
Today, Monday 5 December 2016, WikiLeaks publishes an authoritative, searchable archive of 57,934 emails from the personal email address of Berat Albayrak, who is President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's son-in-law and Turkey's Minister of Energy.

The emails span sixteen years from April 2000 to 23 September of this year (including the 15 July coup d'état) and are mostly correspondence between Albayrak and the ruling Turkish elite: politicians, businessmen and family members. The emails reveal the extensive influence Albayrak has over a wide range of areas of Turkish politics and life.

On 23 September, Redhack, a Turkish hacktivist group, announced they had obtained Albayrak's emails and would release them on 26 September, unless the government released imprisoned leftists, specifically naming Aslı Erdoğan (no relation) and Alp Altınörs (assistant co-chairs of Halkların Demokratik Partisi (HDP) arrested on 16 September). When nothing was done, Redhack placed the archive on Google Drive and Dropbox. The Turkish government then censored normal internet access to Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft Cloud and Github, and arrested a number of alleged Redhack suspects. Reportage on this valuable archive has been previously hampered by censorship and lack of an authoritative, searchable, citable archive.

full article:

Other urls found in this thread:¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=0#searchresult,_data,_models,_1996-2009

wew, these roaches think themselves holy

I wonder if he has anything to do with Erdogan's (biological) son that smuggled ISIS oil into Israel. Too bad I don't speak turkroach.
For a refresher:

Kek, ran into this while browsing Wikileaks' Twatter.

Hey guys I've been out of the loop recently. Has assange revealed himself since the US election or is he safety still unconfirmed?

I don't know if it's trying to tell us something or shut it down.

safety unconfirmed
general user consensus is that cia controls wikileaks
i believe the recent turkey and german leaks are not in line with the cia theory as publishing them goes directly against cia interests.
not saying theyre not compromised, just that cia theory makes less and less sense with each leak.

If the release of these files harm the current german investigation (which they do) then it is in cia interests

the purpose of the bnd leak was to show that the investigation wasnt on the level to begin with. as mention in the release article.

>general user consensus is that CIA controls wikileaks

Nigger please.

this thread isn't bad: There seems to be a lot of disinfo and speculation about Wikileaks but since we don't know where it's coming from it could be either autism or paid shills. Since Ecuador probably isn't going to do anything before January 20 the speculation will go on.

thank you this is good

Amazon order including:
Doc Johnson Sasha Grey Ur3 Cream Pie Pocket Pussy
Size Matters Breast Enhancement System

Lots of comedy gold in that list.

There's 173 emails of just Amazon order confirmations, holy shit.¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=0#searchresult

>The emails span sixteen years

16 years

16 years of pornography and secular books?

12 if you want to get technical.

So if Berat the Rat, the man who buys the oil from the islamic fanatics in Iraq, is exposed as an infidel traitor consuming decadent immoral american filth and buying secular books then would that have an impact on their relationship?

The Turkish media isn't going to talk about this but it's going to be in the media outside Turkey.

He even looks like a rat.

besides us and a couple guys on reddit i dont think anyone else knows yet.

Stop it you shill

not a shill, genuinely confused. i thought both erdogan and cia supported isis.

I expect RT to cover it tomorrow or this week at least

Great - but they're in Turkish and turkroaches will be too fucking lazy to read them.

California Exotics Dual Clit Flicker Cock Ring

Fleshlight VIBRO Pink Lady Touch Vagina Masturbator

Sportsheets Door Jam Sex Sling

Hustler Novelties Twice The Love Double Vibrating Cock Ring Male Sex Toy Kit

What the fuck

Edrogan will be happy to know that his daughter has an exciting sex life…


There was a torrent released of this at the time and the swarm was flooded with corrupt chunks. Someone really didn't want this out there. Need turks to dig this shit.

Awesome Wikileaks still just releasing repackaged material that's already been out there.

But they cut off the podesta emails early and still haven't delivered on clinton foundation emails. Cool shit wikileaks Keep releasing stuff that's already out there in a nice newly wrapped package and continue failing to give us the material that was promised 2 months ago.


the only thing promised was enough information to indict hillary. which he did with the pay 2 play scheme revealed in the podesta e-mails.
im as concerned about julian as anyone else but spreading falsehoods helps no one. please show me proof of julian promising the missing 33k emails.

feels good, man.

God fucking damn, why does female sandnigger headwear make my dick twitch?

Holy fucking lel

Great, but none of us speak, durka, durka

You should probably keep that to yourself, loser.

More I look at this all I wonder to myself is the deep state of the USA in a civil war? If so then whether we like it or not Holla Forums even as an aggregate of individuals acting in a stand alone complex is a player. We pushed against clinton and got trump into the position of president elect. We have clearly fucked with the deep state in the US and so I guess that one side of the civil war looks on us with what I'd imagine is amusement and the other with sheer loathing. That said I know nothing really and am merely speculating. Wish FBIanon or someone would elucidate on this idea a bit.

After the coup Erdogan is Putin's buddy and "evil dictator".

This is the answer. The deep state in america is in civil war being fought in Syria and Iraq.

Where has the news said this? I haven't seen the news talk about turkey at all post coup.


Everywhere, at least in Europe. They keep whining that he's arresting CIA-related people and "threatening the freedom of press".

Here in Murica there ain't been a peep.

Wrong. Do a little research.

Podesta emails got cut short and we didn't get the full spectrum that they have. They also had committed to release more emails more damning that were not in the podesta batch, but were pre-commited to ending the podesta batch first ramping up to a newer release. They never did. I never said anything about the 33k emails on Hillary's private server so stop assuming things wrongly.

Since you are obviously unaware and haven't been following wikileaks and assange's comments before the internet was severed by a state party, and before the podesta dumps began we can start with something very simple for you. Why did the podesta dumps end early? Maybe you should consider asking yourself why wikileaks isn't giving out anything, but already released leaks from other sources not original to them.

julian promised 50K+ podesta emails, 58660 were publish. i dont see the confusion.

right, you said he promised clinton foundation emails which is even more retarded a claim, first im hearing of it. prove it.

You're right he promised OVER 50k emails over a specific span of x weeks. The batch wasn't completed and ended a couple weeks early. The plan was clearly laid out for everyone to see yet you are confused because you didn't really follow wikileaks until recently. Stop pretending like you know what you are talking about just because you hopped on the bandwagon in the recent past.

They made multiple mentions of clinton foundation emails to be released beyond emails implicating the foundation. MULTIPLE. They didn't specify whom the emails were directly from simply that they had more to be released in due time. They also teased more emails directly involving clinton rather than 2nd hand podesta interactions and said the podesta emails were simply leading up to the yet to be released dump for Hilary. You don't know that though because you really don't know what you are talking about. You are just feeding back summary talking points which is also why you are totally unaware of how the podesta emails were arranged to be release, over x amount of weeks, not just when they reached over 50k. Fucking idiot.

Again you don't know shit about what you are talking about which is why you thought i was referring to 33k emails from hillary's private server. You are fucking clueless so I'm going to end this conversation until you have something substantial to add that shows you are at least moderately aware of things beyond a cursory "WHERE IS ASSANGE?!" movement. If you paid any attention to wikileaks in the past before the podesta leaks and even during

No Assange proof of life - Wikileaks compromised until otherwise.


the promise was 50K before election, and was fulfilled. take your own advice and do some research on your own claims.

i agree but we have a problem in that everyone has been blinded by the "cia took assange and is in control" narrative. everyone has taken the cia narrative bluepill and arent paying attention to whats actually happening.

the yemen cables release does not serve the cia
the diplomatic cables release does not serve the cia
the hbgary release does not serve the cia
the bnd-nsa release does not serve the cia
the berats box release does not serve the cia

dont you think the cia would target RUSSIA instead of THEMSELVES if they were in control. HINT HINT HINT

If you bothered going to the source and seeing their dissemination plan for the podesta dump you would realize you look like a retard.

Instead you prove me right by going to a summarized talking point to get your information that, while correct, doesn't go into any detail of how wikileaks planned to disseminate the information.

My advice still remains. Do some research and know what the fuck you are talking about instead of looking up summarized talking points whose job is to provide a small and concise summary for the general populace you chameleon lemon-headed terrorist pussy!

stop posting and start paying attention

Can you just stop already?

First you mention hillary's private emails which have nothing to do with anything here. Then I tell you that your knowledge is based off the bandwagon recent following and you're just repeating talking points. To which you then repost talking points… exactly what I told you was what you are doing wrong.

The tweet you linked you are likely unaware of the potential problems with updating the algorithim conveniently a couple days before Assange's internet is cut, having no statement from Assange regarding said change ( which he always has statements if you where aware of how wikileaks worked before October. You just keep proving my point over and over that you are an oblivious idiot and had no idea that the podesta emails where cut short and wikileaks has yet to deliver on promised leaks about Hillary. Just fucking stop you retard.

actually you could download 59099 unique mails from, but i didnt manage to look into the surplus ones, so they might be spam or something like that. but they are no invalid junk mails.

maximum valid mail id seems to be 59258. if u sort out the duplicates u get the 59099 unique ones

Oh my God mate put a sock in it.
You are proving the other dude's point.
Just bow out of the discussion at this point you imbecile.
It's not bad to not be well informed as long as you lurk.

ok guys ill go to sleep now. why dont you go get more disinfo from halfbaked anonymous videos and larp posts.

Says the guy that gets the anonymous larp idea that hillary's 33k emails was what I was talking about and posts RT for his sources after being called out on just having 2nd hand summaries for sources. lol



At the risk of sounding crass, are there any hot women in the emails?

Sometimes I see cute Turkish girls in my new apartment.

Who says that if "The Americans" snatched him, it was necessarily CIA? There's more than one head on the USGOV hydra, and they're currently fighting one another.

What if DIA/JSOC/military intelligence kidnapped him instead?

Military Intelligence appears to be the primary power faction behind Trump - everyone from Flynn and Bannon to Pieczenik, Erik Prince, and Infowars is linked to it in some way. For reasons that we've yet to fully figure out, they HATE the CIA (at least the globalist pro-Clinton, pro-Bush part of it).

That could explain why WL continues to publish leaks that harm the current CIA management, Merkel, and Erdogan (all Obama pals). Wikileaks might have just become the new shiny weapon in Murica's asymmetrical warfare/PSYOP arsenal.

The real question is, who does THAT ultimately serve?

You are using releases that happened years ago and trying to tie it to the recent no proof of life assange stuff. They don't correlate.

You would need to look at wikileaks recent material since october and try to find a correlation.

The Yemen cables published by wikileaks are not new.
The diplomatic cables are not new.
Hbgary was not new.
bnd-nsa was not new.
berats box was not new.

All of this material was previously leaked elsewhere well before wikileaks republished it with a searchable database. All they are doing is regurgitating information and providing nothing new. That shouldn't be so alarming in and of itself since wikileaks has done so in the past… it is, however, odd that they would tease out new material to be released in early October. Teasing and hinting at upcoming leaks then repackaging material we already have is irresponsible at best.

Ahmed pls go

This should be your wake-up call.
Wikileaks is done, and was always a COINTELPRO OP

No they didn't. What are you talking about?

There was a thread here in September or October about those e-mails but they weren't organized and searchable like they are now.

Ya they did. And thanks for pointing out what I already did… Berat's emails have been out there for a few months now wikileaks just repackaged it nicely… Kind of like all they have been doing since *suprise* Assange's internet was cut. What's your point in basically repeating me?

Tell us how you were able to read the Berat e-mails since September 23rd. I was in the thread here about those e-mails and it died quickly because nobody wanted to dig because it seemed complicated because nobody talked turkish. They're more easily searchable now thanks to Wikileaks.

They're more easily searchable now thanks to Wikileaks. If you think that's not useful you're an idiot. And two months old whoa that's really really ancient stuff.

>but already released leaks from other sources not original to them.

It's nothing new, they've been doing since the Climategate e-mails,_data,_models,_1996-2009

The Berat e-mails are from two months ago but now they're more easily searchable thanks to Wikileaks.

>You're right he promised OVER 50k emails over a specific span of x weeks. The batch wasn't completed and ended a couple weeks early.

And how do you know the batch wasn't completed? I think it ended on November 8, on election day. They should have started earlier anyway. October 1st would have been perfect but they started on October 7th. There was also part 2 of the DNC e-mails. They were busy, they didn't took a vacation in the middle of the election.

And you sound like an emotional conspiratard with a massive confirmation bias who is obsessed by the idea that Wikileaks could be compromised that you grab anything you can lay your hands on that could confirm your conclusion.

OK, so maybe they changed their plan in reaction to how the media covered their leaks and changed their 'Stochastic Terminator' algorithm accordingly, oh wait… that can only mean one conclusion, there's no other possibility… OMG!!! WIKILEAKS IS COMPROMISED!!!

>problems with updating the algorithim conveniently a couple days before Assange's internet is cut, having no statement from Assange regarding said change (which he always has statements if you where aware of how wikileaks worked before October

According to you he was supposed to post an official statement every time they decided to update the algorithm? The goal of the algorithm – is the I you typed after the H part of a secret code? – is to publish the leaks according to what it reads in the news. Maybe they updated the 'Stochastic Terminator' to include more news sources they didn't think of before October 7th? It was the first time they used something like that:

JA: So this time we started a different strategy which was to write an algorithm called a Stochastic Terminator which is designed to be unpredictable and to adjust how much it publishes and what it selects based upon what we as human beings suggest to it but also based upon what it reads in the news. So it selects the emails to be published and publishes them each day and we started doing that on the 7th of October

You forgot part 2 of the DNC e-mails in early November. This batch had the e-mails revealing Bernie Sanders had a non-aggression pact with Clinton.

was there any evidence this 'FBIanon' was for real?

Get into the gas chamber.

underrated post

Can someone send that picture to the Twitter accounts of jihadists?

what country do you live in?


Are you the same faggot that made the FUD thread suggesting that chans were scraped to fabricate the CF leaks?

If you're going to hop on a VPN because you get butthurt and runaway the night before don't reply to older posts because you are butthurt about it. Also don't try to take a moral high ground about name calling since you started it dumb fuck.

Ok… so can you stop repeating already things I've said and act like you are correcting me? I have already stated wikileaks has published non-original material to them in the past and its not exactly abnormal, just abnormal in the amount they have posted recently while having teased new leaks before October 15th on twitter and giving us none. You have a lot of trouble with reading comprehension seeing as though almost every reply you post leaves shit out I have clearly stated or make the same mistakes I call you out on. The minute you ran off crying and decided the next day to use a VPN you lost anything of value to say… not that you had anything in the first place just crying and repeating shit I already said like you are correcting me. God just stop posting you retarded nigger.

Mate you just linked an official statement on Assange because of the Stochastic terminator… exactly what you are trying to argue against what the fuck is wrong with you?

Assange never made official and significant changes in wikileaks without making statements. Updating the stochastic terminator especially during such a sensitive time would have set a precedent with no official statement from him. Anyone that has followed wikileaks should know that's how they have always operated. The algorithm was changed significantly on the 12th, I believe, with no official statement. Three days before his internet was shut off. Why you are linking the statment on the 7th is beyond me.

It does no one any good for you to try to look up sources and refute arguments when you're clearly not that well informed.

no not even sure what you are talking

I need the real sauce on this

If the cia is still anti commie then we're back to good old cold war era only with no clear soviets.

I think the fbi and cia are currently in self purge mode.

Jews too. They hate our antisemitism, but realised they have issues in their own community.
I bet kissinger has a role in this. He seems to have done a lot of good work in the past in undermining the soviets and even communist China.
Détente was more of a poison for the reds. I initially thought kissinger was subverting us.. but it doesn't quite add up. Their nations went into purge mode. US managed to bring the reds down a notch.

Still, would like to know what kissinger fuck up with.

Another thing. Giuliani did not do enough. He only aimed for the italian mafia, was almost wilfully ignorant of the rest.

Either the jewish mafia at the time was clean, or he turned a blind eye.
Russian mafia is also involved it seems.

Muzzies have uncontrollable sexual urges.

That explains why their civilisations implode in less than 100 years constantly. And why they need hijabs in the first place.

Why the fuck was she buying such a massive amount of blank discs and sd cards back in 2005-2006? Along with a shitton of HDMI cables and a good amount of wireless stuff. Not to mention the camcorder.
Is she making home pornos?



Not if some of the cia was conducting a self purge of subversion.

I have my own roach infestation in my kitchen too.

I wonder what happened when the Harvard boys got in


You stupid fuck. Assanges leaks was always going to resemble a cointelpro op. That's how you have to do this.

Who gives a shit? #copsareniggers


Spongebob, season 1 episode 7b

The flag on Squidward's house is the Byzantium flag, the flag on Spongebob's house is the Turkish MHP flag, the flag overlaid at the ending is the Byzantium Eagle flag.

Any turkish speakers- do these emails contain anything that might indicate the coup was staged or encouraged by erdogan?

wikileaks summary didn't say anything about it.

shit my ears


That's the other guy, not me.

You're the one who jumps to the conclusion that Wikileaks must be compromised or infiltrated but everything you said to support that conclusion isn't the solid evidence you think it is. I've seen your type before in other Wikileaks threads. And it's not even a Wikileaks threads per se, it's a thread about the Berat e-mails.

You said Assange should have posted a public statement before the update of the 'Stochastic Terminator' algorithm on October 12th, your words :

"The tweet you linked you are likely unaware of the potential problems with updating the algorithim conveniently a couple days before Assange's internet is cut, having no statement from Assange regarding said change ( which he always has statements if you where aware of how wikileaks worked before October."

Can you tell us why you think Julian Assange should have posted a statement on the update of the 'Stochastic Terminator' before every update of the algorithm? They updated it before October 15/16 and after October 15/16, I think they announced an update of the algorithm four or five times total. It's supposed to be an algorithm that reacts to the news coverage of the leaks and change its selection of e-mails accordingly. It's the first time they used something like that and usually when it's the first time for any technical project it will need some adjustments.

I don't see how the lack of an official statement from Assange regarding the update of the algorithm is supposed to be considered suspicious.

Why do you believe that updating the 'Stochastic Terminator' algorithm for the Podesta e-mails is a significant change in Wikileaks? Let me quote Julian Assange again:

"So this time we started a different strategy which was to write an algorithm called a Stochastic Terminator which is designed to be unpredictable and to adjust how much it publishes and what it selects based upon what we as human beings suggest to it but also based upon what it reads in the news. So it selects the emails to be published and publishes them each day and we started doing that on the 7th of October"

I don't know what the update(s) consisted of – and you don't either – but updating the 'Stochastic Terminator' algorithm could mean it wasn't working as well as they thought it would and they needed to make a few changes to it so that each next batch of e-mails they released potentially had more impact than the previous ones or that it followed a certain pattern to hook more people in certain regions of the internet because they knew the mainstream media would try to ignore all of it.

I listened to an interview with a reporter who said she noticed patterns in the release of e-mails, in the first ones there were many revealing the collusion between the media and the Clinton campaign, then it moved to corruption, then the uranium company, etc. She said it wasn't as random as one would think.

>The algorithm was changed significantly on the 12th, I believe, with no official statement. Three days before his internet was shut off. Why you are linking the statment on the 7th is beyond me.

And how do you know that the algorithm was changed significantly?

That quote (from the October 26 phone call at that conference in Argentina) explains what the 'Stochastic Terminator' algorithm is supposed to be: it's supposed to read the news and decide what e-mails it will release next, and it's the first time they ever used something like that.

If you thought something like that was going to work perfectly from the very first day when they couldn't test it beforehand for obvious reasons – how can one simulate the media coverage of an event like the release of the Podesta e-mails in a computer model? – then you must have no real life experience in anything.

Of all the things I've read here that supposedly prove the Wikileaks-is-compromised meme this lack of an official statement on the update of the 'Stochastic Terminator' algorithm is probably the weakest.

You could have at least admitted that the 2nd part of the DNC e-mails in early November contained some good revelations, like the non-aggression pact between Sanders and Clinton.


Turkey blocks Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp after arrest of opposition leaders


"Turkey has blocked access to a number of leading social media and messaging platforms, including Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter. The country’s renewed clampdown on the digital communication outlets comes in the wake of the arrests of opposition politicians belonging to Turkey’s main pro-Kurdish party.

Internet monitoring tool Turkey Blocks reported the outages at 1am local time on Friday, starting with Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Less than an hour later, it also confirmed Facebook-owned messaging service WhatsApp had been blocked. Despite Turkey’s troubled relationship with social media, the crackdown marks the first time in recent years that WhatsApp has been targeted. Additionally, Turkey Blocks also noted restrictions on Skype and Instagram, indicating a large-scale blackout of social platforms.

It is thought that some in the country are still managing to get on to the services using virtual private networks (VPN) or proxies."

What's that stupid forced meme and why are you posting that in this thread?

edmond de rothschild pdfs. see attachments.

Berat Albayrak Emails

German BND-NSA Inquiry Exhibits Downloads

Video: US State Dept responds to WkiLeaks-ISIS-Turkey-oil #Erdogan #BeratsBox

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
It says cute couples

HIP mod for CK2.

It just pops on, albeit loosely.

That's just weird

take the pc you fag

They showed up in today's episode, sorta.

That's thanks to goddamn Koichi Sugiyama, who went on to do the Dragon Quest soundtracks to this day. I imagine that his revisionist views clashed with Tomino's opinion of WWII, though.

Department of transportation I guess.

they regulate how you transport chemicals and such.

goodnight heems


sol 1:

sol 2:

My issue is that the setting relies too much on cliche archetypes

The setting and characters are so sterile. Take TF2 for instance where they have archetypes as the basis for their characters but turn them on their head and make them super unique

How can I better cultivate and develop my inner Argentinian, /arg/?