Say goodbye to the internet, net neutrality was only the beginning.
Say goodbye to the internet, net neutrality was only the beginning.
looks kosher
Looks like it places blame on "intermediaries" for users of a service for posting CP. A single naked kiddy pic would be able to take down Holla Forums.
Yeah, dude, it's the Jews trying to trick you again, retard.
This kills the pedophile.
Well we have #ShallNotCensor, so that's great.
Emotionally charged rhetoric, pushed mostly by right wing authoritarians, to further control the internet with heavy-handed and inappropriate legislation. Great. The legislation won't even help - Sex trafficking is already illegal.
oh no, you mean that censoring Nazis might mean that twitter is liable for CP?
oh no
what a bad thing
how terrible
Back to cuckchan.
Back to Holla Forums.
Fuck off Jack
Remember how Cloudflare censored Nazi websites? I can't fucking wait for the salt when they become liable to enforce CP and IP laws on their entire network because they set this precedent.
This is polchan. Why are you here?
This is actually Reddit.
Your kind is not welcome here.
Please go back to 4chan.
I want to see that shitstorm unleashed.
How many pages are relying on their "protection"?
Go get a hotel room.
all me
The whole point of killing Net Neutrality was to decrease the influence of the government in the internet, retard. You can’t simultaneously say that right wingers want to control the internet while also saying that right wingers want to deregulate the internet.
This is literally your mind on progressivism. Kill yourself.
Reminder (((Jacob Applebaum))), the serial rapist, would always shill the EFF. I wouldn’t trust them.
see jew
do the opposite of what they do !!
no Holla Forums here just logic way of thinking
Yes you can. Don't you want to be the guy to buy up all the ISP's and own everything without any repercussions by the government.
They are liberals who want lower taxes and more gibs for merchants.
I'm not a progressive. I'm a traditionalist ancap. How you could extrapolate being a progressive from what I said? You're a fool blinded by ideology.
I guess this means Microsoft and Amazon would be sued into oblivion if this passes.
So does this actually do anything?
I would tell you to kill yourself, but I hope you live long enough to be alive when killing commies is legal.
You're all retarded and only i and the people who i agree with are right.
Consider this: youtu.be
Oldest trick in the jewish bag; always control both sides while suppressing any third.
When are the EFF going to speak out against free-speech destroying "anti-semitism" legislation? Oh right, never, because they're kikes who don't give a shit about free speech only that their speech should be unimpeded.
Are you Ajit-ated?
Just for information :
The quote is fake, it's a mix of two quotes, separated by multiple years, from two different authors, written in different contexts.
The first part is from Marx and he actually describes the effects of capitalism. Then somehow they added a quote by Engels and inserted the word holocaust.
Wouldn't most sites simply be hosted in another country?
If the site is browsable in America, it will also be affected
How so?
I would make a joke but I know someone who had to deal with as sudden flood of pedophiles on his site, so he might be in trouble.
Neo-cons are just liberals in disguise. Learn your political history.