MGTOW and complaints about women on the decline?

I haven't heard much about MGTOW or the general state of affairs concerning tinder, dating, hopeless relationships, and so on in the past…forever it seems. Sometimes I hear of complaints about modern female behavior, such as hypergamy, the cock carousel, etc., but it seems mostly dead on 8/pol/, and a quick Jewgle search only brings about articles from yesteryear.

I've personally been cut off from this after learning some things in the occult, and I haven't really minded not having a GF because I've been quite preoccupied by other things. I suspect this is true for many anons on the chans–the meme magick and Hermeticist stuff has sent us into a wave of passion, and we're not as focused on gender stuff.

So what's going on?

Other urls found in this thread:

Well, females just voted for Austria to be destroyed and Austrian boys to be raped by immigrants, so there's that. Really I think people are just fed up with women and want to see them all killed finally. We just need artificial wombs because females are subhuman and do not deserve to live.

idk about others but you begin to complain less as you grow up and accept the situation. Also, I think earlier I used to believe that men and women were equal but nowadays I see that women are not really to blame for how shit modern society has made them because they are basically children. Ultimately its our job as men to control our women and we have failed as a collective society very badly.

Get an east European. They are traditional, wholesome and not bitches. Iv been with gf for 5 years and we are having a child. We are both 26.

A very extreme position, but there's always a distribution of extremes when it comes to any platform, and it's this distribution that is memetically beneficial. Good to hear there's extremists like you out there, keeping this shit kicking.

I'm not MGTOW myself, but I'm a little dismayed to see it possibly declining. It has the potential to fuck shit up and set about a better state of affairs. Chaos and Order go hand-in-hand. But maybe, as you suggest, I'm just not checking the right threads.


Could you be any more transparent?

She is having her child.
You will soon learn the difference and your role in that relationship.
Not going to argue with you because this is one of those things that you must experience for yourself.

Slavic women are fucking harsh. I never really liked Russians' inability to tolerate "stupidity," because it makes it hard to have intellectual discourse.

It's sad, really. Holla Forums is getting hit by shills hard, and sometimes I'm accused of one because I don't want to see gays tossed into the bog. I get it man. I wasn't trying to start shit–I just used to be MGTOW and I wanted to see where stuff was headed.


Im still going my own way until i can secure a comfy standard. Otherwise - i am simply to distracted by real life because most ants are not picking up the slack.

I hate this ants nest.

Honest question, why would you be dismayed to see MGTOW declining?

Because it was useful to sow discord in the current state of affairs. It destroys feminism and destroys an older structure (post-classical nuclear family, women have the right to vote and deserve XYZ without having to do WUV, etc., etc.) with an atavistic one (classical/pre-Christian extended family arrangement where women couldn't vote and were treated, lovingly, like property).

Fucked my wife this morning. Then she made breakfast and got the kids ready.

It means standards are improving again. Or people are committing to relationships again.

That said. Chicks are crazy nowadays. They want all for too little. And not enough men bother to make things better. They still live in 90s grunge land. Fortunately i think that meme is changing as men get more frustrated with femenism and the other isms.

New scene is more pagan/Christian influenced :^)

Really? Because it seems like you guys have really been pushing the anti-woman talking point really fucking hard lately.
Sage. Don't fall for their shit guys. They don't want us to breed.

you might as well join them you fuckin faggot

the only point they have is that a man doing things and succeeding in his life should be for himself and no one else, the nly possible exception being that those actions add to the health of his race.
Women should not be the focus of a mans life, and certainly not untill at least his very late 20s. Women are an accessory.
Now when a man is nearing 30, is financially stable and has an established career then he can start thinking about funding a women to settle down with. Provided he has alpha'd the shit out of her and she is subserviant to him and the direction he has set for his own life

hilarious typo that is incredibly accurate.
meant *finding* a women

come on, it's 2016


Every single one of you pedo fucks is going to die screaming.

I've been checking out chateau heartiste's stuff lately and it's actually reduced my annoyance with the weaker sex. I think a lot of the MGTOW mindset is they feel disappointed that women don't have the same virtues as men, are easily manipulated, etc. In short, they consider them adults and thus get let down every time.

Since I think of women in general as children, I can't really blame them for their nature. To solve the women problem we must first solve the men problem. Men's weakness among other (((things))) is what allowed women to gain political power and help run our culture into the ground. Hopefully we will be the generation to turn it around.

I'm now MGTOW, breh. Learning about stuff in the esoteric field really boosted my faith in women as a whole. I just see use for the MGTOW movement to wreck feminism and (((serial monogamy))).

Where did that one come from?

your more likely to find a wholesome mother material woman in las vegas.
the slav girls that are not degenerate whores just like they are here are the rural ones, the ones that dont want to leave.
Shes more likely to give you the clap and clear out your bank account as soon as your back as turned before she skins out than to bear your children and join you on the homestead.
The Slavic mail order bride meme needs to stop. All it does is foster a sit-on-my-ass attitude when it comes to reproduction for the white race.

the grass is always greener mentality is all it is

I used to me MGTOW, now I want a wife and a lot of white babies

Thank you for remembering us the current year, shill

Can one of you MGTOW fags actually justify the MGTOW movement taking into account:
- incels dropping out of the sexual marketplace has no effect
- Chads will happily pick up the slack from other men dropping out

Thanks, user. I'm going to have to check this out.

I'm not really sure what to believe. Women are not men and they're more neotenous, more susceptible for emotional manipulation, etc., but I really don't like the thought of thinking of them as though children. I believe it's probably best if we try to bolster their sense of agency. As it stands, feminism is pretty much saying women are victims (= no agency) and Nationalists are saying they're children (= no agency, again).

It reminds me of what tales the Norse spun about warrior women when Christianity threatened to change their view of women. They reacted by creating an image of strong women of virtue, who nonetheless were still subservient to–and owned by–men.

He's clearly kidding about the current year thing you autists

After sowing so much discord, isn't there a point where things start to get better? If you're noticing less examples of MGTOW, maybe it's because the current state of affairs have started changing.
The more that feminism mutates, the more damage it does to itself - women are starting to realise they had it damn good pre-feminism. They could be housewives, mothers, raise successful kids, have a loving family environment and lead fulfilling lives. Nowadays, they can barely fit in motherhood while trying to chase a career - and women are biologically made to want to be mothers.

MGTOW is a dead end for (mostly white) males. I'm not sure what you mean by 'serial monogamy'. Monogamy is a good thing.

You're welcome, friend :^)

Fuck. I meant to say I'm not MGTOW.

I got permanently banned for literally no reason.. and i'm still posting, good mods

hahaha at this point i'm just here to laugh at mods face

MGTOW doesn't encourage or promote getting laid nor does it explain how to handle or deal with women in general, so the only time you'll hear about it is when an outsider from somewhere like Neofag uses it as an insult to try to shame people they disagree with. Or compare everyone to /r9k/ in the case of somewhere like here.

I see what you mean, user. I am seeing vast improvements in that it seems a lot of women are disowning feminism. I just envisioned something less subtle. Maybe it's my error for wanting a major fucking happening when it's sliding to our favor already.

When people have had many, many relationships, but they still only dated one person at a time. Like when women have had 10+ boyfriends in the past, but they're still not "promiscuous," by normie parlance.

Anyway, this is basically what I mean. I've met slav women and I talked to slavs that warned me of slav women. They've got similar or the same problems our women have. And if you meet some women (western or slavic) in a foreign country, chances are she's not wife material, as you will most likely find wife material in the country side of their own countries and those usually don't leave their homes for foreign lands.


Serial Monogamy is dick-hopping around marriages, basically marry a guy, then when you find a better deal, leave that guy for the better guy or deal. Keep in mind that this is only possible due to no-fault divorce. Women want this, and they don't want to simply throw it away. And don't say a few women want to go back, because the silent majority still wants it, thus Anti-Feminist-In-Name-Only.

You have to remove the laws that allow this shit to happen and men would enforce women without fear of being reprimanded by law.

You are so smart and so brave

You mistake my position. I think we should start looking into extended family living arrangements to help with finances so that whites can start pumping out more children.

But see, that's the problem. Pretending they had real agency was the first step down the path towards giving them the vote. Our ancestors recognized that, however much we might love women, we cannot pretend they are built to handle men's role in society. As Hitler said, "a woman's world is a smaller one".

You are so smart and so brave, certainly not an >i was only pretending to be a retard

How do you guys feel about multi-generational housing? Its something that is typically looked down upon in the US due to the large amount of land available and the history of people buying their own homes.
With the rising cost of living in the world today, and the jewed up housing and loan system, would it be better to try and shift the public opinion of multi-generational housing?
What about the current treatment of elders?

I see what you mean. I'd be more likely to just call it promiscuity (according to the literal definition I'm not correct here) if someone has many partners, even if it was just one partner at a time.
I'd rather have people just call feminism on the bullshit it is, without the extreme of taking yourself out of the gene-pool to make a point.

Down Syndrome's a bitch isn't it?



No, you don't get it
go join them in the >>>/bog/ you poz-sucking sack of shit


do you think you can honestly argue against continuing the white race on the board you stupid fuck?

no u

Who are you quoting, its not like you need a women to have children these days?

It can be a great thing, not just for saving money or whatever. You get to see your family more often, not just once or twice a year for a few hours during christmas and thanksgiving but you can keep your private life too, assuming you have multiple houses on a large property. If something bad happens, your family is right there to help you, you can take trips with or without your kids while having someone there to watch the house and so on. As long as you are able and willing to set and respect boundaries, there's a lot going for it.

I see other races doing this, only to their advantage, and that's why I see it as a good endeavor. I'm pretty sure our deep ancestors did it too, so it's not like we're emulating shitskin culture. I think the nuclear family structure is more due to modernity, and I'm really tired of arguments going along the lines of "You're trying to destroy the traditional nuclear family!"
Well, it's only traditional if you go back no more than a century or two. It takes time for men to earn the resources and position necessary to get a separate house. If family just shared property, houses would get paid off, and people could start reproducing at a younger age.

You also brought up a good point about taking care of our elders. It was a really big switch for me, as a millennial who initially hated the idea of family weighing me down. Now I look upon it as a responsibility to my family.

I think what's necessary to do this is to improve the relations between generations. As it stands, Boomers and Gen X hate millennials, so milleannials don't like the thought of living with their parents. Also, no one wants to live with their step-parents as "family." That's where serial monogamy gets it really fucking wrong. There is no unified nuclear family when you have kids from a previous marriage.


It's another attempt to degenerate the White Nationalist movement.


These gender threads are just your average D&C and you niggers manage to fall for it every day

Everything about this post screams normalfag

Where the fuck do you faggots come up with this? Hermeticism is the next step to proving that your ancestors are literally alive on the astral plane, along with all gods from all pantheons.

Do you have any fucking idea how big of an impact this will have on us culturally?

Now, if a slut race-mixes, her thousand-year-line of ancestors will know about it too!

normal, aka heterosexal non pedo, is good.

Shut up


Sorry i can't help you, retard

Feels good to shitpost all over pol, doesn't it?
The left won in austria btw

Completely valid points. I dont know if it is entirely practical to live in a city and have more than three generations in a house. Without room to expand it seems like things could be tense. That said, the benefits seem like it would outweigh the negatives.

I see the traditional nuclear family as a strictly american thing. Traditional families in my opinion should be families that live on the same plot of generationally owned land, maybe with different houses. I dont know how the inheritance of property and the passing of houses should work, though. If you ahve large families there could be conflict with who gets what. Having your daughters live with the families of their husbands is the obvious choice to relieve a bit of pressure, but the sons is what gets me a bit worried.

Men going their own way!!



artificial wombs are already working

Wicked sick burn

Wow, trashy women still get really offended by this sort of thread.

I think how it was handled was that the sons lived with their extended family before and after marriage, and the women left when it was time to marry. I think this is also how the ancient Indo-Europeans did it, actually. Nothing degenerate about it.

for rich and connected kikes and still cost millions of dollars.
so tell me in the short term, in the next 20 years, how the fuck that will help the white race and the coming war.
you are being a fcuking idiot and avoiding the very real threat of extinction that whites face RIGHT NOW.
and your pulling retarded shit out of your furry fantasies, shit that conveniently leaves out the part where you have to interact with a woman.
nut up you stupid fuck and go out their and find a women who isnt a degenerate slut and baby that bitch up. But that would require you stop fantasizing about life and sex and actually go out their and experience it instead.

You(((Alt-Right))) homosexual pedo Hermetic esoteric fags will die longer and more painfully on the day of the rope.

And the fact that this user isn't banned for this post is just fucking proof this board is now a data collection demoralization website

That's bullshit. I knew it was bullshit but I googled it anyway, and it is. Wikipedia puts it best, "An artificial uterus (or artificial womb) is a theoretical device that would allow for…"


i agree with the rest, but you do know where your are right?

Link to proof of artifical uterus plz?

nice projection
Wow you actually believe the pro immigration memes.

Wikipedia doesn't need any help being discredited

where the fuck did you get that?



Check the IDs newfriend

You think the white race is somehow in immediate danger of dying out. That's the same line the pro immigration idiots use. Its note even remotely true especially considering automation advances

well at least it's nice to know that mtgows are making a concerted effort not to pass on their genetic material. i'm sorry you were lied to about the capabilities of your fleshlight.

MGTOW merged into the alt-right. So did the manosphere. MGTOW was a movement about hating white women not sure how it merged into the alt-right but it did. All the MGTOW people are now racists.

It was probably the high degree of exchange between MGTOW, manosphere and white nationalism that led to those two groups getting absorbed by white nationalism. I guess it's easy to transition from rejecting egalitarianism between the genders to rejecting it between the races too.

You are part of the problem.

They realized that constantly bitching about women will not solve the problem and gone back to watch porn and jack off while dreaming that one day they'll be able to spread their genes and make more hapa-tier omega failures.


No one said Christfags or pagans or anyone who isn't a fucking Marxist demoralization agent will die on the day of the Rope…

The Holocaust never happened. But it will

Excellent argument but I think I'll stay

To address the issue of elders again, I agree that there is a lot of tension between generations right now. Where as elders of past were looked to with reverence, the elders of this generation have been replaced with the internet, where knowledge is a few keystrokes away. Older people tend to have a harder time adjusting to newer forms of media and technology and this fault seems to leave them outmoded. They are just stuck in "Nursing Homes" now adays, lining the pockets of the hospital owners and medication companies while their children have to work even more slave labor to support them.
If women return to a homestead position, it is possible to save more money and to split the work among multiple wives from different sons.
I also think that children who grow up loving their grandparents turn out healthier, and would like to read studies on it. Grandparents can serve as a sort of foil to the role of parenting sort of like a soft guidance as opposed to the stern guidance of good parents.

The chinks in the US are currently out-breeding the whites, that's for sure
And I believe that this is a problem for the white men that is often overlooked

The mind of a women is a scary thing

this. MGTOW was, at one point, only about bettering yourself. But, as any other beneficial cuccit board, it got shit up pretty fast.

I personally don't care about gays/feminists, because they'll fail to procreate anyway, so the problem ceases to exist at some point in time.

However, I see a race war coming up and I intend on surviving this shit.

Ill bet they are all ukranians

Pick one. White nationalism is pro-family, manosphere is the exact opposite, lead by kikes and shitskins. Anybody who says they are part of the Right and not infiltrators is a shill.

im not going to argue with you in good faith the commonly acknowledged fact that if the white race doesnt not do something to drastically change demographic trends it will become minorities in its own countries. And take a look at the butchery thats going on in south africa if you need convincing that does not bode well at all for hu-ites

true, chinks are something we will have to deal with eventually, but compared to kikes and their spic-nigger-goatfucker attack dogs they dont warrent the immediate attention at the moment.

lurk moar
90% of fags are boy diddlers and they destroy fabric of society when their faggotry is accepted, instead of shunned for the abnormal bullshit it is.
feminists destroy the family unit, which in turn destroys the white race. you sound like you have a lot to learn young grass hopper

yeah fucking immigration

what the fuck are you talking about.
where the fuck did i mention anything remotely pro immigration?
demographics typically also includes birthrates you soggy fuck rag

It's not fucking rocket surgery.

Isn't that one a coal burner?

Yeah but they wouldn't make a difference when the country is over 90 percent white. Maybe in the US you have to worry about that shit but in Europe is immigration was stopped there wouldn't even be a demographics problem

It's a problem if there's even half a percent nonwhites. You have low standards.

I really dont like to call people acting like faggots shills because it dilutes the accusation.
But there is no way you arent paid to spout anti white bullshit on this board

Even if demographics are a problem the appropriate solution is incentivising child raising not bringing in a bunch of savages to outbreed and rape you.

I don't see it as one.

Not just that, they're trying to distance women from the movement. An old goon/intl/freech/whatever-you-want-to-call-them shill tactic was to make a stupid post, screencap it, and then post it around saying, "look how stupid these guys are". Another one is to do the same, but switch IDs so it looks like they ebinly trooled some guy into saying something stupid, when it was just a screencap of them replying to themselves.

This is just a way to get some "omg lol@ Holla Forums they are such nerds" screencaps floating around when it's probably them behind every stupid post.
t. undercover ex-goon

Nothing wrong with doing your thing, but don't fucking overdo it and become a social outcast. The harder you are out of the game, the harder it will be to play back.

Oldfag here. I married, had children, raised them, divorced, and am now happily on my own, going my own way, totally out of the game and not missing it. So I'm watching from afar, I guess you'd say.
I've been studying the MGTOW movement, and I approve of it, even though it temporarily means even fewer white babies.
Women aren't going to cease being women. Feminism will not overcome biology. They will want men; real men. MGTOW reinforces masculinity, and teaches men to turn away from feminists women.
Men are still smarter, stronger, and still have most of the power in the world, and I don't see that changing. We get to define what a desirable woman is, and the rest will be lonely old cat women posting about muh equality on Kikebook in their 60's.
MGTOW teaches men to do what men should do; focus on their lives, their interests, and their fortunes first, and worry about marriage and babies after they have achieved success, which is pretty much the way things went for most of our history.
Man is provider and protector, which he must be because women are vulnerable and weak during pregnancy and after childbirth.
The State is now taking the place of the husband/provider/protector, and women are feeling a temporary high from the "freedom" this gives them to do whatever the fuck they want without - so they imagine - any consequences. The only answer to this is to provide real consequences. MGTOW is a real consequence.

Which nobody but brainwashed retards and globalists (not even the top elites) believe, so no need to mention it here.

There's two ways to defeat the demographic problem europe and its offshoots face: Get rid of foreigners (aka non-huwhites) and/or increase huwhite birthrates. Doing both at once will help, but the real way to solve the problem is by getting rid of the brownies

the jew cant help but reveal himself.
well, hope that 20 cents from all the (you)s i gave you helps
just kidding, go die slowly faggot

Also pro-tip: Japan has had a 'demographics problem' for decades. The so called problem has been that nominal GDP hasn't gone up. Meanwhile Real GDP has increased and, most important of all, real GDP per capita has increased.

Unskilled Africans might add to nominal GDP by increasing total consumption and government spending but they do fuck all for real growth. The economic reason for immigration is meme.

More compelling argument

Try telling that to the mass-breeding cult


what has happened to your children?

also, you seem to imply that it is impossible to change women from the high you mentioned given to them by their (((empowerment))).
I disagree. This high and safe society has made weak men, not to mention millions of brave dead from 2 world wars, therefore women think they can do what they please.

The answer to this is not to ignore women, but to smack them over the head with a club and drag them back to the kitchen as our forefathers knew. Men must find their strength, not hide in the shadows.

History shows that the decadent parts of society get wiped sooner or later. I'm against same sex marriages getting the same benefits as normal couples, because marriage is intended as incentive for procreation. Letting same-sex couples raise kids is the most degenerate thing to do, ever.

Feminists can cry havoc all they want as I start my traditional family.

Yet, who cares about these opinions as long as you have gay (crypto-) Feminazijews running the governments? What do you suggest to do?

The sluts will not be able to marry Chad. If enough of us drop out there will be a lot of cat ladies. I tend to stay out of these arguments since they are full of blue pills and anyone who has taken the black pill will naturally follow this course anyways.

Good luck with that. Post to us from prison as to how it's going.

stop not caring is a start.
it does no good to ignore a leak in a dam just because you have plans to build a boat. The leak will only get worse, putting the whole valley at risk, regardless of whether or not you built your boat or not.

The real debate comes wether or not to save the simpletons in the valley who are being told the cracks in the dam should be there. I believe they do. They're fuckin retards, but they can be lead to better things in their natural environment. Which you will have little chance of recreating if you just sit back and let the valley be flooded

hows remedial english going?

What happened to them?

So why not go all wild on them and fuck the shit out of them?

I disagree.
Fuck like monkeys, white man.
We're coming back in a yuge way.

I used to frequent /r/redpill and I can tell you I've grown past "woman hating" per say, but it was my first redpill and it changed who I am. However,

How the fuck do you think they keep sprouting up if they aren't making families? It's the (((media))) and (((college))) that corrupt right wing familes that you'll be raising, fighting the jew and their golem in all it's forms is the only way we can fix this problem.

You should. They go hand in hand with MGTOW. Promoted by the multi-culti, white-hating insurrectionists to reduce the white birth rate. Why do you think trannies are now being pushed so much? It's hard to pro-create after you've been convinced to chop your genitals off and literally made yourself infertile from exogenous hormone intake.

All anti-white eugenics by another name.

They don't matter that much, there will always be gays/transsexuals or ugly women.

Except where it used to be a fraction of a percent staying in their closet, it'll end up being 10, 20 maybe 40 percent in the future

I understand the situation is shit. More importantly, work to fix the problem. MGTOW is maybe a start for some very young disillusioned men but it's no solution in itself. Removing yourself from the playing field doesn't win you the game. Similarly the PUA approach is worthless on a national/ societal level. Indulging in your baser side and fucking endless streams of whores is equally useless and lowers your worth as a man. Do you think you are like Temujin conquering a country and taking all their women? No you are like the great khan if he had stayed home and fucked his life away.

The solution to our problem with the sexes is for YOU to find a qt wife and redpill her. Have hope, my friends.

That's where you're wrong, the only way to win rigged game is avoid playing

Checked, met a Polish girl who was on holiday where I live. Told me she loved me, wanted to move & have a family, gave me herpes, went home and barely talks to me now. She's so sexy though, figures the hottest girl I've ever fucked would be the one to give me an std. I'm Austrian / Welsh, maybe I shouldn't have kids with a slav anyway, idk.. fucking bitch.

Unless the children will be abused they won't grow up being fucked up, and the "natural" gays would never pass 1%. The only problem is with feminism that sometimes brainwashes decent looking women too, but if they fall for feminism, they weren't that much of breeding material in the first place. And transsexuals? Let them make a couple with feminists.

Then be sure to cover your ass when you get married. Monogamous relationships is how whites evolved as a species user, don't forget that

Then be sure to cover your ass when you get married. Monogamous relationships is how whites evolved as a species user, don't forget that

Cernovich please

The white nationalists love to claim that women have no agency and are just big children, and then make another claim that women have their own agency. I think they are once again blind by the stank of fish that if they wanted this, then they had the agency to want these supposed freedoms they easily have taken for granted. To say that they don't have the agency to acquire these freedoms would mean that they were completely manipulated and shouldn't have been left out to do their own thing to begin with.

You remove the laws that protect their shitty behavior, then it's time to talk about setting them straight.



No, you don't, degenerate.


You are the cancer.

Sage and report.

You really can't when judges are allowed to throw prenups out on a whim

MGTOW is kikery.

No, you don't, degenerate.


You are the cancer.

Holla Forums has really degraded since Trump.
Its sad really.


Sage and report.


Sage and report for obvious shill.

trash thread deserves the bin

you fucking retard, there are MGTOW Holla Forums guys, stop being a triggered cuck. filtered.

You can do it in Russia for about 30k and they're legally required to give you the child.
Maybe if you're a fuckup at life.

Why is this shit thread full of MGTOW and pedos?

MGTOW is the rational response to a bunch of things:
Single mothers who didn't raise their sons (correctly)
Society and media who brainwash boys
A lack of good masculine figures (fathers) for boys to look up to and emulate
Indoctrination from government schools
Educational system that treats boys as defective girls
A legal system that puts all the responsibility on men, without benefit
No fault divorce initiated by women more than 75% of the time
Child custody given almost exclusively to women
Unmarried men are seen as creepy or incompetent
And many other reasons

I used to believe that women and men were equal. My father was a decent guy, but not the most masculine. He put my mother on a pedestal, where she remains to this day, and lets her tell him what to do. He thinks that is what will make her happy, but instead she's borderline insufferable and demanding.

It's been a rude awakening as I now see what is wrong. I spent almost 20 years in the friendzone chasing 'the one' only to have her eventually discard me after she made new friends. I'm glad that happened because that is what spurred my awakening. I'm rebuilding myself, and making myself into the man I need to be to bring healthy white children into this world. But I'm MGTOW for now as a defense against evil women.

I'm also planning on setting up my nephew and my children so that they can have their way sexually without the financially devastating consequences of fathering a child. I'm setting up family trusts and building generational wealth which will exist outside of the reach of the law. (((They))) won't be able to turn a pregnancy into a life of wage slavery for my heirs.

Let me guess, crime statistics are also racist, right?

because the tradcuck meme is falling apart

Then answer me this, why were the Greeks institutionally buggering little boys? Why do priests? Why do Mujaheddin in the north of Afghanistan?

It's clearly not all genetic. Just as someone can be taught to be a suicide bomber, to kill themselves against all natural instinct, they can be brainwashed far more easily into something which doesn't threaten their existence at all and may even trick their brain into thinking they are reproducing.

Need further evidence? Some people seem to have a genuine attraction to inanimate obects like letterboxes and bicycles. That's not genetic, those things have only existed a little over 100 years. It's fetishism, a mental disorder not something to be accepted as natural. It even occurs in animals through the process of imprinting, where early exposure of ducks to tennis balls has made some of them try to mate with tennis balls when they're older. See how showing teenage kids pictures of degenerate behaviour might affect them now?

Some transgenderism, homosexuality may arise from a genetic mutation. Clearly not all since it's a genetic dead end. Today's high incidence is almost all caused by deliberate brainwashing and imprinting from ideologues and useful idiots.

most youngfags around my age(22) that i know are still fine with living with their parents, even if they're annoyed with them.
the ones that don't have shit parents, got kicked out, or it's
biggest issue I've seen that's nearly universal, even in my own case, is that there isn't enough space for the youngfags to do their own shit at home when their parents garbage is all over the fucking place. I knew a guy that had to live in the shed because their home was so full of shit his parents refused to get rid of and to top it off they made him pay rent.

to put it simply, suburbs a shit. I'd build myself a small home if my family owned enough land for it. renting is cancer

I'm not sure I'd consider it a genetic dead end at least in past periods of time. Men who mostly are attracted to men not marrying a woman and reproducing anyways is a new phenomenon.

Sexual deviancy is as much genetic as mental illness is.
Some people are just born crazy, they need to be removed from society.
Many more are just borderline defective, they can be useful with proper guidance, but thats nowhere to be found nowadays.

it's not that you don't want
it's that you advocate against it

you are anti getting rid of gays and present no alternative to the bog
therefor you are a shill

I said the same thing in the reply after that

There is no alternative to killing every single faggot on Earth. REPORTED FOR OBVIOUS KIKE SHILL.

Get out kike

I'm just looking to meet a 30-something successful Japanese businesswoman so I can be a stay-at-home husband and get free tendies every day as long as I do my chores.

I'm good at cooking and cleaning and I'm good in bed so I'm confident I will succeed.

You may laugh condescendingly, but my neet genes will be passed further than any MGTARD and I won't even have to go to work. :)

Are you JIDF?
We should be talking about realpolitiks, that is about jewish influence.

That's because political process has to be treated like a negotiation at all times. If you have two races in a country, and your targeted result is for race A to at least survive, you don't call for even distribution of both, you call for the exteinction of race B.

In regards to women, that means the more people bring up artificial wombs and abortion of female fetuses, the more intimidated women get and thus the more reasonable. Personally, I'm against artificial wombs. Too risky, too much can go wrong. If you think artificial wombs are extreme, you have not seen extreme. Here's something that's more extreme, but at the same time more reasonable and more viable.

You don't need to replace women with something artificial, to have something to use for reproduction. You already have something to use for reproduction. You have women. What we need to stop doing, is giving them a choice in the matter. We give them free homes, central heating, cosmetics, entertainment, all of that is a wasted effort that could instead made for something more productive. This is where breeding facilities come into place. A human population could keep their number up while keeping maybe a fifth of the relative amount of women alive of what we have now. The rest is wasted, and if that fifth was treated the way they get spoiled under Germany- or China-inspired national socialism, even with them, a waste of effort would occur. This is where breeding facilities come into play. Why allow women to walk around freely in the first place? Instead, you keep them - all of them - in massive complexes. They begin their lives in nurseries and girls' homes within the facility, where they are raised by men and then put through a rigorous schooling program, where they will be tested and not told the significance of their performance in the schooling program. When they reach fertility - so presumably around their thirteenth year of age, they are given their final exams. The best twenty percent in performance in either the exams, or the total of all the exams during the schooling program are to live in the batteries, chained to beds in masses, fed nutrition through pipes and made to pop out babies for as long as their uteruses are of use. Once one's uterus can no longer produce babies, she is disposed of to make place for a new woman to take her place. The remaining eighty per cent of girls that underperformed in the final examination during their early schooling program, are either to be converted into fertilizer, animal food or recycled in some other manner.


Are you chinese or jewish?

Hilarious fetishism.

Interesting proposal, but by the time society would accept something like that, you'd already have robots with a working womb.

So many things wrong with that.
Nigga come on, we all know otherwise. It is known that the alt-right is just a marketting tool at best and d&c at worst.

All the /fringe/ books I've read harp on and on about proper gender balance, and that loving sex is the foundation of proper magical energies. Homosexual relations are explicitly banned because they violate the commonly held laws of nature.

That's just a bunch of shills and jilted sperglords that haven't gotten over themselves when their oneitis broke up with them.

What are you a Russian Holocaust victim or something, what are you getting triggered for?

kill yourself, moron

OKay… I've been posting on the chans for about seven years, with four years of it on Holla Forums. Something just occurred to me; is all this "KILL ALL GAYS!" just a meme? Because I've been interpreting it literally for a while now.

Come up goy, the air is nice outside your basement. There's no D&C here, we aren't valued as a high threat anymore. They already won.

Yes, in fact all of Holla Forums is just ironic shitposting. In reality we're all just very liberal feminists and globalists with a weird sense of humor

I read the opening post, and it made me realize that I'm a MGTOW who hasn't even consciously chosen to become one. I just am one by my behavior.
I don't talk about going my own way because what is there to even talk about? MGTOW are low status men who have a hard time getting nice women. Want good women? Become a better man.
I do not think that MGTOW is on the decline. I think that most men going there own way just don't have any interest in talking about women or organizing to create a movement hence it appears that the movement is dead, but it may actually be growing. Look at the marriage rates and amount of sexual partners people are having by age group to find out.
I am so disinterested in women that I don't even waste time complaining about them anymore. Anger has turned to apathy.
Anyway, I am busy with self improvement and such, goodbye.

Fucking reported. Your OP kikery was bad enough.



In the meantime, some gays proved their worth and helped spread Holla Forums ideas like aids.

That was in Austria however. Most white women voted in Trump.

After white women mostly voted for Trump, they essentially signaled all isn't lost.

If anything the left is the one that's attacking women endlessly now these days post-election. Funny how things turn out.

They never married or had children…

Drawings of people are not people, imbecile.

The key is not to drink the whole jug of fucking koolaid. The second you turn into a fedora tipping anti-women crusader you've become the opposite side of the feminist coin; congratulations! you fucking retard.

Instead, try this: A dash of MGTOW and TRP self-improvement. once you reach a certain level of self satisfaction the wimminz start approaching you (or at the very least make it obvious you've got the green light)

Heres the truth, women have the same level of emotional control as my border terrier. So I treat them with the exact same levels of care. Give it food and water and exercise(a good dicking) and she's a happy bitch for a little while.

I also get a good lolz at PUAs and dude who pride themselves on sex. Seriously, heres a fucking news flash sex is on the same level as food and sleep, how would you react to someone bragging about getting a good nights sleep? that's how you should treat dudes who brag about sex. Roll your fucking eyes at them.

Also, currently happenings are basically all leading towards the 80/20 hypergamy bubble inflation.


He got just over half of them I would hardly call the most and he actually got 3% less of them then Romany did

Men who went their own way have nothing to do with MGTOW?

Most of the people making those threads or derailing other threads into those topics - as with most other contentious topics around here - were shills, trolls, shitposters and lost robots who have since moved on to shitting something else; probably religion threads.

Doesn't mean we don't still fight and shitpost about it and it isn't a fault line in the community, but we keep our fighting and shitposting contained and restrained. We had a period where this shit was all over the catalog; we're well below peak MGTOW on Holla Forums.

Yep, thanks. Reported.

Okay I guess you don't fell like discussion. Best of luck with those capatchs then.


Too bad, faggot.



Am I reported for Holla Forums as well or up on those captchas?


something like this

Oh I guess you gave up on solving them smart choice.


There is a decline of some women, not all women. However despite this, there is no excuse for going your own way and pulling out of the race.

The real enemy isn't women, it's the court system, the family court system to be specific. Get rid of no-fault divorce and normalize the shaming of women who race mix and all the problems with women will slowly fade away. Make it so that women who make false rape claims get slapped upside the head with perjury charges and spend time in jail and the weapon of feminists is gone. Get charter schools over mandatory public education and you'll make it effectively impossible for Marxists to indoctrinate your kids if you choose for them not to be so.

Their other theory is that smarter people are more aspirational, and want to spend more time working towards their goals, rather than socialising.

The study found that more intelligent people actually had lower life satisfaction the more frequently they socialised with friends – spending time with friends actually made them unhappy. But the researchers discovered that these highly intelligent participants actually spent more time socialising with friends.

This one becomes easy when you realize that there are two basic options: either we focus on ourselves and each other, or we focus on some aspect of reality, including the transcendent like an unattainable but ongoing order such as “excellence.”

Most people, like our Simian forebears, are focused on their own emotions, feelings and judgments and those of others, and consider this to be reality as far as it is important to them.

The people of the future — who should eliminate the rest — focus on ideas and realities. These two cluster because much of reality is not tangible. We cannot touch gravity, or the inevitability of death, but it is more real than the objects we cling to in order to avoid the big scary thoughts of what our future might be.

Humanity is separating in two as Nietzsche predicted. Most people wish to remain within the “talking monkeys with car keys” world, where all they must do is convince their social group that they are right, and they are given status and importance.

The rest of us however, and we are not the majority, are heading away from the Simian. We are appalled by human origins, and realize that “tolerance” only means that we will head back down the ladder to that origin. Instead we want to rise above.

This leads to an isolated personality. People of this nature are alone because they have things to accomplish, not because their “social” choice is to be alone. They have purpose, which separates them from the rest, and so walk alone.

Alt Right movements represent this archetype. Our entire society is chasing trends and products to distract itself, and we are here instead, arguing that we should aspire to heights greater than any achieved before.

This naturally baffles the rest of humanity. That is them announcing their obsolescence. Those who ask “But who decides?” in questions of state, and those glued to their TVs, are the same obsolete form of human being.

It is possible to be entirely social as an isolated person. In fact, they seek others more than most. However, this is because they see the purpose in civilization and in brotherhood among others, not because of personal “need.”

For us, indulging in the same distracting and time-wasting nonsense that most people use to fill the void is a depressing prospect. There is much to do; the future of humanity hangs in the balance. And since most cannot, we do what we can.

Many people require nonsense, distraction and lies in order to live. The Alt Right desires life in its strongest form, isolation and all, because we believe that life is worth living.

The rest of humanity fears this prospect. For them, unless life is filled with silliness, it is not worth living. This kind of fatalistic outlook is what leads to destruction of all good things, and the Alt Right rejects it.

The humans of the future will not need distraction. They will be happy with life itself, and will always strive to improve it, but never to reject its essence. As a species, we have for too long ventured from this sensible path.

Remember to sage.

Depends. Am I currently in boot camp in your hypothetical scenario?


>implying that gays don't deserve to be thrown in the >>>/bog/
Fuck off (((trshill)))

>implying that gays don't deserve to be thrown in the >>>/bog/
Fuck off (((trshill)))

Eh, MGTOW seems to me to be an extreme response to the cancer of modern-day "feminism." I am one of those female types and I gave up on dating. I blame feminism. I also blame technology for eliminating more personal communication. Too many women whoring around (cock carousel) with delusions of trapping a man with physical pleasure. Too many guys wanting to pretend they had some sort of online harem, not wanting to communicate, thinking calling somebody "girlfriend" was practically marriage, and getting pissy that I wouldn't put out for them. (Because of COURSE I should want to bed a commitment-phobic child who might text me in a week, just like the rest of the desperate females they meet do.) Disease free, child free, lonely as hell but I have my pride. The dating scene is a mess, and I'm so glad to be done with that.


And now I have a name for it. Top kek.

You’re a fucking dipshit.

they could be cured and turned into useful members of societypostentially

No, it is not jsut a meme, jsut like Hitler did nothing wrong is not mere a meme

God damn! How old are you? Over 30? Under 20?

please show us more of how new you are

For all the talk of MGTOW being nothing but losers this thread seems to be triggering a lot of anons


So… were you is girlfriend or not? If you're dissatisfied with him, then okay, maybe you can do better and break if off. However, not putting out in a relationship is intolerable, and you should fucking know better.

I've heard that one before. And what are you, a woman-child? The gall that you hate commitment-fearing men in this political landscape, when he has everything to lose. What do you bring to the table? You have agency too. Does it exceed his? My wager is that it does not.

Woman-up and give him some confidence. You are to boost a man's moral and help him, and sit there on your ass and wait for him to become the man of your liking. If you're not giving him sex, why the fuck should he commit to you in the first place?


You probably complain about single moms who wallow in victimhood (oh, such bravery!) and beat the crap out of their pussified kids. :P

I personally know an user raised by a single mom who tells me he did not talk for a whole year
Part of what pulled him out of it was blessed anime and more recently Holla Forums

With 30¢ of lead. FUCK OFF, FAGLOVER.

The amount of jealousy over you getting your dick wet is hilarious.

1. That’s not a reply to what I said in any respect.
2. That’s not an argument.


I've given up on the current batch of women, so I have nothing to say any longer. Seems the next generation may be a bit more redpilled than this generation of ill raised 20-somethings. In the meantime I have shit to do and patience enough to wait.

By making this thread arnt they gonna come out?

nigs, nips, chinks, wetbacks, sandcoons, hapas, etc. that's what happened. they started flooding into white rooms with 2007 and obamaphones. they got govt jobs enmass, migration, h1b, etc. and with all those white gifts, they wanted white women too – thought it was owed to them even.

fast forward. gamergate increased awareness, but got seriously cucked and subverted - by the shitskins, see above. behind this, the trend was already emerging: the mudshits and nigs holy fuck reappropriated and thus locked down the pua shit. same with the mensrights, which was already locked down from christ cucks and bible utter fucking retards, causing an exodus world web wide. the first waves mgtow started to get a reawakening, but then eternal septembered by 2014. behind all of these, the rapid advance of niggatech access and rapefugee migration rapidly destroyed all social sites, part of the ramping up clintonistas. behind this, economics started squeezing whites even harder, while advancing and emboldening all the shitskins, who as ungrateful as ever, ran around larping online everywhere as white.

any sane white dude quickly realized he was in a room full of spics, nogs, coons of all shapes and sizes, and simply left, or joined the descent. this followed a new transient re-rise in sissy/cuck porn - outside of the memetics. add to this the rising threat of being 'ousted' and doxxed, most whites either joined cuckbook or set themselves adrift. or stopped inet payments, etc. on top of this, all the zog agents started to pat themselves on the back a bit too much, and began to self reveal their shitskin faces, show their true colors, disclose their actual arguments of just rapists wanting rape and using any band wagon to get it, etc.

there are forums, blogs that are still active. essentially, a retrogression to escape the progressive degeneration and re-appropriation of prior spaces. but overall, services are failing, sites are going dark or off, and for the greater populous online: all those on welfare are the only ones left speaking. this is still ongoing.

but human attention only has so many hours in the day. the 2015/16 elections world wide were far more of a pull than laments of bygone mirages of paradise (the backdrop inspirations of mgtow et al) or the cuckbern burns of dating that no longer happens enough to generate complaints online (the repeating ignition sources generating content for mgtow et al). lastly, and this is something that can't be stressed enough, all the demographic numbers are no longer reported or are out right lied. and excellent way of silencing the latent backdrop as well (no affirmation, fog of war, etc).

note that the feminist and cuckists experienced no difference. the difference was successive iterations male attention shifts, competed for finding the fight anew, as well as expelled by disgust and repulsion/bewilderment of 'how the fuck / niggas are here? / time to leaver her jhonny', etc.

Kill yourself.

Women should wait until marriage, nigger. Whites are meant to be monogamous, both sexes are happier that way and it leads to a more stable marriage and thus happier and more well adjusted children. Whether you admit it or not there is a big "hit it and quit it" attitude amongst a lot of modern males, so women have ever reason to be wary about putting out for somebody who is just a boyfriend. How new are you?

user I'm talking about a genetic cure or reprogramming here not honor system bullshit
and yeah, the only solution right now is to throw them in the bog but it would be nice to have a way to deal with a crap mutation that doesn't involve blowing years of resource investment

It does affect both sexes; just women more.

FAGGOTRY ISN’T GENETIC, user. Fuck’s sake, how do people not know this?

You can be a homosexual without being degenerate
It's okay to be gay Holla Forums


alright user, what do you think causes gay, and try not to use buzzwords

poes law user, fuck off with that shit

Get the fuck out, you stupid fucking pile of shit. Is it legitimately your first day here?

Gay germ theory is the strongest candidate for the cause of human male exclusive homosexuality. It is currently being politically suppressed. Brilliant geneticist and evolutionary theorist Gregory Cochran is currently the main public proponent of the gay germ theory. Read his thoughts on the topic:

Let me reiterate the reasoning behind the gay germ theory:
1. Exclusive male homosexuality cannot be genetic because the genes responsible would not persist in the population.
2. Human male homosexuality has an identical twin concordance rate of approximately 25%, another strong point against the genetic hypothesis.
3. Pathogens are known to exist which can cross the blood-brain barrier in mammals and modify sexual behavior to the parasite’s advantage, i.e. toxoplasmosa.
4. Homosexuals exhibit behavior which seems optimized for pathogen distribution. The average homosexual has a lifetime partner count of over 500. Homosexuals have rates of sexually transmitted disease that are far higher than heterosexuals. Homosexuals are prone to child molestation at a rate that is far higher than their percentage of the population would predict. Homosexuals commonly engage in waste product fetishism, a behavior that seems optimized for pathogen distribution. Homosexuals are more prone to a full range of mental illnesses. a possible side effect of the parasite.
5. Homosexuals report being sexually abused as children at a rate far higher than the rest of the population, supporting the thesis that childhood infection by the gay-germ modified their behavior.
6. I know of no alternative to the gay germ theory that explains as many of peculiarities of the homosexual condition. Hopefully we will soon identify this horrible pathogen. It is unlikely that we will be able to undo the damage caused to its victims. They will need to be permanently quarantined, but it is possible that some sort of inoculation might be devised.


We know how rabies works. An infected animal becomes more aggressive prior to death. It will end up biting other animals to spread the infection along. This is an example of a behavior-modifying organism. What you probably don’t know is that there are hundreds of other organisms that also affect behavior. A virus causes caterpillars to climb up trees. Then it liquifies their organs so the body disintegrates and the virus can be spread by the wind. (1) There is a STD for grasshoppers that makes them more sexually active. (2) In the days prior to experiencing the symptoms of the flu, the virus will make you more sociable so can transmit it more. (3) Here’s the real kicker though: There is a parasite that has the ability to modify sexual preference. Toxoplasma gondii. You’ve probably heard of T. gondii as the amoeba that infects cats. There’s a lot more to it than that. Rats are a carrier of T. gondii. When infected, a rat will be attracted to cat urine, making it more likely to be eaten by a cat, the intended host. How does it work?
Toxoplasma alters the brain to make the rat sexually attracted to cat urine. (4)
Toxoplasma’s ability to make rats sexually attracted persists even after the rat is no longer infected. (5)
That’s right–a parasite has the ability to PERMANENTLY ALTER SEXUAL PREFERENCE in its host. Dig deeper into the facts behind T. gondii and we see:
1/3 of all humans are chronic carriers of toxoplasma. (6)
Males with toxoplasma are taller and have more attractive faces (Allowing you to have more sex and spread the virus further). (6)
Toxoplasmosis increases the concentration of dopamine in the brain of infected humans (You become more likely to do risky, thrill-seeking behavior). (6)
Toxoplasma immunoglobulins are found in 9% of newborns in the US. (10)
Toxoplasma transfers from pregnant woman to their baby. (8)
Toxoplasma infected women have male sons 72% of the time. (9)
If you haven’t pieced it together yet, I’ll fill you in. Toxoplasma infects the fetus of pregnant mothers, making the baby more likely to be male and permanently altering the baby’s brain to create sexual attraction to men. You’ve probably heard the false “genetic hypothesis” that claims that female siblings of gay men have more babies, meaning that faggotry must be an advantage. The “gay gene” has been disproven, but toxoplasma explains why the sisters are having more babies. The same toxoplasma that altered their brother’s brain altered their brain to increase their sexual attraction to men. Homosexual men are having more sex than their heterosexual counterparts, spreading toxoplasma further. Use HIV as a proxy for how effective homosexual behavior is at transmitting disease: homosexuals are 0.8% of the population but account for 60% of new HIV cases.
In response to homosexuality, homosexual disgust (a.k.a. “homophobia”, also known as “common sense” or “self-preservation”) has evolved as a means to avoid toxoplasma infection. The purpose of disgust is disease avoidance. (11) You are disgusted at the sight of feces because feces have a lot of bacteria. You didn’t need to learn to avoid feces; it’s just genetic. Similarly, homophobia was found to be genetic. (12) This means that homophobia evolved because it increases your darwinian fitness by helping you avoid toxoplasma.

7, 9.


I’ve said it before, but it’s probably time to say it again. The most likely explanation for human homosexuality is that it is caused by some pathogen. It’s too common to be mutational pressure (and we don’t see syndromic versions, as we would in that case), it’s not new, identical twins are usually discordant (~75% of the time), and it’s hell on reproductive fitness. There is no way it is adaptive–the helpful gay uncle notion, group selection, compensating advantage in females, etc–these range from impossible to bloody unlikely. It doesn’t exist in most hunter-gatherers: you have to explain what it is you’re even talking about when you ask them. Presumably with diagrams.
As for Freudian explanations, exotic-becomes-erotic, etc: just reading the social-science literature on the subject is enough to make you wonder if the human brain really does exist to cool the blood. A fair number of the smarter people interested in the subject agree with me. Not that they think it proven, but they agree that it is the only theory out there that makes any evolutionary sense. Bill Hamilton thought it made sense. So does Alan Grafen. Mike Bailey thinks it more likely than any other explanation tendered thus far.
My model–not the only possible model based on a pathogen, but reasonable–leans on a couple of natural examples. One is narcolepsy. We now know that narcolepsy happens when a particular kind of neuron, concentrated in a little region in the hypothalamus, somehow gets zapped. 99% of narcolepsy cases happen in the 25% of the population that has a particular HLA type – which suggests that something, probably a virus, triggers an overenthusiastic immune response that zaps a neuron subpopulation that produce a particular neurotransmitter (called hypocretin or orexin) that regulates appetite and sleep patterns. And it doesn’t do anything else: narcoleptics aren’t stupid. You can compare narcolepsy to type I diabetes or Parkinson’s disease. Suppose there’s a neuron subpopulation that performs a key function in male sexual desire: wipe out that subpopulation, and Bob’s your uncle.
Another is toxoplasma, which we now know changes mouse behavior in ways that increase a mouse’s chance of being devoured by a cat, the definitive host for toxo. Infected mice are attracted to cat urine, while uninfected mice avoid it. In fact, in infected mice, cat urine apparently triggers activity in neural pathways involved in sexual arousal. Microorganisms can reprogram sexual attraction in mammals.
I have had people complain that I’m neglecting the social aspects of homosexuality, what it means, how people think of it. Let me tell you a story. In certain parts of west Africa, boys are expected to start menstruating around age 14. And they do, sort of: you start seeing blood in their urine. When that happens, there’s a big ceremony, everyone says, ‘Today you are a man.’ Whatever. The thing is, that’s about the time they put the boys into the flooded rice fields, where they’re exposed to schistosoma haematobium, which causes urinary schistosomiasis. It’s bad for you: it can impair growth and cognitive development in children, reduces productivity, and is a potent cause of bladder cancer over the long term.
Our explanation of male menstruation as urinary schistosomiasis must undermine these people’s worldview. Eliminating schistosomiasis would undermine it even further, just as the rubella vaccine dealt a heavy blow to deaf culture by cutting the number of congenitally deaf children in half. Isn’t that just too damn bad.

toxo something?

overall, this brings us to how human words work, and how the content engines search/aggregate/find. the 'left' subverted all the keywords and phrases too much, infected too much too fast, and created a virtual desert out of all the prior terms and diction - raping the meaning out of them.

add on to this that total economics have slowed down extensively. work, output, motive/drive has fallen exponentially for most. no place to go, no will to post, no left over production to spend: all lead to no content.

the mechanics of winter are inescapable on population levels.

this, there an image for it

You'll come to terms with your latent homosexuality on your deathbed, fag.

If any of the two, Jewish, and even then, only a cryptokike that his family refused to involve. Crypto-Jewish name, parents that used to mix yiddish in their sentences here and there, openly treat extinction of white people that they supposedly belong to as something good, good with money, used to be landowners, used to complain that they think it was a mistake not to get me circumcised. Virtue signal about honesty and shit when it doesn't matter, but start instructing to maliciously lie as soon as shit gets serious/personal. All the puzzle pieces are there. I wouldn't even be shocked.

It's not fetishism, it's subversion. This is the kind of (((abomination))) women helped enable with their votes. It is only fitting that women receive the same treatment.

People keep pushing this, but it freaks me the fuck out. What if some seemingly extremely minor thing is not accounted for and the result is devastating, creating an entire batch of retards or cripples? Or even worse, what if said hypothetical error is too subtle at an early stage and several batches of humans have already been created by the time anyone finds out? What if there are errors that aren't found until several batches are already grown young adults and shit up the next generation with whatever symptoms the error causes. Besides, you word it a bit weirdly. Are you talking multifunctional, 'womanly' androids with functional in-built incubators? Also that solution would mean we would be disposing of ~98% of women, whereas with breeding facilities, 20% of them would at least live into their 30s. Wouldn't that make breeding facilities more humane?

this is what makes you a fag
also you've pretty much made my point for me that gays could be cured

This is how mentally defective liberals actually are


>Toxoplasma’s ability to make rats sexually attracted persists even after the rat is no longer infected. (5)
>That’s right–a parasite has the ability to PERMANENTLY ALTER SEXUAL PREFERENCE in its host.

user fagposting like that is part of what brings down the board quality
I mean look at this retard taking you seriously
I'ts really a strong case for poes law user

Get the fuck out.


so we could reverse engineer it to alter it in the opposite direction

It's not really a movement, it's a bunch of blogs. Some are good (Turd Flinging Monkey), others are not.


you're reading too far in user
chill the fuck out because you're either under the influence of emotions you cannot control or you really are a potato

glad to entertain user

Bullets solve the problem. You want to waste millions of dollars.

Then just get out. It seems pretty simple.


wew lads
Ah so this is what its like when edgy autistic manchildren LARP.

Listen up faggots men and women were meant to work together to raise a family and form a society. No men and women are not equal but that doesn't mean women are inferior their role is simply different. A hammer makes a poor saw and a saw a poor hammer but that doesn't mean one tool is better than the other they simply have different roles. We need to stop running away from "dose ebil wimin" and focus on creating a new stable society.

Well the jews obviously. Our women have some fault too for being led astray so easily. But really the main fault is with men. We had ALL the power. Politically. Legally. Culturally. Physically. And year after year we let it dwindle. If you want to be mad any anyone be mad at your grandfather or your greatgrandfather for not putting a stop to things before they got out of hand.

Or better yet you could stop being bitter and refocus your energy into doing something about it. Make your body strong and healthy. Learn useful skills. Become a man of worth. Then look for a young qt with average views and mold her into a good wife.
Trust me you don't, women are herd creatures any women that holds extreme ideology without a male figure in her life pushing that is probably psychologically damaged in some way.

Who exactly would I be white knighting to on an anonymous fingolian carpetweaving forum

Remember to sage.

I'm pretty sure I already said I don't want to waste years of resource investment by just tossing them in the bog
plus eventually you're gonna git a bog logistics problem when you overfill the bogs with gays and while I'm all for making new jobs for the working man all that investment in kids only to toss them when they turn gay is a terrible way to deal with it

I know user, but I still like you

thank you user you are a credit to janitors everywhere


no it's not, I don't know where you came from but it's not a metaphor

The most effective parasite is the one that convinces the host it is useful in some way. Nevertheless, it remains a parasite.

Please explain this part

Okay, thanks for playing.

No reason to keep circlejerking over it.

mad trad cuck is mad. Can't do much when the law breathes down your neck.

They think stupidity means not doing something conventionally.

It's male feminism. The Jews want to set women against men as much as men agains women. Because they are assholes. Also, don't post porn in Holla Forums, it gives you away Moshe.

So the thing is that government is killing the will of men to procreate because the laws are setup to devastate him financially.

But you can do things to keep the government at bay. You can have family trusts which hold all the wealth. You can have corporations. Etc.

What happens to men is that their wealth is seized and their income is garnished by the government. So, by having your wealth in a family trust, that is trust money, not an individual's money. Family corporations are the same. Family members are employees, and the corporation is unrelated to whatever debts individuals may incur that the government may use to take that money away.

So, you let the trust or corporation own your house, car, etc, and have the corporation pay your income (just below the amount they can garnish) and pay for your food, gas, insurance, etc.

This is what the very wealthy have done for ages. They set their kids up so that their personal fuck ups (fathering children, mowing down people while drunk, etc) are insulated from taking down the family wealth.

I've started on a draft of a thread I want to make on this subject. (((society))) tells white people to let their children take on debt, pull themselves up by the boot straps, etc. but you don't see that in other cultures like jews, middle easterners, asians… hell, even hispanics backstop their kids a little. Niggers don't do it because they are stupid animals, and have no wealth anyway.



Gtfo of here nigger or shill

good vid. reasoned.

on the vid: to go to a bit more clarity: women and children are property to the man. if the property can up and walk away (asset poverty), if other property can be compelled and taxed away (wealth poverty), if all other forms of order and structure of language, history, profession, business, tools, etc institutions are also taken away (no means, no lessons/torches passed, drastic increase in workload to get back to break even)(eg production poverty), then you'll get mgtow: one outcome reaction to something surface-visible (of many, porn being another) that rises in response to omnipresent multifactorial system-level impoverishment / wealth extraction.

on the blogs: it was a movement in time, when it was mostly white. now they really are just a collection of blogs, as their users are gone or are shitskins in near entirety, so no networking now happens (and with it, no imposition or sensing of will).

Yep I'm the one whos mad and da law is why you can't get laid.

Why don't you stop making excuses and do something.

:^) I wonder where I heard of this before? Why, it's the oldest shaming tactic in the book!
Do something about the laws giving women mass leverage in court, tradcuck, that would be a start.

this picture sums up MGTOW

I sure hope it was a femanon who wrote that, because that's on Bella and the Bull levels of cuckoldry.

I think you found the culprit.

This is the truth. I red pilled my gf in a matter of months. Though she will never care about the situation as I do, she knows the fundamental truths and supports me. The only argument we really got into was when I told her that I don't believe in Women's Suffrage. She took offense to that, but even then she didn't have an argument why women should vote except for "equality"

OP confirmed a faggot



you hate it because its the truth

Greet idea, OP!

That's all women.

Straight the fuck up. The problem isn't women. The problem is that the state has taken over the role as the ultimate Alpha. They literally don't need us for anything except the seed, somewhat, and companionship, somewhat. Fucking jews.

Fuck's sake, you tard. Nonreligious liberals are the ones with low birthrates. The only population the white world is in danger of losing are cucks and that's a good thing.


So long as the laws allow women to act as they are without consequence, why should they change back, since they have all of this "freedom"? Yes, it will bite them in the ass in the future but they don't think about the future, do they?
This leads to a loss or morale in men since they see that the game is rigged, and since it's extremely difficult for a man to get a mate, they figure "fuck it, better off doing my own thing" and just leaving the game. In a way they can get away with it.
The moment we all go to the pareto principle is the moment we will see all civilized countries reduced to africa.

At this point, you're better off memeing waifus/monstergirls to existence, unless Trump really pulls a miracle and starts overturning these rather sadistic laws.

Would the rest of us learn from him?

People have babies with there friends now.

infiltration, not neccesarilly anything cultsy, but from a political agenda.

I thought many of people who like this were tradcucks, at least, on a political level.

What do you think about robot wives with a human-like a.i w/ artificial wombs? I'm sceptical of the claim that it would make women angry.

That actually sounds pretty nice. It reminds me or royalty. Maybe when the economic collase comes, you'll be a duke or lord.

but it's made witha human spirti.

What are you trying to say, user?

Sounds like an effort post id' like to read. How long do you think it will take?

Sage because I'm not really reading the thread, I don't care and think women are generally speaking animals who we have a biological soft spot for and we need them for raising children. The smartest or most honest women tend to be like perpetual teenagers, but ok as long as they are married.

MGTOW used to be a bunch of guys who got divorce-raped, already had their kids but got fucked. MGTOW turned to shit when it was just whiny worthless wannabe PUAs, the rest long since learned about cultural marxism and are fighting the good fight or minding their own fields. So in that sense, a wave of passion. They all seem to at least be somewhere in the 'alt-right' if they didn't turn into cucks.

trashy skanks aren't helping your point.

There's always some white knights, even here. And there are a few sinead clones who push the same shit.

Women have always destroyed their societies when they are 'liberated.' Ours is at that point. Whether it will be strong family men controlling them or an invasion of foreign men raping their way through society will be up to what we are doing now, in the meme wars and/or readying the death squads. But women don't care emotionally. All they know deep down is that they just can't function as they are now and they want someone to make it better.

No it isn't. It may have been true in the time before talmudvision but mass media has allowed the Jew to present a false vision of reality to young girls and boys.

Or do you think the hyper-moral American society of the 50's naturally pulled a 180 into the gutter-tier 60's?

Here's the draft

Generational wealth

Something that has always bothered me about (((the media))) is how they portray white peoples’ generational wealth habits. I’m not sure if it is true, but from what I’ve seen, I think it could be.

Let me explain.

It seems like white people don’t adhere to the principle of generational wealth. White people are portrayed as being of the ‘by the bootstraps’ mentality. While this sounds good, and may have been a workable paradigm a generation ago, with the increasing number of immigrants and pressures from (((you know who))), white people need to embrace these principle in earnest if we are to hold onto or regain our position as the dominant demographic in the west.

Jews, Asians, Middle Easterners, Indians, even Hispanics to a degree practice better generational wealth. They all have family and cultural traditions of passing their wealth to their children. They work hard to make sure their children are setup for future success, and without the burden of (((loans))) to get them started in career, family, and adult life. While Hispanics don’t exactly practice generational wealth, they do backstop their offspring out of a sense of family. However, as I’ve seen over and over in (((the media))), white people don’t do this to nearly the same degree as the other races I’ve mentioned.

It’s almost cliché the, “when you turn 18 you’re out of here” decree from the head of the household in white families. Or, just as bad, conditioning children to take (((loans))) for college. Meanwhile, parents partake in frivolous things, paid for by taking out (((second mortgages))).

White people need to get their financial houses in order. I’m not saying that their children need to be taken care of for life, but saddling them with college loans, or not providing a solid foundation to enter adulthood with is a recipe for what we are experiencing today: never-ending debt, no wealth accumulation, and wage slavery. No wonder white people have a low birth rate; we can’t get far enough ahead to have adequate resources to start a family without incurring more debt.

The job of parents is to ensure their children’s success as best they can. However, I feel that white people have been allowing the bar to sink lower over the last few generations due to a number of (((factors))). Parents haven’t been doing their job of setting their children up for success. Parents haven’t been adhering to the principles of thrift and generational wealth needed to have their children enter adulthood prepared and unburdened. Parents need to teach their children about thrift, frugality, and generational wealth principles from an early age, and actually practice these principles so that the children have them engrained. Thrift and frugality are important considerations. Every family is different and have different abilities to earn and provide, but demonstrating thrift and frugality is something that should be easy to do as part of running a family household.

Thrift and frugality also extend to education. It seems that (((society))) has created the illusion that college/university is an absolute mandate for success. While there may be some truth to that, it’s important to approach higher learning in a thrifty and frugal fashion. Instead of sending children directly to expensive colleges or universities, they should prove their mettle at community college first. It’s easy to transfer from a community college to a regular college/university, and the costs are much lower. If children don’t succeed on the path to college, many community colleges have other programs for job training (plumbing, electrician, cosmetology, fire, police, nursing, etc.) which will give children a path to a career without college. Keeping costs low is important to make sure that parents can afford to provide the child with opportunity without saddling them with (((student loans)))

Building generational wealth is about more than raising children. Something I see is that Jews, Asians, Middle Eastern, Indians, and even Hispanics will have family businesses. However, white people don’t seem to participate in family businesses as much; it’s more about go work for some great company. While that isn’t necessarily the issue, it does illustrate that white people see building wealth differently. Perhaps it’s conditioned by (((factors))). Anyway, these family businesses don’t have to be elaborate. Managing a couple rental properties, or doing

This is pretty good, I think you could flesh it out some more and make it;s own thread for it, and we could get something started.

obviously a work in progress. glad to see that there is some interest.

It needs a lot more to make it to my personal standards, and I'm afraid it might be too much for Holla Forums.

I'll try to take another stab at it. Maybe we can get crowdsourced and revised.


Rental properties are a terrible idea due to the pressures they create on housing.

Overall though good points. Issue is whites are an individualistic bunch.
Put two related white males in a room together and they'll vie for dominance. Just being around your own father can emasculate you, leaving you more subservient and weak willed.

Is a Loving Family an Unfair Advantage?

I fear that family breakdown is causing a growing divide that the privilege industry is exploiting. If we are to shun all attitudes, behaviors, and values deemed to be part of the “dominant culture” and success—something related to Euro-centrism or “whiteness”—must we reject the family as a source of unearned privilege? It sure feels that way.
Family breakdown is causing a growing divide that the privilege industry is exploiting.

You may not hear a loud attack on intact families or loving parents or happy childhoods coming from campus social justice warriors yet. But it’s coming. Everything you hear today about privilege is a warm-up act for that.

Consider a recent argument from a social justice warrior perspective. Two philosophy academics, Adam Swift (no relation to Jonathan, I presume) and Jerry Bridgehouse, last year discussed their modest proposal to replace love with guilt, under the headline “Is Having a Loving Family an Unfair Advantage?”

In addition to arguing that strong families are unfair to people who don’t have them, Swift offers this choice quote: “I don’t think parents reading their children bedtime stories should constantly have in their minds the way that they are unfairly disadvantaging other people’s children, but I think they should have that thought occasionally.”

Can we unpack the idea that reading bedtime stories to your child “unfairly disadvantages other people’s children”? Let’s try.

The loyalty and love one human being shows another cannot be exactly replicated, and not every human being enjoys such relationships. This clearly implies that these bonds of loyalty and love should eventually be snuffed out under the all-purpose moniker “equality.” Never mind that only through such bonds can all people—no matter their origins—can truly experience success and joy. Or privilege.

To Equalize Misery, Destroy the Good Families

Instead, we’re likely to hear louder calls for abolishing family. One example is this 1999 article “Is the Family to be Abolished, Then?” which pushes the perverse notion that the very existence of the family is unjust. The concept keeps rearing its head, as it did a couple of years ago with Melissa Harris-Perry’s spot for the Obama “Forward” campaign urging us to get rid of the idea of private families.

The question then becomes: how to get people to willingly give up their family and friendship bonds in the name of social justice? Well, I suppose first you’d have to promote policies that foster the conditions that normalize family disintegration. The groundwork for that has been well-laid.

According the Centers for Disease Control, the current rate of births to unmarried black women is at a mind-blowing 71.5 percent—three times higher than it was in 1965 when Daniel Patrick Moynihan sounded the alarm over the disintegration of black families. In 1965, the out-of-wedlock birth rate for white women was 3.1 percent. Today it is more than eight times higher than that for white women: 29.3 percent. Instead of heeding Moynihan’s 1965 report, elites maligned it.

We should wonder why they did so, because a lot of misery has come from that brokenness. Yet it seems those same elites are stoking resentment to get folks on board with the lie that having a loving family gives a person an unfair privilege.

Privilege theorists are already laying the guilt primarily on the children who succeeded because of mothers and fathers who devoted themselves to raising their children together in loving homes and then sent them off to college.


What the fuck is wrong with that girl's body? I thought you were posting CP at first, OP.

Privilege-Shaming Is Becoming a National Sport

We can all see how the invention of privilege-shaming is permeating the culture. The white hip-hop guy Macklemore recently released a jingle based on his “expropriation” of the black hip-hop culture. There was also a petition drive urging the singer Adele to acknowledge that her success is based on her white privilege. Philosophy professor George Yancy published a New York Times commentary entitled “Dear White America” inviting offenders to come forward with mea maxima culpas.

Whether you believe such a practice would result in racial healing is irrelevant. Even if all complied with Yancy’s wish, it would only add up to empty self-flagellation. It could never suffice.

That’s because this sense of invisible privilege serves primarily as a scapegoat for wounded dignity. And only real love can heal wounded dignity. It’s attained and developed only through one-on-one and face-to-face encounters that have restorative qualities and allow for the growth of trust. Collectivism of the sort we’re seeing—especially through the social pressure of political correctness and the privilege industry—kills love. That seems to be the whole point of it.

Ah… that explains this post
I just like 'em flat. no pedo


the factors you describe seem to be ingrained in anglo culture
especially the kick your kids out at age 18 and indeed it is qutie detrimental to wealth building
and continental europe you don't see it as much, even in equally individualistic societies in north-western europe
and of course southern europe always had a more extended family lives together tradition

one of the main problems is that with the babyboomers a generation of both weaklings and coddling was born in response to ww2 that would not have been indulged in other times, and now the children from these defective parents are adults themselves with the predictable disastrous consequences, this is a situation that sorts itself out as the low whitebirth rate is not uniform certain classes of people aren't reproducing while others are still healthy, over time the disease and weakness is purged naturally from the population, the only problem is of course the massive immigration outcrowding you before that happens

but i fully support your efforts to teach people about generational wealth building it is how you stop your family from being plebs, but equally important is raising your children correctly so they do not squander it

addendum i also love /pol for having this level of posting in a what started in a bait OP with a nude picture

me too

anglo or nordic?

You're either Sinead Mccarthy or one of her followers. I had to unsub that demon because her voice stresses me out she's so negative towards ingroup of white nationalism.

She's perfect! Even that dress is like a hybrid French maid outfit yet traditional and modest at the same time.

So perfect I cant even.

Omg those tits are glorious!
Don't get me wrong i love small tits too but wow the nipple to boob ratio on this chick is just amazing!

anglo as in english and white english colonies

norway and denmark have stronger family bonds, not saying anything about sweden yes tho

small tits are hot af. I like many kind, puffy nipples etc but I only like big tits if theyre still firm and perky… your pic is saggy tbh.

That chick is horribly sway-backed. Not attractive.



Those aren't small tits in the OP pic, man, those are fucking -A cup. And her back curvature looks like she's missing some vitamin D. The ass is almost non-existent. In the thumbnail I thought it was a 12-year-old.

I like a lot of different body types, but I prefer the ones who look like they're over 18.


Not at all. Just higher standards than you.

That's my type too.

cuck slops tbh

Tits or gtfo


Take it seriously, how are we going to bring women back into the kitchen? How are we going to get these women to drop their college/career aspirations and settle down in their late teens/early twenties?

The 14/88 girl is beyond fucking cute.

Fucking this. All these big-tit cow-lovers. Australia, kind of internet cuckery, has banned small-tit women from porn. Why does a Nation so fucking retarded even exist? A lot of tradcucks and rightist Christians from than sunblasted desert, too. Fuckers just get triggered by porn left and right. This is EVROPE, we're not ashamed of nudity and porn on the internet, like certain (((desert religions))) are.

Whatever, faggot. user is correct that the chick in OP's post has an unhealthy spine curvature. She will have severe back problems later in life. It's a bad look.

All pornography should be banned, you filthy degenerate. Big tits hold more milk and such women don't need to nurse as frequently, they're objectively better. Though I read something on here yesterday that women with large breasts are more promiscuous on average than less curvaceous women with prettier faces.

Trump girls are nice too


Where the fuck do all of you moralist fun-haters come from? Maybe we should send big-titted women to the >>>/bog/ as well because they're statistically more likely to be (((degenerate))).

Ruined it.

I'm very aware that Jews control the porn industry. Jews also control the banks too. Therefore, we should make banks illegal.

Fuck you.

29) Jewish Promotion of Pornography

Al Goldstein

The Bill Gates of Porn

The Great Porn Experiment — One More Devastating Jewish Globalist Influence and How to Overcome It!

Interracial Porn Isn’t Profitable, It’s Political

Jenna Jameson’s 25 Good Reasons Why No One Would Ever Want to Become a Porn Star

Jews and Porn

Jews in Porn

Jews in Pornography, with Rabbi Gary Katz and Mike Kulich

Jews and Pornography

Jewish Extremist Anti-Gentile Hatred Present in Porn Industry

Jewish Family Values

The Jewish Masters of Porn

The Jewish Semen Fetish Examined

Jewish Porn Star James Deen

Jewish Professor Boasts of Jewish Pornography Used as a Weapon Against Gentiles

Nathan Abrams on Jews in the American Porn Industry


Pornography as a Secret Weapon

Pornography, Sex Slaves, Prostitution…Why are These Businesses Dominated by Jews?

That Jewish Porn Star

The True Purpose of Jewish-Sponsored Pornography

Study Archive of Jewish Pornographers in Modern Societies

Weaponized Porn - Our Judeo-Pornographic Culture

Try again, but this time don’t use a fallacy that outs you instantly.

I'm Australian and the small tit porn ban doesn't stop internet porn… Only shit that is sold.

And what type of cuck adheres to porn laws anyway? You're really only going to look at girls 18+?

Porn is degenerate and a vice… Mein struggle…

Your sentences are mutually exclusive.

Why are you so obsessed with the posture for that pose? You're aware its just a pose? She doesnt stand like that naturally. Fucking autists…

You could be less of a retard, but it's fine.

Not affective if you want people to actually research. Best just link 1 video at a time, chum.

That isn't an argument. Banning anything that has had Jewish involvement just because the Jews jumped over it is a terrible argument. The mainstream media is controlled by Jews, so maybe we should ban all press once we're in office, even when they're controlled by NatSocs.

The Jews jumped over a medium to subvert it, and porn is a very important medium, whether you agree with that or not.

the social system in nordic countries forces you to leave your home when you get to 18


What's going on is we've resolved to fix these issues rather than sit around and bitch about them with a bunch of bitter 50 something divorced guys. The future belongs to those who work for it, and that is exactly what we're doing. A man with his nose to the grindstone has no time or use for complaints.

Pornography isn't bad because the Jews created it; rather, the Jews created pornography because it is bad. Our women should be chaste and modest, saving their precious hymens for their husband to stab on the honeymoon. Then they can fuck all they want, that's part of a healthy marriage. Our women should not be whoring themselves out, posting nudes on the internet, or worst of all making a living screwing kikes and nogs on camera for a bunch of pajeets to fap to.

It's not just a pose, user. She's flat-footed, she hyper-extends her knees, her back arches in her mid-back region rather than lower back, she has a sunken chest and round shoulders. It's indicative of sway-back posture all round, and is altogether unattractive.

My parents did do this for me and my sister. In fact they did it so well it makes me feel bad for not having to work harder myself. I guess I at least have a good example to aspire to. Nobody else I know managed their money as well as my parents did.

That video is cancer. Just a low energy faggot making an excuse on why porn is okay in moderation.

Porn is addictive and I know because it is my only addiction and its the greatest of all sense pleasure giving you a massive hit of dopamine. Sick of you faggots saying its okay.

And yes faggot jews have weaponized it to weaken the white race to spergs and teach girls how to be whores.

People are going to record themselves fucking, and they're going to put it on the internet. You want that to be illegal, or you want it to be illegal to see pictures of it on the internet.
What was your position on this matter just five years ago? What would your past self think about you now–banning pictures because muh feels? Isn't that what attracted us to this political sphere anyhow; that we were tired with the muh feels of liberals wanting to ban shit because they disagreed with it?

yes, she's so beautiful, she makes me fucking sick!

obligatory picture with father , wife and redhead daughters.jpg

Best if it becomes so shameful to be corrupt sexually that no one will dare produce porn in the first place lest they be shun from society. Look at obama's mother. Whore has naked pictures floating around because shes a sexual degenerate.

We're becoming first Brave New World while 1984 is planned.

This is part of the problem. If porn were harder to obtain, you'd be even more obsessed with getting it. Remember what it felt like to be a teenager and have been grounded for watching porn? That's what everyone's lives will be like if you had your way.

Are you illiterate, retarded, or just doing this on purpose?

Child molestation.

Well, do you want it banned or not?

At the very least, it should be illegal to produce photos/gifs/videos/etc. of sexual acts. This would kill the Jewish pornography industry. Ideally, there would be more puritanical legislation, but there's only so much that can realistically be done to restrict the dissemination of content that already exists via the internet.

Not because "muh feels". Because it is psychologically destructive for both sexes and encourages oversexualization of society. Sex used to be viewed as something sacred to be enjoyed between husband and wife. A couple generations ago, in fact. Are you saying we should give up on ever changing sexual norms back to the way they were? That it's just fine for White women to prance around in yoga pants bouncing from lap to lap until they're 35 and infertile?

That’s right: “ban banks because ban porn” is not an argument.
Please kill yourself.
In no capacity.

porn will never banned. you know, if you would ask women under 30 today what's the greatest invention from their lifetime, they will say: tinder & snapchat

those over 30 will say facebook

The problem is that you're still thinking like a cuckservative. You're arguing with principles as a proxy for getting what you want, which in this case is attacking Jewish hegemony. The real solution is to ban the production of non-white porn and imprison any Jew attempting to make porn, without making the pictures illegal.

Christians… Degeneracy is clearly more of an important issue to you than the depth and happiness of your culture. For example, many arguments for prohibition can be made, but they neglect the fact that it's an ancient Indo-European tradition. To them, it is degenerate to drink alcohol, and perhaps it should be banned. Again, degeneracy is a greater issue than happiness and ancestral tradition.
I mean to start no big debate here, but there's a very palpable difference in worldview, and they just don't understand that they're advocating the very same sentiments of Muslims.

Nazi's burnt all the porn and shut down the sex shops. You're a jewish faggot fucking die.

It's so much of a non-important medium that Jews have invested millions into it… All of that interracial porn is sending a message.

And your wanting to ban people's fun is also sending a strong message to people who might join our movement; you're a stale, old man who hates fun

Imagine how effective pro-white porn would be. What if most porn was like this picture?
That's a very fucking important medium. That picture effects the viewer emotionally, and is memetically charged.

And they also produced it.

Imagine if instead of pro white porn there was no porn and it made men actually have to fuck their women… oh wait, we already saw the results of that.

Hitlers looking at porn! look we have proof now!

Yes, because EVERYTHING has EXACTLY THE SAME IMPORT to EVERY group of people. Right. Of course. Fuck off, you stupid shit.
The message is “people don’t actually watch interracial porn, according to statistics, despite kikes pushing it for so long”.
Drown yourself.

Dear porn apologists,
If pornography is a healthy and normal form of sexual expression, why are so many young men experiencing erectile dysfunction due to pornography addiction? And why does the industry need to hire so many vulnerable, damaged young women from abusive homes instead of regular working actresses? Let’s not even talk about who runs the industry… Porn hurts people. Healthy activities don’t do that.

I don't consider it to be porn either, but other people do.
Muslims would consider that porn.
And early Christians did consider that porn. That's why the genitals of many statures were smashed or painted over with a leaf or something.

My argument is that it's very easy to ban that stuff too once you have laws in place that ban the possession of pornography.

Anyway, you're quite aware that you won't have your way. Porn will remain legal, and whites will kick out the shitskins. All will be well, except you'll be very mad about naked people on the internet.

Come on user. The body is a beautiful thing.

You underestimate the recent changes on young people because of interracial porn. Go to any chat room and you find nordic males on estrogen that love black penis. Its only the last few years its caught on.

Stay mad, because porn stays.
Go worship that Christian demon you call Yahweh and join the Muslim hordes about what's haram and halal.

fuck off jew

Oy vey, such a proud Jewish man!

And reported for admitting to being intl! That was easy. You completely destroyed your entire “argument” all on your own.

even for a degenerate you fail

Its not hard to understand that no porn = men have strong drive to obtain females and fuck them.

That's an Indo-European sentiment. Your ancestors thought so too.

But sex is also a beautiful thing too. Ancient Celts would make the genitals of women their altar, and edifices of penises were everywhere in Rome. None of that shit was harmful to us. It was beautiful, and in harmony with nature. Europeans were the original tree-huggers. You know Amerindians were romanticized as being at one with nature? Pic related says it all.


Honestly all real porn should be banned. I don't care about 2D porn/hentai though.

Try harder next time, champ.

Quality thread guys. I'm taking a fucking break from Holla Forums.

confirmed sinead mccarthy. Made me almost throw up with "Ancient Celts would make the genitals of women their altar"

Penis worship is Jewish.

It's just fucking natural. There were phalic objects found connected to the cult of Freyr. Women worshipping cock is a good thing, they just shouldn't be promiscuous.

so which ones should be allowed?

1st and 2nd and only them.

Can't really speak for others but I believe a lot of it has to do with an increased sense of urgency to preserve the white race and heightened distrust of anyone whose message can be reduced to antinatalism — and necessarily newfound respect or appreciation for women. That said I don't think Holla Forums has ever been as hostile to women as others would claim, or as anons here themselves would be keen to joke about.

I myslef have gotten engaged since I last saw a MGCUCK thread, for what it's worth.

Celtic paganism is all but destroyed. The so called celtic neo pagans are following a lie. I've celtic blood yet I see nothing of worth is their tales or symbols. Yet I gravitate towards Nordic symbols and Vedic knowledge.

Incase I'm not clear, celtic paganism was destroyed then replaced with something fake and degenerate.

What are you saying?


Wish they stop spamming POL with their butthurt BS. Wish they get a life but that ain´t gonna happen.

Sure you do.

we are all a-sexual now OP

>and not necessarily

I'm saying the circumstances have changed, for white people, anons and myself. Also it's late and I'm stressed out over other shit so my typing isn't on point.

I would have sworn I responded to this
but yeah, that's a white knight or a sinead poster

nvm, I'm just a tard.

Well, women seem to have failed pretty well at their job. So many fucking single mothers all being given enough resources to maintain their existence and they raise the most children.

Which weak point in our society did they attack? They subverted women first, and then used the subverted women to convince the male rulers to make bad decisions. I could get over the fact that they're a cultural vulnerability, but the way that they were subverted makes me lose sympathy. Women's sense of spite and jealousy were used to control them. They were convinced it wasn't fair that they didn't get a say in policy. They victimized themselves, but they've never been fucking victims. Say what you will about jews, but they're great about finding the weakest point in your society. For women they found that point to be self interest and vanity. For men, they found our greatest weakness to be caring for a group of people that cared nothing for us. They convinced men that it was the right and kind thing to do to allow women to vote. Sure, we'd be losing some political power, but we really didn't want to be the ones responsible for the continued enslavement of women. So yeah, we live in a society that was destroyed by selfish creatures who failed at the only thing ever asked of them pushing their fantasy onto people that cared enough about them to listen. I don't hold a grudge for what has happened. It wasn't even in my generation that women destroyed our society, and most of the responsible parties are already dead or too old to care about. However, I think we should look towards the future. Can we afford to have this massive weakness when we're about to face off against the entire fucking world? Of course, they are essential now because we need to keep our population stable. However, if we discover a way to replace them that requires less resources and removes a glaring weakness in our nations, then why shouldn't we use that? What exactly do they provide that artificial reproduction doesn't? They've shown pretty clearly that their worth does NOT come from their amazing child rearing skills.

So many fucking single mothers and they raise the most broken children*.

I totally agree, but what I said did pertain to ancient Celts. Check out Hermeticism, bro. All gods are real

Literally the opposite is true. Semites are all about asceticism.



My wife died in a car crash in 2012. We were together for 14 years. I have a daughter from her. She's 18 but was 13 when her mother died.
I really don't want a relationship with another woman. I have female friends who are very dear to me.

Stating the obvious may open me up to allegations of sexism etc. I don't mind.
Men and women are different. Our brain architecture is different. Tens of thousands of years of evolution (and more), our culture and biology are different.
Even the way we see things is different. Men can focus on a particular object better than women. (size, speed, distance, shape) Women see a more total view. They can process visual information better in some ways than we men. Of course there is overlap.

Also physically. Men have much greater upper body strength, less subcutaneous fat layers, don't have periods, completely different reproductive systems. Women live longer on average, don't go bald, have much lower suicide rates.
MGTOW is a pile of shit. Men need women as much as women need men.

I can see why ;)

Trump won and whit women voted for him. The Jewish psyop that is MGTOW was BTFO.

The leftests just defeated Orbin in Austria. 60% of women voted left so they can have more immigrants.

Not saying this means anything it just shows your argument is meaningless.

Oh wow you guys ban me for a totally different post
then edit this one did I strike a nerve? Don't worry all you need to do is just cut down on those hotpockets and you'll get a gf.

Very sorry about the crash. Live long and prosper, user.

So that's why you make this thread to encourage the (((MGTOW))) shilling? If it dies, let it die. Don't beat the dead horse. It was a forced meme that caught on for a while. Most genuine (((MGTOW))) seem to be canadicucks, which is completely understandable. However, just about everywhere else in the world it's possible to get your shit together and have white children so nobody has any excuse.

Its trending higher then ever

It's true. Semites hate everything about the physical world. Especially their own biology. Why else do you think they mutilate themselves and destroy the environment?

heartily lol'd

I thought you had a son?

Source? I've never heard that, and their 4-8 IQ difference makes that sound unlikely. Also, there is no biological mechanism I can think of except for being skilled at picking up social cues.

That has nothing to do with it. There is no white country where a woman can't just lie, ruin your life, and take your kids. Making kids isn't the problem, but keeping them.

Women are irrational and unpredictable beings. We cannot allow them to have too much freedom, as sad as I am to say that.

Damn fine video, thanks for posting it.

Women are definitely the only gender with a chance of inheriting 4 chroma vision instead of the typical 3 chroma. A small proportion of women get an extra pigment in the retina which increases color resolution 10 fold.

Also think about a woman's sense of domestic aesthetics. Sure, you can tell her ahead of time that the bench won't fit under the windowsill, with your superior spatial reasoning. But she's the one who knows where to hang stuff on the walls and how to choose complementary colors on instinct. This isn't an IQ thing. It is a perception thing far lower in the hierarchy of cognitive function than IQ can impact. It's just the way the world seems to her, at the foundational level.

Most women are fat, entitled hamplanets. Your OP pic is of an exceptional young fit girl who will spend her life as a prostitute. Most women marry successful men and are prostitutes in the same form. If OP does not understand that women are parasites he is a fucking moron.

She literally works for Trump as a model.

Your point and are not mutually exclusive. We are two or three generations deep into demoralization. At one point men could have chosen virtuous women and saved themselves, but they didn't, they whored around and raised more whores and numales. Now we're in the dark ages and we have to start from square one.

Jewish mod is bumplocking/deleting any threads that are not pro-trump!!

Board logs can be found here

See related for full understanding

8ch. pl/pol/res/25508.htm


fuck this shit..

pepe trump, pence wojack, Holla Forumsanon, mattis mgtow, house nigger carson, moonman giuliani..

what have we done???


How many times a day does pol have to destroy its credibility? How could anyone be delusional enough to think that this board is not a echo chamber for jilted children? How far gone are you people when this is how you respond to someone just saying "I don't want to see gays tossed into the bog"?

Cheering over the anchor should give you a clue

This. Part of being a man is dealing with women and their bullshit. It means growing the fuck up and assuming financial responsibility for your wife, your kids and your wife's children to ensure your genes are passed on ensuring the survival of the white race. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either a gibbering manchild or a jew.

Cuckian slip, Mr. Freud?

that's called a freudian slip, child, and no, it was incredibly accurate, not inaccurate

Who wants to play "Spot the feminist shill"?

Its called a joke son try and keep up. Fucking poe's law

