Brit/pol/ UNCUCKED #0005 "FAR RIGHT WING SNACKS" edition


This occasion marks the quintus thread in our glorious loyalist new order. The last thread saw more portentious events including many dubs, trips, numeromantic wonders of diverse types and also the discovery of the latent nationalist druidic earth current which we have harnessed through our collective intent and which now protects and blesses our board. This blood & soil occult current flows through the lay lines and our nationalism and passion for kith and kin, coupled with our LOYALIST leanings have helped us harness and channel this most ancient of occult earth energy currents. We saw Tommy get banged up for life in chokey, space rhodesians in miniature, classic Viz making a welcome reappearance and filthy degenerates and lugenpresse scum attempt to dox manlettial wews.
Be proud lads - our loyalist brit/pol/ has endured and now flourishes as a pheonix risen from the ashes.
Truly we are now a league apart from our misguided bretheren in their self imposed exile. One only needs to glance at the quality in posters over there (shitposting aimlessly on their board equivalent of the calais jungle) compared to the loyal lads here and you will have absolute confirmation that the old adage "quality over quantity" rings true.
They continue to wallow in their own effluvia, their community fractured by discordian elements, migrations, shitposters, fat fucking NEETS, tripfags and all round cancerous faggotry.
We meanwhile have exciting fresh memes like international tommy, LOYALIST, sick and fierce bants particularly for our favorite scottish landwhale in training the based mods on our side and also the spirits of long dead based druids protecting and guiding us through portents and the augery of repeating digits. We have developed a distinct and unique culture, now wholly separate from that of our previous bretheren, where anglosphere cooperation, board camaraderie, fresh memes, top-tier bants and a far higher quality in anons & posting is the order of the day.
>"We are the cream of the crop that has risen to the top"

However, in order that the UNCUCKED GLORIOUS LOYALIST NEW ORDER is to remain then we must enforce the GOLDEN RULES with an iron fist. In order to keep our brit/pol/ uncucked it is vital that any lads participating in the thread follow the golden rules.


These GOLDEN RULES are the tried and tested method for keeping our loyalist Brit/pol/ UNCUCKED and it is vital that they are followed by all anons posting ITT if we are to remain a cut above our wayward bretheren and keep out general free of cancer and faggotry.
"Follow the GOLDEN RULES to keep brit/pol/ uncucked"

So with that being said let us commence with the topical links for you lads perusal and delectation.

Kiltnigger lugenpresse and a blog of degenerates attempt witch hunt against our favorite vertically challenged hamplanet NEET angsty vlogger

Idiot globalist preacher & fedora king Richard Dawkins proposes attractive LibDem rebrand

Mop headed turkroach-blood tainted toff boris outlines brexit plan

Idiot drivers (ie wimminz, shitskins and boy racers) face life if they kill

"Get Jo Cox'd you old bint"- Sour Soubry cant handle the bants as based twatterposter bringing top tier banter feels the full force of orwellian thought crime enforcement.

Football nonces noncing. Football is fucking shit tbh lads iv never understood the pleasure in it. Only good thing is the hooliganism and that is woefully misplaced energy imo

Austrians let their guilt complex override their survival instincts and also let us all down as they fail to secure Hofer victory. Reeee tbh lads

EXTRA CRISPY SJW! Horde of traitors and degenerates are purged in holy fire. The Ordo hereticus approves and so do we

Scaremongering remoaner liars try to put the willies up the construction industry

Stick to the golden rules lads and lets make this another thread that shows that loyalist 8/pol/ brit/pol/ is the best brit/pol/ of them all.


Other urls found in this thread:

first for

New to these threads, I've always watched from a distance. One thing that I find inspiring, however, is your tenacity to always stay the course with your chins held high.

So what's a harris or jerry cuckposter?

British stiff upper lip is not a meme, my lad.
Thats cancer lad. They are mere wind up merchants.

They were shitposters, autists, spergs and shills who sought to cause division and infighting. Harris was the british air marshall who bombed dresden and the harriscucks used to spam him constantly just to piss off the rest of the board. They would do the same with traps and other stupid memes they came up with like CIVIC. There were some of us here who actually cared about british nationalism and wanted good relations with our brothers in other nations and we got sick of the shitposting autists ruining it for us. Hence we had a purge where the loyalist britanons stayed loyal to Holla Forums while the shitposters were exiled to the >>/brit/ and >>/britpol/ (although a lot ended up going back to cuckchan because their boards are such a shit show)
Meanwhile we endured and have threads that focus on quality over quantity now.

Check out the capture I had to fill in to make this thread lads

Portentious indeed, along with trips in the OP. Gonna be a good thread lads


Why is hating Germans wrong? Am I too racist to post here?

You do realise even the founding fathers didn't think Germanics were white, right?

You anglos have really got to stop doing things like that.

Even Hitler himself was a massive Anglophile and knew they had no history, tbh.

Not us lad. We dont do that shit. Probably our wayward bretheren from >>/brit/

Stop it lad, this achieves nothing but division and shitposting. Last warning before I sick the based mods on you. Harris is anaethma here.


The mods have helped excise cancer from our general and keep it uncucked lad.

Based Mods is correct tbh. We've had some good threads with there help.

This tbh. They have dealt with saboteurs, shills and raids from the refugees in a swift no nonsense manner. They have been instrumental in keeping our generals good. Im glad they are there.

We need order, not anarchy. Can you imagine what a shitshow this place would descent into if we had no moderation. Mods are our provosts. Glad we have them tbh. They share our views and our disdain for our misguided bretheren and have backed us up on many occasions

It is abundantly clear that your Brit/Pol/ threads are still host to anti-white troublemakers, as seen with this kike here and this anti-mod poster here . If not to cause trouble for the rest of the movement, what do you even do here? What purpose does your thread have now?

I must also question your continued support for anti-european politicians like UKIP. Has it ever occurred to you that the white race would be better served by parties pushing the European Union towards NatSoc policies rather than simply obstructing it's political processes and destroying it's promising foundation as a home for all white peoples.

Are you just shitposting or genuinely retarded?

t. not a brit

We are far too busy with International Tommies to bother anybody else tbh. We also get bothered by the subhumans from our lesser boards.

Im okay with this tbh.

Top kek lad.
brit/pol/ - TOO RACIST FOR Holla Forums

Reported, kike.

This is exactly the kind of attitude I have come to loath about English posters on Holla Forums. Why is European pride and nationalism so offensive to you?

If you aren't interested in helping support the future of the white race then why do you even come here?

So just a shitposter, I see. Muh huwaite superstate won't work and it shouldn't. It'll just erode national identities over time, just as the EU and the USSR did and do, just maybe slower.

brits gotta cuck for muh queen and civic nationalism because muh old colonies of darkies who are 100% white british even if they are paki rape gangs

You are talking our your arse, literally no one here does that. Dont mistake loyalist brit/pol/ for the shitposting effluvia we purged and exiled.

Its not, I fully support it. I see no problem with pan european nationalism as long as all nations are allowed to maintain their individual culture and ethnic balance. Like the other user, you seem to be mistaking the brits of loyalist brit/pol/ for the chucklefuck cancer that was excised from here near 2 months ago now.

Lads what are we going to do with our ridiculous welfare system?

We could cut 28% (74 billion) from unemployment, housing benefit and family benefits which would ease the burden significantly. Pensions and the rest seem pretty common sense but we could almost certainly cut a fair chunk of disability which will be faggots with depression or something equally not an actual reason to be receiving benefits. This ridiculous amount accounts for 35% of our total spending and we could really do with spending that money on something more worthwhile.

I know the odds of actually doing this are nil but we have to do something as this sector keeps growing and wont stop with all the rapefugees we are taking in.

Fuck me - three, count 'em THREE sets of consecutive dubs. This happens a lot here because we are blessed by the spirits of long dead druids who admire our blood & soil nationalism and our love for England.

Absolutely Portentious

What did he mean by this?

Whats with hexenhammer starting wearing them aviator shades in every video now? Is he trying to make himself look less nerdy?

European Pride and Ethnic nationalism is exactly what we stand for. But real nationalism, on a country by country basis. What I dont like is burgers coming to the thread demanding we accept slavs and euros as our countrymen. The pan-european movement is admirable, but racial and national lines must be drawn. Pan European Nationalistic Co-operation suits me better.

There isn't anything inherently wrong with state-funded handouts - I've always been warm to socialism, because you have no idea when something will go wrong - but the biggest issue is that people abuse the system.

The system and benefits should remain, in my opinion, but be much harder to access. You want retirement money? Have the state match your plan, up to a certain dollar amount per year based on your income level.

Also what are your thoughts on welfare programs such as food stamps? In theory, it would allow poor people to have financial relief so they can survive, and even eat healthy (if it went towards perishable foods like vegetables and grains and the like). But I think we both know people are too lazy and selfish to use the system properly.

Did you lads see that bit of news about that study where pakis think they are 75% of the country due to living in their ghettos? (and also being inbred and stupid)

Fucking checked lad, trips for the OP is portentous as fuck imho.
Good thread as usual.

This. Why is it so difficult for the burgers to understand? Do they honestly think the slavs fleeing their homelands like rapefugees because its tough there is good for their countries? Wouldn't supporting them while they rebuilt their own nations be more productive?
I swear most of them are just spergs that enjoy d&c and typing the word 'britkike', shame as we get some great burgers come in here and contribute from time to time…

Anyway, here's Mark Carney of the bank of England pretending he agrees with the common man.
I hope it physically pained him to say all this tbh

I love burgers, as a rule. Anglosphere Unity comes first. Slavs are not Anglosphere. Seems pretty clear cut to me.

sorry lads forgot link.

Anyway the dumb inbred interlopers think they constitute three quarters of the country due to never going outside their filthy ghettos.

The real solution is to deport the fucking lot of them. They have clearly failed to integrate and contribute nothing but crime, social decay and division. But no doubt this will end up with them becoming even more pampered with scheme after fucking scheme laid out to "help them integrate"

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I just want them to fuck off lads. Then I want to see Blair, Mandelson, Straw, roche ect hanging from a fucking gallows for bringing them here in the first place.

Angry tbh lads. Angry at how impotent and treacherous our establishment is.


Whitstable Bay pale ale
Marstons Pedigree

Are economists several steps behind Holla Forums with economic logic? It fucking seems that way.

This is one of my faves lad.

Marston's Oyster Stout


Id just like to say that you did a cracking job with the OP lad. I raise a toast to you m88.

Look at this cunt 3 mins in. Starts off all reasonable then basically endorses/threatens islamo-vigilante justice. Can you imagine the reaction if on broadcast TV a white guy threatened pakis with a good kicking if they messed around in his area?

Acid? £10 a tab tbh lad.

Thanks lad, I appreciate that


Remember, rules of New Brit/pol/ order: report all Harris poster on sight.

No exceptions, no excuses, no mercy.

We don't want the cancer creeping back.

Can you feel your ancestors turning in their graves lads? I can. Imagine fighting for your hometown, knowing that in 50 years it will be 99% diverse. Blood & Soil.

He got loads of compliments on them when he first put them on, now he won't take them off!

He does look good in them though.

The media is not out ally, it's (((their))) ally.

It'd be strange not to see these anti-White double standards on the lame stream media at this point.

Thankfully, increasing numbers of folks are switching off.


I personally think it's a bad thing for to be dependent on the government for anything as people become complacent and lazy and begin to expect handouts.
It would be interesting to see how generous these so called leftists are when they have to fork out for the good of others instead of virtue signalling that the government needs to steal more money from the productive.
Charities and privately funded organizations do a better job of helping people than the goberment, those beaurocrats only care about their positions.

Link to the article?

Also you lads better be organizing or helping said organizations. We can't be twiddling our thumbs forever.

We need to uncuck each other first and then closer bonds can be established. The European peoples are on a precipice and no other races are going to look out for us.

Fuck off we don't want you

All circlejerking generals are cancer. You're a parasite on the board. There is zero reason to occupy Holla Forums and not stay on your own board.


Why should we leave lad? Theres no circle jerking, stay and post for a while and you will see.

Based mods excised that harriscancer like a boss

mods you are our based provost marshals

We salute you

kek STILL mad i see. Your impotent rage is most amusing to us lad.

My new knives arrived lads.


Double knives, double dubs.
Very nice user. Looking sharp.

I have no idea of the scale of your image. I am imagining a knitted full body suit?


Nice lad, just been looking at their website, they do some pretty sweet blades.

The dubs are unstoppable lad, portents aplenty.

Fug, wrong image.

Lad, is your Mrs a knitting fanatic?!

Ive got 4 now, they are without doubt the best value work blades you can buy. £5 each kek. The chisel is a noteworthy purchase tbh, I am trying to figure out which is more useful for fitting my windows.

Look at the poor knitwork on the crotch area lad. If that was my misses making that, she'd be out the fucking door quick sharp tbh.

Got myself one of these a few years ago, but in black

I'm gutted they dont make one for my line of work tbh.

Fair point lad, was going to tell you to put the fucking shower spray away too, makes the place look untidy…

I bought a Ka-Bar with my Trump winnings, but I absolutely love beater knives. Theres something appealing about a knife that is designed to be knocked about.
I bet that makes it easy to sharpen, and tough as fuck. The hultafors are fucking great but you can chip the blade if you go wild. For that price, its hard to argue for a long knife tbh. Search for "Extol" knives on amazon for some ridiculous priced blades. Pic related was £5.50, and has de-limbs trees for 6 months.

I saw a video recently of a brazillian chap who had, I believe, been caught on the rob by a bunch of angry villagers who proceeded to remove his finger using something very similar to the pictured tool.
he made the most amusing "AYE AYE AYE YEEEE" sound.

Im not sure they do a knife for posting on imageboards. Pic related maybe.
Kek, you must be a southerner lad.

My next purchase will be a folding chisel. Do you reckon the plod will argue its a butterfly knife (balisong)?

I wish I was a neet lad, that would be grand but the bills don't pay themselves sadly.
M-maybe.. do northerners leave theirs out then?

Plod would nick you if you had a fucking paper clip in your back pocket lad, plastic spoons only, you know the rules…

Kek, death and taxes lad, inescapable. How do you pay the taxman his tithe lad? Theres apparently no shame in being clean, as my northern family members have told me when I question what the fuck the mini hoover is doing on the sofa next to a snoozing elderly couple at 7pm in the fucking evening. Fucking northeners.

I can carry anything I like at work, except butterfly knives and gravity knives etc. Id be worried about having it if they could twist it to be a prohibited weapon. I might go and ask at the copshop tbh. The way it folds is fucking sexy.

Whats your favorite tools you use the most lads?

Heres mine

brit/pol/ tool thread, fucking excellent tbh.

Lidls do some smashing gear occasionally. 3 year warranty always makes me kek, I return tools after a year and get a refund, no questions asked.

I work in the steel industry. That chisel does look like a balisong but its clearly a tool so they should be alright with it tbh.

Pics related.

Fabrication or installation by the look of it, not embed related. Is your sector overflowing with slavs lad?

Bit of both.
Pretty much, don't mind them until you get to a site full of them and they refuse to speak in English. reee tbh lad
Top kek!

Tactical Spork

Genius, Rotherham in five lads?

I do a bit of surveying on townhouses in london, and I understand and sympathise with the reeeee tbh. We should get liberals to try asking a room full of unfriendly slavs where the toilet is, alone, miles from home, on a cold fucking morning after getting up at 5am. I am kekking heartily at the thought.


Kek, Ill wait here and watch for the headline -
Like the pizzagate hoax.

Thats the thing. There fine on their own but when you get big groups of them, that ingroup preference kicks in. Not a nice thing to have to experience in your own country and its behind a lot of the social alienation that the white working class have experienced. Fucking libshits have not got a clue.


Ahhhhh fugg why do I phone post
Kill myself.


I live and work with eastern europeans and slavs, alone or in small groups they tend to be friendly, but I think there must be a critical-slav-mass or a baltic event horizon where the pollacking becomes unstoppable, and slav squatting becomes rampant. Smdh tbh lads.

Thats nothing lad. My axefus.


Lad, what are you doing? kek

Copy-pasting my posts because the browser crashes when I try and submit a post. Fucking Nips and their shitty rice peeling Samsung shit tbh.

Why go on lads?

R8 my nailer lads

Are there any archives of the Brit/pol/ threads from earlier this month? I need to catch up.

(checked and nailed)
Needs more machine gun tbh.

We actually use .22 blanks to drive spikes and nails into concrete here in the states

Ooosh paslode are top tier site toys lad.

Not sure actually, think the first thread was but don't know if anyone bothered doing the others…

Nice, we used to have a nail gun for tacking wood to steel rsj's, that was pretty fun to play with.

We use powder charges here too, albeit smaller ones. Id speculate thats how old Tommo made his shooter.

Stop lad, Im nofap.

Borderline erotic tbh

Are Nige shortlisted for Time magazine person of the year


From article
Why? Virtue signalling?
Fair call.
Hahaha what?
Fair call.
Isnt he engaging with Pakistan in Kashmir?
NWO token signal.
Very fair call.

What the fuck sort of list is that though lads.

Its the hip-hop illuminati tbh.

I know there's no way they will let it happen but imagine the salt if Trump or Putin won…
The salt isn't ever going to end is it?

You just know if Trump won it he would have 'Man Of The Year' added to his new '45' hat. Fuck me if Are Nige wins it just imagine what the BBC will be like for weeks.

Typical wogs tbh smh. All the money in the world cant buy them the class or grace of whites.

You can take a primate from the jungle lad…

(checking MORE double-dubs)


That viz wog still gives me a hearty kek lad. Fucking nostrils on him…
Retro viz is now a loyalist brit/pol/ staple

Night lads.

night lad. Dont have nightmares

One bonus of only sleeping for ~90mins at a time is the lack of dreams or nightmares tbh.

That design is crap, the legs would break.
Best bet would bet an inversion of the circle framed swastika at the bottom.

Are you the other insomnia lad i was talking to in the other thread?

I felt bit rough this morn after drinking that port with me zopiclones last night lad.

My missus has bought chocolate luxe baileys when she did the shop so im knocking them back with a bit of that tonight instead. Shes tried hiding it behind other stuff too but fuck her tbh, i want some of that

Insomnia is no fun lad but its even less fun straight headed. I need to take the edge off. Such is my vice.

"European pride" is a retarded kiked out idea you stupid faggot. You still don't get it which is why you will constantly lose.

t. Not a Bong.

Chamomile is a very white remedy for your problem. And you can rest easy knowing that it has itself rooted in western European tradition as an ancient medicinal herb.

Erdogan faked a Millitary Coup so he has reason to be there
Unlike Cuckerberg

Don't look very blue to me.

yeah chamomiles good stuff lad. Unfortunately though my insomnia is so persistent that only the harder stuff will suffice.

Theres an archive of the last thread here lad

Perhaps some other anons have the archive links of the earlier ones.

Bumping this thread because people keep posting in the old one by mistake.

Tis indeed me lad.

Chamomile didnt work for me, strangely valerian root extract (herbal nytol) works for about 2 days, then I get night terrors from them, kek.
Dubs confirm existence of retards

Food stamps & publicly funded soup kitchens would be acceptable for the food needs of claimants. The food stamps allow people some independence and food choice, the soup kitchens provide a constructive way to network. I am aware of the social stigma attached to soup kitchens.
How would food stamps clothe people? Would they get Clothes Stamps or some shit?
I reckon you couldnt introduce reform like this without massive state building projects to employ the lazy cunts. And/or national service.
Disability / incapacity benefits should still exist, but with far more rigorous conditions. State funded manufacturing facilities that employ disabled people would help with that.
Basically, lazy cheating cunts should not have tobacco and Iphones tbh. Give them half a loaf of bread and some fruit and tell them to get a fucking job.

Evening lads how are we tonight?

How long before Brits can't access Holla Forums? It'll be a final good riddance to Brit/pol/!


Until then, stay triggered lad.

Reasonable lad, the mead shack near me has a license on a Tuesday so Im going a-whiskey tastin'.
Any news lads?

Doing good lads, not much to report apart from our kids are getting thicker…

How do you feel about this lads?
I dont reckon he should be in prison tbh.

But Estonia is majority slav, with few private wealthy schools. The average of state education is a fair measure of population intelligence, but Id hazard a guess that with the whitest private schools factored in, the results would be in our favour, at least against Estonia.
Are you still on the Baileys tonight lad? Im on a Woes tribute ale this evening.

because the government, NUT and other lefty organisations make sure all extra education funds are funnelled to everyone except working class white kids. Also they hold the shitskin spawn to a lower standard and bump up their scores to justify more and more public funding in the name od ;diversity'. Its reeeeeeeeeeee inducing tbh.

clearly fucked that reply up lads, you all get the gist tbh
Fugg me the fucking nips have a lot to answer for with this phone.

Obviously that reply.

About the same amount of time you leave, along with Rach. Never, faggot. We'll just use proxies like you have used to evade all your bans.

(last bit was for you lad)
based Mods please hide my shameful Nipponese-induced posts

who /engineering&welding/ here?

Studied it lad, sadly I am partially in an office now. And partially hitting shit with hammers.

Why does your vernier have a dial? Are you a faggot?

Yeah lad, I showed remarkable discipline & didnt tan the bottle so i have a glass or two left for tonight providing the missus doesnt tan it first

Yes lad

One of the main reasons why my vernier calipers has a dial is that I like to put my length in another mans arse.

Dial calipers are an oddity, I have an old pair that I simply cannot get my head around at all, much happier with true vernier readings tbh.
Do they make them for adults lad?


It's simple. Each number on the dial represents 1/10th of a millimeter

Not the one I have, its not metric but doesn't seem to work in imperial either, the old boy that I used to work with explained how to read it once but that was years ago and ive long since forgotten.
If I find it ill post a pic.
I used to make the apprentices use it and kek as they frowned at it in confusion

That sarah olney is a reet fucking boot lads. Seriously - what a fucking steg! All teeth and gums.

Probably need calibrating then.

or you could get some imperial measuring blocks to work it out for yourself.

1 inch = 25.4mm
2 inch = 50.4mm
3 inch = 76.2mm
4 inch = 101.6mm
5 inch = 127mm
6 inch = 152.4mm

pic related might help.

I'm getting massive Aphex twin vibes lad.

Lad, we tried all that, I was a toolmaker for over a decade, the thing was just weird. We decided it was made for measuring a specific component, a custom gauge if you will. It came in a box of old tools we got from an old guy who retired, none of us could work it out apart from the old boy who was a fucking genius at engineering, I miss him, he would have loved Holla Forums too kek

Ahh I see. Sound like it would be the case.

Bridgeport FTW

Got to be some chipmunk DNA in there

Kek, we had about 10 of the fuckers at college, took up the space of one of these bad boys.

I thought so lad.

Fuck her tbh, do the bottle now and pop some nesquik in there, she will never know.

Our bridgeports were ww2 era, fucking things needed all sorts of bizzare spanners and shit to use. And half the gears didnt work, so we had to set it to a few hundred rpm maximum and go for a pint while it did its thing.

And your complaining ;-)

Not me lad, the tutor was pretty salty when 25 partially hammered 18-30 year olds traipse into a live workshop every day. Made the day go smoothly though tbh.

Just over from 4/pol/, these big red letters are going to give me an aneurysm

We used to do similar things, something about engineering college and getting pissed kek

Dont panic lad, nice to have you aboard.

So what are the main differences between 4Brit/pol/ and 8Brit/pol/?

Its the weed that they didnt really tolerate, we had young guys straight from 6th form who would leave midway through a period for a joint. Never seemed to mention the older guys having 'toilet breaks' every 5 minutes and coming back enthusiastic as fuck though. I fucking miss those days tbh lads.


Lad the real Brit/pol/ is on >>>/brit/

The difference is that 4Brit/pol/ is full of foreigners and Tory cucks.

We try and discuss things without being weapons grade spergs tbh. See the posts on welfare ITT. And good lad, more the merrier here. Read the OP for a flavour of the Loyalist New Order.

Get over to >>>/brit/ this thread is dead

/brit/ is where all the namefags and shit posters fled during the Uncuckening. Go and have a look lad. Its 4chan but with more namefags.

Ah okay, thanks

You're on thread 5. They're on thread 1404. If you actually want activity in a thread, go there. Didn't the jerrycucks and NA supporters stay here?

Lad link me a good thread on your board and I will participate. Sadly there hasnt been one in all the time Ive browsed your cancer ward.

The saddos here will shill against us but truth is we're more repdilled than Holla Forums and they cuck for the shill mods.

We just started a new thread, give us time ffs

Come on lad. Wheres the quality?

You spelt autism wrong lad

They are all wank tbh. Its slower here but I dont have to read all the bullshit from namefags. If I filter them theres no content on your board tbh lad.

Where's the quality here? It's Brit/pol/, what do you expect? Generals always have their fair share of shitposting and memes.

You haven't given us a chance lad. There's no quality here, and it's slow as fuck. I've had tonnes more good discussion over at /brit/, it just seems drowned out by the shitposting and memes (which are quality) because our activity is so high.

This place is the British bastion on the Holla Forums fatherland. This is where we can have decent exchanges with the burgers et al. The only thing I like about your board is the links, but nobody discusses them, ever.

We appreciate your concerns

Would you drink a pint of piss if I put a shot of whiskey in there lad?

The shitposting and memes are funny though lad, mostly. It's good fun, and we have good discussion. Not like here.

This is why you have your own toilet-like board lad.

I think you're confusing us with /politics/

Your loyalty to your board is admirable lad. I beg you, show me a sequence of 4 comments on your board that is worth reading. Put you cock on the table lad.

Show me a sequence of 4 comments here that isn't us raiding.

Look at the last 4 threads tbh lad.

And I dont even need to mention that 22st morbidly obese cunt you house in your pig-shed with you.

Wew's Woe's - A novella
by Irvine Welsh

Millenial woes fat sausage like fingers gracelessly fumbled with his phone as he read the text from commander kikemares
"MW chek out tha daily record U R famous lolz XD!!!"
Woes shuddered as concentrated iron-bru began to seep from his every pore.
"It wasnae suppost ta be this way" he lamented, tears streaming down his chubby cheeks. "It wasnae meant to be like this…"
Indeed it wasnt. The holiday had started well. Wews found the americans friendly and accomadating to his ample frame. He indulged greedily in the culinary cuisine that the US had to offer.
Then came the NPI conference. Wews was nervous at first, fouling his underpants several times before he finally took the stage. The speech however passed without incident and the recycled vlog that constituted his public address went rather well. His speech was met with applause by the assembled autists and bhoyed by his success wews descended unto the atrium floor to mingle with his fellow alt-right chums. Dickie Spencer, wews friends gave a toast to the crowd. Upon seeing this wews enthusuatically raised his right arm in a roman salute- palm outstretched and ran towards the stage at great speed. Several autists, egged on by wews began to do the same and soon the whole conference hall was alive with furious repeated sieg heils and concentrated austism. "This is tha best day of mah life so it is!" though wews. Filled with mirth and good humour, the chubby scot slipped his arms out of his coat sleeves and placed the hood over his head to resemble a cape. With arms outstretched he began to dash about the packed auditorium making aeroplane noises and giggling incessantly.
"Look at me! Im messerschmitt!" he yelled, much to the delight of fellow attendees. After several minutes of this display, wews began spinning round furiously making machine gun noises, whirling madly like a dervish until he collapsed into a sweaty heap on the conference hall floor, laughing hysterically. The hyper and overexcited wews energy was spent and he was scooped up and carried up to bed by Professor Kevin Macdonald and Peter Brimelow (who put his back out due to hefting the twenty stone neet up the hotel staircase)
KMac tucked the ample wee scotsman into bed.
"Och I want Jared Taylor ta read me a bedteem storeh! I want Goodnight Moon" demanded wews. Dicky spencer was sent to find Taylor who kindly obliged and read the classic tale to wews in his hwhimsicle and honey like baritone voice, every hword enunicated impeccably.
"Hwhen hwinter came, moomin valley hwas hwhite with fresh crisp snow…….." Taylor began, in his dulcet tones but by this time, the tuckered out wee wews had fallen fast asleep.

The NPI joy seemed like a world away now as wews dejectedly stared at the link provided by kikmarez.
"Who is mystery Scottish racist who spoke at rally where white supremacists gave Nazi salutes in support of Donald Trump?" read the unnecessarily long title. Every word felt like a needle peircing wews heart and waves of fear and depression washed over him like noxious creeping bilge. He soiled himself and wept incessantly. After a time, he rose from the bed and wrapped the duvet around himself like a cloak and headed into a small closet where towels and sheets were kept. The small hugbox walls of the closet coupled with the duvet he was wrapped in calmed him somewhat and, realise that his nasal cavity was filled with snot, he blew his nose into his empty hand then proceeded to wipe the contents into his hair, using the nasal mucus to style it into rudimentary spikes. "Och, that saves me having to buy hairgel so it does" he though and felt a small satisfaction as his act of scottish meanness. Feeling a bit safer in the closet, he proceeded to smear faeces onto the wooden walls before finally emerging several hours later.
After several more hours of weeping and smearing bodily fluids about the room he decided to call the only two people in the world who could help - his mam and his best bud in the whole world kikemarez. Shaking his porky fingers dialled in the number and the familiar ringing sound eminated from the phone.
"Hullo" said the voice at the other end of the line.
Tears welling up in his eyes again and snot running down his nose, he let out a high pitched wail of "HELP MA BOAB!" then proceeded to break down, weeping and defecating uncontrollably. His future was now uncertain and he had to ascertain a way to deal with this problem before it consumed him utterly. Resolute, he ceased his wailing and put the reciever back to his ear. Kikemarez was still there and wews decieded it was high time they formulated a master plan to deal with the situation once and for all.

Quality trumps quantity. You only have to compare our threads with theirs to see that. Anyway thats a flase fucking equivalent if ever I heard one. Loyalist uncucked brit/pol/ was only formed a couple of months ago and also reset the tread count so its stands to reason that there would be a smaller thread number you disingenous nigger.


Fucking kek lad, looking forward to part two.


Antifa sluts are fucking scum

Top drawer lad.
Tbh I remember a time when the porridge wogs were consistent and reliable racists. There was no fucking mystery about it whatsoever.

Tell her "arbeit macht frei"

We are not raiding your shitty cancerboard so why do you insist on coming here and shitting up ours?

You havent had a fresh meme in aeons. All you do is post the same old harris/LOCAL/CIVIC?NEET/imperium shit that made everyone else hate you in the first place. This board is far better. Yes we have less users but the anons we have are of a far higher caliber of the shower of shit that constitutes your shitty refugee board. We also have fresh memes like international tommy, PORTENTIOUS, LOYALIST etc that put your stale shitty efforts to shame. We are also now leagues ahead of you in occult memetics, having discovered a portentious nationalistic druidic earth current that runs via the lay lines. We also actually get on with the rest of the board now you cunts have been exiled. Literally the only downside is having to deal with you fuckers coming back into every thread we make to shill your stupid shitposting board and try and berate us into joining your effluvia wallowing cloaca fest.

Fuck off and enjoy the "splendid isolation" you seem so keen on and let us do our thing here without you cunts harrying us at every step.


The interesting thing is they obviously browse here, as evidenced by the recruiter-user jumping on the newfag. They can sort the wheat from the chaff, kind of like using fish bladder to refine beer. We will still be here for the ones that rise above the cesspool. Loyalists with a pedigree.


kek, fugly fucking bitch. Literally all they have is their smug and snark.

The fucking delusions of these cunts. Antifa have no presence outside their university hives and cities where they are bused in and funded by union money and shit. They never try that shit outside anywhere pozzed because even basic bitch chavs would knock the shit out of them considering they consist of noodle arm upper middle class student cucks and their shitskin pets. Any time they are met with force they crack and if its equal numbers or they are outmanned they just run away.

Kekking at the huge guy wading in at 0.04, having a dozen people hold him back. >Obligatory 1naziVS100Antifa.mp4

Im 95% convinced its up 5 (probably less tbh) anons that caused all the trouble all along and they clearly still lurk here.
Go look at the NA thread currently in the catalog, took them a few seconds to raid the shit out of it, harrisposting and daftieposting all over the shop, they simply cant help themselves, they relish triggering Holla Forums.

It is fun, tbh.

It can only be a handful of /brit/shits. I was in that thread for a bit last night, fighting the good fight. Its just 4chan with sound, to quote an insightful user from /brit/.

Wow, genius lad. You are such an asset to our cause.

Goodnight girls, early start tomorrow.
All Hail the New Order

It is fun though.

Another funny thing is of you check their threads, they actually have less UIDs than we do. Their furious autistic desire to just post and post and post despite having nothing of any value to say, contributes to the illusion that their board is more populous than ours when in fact it is all just a small bunch of dedicated spergs pumping out posts like sheboons pump out welfare niglets.
There is actually less of them than they like to make out.

Dubs confirm fraudulent user representation.


Night lad.

Polak tutaj. Jak mogę dołączyć do Akcja Narodowy?

Something about squatting, and national action?

Chciałbym się przyłączyć, by ukryć się w bagażu, to jest moje marzenie.

But its the same 'fun' every time lad.

Night lad

Eh I dunno lad, I contribute massively to our uid count, I post on a laptop that I shut down at night, I have a new VPN connection every day so added to the long duration of our threads it makes the uid artificially high.
The refugees thought they had stumbled on a clever samefag ruse in one thread, was quite amused as it was me they thought they had uncovered but I was just continuing conversations whilst my router was on the blink.

The dubs made me check the veracity of that statement. Top wew.
Only redeeming feature is the links tbh.

Wow, you can paste shit from jewgle translate - so impressive.

gtfo to your jungle filthy refugee.

So they cant even pull the "we have greater numbers" majority shit any more.

Consecutive dubs again. The portents come thick and fast and confirm that our threads are blessed.


Proszę mnie nie ranić, jestem prostym Polakiem.


I return from a brief skirmish on /brit/, in retaliation for the unprovoked encroachment we have so unjustly suffered. Go there lads, remind yourself of why we keep these threads going.

Good lad. Just looking now. The drop in post quality is a sight to behold. We really have developed a seperate more refined culture to our erstwhile former bretheren.

It is pretty sad that every thread is a whining and kicking child thread about how Anglos did nothing wrong and attempts to alienate any other European countries from caring about them.

It has to be some kind of psyop being used against those autistic faggots.

Have you guys seen the latest Polish Christmas Advert?

Double dubs confirm. Portents all the way down.
That is likely. Its just basic D&C tactics, used against people who know no better. If the threads were interesting Id post there, but they are pure cancer.

That seems to be the difference between them and most posters on Holla Forums. I can admit Germans and other Europeans made mistakes because I am above being Intellectually dishonest. So they are either being dishonest on purpose or they have got drunk on their own kool-aid or they actually are that blind to the D&C.

Well I'm back lads, couldn't stand /brit/ any longer what with the discord lads basically admitting they're using bots in concert with /politics/ posters and the endless yankb8ing. Glad we're finally getting on again here.

Heres to the new order, loyal lads.

I do enjoy the whole hate for European Americans tho. They will scream ZOGbot/burger until they pass out without realizing they are being traitors like they say the Americans were.

(absolutely portentious check)
100% agree user. Before the split even happened a few of us came to the conclusion that GCHQ or [email protected]/* */ were probably behind the forcing of the meme and the alberto tier spergs and autists just ran with it and it metasticized. Its good the purge happened when it did because it gave the few of us who were serious the chance to uncuck and sperate ourselves from the cancer.

welcome home lad

Is it just a lack of self-awareness or the fact they have been forced to bow under the crown that makes them lash out at everyone and unaware that the royalty of their country has sold them out long ago? They forget that they were the peasants that despised the royalty.

Goodnight girls.

night lad.


how about a glass of warm milk?

Aye lad to wash the tranquilizers down with

I was just using some webpage to paint a space marine using mordian blue with burnished gold accents then had to look up mordians. How good are they in the lore?

Not played them since 3rd edition but I do remember they had the close order drill rule which let you have concentrated ranks of fire (like the final scene of zulu) I really liked the smart uniform look they had tbh (they just head swapped for pith helmets to make the praetorians) The mordian iron guards fluff stated they came from a world of eternal night and were adept at fighting chaos.

That gave you +1 Initiative in CC if all the units in a squad were in base-to-base contact, like pic related, since the enemy was running into a wall of flashlights and bayonets. Still one of the best doctrines since it let you hit first against most equal-cost infantry and still at least tie against Space Marines and the like.

Best doctrine was still parachuting AT walkers.

t. /tg/

I just finished reading the wikia for them. They do sound pretty bad ass. The thing about them moving back to the palace and concentrated fire did make me think of that zulu scene.

Gonna try and get what little sleep I can now. Goota be up to do the schhol run.

Night lads.


I felt very happy watching this at the start, I honest to god thought it would be a charming ad about an old man learning a new language and going off to a far off land to experience all that life has to offer and the christman spirit. I am no longer happy, I am very mad, all excitement I have is lost, why bother?

Brits invented 54% of the most useful stuff

any mixing is a downgrade for us. brits being genocided by poles is no different than Whites being genocided by shitskins.

socialism rewards the useless and lazy at the expense of the hard-working and clever

yet we can't just let OUR people starve. it's a tricky one. the welfare state has only ever grown since inception, and now we have a huge pile of debt that future generations are expected to pay

once you claim you have the right to force the productive to pay for everyone, there is no limit to how much of peoples stuff you can take. until they decide to go somewhere else

it's obscene when you work for the taxman for more of the year than you do for yourself

that shit is too expensive for a pleb like me

kek blesses you(or the druid spirit or whatever it is now, yueah druids, ok)
it always amuses me how there are multi-millionaire socialists like the EU commission, bob geldorf((())), michael fatfuck moore etc.
When the socialists say they want to redistribute the wealth, they don't mean THEIR wealth

post more of these, hilariosu

cloth headed axe? genius



now I want to be a builder

you sound homophobic, where is your tolerance you EVIL NAAAHTSEE BIGOT!!

Yeah its hypocrisy at the hightest level. People like russel brand really infuriate me. I dont think most of them understand what socialism actually is and what it would entail. They just advocate it because its a hip trendy way of virtue signalling. The safe option of seemingly being anti establishment while actually being extremely beneficial to the ruling libshit elite.

lurk more you godless civic nationalist faggot. Race is three dementional. There is more to a nation then melanin. Your kind of liberalism is not welcomed on Holla Forums. Brits have a right and a duty to remain British. I wish my folk did not foolishly mix. Aside from Catholicism it was a small death of true tradition, culture and heritage. A death that I wish on no white man. We would not be needing to explain ourselves, and our neighborhoods would not be so atomized if people maintained their love of their ancestry and maintained there genealogy.
𝔱. 𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔪𝔩𝔢𝔰𝔰 𝔪𝔲𝔱 𝔦𝔱𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔞𝔫/𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔰𝔥 𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔫

why have the morans forgotten what WAR means?

it's pure evil and treason

micro-hitlers per inch/fortnight?

my jewdar is tingling, also gay as fuck

ok, I chortled


it is better to die for the emperor than to live for yourself

I hope they don't, or they go from being stupid to being evil

hmm, I appear to have posted a porn

is that a ban? if mod notices, please only delte this humerous bawdy webm

is the background music to that gif from Interstellar?

Just spoiler the image next time. Porn doesn't really belong on this board though.


background music to that gif. yes, it's from interstellar

ok, I'll work that out, exile from 4cuck

Get it calibrated then lad.
Morons dont read entire posts either it would seem tbh.

Evening lads. Whats occurring?

Be a plumber lad.

Yes lad, because leather is a well-known type of cloth.

What do you lads think about architecture?
I'm sitting here with my UCAS application and seriously reconsidering my future.
- Physics
- Architecture
- politics

I'm a creative person who likes artistic pursuits

what's your opinion on Cromwell?

MP's vote to back Govt timetable on triggering article 50


there's no source, but sky news doesn't seem like a clickbait rumormill so I'm still hyped

I think most of them understand that theres a wave of popular nationalism sweeping the west and denying us our brexit would cause civil unrest and even more enmity between the populace and the elites.
I think they know that remoaners will whinge and chimp but if the brexiteers are pushed too far then things can go very sour for them - they wouldnt be temper tantrumting in the street, they would do shit like strike en mass and grind industry to a halt.

Kiwi here. Just north of Wellington. Am I allowed to post in Brit threads?
I respect Her Majesty. She's our Queen too. She's on our money and is the head of state.

Do you mean you have to choose between physics, architecture and politics lad? Id say architecture, but learn useful skills, none of this glass and steel bullshit tbh.

If you arent some sort of abbo, yes, welcome to the Anglosphere Alliance lad.
(Does new zealand have abbos lad?)

It was just announced hence the lack of info but I think its legit, (((Sky news))) is as reputable as any of the other (((news))) outlets tbh.

All that would happen if remain cucks went on strike is London would shut down and the guardian would have no articles to publish for a bit tbh

If they went on strike, who would serve you overpriced cereal or charge you £12 to sit with a cat and drink tea? What about sanctimonious news articles? I for one could not live in that future.

Would anyone REALLY miss London if we nuked it?

Niges an of the year runner up article

Id have a bit less work tbh. I think it should be turned into a kind of wildlife park, with free range predators (not just foreigners, kek)

Look what I found in the bric-a-brac shop lads.

A figure of General "black" Jack Pershing (see pic 1)
This is an old toy soldier manafactured circa 1950 by an american toy soldier manafacturing company ironically called 'Marx' kek Spotted him and had to have him because I always remember the Holla Forums inforgraphic about how he dealt with flip islamic terrorists. The guy was genuinely based. Id like to see more toy soldiers of based men of history tbh.

Im in two minds what to do with him. I thought I might paint him up as a statue and mount him on a little plinth for use in wargaming. the other options are paint him up accurately (although becuase its an old 1950s cast, the detail is not up to modern standards) or just leave him as he is. Iv pictured him with a 40k mini for size comparison.

Was just chuffed to find he tbh because he's a Holla Forums favorite. Also hes worth considerably more than the 95p I payed for him so thats always a bonus too.

Not bad tbh lad. Paint him up to his former glory and show us the result.

I hope you fleece the dumb fucks as much as I do lad.

Very nice lad, he knew how to deal with the hordes tbh
Fucking kek

Agree with this user.

We don't have abbos. That's Australia.
We have Maoris. They're mainly alright. They call us white people Pākehā. It's not a friendly word. They tend to live in their own communities.

I could compare them to indigenous American Indians. They keep away from us and don't tend to mix. They also have problems with drugs and alcohol.
Most New Zealanders are from a British or Irish background. I've been to the UK twice and the rural areas are very similar to here.

I dated a kiwi qt a while ago, the family looked like they were tanned yorkshites tbh. So the Maoris are differently titled abbos then? Do they get huge handouts like the Aussie ones?

I don't have to choose between those, but I know architecture is a lot of work and for what you get paid for the amount of work expected is a bit of a put off.

I've got a bad feeling that if I were to say I like ornamentation they might get triggered and justify muh post modernism and aesthetic relativism.

I would love to open up an UK based animation company and produce some red-pilled content.

Architecture is hard work, and these days its all 'sustainable' and 'urban planning' bullshit, but its well paid and you see the country. Once you are on the RIBA list, you are guaranteed 75-500k lad. Start your own firm tbh. Do church & heritage stuff. Its a good path lad.
On the other hand, if you are set on an animation company, are you able to survive being a jobbing artist? Do you have savings like? What the plan tbh lad.
Trump winning has opened up the salt mines again, my token lefty on twitter is taking it well…

Everybody I have mentioned it too has sidestepped it, fucking kek. All of a sudden what Time publishes is irrelevant and pointless. Weeeew.

I'm loving the "H-Hitler was person of the year user! t-that means Drumpf is Hitler!"

I was thinking of going down the route of getting qualified, get a few years experiance under my belt and then opening my own place.
I'm told that it's better to go to a better university and do a worse course than a better course at a worse University.
I was also thinking of going to the RCA ( Royal college of art) to do my masters in architecture.

In regards to the animation company I would need the contacts, skills and money to start that business. ( which I don't have) I would probably have to work in the animation buisness for a good number of years to get the skills I need. Most of the animation companies owners were animators thsemselves.
The only work I have under my belt is a manga I'm in the process of making.

what? I'm complaining that they charged a soldier with killing an insurgent, when that is his job

none of dire straits are jews? in a jew dominated industry?

sounds good

curses, outsmarted agin

however will I cope?


Do the architecture tbh lad. Get the RCA qualification, start a firm, earn some reddies, hire others to do your work, and then do your animation. Or do a whiny entitled gofundme or something, pretend to be a bisexual disabled jewish midget animator who cannot get work due to the rising climate of nationalism and intolerance in old blighty. Get some cucks to fund some nationalist propaganda tbh.

Kek sorry lad I misread your post before. It would appear I am the moron on this occasion. Touche.
You can earn eleventyhundred pounds being a builder too lad. Basically laying gold bricks for your future that is tbh.

ha, I can get behind that. I just hope their will be a need for architects for a good many years from now.
Thanks user.

Make sure you learn some useful shit though lad. Try and branch into a bit of structural engineering, or at least steelwork or some mechanical services (aircon or power etc). Stick with listed buildings, they've needed architects for hundreds of years lad. Ornamentation is pretty interesting, you could do cathederals and sheeit as well. Good luck lad.

That or do what I did and find a missus with a decently paying career, be a stay at home dad and make money by turning your hobby into an earner & painting warhammer40k commissions and stuff and selling it on ebay


not me lad. Based tripods had the right idea tbh. They were ahead of their time.

Kek, very nice work lad, but we cant all decorate toy soldiers for our bread and butter sadly though.

William (Or the Reprise and Perfection of the British Empire) when?

Which William lad?

fucking end it

Hopefully this one, I would like to witness it.

Burger here. How are we going to get canucks on board? I hear Alberta, Yukon, and even rural areas of other provinces tend to be redpilled, but canada is essentially governed by the handful of metropolis's straddling the great lakes/st lawrence river

America is pretty similar from an electoral perspective, I don't know enough about Australia to make an accurate assessment.

I dont know about the Canadians lad, I think it would take a large islamic terror incident before they wake up and lean right. Very few posters on this board admit to being Canadian tbh. I think it may involve us leading by example tbh.

AFP are okay, not mainstream enough to win any real power yet, but they are chipping away.
Hanson & One Nation are good for triggering lefty salt.

Leafs seem to have the most obnoxious sjws too. Not that all sjw are not obnoxious but the canadian ones seem to just notch it up even further with their snark and entitlement.

news.vice. com/article/right-wing-extremism-is-thriving-in-canada
Apparently the right are edgy as fuck.

Superior version here lad, maybe we'll get these one day when Trump becomes Emperor and makes are Nige ruler of Great Britain…


I wouldnt spend it though lad. Unless it was to pay for English flags and ale.

He has only written one good book.
Kek, this should be good.

Count me the fuck in.
I don't do talmud vision lads, going to need a link for this, anyone know where to look tomorrow?

Thanks lad, that's perfect.


Holla Forums must have shit their pants when they heard this.
fucking hell hiphop is shit these days



the city? yes.
the people? no.

Bagpipenigger is on his way back lads. Feel bit bad for him tbh.

Still gonna write part 2 of wew's woes though

I can't seem to find the full version of this debate. I am requesting help.

It apparently takes place at University College London mid November.

Is Virginia welcome around here?

Any of you kikes on Gab?

Would you buy?

Will Woes be able to get a work permit and move to the USA forever?

Hey lads, is it true we're all going to be blocked from Holla Forums soon?

How do we get around it? Will a VPN suffice?

No lad.

How about you that autism elsewhere

Lads can we talk about jewtube?
I know, I know, eceleb cancer and all but I its still leagues above the talmudvision and I like listing to podcasts and shit while im doing me painting work
Anyway lads, who do you like and dislike on jewtube? Personally im partial to a bit of
The ones that I dislike are
This fucker genuinely rustles me to the point of rage. He has the sargon tier "im a classic liberal and im better than you because im le moderate le individualist muh classic libtardism" but cranks it up to a whole new level of obnoxious blue pilled cuckery and fedora faggotry. This fucker really gets my blood up and I could devote a whole post to griping about his obnoxiousness.

What do you lads like and dislike? Any recommendations for me?

Doubt it at the present time. Its actually quite hard to get a visa there - you have to actually have some useful skill if your not a third world scratter coming in under refugee status to get permenant residence and I doubt angsty vlogging while on patreon welfare really qualifies. Hes stuck in shitty scotland for now whether he likes it or not.

Endurance test lads…

Who can stomach 16min of the hackney hippo on brillo without vomiting blood?

Brother John
Project England Rising
Adam Wallace
Davis Aurini
Tommy Sotomayor (monologues not interactive shows)

Cantwell, PJW (blowhards)
Matt Forney
Common Filth (suspect he may be enjoying his research too much)

London forum is good sometimes but Joe Owens may well be right about them.

The belchtloff is about all I watch any more and his show is half comic autism and half politics. I guess Razorfist also counts?

Sotomayor is a SJW in disguise. Notice any time the slightest thing happens against him he makes an hour long video on how he's being harassed and he's a hard working negro who dindu nuffin? Pay attention to what he says, it's quite often victim politics lead.

Check out the guy I recommended about Davis Aurini was on his show this week.

I don't trust Joe Owens in the slightest. He constantly wants to punch right to the point that's all he's doing now. He's screaming "what about the wheely bins!!" and punching right over and over. I am very suspicious about a man who's primary focus is attacking his own team who are now having more success than he ever did. It sounds like a man can't handle admitting he failed where others stand a chance of succeeding.

You shouldn't, he's probably an intelligence asset.

This especially is always a dead giveaway imo.

I don't know if he's an asset, I don't think he's pushed hard enough to be useful to them. He's got less coverage than alexander the whamlo does.

He seems like a failed man out of touch with where his movement went.

Not much of an asset I agree, but just the way he carries on it wouldn't surprise me if he had a handler and everything.

I listen to them all and can't say there's one that doesn't have some agenda. Molyneux being the most slippery of them all.

Pursuers of truth? Maybe UK column, but they get a bit boring. I guess because like us they know what's wrong they know who it is but they are at a loss as to what to do. You will get imprisoned for even getting belligerent with the facts now.

channels I most enjoy are engineering and non political.
AvE and moonfleet41 are pretty comfy.

No idea what Joe Owens is about because his aggressive northern tone is so repulsive I can't hear him, don't think I ever made it through a whole video. I hated Saville and Boycott from a very early age purely on tone.

Just listened to an hour of Brother John.

What a cunt. The guy is the same luke warm bullshit that Milo is. He acts like he's smarter than he is when he's just the smartest guy in the pub. He can't decide where his politics lay but he wants to decide what is wrong with every one else and then apply his personal labels to them.

You would have to try to find a bigger twat.

It is literally like going to the pub and listening to one of your mates talk at length. He's not overtly political but has some good insights into the way people behave.

thanks doc

For politics, history and such?
And some of the others that've been mentioned already. The best stuff for political theory etc. tends to be written.

What's there to distrust? He's quite harmless.

o i am laffin

John is alright, really. If he was talking with other people you would see that sort of naivety tempered, but instead you get one-sided pub chats, as said.

Adam is that you? long time no see lad

Or is it you PER? I love your musical tastes lad

Guessing its one of you. Nice to have you here regardless.

Sometimes john can be insightful, other times stubbornly annyoing. What really pisses me off regarding john is he is willfully ignorant of the JQ Despite being presented with overwhelming evidence he has convinced himself that any dislike of jews on the right is purely down to 'jealousy' of their success. Literally thats it. He also has a mighy high opinion of himself (for an unemployed mid 40yr old living in paki infested rochdale) and a huge case of unwarranted self importance. He never shuts up about the fact that he was "the best salesman in the world" and constantly pushes this idea that he is some world leading expert on BPD and narcissism (despite having no actual qualifications for such a thing other than his armchair philosophy) and everything he does is viewed through that particular lens with no room for nuance. If you believe in occultism and ghosts - narcissism according to him (never mind that fact you might of witnessed stuff with your own eyes….hes right, you're wrong.) He also loves the sound of his own voice and seldom lets any one else get a word in edgeways on his streams (and when he does he constantly interrupts them) And his 'brotherhood round table' podcasts are probably one of the dullest, pointless circlejerky cringe things iv ever seen full of spergs who cant even articulate themselves in a coherent manner (cough, Larry, cough) or stick to a topic at hand without wandering off into pointless personal anecdote (cough…. Wayne cough…) although I do like Tom Collins when hes on. John also seems to be under the impresssion he is some important and influencial figure in the right despite his videos usually getting less that 150views. He needs to eat some humble pie imo but holding court in his hangouts seems to have given him a bir of a big head.

Yeah CF is a fucking prick

Yeah cantwells meltdown is entirely self inflicted . Hes such a fucking sperg tbh. Pisses me off because he's got it fairly good (burger with muh freedoms and funs etc and enough patreon shekels to not have to work - things I would really fucking appreicate if I were to have) but hes fucked it all up by going with stupid women who fuck him over, being a sperg and wallowing in self pity and drugs.

Joe constantly attacking other nationalists coupled with the fact that he is one of /brit/s shitty forced memes puts me off him. Hes oldschool BNP who cannot accept that times have moved on and is still convinced the tactics that got nationalism no where are still the best solution. Being an unsavoury scouse type with a criminal past is not endearing either. I think his hearts in the right place but hes a relic of the past now.

Good list tbh lad. Add granville thorndyke to that - hes good.

It's possible he's just a conceited knucklehead who's peeved that others are shaping nationalism and that's the reason why he's always taking digs at them. But whatever, fuck him. DATS NOWT POLITICS. Fuck him. Aiming most of your shots to the right in a woefully left leaning political climate is a good litmus test of whether your priorities are warped. tbh you have to roll your eyes sometimes.

>Aiming most of your shots to the right in a woefully left leaning political climate is a good litmus test of whether your priorities are warped

So much this tbh. Add /brit/cancers unhealthy obsession with turning him into a shitty forced meme (muh joepill/LOCAL etc) to the the mix and you got someone who is going to repel me tbh.

It’s Adam. And yes, I should’ve added Thorndyke to the list – I had a good chat with him and the Hateful Gæls last week, actually. Shame our conversation is unlisted on their channel, it was a good vid. They even got Cybernazi to make them some Irish-themed intro and outro music.

As for Joe, he is right about various intellectual playpens and state infiltration of the Right; where he’s wrong is with the idea that the Right should be solely and only practical, and also that there are as many state agents as he suggests. He’s a working man using working language to describe things which he, in truth, can’t totally understand. You can’t blame him for trying his best.

Anyways, his “attacks” amount to nothing more than making repetitious YouTube videos. He isn’t a threat to anyone.

Good to see you lad. You are most welcome on loyalist brit/pol/
I liked the talk you did with London forum not long ago. Top notch lad. Keep it up.

Anyone catch the MI6 / MI5 ( i always forget which one it is) speech today?
Heard a snippet of it on the radio about twenty minutes ago pushing the "muh russia" shit in the middle east and its pissed me off to fuck when i heard that boris got bitch slapped for pretty much calling out saudi arabia on their islamic bullshit.

Thanks. Hopefully my next talk will be better, although I doubt it will be with the London Forum. Just personal differences.


Lad we know the establishment is rotten to the core. UNCUCKED refers to the loyalist new order brit/pol/ general which, after purging our corrupted erstwhile former bretheren, is indeed UNCUCKED.

What the fuck is going on with that sticky about the final solution lads? Something is very wrong, I foresee very bad media coverage in our future tbh. Something big is occuring I reckon.

It is a bit disconcering tbh lad. I worry we are being set up for a fall.

Thank fuck it isnt just me. I dont recognise any of the posters in there. What in gods name is going on lads?

Its obviously small. Unless you have 1 inch diameter wool.


Fuck, gets my adrenaline going every time. Why does nothing like that happen here?

But yeah, even in Dover when they outnumbered us by 10 to 1 they got absolutely crushed.

Dunno lad. Might just be edgelordery but it could be a flase flag considering there seems to be a full on multi pronged assault to split the right going on at present (both through MSM and althernative media) by pitting the so called "alt-right" against the more moderates (basically ethno vs civic)
Apologies for how rambly and disjointed this post will be but ill give you my opinion on the happenings currently happening. Were in a strange climate. Its something I noticed via my jewtube subs that theres been a lot of drama eceleb shit I know but it is still relevent as ecelebs are part of the cultural discourse whether we like it or not Its all kicked off since NPI and I think the (((opposition))) has seen a fracture point to exploit by pitting the more moderate right leaning commentators to disavow the "extreme" elements. In the run up to the burger election, the right was pretty united. I know its all cancer but im using it to illustrate my point you used to see people like vox day on TRS. There was no drama between the right because the golden rule of not punching right was obeyed. The moderate (read civics) and "far" right (open ethnonationalists) would happily break bread together or at the very least abstain from attacking each other.
Then you had a handful of autists (and provocateurs) decide to throw up a few seig heils at NPI (a poor decision of the part of Spencer to allow the lugenpresse that amount of access tbh) and that created this fracture point which has snowballed into a shitstorm and caused a civil war in the right. Now you have people like PJW, thernovitch, faggy jewtubers and insufferable hacks like vox day all furiously punching right and virute signalling against the so called "extreme elements" and the lugenpresse are having a field day.
Again I know its cancer but its also visible in certain jewtube circles - you have faggots like that kraut and tea cunt throwing a shitfit and furiously counter signalling against edgysphinx (who I actually quite liked and who imo wasnt really that edgy) The trump victory presented them with a unique chance to cause divison because folk on both sides of the right rested on their laurels and this small pressure point has been cracked. The politicos and lugenpresse know they are on their way out, that folk have lost trust and are turning right very fast now so they are trying their best to do damage control and neuter the new right as much as possible. Shit like british msm openly trying to dox wews is another symptom of this. They are gonna try and crack down on us as much as possible now so it would be wise to be wary of false flags and try not to play into any D&C or astroturfing but rather remain vigilant. Its all kicking off though - #pizzagate, shit going off in the EU. I think they are pulling out all the stops because they are desperate and they are going to try and 'ban' the extreme right if they can.

fookin'ell how big a pair of needles would you need to knit that monsterwool together?

I try to only watch documentaries these days lad, I dont know much about the youtube drama tbh, other than what I pick up on here. Are you saying the youtubers are not assets being controlled, but are being manipulated to turn on each other? As in, the same way the center right is being manipulated to turn against us?
I understand the IrnBru abbos current plight, and get why the beeb et al would want to find him and make an example of him. Im worried that will encourage general doxxing to be acceptable for right wingers wholesale.
Anything Im missing?

Youd probably have to use your arms like fist-needles tbh. Maybe snooker cues, but theyd be very unwieldly.

Also them warmachine mage hunters are nice lad. Id play it but no one else does around here (there used to be a gamin shop run by a grumpy old biker called karl that had a warmachine community but it shut years ago) so its mainly 40k and historical if you want to find games.
I do enjoy a game but prefer the modelling aspect tbh. I seen pic related from the warmachine range (they have some lovely stuff and most of it has its own unique look) and I want it to convert into a battle sisters living saint. Not many of their range fit in with the 40k look but this one does.

Ive been browsing all sorts to see if I can re spark my interest, I found an old unpainted plastic Aragorn in a box of shit from my childhood in the storage unit yesterday, now Ive decided to go to GW for the first time in about 15 years this weekend. Kek, I blame you entirely for this lad.

If you've not been in a long time, prepare to have your wallet raped.
I blame him too lad

I could see myself doing some historic miniature painting tbh, got any reccomendations lad? I like Napoleonic / Crimean war etc.

tonights QT looks promising

Lets enjoy
In his element


I think thats the gist of it. Well done lad, you summed up my rambly disjointed post pretty well. I dont know whether its paranoia on my part but I cant help thinking that is exactly whats happening. The ecelbs are not shills but, like you said are being malipulated into turn against us. They are trying to neuter the potential the movement has. I think they know their backs are up against the wall know, which is why you see them pushing so hard with the whole 'fake news' bollocks they are spinning and the ramping up of censorship everywhere (eg: jewgle is censoring nigger crime stats now aparently) I get bad vibes because an cornered beast is at its most dangerous and I think they are gonna try & push their orwellian totalitarian bullshit as hard and fast as they can before awakening reaches critical mass.

Kek lad. Nephilim nitting needles.

Go for it lad, its honestly one of the best hobbies iv ever had. Its relaxing, constuctive, you get to see yourself improve and admire your own handiwork, you can sell shit if you get good enough and there is also something intellectualy pure in the pursuit of modelling in miniature. Its a very white hobby (some azns can into it too) It also has a nice bit of escapeism in the gaming and lore and stuff with the virtue of being more productive than vidya and its one of the few havens for decent heroic artwork (both in the sculpts and alsothe accompanying art) that is not pozzed abstract modern art bullshit

Its fooking brill lad. Perry minis do a really good napoleonics range that are a good price (round £20 for 30 man units that are multi posable) Also warlord minis are good and do a nice Rourkes drift box set.

some of the ranges I can think off the top of my head

Warlord to a lot of historical systems including:

Italeri and Zvedza both seem to have wargaming ranges out now (italian and russian compaines)

Also depends on what scale you want to go with. 28mm is the usual (same size as warhammer and such) but you get companies like Flames of war that do smaller scale stuff, 20mm, 10mm and 6mm (even smaller if you get into naval miniature wargaming)
Theres a lot to choose from and you get a lot of companies that dont have a rules system but just make minis like wargames factory and Reaper Minis.

Lot to choose from lad but Id recommend checking out Perry minis and Warlord to start with.

Thanks for the info lad, that farmhouse assault set has piqued my interest mightily, almost all of my favourite Sharpes involve some sort of farmhouse assault tbh. That big Rourkes drift set is pretty tasty too, how long do you reckon that would take to do? And is GW a reasonable place to buy some paints?
They are terrified of the numbers that are here now. We must be almost at that point, and they know it. The only thing that (((final solution))) thread gets right is the global awakening aspect compare to historical events. The wind is so close to changing.


Gw paints are good but there is cheaper. Army painter is good and they do some really good sprays which are a godsend if you dont have an airbrush (and are still handy if you do sometimes) Tamia do some really nice flesh colours and vallejo are a bit pricier but really vivid, especially their reds and yellows. Its worth splashing out on a few vallejo primaries tbh because they pigment in them is very high quality.
Citadel have some really nice speciality stuff like inks and washes (and forge world do weathering powder if your doing vehicles/tanks)
You end up finding a mix of what works for you. I often use a tamia or vallejo base then citadel inks and glazes on top.
You can even buy cheap acryllic poster paint but you need to buy thinner for that to work properly otherwise it just ends up obscuring all the details on the model.



cant watch it lad. QT is too depressing & masochistic for me. Cant sit through that, It will just be an hour of all of them ganging up on are nige and cutting him off and shit while a hand selected audience claps like fucking trained seals at all the virtue signalling lefty crap they will spew and you know they'll give more time to untermench and smarmy jew cunt will self an to are nige and dimblecunt will be antagonistic like always. Let me know if owt good happens ok lad.

A man who constantly attacks his own side is not harmless, especially not when half of /brit/pol are listening to his bollocks and promoting it.

The JQ has some debate there, I can understand being naive about it, it's the fact that he wants equality that bothers me. We're not equal, equal laws just fucks people over. Be honest and say the laws are unequal and we can have a functional system.

Denying Bipolar and claiming it's just narcissism triggered the shit out of me TBH. As someone who has Bipolar and is currently getting 3 hours of sleep a night because I'm hypomanic, yea I kind of know it exists. Diagnosed officially and everything.

I did notice he constantly claims to be the one pulling the strings behind the Alt right and is great at giving extremely bad advice. Telling Woes to out himself and give his real name so the press can't dox him is fucking stupid. Woes is the biggest right wing (which he really isn't very right in) person in the UK. His channel is a gate way drug to harder stuff. It's very likely antifa would go kick his teeth in. Making them work harder to find him and ignoring random hit pieces the media write as bair is his best defensive strategy.

I've seen countless guys like him. He's bog standard middle age council estate pub bloke. My uncles exactly the same and it's a worthless discussion to have with him every time.

I'm torn between punching right and not TBH. As a rule 99% of the time if I have to critize someone on the right then I do it through a right wing angle. i.e. "you're too soft on X, you need to be Y". But some people just need a kick in the nuts. Daily stormers a good example, it's basically just Buzzfeed with nigger and kike added. I understand it's stupidly popular and is doing work but I'd still rather be a bit more high brow.

Faggot, don't fucking start with me on paints.

GW are decent but expensive.
Army painter is extremely hit or miss. Some are great, some are abortions.
Vallejo is the best, all of their ranges are solid. I recommend the Air series, they have a higher pigment count for airbrushing but brush on like a dream. Do the majority of my painting with them.
Scale 75's sets are fantastic. These are top tier professional level though, if you're new you should avoid as they have a desaturated tone that doesn't blend well with other paint ranges.
Coat D arms are GW's old paint line and the best value for money of any paints. Never had a problem with them, always happy to use a pot and they're just a solid choice.

I have over 300 paints at this point. I've been through most the major ranges. Both air brushing and hand painting.

Ever do anything in the old humbrol enamels lad?

Look up The Perry Twins. They're historical autists who are some of the best known sculptors in the UK. They have all different ranges and time frames.

Warlord games also have some historical figure lines. You won't go far wrong with them either. Other wise go browse Element games store and see what catches your attention.

My areas the opposite but everyone is cancerous.

One group is a circle jerk cliche that constantly makes bad decisions about their club.
One is so autistic even /r9k/ would be too functional for them.
There's like 4 other groups around me of varies types of autism but they're still barely functional and I can't be bothered to invest in the games any more. Half the companies and community are social justice shit holes. And I don't feel like sperging out on them as for why it's a bad idea to have a fat neon haired mystery meat as part of your social group, so I just walk away and feel disgust for them instead.

Enamels are a bastard to use. Outside of using enamel washes I would recommend staying as far away from them as you can. The washes are only good because paint thinner does a bang up job removing them or you can extend the working time and adjust them within nanometers of perfection.

Enamels just don't have much of a place any more. Back in the day they carried colour better than acrylics did, but now that's reversed.

Cheaper at Walmart

They were good for model aeroplanes, RC and shit but thats about it. They didnt mix well and took 8+hrs for a single coat to dry. My dad grew up using them so I remember using them on my fucking heroquest figures as a kid, (before getting some acrylics for the first time in about '89/90 with the original citadel colour boxsets. Pics related). Dont think iv know anyone outside old men and RC modellers that use them these days but every fucking modelshop still stocks them though.
Humbrol acrylics can be ok. I had a desert yellow spray that was fucking fantastic but the amount you got the price was positively jewish.

Did you see that gallipoli diorama they did with peter jackson?


Sleep tight

Holy trips for the mega autist.


Good morning, niggers


morning lad what you upto today?


What does this festive friday have in store for you lad?

Eye strain from playing 8 hours of a bad MMO and then walking the dog, you?

Im trying to avoid a train journey to london tbh, I might pretend I shat myself of something and just go home.

don't pretend, JUST DO IT

Based Hungarians video on calais. Spread this lads.

Also, the video mentions that most of the volunteer 'activsts' who work in helping the invaders are british. They do everything than can to get them over here, including illegal shit. Probably unversity far left scum and antifa types. I think we should start doxing people who've gone and worked to help this army of freelooting shitskins against the wishes of the majority. Im serious. I think we should name and shame them, plaster them all over sights like and all over the chans and right wing communities. Make memes with their faces highlighting the fact they are traitors and subversives who are helping rapey subhumans invade our nations against the express wish of the majority. I already have a few of their facebook profiles and shit - they are not exactly good at opsec or covering their tracks. I say we go full on internet hate machine on them though. Its time they began to fear a backlash in helping the enemy.

We already knew this.

some painting and them back to trying to un-Neet myself. Been afew months ad im tired of doing nothing with my time tbh, feeling electrician aprentaship.

I know we already know this but its a new video thats fairly normie friendly than can be spread. Also my point still stands. We need to start identifying and doxing these 'activist' types who go over assist the invading forces. At present these fucking lefty types get social in group credit and virtue signalling points for doing this with little to no backlash. They need said backlash - they need to know that we see them being the traitorous little vermin that they are. We need to make it so they feel fear in betraying the wishes of the majority instead of the smug fuzzy feeling they currently get.
We dox them and the the burgers to go full h8speech on the fuckers as burgers still have that free speech they can help us in this operation
I want these lefty activists to know that shadowy right wing groups are watching them and taking a keen interest in their activities. I want them to feel fear and trepidation at their betrayal. I want them to know that by doing this they are marking themselves as traitors who will be reviled and despised by the public.
Needs to happen lad, you know it does.

My missus has her works christmas do tonight so she bought me and the kids Final Faggotry XV I wanted last guardian tbh but never mind, im not gonna be an ungrateful cunt so ill probably have a go on that with the kids.

Thats a level of commitment I dont have lad. Plus Im wearing new boots, dont fancy spooning poo out of them just to avoid london tbh.

Being a sparky is alright lad, where would you do the apprenticeship? I did day release for engineering, 4 days a week doing actual work, 1 day a week drinking and shitposting in the college workshop. Best of luck lad.

Ha, good one.

Almost got me there.

That's not that new Lib Dem MP, it's Aphex Twin.

Oh, someone else already noticed.

Sarah Olney confirmed Window Licker.

Most of these activists proudly promote their activities and plaster it all over their various social media accounts. Shouldn't be too difficult to achieve, especially considering the organisations that send them out there also like to post it all online too.

Alright lads, all quiet on the western front it seems?

I was ill last night, anyone got a run down of how are Nige did on question time?

Im watching it now lad

Will self on Niges news about Mcdonalds
It represents a significant turnaround, as McDonald's warned in the run-up to the historic EU referendum that Brexit would be damaging and drive up unemployment.
When former Ukip leader Nigel Farage raised the news on the programme, Self broke in to say: 'Great jobs! Great jobs for everybody! Mine's a Big Mac!
Leftists hyperventilating on Shitter.
'It's what he symbolises. As with Brexit, it was a case of a political eventuality people didn't expect.
'That's because we've moved beyond the frame of politics we have known for a long time. Trump rode that wave.'
Self scoffed at the idea that Mr Farage or the US president-elect were 'great statesmen'.
'They are grubby little opportunists riding the coat tails of history,'

Cheers lad, please tell me Mensch got btfo?
What a horrible cunt Self is, I hope he gets beaten up by mcdonalds drive thru staff.
Good to see people calling him out on his lefty bollocks. I know it shouldnt but it still amazes me how they simply cannot stop being condescending fucks.
I hope they never stop doing it

From the comments on the article:
Sounds like one of us lot being more polite than usual kek

Mensch was actually pretty fair. She's a retard, but didn't say anything that bad.

I also agree with Will Self's general sentiment that McDonald's jobs are shit jobs, he just said it in such a cuntish way like with most of what he says.

Self is a fucking limousine liberal lefty twat tbh lad. The cunt employs nobody yet takes the piss out of job providers. Fucking cunt.
Her speech, from a huffnblow link but no clicky clicky shekels for them tbh.
The writer and former MP used a speech on Thursday night’s Question Time programme to denounce the former Ukip leader over his apparent admiration of the Russian president.

She said: “I’ll say to Nigel Farage that I think you are sucking up to this genocidal tyrant.Vladimir Putin], it’s absolutely disgusting.”

I don’t think that Boris was hard enough on the Saudis and instead of just saying it’s a family war between two sides, Shia and Sunnis, I wish he’d said why are we giving money to this hideous nation that is Isis with an embassy, that treats women as slaves and chops off their heads in car parks and calls them terrorists if they drive.

We shouldn’t have any sort of relationship with Saudi Arabia never mind sucking up to them as an ally.

What I like about Boris Johnson is he speaks his mind he is an intelligent man and he will stand up to Putin.

It’s been a bit too much of a love fest tonight. I’ll say to Nigel Farage that I think you are sucking up to this genocidal tyrant, it’s absolutely disgusting.

This is a man that killed 20-year-old Richard [Mayne] and 10 other Britons, that shot down MH17.

The level of sucking up to this disgusting dictator is something that I hope Boris Johnson will put a stop too.

If he can stand up to the civil servants at the Foreign Office he’ll be doing us a big favour.

Wew lads.

Shame, I was hoping she would use the air time to screech autistically about "muh Russians"

KEK, I spoke too soon I see…

Trips confirm our collective dissapointment at Menschs apparent sanity. Sounds forced though, like she is just one step ahead of Self and sees that the will of the people is being pushed too hard on multiple fronts, and has chameleon changed so as not to be BTFO like everybody else has and will be.

Oh yeah but the Putin stuff is obvious. She was pro-Brexit and was mostly positive about Trump. She was also anti-Saudi. She could've been way worse.

Well she is a (((conservative))) so its no surprise that she comes off as less of a cunt than Self tbh.
Surprised she didn't go full sperg about Trump though, her twitter was wall to wall tinfoil shit about Putin being Trump's puppet master for weeks.

Exactly, I didnt expect a double down from her for the Boris comments tbh.

They are incredibly extreme views for a mainstream conservative (read center left) to promote on QT lad tbqh.

I suppose so, I haven't watched tv in years and only watch QT when someone good like are Nige is on, I fully agree with 40k user's post here usually.
Watching politicians slime their way around answering a straight question raises my blood pressure lad, even when I was a bluepilled liberal I always hated MP's and the like, the outright refusal to just say yes or no when asked if they support this or that triggers me no end. I know they have to go with the party line but everyone can see through it when an MP is refusing to answer a question by doggedly repeating some party talking point when its obvious what they really think.

I completely agree, its virtue signalling drivel for pseudo intellectuals, for the most part.
Thats why its a great barometer of public opinion. I like to have it on in the background, and only tend to listen to the most offensive twats (common), or people I like (few and far between). If Mensch has gone hard at the middle east, Saudi Arabia specifically, I think it signals some change ahead. The nervous laffs after Self tried to tear Mcdonalds a new arsehole was strange and uncommon too. Usually, as you both would agree, its just a self-congratulatory wanking circle, audience included.

That's the part that really winds me up, they pretend its a nice diverse cross section of British society, last time I looked, more people voted for Brexit than to remain yet whenever a luvvie signals to the crowd, they applaud like trained seals.
Fuck them all tbh…

Lad thats because good honest Brits are either at work or too tired from their Mcdonalds jobs tbh. The cunts that can afford to travel to the studio couldnt possibly represent anymore than 10% of society.

Fuck me Im not poor but I absolutely cant afford to take the time of work to travel there. I think 10% may be pretty generous tbh.
I wouldnt expect an average brexit voter to be able to afford it if I definitely cant tbh.

How are we going to remove Kebab lads?


What happened to National Action? They used to be the shit back in 2014 & most of 2015 but haven't really seen or heard anything about them in ages other than the odd small demo on youtube


I never took them seriously as a political movement but they were good fun and produced a lot of quality content

Afternoon lads. Spend fucking hours last night playing final faggotry XV. Its much better than I expected tbh (not enjoyed a FF game since FF tactics on gba) Those nips really pull out all the stops when it comes to making a quality product. Iv not seen any pozz in it either yet.
You play as an emo looking Elliot Roger called Noctis. As its ff though the characters look faggy as fuck. Did no one tell the japs that the emo look went out of fashion well over a decade ago? God damn I wish this game would let me get a sensible haircut (hitler youth, cropped or skinhead would suit me just fine)
Other than that its pretty fun tbh lads. Technically it is pretty impressive, the art design is superb and the combat system is pretty tight. Wouldnt usually recommend modern games but this one is bretty gud tbh lads.
Was actually going to wait for Last Guardian but the missus ended up buying this instead which pissed me off at first was pretty clear about it, why wont women listen lads? reee tbh but now that iv played it iv chilled out at bit because its better value for money (probably get 100+ hours of out FF coz its an rpg while Last Guardian will be done in 15-20hrs and probably wont be as good as Shadow of the Colossus either) Its all very, very silly but is good fun.
God bless those slant eyed little yellow bastards for making quirky and entertaining vidya tbh. All the best games this year have been japanese (Dark Souls 3 was the other one that I really enjoyed). Prob gonna get that Ni-oh when its comes out in feb too.
Vidya lads………there is still some fun to be had.

Make sure to sign lads.

done lad

Good lads.

I think cantwell deserves a /cow/ thread tbh lads.

Cantwell confirmed Goon.

National Action became so based the attained a new energetic resonanc ans sublimed into a higher version of reality, where everyone is white and Jews don't exist.

We are still stuck here, in the shit version of the world.

Occasionally they send us psychic messages for guidance, which I sometimes hear in my dreams.

based NA tbh lad


NA to be banned? Every member will be officially a terrorist? Fucking hell lads, it begins.

Youve confused NA with NS I think lad.

I don't want to lose hope, lads, but every year it gets worse and worse. Here in Finland they are well on the way of banning our version of NRM as well. They don't even care about hiding the dictatorship anymore, they will ban any resistance before they can grow into a force.

Just, where is the glimpse of light in Europe? Please, someone tell me.

Wow 400 posts in only 5 days.
You lads are picking up steam

Oh, half of them come from just two people…

Fucking great. Yet another porridge wog (((loyalist))) thread…
Porridge wog (((loyalists))) are not nationalists. They're a fucking embarrassment to nationalists everywhere, a collection of dribbling mongoloid Uncle Tom's whose entire contribution to 'British' culture is a few football songs about killing Hiberniggers. The irony is that the (((loyalists))) are Hiberniggers too…
They support the 'UK'. The UK is a kike project, set in motion by kikes - the Stewart's (Cohen's) - and brought to fruition by Dutch kikes, so that kikes and their masonic house slaves could rule over England and start a world empire that's been the source of mass importation of niggers and shitskins ever since.
These porridge wogs are lobbying for England to carry on subsidising their Marxist colony in the North. It ain't fucking happening Hamish. You can fuck right off.
Since your poison dwarf leader plans to have another referendum, heed me now: we English won't be begging you to stay this time.
You want to be a nationalist? England is a nation. Scotland is a nation. Take care of your own fucking nation and quit trying to get real nationalists to shill for kikes, faggots.

These threads and their (((golden rules))) are one of the biggest cancers on this chan. You're all fucking porridge wogs, terrified of being called out for being the sponging porridge wogs you all are.

he was deliberately missing the point nige was making. that companies who operate here should pay tax here, he had no answer for that obviously good point, so he sneered at mcdonalds workers instead. typical lefty sneering idiot faggot kike

Look cuckstian if you want to steal our memes at least dont do it like a retard.

To be realistic NA have no real impact or even recognition outside of the extremes. Most UK people will never have heard of them.

that's exactly what the labor arsehole did. pretended he didn't hear the question, then talk bollocks about something else

god, I hate them!

how do they prove someone is a member?

is it still the same group if they alter the name slightly?

unless the papers and tv give them a load of exposure by talking about them being banned

Will these fucking cunts ever give up. How long is this shit going to go on for.

No. They never do. They've been this way forever.

Until the English tell the (((free-folk))) Marxists to fuck right off, leaving England with a hefty nationalist majority and a dead Labour party.

The fuck kind of stupid name is that? Fucking cunts are determined to rob us of our brexit. Just makes them look even more petty, vindictive and desperate though. Im glad that gina miller cunt got btfo. The smug from her after she put in the high court bud was almost intolerable. Do these fuckers have any idea how much anger and anti establishment sentiment they are stirring up doing this? Do they even give a shit? I find it difficult to understand the mindset and motivations of these traitorous europhiles.

Now hang on a minute cunt.

Topkek, I was looking at some of the old warhammer pygmies they did in the 80s. Imagine the furore if they tried to release something like this now.

Niggers have always been shit but they just keep getting shitter and shitter with every year thanks to perpetual gibs and jews instilling them with this ridiculous victim status. Dont think niggers have ever been shitter tbh. At least in the 80s you had the odd cool negro like Sgt Apone from Ayyliums and Carl Weathers. And it didnt feel forced back then. Niggers were less offensive in the 80s. But now what with gangsta rap, thug culture and marxist victimhood/BLM/KANGZ shit as well as being permanently offended by anything that reminds them they are black, they are fucking intolerable.

Yes they are. Thats fucking brilliant, I want to find some to take them on antiques roadshow tbh. Imagine the gasps of horror.


Just watching varg's latest video. Quite pessimistic tbh…but could it work in our favour? If we have to go back to subsistence farming it will be the indigenous population that will develop the skills and ingenuity to make it happen.

Theres a lot of potentially triggering material that one could legitimately bring onto the antiques roadshow what with the past being so lulzy and that

You are not wrong. I am weighing up whether the potential dox is worth the warp 4 triggering.

/brit/ are raiding the NA thread.
I thought they hated Holla Forums lads, why cant they stay away? They dont seem to be able to help themselves. Like flies round shit whenever NA is mentioned. Thats some serious autism tbh.

Why does a bunch of kids LARPing at natsocs trigger them so much? Im not about to go and join NA but neither am I going to attack them. What does that achieve? They spend more time sperging over NA than they do attacking a valid target like antifa. With the energy the expend on their anti NA autism, they could instead be doxing open border activists, antifa and those cunts who go and 'help' out at the jungle camp and the like. It seems like a whole lot of wasted energy imo.

Tod Verräter. Freiheit für Großbritannien!

Can you make a Tommy Atkins Tommy lad?

But hey won't ban antifa, marxists or ISIS? Fuck them, cunts. We won't hear the end of it about Jo fucking Cox and how amazing she was despite being a fucking unknown before her death

Place your bets lads

Who do you think would be this invested in undermining NA and channeling angry nationalist sentiment into more moderate civic nationalist routes? Randomly coordinated super-autists?

Hello brits

Nah mate.

Estonia's about 25% slav, 75% Uguric.

They're mostly like the Finns - the 25% slav were the population replacement Russians.

Yeah, "diversity" has been tried before.

Yeah, it was the Soviet Union in mainly Estonia, where they massacred about half the population, and replaced them with Russians.

And these were the shittiest Russians imaginable - I'm pretty certain Russians from Russia have no idea what they're like.

Estonia now has the highest HIV rate in Europe because of the Russian minority, especially in the East.

Thanks for the education on Estonia lad, I didnt know that tbh.

Welcome burger friend.

Also, can you do a National Action Tommy too please lad? Seeing as the MSM are conflating the Mair-derer with Notional Autism and all.

ok lad. Youll have to give me a bit though coz im preoccupied at present

Thanks lad. Still playing FFXV?

I am indeed lad, not been on it tonight yet though.

didnt think I would but im enjoying it tbh

It seems like only when your homeland comes under an immediate existential threat do people realise it. The ethnic Estonian will be well aware of his situation. For us in the UK it's a slow decline with denial throughout.

Morning lads. Gloomy fucking monday. I think the hungarian suicide song is apt to set the mood this morning.

Happy Monday. I got the day off today, thinking of going for lunch at wetherspoons in a nearby town.

I shouldnt complain, but i really dont feel comfortable getting paid to shitpost.

(3 fat ladies)

Lad you have the goose that lays the golden egg there. Go sit in a caf or something tbh.

What's the best way to join National Action? Farage and UKIP are ruining nationalism in this country and I want to do something to further our cause rather than be civic cucks like them.

But why lad?

They seem to be the only non civic force in Britain, if there is others I've not heard about them.


Casuals united were mentioned in this thread or the last I think? I dont know anything about them, except they are not designated a terrorist group yet.

Im going to need a source or at least your opinion on that please, faggot.

Is /britpol/ back now?

You guys were cancerous before. Have you finally grown up beyond cuckposting about (((civic nationalism)))? I genuinely wanted to find some of you and break your fucking legs, but if you are willing to be fucking men of this Nation again, I am willing to forgive.

Thanks lad. They have migrated to /brit/ - Go and check out the poo dungeon of a board they have crafted for themselves.

How do I get spiffy NA merchandise? Now that it's being proscribed I suddenly want some. Unless it's illegal to possess or procure, in which case IRL me denies making this post.

is this the official imperium thread?


come home anglo man

Remove all forms of welfare and replace it with a basic income for all :^)

which one of you was this?

Theres a few off the top of my head. There are numerous local and regional groups too like

You know it isn't lad, stop being silly…

Cue leftists crying because the police said its not terror related kek.

he's not even white ffs

Hahahaha!!!! I hadn't even seen that he wasn't, oh god this is delicious!
it still wasn't terror, just a race related attack but the faggots are still bawling on social media

Thanks lad.

Rice cookers not welcome tbh. Whats an imperium lad?

Good one lad, only white people can act in a race related manner.

Ah fuck, foiled again!


Anyone who believes that the the liberal elite has "principles" beyond wanting to maintain its power is an idiot who needs to be curbstomped.

They'll come for us all eventually.

Wonder how long until we're on the hit list?

First they came for Based NA, and I did not speak out, I wasn't in Based NA.

Then they came for Britain First, and I did not speak out, I wasn't in Britain First.

Then they came for PEGIDA, and I did not speak out, I wasn't in PEGIDA.

Then they came for Liberty GB, and I did not speak out, I wasn't in Liberty GB.

Then they came for UKIP, and I did not speak out, I wasn't in UKIP.

Then they came for the Conservatives, and I did not speak out, I wasn't a Conservative.

Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.


We are already on the hitlist tbh chaps.
I dont agree with what you say, but Id defend to the death your right to say it
What happened to that lads? I swore that if that premise was violated, I would react. I am feeling intense anger tbh.

You are not wrong lad.

The Anglo-Sino imperium.

Anglos are going away. We have no race left in us. We are decadent.
We must ally with the Chinese and create an imperium or perish. Imagine it! The creativity and empathy of the Anglos, mixed with the insect-like work ethic of the Chinese. Western individuality, but tempered by Sino collectivism.
It would be an empire to span the ages.

forgot to attach image

No one cares lad, stop being silly.

Fuck off, Wullie. I don't belieeeeeve it! You all write in Scotch vernacular. If you ARE an Englishman, we've got plenty of rope spare when the day comes for turncoats and traitors too. You can stick you're socialist international 'Great British' pooling and sharing Marxist horseshit kike shilling up your arse.

No thanks lad, I love the English tbh. Anglos will not fade from the earth until I expire, tbh.

Fuck off lad.

What are you trying to tell us?

You'll all see the light eventually

Im trying to tell you that you are a faggot. Go back to /brit/ lad.

Enjoy the ban you will receive soon lad

You can't win against the imperium


Ill die before I see my nation populated with elliot rogers. Most gook women are ugly anyway and they age like shit.

The imperium is THE DOMAIN OF THE BASED GOD EMPEROR AND THE SPESS MUHREENS, not your race mixing fantasy faggot.

You'll want a chinky wife soon enough

You're misrepresenting the Imperium

They all peel rice, my man.

No more (you)s for the riceposter lads, its what he wants. He used to do this every thread before the purge. He still uses the same pictures ffs.

You arent wrong tbh, I find it cathartic to vent at the slit-eye fetishist tbh.

Fuck off Fergus. Take your /brit/kike cancer threads with you. Same on every chan… (((golden rules)))…"no shitposting allowed edition"
No other generals openly display such blatant faggotry. You porridge wogs are fucking disgusting. Even Holla Forums are too good for you. At least they know what the fuck they are.
This is what brit/pol/ faggots really are: wannabe right-wing Scotchmen who realise their nation is fully under the sway of Marxists, so they desperately shill kike memes about how (((great))) Britain is and how anglo-saxons and hiberniggers are all one people really so we should all stick together. They think they're doomed without us, so they have no qualms with saddling us English with 5 million commies, dragging us all down with them.
These faggots use SJW doublethink and logical fallacies to try and convince themselves and any gullible Englishman they can find that, somehow, the UK and national socialism are compatible, and that they're an asset to us. Example of this doublethink: they cheerlead for the Scotch Tory Party leader - a morbidly obese dwarven dyke - as if her depravity can somehow be excused because she "like, fights fer the Union, ye ken?" This is the very same midget muff muncher who was shrieking all over TV about how bad Boris was and how great the EU and its policy of importing mudslimes is.
These same scofags all support the same football team. The last time I encountered them was in my home city, where they unironically wove Union Jacks and sang songs about Britannia while fucking the place up.
There's a reason that there are German sayings equating Scotchmen with kikes. They gave us all that David Hume 'we can't be sure of anything' moral relativist bullshit too with their oxymoronic (((Scottish Enlightenment))). Oh, and lest I fucking forget, they also gave us the fucking Labour Party and George Galloway.


all I want is to spread the good news of the Imperium
I want to save you from white """women"""

Alright lads, member of NA here. I will answer questions to a certain degree since starting from Friday, mentioning NA is a criminal offense so this might be the last chance to do so.

Understandable lad, he's weird.
What the fuck is going on tonight? is this a low energy raid because we've gotten a bit more popular now?

What are you lot going to do moving forward?

lad, you made millenial woes cry.

I bought the 190£ Rourkes Drift set, arrives Wednesday.

Is that a copypasta lad? If not, get out more tbh.

We will see, the NA name will be not used again, but we still have the connections obviously so we each one of us will still fight the good fight.

Portentious dubs of masonry confirm it is bored /brit/ autists in low energy raid.

Very nice lad. Good purchase. The terrain you get in that box is really nice too. Let us know when it comes through. Also make sure you have some superglue when it does. Its a good core set and if you like it you can buy expansions to both forces and end up with something epic in scale.

Are you LARPing lad? I thought the NA being banned shit was the mirror jumping the gun and it turned out to be bullshit. At least thats what I heard.

In the BBC article it said your website encourages "lone wolf action". This is pretty obviously going to bring TPTB down on you. Why use inflammatory terrorist language? Why not implore your supporters to act as they see morally and ethically fit? Why use the MSM 'lone wolf' moniker?

Good for you lads. Now is the time to be extra vigilant, try not to fall for any obvious traps.

That gif always makes me kek

That's fucking cool lad. You lot wont be happy until i've spent loads of shekels on fucking paint again will you?! FINE i'll do it, happy now?!
its mainly ba3538's fault tbh, he's like a drug pusher with his posts

40k user I hope you are fucking proud of yourself lad


It is official.

The "Lone wolf" thing has been mostly propaganda via stickers/posters and such. Most of our operations, like demos were organized properly and we made sure people followed standards. While the language part you might disagree with, the main point of that was triggering leftist but also pointing out how communists and islamic folk were using it and getting away with it, while we didn't.

Pretty wholesome tbh.

Will NA abandon its Polish nationalist policies and switched to supporting the Imperium?

Ignore the riceposter m8, he has the autism you see…

Fuck off shill

exceedingly lad. Im braking out all my 40k feels good for this occasion

portentious lucky dubs confirm we are the wholesome and rightous brit/pol/ with virtuous and productive hobbies. Not like that other board….

The "Lone wolf" thing has been mostly propaganda via stickers/posters and such. Most of our operations, like demos were organized properly and we made sure people followed standards. While the language part you might disagree with, the main point of that was triggering leftist but also pointing out how communists and islamic folk were using it and getting away with it, while we didn't.
Who do you think you will attract with that lad? Suited societally-contributing anons?
They implore supporters to act morally tbh lad.
Fight a battle you can win lad. Triggering only serves to stir the faggy hornets nest of marxism.
What is your main objective? I mean you personally lad.


reeeeeeeee tbh. Hate our fucking establishment so much. Glad to here you are not going anywhere though lads. You trigger lefties, the establishment and cuck/brit/ so you are ok by me. Look forward to seeing your newest incarnation.

We were mostly aiming for lads who are does not those who just LARP.
Also my goal? A future for my child which is in a proper nation that is safe for them, they have good opportunities to succeed in life and which is not filled to the core in corruption.

I could go on all night Doogie, but this thread makes me want to chuck my guts up so I won't. Just understand this. You faggots might have made yourself a little home here and on some other chans, but your meme penetration is fucking woeful. Even that army of vegan-tranny-poets who called themselves the 'Yes' movement outmemed you faggots in your last referendum. You might think you'll be able to count on Holla Forumsacks when you have your next one, but here's the problem: we can't help you.
Reason we can't help you is that we don't know how to shitpost your rebel alliance without shitposting the rest of you at the same time. I mean, there's a fucking bonaza of meme material on sweaties, but you're all such a bunch of chippy cunts that most of it's unuseable from the perspective of trying to make some of you like us. You'll ALL be offended.
What's worse is that YOU ('loyalists') represent the very worst examples of hiberniggers. This is actually something that Irish hiberniggers and Englishmen can agree on - those hiberniggers who occupy the north of Ireland and the west of Scotland are the biggest fucking embarrasment to civilisation present on these islands. Most can barely speak in syllables FFS! You're like a 16th century society that's been forcibly introduced to modern thinking and technology, like some feral Amazonian tribe that's just been introduced to reality TV.
Seriously suggest you faggots focus your energies on leddit. The political and ethnic structure of the UK cannot be logically rationalised with national socialism, or even nationalism in general. Holla Forumsacks who don't see this already will see it soon enough, when that other dwarven lady who runs your politburo calls her next neverendum. You really think Holla Forumsacks or English people in general are going to come running everytime you cunts start attention whoring again? Fuck that! We're done! You outstayed your welcome. Fuck off already.


Cancer keyboard

Imperium is the only way forward for Britain lad. Get yourself an oriental wife asap tbh

You didn't listen when I told you this was the official Imperium thread.


Here's another Scottish guy I think he might be more insightful than Joe tbh

Kek, you fucking what mate?

What's the point of National Luggage? Even when I was in my jerrycuck phase I was repulsed by you lot. You're just harming our cause.


You really are into real politik and operating arent you lads? I support your right to say whatever you like tbh. But come on lads, something is fishy with you guys.

Do you lot lurk the thread or just get one autist to hang around and alert you whenever NA gets mentioned?

We want strong individuals that make a strong group. We are leaderless, but anyone can be one if its needed. That was the point. Everyone has to be strong so we are equal in terms of power and can rely on each other better.

Our point was to wake people up from the shit going on. Look at EDL and how they fell? NWI, NEI are collapsing and bleeding members.

remember the good old days of britpol?



Stop trying to fight it, you know it's right

Your advertising department is sub par then I am afraid m88.

Yes, help us recreate them by not continuing to be a faggot.

We check in occasionally for keks.

You haven't done that at all though. Most people will never be redpilled, accept that. Just focus on pushing the overton window right and getting nationalists elected to positions of actual power. Watch some Joe lad, he was with the BNP, he knows what he's talking about.

It is far easier to attack something than it is to create it from ashes lad. You would do well to remember that.

The autist is surprisingly on point here tbh…

There's no need to act so surprised.


I thought you were one of the more spergy ones we've had in tonight, my mistake lad.

where's joe owens when you need him?

Come on lad, try harder tbh. I live closer to the white cliffs than you do I reckon.

The shitposting is just for keks on our side, I'm here for more then that.

Dubs confirm you are low-autism.

Somewhere LOCAL I would imagine tbh.

Fair enough, we welcome posters like yourself, its just the shitposters for shitpostings sake that can fuck off.

I was born in Pompey, user, but maybe you still win?
If you're really an Englishman, then it pains me to read this. Thinking with the heart instead of the head is what's got us into so much shit. Kike magic. I can't see any rational argument for sticking with the sweaties, other than to keep a cheap brand we can plaster on biscuit tins and t-shirts tbqh, user. Maybe I'm harsh on them. I never used to be, but all they do is stir up shit and the only direction of travel they're headed in is faaaaar to the left. Fuck, there are big players there who think the SNP are right-wing neocons…
Urge you to make a list and do the math. Let them go their own way and we have a much more cohesive political culture in England, the Labour Party dies, and there's suddenly an unquestionable margin of victory for BREXIT (and they can't shit-stir anymore).
Tell me I'm wrong, user…

Albion here lad, take your Spinnaker tower and fuck off, take Southampton with you and all. If the jocks want to go, then alls good. I despise that we pay for their contact lenses, diarrhea medicine and birth control tbh lad. But Ill be fucked if the Highlanders havent fought beside us for generations and centuries. Take your isolationist bullshit and fuck off, I bet you are Portchester scum and all lad.

British Pride tbh lads.

Imperium tbh lads

The highlanders all vote for the SNP now…
I'm from a forces family, lad. We may be scum, but we know what duty means…

Lad I have lived all across the coast, and your lot always get shit, more than even Littlehampton or Southwick. Are you a Portdown Hillbilly lad? I like you lad, I dont hate you chaps for your geographical disability, got to keep up appearances though tbh

Source on Highland regiment voting patterns?

No dubs but Littlehampton confirmed for shithole anyway.

If I said Worthing, what would you say?

I liked Worthing tbh, needs to sort its smack problem out but its way less degenerate than Brighton.

Lad, most people dont see that, they think its a retirement town. What sort of degenerate are you? You dont exactly find it there without some serious asking lad.

Oh and its filled with somewhat ungrateful Poles

I lived near the seafront lad, harder to miss it tbh
Those little wind shelters along the promenade?
Smack dens come sunset…

Scotland is a fucking non-country, lowland scots are just backward germanics and highland scots are gaelic gnomes. The lowlands should be formally incorporated into England, and the highlands should be fenced off as a nature reserve for red deer and gnome people.

You must have been in Tarring or something lad, try Rowlands Road at 2am on a Saturday.

My man, Bowling alley end or Splash point? I grew up there

Don't apologise tbh user. It's true we're scum tbh, but I like to think we're that salt-of-the-Earth kind of scum whose heart is in the right place and aren't very well represented by the the examples you see on Channel 5 chav-porn. I didn't really spend many years growing up there anyway. Old man was stationed all over in the old days, when we still had a proper navy. Good thing he isn't around to see what it's become. He always said that Pompey was a shithole until you stepped off dryland.

Kek, Rowlands Road was VERY close to where I lived, you're not wrong tbh.

Was poc related still called Fourbouys when you were there lad?

No it was mcColls, I didn't grow up there, just lived there a few years back.

What Highland Regiment? Do your homework, user. Anyway, I said "highlanders". The Highlands and Islands all vote SNP these days. Used to be Lib Dem until Charlie Kennedy died…no chance of a comeback I'm told. They're in even worse shape up there than they are down here.
Seriously though, what kind of retarded logic demands that England continue to prop up the Scots because their Grandfathers and Great Grandfathers fought for 'Britain'? I take nothing away from those men. I don't need to. But those men are not their sons or grandsons.
There are plenty of fine Scotsmen in H.M. forces today, but how many? Just so we can be clear when we do the math. Because those men are what's worth the price we're paying every year to put up with a nation-state-tier shitposter to our north.
Let's say there are 20,000. So, the price of our loyalty to 20,000 honourable Scotsmen is that we have to foot the bill for another 5 million of them, at least half of whom want nothing to do with us, and probably half of the other half don't like us much either but are worried about their pensions. They drastically alter the political balance of Parliament, bringing a cast-iron guarantee of 59 lefty M.P.s, whether nationalist or not. They cost us a fucking fortune, when plenty of our own are facing hard-times, and they rub our noses in shit by giving out freebies the rest of us have to pay for.
This is a fucking high price to pay for some past glories lads. I hope you remember that the next time you see some family of poor cunts round your own parts and then hear some Scotch politician shriek about how England's a xenophobic hellhole now.
In any case, it's fucking obvious to me that Scotch would still be allowed to serve in the British Army. We let hiberniggers serve ffs. That should settle some nerves.

The ban on based National Action as a terrorist organisation will come into effect Friday. Joining or communicating support will come with a penalty of a maximum 10 years in prison.

I'll be communicating my support of National Action when the ban comes into effect. I fully endorse and support everything that National Action has done and I support it as an organisation and the ideals it stands for and its political goals.

nationalist action front of judeah

Only "opposition" you can have are shabbos goy cuckservatives, goyim.

Based Mods finally purged the imperium poster
better late than never I suppose
Low effort raid from /brit/ last night tbh lads. How are we all today? Iv got a fucking cold and cought and its one of them chesty tickly coughs thats preventing me enjoying my smoking reeeeeeee, Seriously its like inhaling sandpaper at the moment

Come on lad, have you read any Sharpe tbh? Why would you attack the Scots before the invaders?

(brit/pol/ - the font of eternal dubs and portents)
Alright lad, I was well late for work today, these shory days ruin my sleep quality worse than normal tbh. Are you smoking menthols lad? Always help me when I have a cough. Drum Blue and Bull Brand menthol filters, the Sussex Lemsip

just roll ups lad. Carlton. Although now you mention it I actually want some menthols. Ill get some from the shop in a bit.





I have never seen anybody with a pouch of Carlton, is it any good lad?

Context lad. I spy a bbc watermark and I don't wanna click on something rustling. Be so good as to give us a short blurb on the vids subject.

Calls to Childline over transgender fears double
stop banning my fucking vpns reeeeee!!!!!!

God almighty, you write like a huge faggot. This kind of self-important larping is exactly what's wrong with these threads.


Yeah its nice lad. Its a bit dryer than the other brands so it doesnt clog up your rollies if you roll them a bit tight or lose some of its weight after its been open for a day. Its a pale virginia leaf rather than dark/rich so its closer to something like amber leaf or gold leaf rather than golden virginia or drum. I like it. Its also one of the cheaper pouches. Bought some before.

My town is not exactly diverse (98% white) but same as everywhere else, the corner shops and off licences are almost exclusively owned by middle easterners. A white owned corner shop is a rarity these days.

yeah because god forbid one actually puts some effort into making a thread.
If effortposting triggers you, I think you may be more at home on >>>/brit/

Im on a blend of American Spirit Blue and Players Value, best of both worlds. I may try Carlton this week as part of the blend.

Lidls Hatherwood Brewery (British indredients)
Asahai (brewed at shepeard neame)

Iv got a bottle of this in the fridge lad. Might sup it later

Give us a review when you do lad, Ive not tried it yet.

on the menu tonight

Superb taste lad.

The Fuller's London Porter is better but it's not easy to get it up here in the North West unless you order it online and get it delivered. I don't know why porters fell out of favour. The flavours are so complex and interesting and it doesn't have the hop dominance of other ales,



Are they a proscribed organisation lad? Will I get v& for looking at the pictures?

Post some good tunes lads

Okay then.


They're proscribe, but nothing will happen for looking at the Images.

Could posting LVF images be construed as promoting or glorifying terrorism?



Just checking lad. The NA thing has unnerved me somewhat tbh.

I've never heard of anybody getting in trouble for loyalist images.

Not yet lad. I couldnt find any info on convictions for Irish Loyalist propaganda, but here is the Proscribed docu from the home office. The t-shirt was sold by Argos, kek.

I think I read on ironmarch it's illegal to possess NA paraphernalia. It's funny because I'm pretty sure in NI you can legitimately buy paramilitary themed merchandise.

Yes we buy flags and everything.

In unrelated news, Nippy Fishhags christmas card.

You faggots really need to rename this thread the "Scotch and Nornirsh Loyalist Hiberniggers General"
You know we all hate you, right? You lot give chavs a good name. I've got more respect for those other Hiberniggers who've at least worked out we don't like them. You fuckers are like leeches though… ree

Fuck off tbh lad.

wtf does it mean?

Whatever it is, it isnt good.

Sorry. Didn't mean to break the (((golden shower rules)))
Based user further up was right. You should all meet up and hold each others cocks. This circle-jerk is the biggest cancer on Holla Forums
What the fuck makes you think Holla Forumsacks will stand for this type of faggotry? Anglos want nothing to do with your faggot militias. All you hiberniggers are as bad as each other. Anglos are a civilised people. Sort yourselves out or fuck off lad.


She read wew's woes

Lad this is brit/pol/, key word being Brit. If the Norns want to post something that interests them, let them. Same with the Scots. Isolationists leave now tbh. Anyway, nobody asked for your opinion, hide the thread and fuck off.

I knew I recognised that from a thread here. Fucking top Wews lad.
Whens Part 2 out?

soon lad. When the muse returns to me.

this advert would have been perfect, if there was not the race mixed mongrel at the end REEE fuck this advert, tugging on my feels and then leaving me angry at the end

Really gutted for you guys.

All you've done to build up your brand, all the art, all the meet ups, gaining members, swatted away in a day by some fucking kvetching Jews and a weak minded signalling female "conservative" MP.

Jews have basically used the power of the state to narrow the overton window, moving it back towards the Left when things were moving to the Right. All Right Wingers should be bothered about this, some are too dumb to understand political trajectories though.

If you're going to start a new group, how are you going to avoid simply being labelled "terrorists" again?



fug dunno why I greentext the 2nd paragraph. My bad.

I'm going to put my whole life toward this goal. It's the reason I get out of bed in the morning at all, it's how I fought my way out of negative thinking and depression.

Living through preparing for a long term goal.

Personal circumstances and situations mean I'm done trying to find a decent girl, I'll never afford my own place, have kids, or live a peaceful life like I'd wanted, certain things happened Personal so now I see no future for myself so I'll put everything into trying to help there be a future for the rest of this country.

Taking back the cities that've been colonised and ghetto'ised by foreigners, the snake tongue bastard politicians that imported them, the crimes of all the foreigners here. So much more about this country. It all has to be dealt with. I don't care what I have to do or how much suffering and sacrifice it takes, whatever it takes.

Even if I'm a failure at getting anywhere, then at the least maybe I could inspire a man more capable. If I could do something, anything, that helps reverse this terrible transformation taking place in our home, our nation, I'll die happy.

My own individual life doesn't matter if it means that our race and country survive into a better future, a world without Marxism and foreign hordes raping and killing them, and as lame and cheesy as it sounds, a world with hope and a future ahead of it.

Activism is only praised when it is done by the left. It is inconcievable to them that somebody could have such a different opinion on society, let alone could have had different experiences from themselves tht caused those opinions to form. They think the far right must be exclusively violent thugs with no education. How wrong they are.
Doesnt make much sense tbh.
Should we do some FOI requests related to NA?

Yeah, good idea lad. We need to peel back the layers of the onion on this. It really strikes me as some kneejerk legislation that they havent properly thought through.

Fucking amber rudd tbh.

Doesnt sound lame & cheesy at all. Its exactly what I want too. The last time I remember where people had genuine hope for the future and it was a given that the next generation would have it better than the last was around 1997. Things went to shit very quickly after that. There were things set in motion before of course, but the new labour traitors really solidified the decline. Then its been a steady downward plummet since then with 2008 the notable year for economic downturn and 2014 seemed to be the year where sjw/feminist/gommie pozz hit peak levels.
Thank fuck we are witnessing a pushback now as more and more folk awaken. Iv never seen the anti white vitriol among the left and their ethnic pets reach the heights it has but its countered by the fact that a lot of people have now woken up to it. I think they are going all out now with their bans and 'fake news', 'muh populism' and other shit because they know the awakened folk will soon reach critical mass so they are trying to push though as much as they possibly can before that happens.
2 years ago I was on here blackpilled. I never thought brexit would have a chance of going through and if someone had told me donald trump would be running as a nationalist candidate in burgerstan and would win, id would have laughed at them. Yet a lot has happened in two years. Maybe its time to start having some hope in the future again. The winds are beginning to blow in fortutious direction for us as globalism has begun to fall out of favour with the masses as its true face becomes ever more apparent.

I want to take the burden of daring to hope for something better so others won't have to.

Yeah things are bad right now, but we can still fix things. It won't easy, nothing worth it ever is. It's possible. I know it, and so what if there's a situation that seems hopeless? If there's no hope we'll just to create it through taking action to make that hope a reality.

Brexit still hasn't happened legal-wise though, and to be honest, about he front runners of Brexit campaign, I feel they kind of stabbed us in the back. Nigel and all that lot just up and quit as soon as the vote was won. No sticking around to make sure it happened or anything. Just fucked off and left us at the enemies mercy to attempt keeping Brexit happening. All that Unity just gone.

There are more people that are "politically incorrect" than there was a few years ago, that's progress. Maybe not a whole lot but with every set back and every defeat, we learned from our losses.

I believe in hope and if there's none we'll bring our own, I agree with you, there's a fighting chance. I'll die fighting so that that chance can stay alive.

I was lucky in that I was always like this, my family aren't Leftist scum so I got it good growing up.

My nan, she's old enough to see how badly England has deteriorated, and it breaks her heart. I want to change things in time for her to see a glimpse of the country she used to know. Not just her but everyone from that generation.

We've had good gains this year, Brexit, Trump, this shows that these masses of people aren't as stupid as the elite think they are.

I believe the average person is smarter than what they're given credit for.

I'm going to cling onto hope until the bitter end.

You know, I'm trying to come up with a good slogan for it. But half of them sound like MAGA copies.

Keep your chins up lads, stiff upper lips, stay the course. You will tell your grandkids about this.

I'm dedicating my full time and effort to politics.

Women fucked me good, one too many times man.

Their sense of entitlement just keeps going up and up, while having less and less to offer.

I'm sick of tolerating utterly horrid people who think they're Gods gift because they have a hole between their legs.

I don't hate women, I don't care at all actually. I just don't fucking care for drama or unnecessary bullshit any more.

All I want from a woman is that she's a nice person to be around, looks after her health and wants a family, preferably can cook home meals but I can live without if she was pleasant and family oriented.

That is not that hard to find tbh lad. Women are followers and malleable so if you get one thats into you, you can, over time guide her onto the same idealogical path as yourself.
Kudos for not becoming one of these embittered mgtow types that are prevalent on Holla Forums btw. I remember you telling me how you got royally fucked over by a cunt of an ex.
I do get annnoyed with some of these Holla Forumsacks that seem to think that, where women are concerned, only a 10/10 qt3.14 virgin who is already pre redpilled is in anyway realistic. Some of them have some serious unrealistic expectations and then end up embittered and resentful when they dont get what they believe they are entitled to. Some of them are even bitter at other Holla Forumsacks who do have gfs/wives and will look to shit on them at any available opportunity (I usually see these mgtow types spout sillynes like "Your gf had a boyfriend before you and wasnt a virgin when you met her? WHORE! Your relationship wont last." and such gems as "You had kids out of wedlock? Degenerate, your relationship is doomed to fail")
There is actual work involved in shaping your woman into a good partner, lover and mother. They dont seem to understand that you have to be realistic and make compromises instead of striving for something that is so rare its almost unobtainable.

I can see your point, I have had more than my fair share of harpies and wronguns, I dont blame you for sitting back for a while lad. Dont shut the doors entirely though lad, no MGOTW, women will magically appear when they see you not giving a fuck and pushing politically. go for it tbh lad, pic related.

I am far more inclined to listen to a relationship veteran such as you than the "muh purity" and MGOTW posters tbh.


FOI Requests, asking for all information held regarding National Action and the decision to Proscribe under Terrorism 2000 Act.

Specific requests:

Bonus points:

Take one and pass it on lads. I dont know if /brit/ will help with this. I hope so tbh.

John Smith, sent care of your local library or anywhere else you could get it delivered.
Not sure if that means they post you a floppy disk or something, or email it to you. Ask for it to be emailed and use a burner email, on a library pc.
Any better ideas lads?

Confirmed for degenerate homosexual

he needs a haircut. Black metal is for communists.

Good work lad

You lads know there are huge craft beer industry here right? You guys should find your local ones, there's a huge range of quality but most of them make better beers than the big commercial breweries.

Good choice lad, what here said

I seriously doubt that lad, you've seen the way they crawl out of the woodwork whenever NA are mentioned. They're not even nationalists, all they care about is shitposting

>National Counter Terrorism Security email address for FOIs [email protected]/* */


To whom it may concern,

I write to request information regarding the proscription of the group National Action. It is my opinion that the action taken by the UK Government in this matter is wholly unjustified, unreasonable and disproportionate. I would like to see details of any charges, and subsequent convictions, for terror related offences by members, or suspected members, of the group National Action. This should be in the form of total charging and conviction totals.

Sincerely, user.

Thoughts Lads?

Pretty good lad, you don't even need to say that you feel it's unjustified. They know the whole thing is complete and utter bullshit.

On another note, don't you guys think it's weird that they suddenly went after this? Barely anyone knew who NA where before this, fingers crossed it starts a Streisand effect. Also lol at the reasons why
Because god help us if homos get their precious feelings hurt

Thanks lad, I dont know whether to send lots of requests or one big one?
Critical meme mass is within reach. They will come for us next lad. Now is not the time to remain silent tbh.

Search 'homophobic terrorism'. Wtf.

what worries me the most is the special protected victim status the jews have managed to wrangle out of this under the cover of the NA ban. Have they essentially slipped holocaust denial laws through in the UK now?
Fucking amber rudd what a cunt, her name goes on the list of high priority traitors with the others.

From ChosenPedia
Amber 'the Hastings Dud' Rudd:
Cheeky fuckers will use this as legal precendent to shut down whatever they deem problematic.

There's this as well, though considering how badly we've been jewed I'd have thought we already had these laws. It's fucking sickening how these slimy kikes manage to wrangle these special laws and privileges for themselves, all because of some overhyped (if not completely fake) event that wasn't even done by us and yet the whole Western world has swallowed it hook, line and sinker

Fucking hell



I hate to say I told you so lad. It just confirms that they are D&C shills, there's no other way they could possibly act like this

Did you read all the posts lad? Its still occurring.

Why would anyone do that?

Psst, hey kid, wanna watch /brit/ go full retard?

Fuck. Try this instead.

Don't make shit up, lad. There are plenty of reasons to dislike that board without having to misconstrue them as being leftists.

The joke is less funny if he has to explain it lad…

It was just a call for honesty tbhwy lad.

He wasn't implying they are actual lefties lad.
As I said, explaining the joke will make it unfunny.

Fair enough lad. Sorry if I was coming across a bit spergy tbh, had a lot of work to do these past few days and it's taken its toll on me a bit.

No need to apologise lad, I understand, I get spergy at anyone who shitposts even a little bit here so I cant say much.
For what its worth, I think its sad that Joe had his channel shut down, If it was NA like /brit/ thinks then it was shitty of them tbh.

Agreed, its petty tbh. I still hold that it was someone claiming to be NA, for the anger it would inevitably cause between Nationalists.

Agreed on both counts lad. Pity there's no way to tell who it was, since the uncertainty'll just inevitably lead to a bunch of unproductive shitflinging.

I hope so, this all seems like a big ruse to try and kneecap nationalism but maybe that's just me getting a bit tinfoil.
Its probably some NA loving sperg.
mfw its the 22st lad as revenge for no one humouring his unhealthy obsession with Virginia


Sad at the lack of britpol threads tbh lads. I miss the hang out. Too proud to move to a dedicated sub.

NA got officially declared a proscribed group the other day. Hard to be sure if it wasn't a way to lure a bunch of people into a trap, then make it illegal to be in their list, to then round them up.


read the thread lad

Can Britain undo this law? Is there hope?

How can anyone possibly think that a copyright claim would be submitted by a group that is dissolving pending designation as a terrorist organisation. Even if identifying as such wasn't going to land them 10 years in the clink they have enough on their plate right now, and don't care about some daft vid Because of the proscription news media no longer have to credit the group for their photos and artwork, it was probably a newspaper or a massive troll.

That seems to loose to be the terms of the Antisemitism provision lad. Source?

It is as you say lad. Shit is fucked.

How are we today lads?

Reasonable lad, didnt sleep well for thinking about the current palaver. The anitsemitism shit goes against the grain for me, even Labour are going to be gagged by it.

Getting real fucking sick of people saying

Other than arguing that the EU rejected a bilateral agreement on this exact thing, what other polite way is there to explain to people that the EU does not give two shits about their morals.


It would amount to 4000 pounds a year per person if distributed evenly and with no loss.
Practically, waste would be greatly decreased, but at best you'll see 3500 per year.
On the other hand, for a lone parent with 2 children, the poverty line is considered 15,132 pounds. 2/3 of that would be paid for by this system, leaving room for social mobility as long as the related single parent earns minimum wage- even a waiter gets 12.7k a year.
Waste could be reduced by analyzing amount received relative to their taxes, where if the taxes are greater than 4k, they could instead provide a proportional taxbreak. Less money changing hands.
The only real hiccup would be the effect on the job market and productivity.

Its got me blackpilled as fuck today tbh. I mean it is fucking outrageous that such a law should even be considered let alone passed with NO FUCKING SAY from the electorate. I had a bit of hope, especially after brexit and trump - I really thought the winds were starting to blow in our direction. But now this just shits on it all tbh. If you read what they have now inshrined in uk law, you realise just how fucking insane orwellian the jews have taken this. I dont even think the most cucked EU member state has laws this draconian. It literally makes it illegal to fucking criticise jews as a collective - NO GROUP SHOULD BE ABOVE CRITICISM - especially one with so much disporportionate power.
So its now illegal to mention holodomor and the fact that jews killed Christ.
So its now illegal to draw swastikas. Are they going to prosecute me for having third reich memorobilla? Are they gonna lock me up for putting swastika transfers on 40k vehicles?
Fucking hell.
So now, just like that we have de facto holocaust denial laws.
Cant even criticise israel now. Not even lefties are safe
So the truth that THEY FUCKING ADMIT THEMSELVES can now get me 10yrs hard time if I mention it?!?!

Fuck. This is just abhorrent. This is an abuse of power not seen in recent times. Talk about chutzpah. And the fucking conservatives have just let this go through with no challenge. WHERE THE FUCK IS THE OUTCRY? Im seriously raging now lads. Why do the entirety of our establishment just sit back and let this happen?


Fucking double standards and the native british shit on yet again and we are just suppost to take it lying down. TEN FUCKING YEARS IN PRISON FOR HURTING A JEWS FEELS!?!?
Yet the will of the majority in constantly betrayed and belittled.
Less than 200 people signed the petition to get this law put into place yet it goes though. Over HALF A MILLION signed the stop all immigration petiton only to have it mocked and dismissed by that fucking conservative jew cunt (Philip Harrington or somthing, I forget the name) who said it was "racist and my ancestors immigrated here fleeing from the spanish inquisiton so you must accept immigration goy."
They have a dozens of poweful lobby and special interest groups -WHERE IS THE GROUP THAT ADVOCATES FOR THE NATIVE ENGLISH? Youd think the so called 'conservatives' would have that duty but they do the exact opposite, fucking forked tonged traitorous scum. Britain 2016 - where having an image of the happy mechant can now land you prison time.
Fuck. Sorry lads, but im blackpilled as fuck today. To rub salt in the wound the burgers have just shot down a similar law in the states so they still have their free speech while we are now under soviet/weimar tier fucking oppression. What the fuck we going to do lads? Im quickly running out of hope tbh - I dont see anyone outside of our circles making any noise about this at all and even the lugenpresse are being pretty quiet about it.
The mood im in, id fucking emmigrate if I could doubt id get the missus to agree though so im fucking stuck here if I want to keep my family together I love my country but I absolutely despise the apathy and idiocy of a large percentage of our fellow countrymen who will see no problem with this and at worst, cheer it on. I seriously dont want to be here any more but have no where else to go.
And how long before muslim groups see this and decide they want the same thing? and of course the establishment will grant it them because all they fucking do these days is pander to minorities and shit on us.
Despite all the misery and depridations that would bring, It would be prefereable to this fucking totalitarian, ethnomasochist xenophillic nighmare we are currently living under.

Sorry lads im fucking losing it today. Im fucking mad as fuck

Single parents who can't provide for their offspring should be made to live in dormitories. Giving them private homes and free money just perpetuates the problem.

Go easy on the black pill lad. Orwellian is correct, we now have thought crimes enshrined in law. Protected people status disgusts me as a rule, whomever it is applied to. I was taught when I was very young that it is in my interests to hear people saying things others do not like. Censorship of criticism is abhorrent. I may have to seek legal advice to see how the new definition affects me personally. It is a deliberately crafted minefield, to stop anybody grtting too far.
No lad, peaceful transfer of power should always be our goal in the first instance. Whilst I agree that this situation is intolerable, a civil war at this very moment would merely destroy us. I believe this is calculated to knock us all down a peg tbh. We are so close, we have shifted the overton beyond anything else in recent memory. This along with the NA fuckery seems like the modus operandi of TPTB
is saying "TPTB" now anti-semitic? I need advice on all this tbh.

Im trying not to succumb to blackpill depression lad but its hard. Not slept well so that doesnt help either but this along with the snoopers charter is incredibly worrying and all seems calculated to target the likes of us more than anyone else.
Do they think this will stop so called 'anti semitism'? Ill wager its only going to cause more simmering resentment and im betting it will be incredibly selectively inforced;

It is incredibly worrying how this will be used. The one postive I take from this is that it shows they are getting desperate though. They must be to push through such draconian legislation which is going to cause major fucking resentment. A beast is at its most dangerous when cornered.

We are going to have to make use judicous use of the 'satire' angle in future. Im am legitimately worried tbh lad. No one is there to fight our corner but us. Words cannot express the hatred I feel for the likes of May and amber rudd, bought and sold by jewish money with no love or loyalty for their own.
Truth is now illegal. The lift i felt from the brexit and Trump win is gone. We are going to have to get smart lads.

Its always been satire lad. Praise kek tbh. Repeating digits and portents must be the preserve of us David-Icke tier people tbh lad. The frog god loves repeating digits tbh. Im legitimately worried too lad.

The next steps as I see them:
4chan & Holla Forums being legally classed as organisations.
Then classed as organisations promoting antisemitism and terror. Sub clause in this will be the handing over of ISP records of all users.
Round up everbody they can find
Gulag for 2 years with Jamal and Akmed

Im wondering how far they will take it now they have this new law. Are they going to start going after places like Holla Forums ,perhaps blocking access for UK users? In the past they seemed to leave user image boards be and put their focus on normiebook and twatter, agressively persecuting any wronkthink on there and hoping the chilling effect from that would suffice. Is it feasible that they could prosecute us for what we say on brit/pol/? How easy is it for them to find our IPs here? This legislation opens up a lot of possibility in internet censorship that they now have a legal framework to prosecute. They are doing it under the guise of stopping islamic terrorism (which wouldnt even be a fucking problem here if labour had not let millions of hostile muslims in without the consent of the british public in the first place) but I think we all know that it is there to target the emerging right (which has made such gains recently that it has become counter culture)

Iv beel looking at lugenpresse comment sections about this and the ones that are allowing comments are flooded with JIDF calling anyone who expresses concern over the new law, literally hitler.

Of course it is, part of a stealth crackdown on rightwingers who don't borrow their political premises from leftists. That said, if anything on the British scene prompted the anti-semitism law it might've been the Corbynites seizing control in the Labour Party. Plenty of them are anti-Israel ultra lefties, and they're now in the foreground of British politics, rather than safely relegated to the fringes. Must be a little worrying for a british political instituion to go like that. By contrast there hasn't really been a rightwing surge in British institutions the same way there has been elsewhere (despite Brexit), and the FPTP system blocked UKIP from shaking up Westminster.

Thats my fear too lad. I think they are perhaps counting on fear of such a thing coming to pass will make us scared to post. The want to frighten us into silence. I just hope jim stays resolute and flatly refuses to hand over any IPs should the worst happen. The servers are in the filipines so they are not bound by uk law - thats one good thing.
I think its more likely that they will try and block access to sites such as this with a filter than hunt us all down - at least for now.
I dont know though - im not really familiar with the ins and outs of law enforcement and the chans. Surely they cannot gulag us for edgy shitposting?

They will go all the way lad. We have maybe 5 years to keep the push going and we will see real change. Even Corbynites will push back at this though - labour MPs deny Israel criticism is anti semitism - the comment sections may be filled with people whom hold sympathy towards the aims of these actions, but I doubt many people, with whom I would be happy voting, have commented tbh. Fuck me Orwell was right lads, censor language, censor ideas. I dont know what to do tbh.

Im getting legal advice lad. This is too sketchy. I will not stop posting although I may have to tone down some of my criticisms tbh, until I learn the extent of this.

They have started criminal investigations from events decades past, such as in relation to the military in Ulster during the 70s and 80s. They want to send out the message that whatever you do can be used against you until your dying day. You will never know when there will be the knock on you door. You will never have a nice relaxing retirement at age 65 like past generations took for granted.

Same for me lad. The snoopers charter law comes into effect at the beginning of 2017. I wondering if the posting history they can demand from ISP hosts starts from then or does it go a year back from then? (ie do we have a proverbial clean slate starting 2017 or can we be v& for posts made at the beginning of 2016 onwards) 4 This is seriously fucked up shit. I can kind of understand (not condone mind you) when they go after folk like Garron Helm and Bonehill for tweeting stuff about gassing jews publically but here is essentially a private conversation made among user users - no one is doing this in public at jewish labout mps or whatever - we are just venting among like minded people in our own little dark corner of the internet. I hope that the laws are nuanced to see the difference there.
I always suspected that they saw places like this as a safety valve pressure release for folk like us. Take that away and deny folk the ability to vent their anger among like the minded and they are just going to drive it underground and radicalise more people.
To add insult to injury this guidelines on this law are not written by barristers or judges but by a fucking holocaust rememberence society. Id have at least thought they would have at least made some pretence about this coming from a neutral party but not even that. Its come out of no where (which makes me think this has been hastily rushed through after the trump win) Its like having turks make the laws on the armenian genocide. Talk about conflict of interest.
Fuck our legal system so much tbh and fuck every corrupt official who is content to let this happen while a small minority get preferential protected status at the expense of the majority.

I think a milestone for some people is getting normies to accept retroactive application of new laws. That terrifies me beyond belief. I think this is the reason for the current gambit - some people have had a meeting and decided that they are too close to overall control to allow us to carry on unmolested. I dont know how close we are to retroactive (and therefore proactive) laws tbh. Must be closer than we think. Look out for psy ops pointing towards this please lads.

Not if they can prove you broke the law at that time lad. Otherwise, in essence, yes.
Thats a good point that I hadnt considered tbh. NA was a radically different valve of sorts I guess. I come here to vent, and to get insulted and have my ideas put through the proverbial wringer. One of my dearly held beliefs is that words should not constitute crime without physical action tbh. You must be free to voice criticism. Natural selection of ideas. I was brought up to believe in free speech for everybody, and that I should defend everybodies right to speak as they wish to.

Good evening GCHQ lads, Id like to know your opinion on this tbh chaps - do you consider us criminals? (Bearing in mind the purely satirical, ironic and surrealist nature of all posts here, of course)

Do we need to delete images that are now classed as antisemitism? You all likely have greentexts and screencaps that may fall foul, are they covered? I will report what the lawyer says. I will book an appointment tomorrow.

Thanks lad, let us know what he says as soon as you can.

Does anyone have that lengthy info-graphic detailing the origin of NA and how it was inauthentic?
I can't find it

I can pay for my advice, but help me out lads.

Post it if you find it lad. /brit/ would be better to ask tbh.

1) This is a free speech issue.
2) Someone try the LARPing aspect
3) stifling legitimate criticism
4) unfair influence from a non elected foreign body kek tbh
5) no public / electorate consultation
Et cetera…

Id like to draw a parallel with my bugbear subject - controlled substances and research chemicals (RC). When the RC ban came into force this year, guidlines were released regarding protocol for handling substances that were explicitly banned past that date.
We need firm guidlines tbh. This is absolute madness - the law has changed in practice, as the scope of existing laws has widened, but no guidlines for current year instances have been provided.

I always used to think that they were just edgy youth who were disenfranchised, having grown up in the 'multicult' society where they were cast aside and told they were shit all their lives and they had picked up on the right wing counter cultural current and just ran with it, no holes barred. Its one of the reasons I didnt attack them - no enemies to the right and all. I still think that they were mostly organic but now part of me (the conspiratorial paranoid part) cannot help but entertain the idea that they were put in place for this very reason in order to give the excuse to push this antisemitism law through.
The fact that NA have been classed as a terrorist group without actually committing any acts of terrorism doesnt sit right. Have they ever proscribed other groups under similar ground before? Perhaps that is paranoia though. If TPTB wanted to false flag NA im sure they have no qualms about racking up a body count in order to sway public opinion (like they did with dunblane in order to ban handguns) I dont know. Perhaps they felt no need for it. Perhaps this has been planned for a long time or perhaps it was hastily rushed thought (thats the impression I get anyway)
I dont know what to think tbh.
It is very insidious because any opposition to this law will be met with

They are always trying to pathologise their opposition but now it looks like they are criminalising it outright. Where are these supposedly epidemic attacks on jews that would warrant such a law anyway? Not from us, thats for sure. We may grumble and some might troll but we are not out there physically assaulting jews or smashing up jew properties or whatever. That seems to be the sole remit of either the imported muslims or cases of 'hey rabbi whatcha doin'
I hate the fact that they have essentially made our nation their bitch - the no1 shabbos goy. I think the Trump win has scared them (most jews seemed to be in vocal opposition to Trump with many using hitler comparisons willy nilly and the all the really vile articles calling for violence against whites/saying whites deserve to be extinct etc recently all seem to be written by jews) Its like they have lost some power in the US so they are ramping up control in the strongest nation they still have control over (thanks to our complete traitorous so called 'conservative' government being willing lapdogs for their masters)
I dont know how this will all play out tbh lads. I do know I dont feel safe in my own country any more.

5 stars lad, thats my view too. I dont like them or their methods, but they should be allowed to be shitlords tbh with all crimes should be punished individually. Is saying that illegal tomorrow?
That sounds like its now against the law lad. I cant believe what is happening tbh.
Antisemitism lad.
Nazi comparisons are anti semitic.
Kekked hard tbh lad.

Is Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) Movement now illegal?
If not, thats the name of the next thread.provided its not illegal of course, this new definition is confusing

I'm glad we're talking about this recent law lads, having just read it I'm absolutely fucking gobsmacked at the sheer fucking audacity of these fucking kikes. I mean I guess after the Trump victory and Brexit the kikes would desperately try to regain control and the fact that this was clearly rushed through shows we are making steps in the right direction.
That being said does anyone know the general reaction of the public? It's my hope that the draconian nature of it causes a backlash. I'm very interested to see how this plays out.

As the resident posh twat let me tell you how fucking frustrating it is to try and point this out to other posh people. The tribalism runs just as deep as Labour voters and the fact we're still in a bubble means that many don't see the effects, it drives me fucking mad.

Not to my knowledge, I am still searching all the groups listed. 75-80% are middle eastern or african terrorist islamist groups tbh. Attached is an incomplete list of proscribed islamist organisations. All western orginisations are included up to july 2016. Make of this what you will lads.

NIGHTMARE 2023, a short artistic wordpiece about my fears…


I didnt want a you lad, I am trying an anti anxiety technique tbh

thanks lad

It needs discussing. My main hope now is that someone sensible in the UK justice system shoots this down for being untenable (like it was in the EU)
Members of the left and muslim interest groups will also hopefully fight this as it stands to effect them too. The law itself is so vague that it seems almost impossible to enforce properly. A lot of things on the list, jews openly admit to themselves (jews have written books on blood libel, openly profess their loyalty to israel above all else, gleefully boast they control the media/banking etc)
If they do enforce it then there will either be a huge amount of collateral damage or it will be so selective that even normies will see the blatant double standard at play.
Either way it is only going to foster more resentment.

when was the last time you felt optimistic about the future?

I still do lad. Dont take the black pill. Hard times make strong men. I am at my best when I am angry tbh, and hope can co exist with anger and confusion. Our best bet is sorting our personal legal positions out, while simultaneously getting advice on the legalities of the action. Keep pushing any angle you can on this.

Its started now lads

…and if you listen to her she seems like a genuinely nice lady and the song was quite clever, questioning the validity and guilt trip tactics of the holocaust industry rather than going GTKRWN like the media would have you believe.

With the new definition, is supporting for, or voicing approval of, a convicted anti semite antisemitic?

Anyway, Ive bought some sleeping tablets so I can block out this Orwellian Catch 22 horror we call Current Year, for at least 6 hours. Goodnight girls.

what sort did you buy lad?


Here's hoping but still, the idea of relying lefties and mudshits to fight this is so fucking sad

I really hope normies pick up on this

I dunno lad, most people have some fucking mental block when it comes to criticising the juden, its like people know but the conditioning is so strong still.
Its so hard to tell if the public will reject this in a meaningful way, lots will see no problem with it, finding any form of anti-Semitism disgusting, lots are already seeing through the lies however.
The 'muh pr' aspect is the defining factor I reckon, I don't care how much people on here disregard pr, it IS important in some cases.
Take NA for example, many people wont give a shit that they are now classed a terrorist organisation because they march in fucking boots and skull face masks, its unpalatable for normalfags tbh.
Some things are just a step too far for the public and they may simply not fight back for fear of being branded as literally Hitler.
That said, its clear that times are changing and because lefties have made accusations of racism constantly and without merit, many people don't fucking care if they do brand them any more.

Sorry about the incoming rage or depression fuel lads, but this needs to be shared.

Anyone have the "When you outnumber muslim, when muslim approaches equal numbers, when muslim outnumber you." image thats backed up by population statistics?
Because i think London needs to be added to it.

This one lad?

Close, but the one i'm thinking of was pretty long and had "population that is muslim" percentages ranging from western countries to the middle east.
It basically makes your image undeniable to anyone with an inkling of logical thinking.

Morning lads. Feeling depressed but also resolute this morning. Hows the rest of you holding up?

I definitely didnt pay for contolled substances lad, put it that way ;)

Im feeling okay today, phoning my lawyer this afternoon. Whats on the cards for today lads?


Just playing it by ear. Let us know that your brief says wont you lad. Im staying resolute and im not backing down from calling out these jews and traitors and their NKVD tier control of the lugenpresse & laws. They are not going to chilling effect me into not posting.

That is a highly portentious ID you have there lad.

Sorry for imgur but it's much longer and more detailed.

Dont usually watch him much any more but here is an decently concise and pretty redpilled video from David Icke who actually lives near me
He covers the "fake news" and the anti semitism law.

He seems to have toned that down recently. This one is actually pretty good.

Any good sites you lads can recommend? Two Id suggest is

Morgoth is 100% one of us.

The Icke lives near you? Legendary lad. Ill watch it asap.
I think the guy talks in analogy and metaphor tbh, he is no way near as batshit as we are led to believe.

Eh, well anyone with a level head can see virgin women as next to impossible nowadays and only wanting that is certain way to die alone.

No, I don't like saying that either. I'd like a virgin girl but I know damn well that would never happen, hell even the ones with a low count are insufferable as people and have zero to bring the table in a relationship.

The ones that do listen to your ideals just flip flop on it and follow whatever the next guy they're with thinks so even moulding a girl is a waste of time if you ask me.

If someone else out there has a decent women and better yet, makes a stable family with her then all the best to them, they succeeded where I've failed and given up.

Compromise is a need these days, but there's also a limit which you'd agree any ways so that's a moot point I guess, like no one wants the street whore with 30 cocks running through her kek

It's just, what DO modern women have to offer at all? "muh pussy" is pretty much it. No family skills, they live shit lifestyles and let their looks and health go to waste, they nag and whine with a shit load of entitlement issues.

Just. Nah. Some cunt tried hitting on me the other day at a gig I went to with some friends just to have some fun enjoying music, and she's trying to flirt and everything, trying to bargain free drinks off me for her and her friends? Nope. Told her to walk away because it wasn't happening.

I just don't care for their games any more. Like the last ex I had, she let the facade go and showed me her true colours after she thought she snagged me, so I showed her the door there and then.

I do not give a fuck. I do not want to put up with unnecessary whining or entitlement, or made up bullshit drama, all I want is a girl who is pleasant to be around, nice company, doesn't whine over stupid bullshit and is about give and take not just take take take.

I mean shit man we live in an age where it's considered bad to hold women to any standard at all. If she doesn't give a fuck about her health and wellbeing, lives a shit lifestyle and is generally a horrid cunt, I don't wanna know. Don't have the tolerance for it any more.

If I somehow met that girl who was genuinely a good person, yeah I'd give it a chance. But I'm certain that girl doesn't exist, or if she does she's already with someone else.

The worst was when that fucking bitch the one you mentioned royally fucking me over almost ruined my life just to spite me. Naaa. Not going through it again.

I'll be sitting back for a very long time at the least.

I just want a nice girl, good company, genuine, and wants to have a family, optional: knows how to cook and sew and other womanlike things. But that's asking for the impossible it looks like.

Thing is with your pic related though, they aren't what I'd consider mother material women.

That's pretty much the main thing I think of when I judge a woman, it's "would I want her as the mother of my children?". And every time, it's disappointment.







stop spamming lad

I'm saving our thread faggot


God I fucking hated that fat cunt shitting the place up. Glad he fucked off with the rest of the cancer.

Now, while the thread is slower, we get more meaningful, thought out discussion. About everything actually.

We made /brit/pol/ /british/ again.

Yeah, nah. Fuck off.

Stop posting this generic bitch.

No you're trying to spam the 751 replies limit. Kill yourself.



Hadn't thought of doing that

I'd do it but let's be honest your shit threads are thirsty for posts right?

Anyway keep jerking off over NA faggots while us at /brit/ actually get shit done

Mabye if you work really hard you'll reach thread 6 by 2018


I literally have no idea what you're talking about.

Why are you still here? Just go back already.

Make me cunt

I'm saving this shitty thread from you dafties and making it Great Again

Americlap here. Why the fuck are you posting some degenerate edgy attention whore? If you're going to spam threads with women, at least spam with blonde aryan waifus.

See. At least this one looks normal and doesn't look like a satanist goth reject.

We're Anglo not Aryan you fucking Amerimutt

No one really gives a fuck about NA here you septic mong, were more concerned with the fucking antisemitism laws (as youd know if youd read the thread) Fuck off trying to fuck shit up for us, we dont do that to you.

Like what? Apart from being goon-tier divisive shits who do their upmost to smear brits and make everyone else hate us? You lot spread shit all over the board while proudly planting out nations flag in said shit. Then you sit back and laugh as the rest of us get tarred with the same brush.

Look lad NA fucking with your old man crush and getting his jewtube channel shoah'd was nothing to do with us so you can take your butthurt over that elsewhere. Literally no one here gives a fuck. If you like joe so much, you realise that force meming him only serves to piss people off and out them off his right? Of course you do, you dont give a shit about british nationalism, its all a fucking game to you. All so you can have a chuckle with your obese NEET friend. Fuck off with your forced meme cancer and go back to your refugee board.

(Ultra Hitler Portents)
I was trying to cheer you up with it tbh lad, I agree with everything you say, Feminist or slut tier women are pointless exercises in futility.

Right. Explains your taste in shit women.


We'll need a new thread soon lads. Ill make it again unless someone else wants a crack. Let me know what links you want in the OP and also lets decide on the thread edition. Im thinking something like
…but im open to suggestions.

Appreciate the sentiment man, seriously.

I just can't help but view women through the is she fit to be a mother lens, filters out all the trash tier women.

Man, as men we're told that we have to A, B, C, this this and this to keep a girl.

But what do they to keep us then?

I like it. Go for it lad

Ok, iv got to nip out and go shopping then get the kids from school so ill probably not get a chance to make the thread until around tea time (5pm ish) so if we hit the bump limit before then, just bear with me, iv not forgotten. Also keep an eye out for the /brit/ faggots making false flag threads to smear us. If someone else tries to make a shitty thread, report it and just hang on for the genuine high quality UNCUCKED thread. Man the fort while im gone lads and ill make the new thread around tea time. Keep an eye out for imposters trying to d&c us and if a shitty thread pops up in the interrim, report it and make sure the board knows its not us.

Roger that, hopefully what's left of the thread stays slow for a few hours.

Seeya around lad

Let me know if theres any links you want to see in the new thread lads

Lugenpresse speaks some sense

Anti Semitism Provision

My mobile signal is fucked for some reason, Im trying to post links for you lad but it keeps cancelling the post

Theresa May BTFO

hullo ahmeds

Take your ah-meds tbh lad.

Whistle blowers and button pushers throw spectacular christmas tantrum.

Sussex Goodwood Ale
Wainrights Golden Beer

I have my incomplete brief report for you lads in the next thread

Threads ready lads. Ill post it when this one reaches 745+

Who is your favourite modern era but now defunct (or dead) politician? Pic related are mine tbh.


u wot m8?

Sorry lad I thought we all deserved a giggle tbh.

I did have a chuckle tbh lad

/brit/ confirmed low iq…
Looking forward to the new thread lad, been out all day so couldnt help with links this time, sorry lads.

Dubs confirm the confirming, glad the portents are on board tbh.

(Checking Portent)

portentious trips confirm that the new thread must be posted but im having difficulty when I try and add the picture. Its reaches 100% and the post button greys out but wont go past that and actually reach posted status. Any tips lads? I was having this problem last night too.

Ill keep trying though

Mine wasnt working earlier lad, it keeps doing captchas.

ill keep trying lad, it will go through eventually.

REEEEEEE jim sort your site out

I always have to reload the bloody page about five times when that happens ffs


Still not letting me post the new thread at the moments lads. Iv tried about 50 times now. Ill keep trying though, it will go through eventually - just keep an eye on the catalog