Putin's Goal

What's his endgame?

For all his support for the anti-Zionists (a.k.a. Assad, Gaddafi), his oligarch cohorts are still overwhelmingly Jews.

Is it really a meme that's he's pro-white? When he still has Jew friends and allows Muslims from the Caucases and Central Asia to flood Russian cities?

Redpill me on him.

Other urls found in this thread:


Jews aren't safe from being jewed by other Jews.

Not sure

Have his oligarchs replace Amerkike oligarchs as superpower. That's pretty much all there is to it. the US and Russia share the same goal of global domination for their own team of kikes, both have Israel as head of the world planned. The goal is pretty much to be declared best goyim. Fighting globalism in Europe is only temporary so they are not under the grasp of the western ZOG team's grasp and instead fall into Eastern ZOG team's lap.

Is it possible for Russia to get rid of ZOG faster than Amerikike?

Neither are able to be free at this point. They are too deep into the economies. 20 Trillion debt of USofZOG and a demoralized, relatively poor populace for the Ruskies with actual sanctions if you do anything against kikes there. The only wild card with power I can think of might be China but they are their own kind of Jews.

Short of a natsoc or fascist revolution, that is.


This tbh.

Remember when the NATO led economic sanction kicked in and put an embargo on (((russian business))) and all those (((russian billionaires))) had their assets frozen in their swiss and cyprus bank accounts?

Turns out Israeli jews think Russian Jews are Untermensch (mongrel jews) and treat them like second class citizen even though the majority of social luxiries in Israel are actually provided for by the jewish led (((Russian Mafia))). Now imagine someone you consider to be your own flesh and blood, your own clan, your own ancestry, imagine some of those more inbred retards with a penchant for orthodoxy and batshit puritanism suddenly stab you in the back while having the gall to demand you front all the bills for their autism. And when you decide to cut their allowance they throw a hissy fit and confiscate all your shit for themselves.

I'd imagine the (((russian billionaires))) were royally pissed at their autistic ultra-demagogue cousins in Jewistan and promptly decided to cuck them beyond repair. The effect can be seen in the Syrian war theatre, this is why Rothschild is desperately trying to spark war with Russia, he know his days are numbered (faggot will likely dies of natural causes) and his descendants are some absolute degenerate wastes of placental tissue, so he wants to make sure the (((russians))) don't rob his retarded kids of their massive wealth.

Close, but not quite exact. World domination? Check. Scheming bastards? No. Only brute force and sheer power, but they do it for the money nonetheless. Cultural Revolution killed 'true' China long time ago. Now it is just a shade of former self, no cultural identity besides sweatshops, inhumane behaviour (good samaritans got sued because money), fake products, etc.

Pretty much. I wish I had saved the stories of that user who made the error of learning Chinese and got stuck working there as a steel trader for the west. All I'll just say is their "You get what you pay for" contract breaching argument is pure fucking bullshit.


Got ya covered


This is much more convenient than mine.


Thanks anons. I'll make sure to save them this time

Putin isn't a Russian ethnic nationalist more of a Russian civic nationalist. If you take a look at Russia's demographics you will see it is not all Russian. A lot of these nonrussians have been in these lands for centuries before the Russian empire expanded east. You can't have ethnonationalism in a country that has other ethnic groups historically in it or else they will call for their own ethno states which can would then deprive the country of its resources and influence in the region. Putin for the most part is fighting for survival. Even after the USSR collapsed Russia still hasn't much recovered from it. One of the main reasons Putin is helping Assad in Syria is for the oil pipeline they want to build from Iran, Iraq, Syria, and into the Mediterranean connecting to Russia giving a big fuck you to the eu and the west. Now does Putin go against those of the west do. Sure. But does that make him a believer of we at Holla Forums beleive in? Not necessarily no. Can he be a ally of convenience. Absolutely. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Putin and Russia are not perfect by any means yea they're helping out Assad but that does not mean they hate Israel as Assad or Iran would. Russia still has holocaust denial laws since they were the people who pretty much helped engineered making up the holocaust and turned it into how Russia saved the day by beating the nazis. So that is a big part of patriotism for Russia. In reality he cares only for Russia's survival and stability and he can't necessarily do that if US, UN, NATO, and EU constantly meddle in Russia's or its allies affairs

Putin is the head of the ZOG-East megatron and he's trying to defeat the West

Really nigga? Putin wants Russia to be Great Again, just like Trump wants America to be Great Again.

Putin brought his country out of a rut.

From a friend:

History lesson time.

As communism fell, Gorbachev instituted a plan to transition for the USSR/Russia to transition to Capitalism and Free Markets. Russia would consult with the best American experts on how to implement Capitalism. He left it to Yeltsin to implement this plan.

The American experts proposed a system of vouchers, whereby the wealth of the country would be returned to the people in exchange for the various pensions and income streams that they were receiving under Communism for doing their jobs.

Unfortunately, the American experts hired were (((Harvard University))) and (((Goldman Sachs))). The (((individuals))) overseeing the plan cooperated with their co ethnics (((former Communist party officials))) and the (((Russian mob))), resulting in a case where nearly all of the country's wealth ended up in the hands of a handful of (((Oligarchs))). Harvard University's endowment, legendarily wealthy from rich alumni, tripled. Goldman Sachs became the top investment bank despite mostly missing out on the 1990s dot com IPO boom.

Big name Americans, like (((Larry Summers))), the future secretary of the Treasury, were involved in the plan to fleece Russia for the benefit of the oligarchs.

So the Average Russian saw their income, pension, and wealth disappear in exchange for nothing.

Yeltsin was deeply unpopular. By the end of his rule, Russia's dept, once so bad that it forced the ending of communism, had doubled. Many of the newly wealthy oligarch's and associates of oligarchs fled the country and founded the (((Russian communities))) in NY, LA, SF, Miami, London, Paris, Singapore, and every other glamour city in the world.

With Yeltsin due to be replaced due to poor approval and ill health, the oligarch's representative in government (((Bereshovsky))), himself an oligarch, proposed setting up Russia's political party system to look more like America's. There would be a neocon party and a socialist party that could compete for power based on bullshit culture war issues to satisfy the people, but the true people would remain in power regardless.

Bereshovsky's choice for leadership in the new party was Putin, a former KGB agent who was thought to be somebody who could reliably trusted to follow orders.

Of course Putin, backed by his own (((oligarchs))), tossed Bershovsky as soon as he could, prosecuted many oligarchs, returned their wealth to the people, and eventually murdered Bereshovsky. He also prosecuted the (((independant press))) shilling for the former oligarchs.

The amount of Russian wealth held by oligarchs declined from over 90% to less than 40%.

And this is why the country backs him so strongly. The average Russian's opportunity and individual purchasing power has increased thousandfold since the bread line days of Yeltsin. Even international attempts to squeeze Russia or Russian Oil, resulting in anemic GDP growth, don't put a dent in what Putin's done to help the average Russian.

The (((International Merchants))) and (((Russian Exiles))) will never forgive Putin for what he did. There exists big money being thrown around at press/government/((temple))) figures at every opportunity to discredit Putin. Some (((people))) believe that Putin illegally stole what they legally stole.

Is Putin red pilled, or did he merely help (((oligarchs))) secure their wealth and ensure stability by throwing other (((oligarchs))) under the bus? Either way he chose not to bend over for the (((international bankers))) and that makes him more of a nationalist example that pretty much all of the Western leadership.

And Russia, with a thousand years of experience dealing with Muslims, also sets the example that countries with limited experience ought to follow.

So Putin actually made good on the promises that politicians have been promising forever?

He wants to control the Middle East because Russia doesn't produce anything but sucks natural gas/oil out with giant pipelines then sells it to Europe.

Kikes were about to take full control of the Middle East and that would destroy Russia's economy. But he has to keep good relationships with Israel (like Trump) or they will end him with their loads of shekles… and blow up his pipes.
He is also wise to The Process of Demoralization so they Russian spies on Holla Forums push how base he is.

The reality is, we can work with this guy and strengthen Europe, Russia, and America if everyone plays their cards right. Globalism is a failure. Even Israel is fighting with the U.N. at this point


Putin wants to set up his own World Bank with Communist China, India, Iran. He also condemns all anti-Muslims propaganda and sets up Muslims Mosks all over Moscow and Russia.

If you're correct, that is beautiful.

cyka blyat to the kike'th degree.

So, daily anti-aputin thread?




The enemy of my enemy is still my (((friend))).

We know what you're up to, Ivan.

i have often wondered if his rise to power was due to the operation werwolf and similar plots to regain tsar bloodline in power over russia.

A bit hot under the collar Ivan?

A bit hot under the collar James?

his goal is to stay as long in power as possible

He might allow muslims to settle but once they step an inch out of line Putin goes full berserk on them like he did on in Chechnya in the 90's.

Seriously Holla Forums should make OC specifically for putin and spread it into Russia just for the off-chance Russia would support anti-NATO coups.

Here's me hoping he gets a son and a new Tsar dynasty is born.

Excellent summary.

Putin's only goal is to make Europe white again and create a WN superstate.

Thid guy used to be Putin's main intellectual (he died). The end goal is a multi-polar world with Russia as one of the leading powers.

Holy shit. Harbin is no joke during the winter. Like, it's an extreme winter city. Good like, you shylocks.

Oyyy veyyy goyim!!!

They atleast don't tolerate feminists/SJW's/critical race theory/cultural marxism.

Its unlikely he has an ideology given his actions. Hes friends with jewish and muslium oligarchs and warlords but has gone to war with both. He funds nationalists but kill russian nationalists. He praises the red army but will light a candle for the tsar.

We didn't build it in a middle between nowhere and deerfuckers with railroad included for them to paratise, dear God, I sure hope Chinks being Chinks will 36-stratagem them to extreme for all their sins in the West!
God fucking damn them, they really can only steal other men's property while producing nothing but freudian-postmodernist trash!

>"Redpill me on ____"

He isnt even much of a civic nationalist. Not everyone who gains power is using it as a tool to fufill a ideological goal. Putin likely has power just for the sake of having power

Nice evidence you got there, Chaim.

This is stretching a whole lot of truth to justify a regime that is destroying real white russia.

Unfortunately, you're right. He really does everything same as your shabbas goys do in USA and EU, only maybe slower. His speeches for the Western audiences and his actions are totally incompatible.
Its Soviet-leftovers Ashkenazi against Empire-emigre Ashkenazi in USA and Israel.

Gets complicated because of a certain Austrian looser who was so keen on White Genocide in Slavdom that anything remotely reminiscent of nationalism for a normie is associated with extermination and enslavement of Russians by foreigners, and not with, you know, nationalism.
A guy can be totally against "niggers" (churkas) and Jews in favour of Russia from Vistula to Yukon and despise our current cleptocrats, but once you mention nationalism, something in his head clicks to nazism and he's all defensive against nazi exterminatiors who can be stopped only by reverse extermination with all our "minorities" and "brotherly peoples" from Shitstans and Caucasus.
Some useful idiots professing to be NeoNazis yet being willing mercs for Jewish oligarchs in the Ukraine doesn't help it either - hence the rabid anti-Nazi rallies you can see in Donbass.

The only erroneous point in your post is that (((Russian))) elites has had a big falling out, so modern Israel being chief beneficiary of NWO is no longer acceptable to them.

No, Isaak, you can. Whole XIX century is againts you. Your own Israel is against you.
Russia will return, and you will be pogromed back into Poland, with bonus for inventing Communism and Leninist oppression of Russias.

Russia is a land of Vikings. Not a single Ashkenazi in history was a free warrior the Vikings were, much less Orthodox Christian.Therefore you can never be Russian.

The nation of immigrants was slaver nomadic empire of Khazaria parasiting on Slavs, Byzantines and Caucasians, but Svyatoslav showed them what he though of your kind 1100 years ago.

Seriously, the only one of your kind who can immigrate in Russia with clear consciousness is a certain Nathanael.

A more interesting thing to talk about would be when will he dislodged from power. Most havent talked aboit it but an aspect to his sudden outbursts of aggression in syria and the ukraine is to keep his popularity up. If either of them or both fail he might have a revolution on his hands

Make his friends richest motherfuckers in the world.

New World Order will be Slav. I will keep it short, I promise.
t. слав, working hard on a physics degree and planning to join it up.

Russia is the only country in the world building permanent Arctic military installations. Soon enough Arctic ocean will melt enough to be sailable without ice breakers. All of the world trade will now happen in the Arctic instead of USA dominated Atlantic oceans.

Even according to Pentagon, Russian missile technology is slightly ahead of American one. International Space Station is 90% Russian, and Russia has plans to scrap its 90% and replace it with a 100% Russian one.
Russia is currently the only state that can launch things into space. NASA today is a joke, and SpaceX blew up (I was actually sad when this happened ;_;)

Slavic culture is essentially anti feminism, anti faggotry, anti islam, and western kekoldry. You have to understand, Slavic history is a history of suffering, suffering islam, suffering leftism/marxism/communism.
Plan is to simple beat the living shit out of these things. Fag parade? Police calls in sick that day, citizens take care of the rest. Feminism? Slap a bitch if it comes to that, gender roles are enforced by the God damn fucking universe and nature, best of all luck going against that. Islam? Oh God dont get me started on this……. Turning the other cheek? Vatican pedolic and protestant heathens can not compare to the wisdoms of Orthodoxy.
Nigger kings or muslim mayors, such nightmares would never happen without force here.

This is why I went for a physics degree. All orbital weapon platforms are outlawed by international law. But here's the thing, only crime is getting caught, all law you cant enforce is, well, bullshit.
Russia is already funding orbital weapon platforms. Space will be opened up for warfare, just like land, sea and air were. Instead of gender studies, nigger fucking, degeneracy, welfare, alimony, Russia puts its funds into weapons research, weapons that could be used from orbit. Russian military is recruiting a lot of physics and similar backgrounds people.
Strategic missile command only accepts Slavs tho, for ideological and security reasons.

It's no secret that we are being encricled by NATO for no reason, NATO cucks must pay for their cold war propaganda going on even today.
Anglos were pure scum so far, no love there.
Germans and other Europeans also acted against us for no reason for a better part of their history, so they can fuck themselves for all that Russia cares. Napoleon, Nazis, Teutonics, Karoleans, we won against all major European aggressors.
Middle east, glass the whole fucking thing. Africa too, these places should be inhabited by actual humans, or not at all.
Asians, I dont know, but since everyone so far fucked us over, there really is no reason to think they wont too.

Nobody gives too much shit about this, all Euros welcome obviously, but Africans and muslims are clearly not human. muslims are a race for all intents and purposes

Russia is the only state in the world with Arctic permanent military installations, and strong space funding. Melting of Arctic ocean means vast resource pools, and space domination is an integral part of Russian world policy.

Sounds like heaven. Are you accepting Western emigres who hate everything the West has become?

Look it up for yourself first, and realize how good you have it first. Yes, there is no 80% income tax to fund socialism, yes, there is no alimony or hiv solidarity tax or wage gap tax or any of that bullshit.
But lack of all safety nets and welfare means that unless you are a doctor or an engineer, or something useful, YOU too will be very fucked.

Beauty of Slav post-coldwar economy is that you get what you earn, and this might sound good to you, but you have to realize you are no special little princess, and if you arent worth anything you wont get anything.
Dont expect to work in fashion or blog for a living in Russia.

Make sure that Russia is really a place for you instead of western faggotry before you leave all of your safety nets.

I have a Law Bachelor's degree and I'm in the process of completing an Electrical Engineering and Physics Bachelor's degree majoring in Computer Engineering.

I have done some research and if I failed to find work as an engineer I could rely on teaching english. English teachers can earn anywhere from 30 000 to 180 000 roubles per month depending on experience, education and who you work for. (Or so I have been told).

Sound like a paradise, but don't call me scum just because I am Anglo! I didn't do anything wrong to the Slavic people. What was my ancestors supposed to do when they were sent to Australia by force? No D&C allowed here. Whatever my Aussie govt did is nothing to do with me as I don't frickin' control over that and Aussie aren't very politically educated but at least I did my part in election.

wew lad stop lying to the westerners

Nope, teaching English requires masters degree from a legit university, with Russian government deciding which universities are legit. And it's not even all that useful.
We have our own facebook, our own pirating websites (our pirating websites are pretty good so far), our own social media etc etc, all completely in Russian. Look up Dota or CS or any of that cancer for youth, they will shout Russian at you expecting you to speak it, just as English speaking people feel entitled about everyone speaking English.
Mongolia speaks in моонрунес, Uzbekistan, all those shitholes speak Russia. Russia projects its own language zone, need for English is much lesser. Teaching English would not earn you a living.

Doctor or an engineer, or a military experience, or something along these lines finds a job here. Focus on the industry, the production part, not the marketing part, as marketing is considered a meme here, cant make a living with it.
Your law degree is absolutely useless, since you just need to cross the street and law is completely different there..

Anglos stopped a double headed eagle flying over Constantinople one time, which is one time too many. Today, NATO (North Anglo Terrorist Organization) keeps Turkey safe from the righteous Byzantine eagle flying over Byzantine capital of Byzantium.
Anglos wronged Slavs too much and too many times. And for no reason, unlike Germans where fighting was somewhat noble.

I would have thought Russia would not want foreign trained military professionals for security reasons.

I have spoken to an English teacher earning 140 000 roubles a month who says it is possible to find work if you have a university degree in a language focused subject. He is presently working in Russia.

Putin is a local oligarch rather than a global oligarch. All he wants is to be left alone by the international likes so he can rip off Russia in peace with his oligarch cronies. Don't interpret his actions as genuine opposition to international Jewry. It is merely the last itch effort of a cornered dog fighting back.

Private employers will hire you if you're a native speaker and good at teaching, they don't have to give a fuck about government regulation.

Finding a job here and there sure, but English teacher is not an essential position, not something I'd ever plan a family with, or count on being able to retire. It is completely random and based on luck, knowing English is no skill today, very much like knowing C and Java is not considered programming anymore, you actually need to study computer architecture and lab software and machine languages in order to land basic entry level jobs…

Basically what I am saying is, English degree is no solid job. Certainly not in the private sector. You could be let go at any moment. And do not even expect to work as anything for the government as a foreigner.

Meanwhile mathematics, chemistry, physics, engineering and industry based things are completely solid. High starting salaries, they cant afford to swap you out, essentially the same laws of physics and mathematics and chemistry are over here and over there, only little things are different from Anglo literature, such as for example natural log is log base 10 instead of log base e, but its all the same.

Putin is a KGB officer, and he was also tank commander during cold war. You dont get to live too long in that business if you do not have above average analytical skills, and you do not get to command soviet armored brigades during cold war unless you can grasp strategy.

Make no mistake, there's nothing local in Putin's plan. Even long after he is gone, his plans will remain, and there's nothing local about them, unless you consider space and whole of Arctic a local Russian thing.
And importance of Arctic can not be stressed enough once it is warm enough for merchant vessels, strategy, and raw resources.

Well, not me and others so I won't feel bad for anything I didn't do. Don't lump them altogether. How would you feel if I call the Slavic people pure scums altogether, even if not all of them are involved in.

Stop disinfo.
Mayor of Moscow is Siberian Aboriginal. Defense Minister is a Tuvan pseudo-Mongol from the deepest ass of Siberia. Putin's personal aide and ideologue Surkov is half-Chechen mulatto with daddy issues not unlike Obama.
Tell me more about no niggers in places of power.
Сhechens and Kadyrov animal are Putin's dogs to use against common Russians. Russians are routinely harrassed out of border regions like Caucasus and Siberian "republics".
etc. etc. etc.

Seriously, you're a 100% match for a tekhnar stereotype - a living tool, excellent at STEM yet extremely naive and uneducated in humanities, therefore eating any shit his half-brained overlords will put into his mouth from that wretched ideology pot.
Such people made all the Soviet weaponry without ever thinking "why?", "for whom?" and "why does everybody around live in utter shit?"

I have enough money saved up that I could buy a nice house or apartment outside of Moscow and not ever have to worry about rent or mortgage payments.

Name a better defense minister then Shoygu. Sure he is a pseudo Mongol, but name a more deserving and competent and loyal man for the job. Guy already bled for Russia more then half of the country put together.

If these poverty tier lowlife manual laborers ever got uppity, they'd get machine gunned out of existence and we both know it.
Chechens will seriously get nuked if they even think of any bullshit. You can still find ashtrays made out of their boiled skulls for sale.

There is absolutely no value in these good for nothing "citizens" that serve no purpose, no reason, that are absolutely useless.
Non-essential citizenry is not a priority, if they were good for anything they wouldnt live in border regions.
And what are you, entitled little princess, feeling entitled to other people to fund your hobby? No one does STEM for fun. The economy does not work on hobbies. The world does not work on rainbows and happy feelings. STEM only makes economic sense.

Wew lad, you people can`t try to understand Puting end game without going throug some guy called Aleksandr Dugin, the so called Putin Rasputin by the ((Western Media)).

Stop being plebs and do some actual research

The Unlikely Origins of Russia’s Manifest Destiny
How an obscure academic and a marginalized philosopher captured the minds of the Kremlin and helped forge the new Russian nationalism.

Is Donald Trump A Russian Quisling?
A recent chain of events comes within a context that supports the theory of a Trump-Kremlin alliance. You’ve got to read it to believe it.

Putin's Brain
Alexander Dugin and the Philosophy Behind Putin's Invasion of Crimea

Dugin’s Evil Theology
His Eurasianism is a satanic cult.

just some results on google
can you already hear the oyy veyy?

In addition
Leaked Memos Show George Soros Plotted to Oust Putin, Destabilize Russia
The Hungarian billionaire appeared to have a fascination with not just fostering but creating anti-Putin opposition forces inside of Russia in a bid to destabilize the country.

Mega kikes Rothschild owners of The Economist shitting on Putin on a daily basis

There are reasons why ((Western Media)) shits on putin all the time, and also shits on Dugin accusing him on evil and satanic (projecting much?)
Dugin ideology is a direct obstacle to Jew World Order

Let me guess, Holla Forums = fake news?

Just try to read, and conect some dots newfag

He want a new URSS, but with the European Union.
I think this is good, the Red Army soon liberating the continent from the cuckoldry

Dugin is a disgusting anti-white "eurasianist". He deserves the fucking rope.

You mentioned above that military experience gets you work in Russia.

Wouldn't the Russian military exclude people who have worked in foreign militaries?

says the one who can't echo correctly

Fuck your mother, tool.

A literal Mongol becomes defense minister of Russia just because back in 1993 he got a 1000 automatic rifles on orders of literal NWO Jew Egor Gaydar TO KILL RUSSIANS DEFENDING THE PARLIAMENT FROM PRSIDENTIAL COUP.

And he asks what other animal in Siberia could provide more service to Jews in oppressing Russians. I dunno, Kadyrov strives pretty hard to please, he's just too inbred to reach even a Finn-Tuvan level of intelligence.

R.I.P. Russian Democracy 1991-1993.
2 and a half years out of 1154, thank a Tuvan Mongol and a bunch of Jew oligarchs for that.

Also Eltsin.


This kind of thinking is on the level of a child. Putin's got many jews working for him, he instilled holocaust laws and makes any kind of nationalist movement illegal.
Just because he kicked out a few faggots and is hated by the western media doesnt mean that hes a white nationalist who's "just playing the jews".
If the western media's hate is the reason to believe that Putin is with us, was the Soviet Union also a white nationalist superstate? And if the jews ran the Soviet Union, was America also run by white nationalists?
Sometimes there are no good guys, reality is not a superhero movie.

jews are eternal problematic.

What if the guy doesn't even have an endgoal and just supports people that he thinks have just motives?

No, military experience is an extremely valuable commodity, and you wouldnt be put in a high command, you'd be given a job to do and based on your job to job performance they would either give you even more jobs or shoot you on the spot.
As I said, certain parts of the military such as Russian strategic missile command are completely off limits to all non-Slavs, basically only Belorussians and few others can serve there. Russia also has a foreign legion. You would be put there.

Tools > useless humanities.
As for politics, I dont want to be dragged in that discussion, useful people are living the good life, useless people bitch and moan, all is well, Russia offers the good life to good Russians, if you are illiterate gopnik or entitled little princess humanities cunt you should fuck off.


To survive as the last white country on earth.

Kek. Nothing to add on Shoygu's "value", huh?

Don't listen to this fool, he gets his bone for been a good goy making weapons for Bolshevik Jews in power. Good Russians, lol, Russia went into catacombs or exile, Sovoks like you are no more Russians than Hillary supporters are Americans.

literally who pushes subversion on Russia to try to disestablish the country into the same western degeneracy.



This is also what Trump h as learned. The main ((Achilles heel))) is turning their greed of power and money against each other in a controlled environment. In a way, it's same same division technique Soros uses. It's very effective.

nice fanfic.
are you referring to something or….?

Russia's always been an empire, since at least Prince Vladimir.


Perhaps you haven't noticed the extreme level of jews in his administration and campaign. This is why. He's building the division point.

What if I am half Serbian? But raised in an Anglo country.

As he said, he's president of 140 million people of Russia that has it's own interest and he's here to defend them. That's all.


And what is your glorious plan? Resurrect Nikolay and continue on with the empire? Return the caste system??

Russia is still a good place for weapon building Russians. So just learn to build weapons. Get a physics degree. Be useful. No one owes you anything, little princess. You are not entitled to good life. You are not entitled to rights you cant defend yourself. You are not entitled to money you cant earn. You are not entitled to Russia just because you are born Russian, like hordes of other illiterate gopniks or pretentious good for nothing humanities useless cunts.

After you are done shouting in the streets and waving imperial flags, what is your plan then?? Let me hear your great alternative.

You have Russian colors in your flag, Orthodox faith, and a double headed eagle. And went to war with NATO. Basically Belarus 2.0 aka mini-Russia. If you have a real degree you can get a job. Russia plans to fight for domination in Arctic when the ocean melts enough so resources can be extracted and trading across it can be done.

"American Liberalism Must be Destroyed" – Alexander Dugin at Texas A&M University, April 29, 2015

How is this bad?

How about pic related, you fucking retard?

Or how about this?

Name me another European country where a man could get a heritable nobility title and life pension for state or military service.
Denikin's father started as a serf and ended as Infantry Major and a Gentry member. Colonel's rank already awarded heritable nobility.

You are a dog. A dog being fed bones by a thug who captured your house and is squatting there. Be a good doge and bark at former house owners.
Just dont be salty when homeowners evict the squatters and make a fur carpet out of a disloyal dog.
Your being salty about you gaping lack of classical humanities educations only shows how much of a midwit servant you are. A tool to add to a machine, not a proper human and citizen.

And you won't find any "grand strategy" on /pol of all places. We don't like to publicise where we gather, much less to a loyal servant of Judeo-Bolsheviks, much less waiving flags for even stupider dogs to mark us.

And don't you dare to imply I'm poor, dog. I'm not, and I also happen to not to serve subhumans for scraps from my riches they stole a century ago. Me and my kin, and many more alike to us, had had enough bullshit from this USSR-lite for 5 generations already.

All of you will suffer like we did. What goes around comes around. You won't be able to just gas another Antonov Uprising, your nukes won't save you.

You know, what Russia has been doing for the past couple centuries basically.

He just wants to keep the regime intact, because any economic reforms he'll try to enact now will piss off his Jewish oligarch friends and create havoc and chaos amongst the populace.

Putin hates above all any subversion of his own power and revolutions to autocratic systems, regardless if they're shitty or effective.

He is referring to (((Whites)))

MTV = (((Summer Redstone))) = Rodstein pic related
Gays = Soros archive.is/zWP9e pic related

Well, soros was backing the Orange "Revolution"..
Nothing new here

George Soros’ Giant Globalist Footprint in Ukraine’s Turmoil

George Soros: A Winning Strategy For Ukraine

This one written by soros
Save the New Ukraine

so yeah, there is that, if you are ukranian, sorry

then why did his very close cronies funnel billions of Russian taxpayer money out of the country, as has been discovered in the Panama Papers. I wouldn't be surprised if Putin himself is a billionaire.

That's not a good system, that's just cynical kleptocracy run by a leader who has no faith in even his own country.

Vladimir Vladimirovich clawed his way to the top of the KGB, then the Russian leadership for one goal and one goal only: Using Soviet-era computers to hack his way into the electronic voting machines and sway votes in favor of Donald Fredovich Trumpov, Soviet sleeper agent embedded in decadent United States during 70s. Working together, the United States will have Czar Donald I, and Russia will have Czar Vladimir the whatever. All will be right in the world again, until their great-grandchildren fuck everything up by being spoiled faggots.
Historical note: Putin is short for Rasputin. Putin is descended from the bastard lovechild of the mad monk and the Czaress Alexandra

Look at Russian Empire, USSR, and then current Russia.

Look at France before and after the French Revolution.

Look at the First and Second Reich and then look at modern "Germany".

Look at the British Empire and then look at the Commonwealth.

I think it's safe to say Putin and the current regime need to be removed. Monarchy, traditionalism, nobility, these are the way whites are meant to live. The Age of Democracy will be remembered as a blight in human history and our greatest mistake, never to be repeated.

Seconded. Traditions are there for reasons because they are the tried and true ways of living that has basis on reality unlike liberal pipe dreams, and we purge non-productive and bad ones on regular basis.

and also, you should provide source for that quote, smells fake as fuck

No faggot, he is referring to the white race. Stop excusing this piece of eurasianist shit.

Well, that would explain the business practices and routine lead-poisoning of our children through toys.

Why is it that ever single one of those motherfuckers grows up to look like goblin extras from Lord of the Rings? It's almost like some sort of blood magic power corrupts their bodies like the dark side of the force does to the Sith.

you know is not true, in this video it is explained very clear

Refute this then, you anti-white apologist.


late to the party

You keep posting this guy's art everywhere and I love it. Don't stop. But consider other illustrators as well.

how the fuck is this not retarded.

he is traveling to america to teach americans how to do things, that is exactly what Putin criticizes americucks for.

explain again, how Putin stopping the jewish/americuck invasion of syria NOT a great blow against zog?



Srsly how new are you?
let me gess, you arrived in the last 3 months

How about you provide a single shred of evidence refuting Dugin's OWN words that prove he isn't an anti-white piece of shit. I'll be waiting

I've been on 8/pol/ since the first exodus, you smarmy little cunt.

Nice meme

did i triggered you?


I know is hard to be a triggered retard

Lat me guess. You're a post-second exodus cuckchanner

No you didn't.

Being against American liberalism has nothing to do with being anti-white. Chinks in China and African niggers despise American liberalism, but they are both most definitely anti-white.

I wonder how much mental gymnastics you have to engage in to rationalise away Alexander Dungin's own words.6

Calm your tits and see what peace is happening in the new trifecta. They made a slight bit of land grab, because they saw how fucked silly Ukraine was. Putin is pls no bully. And I feel the man. There is no reason to keep hitting someone when they are already down.

If you are talking about this image
is already debunked here

you dont have any other source aboutt dugin being anti white, this picture obviously fake
and this other one already debunked

coicidentially both come from the same place

Try to find somethinf else more, there is not

Russian Ultranationalist Dugin Sparks Outrage in U.S. With Texas Lecture

Oyy veyy literally hitler hahaha
Jews pulling the "Ultranationalist" card

You should look into a guy called "Boris Mironov". He's a Russian nationalist and is currently on trial because he named the tribe in his books. All videos are in Russian though… but if you can get them translated, you'll get the true red pill on Russia.

Let me tell you this. If you think the situation in Russia is better than in the US or Europe, think again. The only difference is that the people in Russia are so brainwashed by the media, that they don't even notice how they are being robbed by the government. They think that all their misery is only because of Obama meanwhile the oligarchs/administration are pocketing billions.

Shoygu is useless and degenerate. The media built a cult of personality around him. He is popular because everytime something happens like a helicopter crash, etc. he is the first to visit that place.

What a curious headline. They're really in the fits. If anyone Russian is watching, that is not the work of Americans.

Putin has always thought of his relations with the US were along of the lines of a friendly rivalry. The US, sees his rise in popularity plus bold moves in the Caucasus (name any even there) and in the Crimea, as being a powergrab and slated to be a return to the cold war. Putin ultimately wants Russia to be a powerful Nation, but contrary to what Aspie Anglin states, he's not a white nationalist nor does he want a majority-white nation in the truest sense of the word. This means, Putin will keep a firm grip on the Caucasus and bribing the Muslims with "anti-hate laws" and even that nice Mosque built in Moscow to bribe them, nor implementing Kadyrov as pres. of Chechnya is going to sway ALL of the Muslims, but more on that in a bit. Putin therefore wants Russia to realistically rival America in terms of Military control and hopefully to him, economic influence and thusly, world influece. He won't be very successful because of problem number 2, the "human rights abuses" and/or the Muslim issue.

Islam has played a significant role in most of the people of the Caucasus region of the Russian Federation (except N&S Ossetia, they're Christian). Why would Putin want to hang on to the Caucasus so much that he'd rig an election/appoint a former Mujahideen as president? Oil. There runs a pipeline from the Caspian sea to a port in the black sea (where until fairly recently, RF had to pay Ukraine a fee for using their own port in Sevastopol). What does all of this add up to? The majority of Muslim Caucasians feel as if they're being occupied and wish to buck them off and have already established (in exile) their own Islamic Wilaya (region or province in a caliphate). Given Mr Putin's intervention in Syria, the Salafists from both the AQ and IS camp see this as obligation for a prolonged Jihad, this time against Russia.

What all of this means, is that Putin is going to have an uphill struggle and Russia is likely going to face major acts of Islamist Terrorism which will make Russia neither a superpower comparable to the US, but also neither a Military power to rival the US; Russia will likely be at war with the Muslim indefinitely because of his indiscretion in the Caucasus and in the ME.if you have any more questions about Russia or Islam, I'll do my best to answer them

Putin's endgame is power, simple as that. Unfortunately, he's more interested in power over other people than true power.


He hasnt done anything good ……at all

It feels good not to be a total retarded nigger and know putin is a manlet piece of shit

These people who love being slaves in russia disgust me the same way hilary supporters do

Seems they think they are adequate. The flailings of the lost.

Follow your Jewish god and kill yourself, christfag.

Putin has some obvious Tatar in his gene pool, so he wouldn't want to upset his coethnics.

Let's play spot the Amerifag state department employees.

Just because im not putins bitch boy slave doesnt mean i support zog west.

I don't support Putin. But you are obviously attacking him from a liberal position, which makes it obvious that you are a shill. Talk to your boss and tell them you need to update your talking points because nobody here will buy it. Hint: the problem with Putin is that he is a cuckservative and not right wing enough.

And lol at "slave." Putin is fairly liberal. If you were really from Holla Forums you would know that. To be Holla Forums approved he would need to reopen the gulags and kill a lot more people. As it stands, he is simply a liberal cuckservative.

Thats the problem stalin also was "fairly" liberal

Stalin was not liberal at all you dumb ape. Now I can really tell you are an Amerilard shill.

Im not the same guy he was resonding to tardo. No im not liberal im just not eager to suck jewish oligarch dick.
Hey guy if you would dislike living in the islamic state you are a liberal

Your one of those soviet nostalgic faggots who tries and paint stalin as a right wing nationalist huh? Your a crypto commie faggot.
Stalin was a devout commie and head of the USSR he was the first SJW

Your the type of fucking looser who watches russia today and believes it in the US we refer to you as a normie.

It is only the truth, libtard. Islamic state is pretty good and would be a nice place to live if not for the shitskins.

USSR was in fact right wing. More right wing than post-war Western Europe and America by any objective measure. The Axis was obviously the good side of WWII, but after they were killed by subhuman Amerifags and the cold war began, the USSR was clearly the better side.

Stalin outlawed faggotry and killed millions of Jews.

Can confirm. Slight pet peeve: Can you fuckers stop uploading rare movies with English title and Russian voiceover audio?

Literally another gorillion?

Is this bantz or real? If real, how much?

No one knows.

- sustained trafficking of goods in Saint Petersburg before he was president. Investigation of this was never finished
- blew some houses in 1999 to make people insecure and choose him (a gov worker announced the wrong city at the parliament session when they discussed first explosion in 1999, second explosion happened few days later in that very city)
- signed a law which requires data carriers to store all traffic for 6 months, signed many other laws which are in strong disagreement with constitution (because fuck constitution)
- signed a law allowing the police to carry obligatory preventive measures against suspected future criminals (because fuck constitution)
- his close friend, a musician who owns gigantic money as we learned from Panama docs, buys violins using all his money (he said so)
- his TV show ("Direct line with Putin" or how is it called in english) is a collection of arrogant treatments towards the population which hired him
- he is a large word manipulator, it is not unusual for him to ignore a direct question (like he did recently with a question about the son of a supreme attorney getting huge contracts) or to slide it with unrelated bullshit. Also, his secretary Peskov almost never knows anything about important things what he is asked about
- the president of Chechnya is allowed to do everything he wants, Chechnya is heavily subsidised, the father of the president called jihad on Russians

More importantly, he is already 16 years into the presidency (nb4 Medvedev breaks combo: he was a puppet) and he still did not manage to solve a single important internal problem of Russia: Russia still heavily depends on the crude exports, the budget still evaporates through every hole, the elections are still a joke.

This is probably no more worse than Obama but Holla Forums does not call Obama nothing less than a white saviour, do you?

Even if he is, this means nothing for Russia.

Nice meme.

….. Like what? I mean, except throwing those crude export taxes on cosmetic changes. It's easy to not put a dent on something what does not exist.

Except that Russia is not a monolithic ethnicity and domestic muslims are spilling all over the country. You put yourself at a very serious risk by opposing islam in any part of Russia other than anonymously.

Regarding everything else: you keep silence about very important issues which Russia is plagued with. You could paint USA as good as even better by carefully selecting the facts. Nice b8, I replied.

Oh, sorry, forgot to explain the picrelated: it is the table of parliament elections results from the country which had some super-important mate of Putin in party lists of "ruling" party.

The percentages in bold match perfectly if the granularity is taken into account (those which do not match well are from poll stations were low number of voters was registered).

Columns: turnout, United Russia in % of turnout, United Russia, LDPR, CPRF, Fair Russia

ruSSia is jewish project itself, it`s a copy of PruSSia but still khazarian mongol jewish shit





Going out on a limb here, but could his engame maybe possibly be a restored Soviet Union stretching from Kaliningrad in the west to Maine Oblast in the east?

Good post fam. Anons must remove collective head from collective anus.

Jebuz was the first communist

Of course! There is no honor among liars and thieves.

Holocaust denial is banned in Russia
8ch is banned in Russia
The truth is banned in Russia

That's about all you need to know about this anti-white East-ZOG kike

His end game is to stop people from knowing his end game