Biden to Run in 2020


Biden could pose problems for the rust belt and key states Emperor won.

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He couldn't beat shillary or obongo. The election itself will most likely be a referendum on Trump's accomplishments. I'm not worried, but a lot can happen in 4 years.

So Trump is already guaranteed 8 years in office?

I hope they run so many candidates with so many conflicting stances and constituencies that not even a third of all libs can rally together under any of them.

While I know libshits like Biden, all it is going to take is one non-white or woman and boom, no white guy is going to win the Dem's nominee position. Remember, the cucks are doubling down all over the place. They won't vote for any FUCKING WHITE MALE no matter who it is.

i hope he does, it would be an easy kill with all the creepy footage of his and children

Its called "double down syndrome." Have a problem with the white working class? Nominate a black Muslim to run the DNC to appeal to them. They are in a never-ending-self-perpetuating cycle. There's nothing they can do.

I wouldn't consider Donald 'winning too much' a problem

He'll never win.

He will be 78 in 2020, no way people will be behind that.

You're forgetting this is the most corrupt party in America, and Obama is de facto running it. They wanted Gore, they got Gore. They wanted Hillary (the second time) they got Hillary. If they want Joe, they'll get Joe.

son, are you sure you're OK?



Lel, the Dems are going to double down and go full SJW minority worship. Any white guy that tries to be a Dem will get nowhere.

If he does MAGA before 4 years then perhaps we'll see a reelection with 538 electoral votes for Trump.

to MAGA you must purge NY, CA and DC also decuck VT and MA

After we deport the 30+ million illegals you'll see the wonders that alone will do for America. California won't be so blue soon


He is a creepy old fuck. This is going to go no where.

Biden had some impressive oratory skills back in the day. If you see old clips of his speeches, you can tell he is really good at pretending to be passionate. I can see how his oration could easily sway the weaker minds. Not to mention, he is a die-hard pro zionist globalist, so he has all the backing in the world, but I don't think they will run him.

For one thing, dems are very probably over. This election saw both parties shattered, and even if hey recover, Americans on both sides have shown the establishment that they're sick of the entrenched politicians doing the same dog and pony show every four years. No, I think we're going to see something radically different in 2020.

They have four years to plan. I think I can guess what they will do. They will try to capitalize on the desire for actual change. I think we will see all the big money donors like Soros and Adelson throw in behind a new party candidate. Someone who can rile up the youth and the unwashed filth the way Bernie did, only this time they'll actually go with them. I expect to see both parties completely rebranded or even replaced before 2020.

I really hope they run him. Because you know some big scandal is going to come out that will totally torpedo his entire campaign.

He's not going to run because he'll be imprisoned when the FBI finishes going trough Wiener's "Life Insurance".

He's so relentlessly perverted that it's actually endearing.

Which jew was it that said "we will lead every revolution against us?" Oh well, their names aren't worth remembering. Anyway, I don't think Biden will be an issue. I think they will try to run a globalist and market it as a "Trump style" political revolution. Maybe a sassy, loudmouthed southern black woman who speaks her mind, even on controversial issues (to try and garner support from anti-PC people the way Trump did.) It's what I would do in their position.

This. If I were (((them))) I would do that and invest heavily in a "right"-leaning third party candidate.

Gives us just over three years to find definitive proof he's a pedophile.

Can't be that hard.

they're going to secretly back Mark Cuban to make both him and Trump look bad while covertly backing some other "independent" commie as a palate cleanser.

criminally unchecked trips

The Republicans probably already have a dossier on him. They had a huge one on Bernie. I imagine they've got files on all the Democrats except the ones that are genuinely clean - and that can't be many.

I see what you did there ruseman.

The political landscape will be vastly different in 4 years, don't worry. The Democratic party will be more than exposed for what they are. Anyone who is or was associated with that party will be seen as scum and criminals. Biden doesn't have a chance.

We should be prepared to meme against him before he even gets anywhere near campaigning.

Basically, this. We all know better than anyone just how much of an upset of our political system Trump's win was. We can't even begin to imagine the climate the 2020 election will take place in. It would be like us talking about what would happen in 2016 right after the second Obama election. None of us would ever have even imagined this. All we can do is speculate. That is not to say, though, that we shouldn't speculate anyway. It is, after all, what we are good at.

fucking this. shit's going to be so deep into white party vs non-white party in 4 years that he'd get knocked out as bad as he did in 2008.

If the Democrats run Biden this time, rather than #ITSHERTURN, they would have won.

He's the only guy the Democrats really have, don't become complacent, meme like your nation depended on it.

These niggers are pretending teh pedo stuff is too "out there" to be belived. Bring it on niggers! Who knows what the internet will look like in 4 years. Best to stay vigilant.

We'll see about that. If Trump can accomplish or at least set into motion the majority of his campaign promises and make it to 2020 without getting JFKed, he'd be a shoo-in for a second term.

Of course, this is all hypothetical. Trump hasn't been sworn in yet, so we can't yet be positive what kind of President he's going to be. If he continues to fill his cabinet with establishment figures, he might end up being a slightly edgier neocon. God forbid this becomes the case.

He would lose to almost any nonwhite in the primary, who would then get crushed by Trump in the general. Democrats are hoist by their own demographic petard. No candidate that can win their nomination can win the general.

checking trips of truth

Hillary had so much dirt on him that he ended up kissing her feet. Imagine what someone like Trump will do to him.

would explain the sudden appearance of bidenbro memes on reddit as soon as trump won

They double down when they are wrong and don't want to admit it or change their ways.

Trump doubles down when his opponents are wrong and want him to submit to pressure.

Biden is a living meme at this point. Young people think he is "funny" because of those EPIC XD Reddit/Twitter/Facebook memes of him acting like an overgrown child, but I doubt they actually want him as the president. The guy is a joke and weird as fuck.


Wasn't he also creepy as fuck towards children?

They have to run a heeb or a PoC. To whom will a white man appeal?

I only speculate on the pepe market.

Yeah, with this clear of a signal I doubt we've got much to fear.

At this point the dems will have to go balls out for this next election, a whitey of any gender won't cut it and i'm not sure another darkie will either.
Maybe an illegal from guatamala or some sexual freak (Either tranny or some pozpig.) from San Fran.

you sure about that?

Holy Kek, I never realized until now that this ancient image macro / meme was a fucking prophecy.

Isn't Biden already like 300 years old? I mean shit, if Hillary can survive her Presidential run then anybody can, but the fucker is ancient.

Yeah, there has been some pretty strange shit happening lately but i don't mind.

I hope the next pride parade features suicide bombers.

The world is too unstable to even comment on what may happen 4 years down the track. Give it 24 months before really discussing this. Election fever is curable, you just have to remember it's one happening amongst many.

Will the white vote even be there to counter him? We already know demographics are shit here.

I doubt that geezer will still be alive.

If he is though, expect plenty of lolz. The guy is a fucking idiot with possible dementia. You might not remember when Obongo first picked his old ass, but some of shit that could come out of that morons mouth… Of course the Jew press gave him a pass everytime. Not a serious candidate.

Checked, praise kek


Actually, Bill Whittle did. Amazingly, right after the 2012 election there's a video of him stating boldly thay the next president will be a celebrity, rich and independent, unabashedly pro-American and relentlessly un-PC and a non-neocon Republican. He said it was gonna happen and it was the ONLY way and chance we had of turning this country back from the brink.

Which is ironic because he absolutely refused to believe Trump would win (out of having given on hope, not nevertrump) until it happened.

Dub trips confirm

Screencap this: Bernie will be the democrat nominee for 2020

Crazy Joe? He's going to have to outrun being implicated along with the pederasts for a while. I'm not sure how these think they're going to have any place after the next four.

Between Biden's skeleton, Bernie's skeleton, Hillary's ghost, and Michael Obama's surgically inverted penis, it's looking like Trump has 2020 in the bag.


Normies are going nuts with this. We need to pushback hard.

Joe Biden: "I Am A Zionist. You Don't Have To A Jew To Be A Zionist"

Joe Biden on Europeans becoming a minority - "That's a source of our strength."

By making America British again

Trump is a Republican and a puppet of deep state.

kek… no.

White people invaded the world for spices you silly nigger. If you're in America and what you eat is bland, that is entirely your fault.

Maybe that's exactly why he's picking so many generals for his staff?

He knew this was going to happen, and wanted to be prepared.

Bump for Romney.

Realistically? About 60% I'd say.

Barring a miracle from the CIA being proven false, it's all the more than likely that the election will change and record faithless electors will vote Hillary instead.

Wait, what!?!

Burgers don't like what you write about their glorious police force, Hans. You should apologize to them.

report her

hey guys, remember back a decade ago when some people called themselves "agnostics" just to avoid conflict?

can't say I blame them though. between the obsessive fundamentalist Christian types who chose to pick fights about something nobody can prove with evidence or logic, to the atheist types who've come to an understandable conclusion about the unproveability of such a deity, I wouldn't want to waste my breath on either. someone else's belief or non-belief is too trivial to fight about anyway - none of my business.

No one claimed that should be done. You aren't following the conversation.

Perhaps not a perfect way of proposing it, but yes. People who have proven they will not be competent parents should absolutely not be able to have children.

This includes people who have had children taken by child services, people on long term welfare who will not be able to provide for their child, etc.

Perhaps not castrated, because being on welfare once in your life does not necessarily mean you can't be a good parent someday, but mandated birth control? Absofuckinglutely.

Yeah but religion doesn't take precedence over the law in the U.S.

Are there any countries I can move to that allows me to do those things?

Feels good to live in a first world country

You dont want to be a muslim trust me i have been to muslim countries

Ivanka will run in 2020.
The Simpsons have willed it

Elizabeth Warren

The physical copy hasn't even arrived at vapes yet, he must've just got the ebook I'm thinking.

yet another meme that broke free

Aside from Cuck Ryan, why are all the recent presidential nominies already on their death bed?

nominies Candidates*

I want them to do that, it'd be hillarious to watch some snarky groid run aground on the shore of Trump's contempt.

There were 15 republicans running for nom and not all of them were old. This was the last time a republican could win because of demographic shift, the other side has gotten lazy and has already assumed the position of victory. They were all fighting for the direction of the party.
The democrats have no bench. They only hold control of state and local govts in 4-5 states. Right now they're in the processes go going further left and they're going to leave a lot of people behind, if your not a true believer, your gonna end up like Jim Webb. Theyre going to try to rebuild with younger blood, which will more than likely be full on commie if the state of colleges is any indication. It may work in the long term, if Trump doesn't follow through with his immigration policies (wall, complete deportation, pre-1965, anchor baby) in his first term its game over.

yeah, but see, here's the thing: she's a fucking CRIMINAL who belongs in PRISON. every breath of air she takes as a free woman is an affront to justice.

I posted this to Holla Forums because you guys are into self improvement so you gotta have some good ideas.

a ban

you are even dumber than him.

Won't happen, even lefties think he's an idiot.

Step 1: kill yourself
Step 2: that pretty much solves the problem desu senpai

How much of tipping for a coffee?


How, you fucking retard? You explain yourself. Biden is an anti white pseudo kike pedophile.

Hillary won the popular vote because a nognog in chief sold the electoral machines to Russia for profit

its in paraguay

complete with military barracks etc and one of the world's only artesian wells

they know where to escape to for certain

Lmao mate you don't have a clue. Look at Scotland and England for instance. There's a giant amount of white gangs, who desu are mostly red pilled who fucking hate anyone other than whites.

man this cuck is really getting triggered by Holla Forums lately.

He's the only possible Democratic candidate with Meme Magic behind him. I wouldn't scoff at the idea of him running.

I'm lazy as shit but extremely gifted athetically, power snatched 140kg after 1 year of training, and very skilled at grappling. I can't shoot though, so I'll just wait to die I guess.


Biden once tried to run for President in 1988 and 2008, let that sink in.

He had to withdraw from his '88 run due to giving a speech which had been copied verbatim by a British labour leader.

That'd be indian men

We are friends user

Based faggot!

Youtube advertisements, and I watch the man in the high castle for shits and giggles on the internet, which has ads. I've been TV free for 7 years tho

they ain't even trying to hide desu

That's like not wanting to live in a zoo with monkeys and declaring my unwillingness to do so as their "superiority"

I wear clothes because its cold

16 pts

And the majority of non-whites are hispanics who live in enclaves and the Southwest
Btw its ~60%, not 36%

Dunno what the fuck you are talking about, the anglo is the more attractive part of Britons.

Its the fucking ugly ass scotts that give our British isles a bad rep.