Trump needs to step in on Dakota Access Pipeline

Trump needs to step in on Dakota Access Pipeline.

If he were to offer Dakota Access/ Energy Transfer Partners incentives to build around the reservoir:

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Question 1. Why are we Exporting our oil?

Question 2.Why do we want to layoff thousands of rail road workers so that the Jews have a cheaper method of transporting crude?

Question 3. When will Trump talk about dismantling OPEC who waged economic warfare which resulted in tens of thousands of oil workers laid off?

Question 4. When will we start to stop importing oil even if it means we build dozens of nuclear power plants to charge EV?


Eh, too politically charged to waste the capital on imo. He should keep his mouth shut on it until he's forced to take a position.

Good idea. I wish he'd just step up an explain the situation to everyone because everyone's confused in their ID politics. The pipeline prevents oil spills but it is not foolproof, therefore you go around the water sources.


I'm a huge believer in Thorium and MSRs.
But I wouldn't build one over a water reservoir.

Even the Army Corp of Engineers gave this Dakota Pipeline plan a thumbs down

fuck banks and fuck Indians to

Answer 1) See multi-national oil conglomorates and how they work.
Answer 2) Because the railroads weren't designed to transport fucking crude oil and they actually derail quite often causing worse oil spills than a busted pipeline.
Answer 3) Never because see answer to Question 1.
Answer 4) Never because Jews and cryptos control the multi-national oil conglomerates and have spent trilions of dollars keeping alternative energy in the dark.

Employment from deliberate inefficiency is a waste of working men

Someone tweet this shit to Trump
Considering both sides want to meet with the president-elect, I think this would be an excellent gameplan for our Emperor.

Because you cannot invest into other energy concepts without proper funding.

Fuck off. Most of the railways here in NoDak do not have the infrastructure required to keep the current amount of crude needed to be pumped. The railroad is already crumbling under the amount of stuff being transported.

When Venezuela falls, OPEC will effectively go with it.

EVs are a pipedream at the moment, and way to expensive for the general consumer. You also cannot finance research to better these EVs without capital, capital of which doesn't come out of thin-air, unless you are the Rothchilds.

Everything going on here currently in North Dakota can be summed up as ~fun~ as most people are organizing mobs to intimidate and attack out of staters for pissing us off.


Isn't OPEC bigger than Venezuela?

On no. 3 it's more accurate to assume that US not importing oil would do a lot of damage to OPEC. You want to take it down, slap an embargo on it.

if he steps in…he just won alot of retard republicans their seats.

They should kiss his ASS after this.

This is always the right sentiment.

I noticed the jews jacked up gas prices today over this shit. +$.10 here.

Someone tweet this shit to Trump

Considering both sides want to meet with the president-elect, I think this would be an excellent gameplan for our Emperor.

God Indians are embarrassing. Destroy all reservations and cut all funding to these fucks ASAP. America ain't their land anymore.



for the emperor

Watch for that number to go up. As relations with Russia thaw, I expect the US to ease back a bit on whatever we're doing to artificially depress oil futures. Anybody who's in that market, maybe now is a good time to go long. Look for a bump to $50-60 a barrel, followed by an easing of tension in Syria.

Fuck no. That pipeline only helps Canada and leaves us with the waste.