So, from what I gather, the family searched all over the place for Cincin. Some time after burying the body, Alfredo posted this on Facebook:
This roughly translates to "New floor in the Casa! Come and convince yourself. Your feet will be enthusiastic".

This tipped the police off who then searched the place and found Cincin's body. Toppest of keks but pretty dumb in retrospect. Alfredo now gets constant death threats, he even got into a fight right in front of the court's building with the roach's family. He's due for a trial in July, I think. Also there's a possibility it could be ruled as self-defence(?).

>cmjornal.pt/portugal/detalhe/portugues-mata--e-cimenta-turco ( I can confirm it's a reputable source, though it's incomplete compared to the German source)

Plus there's also this:

Can any Germans properly translate, is welt.de reputable? This article has a lot more info, I got a friend to look over it and noticed a lot of info missing from the PT article.

Other urls found in this thread:


I can't see the guy's eyes in that pic, but he's got that thousand mile stare look going.

He just had to brag about the new floor… what a doofus!

It never ceases to amaze how thoroughly INCOMPETENT turkroaches are at any sort of fighting

Quite possibly, but by burying the body and trying to hide evidence of the murder he dun fucked up.

Silly bugger shouldn't have been so smug on normiebook. If he'd just kept quiet then no one would have ever known he'd buried the roach under his floor.

Italian restaurant operated by a Portuguese living in Germany. Wew

shot a turk


Is there anything more disgusting than turkroaches? This behaviour reminds me of gypsies. Why do subhumans hunt in packs?

Yeah, funny shit but now he's paying for it

Yeah, I was super confused. The discrepancy between the German and PT articles doesn't help. Whoever did the translation should get fired.

Not sure how German law works, but I doubt he'll be able to get off scot-free. He might be able to use self-defense to get out of a murder conviction, but the fact that he hid the body will most likely get him some sort of lesser conviction. Not sure if they have manslaughter convictions in Germany, but it would probably be appropriate.

That said, I empathize with him and am very satisfied that he managed to squash at least one roach.

Self-defense isn't unprecedented in Merkelland, didn't a Hells Angels guy shoot a SWAT team member and get off with a self-defense explanation?

I'm more surprised with the fact that there are legit turkish mafias in Germany extorting local businesses. I guess I should have expected this.

I vaguely recall that

how you think they "work"?

GSG9 is too busy raiding right-wing bloggers to actually, you know, be BORDER PROTECTION GROUP 9

Clearly by extorting money from people who can't defend themselves. In this case, the roach got BTFO by an old Iberian man. Why can't roaches fight for shit?

This shit pisses me off

Keep stuff like this in mind whenever you see people on this board trying to push their cop-loving agitprop.

Radical Larry never fails to elicit a kek

All it needs now is

This is the strangest fucking universe we've found ourselves in.

A faggot book post doesn't have police tearing up a concrete floor in a restaurant.

The pigs wouldn't think this cockroach mafia guy was killed and buried by one of his victims.

just like pizzagate where they bragged all over social media. someone should use this as an example of the arrogance pizzagate pedos have

Gets weirder the more you read into it

A European restaurant owned by a European paying protection money to criminals in Europe.

It's just normal life goy nothing weird at all.

A portuguese was running an Italian restaurant?


Kebab shops in Germany are now often run by Pajeets or Kurds.
Pizza places are run by Turks.
Who the fuck even knows who runs Currywurst stands anymore.

Anyway. Welt.de is pretty reputable. They are MSM still and obviously push the usual agenda but they are one of the few news sites that report on dindus doing nuffin anymore too.

I very much suspect the guy won't get off lightly. German courts HATE self-defense, often ruling in favor of the criminal. Depending on how deep the Turkroach hole goes, the judge might be too afraid to rule in the guy's favor.

your reading comrehension isn't very good, no?

That is what the article says though, the cops used dogs to smell the place. My guess is that the local police had already taken notice of the conflict between them.

So the best way to get rid of dead roaches is to disolve them in a bath of acid ?

It would have ruled as self defense, if he hadn't BURIED THE FUCKING ROACH IN HIS GODDAMN RESTAURANT.
I don't know how cucked Portuguese law system is, but generally, he would have gotten a much lighter sentence or would have walked free, if he had called the cops after he shot the shitskin, instead of making the floor of the restaurant a tomb.

Jewish mod is bumplocking/deleting any threads that are not pro-trump!!

Board logs can be found here

See related for full understanding

8ch. pl/pol/res/25508.htm


No, you'll get banned for making shit and defending shit threads.

Are you also being paid to do this? Please fuck off.

If not were did the 71 million go to sub-divide online communities?

Seems like it

Portuguese law isn't very cucked, he probably panicked thinking that her majesty Frau Merkel would have him executed for killing one of her pets.

Kebab removed.
In Italian restaurant

Hahaha the bantz made my day but seriously he should have shut up about it. He just couldn't resist being smug.

Mesmo assim, ri-me muito.


Ah shit you're right, didn't even notice

I suspect he would have been found out once the body started to decay and reek anyway.

Dissolving bodies in acid leaves behind bones you still need to deal with. You can crush them up (the acid makes them brittle) but it's a bit of a pain. If you live close to any bodies of deep water (rivers are great because they usually have a thick layer of silt on the bottom), wrap the body in stolen chain link fence, wire some weights into the chain link, and dump the works in the deepest, darkest depth you can find.

…not that I have any experience in these matters.

Do you even chemistry?

I once had to sift though the rubble of a wall that had some people buried inside for a few years. The smell was awful, did manage to find a missing part of a thumb.

Off to the ropes you go.

I would argue that a body of water with a strong current is far better. Provided that you must/offer to take a polygraph at any point, it wouldn't prove conclusive as you legitimately don't know where the body is at the point in time and would be a point of honesty. Just make a point to go fishing while you're out there at as well. With a sandwich. And throw the sandwich into the water too after a few bites. That helps. Eventually all things too will settle at the, albeit randomly located, bottom.

…just sayin..

Top bantz.

using a base is actually better, just couple it with a grinder for the bones
nobody suspects anyhing when you buy a bunch of toilet declogger, but where are you getting sufficient quantities of concentrated acid

chemistry aside the best methode is still a pigfarm
this post was made for educational purposes only



Tugas are funny as fuck

Do you know how many roaches are in German Jails? Many, but still too few.
He will be killed in jail. F.

Your feet will be enthusiastic".
Thanks, OP. I laughed so hard at this that my laptop is now covered in tea.


European prisons are filled and in some cases effectively run by foreign criminals. In Germany that would the Turks. He is fucked, especially as the Turk he killed was involved in organised crime and therefore every two bit thug in there will want to claim his life for the dividends it will pay on their release.

Poor bugger, if the story is accurate he did nothing wrong. One should be able to shoot dead extortionists and receive a medal.

Loose lips sink ships.
Silly cunt should have kept his mouth shut.

Apparently this works well on German Cockroaches.


he should have made delicious pasta, calzone and pizza from that shitroach
its his own fault

This didn't happen in some gook country where they eat bugs.