What the fuck is up with /polmeta/? No questions are answered there, like EVER. We are supossed to take our complaints there but they are not answered, how can you still post here without a care when the moderation lacks so much transparency and acts like a bunch of kikes making their own rules on the go? And there is some faggot who keeps shitting up the board with horsefucker pictures, sageposting with "muh books to silence any and all complaints regarding bumplocks and thread deletions, making pointless threads to mock everyone and being an overall insufferable faggot. Sure you could say that is not always the same person, but going by the way he writes, the overuse of terms like "muh books" and "kvetching" as well as filenames and saging legitimate complaints you can guess who is behind those posts. I would go as far saying that this person is behind a VPN to further shitpost
The /polmeta/ problem, again
Other urls found in this thread:
lol dumb kike mods deleted the other thread
You can't silence the truth forever
I didn't care about /polmeta/ but I tried to reply as the thread was shoa'd
Now I care about /polmeta/ thanks mods
I'm gonna bump this now, pay attention.
you should probably look into getting rid of this autism
Your autism?
fuck off or delete this thread already kampfy
nobody but you cares, goons
Says the goon
nice try
90% of /polmeta/ is "pls kill imkampfy". No actual problems are discussed. The board should be renamed to reflect what it actually is.
see this, bumplocked infographic thread
just go to this place already
Holla Forums is over this time for real
Start your own board or find another place, and I am not saying this in a negative way. Holla Forums Is pretty shitty now and its only going to get worse.
I don't even know what you are talking about but you do sound desperate.
Do you ever stop and wonder why people are complaining about him?
ok faggot
At least you're trying
meta use to work… But this website isn't Holla Forums anymore. It's a big data collection. We don't have an alternative right now though.
If someone makes one, do it where I can fucking post youtube vids because I'm not uploading everything!
Also bold text options
Also don't be a Jew worshipers because most of us will leave and we all know that 99% of the Chrtistian posters are Rightwing shitskins
No. I honestly don't care. Spergers gonna sperg.
The goon cries out as he refreshes his IP
Oh shit, you're not trying.
and I am a stupid faggot
This fucking site
go to endgoon where you belong
Tell your poo in the loo leader you failed him
remember anime kills the goon
It would appear that this thread has touched you on a soft spot.
What's up IMKamphy/Mooman? Have you been watching Rachel Maddow lately? Can you post vids of her crying Jew tears over Trump so I can laugh?
it has
and I'll wait for your spamming raids learningchode
tbh I just see this pretty much every day and the same shitty arguments are rehashed by the same people
you all seem awfully concerned about getting all of Holla Forums to migrate that you'd come here every day for about a year to get us all to move to any alternate board. Seems a little suspicious. I mean you think if you found it intolerable you'd just leave rather than a dedicated shilling campaign to get the rest of Holla Forums to come with :^^^)
When did i said anything about migration?
mods are cucks
Well, the alternate is that we should remove imkamphy and moonman and learningcode and institute totally not goon mods instead
worked real well for gamergoy and every other space the FYAD clique has taken over through the exact same methods :^)
So honest question from someone who doesnt give a shit about mods until the end days, why the fuck are your eyes so fucked up in that one picture anyways?
Nothing can be worse than what we have already to be honest.
At least I'm not spending all my time sperging out about a volunteer on a small website's image board as though I have some God given right to not be fucked with.
We need an edit for this, but arguing against shills, goons, and mods.
They just want (You)s and there arguments don't address your original point at all.
It's to keep users busy
That's what mods are scared of
You're not? What are you doing?
yeah deleting evangelion and a repost of /pdf/ is anudda fucking shoah mods are obviously who we say they are time to shit up the board for a month with the same arguments we've had for a year top jej
Whatever Mordecai, i'm giving exposure to the piece of waste that you are.
Hi /int/
I also find it hilarious that you think that i am responsible for any other threads complaining during this month, as if you had created your very own boogeyman.
Shitposting in people's "super srs" threads. It's fun.
You're right. It's an organic revolution of ordinary Holla Forumsacks so fed up with the tyranny of the mods that they've been trying to get their voice heard for a year straight!
wtf I'm a #freechmissile now :^)
Imkampfy uses it as a place to dump all dissent. It's a convenient way to shut people up.
You're actually wrong about one thing, though. Imkampfy DOES respond to people. Pic related is Imkampfy. You can find his posts all over /polmeta/
A what? I don't even understand what high levels of irony you are working on.
O-oh. Looks like the mod is scared.
You're right, you're just a concerned citizen wanting Holla Forums to wake up to the deception of its modtem
Purely innocent :^^^)
So if the mods are so insidious to us why hasn't Holla Forums moved on despite a year of you shilling evidence at us? Censorship? :^)
Why did we never have these threads before /int/ raided Holla Forums? :^^^)
No one's buying your astroturfing anymore, ImKikey. You can only manipulate this board for so long until we start finding out.
A year of what? This is literally my first post complaining, you truly have a boogeyman
Isn't Holla Forums dead? How the fuck should i know? Assuming that you are right.
Wait, which narrative of who imshifty is am I supposed to believe?
Is he a jew, a muslim, a poo in the loo, a christcuck? Because you've tried all of them before, goons :^^^)
wtf i hate mods now
lets all go to a different site
Do you think that you are fooling anyone?
go back to san francisco
You're right. This is literally the first thread we've ever had on this topic, wanting these exact same two outcomes. :^)
I learned his writing style so I can copy it and cause problems on /polmeta/. It's fun. Try it.
Why don't you ask yourself? You're obviously Imkikey. Do you honestly think you're fooling anyone?
You know that you don't have to suck off the mods to stay on Holla Forums, right, faggot?
Not an argument
Also not an argument
Let's all go to /polrevolt/ and spend all our time fighting Holla Forums that worked so well for gg, top kek
you guys really need to switch up your tactics tbh
Calling others goons is getting tiring, is it not?
I hope you realise that literally everyone can see through your shitty astroturfing, Imkampfy. You're so desperate that it was immediately obvious from your first post, let-alone the frantic subsequent replies.
I'm guessing that after you've been thoroughly BTFO in this thread (as usual) and your cover is completely blown (it already has been), youll just delete it and ban OP with a direction to >>>/polmeta/ .
Anime is degenerate and you should kill yourself.
The mods here are fucking shit heads and should all be purged and replaced.
Take it to >>>/polmeta/
in other news an user finally realizes that this board is a massive circle jerk and the mods dont give a fuck. because the other autists are so stuck to the name pol, they refuse to migrate to another board, while simultaneous thinking theyre somehow better than the autists on 4pol from wence they came.
someone sounds desperate to SHUT IT DOWN
wew. At least try to fit in.
You're right. I'm an all-wise mod and decided to shill on one ID. That's also why you haven't been banned yet, as a mod, I just like drawing these things out. I astroturfed using one ID, top kek
how stupid do you think this board is
keep trying
you did a little better this time
not much but a bit
Keep spewing nonsense, it helps others see what kind of mods this board has.
The asshurt of shills is unreal.
wew lad the jewry is off the charts
Oh believe me when I say that I know you mods are the opposite of wise.
I don't know, Imkampfy, I could ask you the very same question considering you think people will continue to accept your bullshit, manipulation, and blatant kikery.
You're right the whole board has just been tricked into accepting a COMPROMISED MOD for two years because they're so good at censoring THE TRUTH that DEFINITELY didn't come from intlgoons goy don't look into it
this is pathetic lads come on
KEK imkampshit mad trying to slide migration threads on /polmeta/
come to our notahoneypot, goy
it worked out so well for all the other boards :^)
This is literally what's happening. Repeating the truth in a sarcastic tone like some basic bitch college whore doesn't make it untrue. There is mountains of evidence proving mod censorship and discussion manipulation, which is why I find it very (((interesting))) that you are so separate to shut it down. Tell me, Mr. TotallyNotImkampfy, why are you so emotionally invested in guzzling moderator cum and defending them in every breath?
the solution is simple, we need a /polmetameta/ !!!
thread bumplocked ayy lmao
this is comedy gold. Your kvetching is hilarious to watch, Imkampfy.
kek, i love this continue please, i like see you sweating imkapshit
there's also mountains of evidence of a coordinated shilling campaign to remove the mods or get the board to migrate like has been attempted for a year and a half
If the mods are so terrible why don't you just leave for somewhrere better and stop shilling here :^)
Oh wait that's not your goal :^^^)
You're this mad that I stickied oyy's face for everyone to see? I guarantee some Holla Forumsack is going to burn his house down. It's going to be fun.
hahaahha wtf look at the thread this retard just created in /polmeta/
So this is how you react when you feel under pressure IMKAMPSHIT??
Take a bump, oh wait the kike mods don't want the word getting out & anchored this.
Take a reply for the count.
Been waiting for one of these, cheers.
Ok schlomo
Just reply to the few posts in the thread that you haven't yet, then I'll believe you
You realize that you're memeing your own death, right? If everyone is imkampfy, then everyone wants you dead :^)
Imkampfy detected
Everyone who disagrees with me is imkamphy
why do they persecute me so :^(
ahhahaa retard, so you are so desesperate about migration threads on /polmeta/ you just called backup? kek, die kike
Ssssh, never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.
Imkampfy detected
Oy vey
I don't give any thought to why Liberals complain about the Right in general, either. Most people are stupid, mentally ill, or both as in your case.
Mods kiked it up by manipulating and limiting discussion. Hmm. Reminds me of something
What about Holla Forums? They were kicked out to the curb and have been circlejerking on Freech ever since.
No, Imkampfy. You're not some special knight in shining armor fighting against the goon hordes. You're an insufferable cunt who manipulates discussion and bans people who question your moderation. Everyone fucking hates your guts and you have the audacity to write their anger off as "shilling". I know that "goons" are a really easy scapegoat for you to use as a means of dismissing all criticism, but no one's buying your bullshit anymore. The fact that you so desperately protect the mods despite all the evidence in the world proving they don't do their job properly and actively subvert Holla Forums is enough proof I'll ever need that you're one of them. Go ahead, call me a "goon" one more time. You're only showing everyone lurking this thread that you're scared you're losing control of us.
You think anyone fucking buys your shit anymore, nigger?
too late, mate. They've already bumplocked it. Surprising, isn't it?
you're a goon
HAHAHAA why so desesperate trying to slide from the top of the board migration threads on /polmeta/ huh? scared?
You'll never slide the sticky, goon :^)
How the fuck did you get your eyes so fucked up?
Ok imkampfy
this is classic Holla Forums, retro af
Classic imkampfy
hey ikampshit, migration threads are on top in /polmeta/ do something ahhahaha
stay mad, sh/int/skin
changing proxy now?
no, that one actually is kamphy
we're all imkampfy here m8