I'm a moderator of a meme sub on Reddit. (I know, but I have friends there)

I'm a moderator of a meme sub on Reddit. (I know, but I have friends there).

So I am a moderator of /r/dankmemes. A day ago an insider posted to our mod team that there was to be a massive marketing campaign using popular meme formats to spread across the web to promote not only Lego/Disney holiday product sales but also the new Rogue One film set to release in a few days.

We blew it off at first. Then today… BOOM! Lego Star Wars Memes everywhere. Not just the normie markets of Facebook and Twitter; but various subreddit's here on Reddit too.

You've likely seen this meme by now. They're using all the popular meme formats from the last year and blending in the Lego Star Wars themes.

Most of the accounts I've seen do this on Reddit are older accounts that were inactive for a year or so. Some less, some more. Never before had they posted in /r/dankmemes (we're an underground sub fill of OC memers from around the chans etc) and we have a close community.

It hit us like a shitstorm today. Every other minute is another Lego Star Wars meme being posted. We have 116k+ subscribers and we do have exclusive OC content (usually winds up elsewhere on the web within a day or so. Anyways today was shocking.

We @ /r/dankmemes are declaring war on Corporate Marketing Forced Meme Campaigns. We've even set up a sub as a base @ /r/FuckLego. I've also temporarily modified the CSS on our page to display the [Fuck Lego](i.imgur.com/gSyWabs.png) message you see here.

I can't produce evidence that these are in fact paid shills posting and likely normies are picking up on it and spreading them as well unknowingly. Which is also probably the plan of the cuckold corporate masters behind this ploy.

Stand up and fight back against marketing that is shoved down your throat.


I'm not sure if Reddit is involved in this. Some of the accounts are brand new posting these sure. Zero posts then they're coming straight to our sub? Seems odd. What's even more odd is many of these accounts are several years old and haven't had a single post in over a year and suddenly are coming back to life.


Other urls found in this thread:


you have to go back



Wew, i suspect that OP might be a redditor


I expected some of that. Not that it isn't deserved. That being said this isn't a game or a joke.

It's something I take great offense to. Kikery schemes like this are serious ploys to manipulate the youth that we've spent thousands of hours redpilling.

as if there was any doubt.

That's in fact part of the problem. I have more than enough reason to believe Reddit is selling accounts to these companies. There's no explanation for accounts which were dead over a year to spring to life here. If a link can be found providing evidence of such actions; one can without a shadow of a doubt assume they also provide CTR (or the highest bidder) with Shill accounts as well.

ask halfchan if they give a shit

I thought I clarified that twice. :p

I'll bite.

This is not new at all, reddit mod. This has been going on for a long time, especially on many shit-tier sites.
Want a fix to your problem? Leave Reddit. It's beyond cucked. Any shady shit happening there is certainly (((their))) doing.

that made me burst out laughin

oh what a revelation, I don't see w

Duly noted.

Not trying to use a format that has several million users to redpill seems counterproductive in my eyes however.

If there are no voices of dissent and open arms to embrace the masses flocking for answers then you're basically losing an information war.

Corporate memes are not new, even on imageboards

what the fuck
oh what a revelation, I don't see why anyone in their right mind would ever go to reddit,especially now

I can't say I disagree with that rhetoric.



The easy answer to your problem is to leave Reddit. Now, I doubt you'll do that because you're stupid, so my advice would be to fight memes with memes. Start creating memes that portray lego star wars in a bad light. You could even take the Pepe route and turn it into a Nazi meme, Lego corporate sure as shit wouldn't like that.

don't start going here though, go to that other reddit clone or halfchan instead

Only place I know on reddit that isn't is r/altright cuz it has the coontown mods and some Holla Forumsacks. It'll be banned any day now though.

You seem to be under the impression that we believe any decent memes come from reddit in the first place. The fact it's so easily commandeered by corporations is the exact reason it's so shit. You have to go back.

Did you do English lessons at school? It's called paragraphs user they're useful for writing something that's actually readable.

It's called "shilling" you newfag Reddit cancer.

tip top kek

We control the memes of production. Our memes are strong, corporate and leftist memes are weak.

Our influence spreads automatically across the web, from faggots crossposting from here to 4chan, reddit, twitter, facebook, etc.

Awareness of this faggotry isn't bad, but don't be a retard and think that this threatens us. This isn't even meme warfare they are practicing, this is the flailing of a dying empire.

Did you finish your homework?

Delete the subboard or redditsub or whatever.
You're onyl giving leddit more money.

user, this is interesting. doesn't look like you're going to get much traction here, but you might try Holla Forums or Holla Forums as I imagine they might be able to lend a hand.

Maybe on halfchan… They're the bottom of the barrel.

I don't expect them to care about leddit either, maybe halfchan does


oy vey

I guess my point here is as simple as if there were any doubt Reddit is a cucked social media platform directing specific narratives to fill their own pockets; then it's now three thousand times confirmed. First the obvious intrusion of paid CTR shills and downvote python bot accounts before the election (very simple to do on Reddit btw), then the admittance of editing user comments by CEO spez (Steve Huffman), now very obvious selling of accounts to benefit corporate marketing; Reddit is completely fucking cucked. Anyone searching these boards fleeing from the sinking ship; let it be known. The kike driven media machine is alive and well and has long since absorbed Reddit. RIP Reddit.

Just spoil the new Star Wars movie for them all.

Am I the only one that's never used this oprah winfrey tier platform?

ITT: a million shills and newfags jump on the "reddit" meme and prevent any discourse on the topic at hand.

I feel a compulsive need to flood the redditboard with star wars shit


I like this spacing more.

If we could quickly and efficiently redpill the population, we wouldn't have these kinds of issues. I agree with the fact there are a ton of people on Reddit that could use a solid redpilling, but keep in mind you're 100% on (((their))) turf when interacting on that site (though I think you know that already).

Back to the memes… Didney and other MSM outlets know of the power of memes/viral marketing. They've known about it and used it for marketing and political purposes for years. Only over the past decade or so have they really doubled down on memes. The accounts are either given to marketers, purchased by marketers, or created a while ago with the explicit purpose of doing exactly this. The only thing you can do is exactly what you seem to be doing - bring attention to the bullshit and hotpocket the fuck out of these accounts.
Know this - they cannot win in the long term, as memes require an organic human element to spread and actually catch on.


A platform that is shit because it is so easily taken over by any interest that decides to gets taken over by an interest that decided to.

What is the news here?

Let's not go insulting someone who came here to verify cuckoldry.

I've been fighting using the memetic warfare tactics of kek longer than two thirds of you calling me a newfag likely have jumped off the porch.

The problem is the platform (which has 116 thousand users) is beyond cucked at this point. Disgracing my efforts to redpill the next generation of voters with memes is somewhat insulting to the cause. You

You're on 8ch Holla Forums mate… what did you expect?

those "memes" gave me cancer

Wow bye

That's basically the message I'm portraying here. I've come to the conclusion Reddit is for the most part a lost cause.

Cool. They also are effective in driving the narrative into the hearts and minds of normies abroad. Pizzagate is being fed to them as fake news and this is what they understand: meme formats.

Wasn't there some kind of reddit alternative you can move to? Something with "v" or "y" i think

I expected nothing less. That being said I needed to get it off my chest m8



Then keep that shit in the normiesphere and don't expect us to give you credit for cancer

>reddit spacing

Voat isn't an alternative. It's a joke. Let's be real. They can't afford the funding to handle the traffic. Mark my words some disinfo faggot like Milo will sweep in (he's already doing it) and takeover VOAT and spread his jewfaggery.

Theres a subreddit for reddit cuckoldry, why dont you go there and complain, OP?

This. Viral spoilers as memes and make them regret trying to exploit meme magic.


Holy fuck you are a cuck.


This is no different than the faggot bringing up some shitty new SW movie here recently. Let it die, burn the board. They deserve no push from either direction.

Oh great the cancer is multiplying, thanks OP

Alright, look… I'm not going to be a dick to you.

The development of kek is like last week to most people here. It's incredibly recent in the scheme of things. I'm glad you've been around for 2/3rds of the time since. Keep pushing anti-sjw material, as douche chilling as it is, to the other kids. Yes, it is a necessary function of cultural warfare. So, go for it. But understand Reddit is shit. Not because we're better than it. Because the entire way it's set up WELCOMES the exact thing complained about in the OP. The correct answer is to redpill others into not using Reddit at all.


This is the one thing you niggers need to shut the fuck up about. Seriously. Other then that you are on reddit. What did you expect? People have known that reddit was a site ran by outside interests and noone on the high floors gave a single shit about reddit. They only care about their ideologies and their progressive values. They dont care about ANYTHING you have or what you are about. You are posting on site that is ran like its a corporate site. Its not a forum but a corporate message board. Its ran how you would expect any other place to be ran. You dont own shit even if it is "your board". The CEO himself said he edited content. Your posts are probably not yours in that fact either. So lets just learn that you should never ever post on places that dont give a single shit about you.

On a side note: Memes are not just "funny pictures with words on them" Memes are internet jokes usually made for more close knit groups that if you were to take that inside joke anywhere else, no one would probably understand it. Yet you niggers just constantly spout "MEMESMEMESMEMES" like 12 year old autistics. Every time i see someone type memes referring to a joke I cringe. I cringe every single fucking time you autistic sacks of shit spout this retarded garbage. Grow the ever living fuck up.

We've had a problem for a long time with some shill constantly keeping hollywood threads in the catalog. I think the vols have been doing a better job at killing it lately but it was a problem for quite awhile.

I'm not complaing. I'm archiving activities for future reference. Fuck Reddit. Me posting in this board was the final fuck you that tipped me over the edge. It's well known now that such faggotry exists on Eddit. Breitbart covered the cancer and the controversy surrounding the censorship. Pizzagate is no longer bidden and it I expect many more of my kind to finally call it off and leave the platform.

You're 100% right. People tend to forget this sometimes and that's fine.

Wew. Calling you guys for shills. In the case you're uninformed newfags who fell for the reddit meme: reddit's a useful propaganda tool and it's a way for our useful idiots to reach normies. We're not falling for your shit despite all your spam.


Thanks for the confirmation, redditfag, now go back


it's time to go back

This fagtitude is likely why you don't accomplish anything. As I've said before you have to think big. The rise of the anarcho commoe is a reality. It's happening all the fuck around you. They're using memetic warfare. Bernfags are going to rally around him in 2020. You want to think big league? Fight the faggotry with whatever you can. Which is what Reddit dissenters such as myself have done for years redpilling the fuck out of would be voters. We're winning a war here. You want to drivel over MUHHHH BOARD WAAAH GO BACK feel free. Meantime were creating a fucking army.

Your site is a place for marketing and control
What did you expect?

your boss will not give you proof since they should be having some benefits from this

You have the logs of those accounts? spread them not only in reddit but everywhere not as a mod

There must be people on twitter or youtube willing to shit on it if you can find more evidence you could start something

Nobody likes to be used, showing how they are being toyed with may help
But making a thread there will only lead to ban or dox
Again maybe in social media?


Upboated xdd

OMG at last I truly see, you really opened my eyes there oh initiated one
Bernie is probably dead by then or will shill them out of their money and nothing else, once again
Damn, you sure a bad dude OP, how about you keep building your army of ledditors then and stop trying to get credit from us for it?

My man, that is your community. If you want to save or burn it, it is up to who remains of worth.

Are… are those your weaponised memes? That's what passes for memetic fitness on Reddit?

Is this a psyop? I've never been to Reddit but I cannot believe that this could be what gets used there. These are below subhuman.

Social media outside of Reddit I've long since abandonded. Yes I've spread the account names and their history through all the channels I could and hoping those other conspiratorial truth seekers spread it further. Doxx is always a risk sure and most normies don't take the precautions necessary to protect themselves. I can proudly say that we have several thousand members which we've redpilled to the fullest out of a little over a hundred thousand subscribers. I hope those use
The power of Kek to continue the plight because the war is long from won.

Hey cool. Sit in your chair and remain an out of touch oldfag. That's your prerogative. Tomorrow's youth would laugh at you. You have nothing but words and can't connect to their culture. That's fine. Do you. The red pilling isn't coming from old faggotry this much I assure you. It's using memetic warfare of popular and understandable meme formats as well as the Vidyas coming out of groups like Murdoch Murdoch. You're like a backseat driver at this point. No initiative or leadership.

If they were they wouldn't be using reddit


this was for u

You should have fixed your own communities. This isn't your home. You don't force recognition and attempt to create moments of feels. I couldn't hate you anymore for not knowing how amorphous and quickly moments come and go beyond whatever your fagbox was. This all plays as forced and unnatural.

Better late than never

And this is what you call culture?>>8451998

Aw. Old fags hate being irrelavant. It happens though. Alphas won't cuck down to you. They'll take overm

One day you'll realize how much of a larper you were in your youth.

Oh boy, what a lack of comprehension.


It's not about culture alone. It's about the infiltration of the culture and using it as a tool to gain ears to listen to your message.

And they finally show their true colours

So this is where everyone is tonight. Really?

Would have thought they'd realized it was a lost cause after the false pizza.

Well atleast I'm having fun

You fucking blew your thread and any chance of sympathy by acting like an enormous faggot. Please leave and spare yourself this suffering cuckboy.

I'm not doubting anyone's influence. Not am I criticizing the methods they choose to use to speak. However speaking to the same circle or already awakened old fags accomplishes very little. It's the misguided youth which are questioning the force fed propaganda that need guidance. If you're not using their platform then guess where they're turning? To the altleft. Wake up. They have anger and rage and frustration and they need an outlet and a guide to the RIGHT path. They're basically standing there wanting to battle; and its up to us to draft them into the cause. Or we can sit around like faggots at a campfire recollecting muhhh member berries amongst the same people. Really up to you what you want to do.

There's never a bad time to BTFO of Reddit.

You really could not be any more normalfaggot, could you? Great, now I'm getting sucked in.

I'm just having fun. You expect me to cuck the fuck down? Nah fam. Nah. I have a message and I've fought in my share as well as anyone else. The only smirky responses I've given are to those who came at me fucked up. You're on the same team here. We all are. Tactics of division will lose the war. Remember that.


Is this the product of this generation? That they have such limited focus on a singular topic? For the initiated there are many threads rolling presently and on fire on many back burners. There is no misdirection from how deep we have gone and being attempted to be moved away from. In one user here there may be at least five threads of yuge digest in mind and this is just a thread to laugh at.


As much as I hate repeating myself:

I'm just having fun. You expect me to cuck the fuck down? Nah fam. Nah. I have a message and I've fought in my share as well as anyone else. The only smirky responses I've given are to those who came at me fucked up. You're on the same team here. We all are. Tactics of division will lose the war. Remember that.









I took what most of you had to say. Don't get butthurt because I defended my mantra. Let's not lose sight of the endgame

Proof of the thousands you've redpills. Show us screenshots of your achievements. Otherwise you just a role-playing faggot who doesn't understand his naivety.

Sage or get the oven.

Everyday on the reddit frontpage all news and happenings are hidden behind facebook-tier shit like cute animal gifs and "facts u didnt kno :DD" clickbait news, how do i know /r/dankmemes isn't sliding the frontpage as well? We don't care if you're a le redditor, what we care about is that you keep using reddit.


So you're either
You're such a fucking faggot, talking about memetics like you know shit.You're posting gook porn on your reddit so much its funny. And if you're not that account then you're the other one that's spamming cuck over and over like a TRS poster. I'm serious, take a look at the shit these faggots post

That's exactly what I'm going to do. Post screens of my achievements. Nice try tho.

I just said I've left the platform. Today was the final straw for me fam. I resigned already before posting.

Has there EVER been a more Cancerous post? Just fucking kill yourself OP. Has friends on Reddit, is underground sub… just one fucking thing after another with this cunt.

Neither one fam. I left before posting here. I'm not a fucking idiot.


Yeah yeah. Eat it up. Former Redditor comes in BTFO I've heard it already.

Selective posting on compromised outlets isn't changing anything.

I knew I recognized that autistic larping style of post

you have to go back

And you're a mod of /r/communismiseninevitable and /r/flashingporn

You could have had something nice here, pointing out how shills are trying to use memes to advertise, but you had to fuck it up. Of course, you're a redditfag so no surprise there.

wat, i'm talking about pic related


Their plan to false flag did not work.


Non-anonymous internet communities; not even once.

Yeah no, eat shit, how did you think reddit makes money?

Don't worry, there won't be any headlines because no one cares about you and your shitty reddit board. Don't come back.

Those were all meme subs. Most inactive. Also MemersForTrump. The sidebar had not been changed in a while

My message is still the same.

Yet you commented. Yawn

Bro I guess I'm just shocked as the end result is confirmation it's occurring. I guess I shouldn't have been at all. In enjoyed the BTFO from most of you. It was fun.

True. I got defensive. Point is still the same though.


I literally laughed out loud

This thread shows us once again why non anonymous Internet communities are absolute cancer. They create manchildren like OP with egos so big they think they're prophets of some kind for creating a couple of recycled garbage tier memes

Thx for noticing


Can't keep a story for 5 fucking minutes

here ya go op, use this dank, weaponized, lego anti-corporate memetic at your own risk


you got a license for that level of memetics?

Thx for noticing

Story is the same.

you got a license for those dubs?

I posted on this board to rant I'm beyond with it now. Let it serve as a reminder I got BTFO. Carry on.

You should tell us your name and where you live

It's ok, OP. You're now moderator of my heart.

this tbh fam

fuck off faggot

John Doe
2, Saint Catherines Walk, Carmarthen SA31 1QY, UK

Thx fam

haha you a bich

I may have brought these faggots from omegle. Go wild.

Is every redditor this pathetic or is OP just a special cause? He actually thinks he's relevant is any way what so ever.

Here is another shocker for you goys who are new to online stealth marketing:

I know for a fact that when the last Disney Star Wars was released they had backroom deals with huge retailers (like Target and Walmart) to have uniform marketing for the movie.

They also asked the media to put Star Wars toys in all of their "Top Holiday Toys" guides. That's why you had fucking Star Wars Target commercials, Star Wars plugs on Good Morning America, as well as traditional Disney Star Wars advertising during the commercial break.

For real tho, it's cute watching OP see through the matrix for the first time. Hopefully he becomes more vigilant after this experience.

defcon is a really fun game, any Holla Forumsacks want to play?

Calm your tits shitlord
Im buying a ton of Lego products and on the26th will join the march to aleppo for peace

I feel another exodus on the horizon

Here's the real reason to fuck lego:

That's the shit that takes all of grade eight for English teachers to train out of the pseudointellectual kids.

ominous digits