A bunch of SJWs are going to march from Germany to Aleppo

I found these cucks on Twitter. A bunch of SJWs are going to march from Germany to Aleppo. When they get there, they are going to basically act as human shields. This is to good to be true.


Other urls found in this thread:




They'll stop after 30 minutes or marching. Tops.

….And then they get raped.
In all seriousness though, I'm pretty sure they will all pussy out and go back once they actually reach the middle-east. If not, this is gonna be fucking hilarious.

Onward, unto death



By the time they get there Assad will have ground Aleppo into fucking dust.

This, now this is podracing.
They will either pussy out, or die.
I love it.

They’ll be stopped by Hungary. If they escape, they’ll be kidnapped and sold into sex slavery in Romania. If they elude capture, they’ll be stopped at the Turkish border. If they try to jump it, they’ll be shot by the Turkish military.

We need to get as many of them to do this as possible.

This is going to end up with them being sold into slavery in Turkey.

Remember, lads: never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.

i dont think even mossad/cia could control their puppets long enough to get them there safely. hopefully their heads end up spiked on fence posts.


And nothing of value was lost.

you tried
have a webm

anybody got the pic/article from a few years ago when some cunts wanted to do something similar (hike to afghanistan or so) and got raped and murdered in turkey?

Or as human cumdumpsters.

Because that worked out so well the first time

yesim right.com/young-girl-hitchhiked-through-the-middle-east-to-prove-muslims-are-peaceful-what-they-did-next/


They are avoiding hungary for some mysterious reason.


What about Yemen?

I think it's what she wants.

Let them do it , with my full support

Good one.

You mean pipi baca or something? She tried to travel through the world to show world peace or some bullshit like that and got raped and murdered several km beyond the first mudslime country she entered.

We're going to end 2016 with a bunch of dead cucks.

See this right here is the difference between me (maybe you too) and these fucking cucks.

I can't put myself in these people's shoes. I can't "imaging" myself in that situation.

You know what I see when I look at those same tweets? State sponsored MSM propaganda. Israel wanting to have it's cake and eat it too. The displacement of muzzies who will pour into Western countries. A East vs West proxy war. A country with no Rothschild bank hanging on by a string against all odds.

These people are just incapable of looking at these events big picture. Not one of them ever asked themselves "why are these atrocities happening?" This is the mind of liberal. This is what women in politics looks like. This is the difference between us and them.


thx.that was what i was looking for.

yeah, the other user i responded to in this postalready posted it.

Kek wills it.

Heh, we can add another crusade to the books.

The SJW crusade. It will probably be even less successful than the children's crusade.

I do, but it always involves met getting a gun a taking revenge rambo style. But then again, i'm not a libby.

Why don't leftists do this more often?

Don't these cucks know that preventing another country from flying in their own air space is a declaration of war?

And this is exactly the issue with women.

One death cult undertakes a pilgrimage to another. And after the this, the German forest will be creepy enough to kill a entire roman legion again.

Nice dubs


Are they calling it the "Man Children's Crusade"?



either way it's brilliant, I hope they deliver

wtf are you talking about

No you aren't…

are you saying that Germany will RYSE again?

Please tell me they're livestreaming this on Periscope or something.

They all will be raped the moment they corss the turkish border (implying any of them will actually go)

Middle east? they break down if they cant find a starbucks or gluten free shit for mor than 5km.

I wonder how you can picture yourselfe in this situation if you never been to war as a civilian in the first place.

They are so fucking arrogant it hurts.

They are civilians, they will die and still there wont be any fucks given especially since its just a bunch of white women who died.

Waht they mean by march is getting a private plane to turkey, cross the border for 10 sec to scream some bullshit and off to the hotel spa they are.

We only want you all to die for our fee fees!


RT ruptility tbh

How long do they need to get there anyway?

They're all gonna fucking end up like Pippa Bacca, holy lel.

Are there any hints that they're actively recruiting police/private security? They did say civilian but we'd have to be incredibly lucky if they just went with no guns and no defense

I'm pretty sure SJWs can't outside big cities.



Right through the minefield, this is excellent.
Need more stupid virtue signal gestures like this that end up with leftist peril.


no you're not.

pretty much


Holy fuck, I thought they meant they were going to fly to Syria then March there.
They're gonna die before they even get to Syria, Turkey is a shithole.

I really hope they follow through and get enriched.

The EU stops at Serbia at worst and Turkey at best. How the fuck do they want to pass Passport control?

Post your inner song when they get raped and killed live on ISIS tv.

Terrifying and seductive at the same time, no wonder the romans marched to their deaths without a second thought and that the jews want to destroy such beauty.


So where can we place bets that a Soros owned group is behind this? This is too fucking tarded to even work, lets say they do actually show up, Assad's troop would not give a shit. It would cause an international incident and cause the EU to "have no choice" but to overthrow assad. that is assuming they don't get turned into rapeslaves before that could happen

So you think they'll find a minefield along the way?




Well we can only hope. And we can only plant some that were not yet detected.

There was some italian/spanish feminist who wanted to hitchhike to the middle east for peace a few years back

Her body was found raped in a ditch a few km in on the turkish side.

a fine user was way ahead of you buddy

Maybe the thinking is like this: all those refugees marched here and were able to settle here just fine. If we go the same route backwards we'll get there just fine too!



It's sad to see people this brainwashed

I assume the march is going to take place on major roadways since these parasites want to ruin everyone's lives . It would be great ( if this ever happens ) to see the hatred the citizens of these countries will have towards the fugs .

It would be funny if someone from Holla Forums would join them for some irl shitposting.


Hopefully they will be raped to death on the way and redpill the entire continent. that is way more likely then them actually making it

In the winter too

How many of them will die of exposure even before they get to the muds?

But only the white man is evil, user!

While most of us could probably handle a few shitskins anyone who did this would be greatly outnumbered and their only allies when it came to combat would be useless leftists that would only get in their way.


Allah truly is good

From their website.

Well I was referring to the European part of the journey of course.

smarter then they look. Anyway I want a betting pool on this. $20 says they reach turkey but stop before Ankara

Are they entering the "Useful idiot stage"?

It would be like in ETW where you forget you've left a rake embedded into an enemy army and you absolutely destroy them later on killing the rake doing its job.


I truly hope they live stream every minute of this.

Straight outta Camp of the Saints.

B-b-but i thought that muh Srebrenica was the biggest humanitarian crisis off our time?

>Will they send bombs on our 5000-people crowd?
>We are starting on 26th December, from Berlin. In a group of 3000 people

So while she was writing 2000 people already bailed?


God I hope they do a 24/7 live stream, buy stock in popcorn boys!

They really haven't thought this out, have they?

I hope they do a periscope about that, it'll be funny as hell.

heh, fucking lying cunts

Yes they will.
In fact, they'd probably spend several million for a chance to to kill one tenth of that. If ISIS got 5000 random, unarmed Westerns walking on their doorstep they'd think "Allah be praised, we'll show the word the true might of Jihad".

Ok, lets assume for a moment that they reach allepo. What are they going to do to stop the war?

I think she was hoping that along the way to Allepo more people would start joining her cause, so that at the end there would be about 5000.

write "God is a woman" on their tits

in a normal world this people would not exist

gif related

They'll probably just protest a bit, kinda like what people are doing with Trump.

But this is not a normal world

Hopefully by the time they even plan to reach Aleppo, Based Assad's forces will already have taken the city, and most of the country. Although I do want to see these libtards BTFO

Brasil, meu Brasil brasileiro
Meu mulato inzoneiro, vou cantar-te nos meus versos
O Brasil, samba que dá, bamboleio que faz gingar
O Brasil do meu amor, terra de Nosso Senhor

Brasil, pra mim, pra mim, pra mim

probably start a hastag.

they won't exist for much longer


Are there any Syrians or Russians monitoring this thread? Someone should notify Assad or the air force that a massive horde of ISIS operatives beaceful brodesters coming their way.

Lol, Aleppo will have been fully liberated long before they arrive there.

No where on that site has it mentioned getting back home.

Souldn't this ring alarm bells in you average sane normie?


I'd bomb their croud, so I'm gonna say ISIS will too.

Perhaps they intend to pick up 2000 for the home trip.

I don't know what to make of how retarded this is

I'm betting that it won't even happen because less than 200 people will show up, they're astroturfing themselves at this point.

I will actually pay close attention to this shitshow and shitpost irl at them if i happen to come across them in Serbia.

when have you been outside the last time?

inb4 they pull a bernie and run with the money

Why not go awake the Chetniks? Surely they'd be up for fun?

that would be a smller redpill for lots of people but still a redpill. don't you think?

Calling it, if this shit goes through, something horrible will happen to them and the world will finally open its fucking eyes. Useful idiots, the lot of them.

It should, but >sane

Let's not get our hopes up now. There's not even a full throat commitment here.

Duh. If its "dangerous" they won't go, basically its just a big paid vacation.



Was thinking the same thing.

Lets see if these fucks make at father then Gebze, Turkey

nigger, you still have people sucking bernies cuck, they want him for 2020

Is getting raped part of their plan?


CIA false-flag operatives confirmed. Expect WWIII to commence when they are inevitably bombed to death and king nigger responds aggressively, all happening before Trump is inaugurated and thus begins his emergency third presidential term.

I sincerely doubt this thing will go anywhere.

I have always been amazed at the complete lack of self preservation and sense of danger with liberals, it's like they had a full on lobotomy at one point in their lives.

Because that would be superior military capabilities, which leftists know nothing about.

last 2 digits decide the % of idiots that will come back alive from this

no need to be that mean m8
sure, but a lot of bernouts also woke up.





Still, it would be funny to see a bunch of angry bearded serbs harass the shit out of them though.

Oh good God, It's gonna be the Children's Crusade all over again

Aleppo will be under Assad's control by the time they get there.

Who exactly is behind this civilmarch.org?

I have a hard time believing a bunch of SJWs are capable of coming up with a plan this complex. Typically their plans involve showing up to protest, then something magical happens, then everyone sees the truth of the SJWs opinions and everyone lives happily ever after.


I can't wait for the news headline "Survivors of group who gets raped and murdered apologize to their captors for their white privilege" or "New ISIS beheading video shows group of students apologizing for their whiteness"


I hope these cunts do go. Just a pointless virtue signal exercise by libtard mongoloids.

If one of them gets stopped at the border with drugs on them, they're finished.

See . Probably a single or small group of persons acting as operatives who are leading on a larger group of useful idiots.

cunts and cucks back home will blame normal straight White males.


A 5000 people crowd?
What do you mean a 3000 people crowd?
We'll just go with 100 people and that's it.

Most likely.

But I don't think any sane individual would pay them any attention because their SJW movement is dying out.

And she waited 5 or 6 years to notice there's a war going on in Syria?


These fucking women. They want to cause an international incident that will result in a no-fly zone over Syrian airspace, causing a war. Women will literally start WWIII over their feelings. If we survive the nuclear fallout, this event should forever be touted as the justification for permanently repealing women's sufferage on a global scale.

I mean, God damn. It's like they're a charicature of themselves.

https:// who.is/whois/civilmarch.org
Thomas Alboth

I found his websites.
http:// thomas.alboth.net/

http:// thefamilywithoutborders.com/about-the-family-without-borders/

He's one of those Marxist-globalist "citizen of the world" types.
Here's a statement from the EYP themselves.

The EYP's executive board members are
And their advisory board members are

Despite how they're clearly Marxists, as far as I can tell they're all goyim. No kike influence here at all.

It's not going anywhere until federal student loans and Pell grants are abolished for non-STEM degrees. Or until all the universities are burned down.

I'd be happy either way.

The hour of Germany's purification is nigh.

You goan git raped.

More like the Retard's Crusade, user. Nothing of value will be lost (unless they drag their babies along to be eaten and raped by the muz).

"One does not simply walk into Allepo."

What could possibly go wrong?

Wonder how many of these are faggots?



Who would have fucking guessed?


So only people without jobs can even try this. Excellent. 14/88. Please livestream.

Why stop at the border? It's just 12 hours from the border to Aleppo on foot. I'm sure theyd be welcomed with open arms.

God Germany, WAKE UP!



Universalism is a fucking cancer and takes advantage of white altruism. Hopefully these fucking retards will get what's coming to them.

How do you people even find this shit?
Just another case of useful idiots, huh?

are delicious.


My first thought too. No guns, no supplies, no survival experience, hardly anyone who can speak the local languages, just virtue-signaling shitlibs. The few non-whites probably know better and are just trying to get in on the rape early. Hopefully they'll realize they can't cross the borders and instead seek the services of a trustworthy smuggler who brought rapefugees into Europe, leading them to drown in the Mediterranean when his turdmobile springs a leak.

This user has the right idea, guys. I know the temptation is laugh mercilessly at her while she screams at your gorepost or something, but this is a culling of the herd that is badly needed.

I'll take stupid decisions that resulted in death and/or sex slavery for $800, Alex.


Agreed….but its just so perfectly retarded.

Just like what uncle Yuri said.

Our job is to help recruit as many idiots as possible for their own suicide.

I hope the rebels take them in.


It checks out. Someone stop them (or don't). We don't want white women getting sold into sex slavery.

Nothing is going to happen to them. No leader is going to let a bunch of whining western women get raped and killed within it's borders. Especially not with the world media watching, as it almost asuredly will be.

Expect the roads to be lined with reporters and the police/military of every country they enter. No leader would allow himself to be embarassed in front of the whole world. The only good I can see coming from this is that we might get to see a bunch of pampered, pretencious princesses get dirty and live a hard life on the road, with no chance to give up and go home while the cameras are rolling.

Why the white flag? They want to go all the way to Syria just to surrender to ISIS? Jesus christ, these idiots.

assuming that they somehow got to the eastern border of Greece, how long would they survive in Turkey not considering a desire for food and water?

Let the hambeasts and shit skins go, but Germany please don't let the naive innocent qt bluepilled ones go to waste. Nobody gives a shit about hambeasts and hair dyed abominations, or privileged shit skins from gated neighborhoods but you still have to keep what you can salvage alive.

I believe Al Qaeda uses a white flag.

Not going to happen, unfortunately. Just sjw's deploying ultimate virtue signal mode.

What could be more appropriate?

A good first step would be to have these people get a feel for the numbers related to population, population growth and birth rates in the areas people are fleeing from and to.

At the very least, they'll hopefully understand that it doesn't change anything in the countries they're fleeing from, even with massive migration to the west, many of these countries will still likely have a positive population growth and continued conflict for many years to come, while western populations will become minorities in their own countries.

Getting people to understand the mechanism behind the conflicts is a bit harder, since you're often have to go against what the media and indoctrination says, it is often somewhat more complex than the good vs. evil narrative presented in the media. At least the population related statistics are there in the open and from sources people trust.

Children's Crusade anyone? If only SJWs studied history (or weren't delusional cumdumpsters)…

I thought the Taliban had a white flag?

What was that beautiful song, may I ask?

Dubs have spoken. The QTs must survive

One if my biggest flaws is strong empathy, but I have learnt to use it effectively.

I feel and can see the thoughts in other people, so I can relate to the lefties. The biggest difference is I use logic in the same sense you put, seeing MSM agendas and Jewish influence. I use that to read the enemy. Its so obvious because they don't try to hide it, they think we are dumb cattle who will ignore it like the masses do.

Instead of thinking
I think

This whole muh feelings generation is the worst

Isn't that a latina?


Every fucking time.

They won't send the hambeasts and pink haired wondermunchers. They'll send the physically fit, active ones who can actually survive the journey (or as far as they get before being divided up into slave camps). Thankfully, I truly believe this effort will die on the table before it goes to launch. As delusional as SJWs are, even they have to understand the absolute guaranteed death, rape, dismemberment that would come from such a foolhardy pilgrimage…

Antti Martikainen - At the Journey's End

Remember the Italian woman who hitchiked through the middle east? Those idiots never fucking learn about ISIS.

Littlefinger would have made an acceptable Dr. Strange.

Leaked pictures from the march

never realized how straight those pearly whites where my word. It could be a standard unit.


SJWs appropriating muslim culture? How horrifying.

Besides, white is evil. They should use a flag that shows how diverse they are … like, for instance, a rainbow flag.

LOL, they're going to get raped and murdered in Turkey

Not necessarily. Some of them will be raped, sold into slavery and then raped again.

Holy shit pls happen, I'd even give thema donation


Maybe it was them. They're all just homicidal brown people to me.


Heh, these people aren't my enemies. Matter of fact, these people's greatest enemies are themselves.

3000 libshits will willingly kill themselves for some deluded fantasy of peace. $CURRENT_YEAR could not get better.



Challenge accepted

50/50 odds of making it out of the country, after that a 3 in 10 chance of making it to Constantinople if they're going by land. At that point the odds of making it much further are virtually non-existent, like hell the Turks are going to let that much tits, boi pussi and rich German wallets pass unmolested.

Ha-ha, keep reciting your fake news ctrl-alt-right conspiracies. A leppo was a utopia until that fascist right wing Poutine started trying to take over the world.

Being welcomed with open arms =/= killing oneself

Don't dislike the video and give negative comments, instead, give postive and supportive comments so they actually go,
fockin hell m8

Well they aren't protesting ISIS they are protesting Assad. By the time they get there Trump and Putin will have teamed with Assad to purge ISIS, that is the "atrocity" they will be protesting. They will never make it past Turkey, it will be just like that dead hitchhiker that tried to prove muslims weren't all bad

Yeah the sad fact is they may get raped by mudslime before they leave their front door.

But even the rapefugees come by shuttle bus and train after they arrived in turkey.
Are they asking for money somewhere?
Do they know that it is below freezing in Middle and Eastern Europe?


It's always warm & fuzzy in a liberals mind.

Lol, these people operate purely on feelings

(checked and heiled)

It makes the march even more important.

trips heiled!


this is exactly why we can't have women lead country's.



There was an article about Hillary today. How she is going crazy blaming everybody around her, drinking, and putting herself in an early grave haha



Not exactly early at her age.


SJWs are dumb, but they're also pussies. There's no way they will take more than two steps before turning around. They will come up with some excuse like "we can be of more help by donating money than by going there", and maybe one or two will fly to the closest airport that isn't likely to get them killed, take a picture right outside the airport, take the next plane back and arrive home as a true hero of justice.


This only goes to show how deluded these people can be, tbh.

They're so used to being able to peacefully protest in democratic countries where free speech is still a thing, they have no idea how it's gonna be like on the journey and even in Aleppo. They're willingly marching into a warzone. They're willingly marching into a warzone. They have no idea what they're doing.

Tyrone has the voice of an angel.

Getting the dogs and firehoses has been romanticized so much. If any of these people die, the blood will be on the hands of MLK worshippers and civil rights fetishists.
And arabs, of course.

When cucks are so out of touch they think warzones actually work like their safe spaces.


This page needs some editing lads.

Both Serbia and FYROM have visa-free transit deal with Schengen zone. If you're an EU citizen, you can enter with your ID alone, provided it will take you no longer than 48h to get out of the country. If you're going by car or couch, it takes roughly 7-8h to get across Serbia and about 4-5h in Macedonia, since you're forced to slalom between the mountains, those niggers have no tunnels. Northern Greece is also a nightmare to hike around, even if they have plenty of tunnels between FYROM border and Thessaloniki.

user, that's brilliant. Why don't we just turn warzones into safe spaces? Then no one can get hurt! If we have to compromise a little, they can use bean bag rounds and tazers. Or better yet, just make war illegal!



I tend to keep a note of which group is which for the whole idea of switching up the slurs and insults. Instead of calling a nigger a nigger call him a porch monkey. The idea works with all forms of mudslime.

I love how they go out of their way to avoid Bulgaria.


That is their prime directive: to gather lefty points and look good in front of their friends. They will literally see their entire civilization destroyed before giving up looking nice in front of their friends.

They really do think this is like some retarded disney movie.

And isn't the Macedonian/Greek border mountainous as shit?


That describes everything south of the Carpathian Basin, yes.

I'm okay with this


8/10, I started giggling like a maniac



Pic related now needs a shoop.


I checked their faceberg posts. Half of them are refugee camp sex tourists who already plan to book their tickets to Greece and have a short walk to Istanbul, where they will just get dicked by turkroaches they met during student exchanges.

Fucking lol


Doubt this will get off the ground, leftists never commit to difficult tasks when the time comes.

Gary had pretty good domestic policy. Reduced his state's taxes three terms in a row. Too bad he doesn't know jack shit about foreign politics and wants open borders.

I see a mass rape and beheadings in the near future.

They should get Bubsy as a mascot. Because what could pawssibly go wrong!

dont be fooled

All I can tell is that's a pre-WWI map

It's why the Brits destroyed the German empire.
A fucking railroad.

Arn't those German empire flags? What are they doing there?

railroads were big shit back in the day, with serious strategic importance.
t. Country that exists only because of a railroad

gunna be great

Dude, you have no idea.
I travelled through Crna Gora (that's Montenegro for you burgers). Some of the roads are crazy - you go around a mountain, then through a narrow bridge crossing a deep valley and around another mountain. Central Asia has the same thing, basically you build a road without giving a fuck about terrain.

You sure they can march that far in roughly a month?


underrated post



In an mmmbop they're gone.



trips of truth

Re-read that user


Can´t we meme trees to rape the rapefugees to death?


Learn more dumbfag

Don't forget my shamelessly self-checked trips as well:

Looking forward to the results of Rape March 2017.

So I just spitball plugged it into Jmaps

Estimates 639 hours walking
639/8 =79.9 days (estimating 8 hours of walking per day, sjws can't do anything without taking breaks for muh feminism rants and such and muh winded and muh unathletic shitlord syndrome)

sooo… yeah, that basically sounds like it sucks dick and I can't imagine weakwilled SJWs actually going through with this

will still be humorous to see how this meme resolves

Please get captured by ISIS and sold as sex slaves. Please, please, please, fingers crossed! I want it to happen so fucking bad.
Come on kek lets see those digits!


I have waited a loong time for this.

They won't even fucking make it a quarter of the way.

So… does the UN go try to rescue them once they are caught and stay getting slaughtered in now and unique ways?

It's gonna be a direct act of war then. Maybe the trail of queers will be the catalyst.
What are they doing, oh my yeb..

Yeah this is worrying solely because their fuckup won't just have consequences for them.

Fuck I can imagine Obama funding their travel there and making it easy as fuck right until they hit Syria, then they can claim Syria has to pay for their crimes or whatever the fuck after their ISIS sock puppet kills them.

They have all of my support, those brave and incredible youths!!! We need to spread this beautiful message!

March on you idiot lemmings, I can't wait to see you all butchered for your stupidity.

lol this could be the new betting thing

how many make it, what percent of the flock make it to x location, how many die of various causes, how many desert, how many killed etc


you know, I used to be more sympathetic to these sorts of things but this is fucking idiocy in its finest form, you can't fucking meme that hard

Might even get a nice red pill rapin along the way.

Sorry mate. They are dead before Turkey except of some kind of teleportation miracle. There is no way they can hike through the mountainous terrains of Northern Greece , not by a longshot.

fucking piss

the manchildren's crusade

I still think these guys are idiots but why do you keep saying that it's ISIS in Aleppo? ISIS is not in Aleppo, the government is fighting Harakat Nour Al Din Al Zenki, Fatah Halab, and Jabhat Fatah Al Sham

No ISIS. Granted they're still islamic terrorists, but it's not ISIS that Assad is fighting in Aleppo

Why do they play into our hands every time?

Almost makes me respect them


I don't know which user did this glorious thing, but I'd like to thank him or her for making me laugh so hard, I almost shat my pancreas out.


We should tweet at ISIS and tell them that these people are actually hardcore christians undertaking a second crusade. They didn't bring weapons or food because they had that much faith that their god would provide for them and keep them safe from the inferior allah.


+1 internets



Bull shit. The lugenpresse will take photos and video of them walking 100 meters and then they will get ((bused))) to the destination.

because we are on the side of the truth and every faggot and his bull believes lies.

likely outcome

Then I guess an user's gonna have to join em and catalog for future generations

You had to go and spoil the fun, Mr. Dubs.


Said every progressive ever. This should be their official motto.

Take a selfie for their facebook

Surely this will go better than the last time somebody tried it.

50 shades of ISIS


Either this one, or

That one

That was my first taught, I always wondered how something like that could have happened, seemed almost made up and now I can witness this in real life. What a time to be alive! This represents what modern society really is: a death cult.

Walking between Berlin and Aleppo isn't complex, it's just fucking retarded.

Look at attached pic, it's exactly as you described:
They think that the world's problems are so simple that the UN can simply decide that "we should protect civilians", and then everything will be safe! Furthermore, they think they are so important that the UN will immediately change their attitude when they enter Syria.

As long as they end up in Aleppo I'm happy.

Our views are founded on truth, we reject anything that conflicts with reality. Is it any wonder the world vindicates us?

Holy shit, common core really did a number on them.


fuck this eceleb nigger

Lets spread this one. We can bet money that most of the survivors will be redpilled before they ever make it there, and the rest will become propaganda tools against the mudslimes. This gets rid of our enemies and serves our purposes at the same time.

The Berlin to Baghdad railway. I read something on that before and it implied pretty heavily that the German Empire was almost obsessed with mudshits, culture and people not just for resources. Is that true? If so, I guess what's going on in Germany today is nothing new. Allowing that railway to be built, and being enamored with the cultures at the other end sounds like a bad thing. "With open gates" but a century earlier

Finnish logic?

These people never had enough slaps from their parents as kids.

The railroad had purely economic interests at heart.
Circumventing the Mediterranean, which Britain had a stranglehold on, and putting the Middle East into the German sphere of influence.
Also, "Orientalism" was by no means a German phenomenon, it was very common among the entirety of Europe.


Don't worry, nothing new was built in the Balkans

They won't have a home to come back to after the government requisitions their unoccupied homes to house more Muslim refugees.


Damn… here in the usa, if we have a mountain in the way, we blow the motherfucker up.

Got it, and thanks for the keyword "orientalism", now I have something to work on if I want to look into it further

This is like the one annoying retard at a party declaring "FINE! I'LL JUST LEAVE THEM!"

Can we meme a new "Leftist Exodus inspired by ((((Ancient People))))"

Checking around, there might be some interesting light digging to do



>The propaganda for the "Civil March for #Aleppo" is clear: THEY DEMAND MORE WAR civilmarch.org

>#CivilMarchForAleppo's website is run by one Thomas Alboth facebook.com/alboth?lst=10000057845

This is glorious. Praise be to Kek!

March on brave Virtue Signal Brigade.

May the rape and beheading videos inspire many.

Need to get Putin to "accidentally" bomb them.

No problem, an other term that might be useful is "Arabist".
The most notable ones from Germany are Levinus Warner (born in LIPPE, but moved to the Netherlands) and Hans Wehr

pretty high energy webm, fam. Saved

Correct. Although it can also be attributed to the death of the craftsmen class in Europe from industrialization, causing the richer class of Europeans to instead seek crafted exotic wares from Asia and the Middle East.

Or it could be "putin" that (((accidentally))) bomb them

Honestly that sounds like 100% what they are going to do.

Can't wait for them to get to Turkey and all of them get raped and murdered.



gas yourself



They will get trashed by invaders or ustaste in the Balkans

I like this idea.

Kill them all.

I bet they don't even make it to Austria.


Fuck 3000 or 5000 people, I want a million. I want the Lugenpresse to report on every breathless sjw, every child whose parents made the terrible decision to bring them. I want the East to see the full, unconditional weakness of the West.

And then, two months into the trek as we march through Turkey, they will erupt with laughter.

And all the fucking hWhite males will rip off their tie dye shirts, revealing chainmail reinforced with Kevlar underneath. We will pull broadswords and rifles out of guitar cases. We will pull grenades out of our peace drums.


Of corshe

Really, I think this is probably what's going to happen. First, the weak numales and females that haven't already given up because marching is like totally hard will reach the border and not be allowed through because they don't have passports because leftist can't into adulthood.

I bet they're all banking on the idea that they'll just get let right through, forgetting that such a privilege is only afforded to hordes of niggers and shitskins, not whites.

I personally think the are going to do this because they know deep down they have never truly defended any of their arguments. All they do is shout you down, censor you, pull fire alarms, ect.

The refugees have proven themselves to the entire world to be nothing more but a roaming band of savages. The whole world knows this. Thats why all these countries are slowly but surley backing out of the E.U. any way they can.

The liberals can't accept this. They want to prove to the whole world that they were right. The only way to do that is to physically go to what is thought to be one of the most dangerous areas imaginable in order to prove their point. As we have seen these liberals have no problem with their own daughters being raped and killed by sand people.

The few survivors will make it back and say the rest of the group was killed by western military forces bombing the area and never speak a word about what REALLY happened.
Pic related.

This is a one time chance
If they go large enough they should move far
MANY can finally leave the planet for good

This needs to trend, the thing is SJW are usseless so maybe they wont reach the war zone but its worth a shot

Gonna be completely honest, I think they know how dangerous and stupid this is and are counting on being stopped, so they can shuffle back to their coffee shops and tweet about how they're being stopped from fighting the good fight.

Or maybe I'm underestimating how stupid they really are. They tend to surprise me.

What a dumb fucking cunt. The first thing to go during the war is the internet and the phone lines.

Some SJWs going to Syria. From Germany. Why am I not surprised?
It could be Sweden. My country (UK) is getting out of the EU, but there are (((negotiations))).
Do these women not remember the rape attacks in Köln last year? Muzzies do not respect women. Their culture and religion are opposed to ours.
Sweden is an insignificant country. But Germany isn't. Do we have to sort the cunts out again? I honestly don't understand the Germans. They have self destructive tendencies. I think we sould go full on Dresden on the cunts.

Of course not they like to "forget" anything that contradicts their worldview because if they actually tried to comprehend how horrible the sandniggers are they would be a racist and that's the worst thing they can be in their minds.

If they do go…they will soon find out what death is all about.

Not one man should die rescuing these tards

let them perish

They are exaggerating in their head, because they have no idea what war is. As someone who grew up during a war, war isn't THAT bad, you can live in it. Just don't do stupid things, war doesn't forgive stupidity.
On the other hand, if you are smart, you can have fun and even make shekels.


ok cool but… whats a leppo?


We should encourage this behavior.

Happy notion but SJWs are far too lazy to walk that far.


Tyrone has ascended beyond this mortal plane and has become a herald of kek for his work of spreading meme magic. Nigs have been getting on my nerves recently, but Tyrone is just untouchable right now. Though I don't know if he has an ED page or any drama from his side.

what exactly IS a """"leppo""""?

I can imagine being in their shoes, I can also imagine being a cute japanese girl, a satyr chasing nymphs in ancient greece and a manta-like ziffwiffuwiff floating on the gaseous currents of the planet Morbo. I can't imagine though being so disconnected from reality that these imaginings would cause me to lose sight of whats important.

lol now I see, Aleppo will be taken in a month at most.

These people are all going to die aren't they?

We empathfags are useful in this great fight. We must temper our Tendencies towards pathological altruism.


No, they'll turn around before they get anywhere close to a dangerous area

May the sun beat down on their flesh as vultures encircle them.

This. Their activism will only extend as long as it maintains some kind of music festival/Burning Man feel. Once they start getting near shooting or rape-staring Derkas, they'll turn around.

Just sent them a tweet asking if marchers can join the SAA upon arrival in Aleppo.

Tell that to Margaret Thatcher. Women should be held to the same standards as men, no leniency, no affirmative action, but there are talented leaders out there with 2 x chromosomes.

What did Thatcher do that was so great?




Killer track.

Leftists actually doing something, rightists can't even comment with their real names.

Who's the real beta cuck?

Once again… the Ents… willl rape a whore.



Start up the meme machine, we need to get as many leftists as possible on board with this, we wont even have to genocide them ourselves

Shameless self-check. May the Ents come back, and may they have a hankering for SJW pucci.

RIP atheists and single 68er cunts.
Everyone else will still celebrate christmas.

We have not only to make sure they go ahead and do it. We also have to make sure they go by foot since it's a march. Shitpost on them.


Climbing that fence is too much for modern youths.

Magyar strong!

on thefamilywithoutborders site it looks like the dudes wife is the girl in the video. maybe shes the brainchild but the husband is just setting up the site (since hes a developer)

shes polish and worked at a bunch of (((media))) companies including the EU directly

A good rain will end their march.

While that's amusing and I'd like to see all the faggots get their comeuppance…

You do realize that traitorfags move back and fro every day using well established routes.

Provided they will actually do it, then this is not just one single deluded bitch wandering through Turkey.

These guys are organized and anti western, they will reach their target, most likely.
Granted, they can't do jack shit …but they will most likely come back alive with some bullshit fabricated shitstory.

But there is hope that a stray missile will turn them into chunky salsa.

Good point!

I really, really hope these dipshits keep their big colourful "refugees welcome" signs out when they're walking through the Balkans

LIke this.
Only with an even bigger bang, I hope.

They'll walk along some road and get captured by ISIS after they blow some of them to chunks with an IED.
They'll turn the women into sex slaves and behead the numales.


fucking kill yourself

You can't rape the willing.

He'd be a zombie by then.


>most of the organizers decided not to take their children with them.
I think a call to child services might be in order.

On an unrelated note, that's a shit bucket of suicidal Poles organizing this thing. It looks like the anglos are smart enough to stay away from this mess, though.

I don't even know what to say anymore. I'm scrolling the thread, opening links, containing laughs with a permanent smug look. At the same time, i'm dumbfounded and cringing so hard i'm kind of mad at them.
How can people be this retarded and detached from reality?



Those dubs deserve an answer. A combination brainwashing that convinced them that love can conquer hate and universal unconditional love is a virtue. I'm not going to go into why those ideas are retarded since it's pretty self-explanatory to someone who's developed beyond the age of 5.

My fucking sides, I hope they step on every single forgotten land mine laid by the proud Serbian people decades ago.



It's like you don't care about those sad images that totally make you cry.

you can't virtue signal on facebook when you're DEAD you stupid fucks. also why the fuck do they care about syria? are they trying to get in good with their rapefugee buddies?

This reminds me, didn't Holla Forums find a study that shows that people who have pathological altruism this severe ACTUALLY HAVE MENTAL PROBLEMS due to their deformed brain physiology?

IIRC it has to do specifically with the amygdala structure phenotypes they posses.



A leppo?!?!?!?


Start a betting site to take wagers on whether mudslimes or Russians will kill the protesters first. Side bets on how many rapes occur before their deaths. Then tweet them the link.

lazy fucks.

She makes it sound like the rest of the group will keep going though. If someone reaches the fucking Balkans and says "Yeah no, fuck this", what are they supposed to do? Backtrack through an endless field of mountains and minefields?

They'll fly home the moment they can't find a place to charge their phone.

fucking kikes

The enemy is cunning. Their pulp media has a stranglehold on people's minds.

Here is a map if anyone is interested.

If they hurry they can still make it in time for the incoming air strikes.

Nothing. 'Muh Thatcher' is a normie meme.

They think a cranky old hag is somehow amazing or something.

So basically they want to help ISIS?

Your own cities already are.

She enabled kikes

fucking retards

How has no one praised kek for these glorious triple dubs? Praise kek.


A man can dream.

Also, does anyone else wonder where these SJW faggots get the money and free time to organize all this on nothing but a whim?

No, we know it’s Soros and his kind.

Are hipsters now pretending this is smart or something?

Ahaha, i'd donate to this Doom March but i just know they'll pussy out and spend my money on weird shit.

Surely that can't be, that means i'd have to thank that creepy kike.


If Soros is funding it he is doing so with the blessing of Israel. Isis won't attack them if Israel tells them not to. Wouldn't want to loose funding.



This has to be some CIA/European equivalent-tier psyops or something.
They are parroting the same lines as the US State department, word for word
Perhaps the CIA is relying on the fact that hardly anyone knows jack shit about Syria, and are just getting lazy

The question no one is asking.
Will they bring their own jumpsuits?

Tyrone is whiter than you kike

Are you kidding me? That's at least 5000 beheadings! That's a fortune in sandnigger currency!


That means Americans will have to shoot down Russian jets. Enjoy your WWIII.

I'm convinced now something else is behind this. The shilling for the no-fly zone gave it away.

That guy was a Jew though.


Dubs confirm. Does someone have the video of the US general explaining that a no-fly zone would require declaring war?



It's going to be hilarious.

Nevermind I found it. Fucking McCain immediately tries to redirect it.

just say the word pol

That faggot McCain sounds like a demon is taking his soul

Nice trip dubs

That's some Obummer-tier of stuttering. Jesus.

Coming to you in Spring, 2017:
The Children's Crusade: Part II
Electric Boogaloo
The Quickening
This Time, It's Personnel, Kid
What's Aleppo Edition

As a mountain climber i can tell you that these cucks will not reach aleppo in YEARS.
Even if they have busses carrying all their gear, no chance in hell will they be able to walk consistently enough to make progress every single day. It's what 3500km? Yeah, not going to fucking happen.
Aleppo will be a smoking pyre of goatfuckers and debris as soon as Trump is inagurated.

It already is.

Checked and kek'd

secret crusade

Have fun in Syria, you dumb bitch.

Trying to stop cars on the street expecting they won't keep driving is already a dumb idea, but trying to stop a car that you know isn't going to stop? How can these guys don't even know basic physics.

There should be a law that allows you to drive over people who deliberately blockade the street, without repercussion, and make them pay for car damages too.


Nice one m8


I'm calling it out these cucks won't pass the Turkey-Syria border and promptly fuck off back to their cuckistan or that the 'peaceful protestors' in Turkey turn into ISIS fighters. These SJW pussies are all the same irrational and unrealistic sentimental retards.

Some states have this but I'm pretty sure it's only for the highways. Pedestrians are not allowed on the highways because cars are moving at enormous speeds which makes swerving or braking suddenly dangerous. Only makes sense that there are no repercussions for running someone over on the highway.

Check yourself before you shrek yourself, fagit.



It's not even about physical punishment.
These shitheads have never been disciplined at all.


These dumb bitches have no idea they've been setup to become sex slaves.
This is probably the same kind of shit that led to those retarded children's crusades.

underrated post.

Criminally underchecked.

Illegal to smack you kids here in kiwiland. I am incredibly worried.

Do they know how to read a map?

I was beaten with broom handles and had boots thrown at me. Now I want to gas the kikes,race war now. Is that what you want for your children?


better than being a cuck hellbent on their own genocide.

Dub-dub-dubs checking dubs. Wew lads shadilay.

How do they plan to get past the Dardanelles?

Are they going to walk the way?


Why the fuck did they rename everything?

It'd be a pretty shitty march if they didn't




Hello mr. Johnson.

Get that age and tell me you don't look older in less years.
My hair turned from finding a single gray hair to looking like fucking santa in 5 years. Could also be because I found Holla Forums… so who knows.

Nah, it's safe. The western balkans isn't roachville


Marxism does suck the life out of people.

If they turn out to be hypocrites can we kill them?

If they will actually even leave, which army will stop them?
Place your bets.


even muh feminists can't stand them

why is this not stickied??


This is what a traitor looks like.
Say again, "it's just a few bad feminists", right?


they always get salty as fuck

I wonder if they will try to recruit for their march there?

Creator of this abomination is a Polish woman.
With a cuck husband (she already has the vermin living in the family home.)

She's giving away Germany when she isn't even German, inviting vermin into a country that isn't her's.
This is a classic example of what Simon Sheppard calls "vicarious generosity", a hard-coded female trait.

They need to be convinced and pressured into doing this. We can save on a lot of rope. Don't forget that hordes of armed niggers defenseless refugee children are moving along the exact path they'd be taking. Police and the like can only watch in certain places. By the time they cross through eastern europe, the last one is geting their healthy dose of cultural enrichment to the throat. Bonus points if they stream their trek and accidentally gift us with some footage of cultural enrichment, just befoee they die.

Is this loss?


using blue pilled terminology

Feels good man.

Wew lad, that's some next level virtue signalling for sure!

Interesting, I was familiar with Telescopic Philantrophy and Pathological Altruism but not this one.

Islamists not just the Taliban utilize the same flag in two different color combinations:

black background - white script: when they area they're in is still contested

white background - black script: when the area they're in has fallen under their control

I believe it has something to do with the whole Dar al Harb thing.

I see your point but "Poland is ok so who cares?" isn't really a racial nationalist position, it's a slavic supermacist position.
Poland has signed a pact with the devil in joining the EU, sooner or later they'll be sending the shit your way and the population will accept it because the churches will be used to sway them.

Sheppard is well worth reading, he's had his site heretical.com since the 90s and been imprisoned multiple times for "anti-Semitism" yet is hardly ever mentioned on Holla Forums and never by e-celebs because he isn't part of their little club.

I don't even care if it's irrelevant. Feels good.

in b4 they are all raped / robbed before they even get out of europe

Tuzla means: "with salt"

(kek has spoken)
If I was there well I'd be dead or on the front-lines. Dead since it's Islamist territory and I would likely had joined pro-gov forces.
I sure as hell wouldn't have run away or be waiting to be killed.
Worst thing is I'm certain that's what most people, kebab or not, do in those situations (and where the terrorists get so much recruits).
Also what about our fellow whites dying everyday in European cities in the Ukrainian war constant shelling?

Brainwashing of the highest order.

Thanks for tip man, will do.


It's a mistake to take this campaign at face value.
The real objective here is to shame men/governments into taking more refugees.
"Men are so incompetent and supine that it's left to 3,000 brave women to put their lives in danger by going directly to a country filled with swarthy brown Muslims who will probably rape them?"
It's basically a threat, to do something or have your daughters raped by Muslims.
This is what I see. Don't get hung up on the superficial "for the normal fags" packaging.

To put their lives on the line for this….

1/ The women brought this upon themselves as they always vote for liberalism/left leaning parties that support immigration en-masse and forsake the native population on a regular basis.

2/ Us men have been doing something, which is why right wing parties and fringe groups have been popping up all over europe and America.

It's not the fault of white men that women would rather get a career than be a mother, copy the twats on TV and in the glossy magazines and absorb third wave cancer from faceberg and twatter from the jewesses.

From the website FAQ:

How far do you want to go?

They will fly to Istanbul or Ankara, take a group picture, and call it a day.


That may be true but claiming that the problem is male inaction is a tactic which is highly effective against normalfags and even against men who mistakenly believe they are red pilled.
See how this controlled opposition shill tries to urge men into reckless action by use of shaming and attacking male vanity (ego) wrt bravery, strength, attractiveness.

This is exactly the weak point being attacked when you hear complaints about not enough men showing their faces and using their real names.

The effect they have no public opinion is more important than how far they get.
Already they're trying to recruit the powerful and famous.


And who are we to stand in the way of natural selection?

The manifesto taps into feminist programming that's been laid over the past couple of decades.

Dead teenage girls would cause so much political pressure that the gates would be completely flung open.
You're supporting the worst thing that could happen. A few dead leftists is no compensation for that.

That's more tame than what they usually do. Seriously.

But I think leftists all deserve Darwin awards and deep down inside know they don't deserve to live or exist. They themselves admit it as it is anyway.

If you're a leftist white, kill yourself. It's what you truly desire.

Liberals literally have a damaged amygdala.

Signalling > all.
Here from her "favourite pictures" album.

Dec 26 - well chosen date, add the freezing cold weather to food/water/sanitation/safety requirements

I know that feel bro but I've also learned to consciously regulate my empathy and reserve it only for fellow Whites and animals, maybe also couple of niggers if they are not troublemakers.

oh i needed that in my life right now.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart

They actually hold seminars about this, seems that Poland is their prime venue.
I imagine the content is something like this:


I'll give them one bit of praise; they're actually doing something. Completely misguided and cucked to hell of course, but at least they're active.

Will be fun watching the shitstorm if it even happens (it won't).

Meme magic children's Crusade but this time leftist cucks only

Dig lads, they aren't as "ordinary couple" as they are claiming,.

Thy might not be THAT retarded after all.

I never fucking understood marchs, small/huge groups of people walking from point A to point B, while screaming and chanting while they clog up the streets and shit on every driver and working person around them. They are pretty fucking pointless, why normalfags thing that walking around the city would change years of internal conflicts in the middle east?. Why?

Greek Macedonia and Thrace are practically flatlands. The mountain ranges are basically the natural borders between Greece and FYROM/Bulgaria. If they go through the Vardar's valley it's technically doable.

Greek spotted.
Pay debnts

FYROBulgarian spotted.

Go be Greek somewhere else

Fucking shills.

You couldn't be more transparent if you tried. Get the fuck out of here, and take your voluntary extinction D&C poison with you.

Are you trying to prove me wrong?

We're here trying to steer the white race away from the brink of extinction, and here you are advocating for the exact opposite. What do I even have to prove when your intentions are out in the open? What a fucking waste of dubs and trips.

So you can't then


Found this on his personal website, from 2003. It sounds like a carbon copy of what his wife is saying now. Looks like his wife is being used as the spokes-hole this time.
26. März 2003

Even though I am on the inside against the war reports and the everyday pictures of slaughtering tanks, praying Iraqis, dead soldiers, dead civilians, dead children on TV - I can not handle them.

In the last few weeks, the agonizing question of how to attack a supermarket, which ignores all international conventions, could be put into the existing legal barriers. There was even the slight hope that the UN Security Council could still prevent the war and that the US would yield to this vote. This reflection has been superfluous since last week - what remains is bitterness.
Beginning of war on Thursday night, demonstrations all over the world; Also in Berlin. There are boys of fifteen, perhaps, fifteen years of age, burning with an applause and screaming of the crowd, an American flag. Little boys run through the area and squawk that Hitler and Bush would be the same. "Why?" "Well, both commit genocide!"

We are at the head of an anti-Americanism. But to whom is this hatred? Who is to blame for the one-sided war - the Americans, Bush, both?
I believe it is no hatred for the Americans, who are currently blossoming around the world. It is rather directed against the chauvinist policy of Bush and his government. Bush is the point of crystallization and recharging old resentment against America, confirming that culture and humanist thinking are at home, but not in America. (This is not just the case for the Europeans.)

The criticism from Europe on the Texas cowboy already filled the feuilletons of the German daily newspapers, since this had not even moved into the White House. At the time of the American election campaign, everyone could make the number of deaths among Bush, homosexuals, the church, the guns, the environment, the industry, and the views on foreign and security policy. This was known to everyone.

In fact, as early as the year 2000, all of them would have to know the consequences of the Texan's entrance to the office. Only the 11th of September could be foreseen. Even today George W. does exactly what is expected of him, he has not disappointed his critics and just hates him. At the same time, one is depressed by one's own powerlessness and the open violation of valid law together with a pre-Enlightenment polemic. George W. is no longer in our time.

But why should we hate Americans? Can not even be told that they had chosen George W.? Who has ever been able to convincingly show that it is not the media staging as well as an imperfect legal system that is the most hated person of the world president of the last supermarket. Well, he has received this office by formal means, but it was not the voters but the courts that legitimized his rule. But the Americans must also ask themselves critically what they have done to prevent this war.

Perhaps, from today's point of view, it would have been worth it again and again to count the ballots. Perhaps today we would not have to go against an Iraq war on the street, perhaps no stars'n Stipes would be burned with hooting applause - at least not in Berlin.

Let us recall the days after the attack in New York. Thousands of flowers were then in front of the American embassies, and candles filled the American people. Exactly this compassion is expressed by the same people today when they are facing American embassies.


Thomas Alboth

Your point, Vladislav?

Husband has a history of selecting slavic women who already have children. Methinks that not all of his current wife's children are his.

"Vivien, the woman I love, who enchants me and - women take care, you will never reach her Gloria anyway" - Vivi has just introduced me as a picture subtitle while she stood Caesar Gleich in the kitchen, her left arm far away Pointing the future, his head slightly lifted, his eyes a little squashed and boldly directed forward. I love modesty.

In the other pictures we find impressions on Magdeburg (from April 04) and Katrin and the small fin. Yesterday my Russian friends asked me if the children all his mine. I had to negate and once again reproach myself for being chauvinistic, to have his site only in German. Otherwise she regretted that the children did not belong to me.


KYS you'reself


Kebab goes to Germany, Germans go to kebab.


I like to think they will listen to this as they go.

HAHAHAHA bullshit,everyone knows those images are propaganda. Do you really think people without food and water have access to the fucking internet?

The only way to get internet there would be some sort of satellite access, but do you really think people would waste electricity during blackouts posting pictures?

These people are too much man.

Its like the 8 year old girl that was supposedly tweeting from aleppo, what fucking 8 year old has a twitter account?

And of course it had to be cuckmany.

Enjoy defending saudi and palestinian islamic extremists destroying syria, you retards.

Oh what was that the bbc lied about the raids targeting innocent people and the white helmets being secular humanists!

Fucking c'mon. learn about a problem before trying to solve it.

what film is this from?

CTR does



It was about oil you moron

Felt inspired.

here from 4/sg/
i was banned from 4chan so posting here
aleppo will be captured soon, before germans can reach
they wont do jack shit unless they go to idlib

Love it user

This thread is just full of laughs

May it be so

May it be very so

Well what the fuck would you call her, O Leader of Holla Forums? She's probably not a Mexican, and I won't call her a spic unless I know she's actually done something to earn it.

If we could get these cucks to march out of the big cities in the US, we could kill them and move closer to MAGA.

What's Allepo

Ahh. Eugenics back in full swing i see.

What if your enemy is so stupid they make nothing but mistakes? What of they need help because they can't help themselves?


10 bucks says that none of them get past serbia

Stress fucks you up
But hey I'm not aging horribly anymore as my eye disease has been halted, a lot of stress has been lifted off my shoulders and I feel quite nice for the past 6 months.

I swear soros baits lefties to their doom.

Theoretically Artificial Wombs could mean we have a chance to make the White Race strong but also without women

Saw this scrolling first page, damn user, I hate to hear that, but at least it has stopped for now. How old are you?

Germans are a strange bunch..

You mean pride.
Pussies being culled when they walk from the pride.

.. guys?

I'm more worried this is a bunch of marxists trying to do a pol pot and take them to the borders of europe.. then indoctrinate them.

We really are in cold war 2.0.

Guys this is something more sinister than we think.

Reality is people like fucking. Leave that shit alone. Wake up the women and make them swallow the truth.

Because frankly they're walking into a new proper communist threat. They are being driven to the borders for a reason.

we have a /sg/ general here: fucking rapefugee welcome to Holla Forums

she looks like a jewess tbh.

this thread is full of dubs!

This is theoretical user

Guys im literally in cambodia right now.

This is exactly what lead to pol pots revolution though with hardened farmers, not shitty libs.

Billy Kim did nothing wrong. I liked his smugness.

Pretty sure Cambodia doesn't have artificial wombs

So you suggest a war between males and females?

I know how that ends with.
Death. Death to humanity.

No, what I imply is only a hypothetical for if it ever gets to an irrecoverable stage, and luckily the clock is getting wound back

Some women are waking up. But the majority are ignorant puppies.


She destroyed the power of the far-left unions, who were holding the country to ransom.
This is why coal production was shut down by Thatcher, never again would the UK be held to ransom by the coal miners' union.

Here she sums up the leftist mindset.


Pol pot gathered his main leaders then headed to the border near vietnam. There he recruited farmers and villagers. He indoctrinated them. Then he organised support with factions with the Viet cong and mao regime. Once securing support, he invaded cambodia.

Then in his blind ideology, drove millions to work as peasants in the killing fields.

Just think of the modern liberal equivalent of that. It's insane.

Suicidal for the human race.

Is just more anti-syria propaganda, they aren't going anywhere

Banned and posting. The left won

What happens when the poor become poorer to uphold the increase in wealth of the rich?

Like the last few decades.

I don't mind the rich when they secure opportunity for the poor. But lately they have secured their own jobs and have left the poor with NO income.
And further lowered the wage artificially through immigration.

Thatcher is half right. We need rich, but only until they stop providing opportunity for the poor who do not have the capital to even attempt to become wealthy.

Also, personally i prefer a flexible, adaptive form of technocratic denocracy. But it needs more scrutiny. The media needs far more scrutiny in particular. Free speech on both sides. Not just biased reports on the behalf of the left or the right

Story please.

rofl so they're corporate shills who are probably being paid quite well to march a bunch of women to get raped and men to get their heads chopped off? This is fantastic

Either your correct, or they're amassing radical liberals to the border to counter attack.

I'm telling you now, the insane people controlling the left are playing stupid. They're doing what we think is juvenile stupidity. In reality the leaders are now playing a game of machiavelli. Just like pol pot did in the 60s and 70s.

Just like the viet cong.
Just like any left revolution.

Communism is a cancer of the ignorant that won't cease. It's seductive to the poor. It's exploited by the degenerate.

Its a memetic devil.

Those that aren't killed or raped on the spot… will be sold into Semitic slavery, and then raped and eventually killed. Although, I seriously doubt the (((instigators))) of this movement will march with them, this is just some more gullible goyim women being led to slaughter, another way to annihilate their Amalek. Their suffering and deaths will serve a political purpose for the Jews, namely pressuring a no-fly zone in Syria, lighting off their long-worked-for WW3 with Russia.

Oh, yea, these women have got their heads screwed on bass-ackwards alright.


Jesus fuck, these carrion need to buried already. Their rotting corpses are stinking up Washington.

Kek wills it!

Fuuuck!! This shit is cucking me!
I value above all else freedom of individual to decide absolutely whatever (if they can accept the consequences of others having the same freedom to react in which way they wish), but this is shit is too much! These people need an adult to take away their freedom! Or a god. They have failed to grow up, in absence of authority (or a god).
I know they are fucking counting on being stopped. And I know no-fly-zone is filthy push for war and tyranny over brave people of Syria, but still I cant just fucking shut the fuck up and consent into this via silence. I just cant stop thinking that this is our failure as adults.

And how the fuck did the actual childrens crusade manage to make the journey, why did all those adults on the way just accept it? I have dreadful feeling that these adult children dont really want any of this shit they are so loudly and aggressively advocating for, they dont want rapefugees, sodomites or any of this left childish bullshit, and they are unconsciously just shit-testing the adults (on strike) for not fucking standing up for the obvious and primally scary things in their environment. When they scream Hitler, racist or patriarchy they are literally trying to summon them, its a call for help!

This was my first thought as well.
I see a very similar ending.


It'd be so easy to make just like the Black Lives Matter gameu

"we are all equal in death" kek

Because user, ur gay






FUCK IT IS. I haven't gone on Holla Forums in too long, my loss detector's broken

Why the hell don't they come visit Bosnia? I'd gladly welcome them, take 'em out for a drink.

It's probably a good thing, they're already genetic dead-ends, maybe now they might redpill a few people before their untimely deaths.

It's what I always say, Europe would have been great if you didn't invite everyone in. But here it is, the problem was that everyone got so weak they decided to let in others. very deadly, and Jews only make it far worse but not impossible to fix

It was so easy to see through it all, plus the whole conglomerate fell apart with ease and quickly too.

I'll be having this playing in the background as I read that article.

You have a lot of growing up to do

tfw a safe space becomes a concrete barrier and a trigger warning is the sound of a mag being slammed into an AK

Where can I donate to this? I need to donate. Any fucking chance to get rid of even a couple dozen leftists is worth it. Please let them follow through with this they won't