Adult Swim Cancels Its “Alt-Right” Show ‘Million Dollar Extreme’
oy veyyyy


Other urls found in this thread:!F5IARYDb!fD6Ant-n0xz2c-5cMsKC4QFDMmYd8ZtlJTmqv-Zabk0!s8I2HIjD!NdgVkKg_krFf9PriW-p52_Z7ICL33lY2UAcOlpXXmD4

fucking kikes

Saw that coming. Sorry, Sam.

Thanks you fucking whiny liberals!, i want to see what kind of poorly written garbage by an unfunny vagina those old jews are going to insert on the slots now.

no one fucking watches TV anymore

its their loss

Give them Sinead, that would be funny as fuck.

wtf were the sketches about in the 1st episode besides the sweaty cuckberg one

Canceling the show won't bring Bernstein's faggot dad back from the pits of Hell.


not gonna believe it until they drop a public statement


They had a lower budget but, in my opinion, were better when on YouTube, out of reach from the (((FCC)))

This and the event that made it happen sam fucking with that jewish interviewer actually boost my respect for the man quite a bit. It is really fucked up that treating a single nobody jew poorly is enough to lose a television contract, but what Sam is going to do in retaliation is even more fucked up.

^ This.

Was gonna point it out, but yeah… Sam admitted it on Hyde Wars.

This also prompted him to get even more open about discussing the JQ.

A mutual friend of mine also confirmed that Sam is 100% 14/88.

That's not how you sage, learn from the master

well shit

are we going to fight it or just let it happen



All uncensored episodes dropping fucking when?

I guess Holla Forums is just gonna have to start it's own TV network now, isn't it?

ratings would be off the charts


So because some nobody writer who writes nothing but offshoot comedies got his panties in a bunch, this is legitimate reason to cancel the show?



Kim just stated that the press was incorrect about it's implication about it being "alt-right". Which was true. The Buzzfeed article only screenshotted his follower count and support for trump on twitter.

When the press releases articles, it's not intended to target the network or audience. They both don't give a shit. It's intended to incite investors, producers, government officials, or any other higher up to target that network by threatening to cut funds or add fines. The network didn't have any choice.

You could go for that, but memes, podcasts, and youtube videos are more effective than pozproganda.

Like Ben Garrison and David Icke, I don't think that he disliked Jews until he was targeted by them. They're slimy and vindictive.

Not surprising in the least

Apparently the staff at AS were preventing the show from being renewed for some time on accounts of "racist encoded messages and swastikas". Sam Hyde spoke against this swastika rumor in one of his videos, admitting it to be suicide for the show since the producers were jewish. They're piggy-backing on fake news sources and "alt-right" rumors as legitimate reasons to cancel the show, fucking lugenpresse.

It was the only watchable MDE content besides a few of their videos. It's hard to watch a half Jew ramble on about random shit high as fuck. RIP

This is like the sketch where the guy trips up
Sam's wife causing her to crash head-first through a glass table. Then he keeps
denying that he did anything, even though she's lying on the fllor with glass shards sticking out of her bloody head.

You might like his KSTV stuff.

wasn't it already over with?

Meh. They can make better stuff online and don't have to censor it like on TV. Their ratings were really good, so this is a purely political decision. But adult swim is really shitty network that fucks a lot of their shows.

MDE will just go on doing what they always do. Bernstein will never stop being a failure and a miserable Jewish rat-man.

I don't think he's jewish. He ripped them apart pretty thoroughly in the Rutgers video. Also, there's some old videos with his mom in it; she didn't look jewish at all.

Oh boy, how to fuck your channel 101. I lived to see the day adult swim killed itself, lel

MDE can probably get a bigger audience on youtube, either way.

Its gonna be a shame in a few weeks when Sam, Charls, and Nick all (((crash))) into a tree at 90 mph.

A shame. We'll have to figure out an alternate platforms either way, no non-pozzed show can survive in established structures today.

I think that they're aware. In the long run, the majority of them want institutional and political power to screw over anyone they want because they believe that they're "light" of society according to the synagogues they go to.

I refuse to believe that they're that dumb not to realize what they're doing.

They're probably going to die from a weight-lifting accident by shooting themselves 15 times in the back of the head.

maybe they canceled it because sam hyde is retarded and not funny

There's no reason to kill them now.

i mean he's only good when he goes out and pranks libshits

his sketches are stupid

Hes always making references to car wrecks, you think he's seen his death?

Time to post my rare Sams.

Sorry to hear it buddy, I'll buy KickStarterTV again or something so you don't have to keep eating day old bagels.

Yeah, it's always funny. Jews don't own the media and use their power over it against their enemies. That's an antisemitic canard. But if you say anything about it then they will use their media power to destroy your career/life/marriage/whatever.

You are not funny, fucking wrecked mate don't bother replying, i fuckibgbwrecked your argument.


Yeah i made a typo so waht you fucking nerd

thats you're own post user


make it happen

Honestly, guys, I'm really surprised they were allowed to go on as long as they did. Not a criticism on them, I just thought they were lucky not to get (((cancelled))) by butthurt execs before now.

So many good moments.


I've met him IRL before, he is without a doubt /ourguy/. His main kick right now is trying to make sure white people invent AI before the chinks because if the chinks get it first they'll turn the world into a parking lot for Maglev trains.

maybe the nigger should have hired some gooks to animate his shit. adult swim will run even the most garbage of animation just because it exists

You're talking about people who invent new airborne superflus by the simple expedient of spitting everywhere they go and not washing their hands. If the Chinese wipe out all life on earth, it won't be because they've invented the Singularity.

Jewishness is defined by one's character, not by one's looks.

He definitely looks Jewish.

Definitley /ourguys/. I just finished watching the latest HydeWars episode, and Charls said how he loves it when the "guys on the boards say 'Praise Kek!'" to counter the religious infighting.

In most cases, it's both. And he may look slightly jewish, I'll give you that.

there are no words to describe this feel
only memes

gas the kikes
110 and never again

U fucking wot, nigger?

You BEST not be talking shit about Studio TRIGGER.


Well, shit, Shmuel Hydeen, looks like it's back to terrorism for you. But, hey, this one season probably got a large amount of people to take the babby redpill.


That gif looks bad.


Cancer like you should stay on /a/

Trigger still needs to go back and re-do the second half. They really dropped the ball towards the end.

Or, make an entire anime out of Sex and Violence with Mach-Speed instead of just the short and the cameo episode of Luluco.

KLK IS total garbage lad.

Sam's mom isn't Jewish, so Talmudically he isn't. Plus he harassed the kikes so bad they pulled his show. Also I've never seen a Jew taller 6'2 and Sam is fucking humongous IRL.

Here's some OC if you're lurking Sam.


If Sam Hyde opens up some sort of crowdfunding to continue his stuff it'll be one of the only ones I've ever downloaded to.
Other was Half Genie Hero.

Judea declared war on MDE, specifically in an arena that they hold total control over. We all know by now how that goes.

Sorry for your loss, Sam.

Shill Shit posters fighting themselves.

I hope this caused the Streisand Effect so his next MDE video gets like 800k views.

This is definitely a "PR" read: vindictive kike decision, as I followed the ratings of the show all season and MDE was the only other [AS] show to crack the top 10 in ratings each friday night. They may not have been able to beat Andre, but his show has been on for a few seasons and he actually gets around to a lot of talk shows and podcasts to promote his shit over the years. Sam's youtube following is dedicated, but not that large, so for the show to consistently draw +300k viewers was a big deal.

Yeah, no agenda at work here whatsoever is there?

I hope some other network sees the chance to make money and offers them a slot.

Fucking christ, you dumb motherfuckers. Has Sam said ANYTHING about this on his Twitter? No? Okay then stop taking random shitty blogs as evidence.

What the fuck happened to Holla Forums?

I thought AS was supposed to be "edgy" so much for that!

It had two episodes to break a million views with barely any marketing and it aired at quarter-past midnight.
[as] could have easily made the show into something as big as Tim and Eric if they moved it into an earlier timeslot and marketed it more, but instead they caved.

we've always been paranoid and hallucinogenic. This thread is no different.

Do you guys realise that [as] themselves said the show was canned, right?

You're the retard here see

dude, jew = nepositsm and "goyim" not worth a single golem fingernail viewpoint, the kike in question is probably wringing its hands in elation right now.

No, but he did say it was cancelled on one of his YouTube channels.

I hope you all have rubber boots for the rivers of blood in the streets.

Trips of truth and hope

Hyde isn't Jew in the slightest you dumbfuck

No, you idiot, Jewishness is determined by one's genes, not their looks. And how the hell does an over 2 m tall built dude with white facial features look like a Jew to you?

Noice vid, haven't seen that one.

Where's the official statement from [as]? All i've seen was OP's archive link.

Has anyone thought to make their own tv station? OAN came about fairly recently and they've offered a more "traditional right" slant on their news; if they've a slant at all.

the FBI is trying like hell to stop him, but I think with comey's niggering and the typical jewishness of the federal government, something tells me that they're not going to try very hard to stop him.

I stand corrected. Brb gassing myself.

OP is still a massive faggot.

He got access to television studio infrastructure, used it to make rad shit, and inundated the honking masses with subtle redpill. Mission accomplished, I'd say. Looks great on the resume. Onward and upward.


Can someone make a Webm of Sam and Charles going "Praise Kek! I like seeing them say Praise Kek!"

It was a matter of time.


but where do they go from here? what else can they do? there's no other indie channel and stand-up will only get them so far

I heard he was going to make a game.

No you are the faggot

Writing books. Doing standup. Working with Notch on vidya. Youtube shows.

Talmudvision is losing influence, not gaining it.

The game is gonna be sveet if they actually pull it together. I'd chip in.

There's a PDF of concept art and story somewhere but I lost it. It's called Joyride Universe.

Already did when that vid first came out

Thanks bud.

Sam's contacting notch on Twitter about making a game.

Notch should really fund some shitlord online network, would do pretty well and there's more than enough content out there.

Wew lads.

Here's the breakdown for it from the game's subreddit

There are giant floating clouds of dust that exist in the fifth dimension, called ‘snowglobes’. They loosely resemble jellyfish. Their aim is to restructure every single universe–including ours–that exists within their multiverse, so that every possible universe is the same. When every universe is the same, they will all occupy the same line (the same four-dimensional space), and the rest of the multiverse will be empty. The ultimate goal is to clear out space for a multi-verse real estate development, possibly some sort of alien casino complex.

It’s not possible to completely destroy every universe. It just doesn’t work, there’s always gotta be something. But by rearranging universes to more closely resemble each other, homogenizing them, if you will, they can clear up the space that they want. It is an iterative process that takes a long ‘time’, which also means there is hope of stopping this process.

The ‘snowglobes’ send Lucifer (The Devil, their physical agent) through the universes, to change events and alter history, piece by piece, event by event, until Universes 256919, 931883, and 001239 all have roughly the same species, the same histories, etc. Then they go in with a fine-toothed comb and even change the placement of molecules to be the same at a given time until there is total parity… one of the universes essentially having been so mangled/destroyed that you can no longer call it whatever it used to be called, and the other just an existential junkyard basically.

The tighter it gets, the more all universes look the same, and the more multiverse real estate is cleared out.

The catch is that neither the snowglobes nor Lucifer care what the resulting universes and ultimately single universe look like. They don’t have the time nor the inclination to make sure that the universe into which everything gets dumped is a utopia or even anything that makes sense, and so their restructuring leads to an absolute garbage-pile hellscape known as The Joyride Universe.

The Joyride Universe = recipient universe into which stuff (planets, space ships, entire civilizations, monsters) is thrown
Every other universe = donor universe which gets altered, broken down, picked clean until nothing is left


Are there episodes uncensored? The only episode that I've seen was the fifth.

EDIT: one suggestion that makes more sense is to have it set up like this: the snowglobes are going around to all the donor universes and picking them apart/physically removing stuff and using The Joyride Universe like a giant trash dump. So they're not trying to homogenize everything, they're just clearing all the other universes out.
That would work fine. It's less elegant/cool but easier to explain. I've gotta work this out :\

Additionally, the denizens of the other universes which are being altered can’t occupy the same space at the same time and so they are gradually de-rezzed, a process which is incredibly painful and starts at the genitals radiating outwards.
All bad, must be stopped.
The Joyride Universe

The Joyride Universe is the name of the main universe/alternate reality where ~35% of the game takes place.

This is the universe where all the shit gets piled in. The snowglobes and Lucifer don’t care what the results of their actions look like, as long as everything gets homogenized and is kept in check. Joyride is a shit garbage world, featuring the Ratters, Wasters, Koppos, etc. (alternate names needed)

Note: when I use the term universe, in the actual game we’re not gonna be going through space all over to different galaxies and actually exploring an entire universe. The events of the game, in a given universe, will only cover maybe one or two planets, whose events and timelines are representative of the entire universe. So they are more ‘alternate realities’ than fully fleshed-out universes.

Jizzy Jackshow is the ruler of this world. He has a pact with Lucifer–as long as he keeps things in check, nice and orderly the way they’re supposed to be, Lucifer ensures he has free reign to torment the lands with his Red Method and keep the denizens under his greasy thumb.

The Ratters are mutated and anthropomorphized rats with Japanese samurai ethics.

Koppos are just a regular gang but they specialize in finding caches of advanced pre-collapse police gear including testicle zappers and eye spray.

Joyride is the Master universe and all other universes are Slave universes (computer terms not sugar cane terms). The snowglobes go around to slave universes to change events and make them more closely resemble the master universe. Joyride, the master universe, is additive. Shit is being piled on and chaos is increasing, but no one in Joyride gets de-rezzed. The slave universes consist of trillions upon trillions of peoples, ethnicities, etc., which are all being snuffed out so that they more resemble the master universe. It is not a metaphor for globalism or arabs.

Although this is an entire universe filled with galaxies and presumably alien species, most of the Joyride story takes place on Urth (alternate name needed), ten million years in the future, on an upside-down map of North America where Mexico is covered in snow and Canada is tropical (both unlabeled and it’ll be up to the player to make the connection).

Theme song:
Further reading:!F5IARYDb!fD6Ant-n0xz2c-5cMsKC4QFDMmYd8ZtlJTmqv-Zabk0

Note: we are looking for alternate names for basically everything in this universe.

The 2MASX universe is similar to our own… a technologically advanced civilization at the height of prosperity and decadence. Total collapse imminent, nobody notices.

How it feels:

Cities in 2MASX are classified by ‘level’… a Level 1 city is the lowest of the low, barbarian hellholes like Turkana IV where raiders use tech scavenged from more prosperous economic zones. Level 9 cities are paradise enclaves where the super rich spend all day chasing stimulation, under the protection and guidance of dysfunctional but benevolent AIs.

The Neveragain is a Level 1 zone located in between two Level 9 cities where a group of bandits (whose hideout is called The Cube) fire giant harpoons at travelling partiers and club kids.

All Level 9 citizens can trace their genetic lineage back in some way to the Bush-Clinton dynasty.

From this universe (2MASX) things are constantly being taken, destroyed, de-rezzed. Something may exist in one scene, and the characters may return a moment later to find a gaping black hole or a smouldering crater.

A higher budget version of the YouTube channel, except with censorship thanks to (((FCC))) and [[[Adult Swim]]] execs. There was also a snowflake run campaign to try to get the show taken off from Viewtiful Joe's articles to people calling up actors and execs with harassment campaigns, and the faces of actors were blurred in an episode for that reason as one of them did not want it on their resume.

The problem with WP was that Sam is on the wrong side of the political spectrum. CN (and AS likely) doesn't even give a shit if you're some cartoon porn artist drawing porn of their shows, because that's how Steven Universe got made.

They might get picked up by some smaller network but as they said in the description for Ideas Man, "no television or entertainment company would touch us with a ten foot pole." YouTube is likely their best bet, unless another network decides to show up. Plus, MDE isn't just a TV show, they're also working on a game, the book is coming out, and they still have their main channel along with another side one. After all, MDE never dies.

The problem is traditional TV is that it's not only cucked but it has a very high entry cost. You need to get cable and satellite providers to carry you. It's why Al Jazeera bought Current, a failing leftist TV station, in an attempt to break into the cable market, and why big TV companies will rebrand failing channels.

You're better off trying to take advantage of new media. The left did not expect us to take advantage of the internet, and that's why they're trying to push internet censorship in a last ditch attempt to regain control.

Kid Six and Against Forever (Kid Six is another hero character)–a popular emo band that appears to be total degenerate trash but Kid Six is actually a heroic figure who moonlights as a do-gooder.
Ritchie Kisses–gender bending pop star (like Macauley Culkin in Party Monster). Is a total brat and allows his scheming manager to use him for any and all nefarious criminal ends.
The Micros–a crack team of nano operatives… suspended in a red liquid, hackers inject them into devices and inside they use nano-scale baseball bats and cinder blocks to destroy circuitry.
Simon Cube–an Elon Musk type figure who leaves the planet on a space pilgrimmage and comes back possessed by an evil alien.
Professor Jick–headmaster of a school for young magic users (like a Jedi academy)… the students are all black kids with terminal cancer. The type of cancer is linked to the type of magic used. Boils and cysts are status effects/buffs/debuffs, lung cancer is air magic, mouth/jaw cancer is fire magic.

2MASX is cyberpunk party aesthetic, a bit like the space station Omega in Mass Effect 2, a bit like Fifth Element.

New Fargo AKA Neo-Schneider

Currently unnamed J. Jonah Jameson type guy heads up the last media empire that is not dominated by ‘The Jeets’…. This universe has nearly been completely de-rezzed and not much is left that makes any sense. The Jeets know of the impending doom yet still continue to wage a petty and self-sabotaging campaign of disinformation, espionage and blackmail. J. Jonah Jameson guy singlehandedly resists their end-of-days opportunism.

Very often fatalistic, losing battle.

Mix of 1920s-1970s American vibes and tech. Lots of art deco/Chrysler building type stuff, all men wearing hats.

Native Americans (alternate reality equivalent, as there's no such thing as 'America' in this universe) are stealing gold and funneling it through underground tunnels on a secret underground train. Some mobsters stow away aboard the train to see where they’re taking the gold only to discover the trains go straight down into the earth’s mantle…. They are melted down along with billions in gold bullion.

Feels like:

Need to come up with names, more characters, and some sort of mystery to be solved.
Var Felona

Medieval times, 3 million years in the future, humans have nanomachines that keep them alive for centuries but are unaware of their existence, can’t read, etc. Magic is real, magic lances that shoot bolts of lightening (using hidden and unknown tech.), people have avg. IQ of 85 and are bewildered by the real flying magic.

Aliens conquered this race and stripped the world of it’s resources (something totally mundane, like quartz) so long ago they’ve been totally forgotten. They continued to be dominated by automated remnants of alien tech, some sort of device or wave emitter that keeps their IQs low and curiosity surpressed. It also supresses their memories of the past and any cares for tradition or history. Some kings, queens, royalty know this and have made themselves immune, but allow it to continue for regular people, fearing the chaos that would result should they be allowed to think for themselves again.

Hairy is a scientist who is at least 1000 years old, one of the only people alive before the conquering… he saw the writing on the wall and preemptively transferred his consciousness to a dog. So he’s a dog that’s followed around by this big retard, the big retard is basically an automaton that he uses to get things done out in the world.

The people in this universe (alternate reality) see the disappearence of things and de-rezzing of people and explain it away as the world of a ‘black dragon’… Main characters in this universe are tasked with vanquishing the black dragon.
Jack and Jill

Jack and Jill are paired artificial intelligences which exist in a universe that has been totally stripped bare. Before the very end, they encased themselves within an improbability bubble.

Their task for the rest of time is weeding through the timeline of all events that ever occured to attempt to accurately restructre history and make sense of what happened. Almost pure deductive reasoning. Gameplay here is playing through various scenarios they craft to find out what’s real.

Blue (AKA Ud, a name that’s cooler but less accessible) is a blue gelatinous alien lifeform which bounces from universe to universe collecting the essences of lost tribes and de-rezzed peoples. A blank slate, very much like an autistic NEET. He carries their memories with him and they teach him over time how to feel and experience, to be something like a human. Hopefully at the end of his journey he will have amassed enough experiences and memories to become fully actualized.

Legend has it Blue was created by a race of proto-beings as a failsafe just in case something like this were to happen….

Theme song:
Alternate theme songs:
Further reading:!s8I2HIjD!NdgVkKg_krFf9PriW-p52_Z7ICL33lY2UAcOlpXXmD4

There needs to be a steampunk world

Just a bunch of jokes about a white supremacist mass murderer…


One thing we gain is a great example of jewish meddling with a highly visible, mainstream media production for no other reason than their politics. (((They))) can't hide behind excuses of ratings or even the show's content because Sam knows satire and get his message across without actually ever saying it explicitly.

They'll probably need a lot of help, user. The scope sounds huge. Gain the necessary skills and make yourself useful if you want to.

Sam has a comedy show in Boston tomorrow, why don't you go see him and ask about what needs doing for the game?

It seems like some leftover or rejected stuff from WP is starting to get released now

I remember seeing the "Dark Truth" pilots at their screening a few years ago, probably the hardest I've ever laughed.

I'm trying to gitgud as a producer, but I'm still a long ways away. Feel kind of inspired to sharpen my skills tonight though, thanks user.

2far unfortunately.

So far I'm loving these videos, its like Moms but with really pathetic old people trying to feel important by espousing actually dumb conspiracies

The Obama symbol on the Al qaeda flag got me too

He was just one of many whiners. Sam's (sadly temporary) success was driving Weird Twitter into apopletic fits.


yeah, he has

this was a few days ago

i followed the ratings as well (and ratings in general). holding 87% of an established lead-in is incredible. especially when the target audiences are slightly different.

hyde can bring the data to other networks and online video services to get his next project greenlit.

This is why TV is dying.

Infact I don't even know if they're making profits, it could very well be on life support and exist solely as a propaganda machine at this stage.

We should start posting this in the comments to any AS show, without mentioning MDE. Just start calling them lame and tame, they thrive on the perception that they aren't stale and safe.

The first 1-4 episodes were awesome the last two kind of eeeehhhhhhh. So I wonder, but anyway, it's a bummer I had hope for that.

Wait until you see the second and third video with the Hillary Clinton text messages and the Osama Bin Laden speedboats.


Forgot my embed like a retard

Oh man, Hydewars? Got some new Sam to watch.

I certainly HOPE other networks take notice and try and capitalize on [AS]'s mistake

Hydewars is fucking great, and so are the other sudden influx of videos going out on their various channels, they've also got a standup tour planned, so look forward to some footage from that as well

WP may be dead but that just means MDE is back to work doing the stuff they always did, fingers crossed we get more KSTV

dont forget BUGSPORTS

i have doubts on other tv networks happening because theyve been labeled alt-right and it will be a tough sale to advertisers.

if i were sam, id crowdfund an independent film and go direct to consumer. if it sells and it isnt like neo-nazi shit then he can license it to a distributor who can get it on TV.

Awfully aggressive for a bunch of victims, aren't ((they))?

They ask for it.

He did something kinda like that.
He crowdfunded a show called KSTV.
It's fucking great.
Can't embed so here

on post i meant to reply to

kstv is great but it cant be distributed on tv like an indie film can as burgers flip through the channels. id also love to see hyde 4-wall it at sundance and troll those pretentious fucks.


no shit, he lurks. he revealed himself once with proofs of his book. I called him a kike faggot on account of the price

Looks like his Boston show got cancelled as well.

cancelled now.

Holy shit. They're really kiking the shit out of him. Is there a way we can support this man? Sam just let us know.

What the fuck is this bullshit?
I was planning to go to this show, fuck. I'm still gonna go just to tell the manager to fuck himself.
I hope none of his other shows get canned because of this.

Why are they doing this to him? Fucking hell

He named the Jew, how he's getting the Gibson treatment.

I already give him 20 buckaroos a month :(

So what is this person's name and home address? Asking for a friend.

Adult Swim has no idea what they're doing. Sam will kill them all.


It will be just more of the same terribad shit they've been slinging for years now. Hipster shit-tier cartoons with poop/booger jokes like that gay "Brad Neely Harg Nallin Sclopio Peepio" fucking retarded show. Adult Swim is a fucking joke.

I miss old MTV's Liquid Television.

It seems that a guy who lives in Providence is offering Sam to do the show at his house instead.
They're currently talking it through on Twitter.

I just absolutely love how there are pictures of Sam and Charls with guns.

Because they aren't cuck hipster faggots?

solution (temporary)

Call it "The Safe Space"

Don't know his name, but his space is at 541 Massachusetts Ave, 02139 Cambridge, MA.

I watched the show once or twice, but couldn't seem to "get it."

Could anyone here tell me what the proper lens to view the series was? I want to give it a second chance.

10 to 1 it gets firebombed within a month.

There are plenty of anti-jew jewish people, check the full-blooded jewish guy who wrote that book calling all the holocaust museums, movies and book a fucking victim industry

Needless to say other jews didn't like that

They also didn't like freud (also 100% jew) saying the jewish religious was bullshit and invented by egyptians, moses being a rogue priest of akhenaten

It's a weird little knick knack shop that sells weird hipstery shit like old hats or whatever. In the past they've been really good to Sam, and they allowed like 2 hours of standup AND they did the screening for them in Boston.

It's kind of a cool place, I don't know why they're cucking out now.

Someone tell kikebart to spearhead it.

Nice. We will get an uncensored "leak" and a lot more youtube content again.

If the jews can do the 'jewish lightning' trick, we can do a variation of it.

unironic shitlordry masquerading as ironic shitlordry

sam hyde got fucked because he's labeled alt-right and alt-right is now seen as neo-nazi. no business wants to be associated with neo-nazis.

thats not a terrible idea. amy poehler's UCB improv comedy club got started in nyc bec there werent good improv places there at the time (shit was in chicago/LA). he could make an "avant-garde" place to make $ and do his comedy out of it.

a moon-shot idea is that he creates a concept that goes viral online and he'll have hollywood come sucking his dick to get a piece of it.

Satire of modern society, and not a "satire" in the faggot lefty sense where you just repeat strawman arguments in a funny voice, WP is real, biting satire. Its current degenerate trends turned up to eleven, some of the stuff like the Wall show skit is kinda like a fucked up projection of what television will be like in 30 years. They lampoon how people don't have any self-respect and responsibility a lot. Some skits like the "Guy Heaven" one is just funny because every fucking gym has one guy like that in it. When you've got absurdist humor like that, you've got to keep it kind of varied. I had to watch a few of the skits before the "real" punchline hit me, so don't feel like an idiot or anything.

*watch a few of the skits multiple times

but I already don't watch [[[adult swim]]]


blackballed, damn

Send this idea to Sam.

>pewdiepie comes out as white nationalist subtly
They should collaborate.

Shit like this is probably the ONLY reason I want shekels tbh fam.

other ways to boycott. adult swim is a subsidiary of time warner. dont watch CNN (if you do) and pirate warner bros films & DC comics tv shows.

Who of is here hasn't already been doing this

article ends with


You only have one good artist at Trigger and everything you make is fucking garbage. It is either trying to be ironic or shove pointless and just straight meaningless fight scenes. So, politely, fuck off.

Television is dead, long live the king.

Kind of hard to boycott when we already aren't their audience.


this is really the best way to get back. let them ruin themselves.

fine, go load up android tv sticks with KODI and distribute it to old people and get them to cancel cable. start with grandpa this christmas!

Checked for truth


I would, but I'm a west coast fag.

What makes you think they won't evict you for having the wrong opinions, though?

Can't they do a kickstarter for season 2?

I really doubt any anons would actually put money towards it. Plus, I don't think Hyde does shows for free to other Holla Forumslacks. I thought his gist was shocking leftists at public events. We already get his message, doesn't seem helpful to the cause.


The location would only be given to people who pay into it. We probably couldn't just put SS flags up everywhere because the building has a bunch of hipster woodworkers or whatever in it.

I'd just have it as a meeting spot, a place in Boston for Holla Forumsacks to hang out where Sam would be able to do stand-up and pack some people in for the night. Not like he'd be working out of it.If the rent's $950 I'd contribute 2/3rds of it or maybe even all of it and then have the "membership" thing just cover the extra costs.

It's a crackpot idea and I'm flailing, I'm just trying to brainstorm to help Sammy.

Yes but I'm not in Boston so no.

if he's legit banned from comedy clubs, then it would be better to do random rental venues in different cities.

here's a nyc rental site:

I'm talking about the landlord, though. What if they discovered that le sekrit nazi klub is meeting there and kicks you guys out? It seems to me that you would have to own the property if you wanted to prevent shenanigans.

You fucking cocksucker.
I'm phonefagging here and if not for a slow connection, you would have made me visit reddit.
I have never been to reddit and intend to keep it that way, faggot.
Suck a nigger dick with AIDS and shit on it.

Sam Hyde isn't a Nazi.

You'll likely need a liquor/performance license. A once a week/month Boston Pollacks Club meeting an existing venue would be more appropriate, and I think anons would be a lot more inclined to make a habit of it if it just involved imbibement and conversation, and not pithy entertainment. If you have to pay money to have a laugh with your friends, you're doing it wrong

I don't think he cares, he seems to just consider himself an "entertainer" and is just happy to get paid but without having to compromise any of his routine for kosher-ness. His self-awareness seems to stop at recognizing the sad absurdity of the 'stand up comedy' profession, probably out of economic necessity. He's been like that since his MDE days. p-p-please give me money goys. I'm a YT comedian, I deserve better than this! Get a real job, sam

These dirty fucking kikes need to pay beyond a boycott.

Probably try and get in touch with Mike Enoch from TRS, pretty sure he's in that area and gets heaps of D'nation shekels

How about don't consume it in the first place? What out of Warner Brothers post-LOTR trilogy and what out of DC post-BRAVO NOLAN trilogy is there worth seeing at all?

Well it wouldn't be "Holla Forums-the office space" we just keep it aboveboard and say we're a "digital media company" or something. Obviously only Holla Forums would be allowed in, but other than that it's not like we'd do "shows", it would just be stocked with beer and some couches and we'd be able to congregate there. It's too longshot of an idea though, unless some moneybags says "I'll front the money you do all the heavy lifting" I don't see it happening.

step your game up senpai

Then you find a new host. You're retarded. You ever heard of 'house shows'? You don't need to rent entire fucking space for Sam Hyde to show up once a year and your friends to meet once a week. Your trouble's are 1: most cities won't allow public performances in private residences; 2: you won't get enough people coming to fund your costs with a cover charge, even if you held it in your own apartment - certainly not if you rented a whole fucking space.

I know, but the kiikes think he is.


how do we win the culture wars if we arent going to get involved in the arts?

american sniper, mad max, the nice guys, sully.
had to check here:

Nigger that's called your home.

Ah, I see.

Stand up comedy isn't art. At that point we might as well focus our attention on infiltrating furry porn.

Yeah, the only things I watched on adult swim anymore was King of the Hill and MDE, now I will watch nothing from their shitty network and just download King of the Hill.

You're still better off owning your own place. Especially in libtard cities, it's very easy to get trumped up false charges to get you kicked out of a rented place.

Also, it's called not spoilering links like a faggot. On phones and tablets, you have to touch the spoiler to see what's under it, and that means clicking the link because cuckmonkey is too fucking stupid to make links bleed through spoilers.

Pick one and only one.

Great pic you fucking moron cause Cleveland lost the World Series.

To me the whole allure of a separate meeting space is the owner or renter takes some heat and is doxxable, but the guys hanging out there aren't open to the same risk. Plus the guy running the place can kind of spot shills or infiltrators and kick em out unilaterally.

Tapped the spoilered text.
It's an unbroken link to rebbit.
I bet you say "normie".

Now Fury Road sucks but the original two Mel films are fucking A+.

Even if you don't consider it to be art, stand-up is capable of having social and political clout. Kikes fired Norm MacDonald from SNL because he made fun of OJ Simpson too many times.

Alright lesson learned, I'll gas myself and leave the life insurance money to you so you can start the beer hall in my honor.

She's a total feminist cunt, was a bitchy feminist mod on their shitty message boards at one point.

i love you sam

I noticed from several of his jewtube videos that Hyde seems to be associated with Mass/RI. Is this accurate? If true, its interesting that him and his friends operate in modern liberal heaven.

Yeah Sam is based out of the Providence area. He goes to Boston for his shows, and they used to go there to film as well.

World Peace
White Power

Would it be possible for World Peace to be a profitable web show or no?

I wonder how much money it costed to produce each episode

i'm pretty sure one of the things he said he'd do is release the uncensored versions of MDE episodes

Don't forget anons, white nationalist leader Giorgio (aka Sam Hyde has already given us a coded message in World Peace.

The conditions for the operation have been met. MK ULTRA beacon activated. Acquire high powered rifle and remove RFID implant. Break. Amethyst. Sycorax. Drainage. Lombard.


bb-but sam hyde is a slavgolian russkie

-anglo-german american

I love Sam, I just started watching Hydewars after being a big fan of Thanks Computer a few years back.

I would not be surprised if he posted here after Hydewars Episode 4.

Yea damn I just noticed another video shot in Fall River MA. I've probably run into this guy. Wonder how he feels about all the Portuguese.

aka his killswitch

I don't know what you're talking about, I pulled it off google to make the point.

It's not a personal choice or opinion. It's not fucking art, chaim. Yes, we can propagandize through entertainment but that's not an excuse to push kike dissolution of the high/low art distinction.

This played out just as I predicted in the first thread discussing the announcement of this show. I even predicted that Buzzfeed would be the platform that the attack would emanate from. There was no way this series was getting a second series, it could have brought in 10 million viewers a week and it would have still been canned.

The amazing thing to me was that it got Greenlit for one season. There are years of MDE material online, who at Adult Swim thought that they could air the show and not get winged at? Traditional media is beyond saving, the entire industry is inescapably intertwined with a group of people who routinely throughout history have proven themselves incapable of not bringing everything they build down around their ears. What mad man at Adult Swim dared for a second to give the people what they want? It would never be allowed, not at this stage in the cycle.

There is a bright future for this type of material and the MDE team is at the cutting edge, it will be a tough slog but what the hell else are they going to do? I doubt they will ever be on TV again but that was never the correct route anyway. TV is dead in the water and decisions like this is why.


Whatever. That's not my point. My point is that it's a valuable tool for propaganda.


It was probably because of that Tim & Eric cuck that was bitching about him, but I'm sure (((Bernstein))) likes to think it was pulled by his actions.



I see Sam as the 1 in 6 million Jew, that's actually pretty good, like Bobby Fisher
Though if he starts getting against us or if he starts causing attacks or something that makes people go against us then he's dropped
I don't see the same warning signs I saw from Milo or Shapiro
But we'll wait and see

Are you seriously so autistic that you believe he wasn't joking?

Hitler dubs.


You mean Andre who would of fell to number 2 below Sam after a couple seasons

I'm sorry dude, but you're autistic.

Christ what would that even be like?

The audience for such a business seems a little too niche. And like most of us don't live in the area. You could probably make more shekels offering streaming/vod subscriptions.
Let the viewers have their own party.

i bet they were gambling on a mediocre viewership to cancel it, but when they saw its success they had to ax it for obvious political reasons

He definitely browses a Holla Forums board somewhere if not here.

I felt the same about weev and look at him.

Weev isn't Jewish either you mong. I can't decide if you're some D&C faggot or just a legitimate retard.

I don't fucking care, I don't even believe that ASD or most PDD's even exist. I honestly think it's just another reason to drug kids.

You're current shitposting doesn't effect me.

mtv did this

World Peace has seen more press coverage and viewing than 99% of AS slot filler shows, I guarantee it. Nobody talks much about The Heart, She Holler or Assy McGee or Saul and the Molemen or whatever hipster shit they spew to pad the hours around ATHF and KOH. It seems like they have a carousel of shows that last 2 seasons tops.

How else are liberals going to push the "there are no conservative comedians" meme if they don't shut down comedians for violating arbitrary boundaries of safe comedy?

It's already being done.

Sam doesn't seem like an obvious CIA plant though

are blacks hyenas to furries?

Charls talked about being on Holla Forums a while back. It was in some video where he and Sam were playing Fallout, I think.

They cancelled ATHF, the only thing getting some good ratings are the venture bros but that only happens every 4 years or so

Oh yeah, Milo's not jewish either right?

Didn't you read ? Weev isn't jewish or controlled opposition.

Honestly, I hope sam isn't a plant.

This whole “built by us” meme really annoys me.

No it was not! It was built by people like me, my ancestors not yours and yet were I to attempt to emigrate to America I would stand no chance. America has given the greatest gift it can bestow (citizenship) on groups of people who throw it back and say NOT ENOUGH.

Revolting, it revolts me. I shudder in contempt at these people.

When was it on tv? I've never seen it once.

Do you have any actual proof of weev being a Jew? Or of Sam, other than him making fucking jokes?

Has nothing to do with this, stop trying to deflect, faggot.

I'm glad you asked.

When I asked Auernheimer, who says he's got Jewish ancestors, if he actually means all of the bigoted stuff he says, he replied: "I do think Jews have power in this country and I fight powerful people. Jews in general have power over media and banking. Ergo, I will make fun of them on the internet."


Really? That must be why I haven't felt like watching anything on there recently.

If AS wants to be REALLY fresh, hip, and so very dada, they should make a nazifur show. If you're an AS executive kike browsing this thread, please do it.

ATHF got a lot of hate for all the jokes about rape and android women made for sex, vagina clams, a planet full of monkeys who are also incredibly retarded, so I wouldn't be surprised if it got canned for that

Fucking assholes.
I made two tweets at the fuckers to let em know how badly they fucked up.
Fuck adult swim.

that little crippled fuck doesn't build anything and is most likely supported via the taxes of whites through government programs. All of these pieces of shit.

First of all, you're fucking stupid. Second, weev used to be into that Christian Identity "We wuz da real Israelites" shit, which he's explained the author misinterpreted (willfully or not) as him saying he was Jewish .

Annoys the fuck outta me too.

Sam isn't CIA. He's a fucking degenerate but his heart's in the right place.
Couple years back he was a full lolberg no-joke living in his mother's basement and begging to screw girls on instagram whilst crying about "wasting" his education editing MLG videos and amateur pornography.
I think that shitposting on /r9k/ laid the seeds of racial awareness in him, somehow.
I used to smoke the pot his estranged daughter grows, and have met him a few times, decent guy but absolute degenerate as of two years ago

wtf now I believe everything gawker writes

Sam Is that you?

Sam was filming world peace 2 years ago lol

What's wrong goy, don't you trust our journalists? They'd never intentionally try and slander someone like that.

Can we get some money together and film it ourselves?

it wasn't that good anyways. I like sam but he produced way higher quality shit on youtube 3 years ago than the best skits on world peace

Has anyone been watching HydeWars? It is blatantly obvious that they are here. If you faggots are in here, respect for staying user and not trying to be e-celebs.

It's the air time that's important, user.

here's another source:

I think a Twitter raid of AS is in order.

Two years ago being the last time I saw him, was living with his mother from like 2000-2006 and then started getting contracts for shit after launching MDE after making a fuckton of money uploading public domain documentaries to youtube on an hourly basis for weeks on end. He does autistic shit like that, think he even showed off his satoshi mining rig in a MDE video.
He still smoked pot and was down with screwing asian chicks as of two years ago, maybe doing this shit "ironically" led him to getting his shit together
Sounds like some shit he would do.

The task is complete.

MDE was shut down..and everyone knows why.
The jew has shot himself in the foot again.
Everyone knows that the show had nothing to do with NAZIS'

but in the jews paranoia…they see enemy everywhere.

Normie will find out why they were shut down and see that no evidence to the jews claims are found. Its in plain sight to see. Their claims were baseless and false and the show was cut because they are..

Paranoid power hungry jews that see to subvert anything that they deem.Racist.

They are fucking themselves in the ass - directly.

MDE…well played.
well played…

ok, explain "estranged daughter" then.
what college did he go to?
is he actually jewish on his father's side?

So what the fuck happened with Metalocalypse and AS acting like they hate it and refuse to give it a ending?

Sam is jewish on his mother's side

Why is anyone surprised by this?

This is fucking adult swim we're talking about, they gave Eric Andre a show which is nothing but a live action youtube poop.

That and all the other garbage shit they have. Their whole audience for original programming on Sundays is potheads who don't have to wake up for work on Mondays.
Source: former pothead who didn't have to wake up on Mondays.

You really are retarded. No, the author wasn't attempting to portray him as an innocent person, he was trying to sow divisive 'everyone on the right is actually a Jew' shit, like you are right now.

Let me tell you, the shilling agencies aren't sending their best anymore. They must have reassigned CTR after the election and now we're dealing with the fucking idiots that couldn't even get jobs there.

Sounds like bullshit to me. He's what, 33, and he already has a daughter old enough to be selling weed?

His mom is in some of the older videos and has no resemblance of a jew.

These people are such fucking bullies. You can see it in their faces, the hateful narcissism they call "love". And god damn it how the fuck and when the fuck did niggers start telling themselves that they built America? What!??

And what would you do, user, if you found out tomorrow, that your mother is ethnically jewish? I know that is probably not the case, but consider it for the sake of argument. Knowing all that you know, you find out that you are ethnically jewish. What do you do? Does it suddenly change your understanding of right and wrong? Do you suddenly forget everything you think you know and become a zionist?

im testing
i think he's larping off of random info he read online.

For once in my life I actually feel sorry for the kikes. Sam does some fucked up terrorism but I'm worried that now he's going to break the fundamental laws of the universe to bring the Jews to a new plane of suffering beyond anything humans can naturally experience

I have a friend who's the same Height as him and he doesn't seem too big, and I'm only AJ Styles-tier
Then again he isn't swole as fuck like Sammy Boy


Look at how weev got thrown in prison user. He fucked with a link and told people about it. He didn't collect anything, he's fucking incompetent. Other people wrote the scripts and he took the fall for it. The whole situation reeks of fabrication.

Weev was a white night before his whole AT&T debacle.

People need to be educated about known anti-Semite Dennis Fetcho. –Weev G N A A™ 16:13, 5 September 2005 (UTC)

this tbh fam. Weev is a scapegoat, not much else.

A jew doesn't play 2 sides, he plays 9.

he knocked up a seventeen year-old when he was ~fifteen and almost dropped out of high school because of it. daughter is barely 18, no idea how she was legally able to grow or sell pot
she would brag about selling to med-shops though, was adopted by califags where I am from maybe they signed her up for a medi-card no idea if they can do that though. maybe she's a lying cunt who sold her parents dope
No idea where he graduated from or even if he did graduate. know he went to a couple and stuck with CAD major. I want to say USC because he wore a trojans hat one time.
I don't know him all that well, to be honest he kind of freaked me out the times I met him. He's one of those really touchy guys(I dont mean faggot shit mind you, just like leaning on you and playfully smacking you and shit) and I dislike that immensely.

Dude, it's adult swim. It isn't a a separate TV channel, it's just Cartoon Network past 8pm (or whatever time). Most of their programming is just reruns of King of the Hill (which is actually good), Family Guy, Cleveland Show, and Bob's Burgers.

And don't be surprised at some whack shit happening at adult swim, this (pic related) happened there.

And in case you're too normie to know what this is, it's a sketch by the artist of cowboy bebop being defaced by some schmuck poopybutt at their studio.

Well what do you expect, it is Boston after all.

it's common knowledge of big MDE fans what school he went to (its not USC) so im not buying this shit.

Fucking…Women man.

This. I love shit by Adult Swim but since the kami years shit has gone south. Anything that has to add a hundred adjectives to the word "Humor" isn't usually funny.

"It's esoteric meta politisci philisci ironic humor. It's SUPPOSED to be bad/liberal/rightwing/gay that's why it's funny"

Meanwhile, I laughed at Birdman because it was funny. I laughed at Space Ghost because it was funny. I laughed at Brak because it was occasionally funny. I laughed at Squidbillies because it was retarded. I ever laughed at Tim and Eric when Steve Brule wasn't on but I laughed when Brule was.

I am not a "big MDE" fan though. I don't want to disparage it but it's just a right-wing eric andre show, and postmodern humor is shit


I'm tired of Infowars and youtube shit.

Schizophrenia on live TV, most likely.

Not that Sam's a pillar of moral fortitude, but I don't buy that. Sam's groupies are fucking weird and I wouldn't put it past one to make up a weird story like that. Not that it can't be true, but something doesn't jive.

I'm talking to you Tiffany!

I mean tim and eric, only good shit on [[[AS]]] is(was?) xavier: renegade angel, shit was like erboot on acid.

Totally could be the case, she was oddly flirtatious with him. Might have been one of those "daddy" fetish bitches and I took her seriously so she trolled me by making up this elaborate story.

Fucking…Women man.

This. I love shit by Adult Swim but since the kami years shit has gone south. Anything that has to add a hundred adjectives to the word "Humor" isn't usually funny.

"It's esoteric meta politisci philisci ironic humor. It's SUPPOSED to be bad/liberal/rightwing/gay that's why it's funny"

Meanwhile, I laughed at Birdman because it was funny. I laughed at Space Ghost because it was funny. I laughed at Brak because it was occasionally funny. I laughed at Squidbillies because it was retarded. I ever laughed at Tim and Eric when Steve Brule wasn't on but I laughed when Brule was.

Also ITT:

Have a shitty leftist meme.


Yes, surely this proves he's a Jew, I mean hell, he's making fun of the bastards! Stop posting nigger

etc etc etc

The only live action show on adult swim I find funny is the one with the red skinned painted devil dudes that has the ridiculously silly name.


So literally 1 thing north of the potomac, and nothing but fields south of it.
They didn't build the railroads, work the steel mills, tame (conquer ;^) ) the west, or do any of the fancy scientific researchy shit. They were a tiny minority (kek) of soldiers in the Civil War, didn't do poop in WW1 or 2 (or any war really).

Check your privilege you melanin deficient shitlord.


it's salvageable.

What a singular symbol of the culture wars at large

I did notice they STILL can't draw the swastika, is this magic?

Much better.

I always thought he was a manlet, how tall is he?

35 years ago MTV refused to play anything but White music, and now they're explicitly anti-White.

I wish White people really were as violent as these fucking liberals claimed we were. It pisses me off that Whites fought for this country, died for this country, explored and built this country's infrastructure and all of its great businesses, and now niggers, beaners and Chinks want to include themselves in this "We" that they had no fucking part of at any time in America's history.

And they lecture us about "racism" when all they do is talk about race and shit on White people. I'm sick of dark people and their shitty attitudes while they live in our fucking country.

they do more than that.

[Viewer Discretion is advised]

You're thinking of Saul Hoidel, his jewish double

Actually please don't watch this.

Here is a response to it from a none faggot nigger (Who is seriously standing on the cliff of redpill. He'd be so easy but (((((((Youtube))))))) is a triple cunt)

Seriously Andy is so close to Holla Forumsack but he's worried about "MUH PR"

Why do kikes love censorship?


really wish sammy boy got to keep going.

the office sketch will always ring true to me.

Oh look…another quality thread bumplocked by (((imkampfy)))

Why is he such an insufferable tosspot?


i'm gonna make a YTP of this

imkampfy is a kike

kill yourself, fagget.

Well fingers crossed they give at least one of those slots to a woman for a change :^)

David Duke.


What good is KODI gonna do if grandpa ain't gotz no internet?

my dude

What the fuck mods?

The Heart, She Holler was good, but I'm a sucker for PFFR shit

it's imkikefy

This is fucking horseshit that the thread got anchored. It's in complete violation of the will of the anons. And you can't even go for the "muh eceleb" angle since it's a current event about kike censorship.

also, sam hyde has been a Holla Forums meme for years.

Pajeet, Kike, both have dat inferiority complex.

That sounds like alot of fun, I'd love to Act in some Sam skits

Just look at the catalog, only about 1/3 of the bumplocked threads should actually be bumplocked.

the iphone ruins it.

Pretty much all African animals I think.

A cuck for defending a neighborhood from a dindu?