Russian Su-33 Jet Crash: Aircraft Crashes In Mediterranean While Landing
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shame, such a beautiful plane.
kuznetsov seems to be cursed
slavshit planes btfo
shit happens
Glourious comrade wins again!!!
This isn't news. Every country's air force has fighter jets that fail at some critical moment.
This isn't news. Every country's air force has fighter jets that fail at some critical moment.
But have we started the fire?
Back to the drawing board
How does the pilot eject, when in water?
Sounds like a completely shit situation. Sort of like Ice Road truckers, driving over frozen lakes
Must have ejected before the plane hit the water. I'm surprised that he survived with no injuries.
Last month or two has been a pretty bad time for fighter planes.
There was that MIG-29 that crashed, a Chinese fighter of some kind, a Canadian F-18 and I think a US F-18 went down too.
Do you mean after you've already hit the water?
If so, you just jettison the canopy and climb out.
small aircraft carrier
He didn't fly so good!
How can an F-15 equivalent take off from a carrier?
I'm calling bullshit on this entire story.
Su-33 are limited to ground takeoff guaranteed.
Thank you user, I was about to post that myself
These are some pretty expensive mishaps. Apparently the cabel snaped in this case.
both beautiful plainfus
Su-33 Flanker-D, carrier-based variant of the Su-27 Flanker
for you
Since when is the Su-33 a multirole? I thought it was a devoted fleet defense fighter.
Slav engineering can make it multirole.
straight fromt he horses mouth
apparently they lost 2 jets because the braking lines crapped out
In the last 6 months the USMC lost 4 F-18 and god only knows how many since they got put in service. Just saying, how weird the MSM never speak of those?
Doesn't change the fact that the Kuz and his planes are a shit design, the carrier was never designed with the planes in mind (since it was meant for Yak-142 originally, the the Su-33 should only have been use as AA), the planes aren't mean for the carrier (since the Russian abandoned all their carrier specific planes and are only adapting existing designs).
As a result you have a tandem plane/carrier that only work if everything go alright which is recipe for disaster.
Frankly it's testament to the sheer dedication (and insanity) of the crew/pilots that those thing even manage to fly out, bomb shit and come back.
9 actually, the budget cuts have severely undermined the proper maintenance of legacy hornets. They're literally stripping F/A-18Cs and Ds that could be flying for parts because they're so short of them.
also new ID due to VPN change.
This boy knows what he's talking about