#1 They have proven to be a dangerous enemy.
#2 They have committed unspeakable crimes against our race, not out of stupidity or because they were goaded into it, but because of pure hatred. Because of their total opposition to truth. And they've done this on a racial, and not individual, level. We've tried to expel them many times, but they always worm their way back in. The solution is to kill them all.
lad smdh tbh
Read my post again and point out where I shilled for globalization.
Homegenization of people living on the planet =/= Globalization
An ethnicity occupying greater territories than it had previously is literally the opposite of all other ethnicities being shoved into one territory, you fucking sperg.
archived for epic bread
Slaves love their enslavement, they wouldn't know what to do if not enslaved, it's why they'll literally kill you if you try to free them. Take off their chains and they'll put them right back on and accuse you of trying to enslave them.
Wait.. are you talking about us or them? I'm confused.
the jews from the bible are not the jews living in israel today, they even admit that.
Soviet expansionism kinda forced Hitler's hand.
Can't tell if you're sperging out or actually have a legitimate point I'm missing
Globalization isn't an actual ideological movement, it is merely a politically-correct word that we use to describe the (((organized global movement))) to benefit non-whites at the expense of European peoples. There is nothing objectively wrong with centralized global power and homogeneity, so long as it is meant to benefit our people.
A super-smart Aryan such as yourself should have no problem telling which is which..
I see I can safely ignore opinion completely.
For the sake of Peace, we really shouldn't speak about what took place in the heart of the tundra.
Wow, you really aren't from here.
ITT : Low functional autist arguing that is possible to genocide all other races under one country or coallition without alienating the other whites nations and without creating globalized empire in the process.
Warhammer is just sci fiction it will never happen you faggot need to go back to >>>/4chan/
How does TRS punch to the right? Just because they pulled the pro-genocide article doesn't mean they don't agree with it or think it's true. If I were running a large group to convert normies, I would pull it too, even though it's objectively correct. Do you not understand the Overton Window, friend? I listen to them all the time, and they don't "punch to the right." In fact, they specifically say "no enemies to the right."
You are not interested in objective truth yourself if you interpret the decision not to put forth the most extreme material in every group as disagreement, or even so far as hatred and "punching."
I am about tired of hearing this kind of nonsense. None of you are even close to objective who keep ripping on TRS. You're all either retarded or shilling. NO ENEMIES TO THE WHITE OF ME. So long as they keep pushing influence towards the truth, they are fine.
You fucking autist
Variation in body type is not the same as variation in behavior based in genetic predisposition. Your analogy is shit. KYS.
You coudnt save your fucking shitposting board and had to come here ,please tell me again how a bunch of faggots that coudnt even dox the cuckchan mods are going to take over anything.
The Gobi desert and the middle of the Atlantic considered, there is no more inhospitable environment than the tundra. Except if you want to include the fucking moon.
Good points, but I will suggest some in defense of the continued coexistence of nations:
First, many nations do have the resources necessary to sustain themselves. The USA, for example, could easily provide for its own people indefinitely, and indeed they could increase their population half over again without straining the bounties of their land. Are there limits to this growth? Of course, but those limits will not be overcome by taking more land from others; eventually you will conquer all the world and run up against its global limits, only to find yourself in an even worse position when there is nowhere left to conquer. Constant expansionism and population growth is not a viable way forward, and we must recognize that there is nothing wrong with a stable population. Consider the example of Japan: although much ado is made about their stagnating population, I propose that this is a completely healthy and natural response to reaching the limits of their territory's ability to sustain more people.
All nations can live in a similar fashion, within their means, indefinitely. The problem is not that Nigerians exist, it is that we artificially supply them with more than their true means, causing their population to inflate into a bubble that will someday inevitably pop. In this way, the problem you identify is not inherent, but caused by misguided and short-sighted altruism, and it could be avoided simply by allowing natural mechanisms to take their course. You call this "passive genocide," but I don't think ignoring and allowing whatever happens there happen can seriously be called genocide.
Man you jews are sure getting desperate.
They coined "1488er" and "purity spiraling".
Second, to your points about disease:
Realistically, these are problems that will likely be faced regardless of whether we genocide all other races in the world. New diseases will continue to evolve, and current ones will eventually develop resistances to our drugs (we can slow that process with responsible use, but not stop it). Indeed, genetic diversity within a species is helpful for fighting new diseases because the group initially affected is smaller than the entire species, giving some (if not most) members the chance to react in advance. A disease such as ebola for example, which is mostly deadly only to Africans, can be studied and cured before it ever becomes a serious threat to our own people.
This is admittedly a grave threat, but not one that can be solved by genocide. The process you describe (development, vaccination of the in-group, then distribution) could and still would happen even absent ethnic differences when (not if) ideological splits fracture the remaining group. Consider a split nation like Korea: the north could easily employ this technique against the south or vice versa without the interference of any foreign races. Similar hypothetical situations can and would arise even in an all-white world.
The problem is that the only way for us to not do that and have concerned whites kvetching about humanitarian concerns is to radically alter our psyche as a people to not care about their suffering. Whites are naturally altruistic, it's a fatal flaw of us, but I think one that's rooted in our genetics. As long as the Nigerians exist and are choking on their own shit-polluted waters, there will be whites who want to help them, who see injustice and want reform, etc, etc.
The only way to win that game is not to play. Remove any possibility of our people ever becoming infatuated with their pets, the other, and simply remove the pets.
Finally, "the environment." This one admittedly has no guarantees: in a world where Africans are free to do whatever they want to Africa, they cannot reliably be stopped from destroying it. There are certainly checks which can be imposed diplomatically, economically, and even by threats of force, but ultimately we could not control what they do to their own land, water, and air. However, I question whether this is a genuinely serious problem. Much kvetching has been made over climate change, but even if Africans burn every last drop of oil on the planet (and it will run out eventually) and fill their rivers with their own shit, I doubt it will do irreparable harm to the world as a whole or to whites living quite literally half the world away. Eventually, as it always does, our technology will trickle down to them and they will use the same superior sustainable methods we will come to use (albeit behind schedule).
As one last point, consider the history of the world until this point: we've existed on our side of the world while Abos have lived in Australia for 100,000 years, never much bothering each other until very recently. Rapid travel options and the internet provide challenges to this peaceful coexistence, but I don't think they need to doom it entirely.
What is this?
A self-referential mental paradigm for ants?
The thing about Nigerians choking on their own shit is that to be honest we inflicted that on them through the very altruism we continue to employ. First it was imperialism and the "white man's burden" to raise up the savage, then "humanitarian aid" to do basically the same thing from a distance without direct rule. Prior to European involvement most Africans lived a pretty stable (if mediocre) existence, maintaining themselves on the resources they were able to produce, again similar to Japan today. Leave Africa to undergo a natural, necessary period of cutting back, and it will stabilize into a society that doesn't even need constant help.
The Igboo people are doing very well for themselves, thank you very much.
Fuck off retard.
Essentially yes
You don't belong here
Do they even pay you to shill this hard?
Nice off topic posts btw,
I had posted several times in this thread but it made me enter in another code when I posted.
My mistake, it must have been on another board when I entered in another captcha
I know nothing about TRS, I usually try to ignore the threads on it because there is so much shilling for it or against it.
Can somebody tell me why exactly so many on Holla Forums don't like it? From a quick look over their site and random pages, it seems to agree with Holla Forums on some things, and the fact that they are "pro-white" and anti-anything not white.
I seriously would like to hear from both sides, as unbiased as possible is preferred.
Wew lads too much transvaluation in this thread for me.
/trs/ is a real board that had some threads on the subject. Shilling here generally gets you placed on the shitlist.
Start by listening to this.
IM guys went there to call it a "fag fest" or point out their ex-libertarian pre-WN leanings from 2012 to split people off to join IM. They've been here since then astroturfing a false consensus against the site, very poorly I might add, as anyone who's seen their constant reposting of meh screencaps and other drama-causing faggotry has probably noticed.
There's also Renegade people who think TRS is insufficiently into the treespiracy or flat Earth or are Christian anti-feminists or whatever generic charges they've brought up.
There's also the traditional Holla Forumslack view that everything outside Holla Forums is e-celebbing or Jew shills or whatever.
The people that are against it tend to not be serious and just like causing drama, that's why they don't really even attempt to look convincing but pretty much resort to "lol shutup fag" and reposting the same not particularly damning screencaps. It's pretty much the "white girls fuck dogs" crap doing their thing, NatSoc or WN or other causes aren't really their thing so much as being 24/7 X-box live trolls, they just enjoy joining the ADL in fucking with the far right for some reason.
You seem very well versed in subterfuge are you also a mod there?
TRS Isn't actually far right, it just pretends to be, would be my main complaint against it. I've had several far right people get kicked out of meetup groups… got being too far right. It's a joke.
Within white nationalism there exists an ideological spectrum. At one end are the peaceful white-separatists like Spencer and Heimbach, at the other end are genocidal white-supremacists, like many of the posters here on 8pol. I've listened to almost every episode of "The Daily Shoah" and "Fash the Nation", I would say that they are more extreme than Spencer but more moderate than 8pol. People with mortgages and families tend to be moderated by their responsibilities, so the younger NEETs on 8pol have no rational reason to moderate our views.
The alt-right can be characterized thusly:
50-60 years olds who are race realists and civic nationalists, and are moderate on the Jewish Question: Jared Taylor's Amren, Brimelow's Vdare, Steve Sailer's intellectual circle and John Derbyshire.
40-50 year olds who are more critical of Jews: forums.
30-40 year olds who are fully redpilled but still worry about Public Relations and are soft on the faggot question: TRS and NPI
20-30 year olds who have suffered the brunt of anti-white kikery and have little pity towards enemy races: A growing number of posters on 8pol, 4pol and TRS.
Point in case, this crowd is the equivalent of mental children and can be dismissed as such.
This is much more accurate.
No one is TRS is even influential, it's not like there's multimillionaires that are bank rolling them that they have to keep from spooking. They're engaging in self-limiting behavior.
Also you're a fag shilling for the cuck stuff, fuck off.
I wonder if it's only a (((coincidence))) they argue like kikes.
Some users from the TRS forums were caught shilling this place as well as halfchan Holla Forums. This created a divide between TRS and Holla Forums that hasn't yet healed and will likely never heal fully.
/polmeta/ threads:
Can we quit with this "TRS are the real intellectuals" because they have failed to prove they are anything other than pseudo-intellectuals who wouldn't know what wisdom was if they read all the books in existence.
I'm not shilling for anything, the guy asked a question and I answered with the correct response that the people he's referring to are of the mental capacity to say things such as "lol shutup fag."
Those same types have since responded "HAHAHAHAHAHA" and with your own "you're a fag," unnecessarily proving my point about your worth to the world being roughly equivalent to a nigger felon by virtue of your similar mental capacity and ability to articulate your points.
TRS are real intellectuals
t.Not TRS, who have been caught shilling here, btw the podcasts are really good
Pol pot
The rothschilds dynasty
The french monarchs
The subsequent reign of terror
Other monarchs
One thing is certain in history. Genocide.
We need a leader who can stop genocide.
I fear it is an unobtainable fallacy.
Redpill time.
The Torah reminds the Jews that they must never forget what Amalek did to them when they left Egypt on their way to the Promised Land. They were the ones who followed after the Israelites and killed all the feeble people. Most importantly, Moses tells us that Amalek "feared not G_d." He further tells Israel that when they have rest from their enemies surrounding them, that they should "blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven; thou shalt not forget it." (Deuteronomy 25:19)
You could count on Amalek to take advantage of Israel's errors, like when they started serving other gods in Judges 3. When Israel quit following the law, they lost the power to stand against their enemies. The Amalakites were among the tribes to cash in on Israel's foolishness.
Later on, Israel would be allowed to wreak vengeance on Amalek in I Samuel 15 when King Saul was ordered to kill them all (we now call it genocide). Saul carried out this order except that he did not kill King Agag (or apparently his family). This disobedience caused Saul to lose his kingdom. When it comes to Amalek, the LORD takes things very seriously.
True to his mission, Amalek has historically tried to destroy the Jews. The first traces of Amalek are found when they fought against the Jewish people as they left Egypt circa 1300 BCE, attacking the Jews out of pure hatred – Amalek lived in a distant land and was under no imminent threat (Exodus 17:8-15). Amalek resurfaced later in history, in a battle against King Saul (1-Samuel ch. 15). Again, Amalek arose headed by the wicked Haman who commanded an attempted genocide against the entire Jewish people, as recorded in the Book of Esther.
So what happened to Amalek after that?
Sennacherib, the King of Assyria, circa 500 BCE, mixed up all the nations (Talmud – Brachot 28a). When he conquered a country, he would take a large segment of the population and send them to other countries. This caused confusion among the population so they would never be able to muster enough strength to cause a rebellion. In this way, Sennacherib was able to retain control. Many of these peoples intermarried with each other and their old nationalities became mixed together. Amalek also was mixed in at this time. This means the identification of a particular individual or group, as Amalek by the means of genealogy is absolutely impossible.
Does Amalek exist today?
The story is told about the great Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, the revered spiritual leader who lived in the Old City of Jerusalem at the turn of the century. When the German Kaiser Wilhelm visited Jerusalem in 1898, Rabbi Sonnenfeld refused to greet him. He explained that the Kaiser exhibited the classic signs of Amalek (a tradition passed down from the Vilna Gaon).
Shockingly, the Talmud (Megillah 6b) identifies a nation called "Germamia" as the descendents of Amalek.
Thanks anons. Strange that they seem so hell bent on shilling on Holla Forums…and their "leader" is an out and out homo? I only like Milo as far as pissing off feminists, but he is still a (((homo)))
who sucks black cock, not very "conservative" in my view and shouldn't be praised as a leader for whites, he only serves a purpose for now…
And from what I read in that post on TRS, they could have written it a bit better or formatted it better, something about their site irritates me. Almost like it's from blogger, but some of the material is all right from a quick look, not exactly new information for anybody on Holla Forums though.
Have an authentic swastika lapel pin, I don't have a picture of the one in the OP though so that'll have to do for now until I find it.
Steve Sailer and some of the other old guys are the only legitimate intellectuals on the alt-right tbh. Mike Enoch and Lawrence Murray have the potential to become notable intellectuals in a few decades.
Just screams not legit to me, to be honest, you get used to how certain types of people argue after a while and generic shills here and anyone trying to play damage control for TRS just come off the same way to me.
You are a fag high on his own syphilitic farts, that is a factual statement.
Blogposts from TRS does not make them intellectual titans, I have yet to see serious research from them, either in the form of social network analysis or digging through documents.
The material they produce has second and third hand sources. It's not "serious" in any sense of the term.
But they certainly are scared of their own shadow and the sooner we start asking "What the fuck are we going to do when hundreds of millions of starving brown and black people want to take our country?" the better. And the answer will have to be more substantial than "LOL DRONES"
Afterall, genocide is all about logistics.
There was a holocaust even if it was blown out of proportion.
Leaders with a clear goal always end up culling the potential threats to their goal.
That is a constant in human history. No system has prevented that. The only solution i can think of is escaping to space and returning to sparsely spread population.
This evidence for "shilling Holla Forums" is several months and several years old examples of a small handful of people talking about talking about one site on another. It couldn't be more clear that the people who just so happen to be so concerned about this completely irrelevant "shilling" are looking for any excuse at all to screencap and push over and over and over again to reach the foreordained conclusion which just happens to drive a wedge between like-minded people. Hence your misinformation that Milo has the remotest thing to do with TRS, other than some kid with a TRS shirt who went to one of his stupid speeches, when podcast after podcast said TRS wants nothing to do with Milo. He's not a leader, he's not associated with TRS, it looks like they're not even trying anymore to be spreading such nonsense.
I would say that I'm sure 99% of genuine anons who aren't obsessed with slandering people 24/7 can see through this act. I would certainly hope so, the best these people can do is "lol ur just FAGS U FAGGOTS."
People can go there or not, "shilling" means "selling" something which means there's some sort of compulsive mechanism to force the money that these kids don't have out of their pockets. That's not a legitimate concern, this "shilling" is a fabricated problem to go "aha! caught you!" by reposting tired, stale, irrelevant old shit of one dude or a few dudes talking about Holla Forums on another site. These people are obsessed with gays but seem to be the only group in the universe that enjoys drama and gossip more than them.
In terms of intellectuals, I don't care about who is or is not an intellectual, I care about people who are serious about fighting for their race, rather than posting this brand of "HAHAHAHA UR FAG SHILLS" childish bullshit.
I can definitely understand why, after looking through some of the posts from them about shilling here.
IF they were actually with us/agree with us and doing their own thing then Holla Forums would more than likely agree with them. But I cannot say I am a fan of blatant shilling, which we so hate the left for.
Shit nigger, look up Mirabeau Lamar and all the Indians he had to kill to secure Texas from savage Indians (and they were the savage kind). Or the Tejanos after the revolutionary war for loyalty difficulty.
Even in recent history Australia was secretly talking about using bioweapons against Indonesia because of their exploding population.
This is a discussion we need to have.
Abrahamic religion is a cancer on earth.
Heh, dude, I don't have the slightest problem with White people doing anything and everything to ensure the 14 words, why do you think I'm crying about the poor non-Whites?
So much to sift through it seems like, I'll have to look more into when I have time after finals. I'll consider everything all anons have said about it
Considering how you TRS faggots always avoid legitimate criticisms when you do shit like pics related, I would assume it's warranted to call you fucking faggots until you start acting like people with above-room-temperature IQs.
Especially that whole conversation from the board owner of >>>/trs/ where he tried to reach out to seventh spic, and all seventh spic did was say "durr I dindu nuffin we wuz gud boiz we ain' apologizin fo nuffin, we ain' disavowin no shillin", that was fucking class, you gigantic cock gobbling shyster.
Because I doubt your sincerity
I don't even care about them letting faggots into their ranks. The fact they act like genocide can never be the solution is what makes them self-cucking faggots. They don't actually have it in them to do what ever it takes. They only want to be the center of attention which is obviously a sign of being a you know what.
That's cool, people are fine to think whatever they want, I just hope that they make their opinions based on thingst that actually happened rather than a few shitdicks posting lies and other nonsense in a rather suspiciously obsessive manner.
lad none of it is several years old, and a lot of it is only from a few weeks ago at best
How do we know that Holla Forums isn't just posting these and screencapping them themselves? Fomenting this kind of inter-site war is exactly their modus operandi. You all know they used to cause all sorts of board wars on 4chan.
Every single time there's a thread about this shit the list only grows and any posters here that have an account over there can get the newest thread of them crying about how Holla Forums are big meanies. I can't imagine how much of a faggot you have to be to sit on TRS all day.
1. Shilling.
2. We don't share the same views on everything.
3.user vs Namefag culture clash.
4. Whenever it's mentioned cunts like crawl out to defend their people, in lands they don't own. Any TRSfags around to see if they have Holla Forumsacks speaking up for us in their forums?
I did laugh when they tried to project that /pol alienated them whe they alienated the WN/GTKRW/Anti-Gay/1488er type people so they could be kosher and stay mainstream.
Certainly, that is what Holla Forums does. The thing is, when anons went to ask TRS to disavow shilling, so we knew it wasn't them, this shit happened.
Considering the obsessive attempts to shit-talk TRS, does it seem to you like a few of these anons would be above saying "haha I'm from TRS and yer all faggots I'm gonna shill you!"? Even if it's just some idiots coming over, have you found that any kind of website or movement in the history of humanity has been able to psychically control its members' internet browsing and posting? Gimme a fucking break.
Yes, despite the 100% Holla Forums hostility against TRS, there is virtually no reciprocity of hostility other than neutral comments such as "they're paranoid" or "they don't know that teenagers from IM are starting bullshit there to divide communities and turn them against each other." That's because TRS got rid of such people for heading over there and starting shit shit, unprovoked, in the first place. Such is the nature of the IM forum having about 3 total posts a day and desperately needing to start shit to get attention for itself, and such is the way of annoying children whose lives revolve around internet drama posing as online Fascism.
Those are goal post moving posts. Homosexuality is a cancerous meme that does not exist.
Every time you bring up your IM boogeyman paranoia what you say holds less and less weight.
Haha, ok man. Since this is the sort of thing that you seem to think is of utmost importance in saving the White Race, I will ask Seventh Son to say "I disavow shilling on Holla Forums," you've truly got your priorities in order bro.
Tell him genocide is the only solution well you are at it please.
If you've noticed, some of their own memes are in this thread, some of the speech patterns are identical to Natt and MrAwesome, they tweet about "TRS fags" constantly, they spent months in TRS forums starting shit.
Maybe it's not them, but it's people of the same ilk, saying the same lies, obviously influenced by them. If you've dealt with these people in any capacity, you'd know how to recognize them, they're not creative or original enough to disguise their conduct. Ever notice the obsessive reposting of the same shitty "gotcha" screencaps, it's obvious that it's a small handful of people trying to project a big voice.
Shooting down lies from people who are trying to cause drama among pro-White movements is, in some small way, more helpful than spreading lies to turn people against each other based on calumny.
Lying is the way of the Jew, Truth is the way of the Aryan, posting idiocy in caps lock is the way of the nigger.
There was no attempted genocide.
Like I said I don't give a fuck about any of that. I care that they claim to be intellectuals but are blind to the solution right in front of them. They will keep looking for some convoluted plan that will never work. The future is only going to be won through bloodshed not asking the enemy nicely to stop.
Yeah, go fuck yourself.
Because I'm not "shilling" anything, that means "selling" something. I'm not selling anything, I'm not suggesting anyone visit any website, therefore am not a "shill."
I'm not special, I'm not "pr-cucking," I've been attacked by the Jewish Daily Forward for Jared Taylor telling me that "starting a global war against Jews" is a bad idea. There's no hostility toward you or anyone else, I want our race to prosper, remove non-Whites, purge our lands of Jewish poison permanently, and that's the end of it. I think people spreading lies and starting drama is detrimental to that goal, and I'm not concerned with the people who initiate this sort of behavior because their minds are somehow corrupted but I'm concerned for neutral onlookers who have difficulty separating truth from fiction due to the Jewish behavior of the odd sorts who spend more time trying to disrupt pro-White movements than the ADL and SPLC combined.
If it comes down to that, absolutely anything and everything which is necessary for the survival of my people is justified, in my eyes, including the original topic in this thread.
Why does TRS desire Holla Forumss acceptance so much? You bitch and whine about D&C when you could instead drop the TRS identity at the door when coming to Holla Forums and participate.
I have no effect on it either way, I'm not against it, if the guys want to do it that's fine with me. At the same time, it admits some form of complicity in this "shilling," which has a thousand times more evidence of being a rather pathetic attempt of people to pretend that there's a problem rather than people responding to a problem. It's people looking for something to complain about for their own nefarious ends, not people who otherwise want good relations and simply had to react against this "shilling." It's a fake issue drawn up by fraudulent people who seem to have very little of merit to spend their time on, but I don't care one way or another if this "grand statement against Holla Forums shilling" is made, it's a small issue for a small mind that has his mind on an issue unrelated to saving our people.
I do all the time, man, I've been on here since moot cucked 4chan.
I'm not big on people spreading lies and dividing up some of the positive momentum that's building up, if it's "shilling" to dislike liars and point out that they're lying then so be it.
I hope you know how much of a dishonest kike that makes you sound and how blindingly you stick out here saying stupid shit like that. Whenever I think people can't reach a new low I see stupid shit like this.
Gotcha, I haven't suggested that anyone visit any websites, I don't care if they do, and I hate lies, therefore am a kike shill. Therefore it's "a new low." Makes sense.
Congrats on logically insisting that you have a small mind, while trying to slough off everyone's legitimate criticisms in this thread, you pathetic wastrel. Fuck you faggots, I'm done. What a monumental waste of fucking time TRS and its detractors is. Just leave, and never come back here. Stay in your fucking forum, where you'd be happier with your pals that want to save the white race without small-minded issues, you fucking tool.
If you were being honest and truthful you wouldn't give a shit if we didn't watch pseudo-intellectuals on your (((podcasts'))) donation pyramid scheme. You have lost any and all trust that Holla Forums has for you. You cucks forgot Rule 5 (((trshill)))
If they weren't disingenuous they wouldn't have deleted the article in OP's post, a certain comment made by shillery about having a "public and a (((private)))" position on policy comes to mind
That statement too. The dodging, the slipping, it's very impressive with a nose that large.
All this shilling might've worked if we hadn't already caught you cocksucking faggots shilling. Still continuing to try to shill here after that confirms one thing for sure, you are complete newfaggots
Congratulations, gentlemen. You have reached the lowest dindu level of logic, "anyone who denies being a kike shill can only be a kike shill."
shut up kike
What injust oppression. I'll be sure to be more accepting of your views in the future.
Your intern at (((trs))) is a flaming homosexual and when someone points it out you defend him and then exile the white nationalist raising their concern.
Actions speak louder than words faggot
Then you'll remember how halfchan used to treat people who even hinted that they use reddit. We never caught them attempting to subvert us.
Please give an answer for "Why does TRS desire Holla Forumss acceptance so much?"
This is a great thread anons, full of discussion, argument and mad bantz. Just popping in to say keep up the good work.
And to say to all TRS, fellate a shotgun
shit I can do that
were cooler than them and we have mroe power
Here's the reason; they are neutered, controlled opposition. They are obsessed with muh PR. And they are accepting of degeneracy. They are a dummy of Holla Forums dressed up to look inviting but without the balls to bare any teeth. Jewish infiltration trying to head off the more extreme results of ideology; the fact this article was deleted speaks volumes about that.
So TRSposter, consider making this your home. We are more fun, more clever, and not (as) compromised. Leave your PRcuck shit at the door.
At this point blatantly obvious that they want to con us into not only donating shekels to their (((podcasters))) who not only promote their brand of kosher (((white nationalism))) all while promoting homosexuality, racemixing and apathy to opsec/infosec for anons
Psuedo-intellectual faggots that claim to support your cause yet try shaming and undermine you don't make good room mates.
You're a hair away from being as bad as they are user
Same, except I quite like TRS and the content they produce.
But whatever, great thread outlining the rift between TRS/8ch. Honestly I think there is a very loud minority here that took the "more propaganda on 8ch" thing just a bit too autistic. I mean they're just encouraging some of us who bridge the community to spread TRS content, their ideas, just like each and every one of us comes here every day to spread and "shill" for our own ideas. Now, I dont actually use their forums but I listen to quite a few of the podcasts, so I don't know if they were intending to come here say, in bad faith, like a Jew would to manipulate and control, but I sincerely doubt that. I also think that many here have far too broad a definition of shilling. I think shilling is when a Jew is paid to come here to spread disinformation or similar situations, but what is it when people come here to spread ideas/content and discuss things? I would call that fucking normal.
But believing Holla Forums should apologize to anybody is absurd and demonstrates the complete lack of understanding Sven has for this community.
This place converts you after a time, as I'm sure many anons can attest to some degree. TRS is 75% there, they simply haven't embraced presenting the truth for what it is, and most importantly embracing anonyminity and all the advantages it brings to the discussal of ideas. The mere fact of them preffering browsing here instead of TRSmeans they all but throw off the shackles and another ready Holla Forumsack joins the ranks. This isn't converting SJW tumblrites - these guys are ready, they just have all the restictions of PR and reputation foisted upon them by their Jewish handlers.
Good post
Kill yourself
would embed but it's already in the thread
They just have to not hint they are TRS and it would be fine.
K i l l y o u r s e l f
would embed but it's already in the thread
Hitlerposter, I would be so willing, so fucking willing to mend the divide if only they'd stop being retards and made a token effort to try and understand our motives and wants. But they don't, and this was so painfully obvious when sven demanded 8/pol/, and amorphous, ubiquitous entity to apologize. It just boggles my mind and pisses me off to no end that there are such fools in my circles. Please, for the love of god, convince them that they need to fix this instead of claiming everyone else to be neurotic.
They are incapable of doing so, see
That's like trying to reason with sjws user
but the idea here isnt "kill problems" no one would disagree with that, the idea here is "preemptively kill everyone not in my ingroup so they can never be a problem". If you want to survive a good strategy is not making everyone else on the planet your mortal enemy.
Playing defense for people who think you're a paranoid, jobless and pretty much every leftist shaming tactic word you can think of is fucking stupid especially when they shill. Acting like shilling is only about money when the guide to forum spies is stickied here makes you stand out like an idiot. Yes, you're a shill right now, you're interests are for controled alt-right rather than Holla Forums that doesn't want to be consumed with faggotry. Fuck off.
Why was Morakiu the only one that I remember mentioning this during this week's Shoah?
Fucking why?
I used to like these shows, these people, more.
But the hard truth about TRS is that they're weak. They're just plain weak.
The remember context of this was that it is better to subvert the GOP than to throw everything away and start over. I believe this was a long time ago. I understand that position, don't really agree.
Regardless it does not change my opinion of TRS and the work they do. If you could show me evidence of explicit calls to embrace fag culture or fags, or outright denial of race realism this would certainly change things.
100% agree.
It is not about money, it is about bad faith, say coming here with a closed mind, ignoring legitimate opposition with ad hominem/misdirection/denial of facts, etc.
Define shill, define the "interests of Holla Forums." I would argue you're making the same mistake as Sven in even conceptualizing the interests of Holla Forums since they can really only be defined as seeking out the truth and discussing things.
No, you're a shill.
They probably won't be the ones on the ground getting dirty, no.
Exactly, they can stay fashionably gay and everyone else can gas the kikes, race war now.
No, you. Holla Forums has different view points about lots of things but when faggots come into threads saying people who shill here are at all acceptable then it gets shitty. And you are one of those people that are accepting the controlled and trying to accept forum faggots here with their own homo acceptance, alt-kike bullshit. You are the shill, John.
I dunno about any of that other shit you wrote, and I'm not in the mood to read it.
All I'll say is, yeah, you fucking summed it up nicely.
I'm gonna spoiler this next bit, because e-celebs are cancer.
See the new Murdoch-Murdoch? Funniest bit of the scene where Mike/Sven showed up, to me, was that notion of either of them being of any military usage whatsoever, as I suspect in the event of an actual race war, those two would be grabbing their family (or in the case of Enoch, his strong independent Jew York waifu who don't need no babby because fuck da White race!… Assuming Enoch is not a Jew as I occasionally suspect) and fleeing the fuck out at the first sign of aggression.
And that sums up my view of their community as well, after having spent some time there - there are a few gems in there, mind you, some people who'd bleed every drop to save our folk…. But for the most part, they feel like little better than an intellectual class, little better in most respects to their Jewish equivalents >implying amongst our enemies, who seek only to employ the useful idiots to serve their own personal ends (which are often anything but benevolent in the context of their folk).
But, maybe that's just me.
You have some beautiful passion, brother. Gonna go out of my way to say I cannot wait to be side by side with you fighting the good fight if it ever comes down to it. Right the fuck on.
Am I being autistic if I believe the the Intellectual archetype is the enemy of the Hero archetype?
This implies that TRS and Holla Forums have differing views, however every TRS shill comes and tells us that we're just paranoid and that we're basically the same. Which one is it? If we differ why must they attempt to swell their ranks with Holla Forumsacks? Competition breeds excellence, big tents do not.
Before our souls are assigned bodies we volunteer to become victims of evil or misfortune so we can be more like Christ.
That would mean that the soul knows the fate of each and every body, which shits on the notion of god giving mankind freewill.
No, you're a shill.
Oh yes, but we still need people focusing on large families and content creation. The war is not fought only on the front lines.
Hard for me to see that as I have listened to more than 342 hours of quality radio for free. Time will tell.
We have enough in common to, if not work together, not to work against one another I believe.
We are meme gods and some of us are actually willing to do ground work.
Oh? So there were never any ghettos or concentration camps?
Unintentional genocide is still genocide.
Intention is not a trait.
The bit about abbos was kind of funny.
Also at least now they have Milo as an enemy instead of how they were showing him in their first videos.
So the Allies unintentional genocided then?
We must secure.
There is nothing else more important, nothing else more precious.
Til the end or the beginning.
I don't know if I picture them as enemies, necessarily… But there will always be a tendency, IMHO, on behalf of an Intellectual archtypal form to, eventually, seek to cognitively dominate a Heroic form, if that Heroic form is lacking in the presentation of insurmountable dominance.
Intellectuals are like cognitive wolves, as it were - if you're weak of mind, they'll be constantly nipping at your toes (or more if you let them); if you're strong, they become the dogs at your side providing their abilities with loyalty unto death.
Perhaps I should be concerned over whether or not these people are wolves, merely whether or not we (as a community, a people, whatever you like) have what it will take to turn them into dogs before they turn upon us.
But then again, I'm definitely autistic.
Like I said before and will say again, meaningless platitudes are you do not back them up with actions >>>/trs/1567
If you defend this shit at this point it's point you're nothing more than a (((trshill)))
*nothing if
Good post you described it alot better than I could. Enemy was the wrong word I may have meant more like a stone to stumble over.
You want to know why Homo erectus and Homo floresiens aren't committing crime and collecting welfare in our cities right now? Because our ancestors killed them all. With sticks and stones. We have nukes and virology. You will either assist us in cleansing this planet, or you will hang next to your pets.
I've listened to every Shoah and most of the ancillaries.
They never replaced Fash Course History, and it has annoyed the shit out of me ever since, instead having to turn to Hardcore History and god damn it, that Carlin faggot just cannot into bantz or maymays for shit.
I mean, sure, he references Hitler ever twelve seconds, but in the bad way.
Anyway, my point being, I've listened to all their shit, and that's what's brought me to the point of uncertainty about that community.
Take that as you will.
Jesus christ, people like you really make Holla Forums more difficult to stomach. You handwave coming here and insulting users like nothing and the most likely reason is because you're not a user here and you're typing every disonest letter with your giant hooked nose, faggot. You argue in favor of a position that benefits large tend alt-kike TRShill and your obsession with details that you clearly selectively handwave makes you the biggest shill of them all.
that's not genocide you retard.
No its not, that's a ridiculous statement.
Abbos are almost always funny, as long as they aren't drinking your petrol.
Murdoch is kind of gay, but their shit is alright. Hold Back the Night hits me right in the feels, every time. Gotta give em alil creeeeeedit.
Did he do that? I thought we took it without asking.
But no, the soul wouldn't necessarily have to know anything. You get in line and fill out a form and there's a checkbox.
See, every time a thread like this pops up, people like you always assert that. However I haven't seen a single piece of evidence ever posted which would come close to proving that assertion.
No, he gave us free will.
Which is how we were able to take sentience without asking.
If I remember my old Christcuck lessons, at least.
If we were non-sentient then how could we be expected to exercise free will?
TRS threw the first punch, and continues to hinder us with constant TRS defense. Let TRS stick to their site and Anons stick to ours, if TRS wants to visit then check their identity at the door and vice versa for Holla Forumsacks. Let us compete and endeavor to make our respective sides better.
Don't know, it's been a long time since bible school, enlighten me.
If that is a check list of how the body dies then that is still knowing the fate of the body.
Does TRS support faggotry? No. Does TRS tolerate faggotry? Yes, this is unacceptable when the time comes but I am still willing to work with them for the higher goal of saving the white race. I understand the cultural subversion of faggotry. I understand it must be purged in a white society, otherwise we'll go down this road again in another 200 years. So what should I do? Disavow TRS? Protest at their meetups? How about I fucking spread my ideas among those that are already like minded.
Whatever that means
Which details are these? It really feels as if I am the only one arguing in good faith here.
Show me this and I will be far more suspicious.
Where? Hinder how? In threads specifically about TRS? I think there is a genuine divide in this community as to what to think about TRS. Some may come here in specifically in defense of TRS, but we can seek truth with them through discussion. It is only when the discussion is in bad faith that the quality of the thread/8ch as a whole begins to taste sour.
Not if it's a lottery and our memories are wiped at birth. I don't think it violates the notion of free will, at least. But I don't know any of this. I'm making shit up. Though it does answer the question of why does God appear to have a sick sense of humor.
Another explanation might be that he is an inanimate object.
Sounds good to me, but there's a problem in that which lies with the original intent of the people who started this "they're just fags/shills/kikes/race mixers" astroturf campaign. The people who come here tend not to say "hey read this article, listen to this, buy this," the occasions tend to be more like "you should really stop spreading this or that lie." That's not really "shilling," it's just refusing to say "hey, guys who tried to drive a wedge for (((mysterious purposes))), you win. No calumny you ever spread about homosexual degenerate libertarian shills will ever be contested again. No one shall ever mention the site, no one shall ever defend it, you shall the free rein that you sought when you started this whole pretense of caring about ill-defined 'shilling' for which you provided the most scant of evidence.'"
If there was no disccusion because no one's interested, cool. If there were criticisms about things that actually happened, disagreement with positions taken, cool. When it's nonstop lying about "shilling" and other fake controversies, however, anyone pointing out lies thus being a "shill" isn't a "lack of shilling," it's the community accepting the victory of people who just seemed to have an inordinate amount of concern for highlighting the importance of things which never happened for ✡some odd reason✡.
In terms of people coming here and saying "hey Holla Forums, you should all crook the knee to TRS, donate to them, and accept all their positions as they lure you into libertarianism," I agree, that should be absolutely verboten. The problem is that this scenario is not happening, has never happened, and is a false dilemma deliberately created to trick people, precisely as the Jews have done for thousands of years with their false victimization holidays like Purim. A board in which lies are expected to go uncontested because of the effectiveness of previous lies is a board precisely mirroring our present reality, in which truth about races is forbidden because of the effectiveness of people like Boas, Montagu, Gould, and social pressure.
I dunno, I'm not God, wasn't my idea.
I might have been thinking of 'sapience' anyway? Will espoused via sentient beings to take sapience?
Point being: We had the capacity to exercise our will, we just weren't aware of it. That you aren't aware that you are a you doesn't stop you from making choices, in theory, I think… I dunno, its late and I've been drinking ab it.
Like I said before and will say again, meaningless platitudes are you do not back them up with actions >>>/trs/1567
If you defend this shit at this point it's point you're nothing
more than a (((trshill)))
I am wondering what specifically you want me to fucking look it because I am at a loss.
I see none of this. Only a supposition that the intern is a faggot, Lets assume he is. Is this an explicit call to embrace faggotry and fag culture? No, What am I supposed to look at?
Will you disavow faggots and admit they are a symptom of a poisoned society?
>once again ignoring >>>/trs/1568
wewlad :^)
>once again ignoring >>>/trs/1568
wewlad :^)
Anons sympathetic to TRS or shills have derailed plenty of threads once they notice a user expressing distaste for TRS, instead of passing over that reply and continuing with the thread.
So heaven/hell isn't forever? Don't let the softcore christians know.
I wonder how christian women would feel about being objectified then.
Bid me your wisdom double poster. Is there evidence of a fag conspiracy in that thread that I can't see for some reason? Realize, I don't know anything about their forum culture or the people that are there, I don't know if it is full of explicit pro faggotry. I don't know if this fucker is even really the intern. I just see lots of shit that could easily be fabricated by those that hate both of us, say, the rest of the fucking world. But assuming he is a fag, is he an open fag? Does he practice fag culture? Does everybody on the panel know he is a fag? These are all things that need to be clarified before I take this supposition as fuel for suspicion and distrust for TRS.
Let me make this clear and LARP for a second. Were I running the ethnostate, faggotry would not be explicitly sought out by a vice squad or whatever but purged when found. Oh I almost forgot.
No, you're a shill.
100% foreign you're not from around here etc etc
Yeah I guess this does happen sometimes. I'm sure it will pass once TRS stops being such a hotly debated topic.
Disease scenario aside, he's right insofar as we will never be satisfied otherwise.
Not even after erasing nonwhites and colonizing the rest of the earth would there be an end to troubles though. Soon borders would appear on freshly conquered lands and new conflict would appear among (what was previously) nations for more clay.
It will never end.
Let me go ahead and amend that before I get jumped on, to more suspicion and distrust than I already have for fag enablers.
So Holla Forums, why aren't you studying bio-science and crating a deadly virus that will only kill non-whites?
yeah dude total fags
agree with this user, this is too looney even for me :^)
Certianly not, and it would be the world's greatest tragedy if it did before we reached the stars. If it ended, we're cheating ourselves out of more evolution, out of developing the strongest society and people possible to prosper once there is only one strain of "Human" left. (And with enough reproduction of that strain there'll likely be substrains ad-infinitum that will require weening until muh space LARP.)
But for now let's focus on races and peoples whom are obviously not us or even closely related to us. We'll cross the Slav, Celt, and Mediterranean bridge when we get there - I personally don't see too much of a need to remove them as long as they remain cooperative.
Are you serious?
Goku sounds like a faggot in the Japanese version, though I will grant you that it was one of the least gay cartoons to have come out of Japan.
I can agree with you on this point. I think I've come to understand that life just isn't worth living if we can't secure a future. The pride or morality or sense of disgust I have that repels me from faggots is also not worth holding if its price is my generation being the last. There remains the question of whether or not its helpful. Faggots show that they are open to degeneracy and jewish manipulation by the mere fact that they've been manipulated into degeneracy by jews. By accepting them you're sacrificing long term health and stability for a short term bolster of members. Additionally, pretty much anyone who isn't willing to be in the same tent as faggots is going to be a very likely ally for us. Most fags will be too enticed by the jews' offers of unlimited hedonism to care about their race. They do trade the possibility of reproducing for pleasure. I really don't think we win when we pick that side. We've got a lot of fags trying to get onto our side right now, and it might seem like we need to bolster our ranks. However, I remind you that a lot of jews have also been calling themselves "alt-right", and I don't think it's controversial to say we don't fucking want anything to do with that. We need to draw a line somewhere on who we associate with, and I say we try to only associate with people that will overall be a net positive towards our goal of saving our race. From this point forward, we shouldn't care only about the quantity of our allies for Americans anyways. We've gotten through the democratic hurdle where numbers are important, and now we need to enact some big fucking cultural changes while we hold power. Our goal should be pushing our policies into the mainstream, but fags, feminists, jews, and the assorted niggers will always put their own interests above our collective interest. Thus, we can work day and night to get ourselves into the mainstream, but if when we get there we're all fags, then we will have changed nothing. Policy debates will continue to be a pandering contest to degenerates.
What you need to do is go back to TRS with a message. We are like minded, and we want to work towards the same goal that they claim to hold. However, they are pushing us away. They've coined both "1488er" and "purity spiraling" in response to complaints about their wide tent policies. They're attacking our, people who wish to keep the message pure, image to justify going towards the middle for a larger following. They need to be careful about how they attract this following. For example, they could get a ton of people to listen to them if they chose to embrace what we're trying to stop, but what would doing that accomplish? If they want to stay on the path they set out on, then TRS needs to understand that they can mellow the delivery of the message for example: as cool as the swastika is, they don't have to plaster it everywhere., but the message must not be altered for example: their attack on 1488ers is absolute horse shit. Yeah, they don't have to openly embrace the Nazis if there's just too much baggage there, but they're also attacking the 14 words. If they aren't trying to secure a future for white children, then what the fuck are they even doing? Additionally, instead of just backing off of the issue, they're attacking people who share a similar ideology . We don't have to be in the same group, but we should try not to fight each-other. We can let them spread the message however they like. However, the main issue I've got with them spreading it here is that it feels like a subversive attempt to dilute us. I believe they've also had some issues with Iron March over similar incidents, and they should really ask if it's just everyone being mean to them or if they're doing something to deserve it.
All the fag shit in Berserk is portrayed as degenerate and looked down upon.
only instances I can think of
nice >reddit spacing
Anything after the kid buu saga is pure faggotry though
They're namefags.
to add: It is revolting, a lot of shit in Berserk is fucking revolting.
You're not supposed to enjoy the shit where guts gets raped by a nigger or griffith acts like a fag and then cuts himself over it(this actually happens in the manga)
It's supposed to cement the idea that they're fucking inhuman and creepy, against nature. Opposing such things is a theme in Berserk.
Friendly reminder that coming out as gay or jewish is a bannable offense on the TRS forums.
This meme of TRS fag acceptance is nothing but fabricated falsehoods.
Can you actually name a single anime which does not feature characters who display traditional oriental effeminacy?
Today i learned that when trs migrates to Holla Forums the post quality reduces, text increases and idiocy ensues.
t. racemixed natural abomination
this here.
The only thing remotely effeminate is the straight man partner of Sleepy, but not really.
Apropos Nietzsche: the aesthetic sense of the Greeks brought them intellectual curiosity of other peoples, as well as sexual – they degenerated once it was no longer possible to assimilate the exotic and make it Greek. Outbreeding ought to be an extravagance reserved to the highest and lowest in society. Provided the proceeding generation of such a union breeds back into the host, it should be a net gain for the race's gene pool (taking quality from an outgroup.) Genetic imperialism. Females take priority - out group Y chromosomes may rightly be thought to encroach on the phenotype of the race.
That said, if South Africa could do it with the tiniest fraction of the Europeans in their society, 'white nationalism' need only secure HOST/HEGEMONIC status as that ought to suffice to rule any guest minorities/dhimmis there might be (contemporary comparisons of Hitler to Mohammed - by Churchill in particular - are appropriate here.) Moreover, they ought to be immune to POZ such that it can accommodate the expropriation of the elite genes of outgroups in selective mescegnation by men, while suppressing it in women. e.g. Caesarion's conception by Julius Caesar and Cleopatra conforms to the race idealist position (where the same is catastrophic from a Greek/Egyptian position from the same perspective.)
In conclusion: The West needs to unburden itself from this nihilistic yolk before developing Southern powers - like China, India - achieve the technical capacity to enforce migrant invasion of their neighbors. Their investment strategy in Africa and elsewhere, securing natural resources is exceedingly troubling – and the false adversarial relationship with Russia is the primary obstacle to meeting this challenge (BRICS would never have happened with normalized relationship between America, Europe, and Russia.)
fuck off. im probably a lot prettier than you and smarter too. also im not mixed with a negro but half norwegian, half chilean. Now the chileans got raped by the spaniards and are already 60-70% white so all that means is that i got more diverse genes than you and a higher resistance to disease & weakness.
Holla Forums don't understand mixed race though, they go hurr durr obama is black just like a blueeyed schoolgirl. no, he's not black or a nigger, he's a halfling something that is completely different… no nigger has ever been president. he's as white as he is black. Get educated.
That isn't how that works you fucking idiot.
dubs confirm!
apparently it is. that's how its been for me all my life at least.
"Generally problems occur when you get two copies of the same recessive gene and that should be less likely with more genetically distant parents."
the problems apparently come further down the line however, but the first generation is good.
Look, the problem is not mixed race, the problem is that you create something different that has no allegiance to anything and are completely unbiased. lol.
Wholeheartedly agree. As a matter of fact, this applies more broadly to closely-related species, and, what's more to the point, to sub-races as well. (Aka tribes)
Since other tribes who are genetically distinguishable from my own are my competitors and therefore deserve, based on "logic" that is, extermination, I shall strive to eventually get rid of them too.
It is only natural that after the kikes and the coloreds are oven'd, different White sub-races such as Nordids, Dinarids, Alpines, etc. must exterminate one another - the best shall win, I say. Then, when only the Nordics remain (because of course), the Nordic ethnicities must, according to "logic", uproot the genes of their fellow-Nordic tribal competitors.
Then when only one Nordic tribe remains, it is clan vs. clan, and afterwards it is family vs. family.
Goyim, you must fight and kill each other forever. It's in your "genetic interest". Logically speaking.
Any forum that uses accounts is shit, ironmarch and TRS included
The invention of money and especially digital money destroys your plan. Money and especially digital money favour that low, base instinct in man and the jews have the most of it. For he who has no morals, moneyworld is heaven.
and he who has money also has power, no matter how low he himself may be.
And sure enough, it looks to be not very baleeted at all:
Nice try shilling against TRS though.
You gotta do better than this, TRS.
Yep. If they treated prisoners poorly.
No fucking excuse. You feed your prisoners and keep them healthy.
Or you accept that what you're doing is essentially genocide.
Genocide is a harsh reality of war. It can be reduced. But it is difficult to avoid completely. If your actions are so wilfully genocidal they turn your actions from tragedy to a crime against humanity.
Not surprising..I think there was an article written by the guy over at ironmarch about a year ago that was rejected by TRS because it didn't fit "the narrative" (and yes, they actually used that term) they were trying to push.
I disagree. The definition of genocide should include war in it's scope.
War is essentially genocide of your enemy.
There are degrees of genocide but what we currently define as genocide is not enough. To go to war with your enemies is to battle in a game of genocide.
.. that rabbi is half correct.
The good are hindered by the evil.
But so the evil are hindered by the good.
Alternatively, there both resembling structures of justice in both good and evil.
That structure i call the '''3rd position'".
Something unavoidable in all ideologies and anti-ideologies.
I've been having rediculous amounts of dejavu lately. Hell i had a premonition of a few events.
Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks in stress.
Actually user.. look up pantheism.
God is more complicated than you think.
He's a nigger. Fuck off.
Agreed. They all die. Every last one into the oven for their collective crime against our race.
They're right though.
We have to eradicate them too I guess.
We must remove the jew.
There really isn't an alternative.
The Jews a must die or be at least completely stripped of power and culture for all time.
nazi germany should have won ww2
The Jew must be destroyed. And we must rediscover our spiritual strength and our will to explore, create, and live. Everything else is secondary.
Yeah, fuck nonwhites. I don't want a single whitey dead because Tyrone doesn't know how to wipe his ass.
Bumping my bred
We can get it to 750 lads I believe in you
Does TRS try to pass themselves off as intellectuals? I mean, they do morning radio zoo-crew format, that alone betrays they don't think of themselves as intellectuals.
Nope, Final Solution was expulsion, the private letters and writings of NSDAP officials and the lack of evidence for systematic genocide make that crystal clear.
Please, take your domestic dispute with TRS to your blog, we don't want it on our board.
Nothing against Ironmarch, but I think most of them just came home (here)
But their anti-purism spiraling shit is just cucking by another name. Anyway, the more we normalize these types of articles the better
The anti-TRS posters mostly come across as edgy little contrarian faggots upset that we're not the only Nazis in town anymore, there are other people coming into the seekrit white nationalism club.
AIDS is a virus, so antibiotics don't work with it. Mentioning them in tandem could mislead the reader to think you're conflating them
Not trying to trash the article or anything, just a sugestion
It worked with injuns. Now we just barely have a few left to keep around as living fossils.
It's even worse if you consider how much both communities overlap.
fashy lolbergs aren't Nazis.
Read up on exactly what wartime policies ended up loosing Germany the 2. World War on the Eastern Front You would only have lost it faster than the Germans. Thwy where welcommed at first, but not for long. That aside, you are more likely an orchestrated effort shill from some of the very disenfranchised leftist organsizations who lost the presidential bid. Either that or so shortsighted that genociding yourself would be an improvement of the white race.
you write like a triggered homosexual, not surprising considering you come from the kike stuff
Homosexuality is genocide faggot
Homosexuality is genocide faggot
Kind of disappointing tbh. He's supposed to be a smart guy and yet he's almost as assblasted about evolution as Thernovitth is about Nazism.
If we just stopped feeding africans and giving them medicine, their population would drop back within malthusian limits within a generation. The white man's only real competitors are chinks and Jews and Jews are already exterminating themselves through outbreeding.
I'm all for cleansing invaders from my own homeland, but killing millions of random african apes who've done nothing to me in the name of MAXIMUM RESOURCE EFFICIENCY is fucking autistic. You might as well launch your edge crusade against chimps to stop them from evolving into something that can threaten us.
It's amazing. We can use every single one of their arguments against cuckervatives against them for refusing to believe in evolutionary genocide
top hej
Do our people feel sympathy for chimps for not being able to grown enough food to feed their population overburden and demand we help them? Do our people breed with chimps? Can chimps operate a firearm? Can chimps take over the world?
Africans might be retarded, but they can breed like locusts and it's instinctive to our people to want to help them when they inevitably overbreed. Given enough time there'll simply be too many of them.
The article wasn't even baleeted.
All they did was publish a rebuttal from another writer.
OP is just trying to dial up the D&C.
It was restored with a disclaimer lad
Check the date of the thread idiot
Go suck enochs cock again somewhere else
Go suck enochs cock again somewhere else
kek. go back to comparing east european prison tattoes
There is a point to be made, and was made, that africans act as incubators for the evolution of diseases that can come back to harm us. Think of it like having mold growing in an abandoned house down the street, someday in the future it could spread to you and you'll wish you burnt it down beforehand.
This is gonna be 2 years old soon and they did afterall start out as a libertarian racists before turning further towards fascism.
Mike even apologized for that comment.
But I know you little /polmeta/ or ironmarch nigger already know that you dishonest rat.
then why would they hire a homosexual as their intern if they were legit?
*also, where is the proof of this supposed apology?
*also, where is the proof of this supposed apology?
>reddit spacing
They don't.
Listen to the last 50 episodes faggot ;)
>being a dumb nigger
Any proof that they turned "further towards fascism"?
Calling themselves "fashy" and idolizing Pinokike don't count.
They frequently make that a topic. They're calling everything before trump the "post-liberterian" phase and the topics/opinions from that time are very different from the content now.
I don't have a 30second soundbite as "proof" for you though. You'll have to show some agency and check for yourself.
>reddit spacing
Here on 8/pol/ we only make arguments based on facts (((trshill)))
You seem pretty bootyblasted fag
One of the last times I listened (earlier this year) they Ghoul was talking about "cultural fascism" as opposed to actual fascism. I highly doubt they're real fascists now,
And if they've really grown out of "fashy libertarianism", why didn't they abandon Pinokike too?
Not going to waste my time. I listen to anti-jew podcasts that are informative and comedy pdocasts that are actually funny. TRS is neither.
Hey, now we're two!
A lot of people here aren't into "real fascism" either. I'm a national socialist and feel comfortable listening to trs though. Mike is really on point and basically what the show is centered around.
The question is, what do you want? Do you want people who are smart on race, the JQ and dencounce faggots(as opposed what ironmarch niggers try to meme)? If so you'll be able to enjoy TDS.
If you're more into actual dissemination fo fascism and it's principles you'll have to listen to things like kulturkampf.
TDS is verbal shitposting about jews and nogs. Of course you'll find sound bites in 100+ 3 hour long podcasts that don't pass the intellectual purity test. Would they actually stand by those remarks if challenged? No.
Now here is where you're wrong. I completely understand if someone doesn't like TDS but TRS has a lot of podcasts that are not just a few guys talking shit. Rebel Yell, Kulturkampf, Darwin Digest etc. They have a lot of high quality content that's not just jew drops.
Anyone who employs homosexuals isn't a viable option for 8/pol/ shill. Period.
Why do you keep lying? There is no evidence in your links.
tds has also cycled through like 5 interns now and they don't even get payed. If this is your smoking gun you might aswell just kill yourself now, IM nigger
I'd be fine with genociding all non-whites tbh. A 100% white Earth would be the best case scenario. But we should have done that in 1900 when we owned every non-white country except Japan and Ethiopia. If we had totally exterminated the natives in all our colonies (like the Aussies did to the Abos in Tasmania) we could have kept the land forever since there'd be nobody alive to give the land back to.
Nobody I've heard on TDS (other than maybe Anglin as a guest) has their shit together when it comes to the jewish problem. They claim there's no Zionist conspiracy, and deny the reality that the jews were behind 9/11, claiming it was all the "sandniggers".
When it really comes down to it, they're all a bunch of newfags who shouldn't be viewed as an authority on anything.
When it really comes down to it, they're a bunch of newfags who nobody should view as an authority on anything.
Aren't the they faggots who did shows about how the prickly jew is good for you and how you should only trust ZOG-approved pharmaceuticals?
They seem like reddit "skeptics" who hate niggers.
Now listen here you little shit: I've never even heard of that faggot despite being on the forum and listening to TDS. TDS has gone through multiple interns within a few weeks and the position isn't even payed. If some fag actually managed to be intern for a day, wow, good for him. He'll be gotten rid of and banned just like the other people you keep posting here as "evidence".
On the other hand you're here attacking like 15 podcasts based on that despite them all being woke on race, the JQ and faggots.
Do you really think you're spending your time wisely? Do you retard really think for a second that you're doing anything good for the white race?
Whether you're falling for D&C shit or you're literally a paid shill doesn't matter. You're a rat.
fug, thought I deleted that last line got deleted before I re-wrote it.
That's simply false. They have entire episodes on specific jews and their jewishness and constantly talk about books like culture of critique or you gentiles.
And mike only expressed that he doesn't find pushing the "jews did 9/11" angle to be a viable strategy right now which you dishonest fucks spun into "lol he denies jews did anything!!!! he loves jew now wtf!!"
They did an episode on vaccines to try and educate people like you on what the actual controversy is about. Sorry you don't agree with them on vaccines. Guess they're wrong about race too ;)
I just looked into your "proof".
It's literall just someone in a skype convo claiming to be the intern for TDS. A position through which they have cycled multiple people already.
Seriously, just kill yourself you nigger shill faggot.
No, for years it was pretty much just Culture of Critique, which they overrate. They only found out about You Gentiles recently (I heard it mentioned in a show a skimmed through, I think with the Murdcuck faggots). That's kikes 101. Like I said, they're newfags.
No, they say it's "retarded" to be aware of the fact that jews did 9/11, and compare it to obvious disinformation like "no planes". Mike also claims that the 9/11 truth movement was "all about stopping bush from getting re-elected", which is beyond retarded, considering "Loose Change" came out in 2005.
Once again, they have no idea what they're talking about.
Are they going to do a show about how the Holocaust happened next to "educate" people like me?
According to their website he was on the show last week, but I guess you'll say that was a long time ago and they totally changed their views on sodomy since then.
also: >reddit spacing
TRS in a nutshell
I already pre-empted your dumb little remark by pointing out that they have brought forth evidence to support differences between races and asked you whether that is automatically false now because you think they're also wrong about vaccines.
You chose to ignore that because you're a dishonest rat and just wanted to get your little rhetorical dig in. You disingenuous cunt. Kill yourself.
That's the second point I was arguing the entire time. They've gone through multiple fucking interns within weeks and this supposed faggot is already not intern anymore.
Yet you present this as somehow relevant or damning evidence.
What if he literally got kicked for being gay? What if that's why he is not intern anymore? Would you finally admit that tds cast is not pro-gay? No, you wouldn't. You would twist and bend and stretch to find some more "evidence" of trs being gay. Evidence in the form of irrelevant users making comments on discord before getting banned.
also: >being a kike D&C shill in 2016
Where can I make one of these?
I "pre-empted" that by saying they're like reddit "skeptics" who hate niggers.
Why did you ignore everything else in my post?
He was on multiple times since the evidence of his faggotry was made available.
They ARE wrong about vaccines, and 9/11, and fags, and purity, and just about everything that matters to us
It's not D&C when you're a bunch of fucking obvious outsiders who come here exclusively to LARP as oldfags and PRfag the hell out of your podcasts and AIDSbog 504um/ "totally ironic" p0zcum appreciation board
have more.
because he knows you're fucking right and only browses Holla Forums to get more people to "donate to nationalism because they love their race"
If thats the case wheres the apology to the user who exposed the homo?
You're in it for the spin. You have a clear agenda and won't be persuaded of something else no matter how good my arguments are. That's why.
That's the funny part. You actually, unironically believe this to be some invasion. That I'm here because of some arrangement in some forum or discord to shill for trs. The reality is that most people were on Holla Forums whether 4 or 8 before they found trs, not the other way round.
I'm here because I enjoy the podcasts and you're attacking them collectively for transgressions of individuals on the forums or for statements made by people years ago.
You're also applying a standard which would mean browsing Holla Forums is not allowed anymore. One of our mods is an antifa faggot and if I used every PR-cuck post made here as "evidence" for 8ch being alt-lite we could fill multiple threads.
You're being a defensive little shit who thinks he is being attacked and you're being led down the path of D&C by people who are playing you like a fucking fiddle. Enjoy being a useful, anti-white idiot.
fucking rofl
Am I wrong about when the 9/11 truth movement emerged and what its purpose was?
Am I wrong about You Gentiles, a century old book, being "kikes 101" and not something you found out about years after being "redpilled"?
Am I wrong about TRS being ignorant newfags who don't understand the jewish problem and shouldn't be viewed as an authority on it?
Are you fucking retarded? The only reason I know this imkampfy shit is because you /polmeta/ niggers constantly link to your shitty board. rofl indeed, moron
Thanks for confirming
That would be lowcard, a gvol that got purged when jim banned all the pedos because he was one of the "CP is free speech" kikes shitting Holla Forums up pretending to be from a very obvious eastern european honeypot. He had nothing to do with Holla Forums and openly hated us.
Learningcode is pulling the same shit he pulled on 4chon, he's not fucking antifa just a D&C pro.
Yes, your userbase is your website. it's not unacceptable to hold namefag forums accountable for the kind of shit their users cuck out for(in your case faggotry, niggerspeak, "1488ers" etc)
Same to you, fag-enabler-kun.
your next line is b-but faggotry and natsoc aren't incompatible and w-we're totally not making the same mistakes gamergate made
I would shit all over you losers just for being forum using namefags and adopting the aut-right controlled op monicker but you give us so many other reasons to, how could I resist calling you fucks out on all the homosex, nigger speak, crypto-lolbertarianism, hot opinions on 9/11, even hotter opinions on vaccines and kike psychiatry, etc.
Get fucked.
I won't confirm or deny anything you said. I do think that you're being good at moving goal posts and opening multiple rabbit holes to go down incase one angle of attack does not work.
It's like that hitler quote about arguing with kikes. Like slime running thrhough your fingers.
o i am laffin
newfag pls this is sad
I didn't know you could be this retarded and still remember to breath
I never moved the goal post, you just don't have an argument.
Consider what it'd be like if I now kept using lowcard as evidence for Holla Forums being lefty pedos.
That's precisely what you guys are doing when attacking TRS. If you can't see that you're genuinely just a giant retard.
That was my fucking point. There is "evidence" of pol being lefty controlled pedo central just as much as there is "evidence" of trs being a pro-gay forum who's goal it is to shill on 8ch.
I'm outta this thread. The fact that you people can't see how obviously you're being played into attacking factions on the same side is almost painful.
You did by opening up 3 cans of worms at once so you could flee down a path of your chosing once cornered on anything.
fuck you nigger, honestly. get real
mein sides
Daily reminder is that all we needed was an apology for you (((trshills))) getting caught shilling here. Daily reminder that you in fact demanded an apology from us. Daily reminder that Holla Forums will never donate to your kike podcasts ever because of it.
But you didn't corner me on anything?
Because you know it's all true and only come here to PRfag for aut-lite garbage.
Nobody did that, ever. You're thinking of the people who know rachposter/learningcode is a moderator or protected by moderators and they only do it to shill shitty alt-chans with xyz domains.
Except both your users and your administration are pozzed faggot freaks, and forum users, and namefags, and fag-enablers, and retards that use COINTELPRO terminology when discussing 9/11, this list could go on indefinitely.
No there isn't, there's evidence that moderators curate the narrative and/or are/are complacent to notorious shitposters.
No evidence we're a bunch of limp-wristed faggots that think 9/11 truth was a "conspiracy theory" and love our vaccines with a side of poz cum
I know right, these 1488er LARPer schizo purity spiraling stormfags just don't get like we do. When's the next org - i mean pool party, my man?
Never once did we have one of our mods shilling honosexuality faggot
You're aware that we have IDs here, right?
And you just keep on lying. Richard Spencer is not TRS. Banned forum posters are not TRS.
Well, I really am out now. Cya around you dumb shabbos goy bitchboys.
You're aware i could give less of a fuck and that i'm not hiding anything unless you were a literal autist who failed to into sarcasm, right? You're also aware you said you were leaving the thread, right?
You forgot this pic, if it wasn't for niggers we would have a space Imperium by now. They all have to be eliminated before we leave for space if we want anything to come home to.
I wouldn't say throwing more money at NASA would necessarily make tech progress faster, but the diversity hires have sure as fuck destroyed NASA.
I've always known it'd come to this in some parts of Europe. Its a very uncomfortable truth that no one wants to look into, even some of the LARP fags would lose their "high" when it comes to the matter. Other will actually get a high off of it.
Nietzche said something along the lines of When Dioynsus appears, the trees are refreshed with the blood of the masses.
prove that every single poster who enabled fags was banned, prove they removed "the oven" section and nobody "ironically" posts gay porn there or everything you say is invalid
nice >reddit spacing you cowardly piece of shit.
If people instinctively want to help them (which isn't true either) then how are you going to convince people to nuke their mudhuts and kill millions of them for vague autistic reasons? We don't need the resources (and probably never will) and they can't threaten us unaided, so what's the point?
That's why you don't import them. If we didn't meddle with them, they'd be just like any other variety of diseased african fauna.
Even from an amoral standpoint there's no good reason to do this. Its just edge for the sake of edge, which tells me that you and OP don't really care about the white race, NS or anything other than being the edgiest kid on the block.
I can see it
Kikes and traitors trying to "consensus crack" our opinion of TRS.
The place that gave you the fulcrum for all the attacks and weapons you gained against the kikes.
A smokescreen to hide behind while they chase the ghost of the alt right, completely muddled up, even looking liberal at times.
Real life activism in various form, from bombing printers with 1488 stuff to plain old flyers and stickers pasted around campuses.
And so forth.
Would you rather live in a reality where such things never happened?
Where you didn't have all those tools and boons?
Apparently ((( a few people ))) in there do.
Holla Forums will never use watch any podcasts that tolorate homosexuality. Period. Also:
nice revisionist history moishe :^)
Holla Forums will never use watch any podcasts that tolorate homosexuality. Period. Also:
nice revisionist history moishe :^)
I've never been to TRS or used their forums and I've only listened to like 2 of their podcasts. I've also seen that screencap of seventh son or whatever saying 8ch needed to apologise which is fucking retarded. That said, there seems to be a concerted effort to create a division between the two places. I usually avoid these threads because TRS doesn't really interest me but this is becoming annoying.
It seems like a lot of you need to read the sticky we have about this sort of thing.
Prove it.
Post a screenshot and the forum thread on TRS.
Yes. I am, although Holla Forums is my real home.
And because Holla Forums is my real home, I will gladly show everyone threads quoted by anti TRS shills that allegedly show evidence of shilling, undermining or otherwise harming Holla Forums.
I'm your mole.
Go on. I'll verify all of your claims.
I'll post a public GPG key if you like so I can sign things and prove things.
Come on, faggots.
This is the chance of your lifetime to really slay TRS.
I'll betray it completely. I'll verify each and every claim you make.
Yeah they coined purity spiraling, but 1488er was coined by Ramzcuck IIRC.
Yeah, I know a few and they seem to hate me for some reason. Probably because I call out their bullshit.
Yeah, about that…
The only thing TRS actually came up with was purity spiraling and no punching to the right, both of which contradict each other since claiming muh purity spiraling is what TRS uses to punch to the right
Look we are low on posts so I'll be straight to the point. If you are actually from Holla Forums then you should know that Holla Forums always casts off blame and credit onto other sites. There could be a symbiotic relationship between the sites. TRS wants newfags to flood there, and Holla Forums wants to be left alone. All that was needed was a simple
yet that was to much to ask. Every time anons extended the olive branch of peace it was turned down, and the shilling grew more frequent. There were 8 threads supporting faggotry during one raid on the 21st of November alone. At this point it is clear they don't want peace even when it is offered. The board owner of >>>/trs/ tried to reach out for peace a while ago and was met with bullshit. There were several others during the fag raid that reached out for peace, every time it gets denied.
Holla Forums already has moles, it is better if anons stay anons in case things get worse. Anons have no name, no face, no ego, and no identity to attack. TRS is full of namefags that give their personal information and where they will be at certain times. Shilling here will only make things worse, and any sane person on TRS would want peace against something they could never actually fight. I suspect they are being led by someone, every raid has been when there is a breakthrough on some dig. Every time for over a year now, at the next big break in pizzagate I expect there will be another raid. Just a simple
is all a lot of the anons have asked. Why the fuck is that so hard for these namefags to say. If there wasn't an actual shilling operation on Holla Forums then could have been resolved ages ago. Instead with each thread TRS pushes the rift further by not even pretending to be anons or lurking moar until they figure out Holla Forums worst of all TRS can't leave their egos at the door so they can't handle simple bantz
Both sites can live in relative harmony, just a simple line of not shilling Holla Forums and having the TRS newfags lurk for a year until they actually take the redpill should be enough.
I will continue to call you faggots out on any screenshot that says "8 minutes" ago or similar.
If you fuckers don't deliver the thread link to it then it's clear that you're bullshitting.
Like this one.
18 minutes ago, huh?
For how many months has it been those 18 minutes, huh?
And furthermore
Well, then it's not impossible that those moles are producing that "evicence" themselves.
Would make sense, seeing how they parade this old shit around forever.
Maybe they fabricated it, got banned, and henceforth never had the chance to create any more D&C material.
You were the one who claimed they will be a mole, then got triggered when it is pointed out there are already moles. Every time TRS does the same stupid shit the TRS folders get larger. You should have at least humored the peaceful option. And have the courtesy to sage when you samefag, you can't even pretend to be an anons for 5 posts
We can't help that you delete everything and we have to rely on screengrabs for proof.
Either you post links to "fresh screenshots" or get called out for the faggots you are.
You truly are retarded. If it's a fresh post then checking it out based on the username is no problem at all.
If you post shit like "TrenchGun" posting something 18 minutes ago, then all it takes is to visit that guys username page, which shows all posts made for the last six months.
Pick one, motherfucker.
Either TRS wants everybody to raid Holla Forums, which requires call to arms threads open.
TRS deletes shit immediately, completely ruining the chance of raids happening.
So, what do you pick?
If you pick the second then it is in your interest to post links immediately so they get deleted and don't gain much traction.
If you pick the first then a quick glance at the post history confirms if you're bullshitting, even if you don't post a link.
Which, if you are not doing that, only further implies that you're full of shit.
Also, archive them. That way your precious threads won't get deleted.
But you can't archive them, because you've been banned from TRS for months now and therefore reusing material forever.
I'm tired of the d+c.
TRS has a cancerous forum, event the podcast hosts admit that and often take measures to try to chemo the situation. However, I truly believe the radio shows themselves are just fine despite their efforts to cling to the "alt right" label. No one there is lolbertarian now like they were 2+ years ago; they've even gave one of their guests a time out on their show for talking about autistic economics and muh invisible hand, saying that none of that econ theory matters or is even true or provable.
Regarding this article, TRS cannot put anything that actually advocates for GTKRWN or risk being shut down. They aren't like Holla Forums which can get away with posting just about anything because of anonymity. That's just how it is with the current government and laws. If they want to continue to do a podcast, anything regarding actual violence has to be implied only.
It's still up though.
Oh I was going by the OP and didn't even bother to check.
I'm tired of these stupid TRS threads, it should have been locked already
only 6 posts to 751