Ausfags post PRO-WHITE "NEO-NAZI" posters at Melbourne Uni at

Absolute Madmen.

Antipodean Resistance posted this edgy poster all across the University.

"'Get out! Keep Australia White': Neo-Nazi group puts up hundreds of racist posters at Melbourne University"

>The posters - which called for'shskins', 'ni*s' and 'chi**s' to get out of Australia - were found fixed to walls in the University of Melbourne on Saturday morning.

Other urls found in this thread:

While IRL shitposting is hilarious, I wonder what their plan is when the left inevitably doubles down. Leftists have a stranglehold on the country as much as any other. There'll probably be a solidarity movement soon, remember that Australia is where #I'llRideWithYou came from ffs it still makes me mad

Ahh nice, I talk to Xav online every once in a while. Glad to know his groups doing well.

It's probably part of the plan tbh. When the left doubles down and becomes more hysterical, more out of touch, it'll just make right-wing groups more attractive.

Which one of you did it?

First Swinburne, now Melb Uni?
Looks like they're going on a tour around Victoria.
They need some posters like this at Box Hill Tafe tbh.

Australians are so fucking pozzed on politics it is unbelievable. Went from living in remote Australia for all of my life to the city and by god the weak spined faggots that inhabit our country is revolting to say the least.

Fuck that is triggering as hell.

Holy shit, didn't notice that. I know Box Hill is an asian stronghold, but had no idea the chinks are officially staking their claim there. That's a fucking disgrace.

I think what gets to me is the white immigrants who are completely clueless as to why they ended up leaving their country and refuse to recognise the problem. I'm thinking particularly of Brits and Afrikaners, but I'm sure we get Canadians etc. who have the same naivety.

Most of the Brits I know are pretty wise to the immigration threat tbh.

However, nearly all the bloody Afrikaners I know are cucked to the core. Unbelievable. They go on all the time about how shitty South Africa is, but can't seem to pin-point the key reason.

If I was running for office in Australia I also would advocate building a wall.
We might be an island, but it is about sending a message.

Why the fuck would a Chinese flag be up there in the first place? What reason do they have for flying a foreign nation's flag?

Box Hill is full of chinks

Kiwifag here, there's a lot of Afrikaners where I live and they're pretty redpilled. I had a good laugh with some of them at that terrorist Nelson Mandela's funeral.

Only Afrikaner I ever knew warned me about da ebul waycists who speak only Afrikaans, and told me to avoid them.

anybody who lives in vic or SA deserves the cuckoldry they get

It just seems to me that they still need an actual reason to fly it - having some chinks in an area doesn't give them the right to fly their flag here.

Only ever met one family of saffas. I worked with one of them when she told me she was actually born in South Africa and moved to Aus as a small kid. I asked her why her family moved here (I didn't need to ask) and she said that it just wasn't safe in SA anymore, but couldn't explain why it wasn't safe nowadays.

I have a feeling the photo might actually be photo shopped.

Good work lads.

I've been considering plastering a local uni in One Nation posters. It'll trigger them just as hard but if I get caught and my livelihood becomes threatened I can kick up a fuss about free-speech because I'm supporting a party with an actual presence in the senate.

My group did. I have no way of proving it that I'm willing to do, so don't ask.


That is a part of the plan, yes. The left will continue to attack whites and give them no other option than us.

We'll go over the other reasons later on, when we've gotten what we wanted out of our current strategy. We're not being edgy for no reason, I assure you.

But of course, we do really hate nonwhites and Jews

It isn't.
Trust me.
I took the photo myself.

I checked out your website, good to see that you're explicit about being Nat Socs.
How many of your members are Holla Forumsacks?

Keep doing it.

Hey mate, just checked out your website. Thanks for the hard work you're all doing, it's good to see some work being done irl in Australia. Do you guys have any sort of presence in Mildura?

Are you associated with UPF at all? Are they still a thing?

Not really, they're reposting relevant Holla Forums threads on their faceberg page but I haven't heard of them doing any rallies or anything recently.

A lot of us come from chan culture actually, though we use it less these days, mainly due to RL getting in the way, especially with this new organisation. It's a lot of work.

Will do. We've got a lot more planned, rest assured.

Thanks m88. We do actually know somebody around Mildura, contact the website if you're interested in getting involved.

No, we're not involved with them, regardless of what Slackbastard thinks. The UPF is still gunning along, they're just toning down the activism for the end of the year.

UPF annoy the shit out of me with their mixed messages on race. I don't know why they bother holding on to the civic position tbh, considering the bottom end already fell out of the 'Patriot' movement.

Plausible deniability most likely. it's not necessarily a bad tactic. Not all right-wing groups need to be following the same rule book. They can complement eachother.

Thanks man, may do. I think it's time I get a VPN. I wanna actually fucking do something about all this bullshit, Mildura went from a nice rural town to a multicultural shit hole in less than 3 fucking years. It makes me fucking sick, and I'm not the only one. White Aussies are waking up all over the place.

I haven't bothered looking at what they're been up to since the first Bendigo mosque protest. I think I remember Sheldon getting the boot or something of the like.
If they're headed to civic nationalism, then they're pretty much on par with One Nation, except Blair is well aware of the JQ.

They have their reasons.

Good idea. If you're not tech wise, we have a guy who can tell you what to do to protect yourself online.

It's good you want to do something; this is exactly why we decided to. We were sick of nothing happening in Australia. It's an absolute certainty that we have a lot of the problems the US and Europe do, especially with the most awful things including child rape gangs by both elites and nonwhites, but we know very little about it. We know so little about it because nobody cares about Australia, even nationalists have their main concern being abroad, especially with the Trump election campaign recently.

Well, we DO care about Australia, first and foremost.

I guess Blair's plan was to use a "reasonable far right" message in order to get some political power before revealing that he was a white nationalist all along but he failed to anticipate that the media paints him as a 1488 aussie Hitler anyway. Even if he was successful in this method he'd either lose a critical portion of his supporters once the truth about him became known and would fall back into irrelevance.
Might as well walk the walk and talk the talk imo but I'm not the one with an organization so best of luck to him.

Do you guys have any organizational presence on the dingoes TRS group?

If you really want to cause some LULZ you should put false flag posters up of the craziest SJW positions

i.e. it's not rape if the victim is white and the rapist is black, but phrase it in SJWese speak.

i.e. rape is privilege plus power and since the white race has power in this society such a thing cannot be rape etc etc

that will turn off far more people from your enemies piosition and turn them far closer to yours than anything else would


Sure, we could do that. False flags are dishonest though, and once you've lost your honour it's pretty hard if not impossible to regain it. National Socialists are honest and should not lie.

Here's a question though, why don't you do it?

I reckon there's more than enough people on the diversity-minus-islam track. The left are going to present Cottrell as a Nazi regardless of what he says. The whole blow up early this year with some faggots splitting off and all the Nazi accusations, etc. should have resulted in UPF taking a more nationalist position, like many in the alt-right did after NPI. But they doubled down on being civic instead. It was a real shame.

I agree. As you say, it's their org and their choice what to do with it.

Would your numbers exceed 100 members as it stands now?
I'm curious to how big such a thing in Melbourne can be.

They would not. We are still very new (the website only went up the other day and our first foray was only about 2 months ago). Our standards for the organisation are also quite high in regards to age and activism; you must be active to be a part of the group. None of this 'one meeting every 6 months' nonsense that some groups have.

It can be as big as we'd like, all we need is the numbers and the will. Melbourne might be a Rainbow city now, but in the early 30's Berlin was Red. And we all know how that turned out.

what a completely pointless exercise - risking a visit to court for breaking the 'racial discrimination' laws, or expulsion from uni, or a slackbastard doxing/antifa types getting you fired from your job etc. all for something that'll convince and resonate with absolutely no one except the already converted.

Yes. But honor to a cuck is merely another form of signalling, as in meaningless words said to show off like a damned kosher politician.
Since you'll be using their own actual logical reasoning against them, you're still telling the truth, even in disguise, so do it!

why don't you move out of that liberal shithole and head for WA? that's where all of the white australians are

All over social media the response from the left is "How can you keep Australia white? It was never white in the first place!"

It's like they forgot that we actually did have a government policy explicitly for that purpose.

Wasn't sure how long it had been around, i think i can recall seeing the other poster about homosexuals though and thought it quite good.

I'd definitely love to get involved in some of the activism; especially given how much of a pozzed shithole Melbourne is right now.

I'll keep it in mind and hopefully join sometime in the very near future. At least it's nice to know there are at least a fair few people who are of the same mind.

Have you read the racial discrimination laws? Have you kept up to date with the computer room scandal? You can get done for ANYTHING.These laws are about destroying you.

But we aren't cucks. We're the alternative that people have been waiting for. Lying puts us in almost the same boat as all those traitorous politicians.

The reason I ask why you don't do it is because usually when people ask activists to do something, it's because they're too lazy or scared to do it themselves. Otherwise, they'd get involved.

That's exactly why we're here. We were created by this mess. We're going to do out bit to help fix it. If you want to do your part from where you live, go ahead. Send us an email and join up.

Australia always was and always will be a white nation, even if the soil it inhabits was once home to blacks and will soon be home to a mongrel Asian race. Only white people can be Australian, in the same way only Aboriginals can be Aboriginal. They're totally separate identities, not to mention races.

Besides, the left doesn't have a problem with letting a racial group stake claim to a landmass, it just can't be a white group doing it. Their native first ideas in the new world mesh seamlessly with anti native ones in the old. But we on Holla Forums should know all this already.

There is a great deal of us, don't you worry. As long as you fit our standards, we'd love to have you aboard.

Perth is pretty much uncucked m8, even the boongs here are too lazy to be real nuisances

its a dirty war and at the end of the day we need to fucking start notching up some wins.

Honesty is wasted on an SJW/leftist/kike; save your honesty for the days after DOTR.

Have you got a procedure in place if you think you've been subverted or infiltrated by government agencies?

not in perth, its way too fucking diverse in the metro areas.

i respect your stand on honorable meme warfare

keep at it user

exactly, so why risk it on an effort with no reward? at least try to drop some redpills or make some logical arguments

Don't remember it being overly diverse when I visited. But there were lots of abos in Perth.

Discrimination laws simply mean "In for a penny, in for a pound, in for a sack of gold. If the punishment's the same why choose the lame but favor the brave and the bold." If they try and come for you, don't go quietly, as their vanning you is simply to silence and hide you from view and so must be treated as a opportunity to distinguish yourself in combat.
Commies regularly break-in to fascist, racist, sexist bigot homes and trash them up, and since your police are so pozzed that any one that might be on your side has to go along or be severely punished; you have to treat them as merely another arm of the SJWs. You have to fight through your own to get out alive.
Thirdly this is about keeping the issue in the public eye, blood is important to this, normies just want to go back to eating sleeping working and their hobbies. Jar them awake, and make our enemies attack them so we can reach out and offer aid so as to gain allies.
What; did you really think this would reverse direction without blood involved and merely a postering effort?

boongs aren't that bad honestly, much better than lebs or somalians

Yeah I consider abos as part of the Australian fauna. Lebs and Somalis are shitskin imports that have no place in our country.

I highly highly doubt that we have, primarily because infiltration from the beginning is not the government's style, not like it is in other countries. What our government does is get people who weren't originally spies, to become spies. This is usually done by exploiting people's character flaws, like prior convictions for crimes, gambling or drug problems, appeals to vanity, etc. That's one of the reasons that our standards are so high.

We also engage in debates on things pretty regularly, and if someone isn't convincing, they would stand out pretty quick.

We have a member from Perth, He says while it's not as bad as Melbourne, Fremantle and Leederville are pretty close. Especially with the whole Australia Day hubub.

We are notching up some wins, and it's my view that besides it being the right thing to do, being known as honest will help us more in the long run.


Like the walled island cities in age of empires 2 that I used to build

What are you suggesting? How do you cause blood without directly doing it?

The same way Canadian RCMP do it, Except this time it's not to attack local police forces.
Get a mole in a leftist group, get them to slowly radicalize and feed them false info like false addresses. Have them attack innocents and gun owners, stage Black Block demos that fuck traffic and then use Monkey See Monkey Do to turn them to riots, and if anyone tries to get it toned down, ostrasize them from the group and straight to our arms.
Basically outjew the Jew with his own bag of dirty tricks in order to make a hostile enviroment to be a normie with his head in the sand and his ass open for a kick, while setting up commies as the villian interfering daily in his personal life and Us as the folks fighting back who hate those he hates. Nothing is a greater common ground than shared enemies.
TL;DR: Prepare common ground for the normies to walk upon and the commies to attack by creating and exploiting fracture points.

the boongs should be grateful that we didn't genocide them like the seppos did with their natives


They did the same thing over in Vancouver.

do not show honour to your enemy when they will never have any intentions of reciprocating this honour. "Muh principles" mean jackshit if you're dead.

Kek has spoken.

oh wait you're serious? i thought this was just some ironic irl shitposting not some honest to god stormfront level faggotry

White identity is tightly bound to honor and, unlike other identities, an intense hatred of lies. of course, traitors are not worth the respect of even an honorable death.
Keep a hold of your values and do not Jew your supporters.


Nice, much better than those kosher TRS-inspired posters that had links to pro-kike websites.

>tfw you're also halfjap :^)

I went to school in Australia (In Japan now), and spent time with a lot of Australian adults, but most people I met were centrists who didn't have much interest in politics, but were religious followers of sports and drinking.
My extended family who, although reluctant to say it at first, were uncomfortable with mudshits in burkas or niqabs and being afraid of gangs of currymunchers, and finally got them to support the regrettably unbearable Pauline Hanson and Trump.
My uncle used to play Horst Wessel Lied in his car because "He liked the music";^)

Also, how do we get Australia to be less cucked? As fun as it is drinking and partying, I fail to see Australia becoming prosperous in the long run, or even kept white if it continues this way. Limiting the sale of farm lands and private property to foreign buyers would be a good start, but I'd say that /aus/fags need to get in to local politics especially in places where there is a declining white majority, and campaign on a subtle anti-chinese, and anti-council spending/ineffectiveness platform. With this, I'm sure Holla Forumsish influence over the community can be assured.

Australia only has two main resources as far as the worlds concerned
Ore which it mostly sells to China
and agriculture
the fruits and vegetables many go to Japan as do cattle
whereas the grain. sheep and goats go to the Middle East
the mining industries fucked because hippies and cunts like Clive Palmer are stifling the Uranium mining ventures and the iron ore is going to run out
and agriculture is fucked because most of the interior of Australia used to be under a very salty inland sea
and as it turns out artesian wells that draw freshwater up from below the salt table and then irrigate the topsoil continuously while fertilizing the crops artificially for the better part of a century has raised the salinity of the soil and the pH of the river systems to the point where the soils getting too salty to even support spinifex let alone cereals like wheat
and the pH is causing literal sulfuric acid to collect in the water basins, killing the fish and poisoning the land
China will mine Australia hollow and the farmers will scratch the dust for wheat grains until the world loses interest in Australia and we finally get to go full Mad Max

Good work, lad. May Uncle Adolf be the wind in your wings.

So, regarding your latest poster, I would assume it is illegal under some sort of hate speech law?

You do Kalki's work.

Thanks lads

Our country is in a shocking state at the moment, even if you ignore all the problems a stereotypical National Socialist would have a problem with. Trade, manufacturing, environmentalism, they're all in a rubbish situation. We could be terraforming our inland rather than eroding it like we are today, but there is no will for it. There's the opposite of will, the government encourages this.

Well, it would be, but we're just a perfoming art group, as covered in 18D:

"Section 18C does not render unlawful anything said or done reasonably and in good faith:

(a) in the performance, exhibition or distribution of an artistic work; or"


Pity the website is down. Attacked?

Yes, second time in the few days we've been up. We've really rustled some feathers. It'll be up again soon though.

good work lads

I know Melbourne leftists. The smart ones are sick of anti-white sentiment and want islam out (mostly because of pozzed reasons like muh female rights etc). They can't tell their pozzy friends/coworkers about this, but they confide in me.

In private always welcome (and if possible amplify) such comments and don't bother fighting about the stuff you disagree on. The left is eating itself and forcing people with less than 100% ideological purity out. These refugees will slowly come to us. We're more fun and welcoming tbh.

The stupid ones will be deloused in time.

Don't waste your time in the city mate. It weakens you. Take the shit job in the rural area, find a bird who hasn't fucked too many blokes and wife her up.

Melbourne IT and cafe owning hipsters are the first to interbreed with them.

I'd wager that a good portion of them come via boat.

I guess though that Australia's notoriously strict immigration requirements don't apply to non-whites.

Been waiting for a decent Aus-pol thread to post some OC I made when I first went 1488. It's backwards because we are on the other side of the world.

Feel free to use it Vic fags.

WA or FNQ. That's where right wing whites are regrouping.

The abbos are going to shit themselves screaming about that one.

We can't do shit without the following getting fixed.
Australia is not a free country, you either take the liberal pozz (at least pretend to) or become a person non-grata.



no, they come in through the backdoor via plane on united nations rapefugee resettlement programs


It's harder than you'd imagine to aesthetically fit a happy windmill into the southern cross. Related is a nordic flag styled Eureka

b…but the miners weren't racist!!!!!!

Hey hafubro, play with any airshits yet in the land of the nip

Leftism made brexit happen and got Trump elected. Are you saying you don't want them to double down?

would a 3rd generation greek be accepted into right wing political circles and organisations

t. young joe pesci looking guy

I love the journalists' go-to stock of smear adjectives - your posters are "vile", your manifesto is "rambling", your mind is "sick" etc. Have to say the poster itself is pretty funny - DUNECOONS SHITSKINS NIGGERS CHINKS GET OUT! is so full-throttle Holla Forums it's beyond parody.

Well that's a major blackpill. It seems like a foreign backed soup - hi asio is the only way to destroy the corrupted federation.
Is there source for the agriculture thing you mentioned? I've only heard of it now, and does this relate to the Murray basin in some way?
I remember that being on the news a lot a year ago, but I've moved so I haven't heard about it since.

Yeah, I do, it's bretty good.
I always enjoy shooting fat otaku cunts stuck trying to get through an obstacle.
I'm probably going to sneak my bb pistol in to australia though. No way am I throwing away my beloved plastic P38 that needs to be cocked every shot.


Nice work Ausfags. I wouldn't have expected such organization to be honest.

You guys remind me of that brave protest user from burgerland. Keep up the good work


Civic nationalist pls go





