We may have won the first war with Trump, we have lost a battle with Hoffer.
We must prepare ourselves for the Second Memetic War, in France, in 2017.
The candidate is Marine Le Pen, is she ideal? No.
Is there a better candidate? No.
Yet, if she's president, things will go slightly better in France.
The earlier the better, the main media, in my opinion, is Twitter. There is already a strong community, called the Fachosphère by the media, but they're too soft and sometimes cucked.
Start acting now, and shitpost for freedom.
We need more memes, more pepe.

Other urls found in this thread:

Hofer losing was a kick to the nuts, but we will keep on

Because we didn't even try. Amount of memes made for Hoffer as compared to the amount of Trump memes that literally flooded the internet was abysmal. We need to step our game up for Le Pen as she is the closest to what we can call a national socialist approach. (Listen to her speeches, apart from usual populism you can get a feeling she just keeps pointing towards NS Germany policies). Lets do this!



Le Pen needs to round up all the support she can get to win since a lot of the population has been conditioned to see her views as an affront to humanity. Sound familiar?

We've read about what Jared Kushner invested his money in and it worked for his daddy in law. Do the same thing here. It's what can be done from afar. For those that reside in France then they can do the leg work and get boots on the streets to take care of that aspect of the campaign.

I can't speak for Le Pen's oratory skills and i'm sure she can't get a crowd going like Trump or Uncle Adolf (miss you), but i'm sure with truth on her side she's in a better position to strike fear into people. And as we know fear motivates even the apathetic.



le old you fucking degenerate


sick post m8

All txt in memes have to be in French.


(praise kek)
(praise kek)

This is important, the memes must match the language of the voting populace.

This is cargo cult shit. We're making English language memes using recycled American humor for an audience of frogs and krauts. We're like culturally clueless astroturfers.

Is there any way we can help bolster their native communities and bring people unhappy with rapefugees in? Why is krautchan not 50 alexa ranks higher, etc.. Does France even have a chan community, do they need help setting up an uncensored space? Could we teach them to use VPNs to connect to a board here?

There's a difference between keen insight into the zeitgeist and blind optimism. Clearly you have the latter, not the former.

Which chan experiences the most french traffic?


Images apply to everyone though rite

Can you frogs explain your language to me? Why do things translate to something completely different than what they mean. Why is your language so retarded to pronounce? What the fuck is going on?


I kek'd. French is really easy to pronounce compared to English, minus maybe [ʁ]. As for translation, Google Translate should more or less work, but do check it with a dictionary if you have one or can get one.

Ask and I'll translate, don't worry about that.

We don't really have popular boards, I've heard about 1 or 2 but that's about it.
There's a forum called 18-25 that's quite known in France. They're like a Holla Forums lite with weird memes. Lately, the communist candidate, Melenchon, thanked them in one of his video, don't know why though.

It's never not the Jews.
If it's not the Jews, you haven't dug enough.

It is




The Jews.

I'm 30 and it's been the Jews since I've been at least 12, dad says it's been the Jews since HE was 12, same for my grandpa so that goes back to like WW1

The are the only people who are hellbent on conquering the west by the only way they know: subversion.

I know I'm preaching to the choir, but I need to vent.
I'm Italian, I work a 9-5 5-figure job and I have no time to fight the Jews, all I can do is donate to nationalists.

So thank you for fighting the Jews but remember that it's always them. You think you're fighting a certain demographic, religion, group, terrorists… no no no no, you are still fighting a proxy of the Jews.
Just dig enough and this will be proven correct every single time.

We also forced a potential heel turn for Italy. If France and/or Italy fall into 'far right extremest Nazi' parties, the EU is effectively dead. Germoney can't sustain the EU without France, Italy and the UK.

Did I get "France for the French, gas the jews" right in

We need to have memes against her opponents too.

For now, Fillon is being accused of being too Islam friendly by the past, even though he's playing the catholic friendly card now.

Another one, Mélenchon, a guy from the communist party that become in the latest days some kind of youtuber. ( )
We don't have solid memes on him yet.

Mostly, in French you said :
France for the french girls, gas the jews.
If you didn't mean french girls in particular, you could have said :
La France aux Français,
Gasez ( or Gasons if you wanted to say : We gaz the jews.) les Juifs.

It's been the Jews since the 1600s.

Taking Pepe and pasting it on french pictures is lame and it's not going to make a difference. A good propaganda op on the internet targeting the french voters would make references to terrorism, arab & african criminality, media censorship of arab & african criminality, things like that.

And targeting Fillon should be a priority. If I understand correctly they're expecting Marine LP to face Fillon in the 2nd round, instead of Marine Vs Valls, and then the Socialist Party will call on their supporters to block Marine in the 2nd round by voting for Fillon.

But a 2nd round with Marine Vs Valls would place Fillon in a difficult position because even though he will act like a good little cuckold and crawl back to his master and ask his supporters to block Marine by voting for Valls they may rebel and vote for Marine. Did I get this right?

Also I understand there's no freedom of speech in France, offline or online, so again the situation is different.

the freedom of speech is a problem in europe in general.

the cops pay you a visit for redpilling people with anti-jew memes, so there arent many people that create f.e. redpilling youtube channels.
like,its literally a crime in germany to deny the holohoax

Also quite a few people who dont like rapefugees dont speak english (rural areas) so they cant touch the pure redpills like this website at all.

We need to find bilingual anons and get them to translate our basic messages into European languages. Start with something like earlier:
England for the English, gas the Jews.
La France aux Francais, gasez les Juifs.
You get the point.

Can't you just shoot them? Does no one have guns in Europe? "Refugees" seem to be able to acquire them easily enough.

I don't think anyone has many guns in Europe. Gun control laws are much worse over here.

in germany you cant get anything other than blank fire pistols if you are not in a shooting club wich usually consists of 4-6 60+ year old neckbeards shooting co2 rifles.

And even then its regulated as fuck and its probably best to just shoot yourself instead of an attacker because of the legal fuckups afterwards.

still, you can put pepperspray-cartridges in some of the blank-pistols which is better than nothing if murat is going on a killingspree with a machete.

none the less, registrations for the card you need to carry a blank gun are getting more and more every time rapefugees go on a chimpout.

That's just completely retarded. Gas yourself. This isn't a just game you play on the internet.


Well played.

Your memes trigger my ptsd from the hill shills during the election. Thank Kek that Trump won.


A real cuckservative who participated in a cuckservative gov who brought even more immigrants than leftist Jospin (78% more to be precise).

I see what you're doing here, Chaim.

Keep in mind that not all humour translate well into other language or culture altogether. America is easy because they got their cultures sunk in worldwide and everybody was watching. Austria and France is a different battlefield altogether, the stage is smaller and there is not much room to manoeuvre. My recommended course of action would be to get in contact with the French/pol/ and get them into action. By ourselves, we would just fumble around in the dark.


He or someone else from his party is almost assuredly going to be Austrian PM, as FPO is the largest party in Austria. The Austrian president has a de facto ceremonial role; they don't have the power to sign and veto legislation as in the US.

Austria was a loss, but an acceptable loss in the grand war. As Germany goes, so goes Austria. Maybe we'll unify them once we uncuck Germany. But Germany will be a mighty beast to slay.

Italy was a nice bonus. While we didn't meme them as well as Trump, we did better than with Austria. Italeave was excellent.

France will not be a victory on the scale of Trump, but I think it will surpass Brexit as we didn't get a nationalist head of state in bongistan.

Throw some more fags and Jews in the meme ovens lads, this war is still heating up and we'll soon have the year of the fire cock upon us.

Crashing the French election… With no survivors!
Don't let your memes just be 787 Dreamliners.

Why should we care about france? They're cucks.

A worthy cause, but what can non French speaking anons contribute?

They had our backs during the revolution, we should have theirs.

We didn't even try to to help Hofer, and the thread was completely devoid of dubs (appart from for posts saying he had lost).

We will help Le Pen, and we're already being blessed by dubs.

Great! Perhaps we should make a french one as well? A lot of French people can't speak english.

I don't think you can use apostrophes, and #sheswithus is already a hastag.

France for the french girls, gas the jews!


An image is worth a thousand words in ANY LANGUAGE.


We need to come up with a bunch of images that convey a message without using any actual letters or words. This we can do.

Le Pen is not nearly as marketable or memetic as Trump. Just saying.

Godspeed though.


The West is in sorry fucking shape if we're counting on women to step up to the plate for us.

The French are more mild mannered-. I think we should use more wojacks than pepes, except when memeing anti-islam propaganda.

This is why 14/88's will never win an election, you live in a dreamland.

this alone would be enough to prove that all of the "extreme" right wing parties that have been clawing theyre way into the mainstream would merely be the ultimate cooling off of the boiling frog at best and controlled opposition at worst.
4th Reich and the supremacy of the white man or death. there can be no middle ground, or the white race will be stamped out and remembered only as myth by the eons of niggers and darkness that would follow

ramzcuck pls leave

I want to tell my children stories about what I did while volunteering at a concentration camp one day

14/88 is 0.1590909 recurring, it already technically won the infinity circuit but a shame it's not capable of casting a ballot in your failed succession system.

Fuck off back to reddit, retard.

Not that impressive in Lira.

I fucking hate these cucked "right wing populist" parties we have here in Europe. None of them really use nationalist rhetorics, they don't talk about deporting non-Europeans. Instead they have to signal how they are against racism and muh anti-semitism.

Daily reminder democracy sucks and even more so with women's suffrage.

All women must go away from politics. Back to making children!

I think (((they))) rigged the austrian election a second time. If they did it once they would obviously do it again.

The election was given zero attention. The thread wasn't even sticked until a day or so before.

Of course there is a better candidate.
Lepen is a Jewish bitch, sucking Jew cocks in the Trump way of doing.

Here, we're in Europe. We're not cuckolds like the americans, we're not going to vote for GoldmanSachs and Israel.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon is a real antisemtic guy, he want' to kick out all the jewish banks from Europe, and he has a good plan to send back the arabs to their country.

Heil Mélenchon !

Fuck's sake whoever is drawing these picks must be really retarded, our guy doesn't exist yet but if it had to be one you need to get Salvini onto the spot. Sadly there's not a single based politician atm, even Berlusconi is literally dying before our very eyes. M5S would be great for giving the middle finger to the Euro rather than the EU, but anything else they propose is a shot in the dark, whenever it's not just some millennial leftist drivel.



Go to sleep.

I really hate Spain's "right"-wing party. They're the same as the left but they apply left policies just some years later. Now they've introduced trans-genderism propaganda in kids schools in Madrid.

The main barrier is the fact that The chans are English speaking. We should have meme creation general threads where native frog speakers can collaborate with OC generators.

they would be in jail if they were not cucked

how can burgers help the French? by researching, connections and ties.

please rape my face

Without some French speakers to actively supply feedback and keep us in the loop the only thing to do is make some generalized memes and use them as a bludgeon. One thing to remember is invaders like anyone that promises to get them more money.

This is what happens when your personification of death is masculine.
t. Slav

If they were not cucked things likely would never have degenerated to that point.

What we have:
Images. We are good at creating image based memes.

What we don't have:
French language skills.

What we need to do:
Find Holla Forumsacks with French language skills and give them lots and lots of material to work from. Especially png cutouts of various French political figures.

These look like they were taken from those Hillary Pepes

my pop translates, I'll ask for some vernacualr

Wouldn't that be the 3 war?

It's looking very promising!

Come on France, I am not entertained YET

Melenchon is a communist, he comes from north africa, and he literally said that a place with only blond and white people would creep him out.

Go back trolling on JVC, bougnoule mental.

Made some FN-propaganda, hope you frogs found this useful!







That blonde works strangely well on Pepe.

Marion Maréchal Lepen, fille de (((Samuel))) Lepen, agent du Mossad est une JUIVE:

C'est une sioniste convaincue, pro-israélienne:

C'est une identitaire, une alt-right, c'est à dire une petite pute soumise au complot de sion et à Israël.

L'immigration massive est le fait des juifs et de leur mondialisation. Ce n'est pas en donnant le pouvoir aux juifs que l'on renverra les arabes chez eux.

Marion Maréchal, c'est Donald Trump, c'est la GoldmanSachs, c'est le complot de Sion.

Le Front National: Jews inside.

It gets maddening over time.

le pen ftw

oh lord i can hear the headlines now

Frog here

I can translate whatever your need, and I know people who will post them online on various social media. I'll check from time to time.

New fillon assets


You may have to go with a new meme for this one. I think Pepe worked well for Trump because it had a "what the fuck" factor. People had never seen it before, and it was even more surprising when they heard that some silly-looking frog had a connection to our values and site. Reusing Pepe may make our enemies have an easier time responding, and that's not good in a conflict that can change as quickly as this.

Honni soit la perfide albion !!!

The problem with france is their first vote then week between second round.

In the first round they whittle it down to 2 candidates, then have a week's break and vote between those 2. This sneaky liberal mechanism means the liberal groups can do deals with each other in order to ensure voters of one party go to the other party to keep out Le Pen.

Basically we have to meme a big happening in france into happening close to the time, or all that will happen is Le Pen will win round 1, and lose round 2 again.

French for cuck is cocu, not the worst translation. Do the french use it, or a different word with same meaning?

Because Meds are such right-wing reactionaries, right

What is your native tongue?

Actually I think the deal will be to get the Republicans win/come 2nd in the First round
That's the only scenario where Le Pen may not win the Presidency


But Nige, Trump won the Primary before Brexit


i'd call that a major battle tbh, i'd say when the emperor is properly seated on his throne on the 20th the war is over.

now that i think about it, Trump will be US president before brexit completes, so yes you are correct actually.

Im just curious what kind of language is not "opninion based"