So, with the impending dissolution of the EU...

So, with the impending dissolution of the EU, the looming problem at hand is the same as it was through the last century: Germany is too large for Europe, but too small for the world.

What, then, is the solution? Pic related, of course. To find the answers for the future, sometimes we have to look to the past. The actual thousand-year-reich lasted as long as it did for a reason: it acted as a stabilizing force for Europe, preserving the balance of power for 1000 years until being BTFO by the talented-but-shortsighted Napoleon in 1806–which set the stage for the Prussian unification and the World Wars.

Reinstating the Holy Roman Empire would allow Europe's smaller countries to join a mutually beneficial protectorate instead of having to compete futilely with German economic might/industriousness/autism while forming a powerful military force able to contend with the world at large and keep out Muslim trash. It would benefit areas like Northern Italy for rewarding their economic solvency, as well as theoretical smaller states who elected to join by giving them a piece of the economic pie while drawing from their ranks for military muscle in return. Ruled by an enlightened monarch (aka based Geert), the newly reformed HRE would usher in a new era of peace, prosperity, stability, high culture and national pride for Western Europe.

Search your hearts. You know it to be true; you know this is the only true path to Make Europe Great Again.

1. the EU is currently consolidating power throughout europe, what are you talking about? Would this just replace that in name and little else?
2. The HRE was thousands of independent cultures through time, do we balkanize central Europe to that point?
3. How do we decide electorates? Is it still elector princes?
4. would a broken up Germany even be able to form smaller german cultures at this point of technology?

sage for totally under thought premise

Not if My Little Populist Uprising 2016 continues across the continent, Austria notwithstanding

For points 2 and 3, what you really do is something a bit more like the United States; a voluntary Confederacy starting with each of the German States.

I guess what I'm proposing is a voluntary uncucked, explicitly pro-European version of the current clusterfuck EU that answers to a central German federal government at the cost of their national sovereignty and for their actual benefit rather than mutual slow-death

Kill yourself my man, geert is half indonesian and half kike, he has no business being in Europe.

Also, monarchy is cancer and will stab nationalists in the back the moment it feels like it might lose its power. Only a Leader is acceptable.

Oh for fucks sake Germany, could you please stop trying to conquer Europa for a change. You are really great at that conquest part, it's just that you are way, way too autistic to be in charge of it.

we elect the one true reich marshall and wait for all this to blow over

Did you post this via a telegram from 1860? I ask because subsequently there was a bit of disagreement about how "voluntary" the union was.

The United States is about coercion and an ever more imperial presidency. Lincoln was the worst president we ever had, simply by virtue of his "I have to destroy the constitution in order to save the union" perspective. Thanks to all this we are now at the brink. We may yet go over into the abyss, but we were granted one final chance on Nov 8.

Don't suggest that if these euro countries manage to obtain freedom that they should flush it down the toilet trying to emulate the USA.

The point is that European countries aren't really cut out for "freedom"; they're traditionally monarchies whose misguided application of democracy has resulted in their current cucked-up status. And you're right about Lincoln being a fuccboi tyrant, though the Southern states did initially join the Union by their own volition

We should abandon the homeland, and all move to America, then kick out all non whites.

We would rule the world with Kraut space magic for 1000 years.

nice try burgers almost had us fooled

I would of got away with if it weren't for you pesky anglos!

The HRE was just a micro EU

The EU is just a macro HRE

Next up is a World Union led by the Greater Germanic (Fourth) Reich and then a galactic Fifth Reich gassing alien scum

Papist, please go (back to a third-world, Roman Catholic cesspool).



Geer is not fully european so he should not be the monarch. He is 1/4 indonesian I believe.

21st century, with all the technology that comes with it = USSR times 10. You can't escape or fight a tyranny if a modern day feudalism happens. The only thing that kept monarchs in check back then, other than those who genuinely were benevolent was a populace uprising. In the modern day, a monarchy is gonna favor a select few ultra rich people or outsiders who will bring him goods he desires and use a state-of-the-art spy network combined with an army of drones to make sure his serfs work and never even utter a word against his rule. God I hate autists who expect anyone in power to not abuse it, the norm is always the opposite.

I like it but wouldn't want geert as emperor. Retake Constantinople from the roaches, let nations deal with local matters on their own, and leave national affairs (war, immigration, international trade, etc) in the hands of the nationalist empire.

This was why Rome/HRE was so successful btw, they didn't micromanage.

If someone has to say something along the lines of "search your hearts" I usually discard their argument. If you have to stoop to emotional pleas for your idea to be accepted its not going to be valid. That and I agree with what is saying here. It'd be pretty hard to rebel against such a power with modern tech

It would be nice to go back to universalist imperialism. There can only be one emperor in Europe. Of course as soon as there again comes a German emperor the French are going to want to conquer former Lotharingen again so they can legitimize their own imperial title (especially the cities of Tournais and Aken is a of high value to legitimize imperial thrones).

The HRE can work again but hardcore feudalism wouldn't be accepted anymore. People or at least I wouldn't accept being property of anybody anymore.

But some updated form of feudalism could work. A constitution troughout the whole empire and some (classical) liberal values incorporated and being able to start your own dependency based on a demand for a certain state (within boundaries of course) would make it preferable over the EU by miles.

Fuck off, delusional kike.

The germanic kings usually were Rex kings. Aka chosen kings. An updated form of imperialism doesn't need any form of birthright systems except when there are monarchist states. An emperor can just as well be a military leader elected among the generals this would automatically glue the empire together on a macro level.

Monarchy being synonymous to the kikes? The Babylonians would laugh at your non-kike-enslaving-while-being-kings ass.

Geert Wilders is just a demagogue. He doesn't have military skills and probably doesn't have the people skills to forge an empire.

Not because a person says some things that are suppressed that makes him automatically qualified. As far as I've seen he only excels at talking.

That's basically what I'm getting at; the EU is garbage for the inverse reason; similarly, the 2nd and 3rd Reichs were lean, mean, efficient machines, but ended up tearing Europe asunder due to a lack of political flexibility that the 1st Reich had. If the EU ends up collapsing, it would be wise to consider a mittel-european confederation based on traditionalism/nationalist principals.

You're still thinking as if you are opposition to the system and didn't create it yourself. Of course when your political views are extremely polarizing this is an inherit problem. Change how you think and if you want to have some control over something you'd have be among the people who create it.

This means developing a more encompassing political view where your personal political view can fit in.

This guy also. You're all been jewed a thousand times you can't think outside the jewbox. De facto power resides in generals. Generals depend on soldiers. Soldiers depend on people. People need a vision where they can all find themselves in.

If you're able to cater to a larger audience at one point you're able to install your own state and quit being the eternal opposition.

Last words if there is a new Emperor please don't let yourself be crowned by the wretched pope.

Back to reality, faggot. How do you expect to be able to gain such power in the current climate? No high-level officer in any western army gets appointed anymore without passing the Jew ass kissing test. Now, if you're going the political way, let's suppose somehow you had a godly charisma and managed to get head of state with over 90% votes. How do you expect to be able to shift the whole system from whatever senate/assembly to a single ruler head of state? That is not to mention, how do you deal with outside influence throwing everything against you to stop you from making that shift? Your magical thinking is fun if you like mental masturbation but in the real world such a feat is far from being achieved, if it's even doable.

I'll take your doubt as a victory. It is not a matter of realism it is a matter of patience and time and forging your own spirit.

Just know that history can repeat itself and that for everything you need adequate knowledge to achieve. I do not posses this knowledge but at least I posses the mentality.