The jewish question

Quick question. How many of you actually believe that the jew is behind everything and that the holocaust was a lie? Is that just a meme and shitposting to you? Or do you actually believe it?

Other urls found in this thread:

All of us believe the jews are behind everything.

It started as a meme.

Turns out it was true all along.

Holla Forums is not data driven in this regard. It relies on innuendo and circumstance to create controversy which attracts attention but ultimately prevents any movement from recieving legitimacy.



Yes and yes


That is why we need the good old redpill threads. Yet faggot mods decide the a MGTOW thread is better than them.


even Holla Forums?


Do the Jews run Hollywood?


Do the Jews run Washington?


What more do you need to know?

You need to lurk more and do your own research.

gay slide thread tbqh

The Holocaust meme is only 50 years old, barely. Where is the proof? Hollywood movies are not proof.

Anyone sensible should doubt the holocaust.

And the holocaust is the fulcrum of the lever that is pushing whitey over the edge of existence.

End it.


Any attempt to fight the kike rule will be met with "but muh holocaust, don't repeat history goyim"

We've been outplayed, simple. The white race is doomed to face extinction.

Newfag, shill, JIDF kike, can't learn shit and wants to inject stupid opinion into everything worthless (gas yourself) faggot:

Kill yourself and at least you'll be doing one good thing with your life.

Keep lying through your teeth you fucking kike. We are data driven, unless you think the Balfour Declaration, Havaara Agreement, Hooten plan, Coudenhove Kalergi Plan, Talmud, Federal Reserve, IMF, World bank, [email protected]/* */, Frankfurt School, Cultural Marxism, etc. are all made up. You kikes and cucks muddy the waters because thanks to the internet all the kikes and traitors evil deeds ARE VERIFIABLE. This is all fact and history, you dirty fucking kikes days of gaslighting everyone are over.

What are you even doing here?


If you're here, you either realize Jews are poisoning us or you're a Jew spreading poisonous lies to prevent stopping them.



meh, the people posting these threads back a decade ago on 4chan were pretty sincere, despite their wrapping the message in humor. It only functions as a meme until the humor behind it breaks the conditioning enough that you start to research the truth on your own. The fact that kikes created such an elaborate and powerful meme in the holohoax meant that its countermeme was bound to manifest, which it did immediately (because many witnessed the events and knew it was being turned into theater).. but I guess the meme itself was so powerful for so long that until imageboards gave the countermeme a medium to go viral, it was a huge taboo and limited only to like samizdat type publishing.


The mods are kikes, but i guess deep down they dislike jews too. They probably hate their parents for being shitty or something.

For some (((people))), fear of prosecution is an exterme turn-on.

Standard Holla Forums response to be include in all threads of this nature.

i also believe that the modern day "jews" aren't actually Jews, OP

The holocaust is a lol-worthy exaggeration. Much of it is lies. The Germans weren't saints, but they didn't do anything savage that any other nation didn't do in that war.

I don't personally hate Jews, and I don't think every single one deserves the gas. However, if you were to gas many of the problem (((elites))) in America and across the world, I'd bet my bottom dollar most of them would be Jewish. Outside the elite sphere, in the realm of normies, the Jew ranges from harmless to as harmful as any other minority or race-traitor. At this level the most harm comes from those of our own stock who eat from the cultural gutter that (((they))) shit out into the world through MSM. The Jewish identity needs to be stamped out, and if they can't bring themselves to call themselves American (along with every other minority), they should fuck off to wherever they came from.


The mods are paid shills, so yes.

I'm not a Holla Forumstard myself, but I've been a lurker for many years.
And I'd say that your question seems purposefuly misleading.
Using an absolute term like "everything" suggests some kind of delusional aspect to the people getting into the jewish question today. However, if you could use more subtle terms, perhaps your question would have more sense; there is an important jewish influence (here jewish stands for: an organized community of common interest, not "all jews no matter their social class") on US and in general western policies (inb4 bring me facts, just check the heads of the current oligarchy- understand Zuckerberg or big bangs etc.). Your strategy of generalizing and saying "the jew" is again a way of simplifying a complex situation instead of trying to understand how things are not all black and white (unfortunately this could also be said of many Holla Forumstards).
When it comes to the holocaust, only retards believe it was a complete hoax. Now putting into question the number of deaths [see USSR propaganda] or the whole gas chamber myth is another thing, and only people who are afraid of the truth refuse to open these subjects again. For example, in France it is illegal to question the Holocaust and the way it is told in the 'official history'. Now when you have laws telling you how a certain part of history happened, that's where you can start getting suspicious.

Now some people would call me antisemite for stating these things, but unlike most Holla Forumstards I'm not a white supremacist/nationalist nor antisemite, as there's a difference between wanting to end the unlawful influence of few on the decision of countries and their people; and wanting to kill all the individuals from a 'race'-religion.
However, I'm pissed about the fact that part of the discussions on this board cannot be found anywhere else, which is why I lurk here.

I'll just bet there are.

It's sad, really, how we delude ourselves. That "To Far Away Times" guy has laid out all the puzzle pieces on his own, but he can't put them together to make the picture.

Oh, Mr. Nixon…you poor dupe.

Tavistock, you say?

God hates jews OP

Read beowulf

self-check すぬむれゆ

Did jews invent time travel and come back from the First True Holocoast Of The New American Century?

pretty much the whole world. We're just silent about it…. For now.

There is no doubt that they have plenty of gentile collaborators but there always seems to be a kike working from behind the scenes. It's hard not to draw this conclusion when you look into it.

Very few people say that the holocaust itself was a lie. It's the gas chambers and the idea of a systematic extermination of kikes that is disputed.

Of course they were treated in a brutal manner, they had been doing to Germany what they have been doing to all of us since then. We only need to look into our own feelings towarda thwm to inderstand how the germans felt.

There is a difference between being treated brutally and being systematically exterminated. You could even argue that the brutality itself wasn't systematic.

It stops being a meme when you realize that jews really are a major force, and they seem to be linked to almost all of the horrible thing's happening today.

*it stops being shitposting

I'll We believe in these things:
1. That there are affluent Jews.
2. That there are affluent Jews, like George Soros, who are progressive and anti-nationalist.
3. That there are affluent Jews who criticize the white working class like Sarah Silverman.
4. Six million Jews didn't die in the holocaust. Jews were definitely killed in WWII, but it was a small number and it was likely due to bombings by Allied forces.
5. That most holocaust testimonies, like the masturbation machine, are false.
6. The Anne Frank story was recently ruled as being fake because it was written with a pen that wasn't invented at that time.

polite sage for offtopic

They don't have any fear. In fact, none of them are fearful of white nationalists. Think about it, they aren't anonymous when they denounce/assault "white supremacists" nor don't they get prosecuted for hate speech laws aimed at white people. What's to fear from people who post mean memes on Twitter after all?

What's more likely is that leftists are angered that their tactics don't work anymore. They no longer can easily intimidate people into having their own views. They're spoiled metropolitan children who are used getting everything they desire in life by throwing a tantrum. Obtaining their goals through doxxing, mocking, stealing, rioting, firing, and assaulting people for wrongthink because mainstream press and contemporary academia constantly informs them that 'the ends justify the means".

The rise of Trump and white nationalism isn't owed to us, it's entirely owed to them doubling down with their dishonest tactics by broadening their criteria of "nazi" to include the altruistic white working class who funds their bullshit. Leftists are so fearful of the slippery slope that they constantly criticize right-wingers for to the point where they compromise the integrity that they claim to have. I hope that leftists continue their dishonesty so that they can be entirely gone for good. You can only cry wolf for so long.