Oy vey, Goyim, never forget that the Jews are the ones that suffer the most from the rise of Islamism. The destruction of White lands is not really relevant, always remember that I stand at the top of the victim pyramid, Goyyyy…
Prager U: Born to Hate Jews
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Prager is an ultra kike but useful for entry level redpills.
This is not a redpill, they're spinning the narrative into "look at all the good things Jews and Israel did for us".
Not even that.
They're equating Jews with Israel and completely side-stepping the issue of the Jewish lobby.
Of course he is. But he gave a damn good speech about how shit liberalism is and it's digestable for normies because hey, the Joos dindu nuffin right?
The pixels. Painful. The original MP4 isn't even over 12MB.
Prager is literally owned by a Jew, what did ou expect?
In any case, Prager is actually pretty good when they are not talking about Jews or Israel.
I've seem some of their non-jewy stuff and I will say it is very good. When they tow the jewish line though, good god do they sound condescending. It's obvious that they view gentiles as barbaric and jealous of (((their))) so called 'accomplishments'. Just look at their pet goy they got for webm related.
i'd say prager jew is one of the best gateway redpills out there, outside of being pro israel, everything they ever said is agreeable
And this is where Prager falls apart. They have some good videos, but easy to see through. Controlled Op.
Really makes you think about killing all Jews
Never promote enemy propaganda.
also, it was funny that he mentioned how his parents weren't radical at all and that muslims are peaceful, then he mentions the next sentence that they hate every westerner and that he was going to a fucking terrorist training camp. Although the latter is clearly a lie.
Views on kikes: unchanged.
Views on muzzies: reinforced.
Surely you goyim don't believe the conspiracy theory that the mass immigration is setup by Zionist Jews and Christians to force mass aliyah of the chosen to Israel?
Prager has been unhinged and out of control since the middle of last year. I listened to him for a while when Trump's train started and he didn't disappoint. One time he was so upset that his nasily jew voice was screeching into the microphone and I wished there was a day I could record it. He was kvetching so hard about Trump that he would spend some radio segments broken and babbling. This one time he spent 20 minutes not taking calls and just talking about how much he likes cigars. He would sometimes get callers saying that they were no longer listening to him because of (translating here) how much of a kike he became and how he "changed" once Trump entered the picture. All of those callers had the same sentiment; they were baffled towards his attitude on Trump and how like a flip switched all of his "moderate" attitudes went out the window and he couldn't stand him and didn't want to hear anything else. I think I stopped listening to him once the AEI went to the kingmaker island to have their spooky globalist meeting.
Prager is the epitome of controlled opposition so of course he would try to appeal based on things that jews use to lure wayward goyim trying to wake up. Him together with Christina Hoff Sommers at the (((American Enterprise Insitute))) represent neo-conservatism. Any of the minor redpills on the Prager U channel are meant to be the gatekeepers that keep people wanting more but instead they get old fashioned "Israel is our greatest ally goyim" kike shit. Listen to his radio show if you want to listen to him kvetch and talk about boring pointless shit but you'll get a few laughs when he kvetches about Trump.
We need to make sure we remember that AEI/kingmaker/spooky globalist meeting, lest it get memory holed. That was a VERY suspicious event during the 2016 election primary season.
And then they wonder why people hate them.>>8452094
I've heard some good things about him through Adam Carolla (who loves Prager and fucking LOVES Jews) but I'm not too shocked that he went full kvetch. As a few people have said though, Prager U does seem to be decent for very, very low level redpills.
So because "israel has multiculti people coexisting" wich is bullshit as we see daily news about how they want to segregate themselves..
The guy from a "moderate" family who almost became a terrorist… Now likes jews?
except that the fact that jews never did anything to generate hatred except being different or "better" than others is utter bullshit.
they've always been dicks, from the very beginning.
if people actually read the old testament…
or studied history a little beyond what they are told in school.
just like…
I heard that Jews killed Jesus.
"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you."
Non jewy stuff is good, but they go ultra-kike otherwise, I would recommend only to those who are already aware of the jew but want to learn more about (((liberals))), fucking with western values.
This video is a joke. It has to be.
So many contradictions in this video.
Worse than that; it's propaganda intended to make you believe that Muslims are capable of western, rational though, and that they are not an "alien, invading force" in Europe.
It's literally a Muslim and Jews working together to subvert western civilization. Holla Forums is always right.
I fucking hate Jews so much.
Neoconservativism isn't "entry level redpills," tard. It is blue pills. Prager is a blue pill factory.
No, it isn't. It's conservatard crap.
Did you consider that maybe the nig is supposed to represent someone in particular?