Brits get in this thread, and go and join here;

Brits get in this thread, and go and join here;

Other urls found in this thread:

can't be bothered.

Why not, this way you can get involved with bringing natsoc into the UK

Nice try, MI5, we all know England doesn't have white people.


Not gonna lie, I'm mirin' that Scotland emblem.

Tempted to join tbh.


the most british post in this entire thread

Fuck you faggot. National Action are a bunch of cucks.

We love her


I don't get how you can be a Britcuck and not join NA. Seems like a lot of fun tbh

No thanks MI5, I'd rather not get v& by your honeypot op.



Would rather not be found having accidentally committed suicide tbh


As far as I'm aware no NA members have been killed by the British gov.

To be fair, Brit/pol/ has undergone a reformation and isn't as bad as it used to be.

Thank you for sharing this user. Great speech, video and production. It will be seen across all white nations. From Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland : Hail Victory! Never be demoralized, never give up! We watch you and are inspired. Brothers keep fighting, they hate us but by Lord KEK, We will WIN.

I met with the NA guys on my Europe trip this summer. London was a fucking blackhole of shitskins and commies except for those guys.

Ignore PRposting "dafties" faggots, NA is the best the UK has right now. If you wanna pursue local office you should, but don't shit on NA for standing up to these commie/kike fuckheads when no one else will.

Well, you'd know more about that I guess.

Trips of truth checked and confirmed for truth.




Yes, pissing on disabled children and hiding in luggage holds is surely the way forwards!


Thanks mate

Not directly NA related but whoever it is behind the videos of SKYDAS is doing a really great job. Best looking shit in the game.



First day on the job lad? Come to and try, kek.


Britpol is very low energy

Top kek lad.

(einsatzgruppen checked)
I guess, but if the alternative is ((('high-energy')))
/brit/ or /britpol/, Id rather we stay this way


Hang on lad, theyve done right by us lately. Nothing is banned except your Harris and Jerrycuck bullshit tbh. Why would I want to wade through hundreds of shit quality posts to find a discussion?

Brit/pol/ is the driving force behin Israel.

Why? Britain gave Israel Palestian land in 67. Brit/pol/ is firmly against that.

You aware that the mods are compromised Jewish shills right?

Harris was a good man who served his country well. We only started using him a reaction against Brit hate on this board anyway. And there's nothing wrong with being against jerrycuckery. We're British Nationalists,not LARPers who worship a dead foreigner. If Holla Forums can't handle the truth, and our bants, then that's their problem.


So far that has not prevented decent british political discussions. All mods everywhere are jewish shills, in one way or another tbh.
That may be true, but it is grating to have almost every thread derailed with that pointless bullshit. Theres no point shitposting constantly fella.

They banned us because we got too close to the real redpill.

Shitposting's really gone down since the worst offenders fucked off to /politics/. There is blogposting mostly from 22st but we do actually have decent discussions. And we're not dead.


Dont tell me, its Local Politics isnt it lad?
I browse the lesser /brit/ boards like an Englishman visits Ireland. Occasionally, for a short while, and with a knife.

Varg says you've been basically a bunch of useless island monkeys until the Slavs gifted you their genes (raep) which essentially gave you the power to form an empire.

Not just that. Also cultivating British Nationalism, not LARPing as 1930s Germans. The biggest one really is resisting the 'one white race' thing the burgers are pushing.

Yeah, bastion of all that's good about Britain, that lot…

We're not lad


Yes you are lad.

Because retards took the bait every time, and of course also those who are more than glad to jump on anything and stir the pot. Holla Forums shouldn't be so gullible and sensitive, but it is. and before you accuse me I never posted any of that stuff. mods are compromised and complicit in the shitposting when it suits them.

So nationalist they shit on their own country and worship Germany, no thanks.

Please see

Please see

I'd say Varg knows better than you, he drives a Lada and gets all his news from RT

Churchill chose the banks over his Germanic cousins. I'm ashamed of commie-Roosevelt. Patriotism doesn't mean deceiving yourself, fam. That's leftist thinking.

Clearly knows more about on the ground nationalism in my country than me then. 1/10 he is a hobbit tbh.


This is the real redpill. I'm not even joking.

It doesn't mean worshipping the Nazis either, if you're going to be a british national socialist then be one, don't pretend to be someone else.

While country nationalism is better than pan-europeanism, we should cast aside the differences and the urge to backstab eachother while there is a common enemy and it's not Germany this time and purge Europe from the brown plague.

We agree on that fact, at least.

I have no quarrel with anybody of good european stock tbh.

If they were the first race they wouldn't lost their empire and wouldn't backstab their own in Rhodesia and South Africa.


If whites are superior to other races then why are we so cucked nowadays? As with Rhodesia and SA, it was the work of the Jew.

The balts are the best europeans

I would love to join but everything is illegal in the UK yet NA gets police protection to protest?

Has anyone explained why this is?

I wouldn't go that far

Have they honestly done anything illegal?

Running around doing nazi salutes say "we're going to gas the traitors" would basically be illegal in the US.. so its gotta be illegal in the UK.

National Autism is a honeypot the size of a small moon. Is the "white jihad" shit not on the nose enough for you lot?

Im a burger clap that travel europe last year I would say they are. Burgers are mostly shit human beans these days and sorry brits but you are about just as shit as we are in most cases. Germans are brainwashed lefties scandies are all crazy lefties and effeminate fags Russians are all drunks and many are nostalgic for the soviet days. Only the balts I met were mostly based nice well spoken people.

It's obviously not. "Traitors" can mean a lot of things. It's not really a specific group.

you keep saying that but im not convinced

Polacy są białe i najbardziej cywilizowanych ludzi na świecie. Odmawiając zastąpione środkami Słowian ma Pakistańczyków zgwałcić żony, to takie proste.

I'm not even in bongland and people calling NA cucks makes me so fucking mad.
They are literally marching through the streets for our cause.

If they are cucks, what the fuck do you do that makes you so valuable to our fucking cause?

Unless you do more than them, you're either a massive cuck or a massive shill.

I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not anymore.

Honestly if they don't just scream "honeypot" on every level to you, I don't know what I can tell you. If I ran down to the Monument and started screaming about Hitler and killing Arabs I would get sectioned in about T minus five seconds. But somehow NA just magically gets off scot free? Come on.

The two speeches in their latest video are phenomenal btw. Do NA train people in oratory or what? Legacy from Bowden?

Well the only way we can make a difference is by grouping together and doing what they do.

Is every group a honey pot? Tell me which ones aren't. Is American Vanguard a honeypot? Which fucking groups are and aren't a honeypot. Or are you just calling it a honeypot, because unlike you, they aren't afraid to go out and preach pride in the white race.

Can you give me some evidence they talked about killing any arabs in public?

Stop spreading your lies, fuckboy. It is obvious that NA chose their words very carefully when they do public stuff so that they don't break any laws. They have never screamed about "killing Arabs". And that White Jihad shit is just them making fun of the media when they said that NA use "white jihadi training methods".

That was high energy.


That was a lad from /brit/

What cause is that? Making nationalism, pride in ones ethnicity and culture and concern about immigration into a walking parody and stereotype in the exact image that the globalist and leftists wish us to be portrayed? Doing their work for them?

What "cause" is that?
Not doing what they do is doing more than them for my cause, cuck.

What the fuck do you mean making us into the exact same image. The stereotype of a white nationalist has been pushed as skinheads for years and years.


What is your honorable cause? Go on, amuse me.


No, it isn't. I'm almost tempted to write you off right here. This kind of attitude is exactly why you keep getting played over and over again.

If National Autism were at the very least marching in Paki-filled shitholes like east Brum and Oxford, which is something even the uber kiked-out (((EDL))) managed from time to time, I would give them more of a pass. But they aren't. What they're doing is worse than useless.

Good use of niggerspeak, glad to see NA is taking pride in their native language.

even though I think they are a honey pot, it does not mean many of those in it, realize it.

Yes they have a couple good speakers.

Okay, I'll just ask one last thing.

How do we make a difference?

It's particularly striking when NA do these protests together with other, EDL-type groups full of drunks and skinheads. The NA lads are physically fit and look very serious.

You dodged my whole post like a true little fuckboy. English isn't my native language and I'm not a member of NA.

Did you just completely ignore vid related like the person we're responding to did? You shills need to up your game.

You just ignored my post and called me a shill.

I'll ask again.
How do we make a difference?

I've seen it before, it's a very old video. Some NA guy screaming Hitler was right, so?

Also the people around him obviously weren't NA

What are you on about? Bullshit. You made a statement in response to me that "NA don't adhere to the skinhead thug stereotype!" and I showed you with video evidence that they do exactly that, and play into the globalists, media and leftists hands, as I originally said. You've been proven wrong and you aren't man enough to admit it, that's all there is to it.

Learn what ID's are, that's a different user.

God imagine a Trump administration funding NA

So how does this help anything?

I'm referring to this post you absolute fucking retard

You ignored it, it was mine.



I really am wasting my time on a shill.

Kek, this fucking meme again.

Why are you trying to make me argue on behalf of someone else's post/point and ignoring my own post/point? That post wasn't aimed at me was it you fucking retard, it was at some other user. You disingenuous or thick cunt. Sick of you daft twats.

How is it shocking to hear a national socialist say that Hitler was right? NA has grown immensely since that video was recorded, so it clearly didn't hurt them. I will agree that NA looked kinda clumsy in their earlier days but they have really cleaned up their appearance and become much more professional now.


Oh so these weren't your posts then?
How do we make a difference FOR THE CAUSE?

Wew, fuck off, nigger

Oddly, it seems that the majority of posters defending NA always turn out to be either EU cucks, or Yanks LARPing, wew lads.



Fine. As you were. Keep trying to rehabilitate Hitler in the public mind and shouting how much he was right. I'm sure it'll make a real difference and help bring about national socialist ideals.

We're sure it will, too.

Instead of being a salty cuck.

What was YOUR idea on fixing everything? You haven't even hinted that you have a plan


Muh public. NA is not for the public. And Hitler is not a problem if you're looking to attract young and idealistic white males. They all read Holla Forums and DailyStormer, for fucks sake m8. We're not talking about Boomers here. If you wanna be a cuck about it you already have things like UKIP.

So why do you try to publicise yourselves by holding your shitty marches and speeches? And if you're correct and NA is in fact not for the public, then why does it exist? Why bother making an super secret club organisation that will have no effect on public opinion? You're just wasting your own time and making the right look bad.


Forgot webm

reminder that this is what the average american "white" looks like


What does marching actually achieve?

Free advertisement from the upset faggots in huffpo, leading to more and more people joining. Seriously, look at the size of the march, it's much larger than any of the ones before.

Listen here, fuccboi. NA is not for the public in the sense that it isn't an open organization or a political party. Their members consists of fanatics, which is exactly what you want and need in an activist organization like NA.

LMAO. You fucking Britcuck Anglo fucks don't have a proper Right outside of NA and the London Forum so what "Right" are you talking about?

A washed up gangster and political failure called joe owens of course.

As much as this pique my interests, but too bad I am a half-Chinese whose forebears came legally and toiled hard to earn their place.

My heart goes with them and all of the great people who raise their hands to protect their home from freeloading scums and traitors, as all I can possibly do is shitpost and redpill people close to me from time-to-time.

54, 000, 000 dead commies? I'll take those repeating digits with pride any day.

The goal of marches is mostly a public show of strength combined with what is essentially a training and team building exercise, teaching your activists how to deal with the public, work as a team and manage a crowd.

Allows the authorities to identify and Mr Sizzle the lower-level members.

Nice try MI5, I wouldn't touch your honeypot with a 60 foot pole.

20 million+ Germans and 0 Jews. That's why Anglos are hated by most of the rest of the world.

As an English supremacist, you should be ashamed.

Good look user. I recommend this one too:

You can be a nationalist and despise the actions of the modern state. If you must be proud of Churchill to be a nationalist then you must be proud of recent leaders like Tony Blair and David Cameron since they are part of the history of your nation.

Most people piss on the graves of everyone that lived before the interwar period. There's centuries of British history and ancestors that modern people decry as horrible. As a nationalist it wouldn't be absurd for you to be critical of the decades of the modern history of your nation. Churchill, Blair and Cameron were traitors to their nations. They don't deserve any reverence the only thing they deserve is contempt. History is not kind to traitors and one day their legacy will be in its deserved place.


Jewish mod is bumplocking/deleting any threads that are not pro-trump!!

Board logs can be found here

See related for full understanding

8ch. pl/pol/res/25508.htm

I WILL GET BANNED FOR SAYING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've noticed something in these dafty threads. The vast majority of those who defend National LARPing are not Brits. One here even says 'fuckboy'. That's all the proof you need that they are not to be trusted on this issue. Trust me, we know what we're talking about here. We know what agents and honeypots look like here, as does Joe, being a veteran. If you lived here you'd understand. The amount of shit NA get away with is extremely suspicious.

Even if they're not not shills, then they might as well be. What they do is worse than useless. They lead good people down dead end roads and failed tactics. Marches have been tried by nationalists for decades here with no success. NF did it, and it didn't work. And then of course there's their behaviour. You can say that they've 'cleaned up' but they still adhere to the stereotype that most people hold about nationalists. What member of the public would want to associate themselves with a bunch of scary looking youngsters beating people up?

Now here will come the question: 'what should we do then?' Remember NA is a dead end road. We must instead focus on local politics. People don't care about the Jews or whether Hitler was right. They care about local issues that affect them - unemployment, housing, healthcare, etc. Nationalists must adopt a respectable image, and focus on these issues to win people over. It's not a case of cucking our values, more a case of repackaging nationalism to make it more palatable to the public.

None of us like Churchill. We don't take pride in bad leaders. You stuck in a false dichotomy. You need to realise that not worshipping Hitler doesn't mean we swallow the official narrative. We take pride in our nation and our achievements, we don't cuck for foreign dead people.

No thank you I'd rather be a real British nationalist

Good piece of constructive criticism right here. I think people just want to help unfuck the crisis, but do not know how other than digging stuffs shitpost, or join a group that actually does something regardless of how pointless or wasteful it is, because the alternative is shitposting around. I said it is time to escalate shit many times, but carelessly doing that will get us flagged 'terrorists' real quick.

Good point here. Help us get in touch in normies and folks easy way and a tangible trails of redpill crumbs for them to follow.

Probably da jooz, right? Image board morons.

Yeah no they're about as British as the Plumber I hired last week to clean the shit out of my toilet

nationalism is a leftist thing in britian, what else is new

I bet he's got a head like a fucking orange too.


Is that so because native british numbers in this age range have become so sparse that the first more sophisticated nazigroup that happens is swarmed by poles who cant help getting into the majority?

No it's because actual British nationalists aren't attracted to NA's yankified jerrycuckery and using German soldiers in their fucking propaganda

You have literally lost your historic capital to foreign invaders and your daughters are systematically raped by the muds yet you reckon that the "irish question" is somehow relevant. Assuming you are sincere, I seriously don't know what to tell you.

terrible english you're obviously foreign

reminder that any non-British whites in Britain are usually always either pozzed liberal cucks from North America or the rest of Europe or are slavs which are Britain's equivalent to mexicans

Reminder yet again that you have lost your capital and your daughters are systematically raped yet you do nothing.

Londons not the historic capital its the capital foreigners imposed on us
and personally its not my daughters being raped its mostly chavs, the americanised brits who've probably been on welfare for three generations
get out of my country and go back to the EU you dirty foreigner

reminder that you can't do shit about it

The fuck you on about dickhead?

The reason why I can't be arsed with NA is
A: It's GCHQ honeypot
B: It's has no political end goal other than booting lefties up the arse, and roman salutes.
C: One of their leaders was a nonce Ryan Fleming.
D: If NA was serious about their movement, they wouldn't dress nor give the impression that they are a fringe group of thugs or twats. BNP tried this and got no where fast.

Nordfront seems more appealing…..even to a Brit.

Yea… whatever dude. Just say that you're a cuck and you like it when the brown hordes violate your nation.

you'll still be here when they do though wont you, sucking on the gibs teat until the dust runs dry


I'll join, but I'm not doing any edgy shit like graffiting synagogues

I just want to dress well and punch Antifa stooges.

why dont you cut out the middleman and just send in your resume to GCHQ as 'target' now

NA is a government honeypot that is there to lure young British nationalists down a road of thuggery and drug abuse.

It's controlled opposition, and you're a retard for trying to recruit folk on here.

He's in the right place for recruiting, then.

These threads never fail to bring out the D&C kikes/harris/jerry/civic cucks to shit on NA. Highly amusing.

God speed based NA


t. certified luggage handler

Based as fuck tbh

Stay mad Schlomo

And you wonder why no-one takes you seriously.

retards doing absolutely nothing to convince anyone who isn't already converted - at the very least, ditch the masks, the roman salutes, and the 'hurr durr were gonna gas jews' speeches and 'WHYTE POWAH' chants, and be more palatable like casapound or generation identity. if you're gonna identify yourselves as fascists, at least study actual fascism and understand the logical reasoning to the positions you hold, and use that reasoning in your speeches/propaganda - don't just fulfil the exact 'violent-sounding, skinhead-like gang' stereotypes that the media wants you to be fulfilling.
better still, properly and effectively ride this current burgeoning nationalist wave and get into local politics, and/or network with similarly-minded people in all facets of society, and start your own 'long march through the institutions'.


But that's what they exist for, they're there to be the useful idiots damaging the right-wing


NA does best IRL shitposting. You bunch of pussies can't even meme outside.

t. Pole


and this

I've been saying this on Holla Forums for a long time, that useful idiots don't always carry and hammer & sickle banner.

NA is a controlled opposition honeypot.
It is headed by Jews and promoted by other controlled opposition outfits like Renegade.

They can attack opponents in the street with impunity, because they work with the police. Their demonstrations are not cancelled, because they work for the state.
Anyone who was into nationalism before it became popular will remember how BNP and NF marches would be routinely cancelled.

The objective of NA is to build a database of radicals. Their efforts are supported by allies like Renegade (Sinead Mccarthy) which consistently demand anons stop hiding their faces and "stop leaving it to brave young women like Sinead and Evalion."
tl;dr state controlled honeypot - avoid.


All I get from this thread is that no-one should do anything because OY VEY IDS A HONEYPOT!

Oh and luggage bants by some Holla Forums beta cuck.

Reminder that DOTR in USA never ever, because it will only ever be done by CIA.

Honestly I don't think Holla Forums can name any single group that they don't call a honeypot. If you call out the jew they call you a LARPer, if you say "we have a right to exist" you're a LARPer. It doesn't matter how large or small your group or activism is, because everyone ever is controlled by the feds.



yeah m8 because plodding around looking like some muslim bint in a burqa yelling


is a surefire way to convince ordinary working class citizens that some sort of ethnic nationalism is the proper, responsible way to lead a nation.

NA are cunts.
I am. (pics related) And these fuckers have no support.
They are a bunch of unemployed criminals. They give patriots a bad name.
I love my country and spent nine years in the British Army defending Her. These thugs wouldn't last a day in the Army, Royal Air Force, Royal Navy or Royal Marines.

No. They are not. Thay are marching because they are bored because they don't work and have nothing better to do.
If they wish to make a difference, then why aren't they doing some charity work?


Dafties BTFO

All you people do is whine about image. And you're calling an organisation a honeypot without any proof. Where is the proof that NA is a honeypot? You don't have any proof that it's a honeypot because the accusation is baseless.

The National Socialist image is intentional. It's designed for people like you to not like it and designed to attract would be radicals and scare away anyone that's soft. If you look at the history of fascist organisations they have always been intent on driving away soft support to keep weak people out. They're not looking to attract the masses.

Holla Forums always says this, but it's not an argument. How will scaring away normalfags help nationalism?

Listen here faggot, most Brits on this site know NA are a honeypot because we know one when we see one. If you lived here you'd know how much shit they get away with. Anyone who remember the days of genuine organisations like the NF and BNP knows that NA are a honeypot because it's obvious. It's the young (who don't know better) and foreigners (who have no clue just how shady hoe govt is) who bang on about how 'hurr durr no proof'.

We don't want the foreign ideology of NatSoc here. We want British Nationalism. Any how does deliberatly scaring people away help nationalism? It doesn't, at all.

Of course they were trying to attract mass support you dumbfuck. Christ, what a retard.

The point of fascist organisations aren't to spread fascism or nationalism to the masses. It's to build up a revolutionary vanguard. The same way all fascist organisations have operated. Fascist organisation has been the only thing that has ever overthrown the liberal order of a nation. Mass movements are a liberal tactic. You need the aid of the media to pull off mass movements.

Revolutionary vanguards work. They worked for communists and they worked for fascists. The intention is to build a vanguard of scary radicals and present themselves as saviours in a moment of crisis. When a people are afraid who will they want to save them some bourgeoisie kosher nationalists or those scary Neo-Nazis? They will go for the people that present themselves as the strongest and image be damned.

Are secret and security services known for killing off their controlled opposition?

Lad, I hate to break this to you, but revolution is not happening. If it does happen, it will be too late. The only way forwards is through electoral politics.

By the way, if a revolution were to occur, I certainly wouldn't follow the likes of National Autism. You underestimate how retarded they are.


National Action is a young organisation getting its footing. Mistakes are bound to happen. You talk about imagery of British nationalism being the way forward. Maybe if you're looking to recruit middle aged men too bad they're not useful in a vanguard. The youth have grown up in a society wholly devoid of nationalism. British nationalism is more foreign to them than Nazism. The youth today actually like Nazi imagery that is if they're predisposed to nationalism. If you want a Nigel Farage style image hearkening back to a bygone era of having a pint with the lads while engaging in local politics then that image will ring hollow for the youth. The youth want gas chambers and Hitler salutes.

They are collecting IP's, investigating and will release names and addresses of "anti-Semetic, Nazi and racist" users.

They notify your relatives, co-workers and the school you attend and send pics of the comments you made at POL.

No lad. Literally no one wants that but retards. Stop shilling for your honeypot, GCHQ.

Imkampfy isn't the owner but it is important to encourage good opsec.

Have you took a look around Holla Forums for a moment? Nazi imagery is more popular than anything.

on Holla Forums…

Take a look at /brit/ then tell me that Brits want NA.

You know there is a whole world outside of Holla Forums right? Most people get driven away by all this roman salute bullshit, and want to stop associating with a movement because what goes through their heads is what the media told them all along. That these are actual fascists and have no interest in a moderate worldview.


Holla Forums culture is the only nationalist youth culture in existence. Nazi imagery is the most popular thing here. People like it. NA is looking to recruit radicals not people that are shocked by Nazi imagery.

No. I don't even need to prove this, it's so fucking obvious.

Yes, because Holla Forums are jerrycucks.

When I was still in my jerrycuck phase I was still repulsed by them. As were many others. They're shit at even convincing the converted to join. They are worse than useless.

Fuck them then and they can go shill elsewhere

I'm not catering to middle of the road - too stupid to make their own mind normies

The more outrageous the we are, the more stupid the media looks by whining about the alt kike.


For all those claiming it's a GCHQ honeypot, that's a rather bold statement to make and one which is disinfo in itself. Provide proof of such claims or shut the fuck up with your conspiratorial autism

NA gave a talk and indeed hosts pdf manuals on how to avoid state surveillance, and anyone who knows comp security know that is the last thing the state wants or is skilled in.

As for MUH LEFT LUGGAGE, are you forgetting when they returned for a laugh and BTFO'd of every leftist cuck who tried standing up to them?

OY VEY the normie is triggered by a bit of edginess.

What a load of fucking conspiracy drivel. Have you even met a single NA member?

None of those infographics proved or exposed anything. Highlighting words and then saying why you think it's BS doesnt = 'exposing' anything. All you have is spurious claims with ZERO evidence. Because you and your kind are fucking terrified of what NA represent-


Also, keep using liberal buzzwords like >vile, you're making it easy to spot you, mr. MI5

And their demos aren't cancelled because they're not announced, but are organised via encrypted email services among trusted comrades.

I've just got off the phone with your MI5 handler. He says you dafties need to do a better job.

As a member of NA, the people who call us a honeypot, say how we don't get opposed by police or anything, so we must be CO are mentally retarded.
All the demos/videos we had before, we had our masks on, this one we don't. Want to know why? Since the police/laws want to BAN us and they are pushing every button they can for it and we are getting all kinds of trouble for it already.

brit/pol/ can fuck off with their Harris posting and LOCAL shit, since not only do we try and focus on helping out our local communities while keeping things hidden, the only shit you faggots don't understand is WE DONT CARE FOR LARPING CIVIC CUCKS WHO WOULD NOT COVER EACH OTHERS BACKS!

We might not please most fuckers out there, but atleast we are trying to fix this shitty country by making people aware of the bullshit going on, instead of you cucks posting on imageboards crying about luggage and honeypot/CO without making any impact now or in 5-10 years or in your whole fucking lifetime.

Fuck off brit/pol/ ( the cucked ones ), even reds do more shit on the streets than you faggots.

This. Don't agree with a lot of what NA do, but at least they don't sit on here 24/7.

Enjoy committing 'suicide'

Read the fucking thread

Dafties tbh.

Knowing I fight for the right cause? Wurf
You on the other hand will 'suicide' knowing you did fuck all.



wait shit

You really are clueless, your criticism is only based again on LOCAL politics and our view. Our speech, our clean up was seen as a positive when marching down the streets.
What use is LOCAL politics, when new laws are being pushed all the time for surveilance, a shutting down on the "wrong" type of speech or just ignoring it completely (Rotherham). Eventually you can do fuck all except follow the "Good goy" system they are trying to finish up on.
Atleast our act shows to those who can see between the lines what is going on, who will spread it to other people they know. What are YOU doing on this imageboard that is helping them realize what's going on? Nothing.

Fuck off LOCAL faggot

So pissing on disabled children and hiding in luggage holds is the way forward then? Fuck off.

Revolution is not happening. Beating up commies and antifa won't achieve anything. Marches do nothing. Why do think the state lets you do these things. Localism is the way forwards. The BNP showed that, and it's because they posed such a threat that they were brought down by the state. You can cry about how oppressed you are as an NA member, but at the end of the day, honeypot or not, you're playing into their hands.

Explain this "luggage" meme to me

My thoughts exactly

Based NA got scared by antifa so they hid in a luggage hold.

NA hid in a luggage storage place while being protected by police from antifa. There's a photo of a metal cover hiding everything but their legs.

You probably think we go and do that just for the fun of it, has it ever crossed your mind why they are there to stir shit up to even normies who just have different opinions?

Yeah it does, we have had at times enough people ask and wonder about us, our message and then follow us to our speeches. It's better than what you are doing right now.

Yeah and now they got more methods to stop anything else popping up like that. The more extreme view right now is still not known to them yet. They are actively working on it though to Law us out.

I wonder why is it that this and most other things always get mentioned when any thread about NA comes up, but not in uncucked brit/pol/ or any other brit news that comes by here. Almost as if this is a shilling attempt.



I repeat, it does nothing. You're there for the same purpose btw, it's not like anyone would listen to a commie.

[citation needed]
Attracting a couple of extra people doesn't count. Where is the mass support?

Which is not, contrary to what you think, sitting at home on the PC. Localism is factually superior.

As long as we're wise to their tactics (which we are now) there's nothing they can do. Griffin took his eye off the ball. We won't do the same.

You're the ones shilling. We're not the ones creating threads.

Also your English isn't that good, would you prefer Polish?
Również Twój angielski nie jest tak dobry, wolisz po polsku?

Not polish. Though it is funny you would know polish, especially with all that LOCAL nonsense you keep LARPing about.

Local politics is just about getting support from a few people everytime you focus on helping your local communities, yet we do the same, but we are being the "bad goy" for it.
The fact you would do nothing is just the proof needed to show the rest that you are shilling for inaction and being passive, waiting for "le next Orwell". I did not create the thread and if some members do so without consulting everyone, that is not up to you to criticize about. Oh and the info is available on the website, so burgers or anyone can just make a thread, don't instantly say its US doing it.

You're definitely a polack, so little of that makes sense.
Jesteś na pewno Polak, tak mało, że ma sens.

No it's not. You have no idea what it is. Watch Joe Owens. We're hardly shilling for inactivity, precisely the opposite. We're just telling you to focus your efforts on something worthwhile. Why is that so hard to understand?
Nie, nie jest. Nie masz pojęcia, co to jest. Oglądaj Joe Owens. Jesteśmy prawie szyling dla bezczynności, dokładnie odwrotnie. Jesteśmy po prostu mówi ci skupić swoje wysiłki na coś wartościowego. Dlaczego to jest takie trudne do zrozumienia?

Nope, I repeat not fucking polish and the fact you keep accusing me of it just because we are full of poles is just something you are using to make pointless arguments that don't help the thread. I will let the others decide on who is right and wrong here.

Sage since offtopic and pointless

How can you claim to be British Nationalists if you're full of Poles? It's very relevant.
Jak można twierdzić, że brytyjskie nacjonalistów jeśli jesteś pełen Polaków? To bardzo istotne.

Are you serious? Joe Owens is a stupid meme. His politics are so civic he makes Donald Trump look like a Nazi in comparison. If this is the best you can come up with for British nationalism what the hell are you even doing?

Proof that you have no idea who Joe is.
Dowód, że nie masz pojęcia, kim jest Joe.

Whilst standing for an electable party and so gaining council seats in local areas across the country so as to gradually gain real power.
Podczas gdy stojąca na electable partii i tak zdobywa miejsca Radę w obszarach lokalnych w całym kraju, tak aby stopniowo zyskują realną władzę.
Because you achieve nothing, sorry, it's a distraction, a playpen.
Bo nic osiągnąć, przepraszam, że to rozprasza, kojcu.

oparte Akcji Narodowej chłopcy TBH

Wrong, you're confusing "politics" with strategy.
Źle, jesteś niejasna "polityka" ze strategią.

top kek

based lads tbh
chłopcy w oparciu tbh

I love it, you instantly ride the "we're full of poles" bandwagon thinking I am referring to NA when in reality I am fucking referring to the UK as a whole.

Join and see for yourself how "full of poles" we are. Oh wait.

Also to everyone, look at how when I get accused of being POLISH they all start speaking in Polish, too bad. Just because they can't accept the truth I speak of, does not make it not true.

It's common knowledge that NA are full of Poles, fuck off.
Jest powszechnie wiadome, że Akcja Narodowy pełne są Polakami, spierdalaj.

tbh you are going to be purged like the Sturmabteilung that you model yourself off.
Strasserism is pure cancer tbh
muh class war
muh second revolution
webm related

you're literally a living edgy memi lad that will edge oneself into irrelevancy boring