Maria l. thank you note

Murdered student. Helped refugees. Parents collected money for pro immigration organization at her funeral.

Maybe someone wants to send a thank you letter to her father.

allahu akbar

Tel. : +32-2-285 5057
Email : [email protected]/* */,d.bGs

Other urls found in this thread:

She and her parents are Jews. I guess their daughter dying was a worthy sacrifice. Now they're doubling down and doing what they can to destroy Europe.

really? they are jews? ladenburger is a jewish name?

I think not. ***-buger is a common name among germanics (Ravensburger, Waldburger) just like the surnames that end in -mann (with double n at the end). The kikes use the version with only one -n.

However, I am sad for the qt but they got what they were asking for. You cannot play with wild animals and then be surprised when they bite off your limbs.





Yes, let's spam this guys email with shit so he can publicly whine about getting hate mail from those ebul nadzi NSAFD people. Brilliant idea.

It would be more productive to spread memes rather than 'sperg out on the father.


Nice argument.

not OP,. I wasn't advocating anything

I've got this:

Dr.Clemens Ladenburger
Alte Pforzheimer Str. 80
75217 Birkenfeld
Tel: 07231 468443

90% sure this is the private address of the family.

it would a terrible shame if someone were to put a
"refugees welcome" sign/banner there

Any way to call/record calls anonymously on a computer?

For fucks sake the second pic is disinfo.

I really like that fourth one, reminds me of the cognitive dissonance of the #draftourdaughters campaign. That gives me some inspiration to make some new memes……….


I'm going to use the Russian hacker excuse for everything now

So I should be happy that he's picking corporate robber barons who SUCCESSFULLY earned billions of dollars from oppressing poor people and engaging in the same government corruption that Trump supposedly came in to put an end to?

the period goes outside the quote you dummy


mandela effect

At least they were niggers

Lift fucking weights, faggot.

its gonna be lit af senpai

you think we could afford a destroyer or two if we all pooled our money?

"race and IQ bullshit"

sorry kiddo, but it's true, Lynn's studies are very good, not Stormfag but this part is really true.

I had meant to last week as it was on my todo list, but am just so swammed with niggers and kikes and other mystery meat.

No shit? BEST YEAR ever or wot?

Would you like another good idea? GO FUCKING KILL YOURSELF FAGGOT. Oh no the Jew press might say something bad about us hahaha.

Yeah because that's been so effective the last 9000x

ahahahahahahahahahaha jews