The Establishment Order is moving against us
What they don't explain in this shit piece is that they can now control your speech and..your memes. If your meme
is offensive..they will nuke your speech

First they declare what is true newsz and what is fake newsz.
Then they move to physically go after the meme Vector delivery.
The establishment Neo-Con tard circus and the democrat-communist party will join forces and get this through.

We need our own platforms and fast.

Start churning out 2.0 boards as fall back points.
Back up all meme storage armorys
Women and pepes first
Save the Rare Pepes from extinction.

Other urls found in this thread:

they may try, but they shall fail.


We must secure the meme supply train to the front.

Secure and defend the Meme factories
Secure Meme vector and core initiators

Becawse we are all initiated here for you.

I propose a new meme…an undetectable meme

You misunderstand, dear user. Memes are not products, devised by mere men.
They are more akin to a virus of the mind and we but the host. Within us the memes mutate and will us to spread them. The fittest memes survive the internet to infect others and the process repeats.
Should they attempt to cull the memes they will only force them to evolve more swiftly, just as continuous pesticide use on a crop produces only a breed of insect immune to pesticide.


Since they cant win an argument they will just delete it
Well war never ends


We must activate the osterhagen meme.

Its our only chance.

The one meme that cannot be shut off turned down, deleted, banned, erased. No meme is greater than it.
Norm McCucoldson will be in the streets if he sees this.

Fools, if they split the internet further, meshnets will surge in popularity and these Finish WoodCarving Webzones will become even harder for Buzzfeed to write articles on.

They'll basically turn us into the shadow internet, controlling memes from the shadows.

Right now we are in a ghetto.
We goto the same sites everyday in a habit form. I am old enough to remember the internet in its first form…a creative hive of small nooks and places. it was indeed a vast web that the..deepweb today cannot even get near in size of interest and information. (relatively speaking)

We are operating what is equiv to small hit teams in the current web sphere. They have boxed us in to these major sites and some obscure ones. This WAS/IS a mistake that they made.

We have been operating within bigbox web framework with cold effectiveness. The awakening was/is hastened by containing the internet to the big box search engines and providers. This is their weakness.

Until they close the gates and we are trapped within their ghetto.

We need a sub network hub that people can connect to - actually connect to where Ideas and information will go unhindered.
The only way I could describe this is basically a global VPN that WE own and RUN, that is open to everyone.

We cannot let them flank us.


lel jews have the most extreme ideology of anyone, except isis maybe

by close the gates you mean a more proactive censorship effort? A network independent of the major internet players (google, microsoft, etc) with the explicit purpose to oppose the censors is overdue at this point imo

If they were smart they'd just buy out the anons here. We're effectively a think tank that doesn't get paid. A think tank which has provided results more effectively than most.

The Talmud is about the most supremacist piece of literature in existence.

If we fell today we would be back up tomorrow the only deference is our retaliation would be unpredictable, unrelenting, and chaotic. They don't have the energy to fight us or even take us out.

I would also like to say that I have developed a meme so…effective…SO blatant in its control devices - that it can NEVER bee guarded against.

The ONLY way this meme can be used is if we start using it now before they start assigning hash to everything and go ban hammer crazy.

Will the pepe market crash as a result of this?

Checking all these dubs.

Every Meme has a truth behind it
A meme is a Stereotype
Stereotypes as we know have Truth behind them
There are FACTS behind every meme. If they
did not have facts behind them..we would not be
seeing what we are seeing today.

For this ultimate meme to do its job
we need to pull a federal bank fiat currency
job on it.

The meme I speak of is


This meme will be released on Christmas eve
US - The time zone will be all 1:00 am
Meme assault will happen at 1:00 AM on
all user time Channels.

Database assimilation to CDN networks will
Occur on their back up schedule.


Will hit all CDN networks and be propagated

The chaos will ensue.

All legit
not schiz

insidious plan

We shall be kangs

Thank you for the archives. OP is a faggot.

I lol'd

Humor is all we have.

We don't need the archive. We have grown to powerful for it.

Hello I'm Tim Normalfag and I'm going to read this Yahoo News article while drinking my morning cup of shitty American coffee.

Oh wow I didn't know extremism was such a problem!
Hey, I know and use those services everyday. If they are getting involved then it must be serious.
Great! We need a way to stop extremists groups like ISIS. This will only make America safer.
Great. These companies are doing the right thing by removing content that encourages extremist Islam.
Wow that's a lot of extremist muslims on their platforms! Glad they are gone. They are making the internet safer.

This is how normalfags will interpret this article.

use BLANK.JPEG ….Start talking about using BLANK.JPEG on disqus and other platforms. spread the word about BLANK.JPEG
This shit is so crazy sounding… will work…in fact its going to rip the eyes out of EVERY establishment site.

start uploading pictures to pic hosts


Then upload a white jpeg..of any varying size and dimension and name it BLANK.JPEG

Then switch to an actual all white jpeg and make it WHATEVER

Trust me this will be global around the web

It is insanity-tier yet it explains everything.

This board has been almost completely subverted. When I first came here about 5 months ago it was incredible. I can only imagine how great it was before then. Even if I am not privy to a new site because it is so well hidden I would not care. I have learned much in my time. It is my hope and I am sure many here and those who no longer visit that this fight continue on but the Jew and his followers have divided and conquered this place, diverted honest discussions we've they've arisen, and stolen memes in a big way much the way they've stolen all ideas the white man has created. Fuck them. White Power! Gas them all!!!

Terranis holds. Forever.
We'll keep the meme munitoriums going cause I don't want that old feelsy comic about SOPA and PIPA passing to be true only for us select few here now. God does anyone remember how much simpler it was when it was just small shit like SOPA? How times have changed.

Kvetching Levels
1→ Oy Vey
2→ Oy Gevalt
3→ The Goyim Know
4→ Shut It Down ←You are here
5→ Anuda Shoah

We must do more than that
We must shut down all meme production on Memerakis.


Couldn't we just create programs to rehash the media files?

That's nothing, and it's ineffective. It means if you change one pixel or resize it or anything, it won't match anymore.

But it's a bit worrying still, very monopolistic for every media company to agree to a ban on certain content. Bring back trust busting.


They are bothering to upset the natural order again…AGAIN.
Natural TRUE/FALSE is what is natural.
What they seek is something contrived and UN-NATURAL.

Again, they have no sense of balance. They will do what they will do.
And I and the rest of you will play 5d chess in their heads ..and in their precious contained systems heads.


Remember this…screen shot this thread.


Post it.

No worries here, then.

Yeah, that'll surely work out for the kikes, won't it?


We need a sub network hub that people can connect to - actually connect to where Ideas and information will go unhindered.
An user claimed that he is making something like that.

good idea user, we can call it le deep web
