Reminder of who's in charge
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what goes around, comes around
someday he will eat those words of his
Heh, at least he wasn't a cunt and didn't beat the skinny kid up.
Let's face it though, this is the public face of Holla Forums. All of this homoerotic peppy maymays that should have been a dead meme half a decade ago is pure fantasy.
what does this prove exactly? a fat autist went up to a skinny dude for a fight. this means nothing
would that fagggot walk up on Monson the same way?
Show me one communist male besides that faggot che guevara who isn't human trash. You really can't because communism/socialism/leftism is the human trash movement for ugly, beta males and dyed hair whores with nothing going for them.
If you can judge a movement by the people who represent it then communism/socialsim/leftism is the worst movement of all.
Truly the ubermensch.
low effort
I guess stalin is okay but he killed millions of people also. what an idiot lol also got his son killed.
Wow, what a coward.
This is the only way fascists can act superior I guess
Communism simplified is basically the weak human grabage who are angry because they are human garbage trying to get power over people who arent human garbage. Have some self awareness about yourselves, look in the mirror and ask yourself are you or your movement worthy of respect?
see monson
also young mao and lenin are pretty good looking tbh
Is this what red pilling looks like nowadays? Man, I miss the good ol' days when /k/unts and /new/fags actually knew how to convince people about fascism.
Fascism simplified is the weak wanting to be dominated by an all powerful authority figure. It stems from low self-esteem and daddy issues. They have accepted that they are weak individuals who want to subjugated by the arbitrary nation state. Fascists are the subs of the political world. Have some self awareness. Are you or your movement worthy of respect?
Can't you people choose some who is not being currently educated on the finer arts of Russian prisons?
Do you people no realise that the fact you are human garbage and your political views are linked and that if you weren't human trash you wouldn't have these views? What does that tell you?
It's people like this that represent your movement. an autistic male,who has to take testoserone shots and has a micropenis who at age 24 stills lives with his parents
I can't tell if you're playing the role of someone who just spurts out world salad or if it's genuine. Please clarify asap.
The guy in the middle yes, the other two no
Look in the mirror
what? young Lenin straight up looks like Leo
It comes to them like breathing.
Leo is a beta male with a round face
How proactive. Really changed my mind
It's gonna be funny when Trumpfags try to pull some Nazi masturbation fantasy bullshit and their god emperor Ruby Ridges them and their families.
How about you change your 300 pound body mass and go to the gym
meh he looked pretty masculine in the revenant
Wow, you're right. I hate communism now.
You first.
Yeah. He's a real beta.
goddamn she wants the dick
Your not going to convince me with launguage like that.
they all want Leo's dick.
Fucking look at them, man
fucking look at them…
Of the childfuckers in the UK parliament, the majority were conservatives, there was a few liberals and a few from the Labour party.
While each party had child fuckers, the further right you got, the more child fuckers there were.
How do you explain this?
As opposed to the 10 v 1 tactics that anti-fa prefer? Is there a single clip on the entire internet where an anti-fa fights one on one or they fight a group larger than themselves?
Its not our fault your ideology is so pathetic and retarded that anyone with an IQ over 80 rejects its completely.
You are outnumbered because your teams sucks. That's just much natural selection and muh human nature
anyway, explain why conservatives are child fucking human trash please
Real talk, a lot of white power skinheads are on the downlow.
Impossible, then there would be nobody to film. The theory confirms itself.
antifa are fucking dumb and basically fascists anyway tbqh fam
Hey wait a minute, Der Untermensch looks like the average Brit!
They may be dumb but they aren't fascist.
depends on where you live, really
Not because anyone who marches against mass migration (literally this boards definition of fascism)bis condemned by the state and media as racist and risks losing their job then? Your buzzwords are losing their edge though. The number of people sick of this multi-kult experiment grows day on day in both Europe and the US. Your best and only trick has about ran its course. Now I'm sure you'll respond with some ad-hom and outright ignore the point, but it is becoming plainer every day. Every muzzie attack turns more people off mass migration and as its enforcers you anti-fa cowards will soon be tasting your own blood.
How are they fascist?
The establishment and it's policies aren't leftist.
Not really impressed with your internet tough guy act, pal. Not for mass immigration but the ones who harp on about Western values the most are the ones who most want to see them destroyed.
Most people against mass immigration are liberals anyways, and don't like fascists.
What? Am I wrong?
Really makes you think…
Get to your bunkers, they're coming!
Have you ever thought why mass immigration is happening? That maybe it befits those in power, maybe people are desperate to escape regions devastated by Western imperialism? There are obviously more reasonable immigration polices then are in place, but kicking out the browns isn't going to stop the collapse of western civilization.
right but, explain to me why the further right you get in the UK parliament the more likely it is you fuck children?
No this boards definition of fascism is the merger of state and corporate power. Like how George Osborne sold our postal service to his best man.
>risks losing their job then
be real, they didn't have a job in the first place.
Also, its because you have the reputation of being violent thugs, which your post clearly shows, as you glorify thuggery.
Also, in terms of the state and the media, you have your Katie Hopkins etc, and the state are regularly deporting people. Your views are actually extremely common place. So don't play the whole oppression Olympics waaah the political correctness is stepping on my freedoms BS. You have the freedom to march, if you decide to get violent and a crowd of people kick fuck out of you, well.. you started it didn't you. Society beating down thugs is an expression of democratic will.
Beta with money
because they do things and use violence and violence is fascist!
Seems to me you should have a chat with your government. Since they're the ones responsible for everything you're complaining about.
If you think the left is responsible for the destabilization of the middle east and it's subsequent immigration/refugees, you really should check your brain for tumors.
Trust me youre lowest of the low. Slave cucks that love their chains.
err i think it takes a bit more than that to be fascist
Oh and you also realize mass immigration is a direct product of capitalist imperialism, because we exploited the rest of the world in order to build up our patch and now people want to come to our patch because we took everything worth having from theirs.
Without capitalism, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Fine, close up the borders, you will still have 70% of the worlds population who want to get in and can you blame them? No, what they are actually doing is pulling themselves up by their muh bootstraps and trying to work for something better. Only something better is in the west, because we spent the better part of 800 years making sure the rest is shit. Or do you deny that 'we wuz conquerers and shit' looks like conquering had consequences you moronic fucking autist. Its almost as if there would be some kind of negative reaction to hundreds of years of imperialism or something. Almost like people don't like to be 'tread' on, or some such thing.
No, you are literally so autistic you expect people to just not react to centuries of abuse, you expect people to just sit at home when there are better options elsewhere. Why? You expect them to do this because it would benefit you. What reason do they have to give a fuck about you? None, just like you don't give a fuck about them. Grow up.
That was an example of the subtle fascism in the UK but the definition of fascism is the merger of state and corporate power.
If you people honestly believe that Africa is the way it is because of whitey than that is laughable, you are fighting an impossible battle against reality.
It's okay if you are human trash and want to destroy yourself but don't try to destroy others please
That might be part of it but selling public services to your friends is neoliberal not fascist, fascism involves hyper-nationalism, militarism, racial politics, reactionary ideas, etc…
Africa is the way it is because of the modes of productuon. People like Leopold II didn't really help.
No it's because Africans are lazy and stupid
Holla Forums's idols
I agree. Nazi's shouldn't drag others down with them.
I don't want to destroy anything but the chains of the owning class.
Yeh sure centuries of colonialism I'm sure had no effect.
Way to reject historical facts entirely.
But muh holocaust never happened but also they deserved it but muh Nazism is the religion of peace right?
White man dindu nuffin in Africa Leopold II wuz a good boii.
I mean, we are still there fucking things up, through debt peonage and resource exploitation.
Why don't you tell me about how the situation in the Congo is down to black people being black people and not capitalism then, explain that one. If you even know Congo exists. Could you even point to it on a map? Probably not.
You sound spooked, my property.
Can you also explain why prisons are full of Neo-Nazi gangs but universities and businesses are not? Talking of human trash?
What a suprise. Also, it's funny to hear you people whine about how white people are oppressed when your goal has literally always been world domination by a elite few of the chosen race. And yet hate Jews for allegedly doing the same.
The Nazi mind is a maze of contradiction.
Black people are inferior to white people, this is a fact. How was it we went over there and "oppressed" them and not the other way around?
Thank goodness for lazor removal.
Yeah, Holla Forums's the boss of this gym
"Destroying the chains of the owning class" wont get you a girlfriend
like clockwork…
you literally cannot argue with what I just said
You're not so different from black people, it seems.
If Genghis Khan hadn't died before the Mongols got to Europe it's fairly likely some other group would be on top of the world now. At one point Egyptians were the most advanced, at another the Islamic caliphates, at another the Chinese
You are living in a cartoon world
and yet they're far more hostile to right wing concerns.
You just made that up. Liberals, whether you mean social or economic, LOVE mass migration.
Like everything, a combination of right time/right place and material conditions.
That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Says the one endorsing the original edgy teenager wetdream. There's a reason nationalism appeals to young people.
Oh it was just luck then? Sounds legit, bravo on your intellectual argument there.
So do you dispute the claim that non whites were more advanced than whites through much of non-modern history?
Try reading the posts instead of just shitposting.
Ten guys jump one?
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Yes because the youth of today are so nationalistic they're destroying their people, their culture and heritage because they don't want to be called racist
Jews are the master race. How is it that they oppress the white man and not the other way round?
Also could you answer any of my other points or are you just going to ignore them?
are you fucking 14?
I did you just ignored it and said some shit about me not having a girlfriend. Which is 1) an ad hominem and 2) laughable seeing as you have no idea who I am.
Tell me, why do these things matter so damn much?
I dispute the claim that Africa is a shithole because of big, bad whitey
Who here said that?
No hes just not wasting his time explaining materialism to somebody who doesn't want to learn, because they are ignorant.
What was it that made the white race superior? Genes? Where did the Genes come from? EVERYTHING has its basis in material conditions. Denying that is literally denying the laws of physics exist.
It doesn't take much, it is simply easier to live in a temperate climate.
Hooooo boy, here we go.
The thing is it's not something you need to or can really explain, if you don't underst the concept of nationalism, patriotism or just not being a self hating white guilt faggot then you are human trash
So are you winning or losing? Which is it faggot?
Surprisingly enough when living in a place with a completely different climate, flora, fauna and natural resources your capabilities are going to vary drastically.
So your only argument for muh culture is confirmation bias. What utter shit.
Do you think that there can be a middle ground between 'white guilt' and 'white pride' where we actually look at things realistically
You have overthinked your way into stupidity, you might think you are an intellectual but you are just a weak, beta male piece of human trash that would not have been able to survive 100 years ago
Damn you're infantile…
So you are just going to keep ignoring the points i made like the little pussy you are. Talking about being some big real man but you can't even reply to questions on the internet.
1) Why the further right you go the more likely you are to be a pedophile in the UK parliament?
2) Why are prisons filled with neo-nazis but universities and businesses and sports teams etc are not?
3) Can you explain the situation in Congo in terms of race, as opposed to capitalist exploitation?
4) If the white race is superior, why do the jews control everything?
5) Why do you resort to 'I bet you don't have a girlfriend lolz' when this an ad hominem and you have no idea who I am?
Most people at Pegida rallies would call themselves liberals. They actively avoided fascist branding.
You have repeated your baseless assertions so I will repeat my questions:
So you are just going to keep ignoring the points i made like the little pussy you are. Talking about being some big real man but you can't even reply to questions on the internet.
1) Why the further right you go the more likely you are to be a pedophile in the UK parliament?
2) Why are prisons filled with neo-nazis but universities and businesses and sports teams etc are not?
3) Can you explain the situation in Congo in terms of race, as opposed to capitalist exploitation?
4) If the white race is superior, why do the jews control everything?
5) Why do you resort to 'I bet you don't have a girlfriend lolz' when this an ad hominem and you have no idea who I am?
I think that its true that you're not a perfect human just because you're white but I also think that multiculturalism is something that only affects white countries and is a genocide.
Do you really have to ask this?
Why are the oppressed brown hordes allowed to act in their own self interest but I'm not?
For all it's flaws, western culture is superior to most other cultures on the planet. I want to keep it that way.
The rest of your post is just white guilt shit and made me chuckle.
As to the various posts about imperialism, I never supported or wanted any ofd this shit. But bringing its victims over here doesn't fix what was done nor does it help the 3rd world today.
in addition to
I accept the establishment isn't leftist. But bleeding heart liberals provide moral cover for neo-lib policies.
and lets do some beta testing. I'll post dirty pictures of the last girl I fucked, they can be reverse image searched etc, then you can do the same? We'll see who gets pussy.
The one I have to send you is blonde haired and blue eyed and germanic? Does that trigger you? My lefty dick cumming all over the tits of a germanic frau? Because that happened, and will happen again.
Have you ever done that? Have you ever even had sex?
1) I don't know, I don't think thats correct. I belive the left is home to the sexual deviants
2) Neo nazis are dumb thugs and criminals
3 Don't know the situation in congo
4) The jews control the media beccause they are effeminate and have a high IQ
5) I can say with complete clarity you are a very flawed person otherwise you wouldn't be a communist/socialist
1. Can be dismissed without evidence
2. correct
3. meh
4. So you admit the Jews are superior?
5. No, u.
That's because the media has created this confluance in people's minds whereby anti-immigrant = fascist and fascist = instantly discredited.
It doesn't affect Japan or Africa anywhere near the extent it affects Europe
Nah, girls find him really attractive. If you ever talked to one, they'd tell you that.
Because morons like you do nothing but pout and cry about it all day every day.
you sound upset
Nations are a fake concept, arbitrary plots of land with national identities literally being made up in the 19th Century.
Roots are for vegetables. You have no obligation to people who came before you.
"Culture" is an incredibly vague concept that's typically just used as propaganda to get the general population to associate whatever they like best about society with the nation-state.
You can hold all these ideas without hating yourself.
I think the jews are intelligent maybe slightly more intelligent than whites but you rarely see a jew that isn't a beta male
They literally need to come to these social democracy states because capitalism will fail if they don't. These countries have some of the oldest populations the world, the labour force needs to be replenished.
You can:
White people are in no danger whatsoever of being wiped out, and the definition of genocide doesn't really apply to irrelevant shiting even if that was the case.
Also, is it really a huge surprise that people want to move to the countries with a good standard of living. Part of the reason why the third world is such a hellhole (maybe not all but definitely in part) is because of western historical and modern exploitation
What else can I do about it that isn't illegal? I'll fight in the Nazi masturbation fantasy.
So you've met every single Jew on the planet so you can make this generalisation?
toasting in ebin bread
I'm alright with this. The 'infinite growth from finite resources' meme needs to die already.
Post a pictur of yourself, I gurantee you are a very flawed person
No you fucking won't. If there's ever a mass right wing uprising then a few things will happen.
A: it gets crushed by the army
B: demonised by the media
C: the left takes the opportunity for a power grab.
D: you'll hide in the basement the entire time.
But, it IS correct. Give me five minutes its old news I need to go a little deeper for the source.
What you believe is not empirical evidence.
Deviance is relative. Are you aware the first gay prime minister in the UK that we know about was a Tory? Personally I don't think that is deviance, but just so you know.
2) So you admit neo-nazis are human trash then.
3) Exactly, you don't know shit. It is fucked because it is in debt peonage and is being exploited for the minerals commonly used in mobile phones. It is also being exploited for oil.
4) Having a high IQ makes them superior.
5) baseless assertion.
So every single one of your positions is complete garbage, essentially.
what is there to be upset about?
you are hilariously in denial, if this is what you need to belive so you don't get a bit sad then fine.
Yes, because your governments are the cause of refugees/immigrants, not leftism. This has been said already in this thread but you just don't give a fuck. I eagerly await your next post saying how many immigrants are coming to europe, again.
See argument 2. Why is the academia full of lefties and the only place righties are a majority is the chansphere, the literal home for anti-social edgy teenagers all over the world
More of this image series, please.
Then why aren't you a leftist, if you're anti-capitalist? Makes no sense.
or some shit like that.
You're a tist from IronMarch, aren't you? I'm familiar with their talking points.
Also, of you don't think everything other ethnic group needs to be killed, I guess that makes you a beta male white guilt faggot, lmao.
okay buddy, whatever you say
I bet you'll walk away thinking 'man I sure showed those leftists, they couldn't defend their position at all'
if being a ""beta male""(lol) is such a downer then i guess white people are getting shit on by blacks right?
"Human trash" was said 9 times this thread
How do you feel about that?
Tell that to ancient Persia, Mongol Empire, China etc.
Isn't it funny how these stormweenies argue the same way as tumblrites?
Really makes you think…
Blacks are more alpha, jews and asians are smarter, what are white men even good for?
Except slaving away for the jews and getting cucked by blacks, that is.
This. White men have outlived their usefulness. It's the age of the nigger and the jew now.
now I know this is a random blog but this is the first place I could find all the names compiled.
WEIRDLY it seems all the articles linking to the officially released list of names from big outlets have been removed and now just 404. Suspicious.
Anyway, you can individually google the names of all the MPS on that list you will see the majority are on the right.
So your 'i don't think that is correct' is empirically proven to be horse shit.
Because the alternatives so far put forward don't work. Anarchism is a fucking joke and any attempt at socialism (towards communism, IDFAG waht you want to term it) has failed at every attempt.
I could get behind some kind of 'national socialism', but you are all internationalist to the point that 'not internationalist = not leftist'. Every time socialsits get to power they try to export it and end up fighting capitalism and losing. The disparity in development across the world also poses an issue to any socialist ideals you hold.
Historically the only way socialism has maintained for any meaningful stretch has been authoritarianism. The only way I can see socialism working is in a world post scarcity, and likely with a controlled (in terms of size) population. Til we're ready for this the excesses of capitalism should be controlled and the most regressive spooks should be cleansed on the pyres of science and rationalism.
I wouldn't even mind slaving away if they didn't bring in shitskins to undercut me at my unskilled menial job while also telling me to respect their fucking 'culture'. Get bent.
Please do.
That's because they've tried to develop into communism before they went through capitalism and industrialisation, Marx said from the very beginning you couldn't go right from feudalism to socialism
The "tried before" argument fails because surprisingly, we have the ability to learn from the past.
It needs to be a global movement. I agree so far as saying until the United States is gone, socialism won't work.
Anyway, the two biggest attempts at communism(USSR and China) were the wrong places for a smooth transition to take place. Rojava and Yugoslavia were pretty successful. We don't have to repeat past mistakes.
Socialist aren't against borders necessarily, but we all think ethno-nationalism is fucking retarded so you got us there.
I want him to acknowledge first that he doesn't have any to send me.
Then I will post them.
Then he will acknowledge that it is in fact he who is the beta male.
anyway heres the girl before the current one, just so you know I have a whole variety of these types of photos, because girls want to send me them. Can you say the same Nazi faggot? Prove it.
Sorry, I meant to say "Will start in"
Never said this friend. I said it will "start" in the United States or a major capitalism superpower.
ima delete this in 10 minutes out of respect by the way but just for you guys I posted it
Post butt pls
Russia's shameful present is a warning to us all.
sorry m8 this is strictly for Nazi baiting
Evalion's face should be on the otter body, considering how big her breasts are.
I'm a Nazi rarrr fuck the jews, lets put them all in ovens and hang the slavs from telephones polls god why won't my qt white neighbour love me its all because of the niggers.
Literally second grade tier bullshit.
So the whole argument of this people is to ad hominem, but when you ad hominem them they go "THATS NOT AN ARGUMENT, STRAWMAN, APPEAL TO AUTHORITY, GAMBLE FALLACY"
Good job lad.
They also had disaffected samurai and monks in their ranks.
While the ikki most certainly arose from the class antagonisms of feudal Japan, you can't ignore the fact that they were fanatic Buddhists and fought under the banner of pure land Buddhism.
I think ronin count as class traitors and monks as a vanguard. The true pure land sect certainly played a part but i think it was more a symptom than a cause. It provided religion for the poor as opposed to simply the wealthy elite and even religions have a class character and emerge from class struggle (see protestantism and capitalism).
In Europe, the americas and south africa they're real enough. The ME, another motivator is often more powerful. Do you see ther trend here? People group along common lines of shared history and culture. So you can say they're an social construct all you like, but the vast majority of people believe them to be more than just lines on a map and act accordingly. You want to deconstruct borders you've much more than just me to convince. Borders may just be lines on a map but nations run deeper.
Han Chinese are the same ethnic group as the sweatshop workers they hire, doesn't stop them from exploiting them.