Does God approve of Kek?

Directed mainly at Christians or those with good knowledge of Christian scripture:

The world is evil and corrupt, a playground for Satan. Kek being the lightbringer and a beacon of change, would God approve of this given the circumstances?

Or is refusal of idolatry more important than saving the world?

Other urls found in this thread:


Holla Forums is a kek board not a christcuck board

I've heard some Christians rationalize it by claiming kek is an angel of God.

what do you think?

Kek has nothing to do witrh their jewish god and they should do well to remember that before they anger Kek

The Christian God is not Jahveh, Jahveh is nondualistic.



Maybe not in your delusions, my christcuck frined. Are you the same guy on the thread the other day saying "the christians are the real jews!"?

I am starting to believe that, by how blatantly you lie.

Kek represents darkness before the Don.

Next year is the Year of the Fire Cock

Who heralds the Don

It's fucking poetry.

Nature is primordial chaos. In that case, Kek is essentially the true name of Gaia

God isn't opposed to nature. The Garden of Eden was perfect for human beings because a Garden is the perfect blend of chaos and order.

While I wouldn't personally go that far, their interests are clearly in sync at the moment.

The Chaos of Kek + The Order of God = The new Garden of Eden.

GTFO Christcuck

God isn't real

Nat Soc, fascist and traditionalist anons are at least honest that no successful, modern political party currently shares their beliefs, which is exactly where memes come in. Kek for whatever its worth has given a greater chance at destroying the Jew and freeing Western Civilization than semite religions ever have.

Saged for christcuckoldry. Worshiping a dead jew is degenerate.

You're trying too hard.

Retard. Catholics didn't vote for Hitler because they were block voting for their Catholic party, but the other people weren't atheists and people who like to larp in the wood once a month, but Protestants - which you would know if you weren't busy rebelling against your parents.

there's only one god and its name is KEK.

How is that a excuses? The American Democratic party is a Catholic party are you giving them all a free pass too

Way to go, user. Way to go.

Honestly, both Kek and Christ are mostly benign demons.

Be careful with either of them.

its actually you that has the opinion's that go against the faith leaders.

The faith isn't governed by the leaders, its governed by God.

The people you're posting are going against God, and are therefore traitors.

You're not this stupid, user. Get it together.

People are just laughing at you now. Get a new angle.

if you're serious, nobody fucking cares dude. christ triggers jews. kek triggers leftists. pagans trigger nihilists. omg stop being an sjw.

Well then he should really get off the putting green and step into the office for a few minutes then

I don't think God requires an intermediary if He wants to fuck with us, or the extreme leftists as it stands at the moment. He's perfectly capable of doing that Himself.

"He was not of those men, so foolish as to believe God has but one name."

Free will.
They have chosen to be faggots, abandoning their lord in the process.

Romans 16:18 - For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.

If you read the Bible like that it makes sense.

Okay he should step in any minute now…
>the bible is the word of god except when it's just heretics misinterpreting god
Uncuck yourself.

Actually no, Kek is male and Kauket is his female counter-part. The Ogdoad consists of 4 aspects of reality that each have a male and female counter-part so it makes 8 gods total.

Sage because Intl is trying to create more fracture points by attacking Kek and Christ alike.

pffffff spit

"god" does not exist and jewus was a kike

Christian here. I don't really approve of Kek, but I appreciate the effects of what's happening. I don't credit Kek for it though. Perhaps to some degree, because of meme magic, which I find the evidence of to be pretty convincing, but I only give Kek a little credit as a figurehead. Not as a real entity. If anything, the effects are all due to meme magic, and not from Kek at all, since he doesn't exist. I'd suspect that many gods were fashioned in this way. The only god I believe in is the Christian god. He's the only one that makes sense to me. Now, how he set up the universe is up for debate, but it seems that meme magic is a function of the universe that God created. It wouldn't be so farfetched either, since God is the creator, and we were made in his image. Perhaps we have some limited creative powers that shape the universe, even if we don't actually create anything for real. A mere image of creation, which is really more like shaping that which already exists.

So god doesn't actually governor then? He just passes all the work off to his incompetent middle management?

See that doesn't make any sense in regards to what the user had said.
Christianity is not Christs teachings. Christianity is the greater mass of Christians who believe themselves to be followers of Christ, even if you believe they are erroneous, they still see themselves as Christian.
So saying god is in charge of Christianity doesn't help you, since Christianity as a whole is pozzed.
I think Christ himself was a cool guy, but Christianity is in dire need of reform, and attacking people who point that out isn't helping.

I like how you're rational when it comes to a magic frog god, and the immediately irrational and delusional when it comes to a zombie Jew and his talking volcano dad.

I hate this world and all it's idiots

Satan denied. Praise Kek.

Its called cognitive dissonance, christians are famous for it.

That's why Jews rule the world, because their god caste out Satan and they reject Jesus for talking like Satan did, putting himself on equal footing with their god, his father. It's all very incestuous and sand niggerish

Please stop. You just dont it do you?

The bible was writeen by jews to subvert neighbhor states, its the reason why it contradicts almost every single statement it has. What the bible says is FUCKING IRRELEVANT.


There is only one god and his name is Kek. The abrahamics have no god, their religions are empty, hollow things.

Reminder that Satan in hebrew means "Adversary."
Jesus was a Satan to the Jews and was killed for it. Kek is a Satan to the modern Jews, and so they wish to destroy Kek too.

At least I have a reason to believe in anything. You cucks don't have a foundation. You literally shouldn't even be speaking if you don't believe in anything, since all knowledge you hold is a belief. To be purely open-minded, you can't know anything, cause once you know anything, your mind has closed on something. Don't argue if you claim to have no beliefs, or it's cognitive dissonance.

There is no middle management.
There is God, there is Christ and there is man.
Any who put the words of the latter before the will of the former is a sinner, regardless of how many scepters they may hold.

Christianity is between the individual and God. His will comes before the will of man. So if the mass is corrupt and acts against his will, to join them is to deny him.

The Vatican is corrupt as fuck. Thats not on God. Just like redditors posting "keklmao i hate hitler tho" is not on Kek.

Free will, people.


Jesus Kike, do you even listen to yourself? You're speaking in retarded paradoxical thinking, that's why you're so confused in life. All that shit you said can be answered in length from a few Allan Watts Zen videos in youtube. You're demoralized by a slave cult user. We're talking shit, but we're really trying to get you out of it and back into actual reality.

Grow up

Kill yourself, but before that, do some research. Pagans mix believe with p´ragmatism, something you understand almost as badly as you understand your own supposed religion.

Study history also, especialy ancient history, and how the jews used proto-christianity to fuck over babylon and assyria.

Christianity is part of judaism, its the part were they put the goy, give them a false promisse convincing enough to have them keep believing as the jew destroy his society, its why you christcucks will never achieve anything. You believe in the jewish credo of weaknees "with benefits" but all you get is the weakness, the priviledge and power will always go to the jews and you wil always be a jewish slave, Yaweh dosent give a fuck about you because you are cattle, you are sheep, and you are also traitors who turned your back on those who are YOUR gods. The more fervent your prayers, the hearthier the jews will laugh at you, because unlike you who live in a semitic bubble, they know what you are, even if you dont.

Congrats, you are now a wiser person.

Keep telling yourself that has Christcucks keep polluting the west I'm sure that will make it all better in the end!

Christianity is about the bible, and the bible is a jewish fabrication, stop kidding youselves guys, do the fucking research. Your life will get better, i promisse you that. Only you can free yourselves of the shackles the jews put you in.


christ cucks are too busy adopting niglets and letting in rapefugees into our countries

Even the D&D deities confiscate their priests' powers if they don't uphold their deities' tenants.

There's something wrong here.

Christianity isn't Judaism, you unclean kikes.

A billion christcucks making the world a worse place and you don't think Christ the demon is behind it?

Though I admit, Christs power seems to be failing.

As a Christian, I am perfectly fine with Kek. In my honest opinion, Kek has done the work of God. Kek got Donald into office, and Kek has helped to expose the evil Moloch worshiping pedophile Global Elites.

Kek has done good, and as long as Kek does good, I see no issue with Kek.

This is all irrelevant because christian narrative will change according to political needs, there is a reason why the bible is so extensive and contradictory. It was designed to be like that by the jews.

Seriously, am i the only person here who read the fucking bible? This is what you do if you want to understand just how deep the problem goes. You read rules for radicals, and then you read the bible. The jewish mentality in both becomes crystal clear. The bible worked , and still does to this day, as a tool to subvert dumbfuck "barbarians" into being harmless so jews can take over their societies while the barbarians are terrified in a corner worrying about the "end times" and shit.

I belief in God, without anything in front of it….

Sure, that's why both share a huge part of their holy scriptures, share the same supreme deity, and why Christian cuckservatives can't stop prattling about their Judeo-Christian heritage (ignoring the much more prevalent Greco-Roman heritage, for example)

Archeological evidence and human history say otherwise.

Christianity is reformed Judaism.
Jesus tried to reform the Jews and so all the first Christians were ethnically Jewish for quite some time. The whole converting the world thing didn't happen until long after Jesus was gone.

II. Thou shalt have no other gods before me - YHWH, God of the Judaic and Christian Peoples

Their pretense of faith is not the foundation of their actions. If it were, they would be the only ones guilty.

You're conflating the will of individual men with the will of God. Think.

Why don't you explain it here, since you're so knowledgeable.

God doesn't grant people mystical powers, user. And their position is granted by man, not God.

Odd that Christians have only been harmless for about 70 years then, isn't it?

Christian cuckservatives are not God, and as a result, do not represent his will.

God isn't real, its governed by people.
Stop letting sandniggers from the bronze age dictate how you live and stop worshiping a semite idea.
>Those reddit spaces.

Uhm, it's Christian-Democrats flooding Germany with foreigners, not Jews.

Oh right, their not real Christians, right?

In the case of the Pope, is a mandate granted by the Bible (God's Word).

Pick one!

Another D&C thread. Reported.

There's Jew God who is equivalent in power to Kek as gods of materium but then there's the Platonic God, who real Christians worship.

Too low of a karma count to be on Reddit, too much of a cuck for image boards.

I have done so on multipleoccasions,why dont you do the research yourself for once, chri9stcuck?: Its really not that hard, but it takes a few weeks at least. Start with babylonian and assyrian history, then go to the time where the romans first got into conflict with the jews,and what they did after the romans leveled their cities. I also recommend you read upon Ian mathias, when catholicism was starting to crack and luther did his thing, jews allover europe and ((christians)) from a fringe branch tried to take over germany and turn into fucking ZION.

Christians worship cuckoldry.
They forsake their pleasure for the pleasure of others, their benefit for the benefit of others, their children in favor of alien children.

Christianity is a cult of a cuckold nu-male and it has to die. Kekism is the only true religion.

So admit it then, god doesn't govern the church men do?

Kekism is not a religion, but a mystery School. It does not matter if other people believe.

The church as an institution and pillar of the West is dead and gone. Christians who still dwells there are like flies circling a rotten carcass. Blind, deaf and dumb. They worship the Lie and hate the Truth. Holla Forums is always right because we seek the Truth, lo and behold Lord KEK came to set us free! Were dealing with archetypes, metaphysics.

Christianity is not the modern church. No institution will save you. .


That's how all religions, except christianity and islam operate. Why would you care about the non-believers, unless you are exterminating them?

Tell that to American demographics


Using an example from the last 70 years to refute my point. Masterful.

Uttered by a corrupt institution, it means nothing.

Oh, just "babylonian and assyrian history"?
How about I just read all of history, while I'm at it?
Also, I'm not a catholic, user. I'm wholly opposed to the Vatican, unless you missed that already.

Men govern their own lives and their own opinions. Free will.

I am honestly blown away by most of Holla Forums's inability to differentiate between the Faith and the church.

True but the central point is that the Ogdoad is a conceptual understanding of reality, and not an instruction on how to live your life, as most religions are.


Christians watched Christians in the North Africa, Ibera, Byzantine Empire being raped and murdered and didn't lift a finger, instead they kissed the muslim ass, until they knocked on Vatican's door and the Pope got afraid he's going to get enriched personally.

That's how christians always were, always, throwing whites under the bus and sucking Mohammad and Shlomo dick.

That's philosophy.
Religion is only about worship and servitude to a god.

Yes, use the Vatican, which I wholly oppose, as an example.

Nicely done.

They forsake their pleasure for the pleasure of others, their benefit for the benefit of others, their children in favor of alien children.

user i'am not sure if you are just saying that, but you have no idea of how closetothe truth you actually are. Christ , Jesus, it literally means cuckold in jewish gematria, that is to say, jewish "mysticism". Much of the jews power is derived from the fact that other (christians) willingly cuck themselves by worshiping "christ" (spiritual cuckolding) to their own detriment and benefit of the jews. Its almost impossible to explain this to cuckstians because they refuse to study jewish texts on how the jews operate on a spiritual level. The whole cultof meekness is not coincidental,it was meant to be this way so that the jews can take advantage of goys without them ever noticing, and those whodo get cast out of "grace" and are associatated with being satan, wich is a good thing. "Satan"simply means "adversary",it means adversary to the jews. There is no "satan" as in "the devil", there is no entity, its only a word cuckstians will use to describe anything threatening the jews and by proxy, their cucked worldview. Its completely disgusting, a levelof brainwashing that makes communism look like childs play.

The results of christianity we see all around us today,unfortunately,we are approaching the last stages of it when the jews finaly let the cuckstians to rot and take over society completely, just so happens this time they are doing it on a global scale.

If you oppose Vatican, then you aren't Christian, for Vatican is the only true Christian church, founded by Peter.

The rest aren't even real Christians.


user all religions create institutions that reinforce a certain way of life. Philosophy and Theosophy aren't mutually exclusive in that regard.
Even Buddhism which has the weakest notions of religiosity has numerous monasteries that serve a function for society in promoting a way of life.

"But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." - 1 Timothy 5:8

I don't think so.

I don't think so.
but he might aprove of Pepe

Have you missed my previous posts?

Everything in the bible is completely irrelevant, it must be understood as a whole, not taking passages out of context. For every passage, there is a counter-passage to be used if a situation threatening jews requires it.

Another day on /christpol/

Buddhism isn't a religion, it's a philosophy. That's why it accommodates other pagan religions.

You proved my point.

Show me one religion that doesn't enforce a certain way of life.


You don't have the sage the vols are helping cover up this embarrassment of a thread for you

Cmon man the christians just sacked constantinople and let the ottomans invade europe ironically.

They didint really mean it :^)

Christians pedos tattle tale on this thread and leave pedo posters up. That's Catholics for you

It doesn't matter if I sage or not then.
Good thing they did their job.
Intl loves to take advantage of how easy it is to piss off Christians since they are obligated to reply.

Hellenism or many other pagan religions.
The Romans didn't live in a certain way because of the religion. Instead they worshiped a god, that patronizes their way of living. Soldiers worshiped Mars, fisherman worshiped Neptune, alcoholics worshiped Bacchus, even whore and assassins had their deities.

God is a jealous God, so no
also your frog isn't going to save the world; theres just some hell-dweller that pretends to be something it isn't, which is that frog thing that you claim to love, and takes credit for things that it didn't do in an effort to get worshipers such as yourself for whatever reason(s)

your frog didn't help in the election at all OP; if anything of the sort it made less people than usual embrace Holla Forums and their viewpoints because maybe just 8 certain guys, yourself included, pretend love that frog so much and make it seem to newcomers like the entire board loves it aside from a small minority of users

would sage, but its bumplocked

So does the boggieman

Source is your ass, right?

But don't those gods themselves ascribe to observing certain way of life or function to society?
It would be strange for a god to not have any characteristics that are to be reinforced in reality by its believers.

They don't actually contradict, except at face value. What I think is going on, is that their words had a lot of different meanings, and what they said was to narrow it down to something more specific.

Yeah everyone who points out the flaws in your religion is Holla Forums. Sure, keep believing that. I take you have years of practice into believing things that make you feel secure, but arent actually true.

Oye Vey!

I'm not a Christian. It's a fact that Holla Forums has been launching a D&C campaign since their boy got outed in the sticky.
I don't like Christcucks either, read my posts.

They still do, its called Yaweh.

Through our various whistleblowing digs, I think you could say we are doing good in the world. When a person does good deeds, that is God working through them. So, you could think of God as doing work through Kek. Generally speaking idol worship is a no-no, but I don't think this counts as worship, plus I think we're actually beneficially effecting the world

Its pretty strange how many non-Christian militant pro Christians this board has

True enough. However, that dosent change the fact Holla Forums is a free place for ideas, and the goal here is ALWYS truth, even if it was initiated by a D&C shill.

This is how our enemies fuck themselves, they come here to destroy us but end up making us stronger by fighting them, and finding the truth of finds as a result.

Where did I defend Christianity? I said I liked Jesus because he thought Jews were Evil and tried to reform them, and that's it.

ctrl+f "fe3b95" that should give you a list

I don't disagree, it's just the thread wasn't of great quality either to begin with, so I'm glad its anchored and maybe it can make way for one that is better suited for discussion.

Okay you're just retarded. If I defended Christianity it should be easy for you to point it out.

Hey I'm not the one who forgot what I posted. You were just whiteknighting christcucks saying anyone that dares to attack them or even has a unkind word to say must be with the ever dastardly Holla Forums

Friendly reminder that D&C is one of the shill's greatest tools and that religion is one of their main D&C focal points (see ). Don't go full autist on each other or you'll just derail the thread.

That being said, a Christian would have to view Kek as a God-created force (and thus entirely dictated by him) to not be heretical. Keep in mind that some Christians and many (((Christians))) (yes there is a difference) are openly expecting to witness the end times and are embracing it (those "in case of rapture this car will be unmanned" bumper stickers are no joke) so this viewpoint is quite a stretch in the typical Christian community. That being said, if you aren't utilizing your free will to determine right and wrong within your beliefs then you're just an NPC and shouldn't even be here. Christianity herds NPCs like sheep (Jesus the shepard is, again, no joke) so those that can use more than a 2,000 year old book that's been (((revised))) multiple times are definitely the minority.

It was actually initially made and distributed by mostly Greeks (and some Roman converts). You should pick up a Talmud and see what the Jews think of Jesus, that'll give you a good indication of what they think of the Bible. Of course that also means that they've been more than happy to (((revise))) it, and what we have now is heavily pozzed so it's basically a Jewish text unless you really know what to look for.

Good lord that's right on the dime. Recalling my mother's stories about what went on as the French cucked out of their colonies and left us colonials still keeps me up at night. I think I actually get what the kikes mean when they say "it was real in my mind" (only the hollow-hoax was just that, unlike the end of the French colonies). Of course the mainstream Catholics and the entirely of the French populace didn't give a shit about the colonials who dodged the rape-jihad, only the hardcore Catholics who completely ignored all the Vactian I & II reforms bothered helping (and it wasn't free homes & money, just the food needed to survive and church services to remind you what God would want you to do in their eyes).

It all reminds me of what's going on today though; we aim to save our race and our world but most of our people are pozzed or simply don't know the truth of the situation. While our grandparents may not have given two shits about nationalists from X country or people of X religion we can't afford to fight like that. We need to leave that for our children, after securing their births and securing their homelands. 14/88 should be our driving mantra on Holla Forums, leave the religious infighting for their boards. If you're unable to do that then you're only hurting your people and need to deport yourself from this board.

I never said that, and the fact you can't quote it makes it obvious you are lying. The closest approximation to that statement was Intl loves to take advantage of how easy it is to piss off Christians since they are obligated to reply."
Which is also a jab at Christians.
Low energy tbh fam

Thats the thing bro,there is no "jesus" as christians think of him. Jesus was just some guy, and is used amongst jews as a metaphor for what happens to jews who betray fellow jews and try to "correct" them. Jesus was being tricked by the evil god Yaweh because he fundamentally disagreed with what he was doing to the jews, essencialy turning them into monsters of vice and malice, so Yaweh himself made sure jesus will burn in excrement for eternity, according to their tales. Its hasant aanything to do with europeans, the "odissey"of jesus is just a fucking cautionary tale to OTHER jews about what happens to them if they try to be good people(ie: the other jeus will pay the authorities to fuck you up and shove a spear in your kidneys). There is a reason ((christians)) were only sold the part of the original story, wich they now call the bible. You have to read to whole thing to understand what the fuck they were talking about, you need to read the talmud, the bible AND the Koran. Then you will understand its just a pile of jewish bullshit and bedtime stories.

Way ahead of you, fam.

Meant to link this

That make it easy enough for you?

See I think Jesus rejected Yaweh, and the god of the OT and the NT are fundamentally different gods as a result of it.

I never said that and you know it retard.
What I said explains itself. It has nothing to do with Christianity as a religion. Just the simple fact that they are easy to bait and so low hanging fruit for intl.

Guys, what if Kek is an Aeon, just like Jesus and Sophia?

Kek is Chaos, and so a fundamental aspect of reality. The 8 Gods of the Ogdoad all represent underlying truths that make reality existent.
The 8 gods are sublimated into 4, which then become 1 (everything) of which the inverse is 0 (nothing) which is the Universe itself. The dichotomous view of reality (dualism) is a largely Jewish concept that keeps people from realizing all things are inextricably linked and are mutually necessary.
I think Gnosis was the attempt to re-tap into the ancient knowledge of the forgotten world, which the Ogdoad is a remnant of.

YES,FINALY. "jesus"ASSUMED a god couldnt be as evil as Yaweh, so he created another entity in his head entirely, he was like a crazy person, a madman( not that he was bad, he was considered mad because refusing wealth and power sounds like madness to a jew)

You, however, are white, you are not a semite, you are european, and your gods are not those of the desert. If you really want to be a christian,be iso by all means, but dont impose it on euroepans, its not our inherent spirituality, hence why it dosent give us any spiritual power or legitimate relief. To be a christian, is to follow the footsteps of jesus, that is,to be abused and tricked by jews, as jesus was. He was not wrong in saying jews are bad, because he was one and rejected his owns nature, if anything, he would be considered a "pagan" by semitic standards.

All that said, i must empathize the importance of this, There is not "one god", that is a semitic myth, the jews who are not atheistic BELIEVE there are other gods, but they oppenly oppose them, even thou the DO reconize them as what they are, gods, like Odin and such, they just really fucking hate them because such gods interfere with the process the jews require to survive (ie: being harmless fools who get taken advantage of).

Jesus was a great guy, but he was not OUR guy, he was a jew who rebelled against the evil god Yaweh and failed, because jesus was, unlike other jews, spiritualy a good person.

Look at it this way, if jesus went to valhalla, he would be welcome for standing up to evil. He however is forever trapped in anguish because your belief wont let Yaweh go of his spirit, for we need to DESTROY yaweh, NOT worship him.

Makes sense, especially given how the fedora-clad atheists have effectively adopted the pre-established jew-science as their "religion" which conveniently rejects the quantum-level studies that are just beginning to show how linked everything is.

I don't want to be a Christian, I was not raised to be one either.
I think Christianity is intended for Jews as a way to make themselves less evil.
I appreciate the energy in your two posts though so I capped them and added it to my kek folder.

Exactly, they perverted science from a methodology intended for discerning that which is more true into a dogma largely based around Einsteins Relativity.

Fedoras have the curiosity and doubt of fake spirituality because of their western culture, the jews however quickly ammended that with modern "science",then again leading them to the path of nothingness.

Thanks, its good to have some non-retarded people in these threads once in a while.

Now, yes, fixing jews is what jesus tried to do, but the thing is, you cant, you either ignore them or destroy them, or you end up like jesus.

Christians need to understand what the bible is, and why its so dangerous. Its a compilation of texts by jewish writters and folklore, mixed with graeco-roman estoicism later onto infiltrate and destroy roman society as revenge for the destruction of the jewish homeland. The bible itself didint "fall from heaven"it was written, rewritten and redacted multipletimes to suit the needs of the jews. 100 from now, for example, there might be passages in the bible about an entity called Adolf Satanler who wielded the sword of hatespeeech and cast jews into the ovens of evil aryanism. Some passages of the bible have gaps of as high as 40-50 years between them wich were filled as time went on, regarding the current political climate,to suit the story the jews needed to fuck goys.

So I may be on to something or just preaching to the choir?

I like it when the fedoras claim they love science and worship logic so much, but then reject racial studies because das raycis.
anytime someone says the word "logical" I feel disgusted

To be clear, are you saying science is a religion?

Dose God approve of kek? How dare you blastmeme. Praise kek.


No,as far as i know science issimply a method of learning things empirically.

Religion as far as i understand is a method of understanding things in a methaphysical sense. (ie:beyond sciense)


Fucking Christfags!

Alright, fair enough. Things are a bit more connected than that in my mind, and I find the line between those hard to draw, but I see what you're saying.

I was talking about how they've adopting jewish "science" as a quasi-religion in the post user responded to. Once we un-pozz science we need to make sure that the divide between the applications of science and religion are clear again.

Kekdammit why did the powers that be decide to start farming the lulz. 2016 really is the ride that I don't want to stop.

Preaching to the choir mate, not that I don't appreciate it.


True, which is why the bible can't be logically codified "as the word of God" since all the works in it were only linked after the fact.

They probablyare more connected than we understand, sadly we are only human and limited in our ability to perceive things that exist "behind the veil".

There IS something out there, and we have hints at what it is, or what it could be. We cant point out exactly what because of our physical limitations. If anything, i beliebe"gods'are a manifestation of the process, wich are continual. Wich is why as white it is logical, in this context of understanding,to believe in odin and the like, since as far as our knowledge goes, before the migration of the tribes, etc, our far ancestors already considered the gods to be not actual spirits, but their own physical (ie:human) ancestors from some other place/time. Sadly our jewish ((friends)) went out of their way to destroy any knowledge we might have had of such periods of history.

Not that user, but yes, science today is little more than a religion. Mental masturbation, belief and faith in their idiotic theories are more important than actual experimentation and observation. That is why stupid ideas like The Big Bang have come to fore, and more idiotic crap like dark matter have been created to back up the shitty ass theory that actual observations refute. Just like Kepler's epicycles, scientists today tend to make observations fit their precious theories, rather than the other way around. A lot like religion if you ask me. They won't even let serious scientists get their works published, because it won't pass peer review. Priests of bullshit if you ask me. The Big Bang Theory is Creationism, plain and simple. There is no difference.
Read "The Big Bang Never Happened" by Lerner, and study what the plasmologists like Alfven have been saying. You will see the truth, and the truth shall set you free. We live in an infinite Universe that has always been and always will be, constantly changing, coalescing, destroying, progressing… That means the center of the universe is everywhere, the circumference nowhere. That makes the center everywhere, everywhen; that means YOU are the center of the universe. YOU Are Responsible.
(See why religions and centralized control systems always try to hide this fact?) Sorry to break it to you, but YOU Are Lord KEK. Act like it.

Huh,i think kek might be trying to tell me something…

Not gonna ignore those digits.
Orwell had said that the best way to utterly annihilate a people is to deny and destroy their understanding of their own history.

Found a PDF here if anyone is interested, I'm going to look into it myself.

You won't be sorry.
It's a fantastic read, and the political and sociological implications are more than real and exciting. A small change of viewpoint by mankind could literally change everything!

Larpagan here, i highly recommend this book.

Sometimes you actually amaze me, Holla Forums!

What is the context of that picture, if i may ask

Also, why is that an american flag and not an australian one?

You got a lot of moose there in Australia?

it's just your typical summer day in texas.

I don't think it's just what the kikes have done that made science a religion. It was already the philosophy of nature, before it became separated from other philosophies. I don't think it's meaningfully different even if we were using it right. It'd still basically be a system that carries a bunch of collective beliefs. A belief system. A religion.

I don't really care who believed what. I just care about the truth. Doesn't matter if my ancestors believed whatever. That doesn't mean it makes sense to me. Questioning this stuff is a pretty white thing to do too. Odin is just not a compelling figure for me. I would reject any notion of a "god" that is under creation. God must be above creation. It's only logical.

I'll go even further than that. All knowledge uses circular logic. The truth is inherently circular. You use the truth to verify the truth. That doesn't mean all knowledge is the truth though, but you had to start somewhere, and because of how logic works (which is, you get out of it according to what you put into it), the conclusion you will ultimately arrive at is, if you use logic correctly, determined upon the foundation of what you worked your way up from. What's more, without a foundation, no option is more compelling than the other, because you have no logic to work from. So, everything is decided right when you choose the foundation. The discoveries afterwards are just you working out what was already set in stone based on the premise.

The fact the windows of the house are out of scale deeply disturb me. make of that what you will.

You really wanna get disturbed?
Read the book:

You deserve this (You).
Excellent insight, user.

Pagan gods are not creators, they are more like regents of certain facets of reality, like "administrators of the natural order". That natural order, wich we mostly call "reality" is the primordial "thing" not constrained by our perceptions of time and space. The particles wich constitute water for example, if you stand above it, a fish will look differently than if you were underwater, if you can see the fish at all. The relation between we and "divinity", or in better words, the gap in our ability to understand, and the constitution of the "reality" are too distant right now for us to see the fish clearly. To a fish, existance is swimming, that is his perceived reality, to you, a fish is a meal, that is also a reality, but is a reality beyond that wich the fish can understand,even if it might affect him, asyou live in reality, but a reality wich is not yet completeto you since you still havent left the pond.

II. Thou shalt have no other gods before me
You said he put kek was before him?

Nice triple dubs.

Duh, KEK was b4 him!

Yet these are the sort of threads the mods screw because it makes cuckstians mad.It's really telling.


By the time Jews were falsifying their enslavement under de ebil egiptnazis, kek was already thousands of years old.

Maybe they need more Eris!
She has always been in favor of Lord Kek!

Thanks, user! I'm glad you appreciate it.

I think you really just explained why it's so important to have abstract knowledge. For example, you can play a "perfect" game of tic-tac-toe. That's easy. Now, you understand the idea of what "perfect" can be. You understand the rules of the game, so you understand what rules and parameters are. You try to take away those rules, and then you try to understand what perfection is further and further out into the abstractions. What is perfection without rules? Seems to me like a God. If we have consciousness, then surely God is capable of consciousness, and therefor conscious. Consistency is something that drives reality. God isn't bound by even something such as logical consistency. He's not bound by any rules.

Still, I see your point that Pagan gods are not creators, but more like administrators. Given that idea though, they seem perhaps no different than the concepts that they supposedly govern. It's like a humanizing of an abstract thought, which has always been done. A friend of mine thinks Aristotle was a school of thought, and people would come up with a new idea for that school of thought, and credit it to Aristotle. Either way, seems like a similar concept to me.

Don't push it, user!
You know only a certain kind of Goddess is worshipped here on Holla Forums.

Abstract knowledge is the essence of wisdom. You are able to kinda explain things you shouldn't be ableto, but stillcan, because of reason you don't fully understand. It's like a small moment in wich instincts and rationality meet to color the painting "just right".

I love conversations like this, too bad such things in academia nowdays would be considered rayciss.

To be fair, way too many anons fall for the D&C these sort of threads attract. It would seem that few things trigger the jew more than the Aryans digging up their roots and seeing where they lead.

As a Christian I would say that the biggest issue we have is a general refusal to look outside the box and outside the Bible. Even if it were entirely based in Aryan knowledge (which it almost certainly isn't) it's been around long enough and edited enough to hold no more validation than the telephone-esque game of oral tradition. As a whole we need to take the philosophical lens that the earliest Christians forged with Aryan intuition and use it to decipher meaning from the outside knowledge the world displays (including Kek's return) while realizing and accepting that doing so would put us in a similar position to many pagans. I believe this would allow for an eventual reformation and transition back into a wholly Aryan way of being without losing the Christian-dominated history & anecdotes of the middle ages that will one day be just as archaic as pre-Roman times are to us today.

I remember in a thread not too long ago there was a discussion of how ancient religions & pantheons could easily have been the memes (and in that way scientific knowledge and/or morals/traditions) of the society that existed before the proposed Atlantean collapse. Personifying them could have been the best possible way to allow the survivors to maintain that knowledge in the fullest possible form without needing to have experienced the world that knowledge came from.

This is a christianity i can respect, even if i dont like the term.

To be "christian" is to reject the bible, especialy as it is now, and to reject jews, and judaism, in all its forms. Have you ever taken a look into what was originaly called Aryan Christianity? Wich was adopted by some of the migrating tribes? It was basicaly a cult of knowledge, and the only link they had to what zionist retards of today call christianity erroneously,was the fact they looked into the bible to the origins of what we call indo-europeans. Sadly almost ll the knowledge of the aryan christians were completely destroyed with book burnings after the fall of the kingdoms of the vandals and the alans in north africa.

I've looked into Aryan Christianity before but have had a lot of trouble finding sources that aren't Wikipedia-tier levels of kosher. Currently I've been looking more into my family's roots as far back as we've managed to leave (often vague) hints. Apparently we've had quite the calling to North Africa since it's where we derived our family name. We were likely among the Roman settlers who named its lands and while initially pagan eventually converted to Christianity and ran at least one of the dioceses in the region we were in. In this way my ancestors were likely directly involved with Aryan Christianity as they were in the general areas the Vandals/Aryans claimed, and I hope to dig up something on the topic in this way. That being said I suspect my ancestors stayed until the muslims pillaged and conquered it all (since around that time is when our family name started appearing in Papal State records versus the now-conquered diocese we were tied to).

Funny enough most of my ancestors and their family stayed in the general area around Rome & Naples until the next African colonial period when did everything in their power to get into French North Africa (they weren't too keen on non-French people getting in). After three generations my grandfather finally managed to claw his way into landownership only to be just in time for the French to ditch everything and let the colonists get jihaded (he held out anyways at first, but eventually the "liberated" muslim hordes was making things impossible to 14/88 there without risking everyone getting raped and killed).

Anyways, the tl;dr is that my ancestors had deeply rooted themselves in old-school Christianity and a white North Africa. Given that not even Europe is safe right now I'm unlikely to be able to fulfill any reclamation efforts on my ancestral homelands, so I'm trying to position myself in the Catholic church so that when it goes into its next collapse I might be in a position to steer some of it towards what Aryan Christianity seemed to be working towards (though I really need to figure out the finer details if I'm going to be effective). I know Christianity as a whole has been pozzed to hell and back, but I don't suspect it's going away if the white man's place in the world is restored and in that case something drastic will need to be done to shift it out of the Zionist hole it's embedded itself in for much of its history. If more Aryan belief systems do become dominant in its place, then the goal would shift towards creating a bridge towards those systems.


Criminally underchecked digits


It seems to me that this might be due to the fractal-like design of the universe. Abstracting out using smaller systems will allow a view of the bigger picture. The truth is inherently perfectly self-consistent as well, so any perfectly self-consistent logical system should theoretically mimic the truth. That's why math is such a useful language for predicting things about reality.

For academia, it really is too bad. It makes the institutions seem idiotic, which they are.

It makes sense to me. I heard someone, I think maybe it was James Flynn, talking to Stefan Molyneux about IQ, saying that people used to not think in the abstract very much. They would think in terms of things solidly grounded in reality. I could imagine a smarter person realizing this, and codifying abstract thoughts by humanizing them, and putting them into a story that essentially explains them. Though perhaps the story itself that really carries the information, and the character is just the avatar for the thought, or thoughts.

Stop invoking the Assyrian name you autistic white faggot we've been Christians for 2000 years. Christianity is the anti-thesis of Judaism. Just because most of you Whites are so uncultured that you can't muster up any ethnic and national pride doesn't mean all other Christians are the same. Christianity is what saved the Assyrian race from assimilation into the Muslim world