Alex Jones says you should ignore Pizzagate

In case you missed it Filterburg is finally showing his true colors as a scumbag snakeoil shilling disinfo merchant.
Also seems to genuinely believe he's single handedly responsible for Trump winning instead of being a sideshow clown whose spaghetti probably cost him votes.

Other urls found in this thread:

OF course he would.
He's a CO plant. Probably had to eat some pizzas to get the money and his initial breakthrough story from the Bohemian Grove.
You think he can fund his whole network with filters and Tibetan moss pills?
IF someone says to stay away from it, he has something to lose if it comes to light.

The conspiracy people are really going over the top with this pizzagate stuff. It is fine to research, but as far as HARD evidence, you still haven't had it yet. You guys are acting as ridiculous as the SJWs did when Trayvon Martin got shot. Get some hard evidence…so it is less conspiracy.

Thank you for Correcting The Record.

Get gassed, kike. You missed first post.



Oy vey goy unless you can find the corpses of the abducted children you have no real proof it's just a conspiracy! Come on shmuckola!

Can't webm atm but any anons who sub to infowhores should take this opportunity to downboat, let him know what a fucking disgrace he is and then unsub. So far it has 600+ more likes even though at least 90% of the comments are negative.

From the sticky: evidence Alefantas lied about having a basement
Also if you weren't a newfag from plebbit you'd know "cheese pizza" is pedo code that's been around at least as long as halfchan Holla Forums. Only normalfags and shills like super male vitality don't see what's obviously being said in those emails.

I blame the reddit and cuckchan crowd for popularizing things. Even calling it "#pizzagate" shows how much trouble they cause, muddying the water and popularizing a serious matter in the wrong context.

This is an international pedophile ring with direct ties to the Podestas and Clintons and these faggots are knocking on their front door and calling them directly and screaming "UR A BUNCHA KIDDY DIDDLERS!!"

All they have to do is play dumb and let our useless idiots ruin the whole thing.

If you're reading this FBI, CIA, NSA, and the rest of the alphabets, you dumb cunts better be digging into these pizza pedos deeper than we ever could. You do not let something like this go un-investigated because of public perception.

I'm of the opinion that alphabets are pushing this pizzagate angle to make us into conspiracy nutters again. And, as usual, the low-information 4cuck transplants who love to one up each other's zealotry are shitting on anyone who dares show the slightest bit of doubt at the findings. Where I think the pizzagate thing jumped the shark is when they accused chipotle of being a pedo den. Sorry guys, while I agree there's probably something there I don't agree that you've found anything damning yet. I don't want to discourage your enthusiasm, but please temper it with a bit of objectivity or else you risk becoming gamergay with your constant accusations of shills whenever a bit of sobriety is suggested.

When was the last time a *gate actually resulted in a conviction or victory? *gate is where ideas go to die.

Fucking kill yourself

GamerGate started and ended the trend. If the whole damned thing kept its claws out and kept tearing into journos, pushing them further and further to the brink, they'd have more to show for their work. There are some peripheral benefits to the whole trainwreck, like it's eternal boogeyman status and a YUGE step back from yellow journalists, but otherwise, gutting Gawker and losing a few big name SJW bloggers and exposing some "indie devs" as pretentious twats was only good for a minority of people like us, not for the world.

More and more, I feel like we're trending towards sorting out what parts of the world are worth saving so we can take them with us when we wall ourselves off from what remains of human civilization.


They must have threatened his jewish children.

Liek clockwork

Hey Achmed why don't you come show your cockwork off at the whitehouse.

1974 when the president was forced to resign and his staff were all shipped to prison. Worth noting it took 2 years of digging in to the "conspiracy" before it finally unraveled.

Seriously though you need to kill yourself.

Again with this Jones guy? Nobody cared about anything he said until he started selling the dick pills.

You win the Most Zealous Award™ for the day, congratulations!

You're all fucking retarded.




He's doing the smart move. He needs to do this right now to not give ammo to the MSM censorship

Look at how he called out China in his recent videos. He used to hawk goofy conspiracies but now he's using his giant audience to send genuine historical and geopolitical redpills that you literally can't find on the MSM. He even calls out Chinese propaganda in American media and Hollywood movies related to chinese funding and shilling for the chinese market. He's gone from a kwak to a legit truth teller and if you retarded autists gang up on every last person vaguely positive for our motvement you're going to be left with nothing but twitter spamming raids left to us.

You're cancer and I hope the mods start banning you.

Seconded. Mods, crack down on the retards or we're just going be an ammo depot for MSM to discredit us.

The same President that was investigating Communist infiltration of the Democratic party; then yielded evidence with 5 tapes proving he was right?


Being objective helps the cause, not hurt it. Low information shill shreikers such as yourself are actually harming the cause yet you'll never understand why.



Not ban them. If we had the power to control it, no one would have called them, contacted them, left any comments on their social media accounts, started a subreddit, or any kind of hashtag.

It's not our fault, but at the same time, we could have been more quiet about this until we had some good evidence.


No shit, faggot. Everyone knows that. He's just fun to watch because he's a sputtering retard who can't talk about the most basic of political issues without rambling about moloch and the nazis.

I see they hired some new faces.

You're cancer. Go to 4chan and reddit.

Mods could stop supporting retards who make us look bad and attack literally every public figure who is positive for anti-immigration, pro-white Western goals.



How many pizzagate posters are reformed CTR shills attempting to infiltrate and discredit us.



he didnt say stop searching he said stop acting like you are acting you fucking agency-less nigger

Who are you talking to?

I knew this was their goal, create a fracture point while dissuading those who don't want a Partyvan visit.

It would seem most of them are. This is so transparent its retarded.

Nice VPN nigger

This is how I see it. Filter Man is also probably trying to avoid a lawsuit since through some fucked up bullshit, can be found liable if someone dies or if the company decides to sue. That and he probably feels like he is walking into a trap. Pizzagate is real but the proof needed to cover his ass in court is not enough, especially against an already biased people and court system. In the end, this is just business for him, though he would have been better off addressing as a small segment in one of his shows than making a separate video. The fact he is doing the latter makes this really seem like a legal move to cover his ass.

#PedoFiles was a much better name



And the thread starts being of much better quality


t. butthurt redditor

Stop shitting up our board with your paranoid "my daddy betrayed me" posts.

See these, lock the thread, ban OP.

CTR shills trying to discredit this board.

Wouldn't be surprised if they're paid trolls funded by CNN or some other network. They need enough evidence to push for the full scale censorship of "fake news" from google/youtube/etc. Read these posts and spot the shills.

They're either teenagers, Low information people with mental disorders, or legitimate CTR shills doing their 2nd phase of attack.

You're going to bleed, shlohmo

Notice how you guys always come in first demanding evidence then after you get it shift goalposts to appeals of emotion and consensus EXACTLY like the stereotypical jew lawyer. What's the saying? If your client is guilty argue the law, if he's not guilty argue the facts. Precisely what kike sellout cowards like you and Jones are doing right now. Just remember Pascal's wager and hope there isn't really such a thing as hell, rabbi.

Nigger we don't have a name to discredit you stupid fucking shill.

Kill yourself shill.

That makes complete sense.

Listen here, Bucko Jr, we dont have any room for your kind around here. What you thought this was an all inclusive club? NO SIREE BOB! This club has few rules but one of them is that you are not welcome here. Now you may be wondering… Is it the size of my nose? Is it how I cant stop massaging my hands? B-But they feel so cold without a shekel in them all I want to do is come here to get a shekel! Is it because my people have destroyed your civilization with hordes of niggers? No, those would all be good reasons but the real reason that you arent welcome here is because we are gnatzis. When we see your kind we cant help but fantasize about lampshades and soap. You need to stop coming around here you are going to get us in trouble! Oh god what I wouldnt do for a nice bar of jew soap right now HNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGggggg


You are one dumb fucking yid

Things have gotten weird around here haven't they?

Some of you are such simpletons. Your shame controls you. You latch on to idolized father figure after idolized father figure, and when they inevitably turn out to not be perfect, you feel betrayed and try to cover up your shame afterwards by attacking anyone who dares to bring up your ex-stepdad in any context whatsoever.

Watch those simpletons now turn my post into some kind of defense of Alex Jones instead of an assault on child anons. EVERYTHING is about their past shame. It's hilarious how many anons cannot handle having watched Infowars at some point. Like how many of you are from Reddit and incessantly project your Reddit past onto others. You're trash for as long as you keep being driven by shame.

The lame shillfags confirms the validity of pizzagate.. If defending child rape is your job is it something you "people" mention on family dinners? Maybe you call it something else, lie about it. Do you ever look in the mirror and ask if it's worth selling your soul over? Maybe it's too late. Hell will come to you either way.

He's doing it to save his ass. Now that the media is running the fake news bullshit, he's being implicated and they're trying to get him in trouble so he's doing this to save his skin for later where he can just defend himself with, "nuh uh, I told them it was fake, see look I recorded myself telling them it was fake, you can't say I provoked this."

Infowars was made by the CIA/Stratfor. Its owned and manipulated by Jews.

wind up


Hey alex

We should start pointing out CTR again guys.

There's literally no reason to think Alex Jones has any connections whatsoever to pedophiles or pedophilia.

0.01 shekels have been added to your account.


Remember goys this is all part of a cunning plan by the russians CIA to discredit the alt right! All they had to do was set up what simply APPEARS to be an amsterdam style red light district for little kids then wait 20 years to plant those emails on wikileaks! And you suckers fell for it!! Hahahaha

You are implying the Screaming Lord of Water Filtration has any sway other than his memes.
As far as I'm concerned he's just another talking head but says things I like to hear, which probably just makes him even more dangerous than MSM since this guy can sound convincing to me.

You're probably retarded then.

wtf i hate conspiracy people now

Funny how he starts a video about how we need to be credible with that lie about the "faked" Charles Jaco Gulf War footage.

It's sad that there are people who still take this shill seriously.

and i thought he wasn't controlled op after he named the "jew"

They just blackmailed jones didn't they?

He never actually named the jew. Saying there's a "jewish mafia" made up of jews who "aren't really jews" and "hate the Talmud" that account for a small part of the New World Order has been his strategy for years.

The best part is shills muh pr-ing over 8ch digging. Ohnoes, are we going to get labeled with the dreaded fake new monicker by the same ((("news"))) who has been wrong about everything? Is (((google))) going to block us from search results (again, somehow)? Will this site lose out on all.those precious adshekels that it's already too toxic to get?

I'm not even super focused on digging into these pedos myself, but keep up the good work anons. Anything getting this dedicated of a counter shilling wave combined with them calling in fags like filterman to try and end it must be doing something worthwhile.

Celebs meet celebs sometimes. You need firmer proof of a relationship.

don't forget how he'll make a highly disingenuous comparison to the "italian mafia" as if Tony Soprano and Larry Silverstein are even in the same universe

I still think that might be warm. There are still jews on trumps side for a reason.

The recent "attack" has to be a fabrication. We are on the money for pizzagate. In fact there was cp found through connections.

Jonesten's longtime friendship with Sheenie is no secret. According to Alex, he even saw Charlie's hernia.

I know, but it's easier than digging through his many interviews with Sheen to find the clip. You can verify it yourself if you want, but it's legit audio.

Because they're trying to jew him. How new are you?

The jewish mafia have to be involved, we just don't know the scope of the mafia.

I think Giuliani is onto this again. God bless.

Some are jewing him. Others seem to do odd things.
The scope of the mafia is unknown. A lot if not most jews will be connected. We need to analyse individuals more thoroughly. This chan is a start, but we need proper physical organisation too.

Stop posting and lurk more.



Alex Jewnesteinbergowitz is based goy, if you don't worship him and actively post on TRS and r/The_Ronald you don't belong here.

these people dont understand what hard evidence is.

"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master."

Could you be any newer?

Nice VPN

none of that is hard evidence that holds up in court.

im not autistic what is that supposed to mean?

It means welcome to neo-8/pol/ home of reddit and TRS.

.. tbh i suspected as much.

Should we trust Trump? He does have a strong bond to him.
Or did Giuliani merely become complacent?

The shills like and are at full force on this thread defending their dear Alex Jonestein huh?

Have you seen what Jonestein's standard of evidence is? He claims Bilderberg was founded by Nazis and that the lack of Wayback Machine archives (they switched websites) is proof that Sandy Hook was closed for years before the shooting.

You mean direct evidence or circumstantial evidence.

t. Lawfag.

yo i go to jonestown everyday and they always have reporters on pizza gate idk wtf ur smoking but im informed on pizzagate because of jonestown?

excuse my spelling

Circumstantial evidence may be enough if you argue well enough and rebut objections to the evidence well enough.
You need "links in a chain".

You're trying really really hard to throw the scent off these pedos, aren't you?
You don't want us to investigate. Would that hurt your kike masters?

Thank you informative doggo.

No i want to investigate this badly. It's this shit which is why i did this career path.

t. Also a child victim.

no problem, like i actually do watch infowars and i can say there are pizza gate videos

just because hes bringing up the point that pedo diddlers in the high ranks doesnt need this much attention vs obama pissing off europe, and trump pissing off china. Honestly id like to see more attention on how many illegals are self migrating and the fallback of islam

thats why no one takes him serious

Was that a joke?

Day of the Rope, Alex. It's coming for you.

The only infowarriors reporting on it have been john bound and that grizzly adams looking motherfucker. Jonestein will probably have them working on something else now.

well they do have an aim at the whole thing, like i said earlier, its more worthwhile for infowars to stop witch hunting and report all the other events going on out there (imo its more juicy like german crusaders) pizzagate will get its deserved attention when theres action that can be done about it

He is the gateway drug.

Thats it.

Yes goy, it's definitley the Satanists. Not jews being jews or shabbos goys protecting jews.

He's a gatekeeper not a gateway.

Nice MSM talk faggot. Day of the Rope esoteric hermetic homosexual Alt-Right Paul Joseph Watson. Day of the fucking rope!

Thank you for correcting the record.


Aha i see what you did there.

There is nothing wrong with being a jewish child rapist.

you do realize that hermetics is what founded memetics?

Speaking of infojews me and some anons have been putting together one of it's mouthpieces dox and we're almost done. I'd make a thread about it but we want to be completely thorough not thay he can do much at this point; been archiving everything we can get our hands on. Stay tuned for the next week or two
polite sage for off topic

Speaking of infojews me and some anons have been putting together one of it's mouthpieces dox and we're almost done. I'd make a thread about it but we want to be completely thorough not thay he can do much at this point; been archiving everything we can get our hands on. Stay tuned for the next week or two
polite sage for off topic

Nice, looking forward to it.


I think we are all forgetting that Jones is part of the old Piscies age and its obvious that God Emperor Trump is the coming of the Aquarius age and such Jones will either be taken with the system, or wont survive the true message being echoed through the ideosphere right now.

Holla Forums is now GG I guess in that any constructive criticism is "shills." Maybe the shills the ones driving pizzagate since you still refuse to produce any actual evidence for your claims.

Not esoteric…. National Socialist

jonestein is a fraud and a liar

had to break lurk to call you a fucking retard for not understand this is principally a neopagan esoteric symbol. you make my head hurt

Never happened. You never presented solid evidence.

The ones shifting the goal post are you. First it was "we don't have proof, but let us investigate and we'll find something." Now, it's, "if you even question pizzagate and ask for evidence even though we don't have any, you are CTR."

There is no room here for you. You have to go.



These e-mails aren't enough to convict anyone. I think a lot of people are waiting for hard evidence. A bone or a body for example.

Remember when pizzagate claimed handkerchief was code word for child abduction or something, and then there were follow up e-mails that proved they were just talking about a handkerchief, and the autists in the thread never talked about it again?

>Remember when pizzagate claimed handkerchief was code word for child abduction or something, and then there were follow up e-mails that proved they were just talking about a handkerchief, and the autists in the thread never talked about it again?

No, I don't remember seeing the follow up e-mails posted anywhere. Do you have the links?

go to wikileaks and search the database for the podesta files

I view the Pizzagate shit like I do the 9/11 truth movement.

As in, the conspiracy theorists are largely correct. Perhaps some of the claims are bit of a stretch, but obviously there is shit going on that isn't being honestly discussed by those in power.

So yes, many people in the government are pedophiles and probably do have access to child sex rings. But the way they communicate always leaves rooms for plausible deniability.

I don't have any problem with people investigating it, as hopefully some of the normies who are curious will catch on to the fact that our elites are a bunch of fucking freaks. But for the most part, it's not going to gain traction. Any hard evidence that is found will be dealt with the same way that the hard physics behind some of the incidents that happened on 9/11 were. That is, experts that are paid off will come out of the woodwork and spread disinfo to the masses and make them believe that there is a consensus of the experts that the evidence is somehow false or incorrect.

I don't waste my time with it, because I already know it's true. Godspeed to those who do however. I believe there is always a constant stream of curious young people who need a modern conspiracy to really start digging deeper into the deception present all around them.

It happens a lot of times with the Wikileaks conspiracy stuff. That so-called 'H-E-L-P HIM' secret message on Twitter for example, it's bullshit because it doesn't even start with H, it starts with A or E, but those who made that famous picture on 4chan never bothered to post the very first tweet because it didn't fit their conclusion.

Fortunately there's a lot less material with the Wikileaks conspiracies so it's easier to make sense of it and refute the false assertions when needed. The 'Pizzagate' stuff is just too massive and it goes in all kinds of directions, it's hard to follow and discriminate between the facts and the speculations.

you mean search the Podesta e-mails by entering the keyword "handkerchief" and the follow-up e-mails will be in the results?

This is cult like thinking. You start with an absurd premise, the Clinton's campaign adviser is ruining a child sex trafficking ring out of a hipster pizza restaurant, and instead of assuming the premise could be false until proved true with evidence, you assume it is true from the onset, which means the lack of evidence being produced is irrelevant, since you had your conclusion since the beginning. It's beyond retarded. I see a lot of Holocaust deniers claiming that strong evidence needs to be presented to prove the Holocaust happened. You are like the people who assume the Holocaust had to happen and that no evidence is needed, because you already have your conclusion.

None of you assclowns point to anything substantial, like the alleged Stratfor connection, and never explain why Hillary would personally call him out, so your only argument is he never names the jew, but you know who else doesn't? Trump.

Kill yourself

No user, you are the retard, "pizzagate" is just another nail in the pedowood coffin, anyone who's lurked Holla Forums for more than a couple years and all it takes is skimming the dig threads to find just confirm it once again


user you seem to be laboring under the false premise that you can use (((controlled opposition))) to further our cause, the opposite is in fact true

Some retard who doesn't know this is a game for you, you just admitted it apparently, could have shot up a bunch of families that don't know about this obscure basement chan shit and just want to eat pizza and play ping pong with their kids. Before fucking Christmas mind you.

Yeah, I agree this is being driver by edgy 4cuck kids who don't care if it's true or not. Fuck you, redpills are supposed to be true. Making them into manufactured garbage is serving the enemy period.

What a times to be alive.


The thing I don't like about pizzagate is it seems self righteous. The best evidence is a freezer room, and if anything bad was going on in there, it's long been cleaned up. Investigations are done in private for good reason.

I'm not foolish enough to try to talk you guys out of it, but consider whether you're making any progress.

concern trolling, the post

concern trolling, the post


It's called confirmation bias. Too many people do it, no matter what the topic is. Even scientists do it so it's not limited to internet forums, it's a psychological phenomenon. When you invest too much time in a theory chances are you'll end up being in confirmation bias mode and you'll ignore things that don't confirm what you already believe to be true and you'll only absorb pieces of evidence that you think confirm your conclusion.

Then why do you guys expend so much energy attacking this guy? Such a waste of time. So much work to be done redpilling the masses and he is a gateway for people escaping MSM. If they get corralled there then that's on them not him. If he was in fact David Duke they would never find him in the first place. I fail to see why this logic escapes you twats.

No answer . . .

I never started with the premise of Podesta running a child sex trafficking ring out of a pizza restaurant. I started with the premise that, for years and years and years, I've seen evidence of higher ups engaging in pedophilia and outlandish rituals engaging in really freaky weird shit. It's the status quo for them.

So when you have a campaign, involving the Clintons who are known for sexual scandals. Bill going to Epstein's child rape island on his pedophile express plane. Hillary laughing at getting pedophiles off scott free for charges. Huma being married to someone who at the very least sexts random teenage girls, and most likely fucks them on a regular basis. No shit her campaign manager is going to be a pedophile.

Birds of a feather flock together my friend. What normal decent person would want to run a campaign for these freaks?

To prove them guilty in a court of law requires rock hard evidence. You don't need that to know what the fuck is really going on. Don't play dumb.

All it took for me to know it was true was the pedo code talk and Pedosta pictures. That's enough to warrant investigation in an official capacity, and the fact it isn't being investigated means they're being protected - which means it's true; because truth does not fear investigation.

Same with Holohoax.

No. There's been no evidence to the contrary except the presumption of innocence.

To set up Jonestein as her top "opposition".

There was a clip years ago, it might still be on jewttube, where Jonestein claimed that somebody he knew (Kevin Boothe maybe?) asked Bill about him, and that he responded positively - I forget the exact wording, but it was something about the importance of his show.

So some psycho bringing an assault riffle to a family targeted pizza business perhaps killing people with families is concern trolling? Do you have problems with deductive reasoning? Is that why you believe things with no evidence due to confirmation bias?

no, Bill Clinton is connected to Jeffrey Epstein. I wish more people would investigate the Epstein case and his tropical island than the Pizzagate theories.

What code? The word pizza? It turned out it referred to real pizza from Comet Pizza, and no it still must be code somehow! How is this not retarded? Explain it to me.

And that entire string of logical leaps is laughable. We got a bunch of lolcows here.


How was he a psycho? NC, Virginia, and Maryland all have open carry laws given that you have a permit. D.C. allows you to legally handle a rifle or shotgun, though no pistols. You're playing devil's advocate, I get that, but now you're just being melodramatic. Family-targeted pizza business? Seriously?


alex jones is a quarter or half jew. (looks like blankfine from goldman sachs)
his wife is also jewish.

he accidentally said he is jewish in a live phone call with one of is listeners.

his job is to shift blame from jews over to elite illuminati reptile globalists and muslims.

Go listen to last sundays podcast i believe
when he brings it up for the first time

He straight up say: "there is this meme going around i wont cover it"
Then i acts all defensive and uninterested

Good, this will wake up some of the voat crowd to Jonestein being controlled opposition. Some of them are getting close to swallowing the redpill about kikes.

buy water filters, do not buy pakis, they did 9/11

9/11 saw 3000 jew killed that's 1/2000 that a complete holocaust

donate goym


Pedos and pedo enablers will hang.

Yes it is concern trolling if no one here is affected. He would have shot up the place if his intent was to cause harm you tard. Also

Did this faggot ever hear of the Streisand effect? Or is that his true intention?

ex-wife user, still means his children are zogbots however


>Investigations are done in private for good reason.

Yes that's the biggest problem with this whole thing, too many autists on too many public forums.

polite sage for off topic

Arent both David Duke and Jonestein controlled opposition?

Why would Jones even go forward to even attempt a debate if they'd just cancel it.


No, Duke's legit.

open carry in DC? I doubt it

No he's not (((trshill))),
>main talking points is that many older establishment democrats were member of the kkk as well, literally a democrats are da real racists goy!!
>forgetting that the rothchilds were on the side of the South during the civil war, the loan made to the confederacy by the (((bank of london))) proves this if you look even further back
Either a Fed or a retard, anything and everything that duke touches dies.
Read up on some historical context before you shill controlled opposition again

TRS attacked David Duke because he talks about the slaughter of the Palestinians instead of framing his whole argument around kikebook debates. Go be autistic somewhere else.

IDK just the stuff I heard about him comes across as sorta of a con man trying to exploit an existing audience. I dont doubt that he believes the stuff he says but he just comes across as someone that doesnt say anything remotely new or profound and just collects sheckles by merely having his views out there. To me the vibes I gotten from him are is that
- hes a conman who exploits an exisiting audience
- he's a degenerate because he ghost authored a called 'Finders-Keepers: Finding and Keeping the Man You Want' about sexual, diet, fashion, cosmetic and relationship advice and it contained info advice about vagninal, oral, and, anal sex.
- also he supposedly gambled away donation money he recieved

I understand the possibility of this all being slander but first why would they need to slander someone whos already and 'evil racist' and two why would ZOG go to the lengths of slandering someone with extremely specific stuff that is entirely believable.

I dont know what to believe on wether Duke is controleld opposition but I do think he might just be a bit crazy not on his theorys just the way he behaves and he isnt exactly a 'good leader' if anything

thats essentially my position.

I've listened to plenty of TRS podcasts with Duke on them

Are you seriously using that as an argument? In 2000 Trump was a pure shabbos goy, he actually left the Reform Party to separate himself from Pat Buchanan, who he called a "Hitler-lover".

>Denouncing Patrick J. Buchanan as a Hitler lover, Donald J. Trump announced today that he was resigning his Republican registration in advance of a possible challenge to Mr. Buchanan in his expected quest for the Reform Party Presidential nomination.

>Mr. Trump, who has never been a political candidate, clearly timed his announcement to target Mr. Buchanan, acidly denouncing him on the NBC News program Meet the Press as the candidate of the really staunch right wacko vote.

>Look, he's a Hitler lover, Mr. Trump said, alluding to the recent debate over Mr. Buchanan's view that in World War II Hitler initially presented no serious threat to the United States.

>I guess he's an anti-Semite, Mr. Trump said, raising an accusation Mr. Buchanan has repeatedly denied in his career as White House strategist and talk show polemicist. He doesn't like the blacks, he doesn't like the gays, Mr. Trump continued. It's just incredible that anybody could embrace this guy.

Are you that autistic yid who always posts the Sinead webms?

For some reason the Jew York Times used ' instead of ", the italicized text are the quotes.

No one cares what you 'doubt' faggot.

if you aren't from there would you mind disproving any single one of my points faggot

I got that backwards, but what happened is even worse.

Looks like the alt-kike shill brigade showed up again, are you going to tell me that (((trs))) isn't inherantly homo again?



I addressed your main points, want me to touch on another one?

It might seem like that's his argument if you're autistic, but his point is that people who bow to the kikes have their pasts forgiven, while his is constantly brought up.

Because I'm the one using TRS memes?

You addressed them with
>a link to (((stormfront))), a website with no https encryption , despite it being incrediably easy to set up and the forum is run by suspected infoment weev, another semi-consistent contributor to (((trs podcasts)))
Even then, you failed to address the biggest ones
>>accomplished absolutely fuck all nothing during his entire political career
>>main talking points is that many older establishment democrats were member of the kkk as well, literally a democrats are da real racists goy!! cuckservative-tier argument

Nothing is wrong with this video really, just saying attack the hard evidence you do have instead of looking for something that likely doesn't exist. At this point not much more can be found easily, not saying stop but at the very least don't get tunnel visioned. Worst case he is covering his own ass for getting to close, he already revealed the whole deal to his viewers and their isn't much else to say. Brought up Lolita Island, that alone is good.

Although with that said I've been apart of the "truth movement" for over a decade and I've always felt like Jones was just a honeypot himself. He catches people early on when they're not to aware of the real reality of things and keeps them for life. He might be Bill Hicks LARPings. Out of all the personalities and their agendas Jones is the most curious to me, I'd love to know if he was legitimate or a reptilian.


my bad
Think that's my cue to head to bed. I still stand by my theory that they're all pozzed but whatever, goodnight

Pizzagate, the Satanic nutcases, that is THE story of the 21st century. There really is no other.

And the people who have the balls to take it on are the heros of our time.
Unless he steps up his game, unless he takes on the homo/pedo network, Jones will lose his desired place in history.
As it currently stands, Alex Jones… is not that hero, but he LARPs as one on TV.

so much shilling in this thread. Fuck alex jones, his only purpose it to make legit conspiracy theories look retarded

So, absolutely nothing of note will happen for the next 90 years? That's pretty sad, yo.


This is a story that has been going on for centuries. If the people wrest control from the pedo cults, it'll be the story of the century for sure, if not the millennia (given that these pedo cults established central banks the world over some hundred/two-hundred years ago).

Jonestein's been shook up for almost a week now. He didn't host, barely was able to talk when he called in. Then he did this video. I wonder why…



Someone's salty


He's getting flak because it's his crowd that's been investigating this. I really doubt he fanned the flames at all, but he's the one being blamed.

If and when we finally raid those fucking rabbit houses, I'm determined to make him into a larger meme.

….Still, I'm hoping that story was just an elaborate CTR ruse. I hate to think that one of us ended up dead for the sake of reconnaissance.

Joe Biggs has apparently left FilterWars now. Didn't see a reason.

Dude it's a show. They can't focus ALL their time on PIzzgate. When people find more hard evidence they will talk about it again. Besides with the false flag that just happened It would be WISE for them not to talk about it on the infowars show until they get more useful info on the matter.

meanwhile there is the chance of other damning info leaking out of the Clinton foundation that can stick and thus making the
Pizzagate stick. AL Capone anybody?

They need smoking gun evidence that even the biggest cuckfeed normie can't pass it off as a conspiracy. When that happens Alex will hae to talk about it and spread the word. Alex Jones was talking about 9/11 cover ups since 9/12 and even now that the 28 pages are out people STILL think 9/11 was real. Alex talking about Pizzagate just because would only hurt the investigation.


Something big is happening with The Alex Jonestein Show.

And he's been lying the whole time. First it was the Bush Administration, now it was all the Saudis, but it was never the Mossad.

he made a video a few days ago about the allergies he's fighting

stop calling him Alex Jones, call him by his real name, which is Bill Hicks.

the eyebrows don't match


he had a lot of plastic surgery done

The point isn't Alex. It's a fact that 9/11 is a cover up yet most people don't believe it. PIzzagate was before Alex Jones and it will continue with or without him.

With all the "fake news" hysteria and recent shooter/actor at comet pizza Alex Jones bringing up anything PIzzagate related without any new credible evidence will only hurt Pizzagate so I don't really care if he stops talking about it for a while. Holla Forums,voat,reddit, and other anons and hackers are the ones finding all this info. Alex Jones just piggy reports what people find.

If new leads are made in the pizzagate scandal and he STILL refuses to talk about it for unknown reasons THEN we can all dog pile on Alex and call him a shill.

I just think shills are trying to get people to attack Alex pre-emptivly kind of how Liberals attack Trump for "not keeping his promises" when he hasn't even been sworn then attack him again for saving American jobs with "corporate welfare" Shills have no souls and no limits people.

We've had more than enough evidence to call Alex a shill for years, his approach to Pizzagate is just a drop in the bucket.

Jonestein is a shill. He was useful during the election. Don't mistakenly think that he is a friend now. He is already trying to claim that he is the face of the movement, and the only man behind Trump.

nah it's a retarded conspiracy theory

When the Boston Marathon bombing happened I think MSNBC said he was responsible for radicalizing the Tsarnaev brothers or something like that.

How about a source on that?

Gotta be at least 18 for Holla Forums
Judge him by whether he moves the overton window dipshit. That's how you recognize who's on your side or not. Friendly fire helps no one.

I'm convinced that they attach him to those high profile events to give him credibility, because they ignore it when his listeners actually kill people - like those two superfans who shot cops a couple years ago, or that guy who killed his dad.

Why are TRS fans always the worst posters?

Anybody who covers for the jews is an enemy, that includes Jonestein.

Right, because disinformation from an agent who only has self-interest in mind helps.

it was more than just MSNBC:

Tamerlan Tsarnaev was an Alex Jones fan

" In a bizarre twist befitting a Hollywood conspiracy theory movie, the AP reports today that Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was influenced by conspiracy theories, including Alex Jones’ website Infowars, which has been pushing a narrative that the Tsarnaev brothers were patsies set up by a government cabal to take the fall for the bombing.

Tamerlan “took an interest in Infowars,” according to Elmirza Khozhugov, the ex-husband of Tamerlan’s sister. He was also apparently interested in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and was trying to find a copy of “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,” one of the most notorious conspiracy tomes of history. "

Alex Jones Downplays Connection To “Boston Bomber”

" The AP reported on Tuesday that Tsarnaev “took an interest” in Infowars and was also interested in getting a copy of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” the anti-Semitic fraud that purports to show a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world. "

Accused Marathon Bomber Influenced by Infowars

" Accused Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a fan of Infowars, the conspiracy-theory website operated by Texas radio host Alex Jones, the AP reports. Around the time that he was becoming "an ardent reader" of the al Qaeda magazine Inspire and other Jihadist literature, "Tamerlan took an interest in Infowars, a conspiracy theory website," write Adam Goldman, Eric Tucker and Matt Apuzzo. "

MSNBC Ties Alex Jones and 9/11 Truthers to Boston Bombing

So which is it? Either he's the express elevator to the protocols of zion, or he's keeping people in a cointelpro cage where they will never ever reach the final boss.

The second one. Jonestein is a Protocols denier (despite promoting many proven hoaxes), Tamerlan probably found out about The Protocols from the old guy who got him a subscription to the American Free Press.

But goy he is only sticking 12" of wood up your ass instead of 24" inches of wood.



No, but it's enough to warrant investigating further.

For what it's worth I don't think this use of "pizza" derives from the Holla Forums use (on imageboards it was always specifically "cheese pizza", this stuff doesn't use that exact phrase often). I'd bet that it's older.

People with face blindness should be executed for the good of humanity.

how long before people realize this obese goon is a shill, and always has been? And not in the way you think. Why do you think he's distancing himself himself from this, and made a special video to distance himself on a Sunday afternoon?

he's close to being able to be sued for slander/libel for damages to that shithole pizza place and is covering his ass.

Joe Biggs was the only decent one. He has named the jew a few times and never sperges out and calls them Nazis like jones does. This pizzagate stuff must have really driven the point home to him that the filterman is not to be trusted

Case in fucking point
Ignore the fucking shills

white people look the same to niggers. Fucking ears don't even come close to matching.

He left when he realized that water is not only thing being filtered at InfoWars HQ!

Look guys Alex Jones talking about Pizzagate RIGHT NOW.

What some of you NewFriends don't understand is that there is no way to talk about "pizza gate" or any government corruption without being trashed by the mainstream media. You could make the most convincing well sourced argument, complete with video evidence, and the controlled media would ignore you or outright lie about you. It's going to happen no matter what.

So in other words, don't worry about what the controlled media thinks. People ARE talking about pizzagate. The reason this is so powerful is that it is planting seeds to get people thinking. Pedophilia is still one of the few sins that in the eyes of normies will elicit strong morally righteous responses.

If a bank steals shareholders money people don't care after a week. If a politician is caught cheating on their wife they can get reelected. If a star football player goes on trial for murder and gets off on a technicality he is still hailed as a hero by the fans after his next touchdown. But if a person abuses a woman or a child all bets are off. Even if an accused pedophile is vindicated in the eyes of the court, he is still a persona-non-grata.

If you aren't willing to strike a blow right now, with the evidence we have, what exact scenario will you be waiting for? It's similar to the "wait for Hitler" fallacy.


he did not say stop investigating it

he said there are things other than pizza gate to follow as well


I just watched the video. Jones' is trying to be reasonable but is misrepresenting what is being investigated. No one investigating the child sex trade is focused on the Chevy Chase Pizza parlor. They are connecting the dots in other states and other countries. Jones does need to realize that.

anyone who takes this fat shitbag seriously is clinically retarded. Go back and watch his first "mainstream" appearance on camera with the brit Jew Jon Ronson in documentary "secret rulers of the world."

his goal has always been to generate as much controversy as possible (thus as many shekels) without naming the Jew or getting his ass into genuine trouble to where he'd end up in court.

Do you think he just randomly decided to do a damage-control video on a fucking Sunday afternoon telling his followers to "ignore pizzagate," or you think he was worried about his fat, jew-loving ass getting sued and had just got off the phone with his lawyer?

At times I wonder how many of you fuckers have a grasp of how the "real world" works. Case in point? Look up Rick Sanchez of CNN. He was a leftist cuck, but went on a radio show to retaliate against john liebovitz (stwart) and he mentioned that Jews controlled the media and CNN.

The response. "No we don't! And by the way, you're fired and will never work in mainstream news again." and he hasn't. you think Jones doesn't understand who really runs things? hintt: it's not the "Illuminati."

Nice concern troll, kys faggot.

Strategically, isn't it better that we have the a normie watching infowars than reading the NYT or WaPo? The jump from InfoWars to 1488 isn't THAT big. It basically requires swapping "globalist" with "jew".

Not going to shill for the guy but if he's a Judas Goat I don't see the end game.

People here like to shit on Filterman because he doesn't name the Jew constantly and they love to virtue signal to each other.

Look, here's the bottom line: he is not Holla Forums. That's all that matters. Besides that, he has different carrots and sticks, being a businessman and all, so he will act according to different interests.

Fuck off faggot.

Then you must be blind.
The kosher-certified 9/11 truth movement should tell you everything you need to know about AJ's role and how successful he's been at it.

It's always the TRSfags…

Are you saying the love between me and my jewish black gay lover is a problem?

The jews' greatest trick

This is now a virtue signaling thread
Everyone post about how much you hate TRS and Filterman

Take your new age garbage with you.

Show us on this doll where the evil internet nazis touched you.

Are you implying that JIDF is anti-Jonesberg?

right on the pepe

I think the people who can listen to him say globalists/Illuminati are Nazis and brush Jewish roles under the rug as if they are the same level as Mexican cartels are beyond reach and just need the rope.

Fuck off Bill, you obnoxious blubbermouthed kikewhore fatty and shove those testosterone pills up your peehole.

Yup nothing to see here goy. The full court press to classify any outlet looking into it as "fake news" is pure coincidence. Just wait for more solid evidence like a confession or timestamped video of them actually raping a child.

In 2008 he claimed trump was a corrupt corporatist, con artist and cheater after he endorsed hillary in the democrats election.

The only subject hes been honest of is chinas imperial threat.

He was attacking Trump last October.

He attacked all Republicans except Rand lol

Maybe Jones does like Trump in private and he'll feed his sheep whatever sells the filters but I'm tired of hearing his name praised.


That's the only reason he backed Trump.

Lol.. not even remotely similiar

No, James Alefantis = J'aime les enfants = I love children in french. Pure coincidence though amirite.

Lol yeah thread is anchored now so need to run interference for pedos anymore lol lmao. Go back to shittying up the sticky, kikes.

Alex Jones has CIA and military ties.

underrated post.

I've thought a lot about this in regards to this whole "pizzagate" nonsense. My doubt has increased over time and i've definitely entertained thoughts quite a few times that it could all be just such a coincidence or randomness. Watching this go from the days of daily podesta digging threads where the first inklings of connections began to seep through to the absolute shitstorms when 4cuck and faggit blew this shit up for all the normies has been absolutely ridiculous. Having retarted fucks help "dig" and make stupid fucking jewtube videos for normies has done nothing to help build confidence in the cause. Honestly, any edge we *might* have had in the beginning few weeks when they were initially scrambling from all the leaks has been squashed and our ship has ran aground. I bet that just like the Y2K days they've spent weeks just absolutely scrambling to cover ever little loose thread that could cause any distortion to the system. I sincerely doubt that any hard evidence will ever come from "pizzagate".

However, I do believe that we have struck a far greater blow to (((the establishment))) then they could have ever imagined. And it's so much more powerful then uncovering evidence of child fuckery and sending some cunts to jail. As always, their judgement is just absolutely shit and they react in retarted ways because they truly cannot understand us or what our interconnectedness really means. They've overstepped their hand and play a horribly, horribly wrong card. Still so in shock and disbelief of a trump win they think censorship could actually be the answer here, when in fact it's the worst move they could ever make.

PizzaGate = The death of the media. Think about it. This shit took off so fast in combination with wikileaks/the importance of "alt" media in swaying all of the normie trump voters these last few months that (((they))) literally went full == SHUT IT DOWN!!! == mode and decided to cue up the "fake news" narrative and muh anti-russian censorhip bills. Now, imagine what trump is thinking, "They want to censor breitbart and wikileaks….those fuckers won me the election….these fucking kikes!" And this is all after the meeting he heald with honchos a few weeks back… Regardless of the outcome normies have latched onto what is at this point nearing "conspiritard" levels of ridiculousness. There are so many false leads and avenues to pursue that the real investigation we started has fractured into a million pieces. But instead of a few hundred of us trying to piece the puzzle together there are a millions normies trying to imagine how it all makes sense. And that's what really matters. Millions of normies thinking about rich people fucking kids. Doesn't matter if we get evidence or not, this thing is snowballing hard af and (((they're))) trying too hard to stop it.

I believe PizzaGate will go down in history as a major catalyst for the death and eventual rebirth of "the media" as we've known it in a modern propagandistic sense. Truth will soon reign over spinning a narrative. Normies pissed off because they're convinced politicians are diddling kids will help our RWDS realize this within our reality.

No, edgelord. They're not hard evidence.

In a RICO case they absolutely are, dipshit.

The Boston Marathon terrorist's "connection" to Alex Jones is just a smear job by the media.

I remember there was talk in the media of a domestic terrorist, some guy was on TV and he said his sources told him a white guy from a militia was responsible and the FBI was going to arrest him very soon. It happened on Patriots' Day and CNN and others were quick to call the SPLC and make the connection:

Boston, Oklahoma City, Waco: Why Patriots Day? -

Boston Marathon bombs: the early theories

" Monday was also Patriots’ Day in Massachusetts, a public holiday commemorating the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775, the first battles of the war of independence, which would be cause for celebration for such groups. "Patriots' Day has been a lightening rod for extreme anti-government activists. They see Patriots’ Day as hijacked by the government and that its values are debased" said Bruce Hoffman, director of the centre for security studies at Georgetown University.

He added: "From people I’ve been speaking to in law enforcement, the gut feeling is this seems more anti-government domestic extremists, but everyone has got these things wrong before,” he said. "

Planting the Seed of Propaganda: Media Repeatedly Suggests Patriots Are Responsible for Boston Marathon Bombing

Then someone sent Alex Jones photos of a man in the crowd who had the same type of backpack who looked like he was a homeless guy who just came out of the psychiatric hospital. That's when he started saying (or yelling) that's a false flag and they're going to blame that guy for the bomb. The photos were posted on and I think – but I'm not sure, I would have to go back and check the archives – that the Drudge Report posted a link to that page.

I'm going by memory, I don't have a precise timeline of the events, but if I recall correctly there was a black SUV who brought someone at the courthouse to be formally charged, his face was never visible and we never knew who he was, then there was some alert and the courthouse had to be temporarily evacuated and we never heard of that suspect ever again. Either the next day or the same day the FBI announced they had the suspects on video – the Tsarnaev brothers – and they clearly told everyone these were the only two suspects and you have to ignore all the other suspicious people in the photos and the videos.

Alex Jones said he's convinced they changed the scenario – from blaming the scruffy white 'militia' guy to the Tsarnaev brothers – because an anonymous source sent him the photos of the supposed patsy before his identity was going to be revealed by the FBI.

you can listen to that interview with a reporter who was at the courthouse

the ears don't match at all. you're a retard


you're a retard: Alefantis isn't a french name, it's greek. I speak french, you don't.


How stupid are you? An american saying james alefantis is phonetically similar to j'aime les enfants.

He's listed as one of the most powerful men/women in washington. He also has a pig farm, which is nice if you need to dispose of "pig feed".

How many shill posts left until you earn your first shekel for the day? You need to step up your game. You didn't get first post this time.