Remember to make games using only free software.
Remember that using free software is ethically and morally correct and frees you of paying expensive licenses and companies sueing you because you pirated their software (It happens).
Remember to make games using only free software.
Remember that using free software is ethically and morally correct and frees you of paying expensive licenses and companies sueing you because you pirated their software (It happens).
Other urls found in this thread:
Remember this is not >>>/g/
This is a good thread. It has a point, a list of useful software tools, and a reason.
btw OP, milkytracker comes with a file called AIFFWriter.h which is a way to export non free AIFF files
I agree, I like it.
Should I start learning Godot when 3.0 is just around the corner though?
I've been fiddling around with the second beta release for a bit. If you have some planning or asset creation to do, I'd do that right now. There are a few bugs being worked out for the 3.0 release that should be in a couple weeks.
Download the Beta release from their newsfeed (or compile yourself) to get into 3.0 immediately.
what if i don't give a shit about morality and i'm only looking for profit.
checkmate fedora retard
I like Love2D, especially as a learning tool. Big toolkits like Godot can be daunting at first.
Also why OpenOffice? LibreOffice is a much better alternative.
I've got a bridge to sell ya
What about aiff makes it a non free file format?
It's one of the simplest audio formats to write. I like it.
The game engine itself should be free software too, whether you made it from scratch or used something like Godot.
Then you'll make more money by not needing to pay license fees, and if your game is free software (and attracts attention because it's not shit), you'll have a ton of people fixing bugs for free.
Good thread?
He talks about free software and unironically suggests to either use Ubuntu or LinuxMint.
Try harder next time, kid.
GPL is not free
You cannot sell GPL'd software
Of course you can, just as long as you make the source code available.
It's true however GPL is incompatible with Steam and most app stores. So just dual-license your game.
name one piece of GPL'd software that people sell
not providing service for
not selling CD's or physical distribution media
I am saying the software is sold
Well, it's not even about it being "morally correct". It's good for you, the user of those tools, and good for the people that will use your software, assuming you decide to make it free software too.
It isn't sold because it's a shit business model, not because the GPL disallows it.
try reading the GPL sometime instead of basing your opinion off of the opinions of others.
Nice try Stallman.
Why would it not be possible? Just make the source code available without the assets, and sell complete game. Pirates gonna pirate. Or better yet don't partake in the immoral business practice of selling data, and crowd fund your labor instead.
the license _requires_ no cost for the software
the GPL only provisions cost for distribution expenses and service fees,
but it requires _no cost_ for the software itself
that's why no one can name one single piece of software that is sold under the GPL
as for the assets,
i don't want to make artwork and program software, only to sell the artwork while having to give away the software
I want to program, i want renumeration for my labor, i don't want to give my labor away
I did, and there's nothing that prohibits selling of copies.
this, godot dev makes 8.5k dolars per month on patreon.
the guys making the Wii emulator makes more on patreon or some shit.
the guy making monster island dev makes 35k per month on patreon.
if people need your work or software, they will pay for you to mantain it.
Krita is GPL and sold.
No, retard. You may not charge for accessing the code itself when distributing that code. That means if you sell binaries and simply provide a link to the source, but that source also charges, then you are breaking the GPL. The software itself, if the source is available at no cost, then it can be freely sold. Nobody does this because it's a stupid business practice, and your'e grasping at straws.
You may not charge unreasonably extra for the source code, but you may
- Provide the source code for free to people who bought the binaries, and not provide it at all to anyone else
- Sell the source code without giving anyone binaries
read the GPL
your words are worthless without sources
Krita in the Microsoft store:
Krita's license:
I did, and that's how I know you're a fucking retard.
terrible argument there buddy
relying upon ad hominem as if it means anything
Thanks for providing a source.
I do find this interesting however:
And this is what I find really interesting:
It almost reads as if the buyer is paying a fee for services which include automatic updates and an easy-to-use exe for installation.
It almost reads as if the buyer isn't buying the software at all.
But that is a case and example, even though there is speculation about it.
That's not an ad-hominem, dipshit. Saying you're wrong because you're a dipshit is an ad-hominem. You're wrong and you're a dipshit, and the reason you're wrong right now is because you don't understand the GPL or what an ad-hominem is.
you can be the asshole
And you can be the retard that doesn't know how to read and argues against well-known facts.
why don't you go read the GPL
instead of using ad hominems
I did, and you're wrong.
Don't forget about Enigma
Yeah, nah. Fuck off.
wew lads.
what homework?
If someone makes an assertion without a source, that adds nothing to argument.
However, when someone provides a source, I now have somewhere to derive whether my position is correct or not, along with any audience to discern for themselves who is correct or not.
I conceded that software was sold on the windows store, and it is plainly labelled as GPL v2, but there is room to contest the condition of sale as to whether a person is buying the software itself or paying fees in exchange for services.
You can't prove that it doesn't say something you said it does. If you think it prohibits selling GPL software, then it's up to (you) to provide source, retard. Nice job fucking up the burden of proof too.
Nice job, stupid.
it's nothing sort of impressive, at least musically. on top of that, lmms is fucking shit for anyone who isn't some freetard making shitty EDM.
wew lads.
I was just saying you can, not that you should or that I endorse GPL. Personally I see it as a virus.
You can only charge a fee for the "physical act of transferring a copy" under the GPL v1.
If you make your software under the GPL v1 or derive your software from anything under the GPL v1, you must provide it to all third parties "at no charge".
Same as GPL v1 except an additional "warranty protection" fee was added.
Same as GPL v1.
You can only charge a price for "copy" not the original work.
If you charge for the object, you may only charge if you offer it from a designated place and you provide the source at no cost.
An extension of the previous section d.
A person cannot charge a fee for license. A license is the right to possess, perform, publish, produce, or use a copyrighted work. You cannot charge a fee to use the software.
None of that says you cannot sell free software. Again, it only says you cannot lock the source behind a paywall after distributing the binary. Why are you still being retarded? Are you illiterate?
This means the license, not that you cannot sell the software. You can still do that. And it's funny that you have to dig back at GPLv1 to get anything close to this "prohibition", you fucking retard.
Out of curiosity, does GPL block you from distributing highly obfuscated source code?
No, because there is no way to tell if you're cleverly obfuscating your code of if you're simply an MIT (Mumbai Institute of Technology) graduate.
I'll let other readers come along and form their own conclusions from the arguments made in this thread.
You fucking idiot.
I have been trying to get into Love2D recently. It seems a pretty comfy game engine that takes care of the low-level stuff, but leaves the high-level stuff up to the programmer. I hope that this means that I won't be fighting the engine when creating a game. I'm not a big fan of Lua, it has some really questionable design choices, but it could be worse.
Now you're just moving goal posts. You cannot charge a fee to use a GPL software in the same way you cannot charge a fee to use a hammer. The entire point of Free Software is that users should be Free to use software as they see fit. When you buy a hammer you are not buying a permission to use the hammer, you are buying the hammer, or rather a copy of whatever prototype the hammer manufacturer has in their factory. In the same way when you buy a software you are buying a copy of the software.
This. I even asked Stallman about it and he sees no issue. Just include a tarball (or ZIP or whatever) of the source code with the download and you're fine, no need for a public repo if you don't want to.
Technically yes, but as pointed out, the line between obfuscated and just plain shit style is blurry. With that said, code that has been heavily obfuscated or minimized like what web developers do to keep their JavaScript files smaller, can easily be detected. No human has writing habits that shit.
Obfuscation isn't really worth the effort either, there are automatic tools that can de-obfuscate the code again. You lose all the comments and possibly the variable names, but it's still quite powerful.
There are numerous GPL games and applications available on Steam. Endless Sky, Blender, Crongdor the Barbarian, and Strife: Veteran Edition are a few. There have also been "ports" of console games like N2O using GPL emulators. It looks like you're right about Apple's app store, but there's at least one GPL game on the Play Store called Pixel Dungeon.
Weak faggot.
godot is better.
I know there are better rendering engines out there. But SDL is amazing for cross-platform input.
Love2D is very cool, because it's so functionally minimal.
People only use SDL because they're afraid to learn to use a system's specific API. Prove me wrong.
You are correct. I am too lazy to learn the windows, openbsd, freebsd, and mac osx API for input because fuck dinput on winblows and fuck EULA's on mac for cocoa or whatever they use now.
I didn't say lazy, I said afraid. Deep down you know that the APIs will break your spirit and make you feel dumb.
you're retarded
Professionalism isn't about the best tools, it's about the right tools and they make better results than impatient wannabes like you who'll never make it.
so what? AIFF is pointless anyway, one should use FLAC (for lossless) instead, or Opus for lossy
and it is also so trivial there's nothing to patent
But am I wrong?
Oh and also, "hurr durr" is a dead giveaway that you're a cum guzzling cuckchanner, just so you know.
t. cuckchanner trying to fit in
Yes, it says "preferred form for modification" or something, not "source code". It needs to be the form in which you would work on it.
gentle jej
It's bloated, you faggot.
Using one of those distro, you'also using non-free software from their non-free repos, and using proprietary bloat in Linux.
Really makes you think
Not to mention that it's possible to use Holla Forums without running any of its code, which is Stallman-compliant no matter what.
What's the best free software for digital sculpting? Not modeling, sculpting.
This reminds me I am working in a game at work as a sidejob. We are using Unity because there were some assets packs for it that solved 90% of development time, but we soon found out that Unity has shit support for controllers and doesn't contemplate the more complex devices for flying simulators and the likes. As a result, two of the reversers in the levers can't be detected because they are above the hardcoded limit of buttons a controller may have.
People have complained in the forums, but since it is a niche use case they don't give a fuck. As always, I think the solution consists on writing your own input controller, like pretty much everything in this "readymade dragondrop xd" engine.
Also, no wonder people complain about Unity games not being optimized. Shit encourages millions of layers of indirection to access a specific Entity.
Quick question: I want to write a small mostly text rpg in C, is there preference between going full SDL or using SDL input with ncurses or just ncurses or what do you suggest? And I could put my own music via SDL audio nicely?
literally less than one day of work, do what you want.
It's really not a day's work if I am to include a lot of text and music that I made myself, also I'm quite shitty at C and want to practice datastructures and whatnot with this project as well so the code should follow some standards.
you're literally programming a console application retard, not some 3D game on opengl.
literally one month of work.
Wouldn't want you to plan any commercial products because one day changed into one month at a moment's notice smh fam
I don't get your point, but you're literally programming a console app, is literally the same type of games they did in the 70's.
unless you're going full pajeet enterprise mode with it, is just a bunch of procedural code with some functions and a lot of json text made in some scripting python app.
Godot is a game engine, SDL is a library for cross-platform multimedia stuff. You don't even have to use SDL for games technically, you could use its gamepad input facilities in a 3D modelling application.
Ncurses should be sufficient. Acutally, you should use only ANSI escape codes yourself, like a big boy. You'll learn a little bit, this way.