A bunch of Reddit cucks reported Murdoch Murdoch's latest video and got it removed from kiketube for "hate speech".
Here's the newly uploaded censored version:
Here's the original version:
A bunch of Reddit cucks reported Murdoch Murdoch's latest video and got it removed from kiketube for "hate speech".
Here's the newly uploaded censored version:
Here's the original version:
That second image never fails to make me proud of this place tbh
The fact that they think we are fanatical makes me proud and just shows how weak spined they truly are.
Stormfag pls
That was actually beautiful.
Holy crap biscuit.
They were shilling for Lauren and Milo in the video where they gassed Dr. Pierce, they deserve everything they get.
Hi Sinead.
Kill yourself.
Sinead is probably worse as she is absolutely crazy. Either way both will know what The Night of The Long Knives truly means.
Youre obviously not from here kike.
They deleted the video because he said that aboriginals aren't human? That's pretty mild. They were were just looking for a reason. I'm surprised that they didn't DMCA it for the Star Wars music.
What is the story here with this audio?
The pedophile who groomed Sinead apparently told her that he reported her to CPS and that they were on their way to take her kid away.
There's an extended version that got shoah'd that puts it all in context but I didn't care enough to save it, maybe somebody else did?
*Evalion, not Sinead.
I don't know how you came away with that impression. That's the polar opposite of what they were aiming to get across. I thought the video was pretty good.
The fuck is this e-celeb youtube bullshit?
Get back to 4cuck.
Fucking cringe worthy cuck.
Shut the fuck up, kike.
They said there was room in the Aut-Right for Milo and Lauren Southern, but not evil "1488ers" who hate kikes instead of just "Marxists".
Re-watch the video.
Yet another one of those words that makes me feel like I'm living behind the iron curtain.
They "gassed Dr. Pierce"? Alright fuck this.
Ahh. Thanks, lad
This edited version is TOTAL BULLSHIT, and I keep seeing it posted. This was EDITED to make Sinead and her Mic husband look crazy. Truth is, the autists on the other end of the call deserve every ounce of rage thrown at them, andit's quite clear in the full recording.
Let me find the full ver…. fuck it was posted here but was deleted: soundcloud.com
The "autism gang" fully deserved the wrath of the Firestarter crew. I hate Firestarter Media (I'm a devout Christian, they hate Christians) but the autists had called CPS and were basically rats deserving of a curb stomp. The full audio was like 30 minutes long and is very incriminating, but I keep seeing this shortened/edited version which skew the story.
'Mike' sounds fat and Jewish to me. Only one I don't like, which kind of sucks because like a Jew, he talks the most and interupts the good people like the EMT guy and the redneck kid.
Mate, you've got it completely backwards. The Alt-Lite faggots are the antagonists, the protagonists are the Murdochs. You do realise the show is called Murdoch Murdoch, right?
I'm talking about "The Murdoch Diaries", not the video in the OP
It's even time stamped to right before their politically correct Ben Garrison gasses Dr. Pierce.
Doesn't matter. Along with their buddies from TRS, they helped created. The damage has been done.
*Doesn't matter, along with their buddies at TRS, they helped create it.
why is Guy Frieri on our side again? is it just memes, or is he really woke?
I agree Gassing Pierce was pretty shit, but whatever. They copped some heat over it and said that it was a joke that fell flat. People make shit jokes sometimes. NPI and the fallout it caused was a polarising event for the 'alt-right' types, and has clearly refined their views. I don't know why you'd take content made back in March as more representative of their views than recent content, particularly given the major shakeup the movement just experienced.
I just realized.
This is from fucking wikipedia. This is how you deal with alt-kikes and everything that surrounds them. Hitler did it once already.
We need to meme the Second Night of the Long Knives.
"That was almost a year ago" isn't an acceptable argument.
Frank Cohen decided to cash in on the White awakening and wrote a pro-Axis history book last year, maybe we should forget about all the damage done by the Skokie incident, and all the kids he fucked, and welcome him into the movement?
Second image proves
We truly are Kek's children!
Interesting how the main anti-AWM kike from that thread is now shilling for TRS
That wasn't my argument. My argument is that people's views are reshaped and refined over time.
Nice strawman, cunt.