What do you think about Styx? He doesn't bother monetizing his videos, so I doubt he is a shill...

What do you think about Styx? He doesn't bother monetizing his videos, so I doubt he is a shill. Is he… dare I say it… our guy?

Nobody cares I am afraid


go back to cuckchan

styx is great but stop with shitty e celeb threads, thxkbai

talks like a fag, and his shit is all fucked up

He's an autistic lolberg

He was too late for the atheist party so he jump on the right wing train when that became the edgy internet thing.

The guy who said he'd like to see Germany wiped off the face of the earth..

Also he couldn't fight his way out of wet paper bag.


Hey Holla Forums, I see you still believe you're wanted around here. Fuck off back to your "revolution", Comrade.

No Refund, Goyim

>>>Holla Forums

He admits to being a civic nationalist.

He's ok, but did we really need a thread about this?


Hey there, Styx. I enjoy your videos and almost listen to them like a podcast whenever I'm driving or have some spare time. You not going full 14/88 mode is a change of pace from most of 8/pol/, but it's appreciated.

He's alright, I will occasionally watch a video he makes.
Was fairly accurate throughout the election, much more than that cuck nate aluminum.

Literally fucking who?

clearly a degenerate.

He makes some quality news content, plus he was right about the election. He is somewhat of a lolberg, but he is most likely hiding his true power level based on some of his criticism of the (((establishment))).

M8 he has been making gardening, occult, and political videos since 07, I don't think he jumped on any train

They're alright for fuckin' to.


Form your own opinion based on his content and philosophies. Don't ask us to do your thinking for you.

Threads like these are why the quality of this board is so shit these days.

He's alright. He was always right about the election but i don't really care for the occult thing.

Is it still vegan if you spit?

He's a lolberg. Kill yourself.

I prefer to have coitus while listening to Mr. Roboto.

i like him

alright YouTube, the lamestream legacy media is failing on all fronts. It's actually kind of funny to me to see the neo-cons and globalists dying in such a spectacular way

that's about all. Peace out

Not our guy, he's a long hair'd weak queer.

his channel is bretty good

Decent. Self sufficient. Has a lot to say.

Not even sure if he is aware of its existience. He uses cuckchan.
