Christopher Cantwell one of the most radical members of the Alt right is losing his shit and putting out a 14 hour...

Christopher Cantwell one of the most radical members of the Alt right is losing his shit and putting out a 14 hour recording split into 2 hour segments.

Why does it seem like as soon as Trump got elected every one working online to support him just imploded into degeneracy and stupidity?

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crisis actors and controlled opposition

Their conditioning broke like that of a child star after his 5 minutes of fame.

I guess we can thank the fashy lolbergs for pro-Whites embracing a race-mixing AnCap sperg.

Their ratings probably dropped since it's post election. I'm not gonna bother listening to the guy though, never heard of him.

Humans are defined by their greater struggle. When their struggle is gone, they liberate themselves and stumble into some new trouble to struggle out of.

This is a big reason why revolutionary and reformist parties purge their own members once they seize power. A lot of the members have obtained self-actualization and start acting restless, unneeded and meaningless.

He seemed to be going into a DarksydePhil-esque downward spiral well before Trump got elected.

He's been in a downward spiral since he hooked up with a lottery winner, planned to marry her and have kids with her in a week then she went back to Canada and got an abortion.

He's looking for a woman to save him from himself and failing. He starts crying in the last hour about this exact thing. He is especially upset about the money.

What happened with Phil?

none of these kikes care about America's future and were only using Trump's campaign and popularity as a way to gain popularity. same with any other e-celeb.

That ugly spic left him?

His latest left him like a week ago now.

Because they are losers and are most comfortable losing. They have a losers mentality, that they have to continue to struggle against the tide even after they have made it ashore. To continue to be a winner you have to build, innovate and progress, all of which require hard work, talent and determination, its tough. Why do all of that when you can undermine yourself back to square one to build the same house of cards over and over again.

This guy was always an idiot, and that's being optimistic. You should learn to differentiate between the actual bad goyim and the useful idiots.

See also:

It's like the alt-right is controlled opposition or something.

pseudo intellectualism isn't intelligent or history, user. Stop being a massive douche, for you're own good.

This is why some boys should lose their internet privilege.
If you're going to cry on youtube at least. That should be the cut off.

I'm pretty sure Cantwell is just a lolberg who knows about the JQ

He's in is late 30s/early 40s.

He's moved away from libertarianism in the last year. Now he considers it worthless.

The thing i like about Cantwell is that he doesn't pretend to be anything that he isn't, he's a fucking Ancap and honest about it, unlike the "fashy" lolbergs at trs.

Who? Oh, is this the leader of the alt-right now?
Gotta say, I'm feeling pretty C O N C E R N E D

I'm guessing the idea is to build out the alt-right with a bunch of losers, then have leftist celebrities espouse their support of non-PC attitudes while framing them in a PC way. I'm already seeing it.

He's a shithead, he had tons of followers but then he started fucking a degenerate haifnig spic and many of them opposed it so he began banning the 1488ers out of his chatroom


Such a sad degenerate he gets the rope.

I dropped out after he did the Eddie show where he handed a guy black out drunk two loaded guns then sat talking to his spic girlfriend.

Can you fill in the Hillary campaign story please?

Was the spic named Samanth? He spends the two hours crying about her and how she promised to ruin his life. And he wanted the abortion Canada chick back.

His supports have all abandoned him. He has no support at all now and he did it for pussy.

He doesn't need it just yet, I think one day he'll snap completely, go on a rampage murdering either his ex or some shitlibs and get shot by police. We'll get at least a twofer out of this, I think. There's a dramatic ending in his future, keep your eye on this one.

Don't wanna go through the archives but election day he was drunk and walking home, saw a campaign office for Hillary (he was sure they were going to win), so he busted in and started screaming at them. Apparently there was some little kid there or something so he changed his mind about continuing his tirade and he ran off. Police came to his house and confronted him about it later.

Yes, cunt's name was Samantha.

50/50 odds on him going postal. Either Ian Freeman goes to his house and sticks him in rehab or he'll go postal and shoot some liberals.

did he at least pull his gun on them when they approached him like last time?

Wonder if there is any truth to the fact that he claimed people were trying to get his life ruined. Rumours are abortion girl was a plant who was trying to get him done for domestic abuse.

Nah, didn't pull his gun this time. I'll take those odds because I have a childhood friend who had the same damn problems with a twist.

He was a shitlib and part of Anonymous (complete with the maskfag shit), worked for the forestry service, but the rest was largely the same - alcoholic, women problems, wife cucked him and fucked off with his kid (as opposed to aborting his kid, same thing), he stalked her, got a restraining order against him, was charged with trespassing for going into someone's home mumbling about the ghost of his dead ex rachel telling him to do it, went to jail, lost his job, lost his home, got out, got hooked on meth, etc. Cantwell has done almost all of these things.

In the end he was staying with some bitch, they got into an argument, he stabbed her, she called police, they showed up, he wouldn't put the knife down so they shot him and he died.

Some elements of the story are obviously different, but the reason I would concur with your odds is because Cantwell has exactly the same personality and many of the same problems. It's out of morbid curiosity that I've even listened to his podcast. It's an opportunity to watch the same kind of downward spiral that killed my friend.

Guy's a ticking fucking time bomb and he's slowly convincing himself to an hero in the most spectacular way.

I thought that episode was funny as shit mostly because it sounded beta as fuck how he responded. Basically pulled a Bulbasaur, but Bulbasaur at least had the decency to remove himself from the situation and do that shit subtly until he got his shit back together.

The only thing that needed to be said was listen, you're preaching about white genocide basically, but then you're going around and fucking a bunch of non-whites knowing whats going on. If you want to be taken seriously as a leader or ANYTHING or be a public figure, then you better start acting how you preach. Don't go all bitch mode with the "at least I'm showing my face" as if that justifies your shitty logic.

He was actually really fucking good up until he started seeing women. Some men just weren't meant for the married life. Just accept it and move on instead of trying to have it all.

This is why it always surprises me that they don't bring in more female "refugees". Pussy is a powerful drug, even some of the neets on this very board might forsake their ideals for it, the standard edgy libertarian who identifies as "alt-right" wouldn't think twice

Is Betchloff Bulbasaurs new identity? Hes a minor e celeb who rants about comics, constantly shits on movie bob (who he is like a functional version of) and uses a bulbasaur avatar.

Because Muslims aren't here to breed with you, the point of Hijrah is to take over, not take part.
Sure male muslims will take a kuffar to breed with, but once she has no fertility left she gone, or he gone with the kids back to a muslim country to start the cycle again.
The pigs are stealing our eggs.

Cantwell has a shitty childhood and an addiction problem. Add the stress of being red pilled and it wasn't going to work out well either way.

All of us know how shitty it is to live in a dystopian society when you can see it for what it is. Now add on the fact that you can't resist loose women and you're a natural angry sperg and you get the mess Cantwells in.

I wonder if he's savable or not. I feel sorry for him slightly but then he refused to listen and deserves everything he gets. I imagine if it hasn't already happened then his guns have to be taken away before Christmas.

Convincing people to give up their women is damn near impossible. Look at how Holla Forums reacts to the fact that white women have betrayed them for shit skins. It's often extreme white knighting and calling any one a cuck who admits what happened and doesn't want to engage.

He seems to operate under the assumption that a woman will fix all of his problems. It won't, it will more likely compound them. What he needs is to step away from politics for a while and focus on something else, or at least find something else that brings him joy - perhaps assembling model trains or some shit.

Sounds like a kike. All libertarians are essentially Jews.

Muslims just do what jews/lefitsts/globalists let them do though, for people actually orchestrating white genocide I'm sure they could figure somehting out

IDK about that. I think most of the neets here understand their abilities and faults. Rather than sell out to bang some foreign broad they'd suck it up. The idea of creating some half-breed just worsens the ultimate problem we're fighting for whether you can have kids/be married or not. At least I'd like to think a lot of the neets you're referring to have that mentality where they're beyond just sticking their dick in something to fulfill some higher purpose that they'd otherwise be missing.

No, that doesn't sound like him.

Ikr? Its hillarious.

He's struggling with the red pill on women the way many of us do. We can't shake the "women are carers" meme when we need to be cared for and it sucks. When you're that low you become instinctive rather than intellectual and the feminine lies are still bred into you for your entire life and tug at you.

He can't step away from politics. His entire career is doing a libertarian/alt right podcast, it's his only source of income and now that's drying up because of this. He is unhireable from a PR point of view, but he's also a drug addict who's family can't tolerate his politics.

If Cantwell steps away he will starve to death. If he doesn't step away he will kill himself.

Never under estimate how low a man will sink for pussy. Even if it's none white pussy it's still hitting you on a primal level.

He does, but for him a political obsession is the worst kind of obsession. You have almost zero power and influence and your success depends to a huge degree on others. He's almost better off becoming a mafia kingpin or some shit, at least they get to go through the power process. At the very least he needs to find something else to do to keep his mind off of politics; otherwise he'll be sperging out for the rest of an unsatisfactory life, which might end with him putting his arsenal to use.

Muslim men have been doing exactly as I described for years . The current push to help this behavior in the name of globalism is indisputable, but they have always had this agenda.

He;s been calling for a violent revolution for over a decade now, it's not like the alt right thing is anything new. I suppose it's got worse for him since his opinions are now so unpopular.

Aye, but what I'm saying is that a man has to feel some degree of power over his life somewhere or he is lost. I don't care if the dude goes off into the backwoods and builds a log cabin or some shit and feeds a fire all Winter while still doing his three hour podcast, the fucking payoff on political commentary is shit - and I don't mean it from a monetary standpoint. It's in our nature to be competitive and desire victory. He needs a compartmentalized victory in something so instead of saying everything's fucked up, he can have at least one thing to turn to which is not so fucked up.

That's because the people supporting Trump were not a single entity. Aside from wanting Hillary to lose, Holla Forums has nothing in common with Milo, or Sargon of Akkad. Electing Trump made people cast aside their differences to defeat their greater enemy. Now that she and the democrats are gone, the people with very different opinions continue the struggle. Most on the Alt Light don't want to normalize the pro-white and anti-kike message of Holla Forums, while we don't want fag marriage to become a conservative value. We don't want edgy libertarians, or anti-feminist liberals calling the shots, since it's not nearly enough to stop the damage that was done by Obama and his henchmen. The solution may be similar to what the Left did.

What did they do, you ask? They had a vanguard, that was pretty radical and they dictated the agenda. They forced everyone in their camp to conform to this vanguard, even if they had a differing opinions. That's why you're unlikely to see a Hillary supporter rant about rainbow-haired biches, or an LGBT member expressing anti-islamic opinions even after the Orlando massacre. If they do, they are cast out of their communities. The extreme example of this was Stalin, who purged everyone who was suspected to not fully support him. While doing this he was able to get rid of people (Yagoda, Yezhov, etc.), who gained much power under his reign and could make a plot to topple him. This is how he stayed in power for long.

To let the pro-white political stance prosper, we should purge the Alt-Light, and let our views out to the great audiences directly without dubious middle-men like Paul Joseph Watson, Filter Man, Kikebart, etc. And this is where the problem lies. Trump is not a white nationalist and he's very pro-Israel. If we want to get our message, the truth out, we will fight an uphill battle. We must prevail and become the vanguard.

Praise Kek.

I think he tried to make having a family his hobby and that didn't turn out so well.


I'm getting tired of this shit.

Fuck off

Politics is a fucking rollercoaster investment. If you put too much in it your whole outlook on life will be manic. I'd suggest augmenting it with something else - something stable, something enjoyable (I joke about model trains, but it's not far off). You need stability in your own life before you can have a family because your wife and kids are going to ultimately anchor to you. That's the person you need to be. If you try to anchor to your wife you will get cucked, you'll end up co-dependent. Cantwell creates codependency and everything goes badly for him.

That degenerate was none of the above. Just a spergy lolberg opportunist. Good riddance ya d&c kikel.

user.. i can barely keep it together myself when i live in an orwellian nightmare.

The shock of the msm drowning it out probably did it.
Because i bet they had more hope when they started this shit. Now they're realising they are literally in 1984 now.

It's not even dented. The struggle just gets harder.

There is NO breaks on this train.

When you are in the darkest chapter of human history, you either take the red or the blue pill.
He nibbled the red, but medicated himself on blue.
Absolute self discipline is required to destroy the beast.

His info was that important that this is probably true.
He was breaking the conditioning. He was public enemy goy number 1 or near to it.

This is how they get you when you're in a position of influence.

I hope anons are trying to quit their drug habits.



Ive caught his show before. Feel bad for the guy, but he fucking knew better than to engage in that degenerate shit.

He left the spic because she could not have kids.

Cantwell didn't have any where near the reach TRS does, he was pretty much the B movie star who cameos on a hollywood production because he has a friend on the staff.

The woman being a plant is more that the commie libertarians don't like that Cantwell is pushing back against them in the free state project so he needed to be removed.

Because they got caught up in the Trump Effect, not thinking past electoral victory, and now their focus has collapsed and their lives with it. It's like in a cartoon where a character takes a running start at a door but another character opens the door and there's a brick wall behind it.

That and most of these people are time bombs living on the fringes anyway - or their conviction simply isn't strong enough to sustain their political impulses and they're more-or-less just going through a phase.


I'm a fan of Cantwell. I'm willing to see where his show goes, but for right now, it's complete shit. At least he has admitted as much. (Claims he is going to refocus after the holidays) Like many people here have pointed out, it's much easier to make good media when there is a common goal and you can get people riled up. Ever since Cantwell lost this, his show has turned into some boring news and people calling in to rant about relationship problems. It's fucking gay.

Then he posted this bullshit, and I could only watch about 3 minutes. He claims that it may or may not be fictitious at some points, but it's shit audio and it starts out with him claiming he's on magic mushrooms. I'm just not interested.

I'll probably still attempt to listen to his show, but he isn't getting any money for this shit. He better get his ass in gear come January.

Cantwells show has always gone to shit when he got a girlfriend, all he did was white knight her endlessly.

It's a 7 part series, so expect 6 more episodes like this.

I don't really give a shit about his girlfriends. I don't have a youtube account, hence I never did the chat thing. My understanding is some people got salty over that, because his g/f was moderating or something? Then he took chat down. I couldn't care less.

I get why she got harassed a bit though. He should know better than to put them on air at all. It's obnoxious to listen to some chick giggling in the background the whole time. Kinda like when Jim was fingering his asian chick on a stream and everyone could hear her moaning in the background. It destroys the atmosphere of the whole show.

I hadn't listened to Cantwell since spring, he's just pathetic now. Dude needs a hobby or a real job.

Go deeper, he starts plotting what drugs to take for the last hour.

That guy is just a degenerate retard and couldn't keep his shit together for more than a few weeks.

You mean that autistic lolberg faggot with the radio-Jew voice who was basically always losing his shit?

Only the 'alt-right' and cuckservatives.

The keyword there is

If it'd be a White chick, the annoyance would not have been as extreme.
Nobody who isn't a degenerate likes a race-mixer.

gee maybe soooomebody paid them off to do it OP
or maybe they were blackmailed

Or they're cucks and thought our racism was ironic.

That's some straight up zen shit right there.

Being able to focus on building a model railroad with model trains running on it really takes your mind off things, even if it's just for a weekend at a time.

Part two of his break down is going out live now. I can't listen to it though, one is fucking depressing enough I don't need 14 hours of it.

Sounds like his biological clock has kicked in.

He's blaming the girl for his drug problem now. This could be interesting material.

He was clean and she got him on meth
