Pelosi telephoned Trump after the election and started to talk about women's issues . . . then Trump handed the phone to Ivanka.
Pelosi telephoned Trump after the election and started to talk about women's issues...
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Top kek
Bitch was lucky to get even that.
The best.
Now he needs to talk about pizzagate.
But still based as fuck.
He seems to be purposefully shitting on them.
What did she say?
lurk moar newfag
o I am laffin
Are they still stuck on this? They still think people care? Are they surprised that no one wants to listen to Pelosi talk about anything, especially something she has been a hypocritical bitch about? And their sources are who?
In any case, top fucking kek. I would do the same thing too if I didn't hang up on the bitch.
I'd have just hung up on her
Probably something along the lines of:
Muh abortion
Muh free healthcare
Muh free childcare (state sponsored abandonment centers)
Muh wage gap
Muh equal opportunity
He needs to be inaugurated first and Sessions needs to completely dominate the DOJ
No, he needs to talk about it.
Let them come after him.
Let them go after the president elect for asking the wrong questions publicly.
The fallout would be biblical
hello, this is Nanci Pelosi speaking…
Nanci Pelosi…
oh!… didn't you used to be someone?
If this doesn't prove Trump is a meritocrat, I don't know what will.
Welcome to Post-Feminism
Kek, I can just imagine him picking up the phone, rolling his eyes after 2 minutes of conversation and pushing the phone to Ivanka, who's even less thrilled. Trump meanwhile continuing the plans for the destruction of the FED and the yuge order of industrial rope.
But in broader, more serious light, this is a major snub. To deny conversation of a minority leader of democrats and give it to his unelected daughter is a big fuck you. And also a message that he doesn't give a single shit about it and that it is just irrelevant bitch bitchin'.
Should have hung up.
Hanging up could have been taken as an accidental snub. This can't. Hence more insulting
I truly didn't think I'd live to see it.
I hope they make a bigger deal out of this Pelosi thing just for this. Putting the doublethink out there this blatantly will make feminists look stupider than they already do.
This was better.
Doing God's work, user.
So this guy is seeing the trump issues but not the clinton issues?
Talk about biased.
Good. Trump won precisely because he didn't focus on bullshit moral issues or minority interests, instead his campaign was all about jobs, industry and cultural optimism.
Because they and their colleagues have massive influence within the online right, especially here.
Richard Spencer, David Duke two from the upper echelons of the organization represented by Renegade.
The fact that people reading this will internally hissy-fit over Duke being called for what he is, validates the importance of identifying and outing these shills at every opportunity.
When one is exposed, others replace them but once you learn the pattern, they are easy to spot.
deny deny deny
For one reason or another, Pelosi herself downplayed it yesterday on Face the Nation
"I could hear there was bitching coming out of her mouth. Bitching coming out of her wherever, so I handed the phone to Ivanka, who's great by the way. Amazing woman. So great. Pelosi? Not so much, but Ivanka? Incredible. One of the best."
That guy's a beta cuccboi for his crypto wife.
take care of your kids Sinead
Trump needs to defoo from this Jewish whore.
She is going to nag Trump out of building the wall.
fuck off, take Sinead with you and go jump off the edge of the Earth
They are sneaky aren't they. Totally forgot about the cunts.
I just heard on the TV that she is also meeting with Al Gore soon to talk about (((climate change))).
Fucking funny as hell.
But seriously, he should hand her off to Tiffiny next time.
The first step to uncuck America.
Literally crying about this, it's too funny… it's too shocking…
Kek is in this thread!
Pelosi telephoned Trump after the election and started to talk about women's issues . . . then Trump handed the phone to Ivanka who whispered"What are you going to do when my husband causes term limits to happen?"?
When I decided I was voting for trump during the primaries last year.. it was one reason:
Our country needs it. A leader needs it.
Nothing else really mattered.
I am so smug right now. Just think, this is only the begining!