Anyone ever live in a country with Communist secret police? (KGB, Stasi, etc.)

Any oldfags or others ever live in a Communist country that had secret police, like the Stasi in the East Germany, KGB in the USSR or other country that had Communist secret police?

What was it like? Were you scared to talk about shit? Did the secret police have a lot of power? Did they do horrible shit? I'd like to know how the fuck life was in a country controlled by secret police.

Other urls found in this thread:

Does the United States count?


checked and /thread



"Stasiland" and "The Gulag Archipelago" should be a good start. Both written by people who lived under fucking commie rule.

The ZOG after 9/11. I'm not being sarcastic. I wasn't on the National alliance mailing list (I was 15 or 16) and ZOG began opening all my overseas packages and leaving "homeland security" tape around the edges just to et me know they were watching me.


I can ask my aunt, she lived in Romania for school life, I'll deliver Tuesday if the thread is alive. Also speaking of the Stasi I'd like to her stories of the Red Army Faction.
Communist guerrillas in the BDR who did a bunch of terrorist acts, look at these fucking mooks.

back to cuckchan


Here's a magnet (torrent) link for Stasiland. Archipelago should be easy to find


And if there's some board where I can upload .epub I'll do it there, if anybody can recommend.

And if you need an epub reader, I use "EPUBReader" addon for Firefox. It's a vastly superior format to PDF and not potentially dangerous like PDF

/pdfs/ would be a good place. Thanks for the magnet though.

"fpbp" is 4chan tier behavior

Sorry for breaking the law, meme police. I'll be more careful next time.

It won't let me upload .epub (still… this has been a request for a long time. .pdf is literally more dangerous and is a shit format in pretty much every way.

I uploaded it on endchan Holla Forums though… only because I know they allow epub.

I'm thankfully too young, but my mother is polish and she lived through the worst of the soviet occupation. There was a general atmosphere of fear and mistrust everywhere: often it was really easy to figure out who the spies were, since the KGB would send in some retarded russian who spoke shitty polish with a new car and large apartment; but generally speaking there was no way to be sure, and the risks were always too high. Anyone who was obviously doing better financially was obviously in the pocket of the russians, and not to be trusted. My moms apartment used to be next to one of a compromised family, so she'd play ping pong off the wall just to piss them off a bit.
Of course, the soviet occupation also meant suppression of polish culture. This was really nothing new to our country, we are a very proud people and this didn't dumb us down too much. However very often any kind of public resistance would be squashed though executions. One example of this is how a priest that spoke out against the political oppression was drowned in a lake with a brick tied to an ankle, and some political activists were tortured with cold water and then left freeze to death.
Really, secret police didn’t have much of a role. There was no need to be secret when the whole point was to reduce the populace to a bunch of terrified idiots.
I could go on and talk about the cultural war waged upon my mother’s generation, if you want. It might shed some light on the gopnik stereotype.

Dubdubs say yes.

Tripledubsingles confirm.

Nothing changed. If you were a normie, noone cared. But if say/do something that would threaten the ones in power - you get under observation.

So, post 9/11 western world?

What changed is most people didn't like the secret police (I suppose). Now most people find it acceptable to be monitored all the time.

Before 9/11 that existed too. All the unions to break before they threaten oligarchs, all the white nationalists to infiltrate and destroy before they get the jews.

A culture water against the Polish? Can you talk more about it?

Thanks for your insight.

Praise Kek.

2/3 Brave New World, 1/3 1984, although it may fluctuate a bit depending on the country or what they can get away with. Beware of guilty pleasures, especially the ones that seem harmless. I'm still recovering.

Old school deictatorships had informants everywhere. Every single apartment block, every event, everywhere there were informants who would report you for any unapproved behavior or simply because they didn't like your face. Anything from a poorly timed frown to a misunderstood joke could send you packing, or at least put on probation, ensuring that you never held any position of importance again, if any position at all. Even being neutral and uncaring was very frowned upon and made you a danger in the eyes of the agents. If you didn't show much enthusiasm, for example, didn't attend events, or didn't buy newpapers, you were already a target. A "healthy" member of society must be politically active (actively support the ruling institution, at least vocally), socially adjusted, as in have friends, family(as in married) and in general not display any "abnormalities". Be the most generic normalfag in short.
Now these method are rendered obsolete of course with the existence of social media and everyone's views and opinions laid bare to see in the form of records. As these surveilance methods become more and more elaborate, the measures to counter dissent will also become more and more accurate and less and less invasive in the lives of people. In the end the dissenters will simply dissappear, and their dissappearances will be explained away as them moving away of suffering accidents. Also only active dissenters will be targeted. Passive dissenters who don't actively resist the status quo in any way are put on probation and monitored. The biggest objective of modern dictatorship is to be invisible to the eyes of the pleb, to not be percieved as a dictatorship at all.

Are russians still retarded and want to annex you? Do they try and down play the occupation?

The guy who wrote the gulage archepelgo wrote something negative about stalin in a letter and was sent to a work camp for like a decade. It was pretty close to hell on earth

Tell me more about the gopnik sterotype

USSR wanted to create the soviet man, as in the nationless zog drone. That meant the eradication of native cultures. It was an extremely retarded attempt to wage cultural war by breaking people and creating an atmosphere of terror. This turned to be extremely ineffective as it only created resentment and resistance in the native populace. Either be nice or go all the way and genocide them, take away the children and educate them in the new culture. Of course the USSR leadership never anticipated that the union would collapse, thus they decided to utilize the more long term approach. Americans managed it way better by making their culture simply more appealing than the native one.

Russia atm only wants a buffer zone of neutral states between itself and NATO. It doesn't have and cannot have any imperial abitions in the position it is in currently.

I have so many stories from my parents and grandparents that I don't even know where to start. For a start I can tell you that about 50% of agents were kikes despite being Poland's 2% of the population at the time.

That is just pure coincidence goy don't think about it. You don't want to be a anti-semite do you?

Yeah, I heard kikes were in high-ranking Communist and security services position. Didn't know 50% of the secret police elites were kikes, though. Makes sense.

Heard there were a lot of kikes in East German positions of power, too.

Fuck. So essentially millennials have no fucking clue they're being monitored by Stasi-like methods when they're online.

What guilty pleasures are you talking about? The Herbal Jew?

The screen you are staring at right now is a big one.

Brutal = Inefficient

In the Soviet Union, they did know everything about pretty much everybody. That didn't stop crime but say if your family was not about to get you out of military service, when you left, they would basically categorize you based on all of the shit the KGB informants provided, your criminality, attendence to state political functions, etc. Your assignment would be based partially upon that.

Now in the US we have facebook and a thousand other big-data ways to categorize people on usefulness or threat to the state. It's the same but different

Just wait till you end up in a gulag for not having a twitter/facebook page and iPhone linked to DNA and retinal scans.

It's exactly the same thing, except digitalized.

The people in this video did. Enjoy.

Hardly. Brutal can also be efficient, as long as brutality doesn't hold back and goes all out on the terror. It's just a matter of approach. Nice has the benefit of capturing resources and more growth long term. Brutality leaves a big mess and probably an even bigger grudge, but is a good short term solution, and must always be executed to it's full extent, as in total genocide, anything less leaves you open to reprisal.

I don't actually disagree but the application is a bit different here in modern pozland

I was in the SS my laddy



Not East German, but I've read somewhere that STASI went full autismo when it comes to societal engineering and general dissident manipulation.
You didn't get locked up, sent to a reeducation camp or killed.
They assaulted your private life until you gave up. Curiously you were rejected at every job interview. Electricity went out even though you paid all the bills. Curious accidents.
They invented the demoralization campaign that the West is currently subject of. All the chemical, psychological and other soft means to control the population. See Yuri.

Also, Romania was the closest that you could get to 1984. 1/3 of the population was in the Securitate.

Like always, communist states were petry dishes for the NWO. Same as Sweden and Worst Korea is today.

Zerzetsung. I wrote a high school paper on that shit with parallels to the FSB's bullshit they're doing now.

Back then car locks were way easier to pick/cut a Popsicle stick and make a dummy key. Anyways they'd put shit like a pair of panties in the back seat stuffed in between the crevice in just a way to get someone to look "hidden" but draw attention. Otherwise phone calls to family, friends, employers… basically the "CIA revenge book" was thrown at someone to cause "zerzetsung" or "breakdown". This was shit to break down the mind, body, and soul of the target.

I find it funny that there are people on here who will unironically defend the USSR and say that holodomor, katyn, etc. never happened

Also the medicalization of dissent was a thing. Something-authority disorder or whatever it's called has made a revival in the US now. The way its done is "You'd have to be insane or an agent provocateur to speak out against the state". Since the military monolith is so superior and can destroy your life you'd have to be insane, so they'd send you to an insane asylum for 8 years where they can drug you, abuse you, all without saying they sent you to prison in case the 4th estate ever came out against it.

Related stuffs. But take it to the extreme of a 3 to 5 guy entry team trained in flaps and seals and wanting to fuck with someone without getting caught.

Russia has a secret police RIGHT NOW which cracks down on freedom-loving Russians and nationalists.

I can answer those questions if you really want to know.

Then do so?

the anti-humans

I remember reading that something like 70% of torturers in romanian prisons were jews.

The irony. Few westerners would know picrelated to be a literal muslim terrorist animal that happens to be literally Caucasian.

There's nothing to be afraid of if you are just some noname hipster protestute but if you start getting popular with the people (eg: Alexey Navalny) or if you work in the media and say something that isn't PC then Mr. Pu will try and keep you down one way or another.

It's kind of like in Germany where the government fucks you over and you can't do jack shit about it but be a patient goy, except unlike in Germany if you try to do something about it then the government either arrests you under false charges (eg. Mikhail Khodorkovsky) or they act like a mafia and try to kill you or seriously injure you (eg. Boris Nemtsov).

This is all done officially through the police, courts, etc… but if you get too far out line and the government has to resort to something clearly illegal (like killing/torturing the opposition) then it's done mafia style by the FSB, without a trace of government involvement of course.

I know right? I find it hilarious.

Yeah sure.

The secret police form another tier of society, above the regular police and just under the political elite. People live in various stages of apathy and paranoia about being discovered to be hoarding butter or getting the good cuts of meat from the meat factory or keeping a bible.

A modern day equivalent would be something like what you see in California when it comes to people watering their lawns. There is heightened paranoia about water consumption, neighbours tell on each other, there are housing associations that tell you what you can and can't do on your property, people mostly stay silent and obey, the few dissenters get made an example of. This is always how it begins, petty small rules and regulations.

When it's full blown, you expect everyone you interact with to be a member of the secret police, and you become a passive aggressive shitlord who doesn't believe in any ethics, morals or principles only fucking over anyone you can if you can get away with it. Remove the secret police and the people are still shit, they teach their children to be rude little shits, and corruption and greed wins over cooperation and hard work. It's a great way to condition a generation of people into hurting themselves, it also creates ego maniacs who think they are the centre of the universe, persecution complex, a lot of damaged women who needed to be extra manipulative to avoid the gangrapes.

There's a reason people who have lived under Communism are so against it, because it's a living nightmare for the average person. If Hell was a place you suffered in eternal boredom and bureaucracy it still would pale in comparison to a state totalitarian system where wiping your ass and blowing your nose was done with the same paper, the government issued requisition form for additional tissue paper.

Of course if you were part of the secret police, it was comfy as fuck. It's just like that episode of the Simpsons where Homer becomes a stonecutter, life is on easy mode. Your life was all Levi's, Walkmans and Dallas reruns.


i can confirn, all my fammily and older friends tell similiar stories. My grandpa lived in Legnica, which was the main russian military base in Poland. it was like a city within the city. if you watch any comedy moviefrom these times you might notice, that all of them are anti communism between the lines. of course you had to hide it so it gets past the censors.

Trip dubs.

Faggot, you`ve got to respect this board.
Go though this faggots post history, let`s see if it ads up.

Does this tie into #PizzaGate?

Can`t have you saying mean things.


Triple checked

Interesting topic op.

Dabrowski's Political Ponerology covers this in depth; the actual authoritarian personalities (narcissist/antisocial/sociopathic/psychopathic) aligned with softer learned characteropaths. Psychiatry to gaslight anyone with integrity enough to accept the consequences of dissent.

do you remember that story from NYC where they were making traffic shit on purpose to convice people to use public transport ? this is like a scene from some old polish movie. You know, these crazy commies would do that, but now it's real and in USA!


This. This right here.

Also the secret police destroys community cohesion by merely existing (is my neighbour a secret informer who smiles in my face at day and reports to secret policy on anything he found strange at night?), not to touch the direct action to dissolve or subvert everything that allows a bunch of nobody to organize into a force.
Basically you can't organize a knitting hobby circle or DnD players group unless you're under official observation at least, and anything remotely close to politics is either insanely monitored or outright prohibited under social death threat. Anonymity equals state treason, because state very much wants to see you at all times.
This is why Native Caucasian tribes, Jewish or even Gypsy mafia or any blood-related groups, otherwise barely harmful (except the Nose, of course), get inordinate power and influence by merely existing among tens of millions of disunited and apathetic proles.
What was easily isolated and destroyed mercilessly by the imperial power was overlooked or subverted by the new parasitic elite to use as a weapon against the masses in-between absolute refuse of society and parasites on top.

Think of IngSoc Britain of 1984 dissolving into some faux-liberal shithole who’s big problem is Scottish Clan Mafia of all things, because literally everything that tied Britons together except blood ties had been already destroyed or subverted, so the mountain inbreds are actually a problem that extorts ludicrous money from weaker govt just so as not to behead lowlanders. Under a humane government that wouldn’t have been even imagined as a problem, but people are so disunited (on purpose) that anything goes.

The thing that killed by hope in the West was Rotherham. You really are as disunited and powerless as we are/were, with your own secret police and secret government fucking you up as Jewish-Bolsheviks did.
First post best post.

being muslim doesn't make him non-white, but it most definitely makes him rope-worthy.

one of them ended up converting to natsoc in prison

How is life in the good old second world shithole? Last I heard all nationalists were dead the country was being flooded with musliums

Not much different from first world shitholes: Jew politicians, corrupt establishment, multiculturalism, etc… nationalism is alive and well though and the main opposition leader is a nationalist so it's good.

Nope, but I did serve in the military with a fella who was the son of Romanian immigrants who escaped communism in the 80s.

His father wanted to prove his loyalty to the US by enlisting but wasn't allowed to, so his son (my buddy) did so in honor of him.

He said his father didn't talk much about communist Romania, but the man hated Obama with a passion. He told me he had never seen his father so scared when Obama first ran for POTUS in 2008 when he pointed at the TV, hand shaking, and bluntly said, "That is how communism starts, right there."

I was already pretty redpilled when I met this fella, but serving with him under Obama really put me over the top for good.

While his anti-corruption investigations are noteworthy (gay exposes pedos, oh my), he isn't that different from them, just more loyal to Western cabals and supposedly he steals less.
And he's not a leader nor a nationalist. Not before Jeb Bush becomes Murrican patriot. Calling people to the streets just so they would be cracked upon by riot police is not leadership, its bullshit and derailment.

Also, there are no first/second/twentysixths worlds. Everyone are of the same shade of brown either are or being prepared into. It's globalist cabals and global underclass versus everyone else; the stage is global, not partitioned into 'worlds'.

Whatever you say friendo.

If you believe any real opposition in russia isnt dead or exiled I dont know what to tell ya

The stage is the western world and possibly russia. No one in africa asia india or south america is going through similar problems to us

Yeah sounds about right moar islamic gommunism for all

It doesn't matter if it's alive or dead. You don't need to tell me anything if what you are proposing is bending over and taking it up the ass.

Lived in a post-Soviet republic. I only caught the end of it (the 80's, when the union was already dying), but it was pretty bad - totalitarian rule+massive levels of organized crime.
However, my parents have told me a lot about what life in USSR was like. You see, the secret police had quotas to fill - X arrests, X spies caught, X executions, X informants recruited per quarter. When someone knocked on your door in the dead of night, you knew you were in deep shit. The KGB did not give a damn if you were really innocent - they always found the guilt they were looking for. There would always be a question that you could not answer, an item in your house that you could not explain, or a person whom you could not denounce. In most cases, they would just kick you in the kidneys or break a couple of your fingers and you would sign anything they put before you. In some cases there was not even a kangaroo court - people got sentenced just by association. My Grandpa was taken that way, for example - he was a security guard at a backwater state office from which some cunt stole an important document. As a result, all of the security guards were sent to swing pickaxes in the mines of Magadan, including my Gramps. It wasn't even his shift on that day, but who gives a shit, right?
The most, absolute, unheard-of luck you could expect was two years at a labor camp - that was for very minor misdemeanors like damaging socialist property. The standard was ten years of fun camps somewhere in the ass-end of freezing nowhere - usually for dissent against the state, although this term could mean anything, from telling a political joke to lodging a formal complaint about your local store being out of bread for 2 months straight. Anything worse and it was life in the camps. Many "undesirables" were sent to places like Zhovti Vody, to uranium mines. No one ever left those alive.
Only one thing was known for certain - walking away from a KGB interrogation meant becoming an informant. These people were avoided like wildfire, but if someone avoided them too openly, the informant would direct the KGB to their doors. In the end, you lived in constant fear and constantly had to mind your tongue and the company you kept. Your back was constantly open for any kind of knife. A coworker wants a pay increase, so he reports you for slacking. A neighbor who lives in a shitty apartment reports you for a light-hearted joke in a hope for getting yours as a reward. A lovely old lady you invited over for tea notices that your teapot is silver, so she reports you for being rich beyond your status.
This life cultivated the worst traits in people. It was brutal free-for-all survival, but everyone also had to look inconspicious and happy. Many were driven insane and killed themselves or just drank themselves into a coma. But we'll probably never even know their names - most of Soviet archives are still kept under lock and key in Moscow.

Because they already did.
They are already ruled by a caste of globalist overlords above extremely stupid and ineffective pleb. Mostly because their general populace and global underclass happen to coincide. They lost the war before it even started.
Although some segments of South America PERHAPS have some hope left.

I didn't propose "bending over and taking it up the ass". You did.
If a man can't distinguish between a faux-opposition like Berny Sanders and a real enemy of the state, he's but a useful idiot in classic Leninist terms. If your 'nationalist' 'hope' is govt stooge, you're done before you even started to oppose the state.
Navalny is faux-opposition, like Nemtsov. He will never be in power nor change anything. Nemtsov was just like Navalny for more than a decade ffs, look how much he achieved before some Caucasian monkey decided to go full retard on him.

The REAL opposition doesn't like to announce itself precisely because KGB/FSB will crack on it instantly.
Even in USA you can get Hillaried pretty soon for minor infractions, much less for plotting to kill the state.

You know who was the closest public figure to a nationalist leader? The car washer from Ukhta that destroyed Ukrainian military with some volunteers from Novorussia. In an army organized and commanded by literal LARPer.
That is why he survived several battle wounds while personally commanding the spearhead battalion in hardest of combats with Jewish-Khazar troops and emerged after each wound ready to fight, yet SUDDENLY died from a bomb in his very well defensed home in the rear.
Because Russian govt doesn’t want people who can actually fight for land and liberty and crushing NWO states to ever go back. They might have some new ideas concerning current Russian state and execute the solutions.
Hence why the most effective and loved Novorussian military leader is invulnerable on the battlefield yet gets Mossad’ed in his very house in the very middle of the state he made. I wonder who might profit from it, except for Ukrainian KGB leftover (somewhere between Albanian and Cameroonian Secret Services in efficiency, I suppose).

There's a guy who found documents incriminating every single one Soviet state worker who participated in murder and robbery of his "Kulak" grandfather. Every single one, including drivers and typists, much less 3 NKVD executioners killing 4 dozen people for made-up charges of spying for Japan (in a middle if Siberian nowhere).

It is possible, they even divulge some docs (not all, though, some are still locked) if persistently demanded.
The thing is that descendants of that very murderers and framers still rule everything. They don't like being called out on it, though they haven't formally forbidden such enquiries.

Novorussians are crypto gommie fags and the nostalgia you russians hold for stalins boot up your ass tells me you will likely never be more then slaves

You still can't get to the major stuff - entire lists of those who died in the camps, for example, or KGB operations within the union. I read about the guy you're talking about, and it took him a very long time to get the documents he wanted.
If released now, these documents could result in lampposts in the entire post-Soviet space getting some new decorations. The same is true in Germany, where they still keep lists of Stasi informants and operatives secret.

Thats because the stasi informants are ruling the german state now


Look, I don't care about your opinions, but what really interests me is why you act so arrogant and think you're in some position to me lecture on shit that goes on in my own country after reading two articles on some jewy news website.

I mean, it can't possible that I did my research could it? But yeah yeah, I know, I'm just a Slav who doesn't know jack shit about his country's political situation, so I must consider myself fortunate to have some like you kind enough to enlighten me on the subject.

Holy shit, why are gommies so fucking disgusting and deranged? At least the nazis just killed you if you were a partisan and shit, but mostly left people alone until they fucked up their cover.

Oink-oink, deutsche schweine. Remind me to repopulate Sorbia with actuall Serbs after we march though Berlin for the third time in three centuries.

Idiots with Nazi symbolics serving literal Jewish mafia in Ukraine doesn't help people return to normalcy at all.

You literal idiot, I live here for almost three decades already. Only a fool would follow Nemtsov or Navalny.

Marching through the streets like Navalny does is stupidest thing possible, only proud winners and terminal fools march in columns in open streets. As if Occupy movement hadn't showed the futility.

Hence why nobody gave a fuck about Belolentochniki faux-opposition in general populace, but Novorussian theme ruffled the feathers on more than one chickenshit in Russian govt.

You are right. Unfortunately we hadn't had our Anton Khuyev for Anthony Weiner to expose the bitches, but we can hope. God works in strange ways.

The "nazis" were the good guys

I know, it just boggles my mind the contrast between the 2. The nazis are more like warriors, sure they killed people who did stuff, but the commies went out of their way to ruin life for everyone, 24/7. Imagine being an introspective in a society like that. Jesus what a nightmare.

Im a burger clap all of you euros are retarded and the Russians do lick stalins boot heel like good little slaves

Try as you might with the impotent rage but the germs would have steam rolled russia without burger clap help. Someday soon we will likely get to see a second russian collapse caused by burgers within 40 years

Precisely burger. I doubt there's a drop of Anglo-Saxon Protestants left in 90% of you German-Roach mongrels.
Wall Street Jews financing Lenin escapades is precisely the reason we have this fucking thread duscussing how American idiots and Jewish maniacs ruined 100 years of world history!

Aaah lol, ok that explains it, my bad.

But no you're still wrong about Navalny and Nemtsov because not many people generated so much butthurt with the government as they did, no one exposed so much corruption as Navalny did and why is he fake? Because he takes part in protests and marches? lol that's not a reason. Basically you're saying that since the opposition is dead then the only thing left is either taking it up the ass from Putin and waiting for NATO to (((liberate))) us or doing the other cuck thing and fleeing to gayrope as an "economic refugee".

Again, you're trying to put solutions into my posts, which I don't offer at all.
I only say that Navalny is a phony, just like Nemtsov was. This controlled opposition is identical in Belorussia and… was, I guess, identical in the Ukraine.
There was butthurt for low-tier govt officials who had to clean up this mess, I severely doubt even middle echelons of power felt a pinch.
I guess he's okay to start, "the pink pill" or something, watered-down version. But then the sane man must feel the stench. Sure, Navalny doesn’t reek like Commietards currently in power, but he has the same stench. I wasn’t surprised by Kirovles case at all.

I don’t offer solutions. Not yet, at least.
For now we have two examples of working solutions – the Narodovoltsy-Bolshevik method of clandestine cells and terrorist strikes, and Novorussian method of gathering at places with power vacuum to capture land and weapons.
First requires foreign help, as before Imperial German and Wall St. help Bolsheviks were nobody, and Narodovoltsy killed tsars and governors for decades only to become hated by almost everybody without said support.
Second required power vacuum as in East Ukraine, which Russia obviously doesn’t have.
Memetic warfare is not an option too. It’s no use to be redpilled when some of your ancestors were Commies involved in mass murders or profiting from them – you’ll always have second thoughts. How many reports were written at Stalin’s times, 5 million or so? All with names of reporters, later profiting from murdered man’s property? Nobody would want to overthrow a current Commiebastard only to go second in the oven because your grand-grandfather was a terrorist.\
So, I don’t have solutions. “Taking it up” is certainly not a solution. But neither is phony opposition.

Yes, 100 years of terror did fuck us up for good.

What you are saying is essentially the same as saying "Trump is a false opposition because he did that one small thing I didn't like", America's opposition was also dead before Trump, no one here even knew who he was and now he's in charge. The same could happen in Russia, but this doom and gloom attitude that "we are hopelessly fucked" isn't gonna help anyone.

Come on bruh, don't tell me you buy this.

Putin banned government officials from even saying Navalny's name because it is memetically contagious, the result was exactly what he intended: people saying "I severely doubt even middle echelons of power felt a pinch". This alone is proof enough that memetic warfare will work, except it needs to start asap, if we do it right then the next generation will be more revolutionary than the current bydlos and hopefully all the commie pensioners that endorse Putin will be dead by then.

Hey your the psychos who willfully followed a tyrant into hell not out fault your grand dad murdered the people trying to make russia not shit and now your sad about it.

You where lucky you where even invited to WWII. You pretty much had to call the Japanese with an ultimatum, in the dead of night, to even get admitance to the party!? When you finally did, you showed up in the 11 hour to conquer 1/5th of the North-European lowland plateu, save Italian surrender machocists then declare yourself the ethernal all-time winner?

Go look up the actual numbers on the lend-and-lease agreement. The only ones you saved with any plausability where the Bongs.

We cheated we lied we funded both sides and we barely fought in either world war And we won. War is about winning not being a corpse in a massive pile of corpses FOR THE GLORIOUS MOTHERLAND! we could have entered anytime but the plan was always to let germany tear russia a new asshole then save the day, the Russians were never an economic threat after the beating they took in the war. Look up the eastern blocks production capacity compared to the west its laughible. And yes Russia would have been fucked if the US genuinely took no interest in the war. What do you think Hitler and the germans had all those soldiers waiting in the west for? All those armies in norway France and africa? Do you think they would have helped in the east?

You sure won, alright

You are falling into the category of historicism. Some of it is warranted. It is correct that no one wants their dirty laundry paraded to the effect of a public execution. But that problem is easily solved. Simply remember to not be a dick. If you one day pull it through and get the key to the ultimate cesspool of who-did-what in 1936, simply do not use it. Leave it for the historians to delve into, after 2050. You need to unlearn the mindset of living in an oligarchy in order to defeat it. You cant afford to only believe in the lowest survival instinct of your fellow man anymore. You need to let there be a possibility of purpose. Let show you the way to that.

Memetic warfare will work. But like any warfare, it is dum to engage before you are ready. Do not shoot your cannons before you have secured that you actually have the cannons for memetic warfare. Trump chose to run for this election because, unlike the preseeding elections, he saw that USA had aquired the framework for NGMW Non-governmental memetic warfare. Marching the streets have always been the lefts domesticated romantization of urban, armed revolt. It does not have to be meaningless, but most often it is. Your keyboard is the most powerfull banner you have right now. If you use it right you will get your powershift without neither revolt nor moonlighting your ass to the secret service on a shopping street.

Good VPNs and happy new year to both of you! Have some puppies!

Have new year to you too, let's hope this year something actually changes for once.

This is the only new argument you bring up. The Africa Corps was there to battle the Brits and the French who didn't surrender. They where already anihilated before you even got to Italy. The 'armies' in France where primarily reservists and bloody slavesoldiers brought in from Poland.

You are completely right about your economic analysis of the US tactic throughout the war. That said you fucked yourself over for eternity by leading yourself to believe that you can win a war, in any military regard. As long as America remains a democrachy, you cannot win a war unless your soverign territory has been attacked first. All and every time you have actually tried to fight a war, you have not met your objective. You yourself admit that you little look daddy, im a soldier-shitshow at Omaha et. al. beaches wasn't but a parody of war. That leaves you with nothing. Not a single victory since 1918, and even that one is highly dubios to claime for anyone but bongs and frogs.

Look up your cold-war plans to abandon Western Europe during any and all sircumstances of engagement with Soviet troops, and revel in how much your limitless faggotry is bound to leave your nation redundant on the world stage ;^). Not that the last part is necessarily a problem to anyone. Including USA. Your e-penis is going to be a casualty though

An user found something during the pizzagate digging threads. This attached. Can you read Ukrainian?

Does the name Vladymyr Manko mean anything to you user?

Forgot rest of pics.

These two yids were 5th column, same as your fuckboy, CIA asset Navalny

Huxley thought it would be the carrot, Orwell thought it would be the stick, they didn't realise that control is easiest with both…

Always a classic, even better when you realized how royally they fucked themselves as well now in trying to subvert and convert. Back in those days the only mass media were newspapers and pamphlets. Now there's a never ending barrage from all directions. So all that race baiting and elitist attitude where they rub their wealth and (((education))) in everyone else's faces has permanently solidified them as the bourgeois, where before the class warfare was for the most part about them being rich and educated and the proletariat being poor. Now they've made it extremely fucking personal and turned what used to be jealousy into full blown raging hate. Even just looking at kikebart, Drudge, Zerohedge, etc comment sections I already see Whites and Blacks and Spics uniting under class against them. So when Jamal and Cletus and Pedro show up at their gated mansions and ivory towers to begin the (((redistribution))) they won't just drag em out and shoot em. They'll be at the shit outta them, rape em, rip their guts out and burn em alive in the middle of the streets. Cletus because they made him public enemy number 1 and Jamal and Pedro because all they'll see is rich evil YT. So way to go dumbasses

Yupper pupper.

dubs confirm

Man'ko Volodymyr Yuriyovich - member of Presidium of Ukrainian Nationalists Congress (UNC), Head of Secretariat of UNC.

Not sure what Головной Провод means, Uks invent new words on purpose like Croats. Feels like Central Committee (of CPSU, like). High Party member, anyway.

Born 1972 in Kiev, Ukrainian. Father is professor in BioTech Uni, mother is working if Institute of Agricultural Economics (Institute like college+think tank).
First highest education in Odessa Maritime School, "majored" in Seamanship… I dunno how to say it in English. Blue water trade navy captain, alright.
Second remote highest education in Economics and Entrepreneurship in Kiev Academy of Sea Transport (some businessman, trading in Slavic slave girls - proud Khazar Jews traditions).

1992-2004 - Captain's Assistant in Ukrainian and German sea transportation companies.
2005-2007 - head specialist in state company Agency for Sea Security of Ministry of Transportation of Ukraine.
2008 - Finance Manager in Capital Shipments Company.
2009-2010 - writer for "Natsiya i Derzhava" (Nation and State)

Member of Ukrainian Nationalists Congress from April 2005. Since year 2007 - vice leader of Kiev section of UNC.

Has a son.


Ukrainian is to Russian is what Ebonics is to English. Any Russian can understand it, though many feel disgust.
And yes, Ukrainian "nationalist" leader from a privileged Soviet background trades in pedostuff. Totally not surprised nor amused.

Watch this.

Checkin them dubs.
All Holla Forumsacks should read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn "Gulag Archipelago" and "200 years together", other books include "Under the Sign of The Scorpion" and "Tell The Truth and Shame the Devil" alongside Ariel Toaffs' " Blood Passover,Jewish Blood Sacrifice in Europe". The satanic kikes are using their same Bolshevik kikery on all Aryan countries even to this day. Most of this recent garbage was cooked up by The Frankfurt School and [email protected]/* */, using the tenets of the Talmud, Cultural Marxism, and Freudian "psychology". Moses Levy aka Karl Marx was a cousin of the Rothschilds, he invented a method for them to more easily subjugate the goyim, widely known today as communism or marxism.
After subjugation they then use the Hooten Plan, Coudenhove Kalergi plan, etc. to genocide all Aryan peoples from the face of Earth and render our peoples extinct. With their superiors ( Aryans ) gone they will proceed to enslave all of humanity and try to rule over them as gods as their Talmud instructs them 2,800 goyim slaves per yidlet. The brown low IQ hordes will lack the cognitive ability to question or fight against their jew overlords, except Asians, whom the kikes are allying with currently, especially the Chinese and S. Koreans. Goddamn the kikes and cucks, there is no punishment too great for these self serving, cowardly, child raping and murdering, blood thirsty, usurious faggots. We should be working on terraforming other planets, creating new life on new worlds, healing life on Earth, pursuing a new philosophical and scientific Golden Age, and building Dyson spheres around stars for near limitless energy to expand our existence out into the universe. Instead we are all being manipulated into fighting and dying for kike and cuck bank accounts, all because they hate us and want us gone, sadly most Whites are too fucking stupid to see the jew for what it really is, kike propaganda has been very effective on Western civilization. They have stopped human evolution and imposed a artificial stagnation on all Aryan peoples via demographics change and dysgenics, litigation, usury, academia, pollution, environmental destruction, media, medicine, politics, etc.

Bad news though kikes, people are waking up and they are fucking angry. NO ONE will save you this time when you are called to stand for your crimes against humanity, you kikes are FUCKED.


A Portrait of Stalin: Secret Police

never miss a chance to shit on Ukraine eh ivan. Isnt putin a pedo

Russia isnt going to exist in 10 year. Irrelevant or no the US has beat the shit out of the eastern euros on the world stage and its unlikely the Russians will ever recover from the shitshow they currently are

I imagine you as the worlds most bitter pensioned CIA operative. Still logging a few houers weekly, since affermative action and your lagging people skills ropped you off the pension you calculated with when you took out that mortgage… You are not walking silently into that quite night of yours. Lest asured, your desperate howling doesn't strike as an example to follow. Get well!

It's Russian, not Ukrainian:

Khonza (a name?)
I already found for us 5-6 people until 14 (could mean under 14)
The Germans are paying for: flights both ways, housing, transportation, medical insurance, cosmetologist services.
Timespan: 3 months with the opportunity to prolong depending on willingness
Pay: $5000 a month and more we will transfer to families here in Ukraine via Western (Union)
The parents/guardians are all currently alright and are not against it.
At Rava (?) there won't be any problems.
Show the foreigner that we are working exclusively with the elite of the Dominican capital city. The exit is necessarily accompanied by a bodyguard.
Attached are a pair of preview sets, in the supermarket I'll upload an ARKh (probably short for archive) and the pass(word) for SMS. It will be necessary to take a picture of a few presentation CDs.

im from yugoslavia, i was a kid while it was all going on but my whole family lived trough it
basically, imagine all the courts being against you, that's it
essentially we were all equal, but some of us were more equal then the others, everyone is a forced volunteer of the party who got rekt if he refused and friendship with the party determined everything

and while it sucked, after the collapse it was the absolute worst thing imaginable, army mafia managed to competently rule, mafia yugo army officers sacked all the armories, they had all the weapons and training and they were puppeteering the president and everyone
in post-government society, strength rules, and special forces/anti terrorists had all of it, mafia and ministry of justice were essentially the same thing, you pay your taxes to a better trained and armed man or he grabs his radio and your house explodes

hell they even sent themselves to war and all these army/crime/new-govt paramilitaries alone carried out almost all of the genocides in bosnia

what the gopnyk is essentially is the successful attempt at doing to a white(ish) society what has already been done to the inner city nigger community. A bunch of lazy, violent, narrow sighted, opportunistic lower-tier predatory element that can be easily culled and bought off with government subsidies while essentially given free reign over the dregs of society. Sometimes even employed by the Secret Police State as a form of political clout and social control for anyone trying to rise above their station and pushing all the right buttons in the right places where he/she shouldn't be.

They are en essential cog in a specialized caste system that keeps the (otherwise unnoticeable) castes separate from one another. What sovietism essentially did is take marxist theory and apply it to already existing social structure (which is inherently class based) and just swap it with variations of linguistically neutral bureaucratic titles (director/operative/agent/secretary/etc.) and slap on a Tovarisch (literally meaning buddy or comrade) at the end of that official title. This is the cause behind the autism of the marxist left because they were essentially cheated out of their impossible fantastic utopian economic theory.
Pic related.

What does Romanian Grandpa say about Trump?
Is he dead?

Are you Orthodox?

Well, I think I am. I was baptised, attended services while young and the like, not anymore though.
A bad christian, perhaps, but at least I'm trying.

I have a very interesting story, actually. One of my grandmothers remained Orthodox in secrecy while her husband was a Party member and therefore officially militant atheist, and also a worker in semi-secret military complex.
You can't just drive around nukes intended for London or New York and be a christian, after all, you may have double thoughts.
So my newborn mother was baptized in severe secrecy while grandfather was still at work prepping nukes.
That happened in a closed and heavily guarded military town-base with all nearest churches long since demolished. So my grandmother and, as I recall, a couple of her helpers had to smuggle in a priest, administer baptism, and then smuggle the priest out while remaining undiscovered.

I don't know how my grandmother managed to do what amounts to KGB secret ops and keep it secret from even my grandfather up until USSR went dead twenty years later, but she did.
If discovered, grandfather's work and status would have been ruined by association with an active christian - at the very least. Brezhnev times weren't Stalin's reign for sure, but they weren't nice either.

Yeah, pretty much this. And this is partially why I am getting the fuck out of my own country while I still can. I mean, we already got politicians in television paving the way and saying "political dissenters are mentally ill and we need to protect our society against them, lets lock them all up" -shit.

Sure, they are not using those words but the message is clear enough, and by moving to neighboring country that was under communist rule still bit over 26 years ago I am hoping to avoid supporting my own country being turned into one by paying taxes to it. And avoid the possibility of getting vanned in the future for wrong opinions.

That's what atheism means. And I don't mean that edgy teen rebellion. Literal atheism.
They have no morality and objections to any actions.
Don't kill, lie, steal,…?
Doesn't bother them. That's why you got 200 mil dead people in 20.century alone with communism. Also why they never can take power through democratic means, something that Hitler did easily in Germany.
They are incapable to win power through normal means since they're sociopaths, lead by psychopaths.

Communism is pure malice and evil.

Be careful in the East. Polish Communist party had 3.5 million members in a country of ~35 million people total. 1 in 10 Poles was a Commie.
Not even USSR had that many official Commies (roughly 1 in 15, around ~20 million from ~300 million people).

Sure they don't fly red banners and the like, but they are just like your 'elite' champagne socialists. Same slave-owner caste importing future stupid pleb to displace and terrorize the middle class.

Run if you can and it gets intolerable, just remember running won't solve it. Try to organize, just organize and maintain sociel ties in some common cultural or sports activity. When secret police destroys societal ties, groups with most remaining ties survive.

Ghettoes and criminal gangs, yes, but also secret societies that survived USSR. The catacomb church that refused any and all cooperation with Stalin and communists at all times, for example.

If you can't hope to win, maintain your culture in foreign lands. Yes, it smells of dickery, but its the only way to preserve something for future post-EU anomic Europeans to return to.
Gran Chaco war was won by former imperial Russian officer corps for Paraguay (funny how Bolivia was likewise led by former imperial German officers - kinda rematch of WWI far away). Yugoslav kingdom was staffed by many imperial Russian refugees that maintained officer corps and military schools 'to recapture Russia in the future' and the like.

tl;dr It's dangerous to be alone in Soviet societies and fruitless to run alone from them. At least run in good company.

If they can't win democratically, then how did Clintons, Merkel, Obama and the like appeared?

Even in 1932 SocDems were close second to NatSocs, trailing by less than 10% of votes, Thaelmann always behind Hitler.

You severely underestimate the enemy. Modern politics are extremely likely to be hijacked precisely by manipulative sociopaths. You know, the likes that totally don't mind replacing their own population so long that imported dregs are controllable, better even if they vote (illegals for Clinton, yes).

I live in the UK, please kill me.

Does Fascist state police count?

I was born after the revolution that brought down the regime but my parents and especially my grandparents lived through a lot of it.

My father was beaten several times by the secret police when he was in his early 20s for carrying books deemed illegal by the regime.
My grandfather wound up in jail (no trial and all that jazz) for helping smuggle banned items into the country.
Most of my friends' parents have similar stories as well but nobody makes a big deal out of it to be honest. It's just a part of our history.

I know a lot of Holla Forums is fond of Fascism and whatnot but you should be careful what you wish for.

PS: Triggered my grandmother the other day when I told her all the lefties in America think Trump is a fascist. She called them, and I quote, " a bunch of retards".

Which country fam? Spain, Portugal…?


He said agents, not officers. Of the security bureaus higher-ups, right after the war it was >90%. That only changed after Stalin's death, when an anti-kike internal coup occurred within the Soviet CommParty (with ripples throughout the entire bloc).

So basically SJW tactics used directly by government agents.

"oppositional-defiant disorder" is the phrase you are looking for.

I read a story like that in the local newspaper yesterday. It seems sabotaging car traffic is a global trend these days.






Not really. There were some topics people didn't discuss publicly (you don't see many people preach racial superiority or Islam at work, do you?), but nothing 1984-style.

Not that I noticed. It wasn't particularly secret, for that matter.

Well, in theory they could get you kicked out of university and cause trouble for you at the job. But if you taking are about stuff like waterboarding and getting disappeared in Guantanamo - nobody considered it a viable threat. That was on the level of urban legends at best.

The guys people were scared of were their specific kind of police: fishermen were caring more about being caught for poaching, managers - about economic investigators (that's where the real drama was). Party members had their own control committee that was plenty scary for them but didn't give a fuck about non-party.

AFAIK most horror stories originate from the marginal tinfoil "dissident" culture which was living in their own little world filled with KGB agents watching their every move. Most people didn't care.

Go to US. Secret police isn't Communist, but that's it.

what country

Glorious Soviet Motherland Fatherland.

Also lived in DDR, but it was a few months only, so I can't say anything about Stasi.

Nomenklatura priviledged shit rolled in. He actually visited other countries, can you belive it.
I hope soon you'll be dealt with just like Sovoks dealt with real Russians.

Who hates guns & grenades?

My condolences if your parents preferred to drink, rather than to work.

Same. Grandfather on one mothers side helped smuggle hide members of the commie resistance. The other one was prolly an informant.

It really tears communities and people appart. Its why I dont subscribe to anything authoritarian.

It takes courage to deny unjust labour rather than be an eternal slave to a Jew.
Talk to me about "work", apparatchik scum, then go import some more slaves from Uzbekistan to make all the shanty shit you see daily in Russia.

We remember the times your ancestors sold the Empire and dignity for alcohol and gibs from Wall St. Jews and German imperials. We remember it every time some privileged nomenklatura scum goad his slaves to work more and earn less.
Day of the rope can't come soon enough for you champaigne socialists.

Shit dude. Props to your grandmother. Sometimes I feel like I have it too easy here in the states.
Keep working at Orthodoxy. If the Bolsheviks couldn't drive it from Russia, the demons can't drive it from you. As long as you're trying, things'll work out.

I thought you are anti-Communist.

It's champagne, and you don't understand the meaning of the term.

My grandpa used to be mathematics major when he and his friends jokingly took down painting of Stalin and they poke hole on his lips and put the cigarette and hanged it back on.
after week of investigations my grandpa was forced to quit his studies and move to gulag, he came back after 3 years and became a successful man.

My old men sailed every port from Toronto, Orleans, Arkhangelsk and Batumi.

Come at me bro.

Yes. My family came to England from Serbia, but I'm Croation. I'm 49 years old and remember the communist time under Tito.
Yugoslavia was always a powder keg waiting for someone to light the fuse. I was detained a couple of times by the police for breaking border controls, but I used charm and bribery to get myself free. Top tip: bribery works really well in ex communist countries. The police and prison guards get paid nothing. American dollars are preferred, but so is the Euro and British pounds.
The police could be anywhere at any time. Even your neighbour or local shopkeeper, the postman, librarians, schoolteachers, could simply make a call that would ruin your life and you wouldn't be heard from. Simply disappeared.

The UK has given me sanctuary. I have a good home, a lovely wife, two kids, a nice job, and I don't live in fear.
Fear is really bad. It's so upsetting. Sleep is still difficult - I must be exhausted to sleep, so I go for long walks.
Pic is a waterfall near my home. It is very loud. The noise is intense, but it is relaxing.

I am aware of the risks, however we have gone to the point in our country where a ex-soviet block country has more civil liberties than our "free and democratic wellfare state".

Frankly speaking, I wish to create a viable fail-save plan for the extended family. A place to regroup, rest and re-organize should the shit truly start going down.

Sure, if nothing ever happens and the situation manages to unfuck itself peacefully then I'll just be known as that crazy paranoid old man. And I am perfectly fine with it. It is surely going to suck way less than getting caught our pants down and having the whole family tree cut down by kebab, commie, NATO, Russians, or gay niggers from outer space.

I'm glad we're manufacturing our terror out here in the West then. We won't need 100 years though for the intel agencies to completely control gov't and people.

I fought under Pinochet

was pretty great tbh

You're actually in much better position. Lenin didn't call cinema "the most important [propaganda] art for the Party" for nothing, nor official newspaper were called Pravda, that is literally The Truth [or implied "the right knowledge/actions"]. Information control was everything.
You can't dissent if you literally can't know any better - any other - way of life. Kinda like Norks actually believe USA, Japan or South Korea are some insane and hungry hellscapes because the proles have no other info but Best Korea Is Best for all their life.

And Pravda was first printed in 1912, 5 years before Bolshevik coup. Even still being a bunch of terrorist and robber nobodies Lenin's guys already produces "Truth" news to contrast with other "Fake" news. Imagine that, Fake News meme was born and used 105 years ago.

But people 100 years ago didn't have Internet, nor Tor and Chans, much less memetic warfare or this ludicrous amount of instant communication devices and nets. USE THEM, USE THEM TOTALLY. You already memed Trump into existence, there's always hope.

Seriously, your current "developments" are so alike to our history 100 years ago it's not even funny or amusing anymore, it's downright creepy.

Let me tell you what happens if you don't use the new tech against old methods of enslavement.

Mendeleev prognosed that by now Russian Empire in its ~1914 borders would be populated by ~590 million people, and Russia in modern borders should have had 259 million people. That's ~120 million unborn Great Russians only.
There are ~43 million Small Russians/Ukrainians now, Mendeleev prognosed them to be 100 million by now. There are 10 million White Russians/Belorussians, should have been ~27 million.
This is real genocide, much more real and several scales more destructive than Holocaust. Every second East Slav is unborn because of Communism and Nazism.

Mendeleev predicted that by 1960 USA would be populated by 180 million people. USA historically had ~180.7 million by year 1960.
So his method was actually correct, before the Jews opened the mudgates in 1965. Or unless anything else severely disrupts normal population growth.

Example is Poland that was very lucky to run away from USSR. As much as I dislike my Polish heritage, they did save Germans and Hungarians from same kind of genocide at Vistula 1920. Still they got rolled by both Nazis and Soviets and stayed semi-willing puppet for 40 years.
Mendeleev predicted Russian Poland to have 38 million people by 2000. In 2016 Poland has around 38 million. But modern Poland is twice as large as Russian one, and there were Poles in Silesia, Poznan and Krakow-Galicia regions.
There should have been at least 1 million Poles in modern Belarus and Ukraine by Mendeleev, now there are barely 400k, and that's counting practically assimilated ones who just happen to have prominent Polish ancestry. This should cast some light on where did "other Poles" gone.
So while ratio of Poles killed by Communism isn't 50%, I believe 1 in 3 Poles weren't born because of Communism.

Now the juicy part. Mendeleev had prediction on Caucasians and Central Asians numbers by 2000. These inbred minorities where the only beneficiaries of Communism.
There are 15% more Caucasians than there should have been, Azerbaijan Turks and Chechens the most fast spawning. Armenians and Georgians didn't experience unappropriately large birthrates, but didn't die out either.
Uzbeks, Turkmens and other Turkic scum form Turkestan? 50% MORE than should have been! Uzbekistan has 30 million worthless monkeys living there, should have been barely 15 millions with most of them being Seven Rivers Cossacks ffs.
And that's considering that Muslims in Russian Empire had LESS births per family than Orthodox Slavs for centuries.
Wherever Commies get in power, locals wane while global underpeople thrives.

So you can see how it ends if EU gets its way. You can safely wipe out half of Britons, Frenchmen and Germans from existence, while maybe doubling the amount of shitskins residing there now.

That's what happens when a bunch of terrorists publish Truth News papers without some froglords to combat them.

came here to post this.
but yes USA has secret police, shit's somewhere between 1984 and USSR.
and yes i'm scared to talk about it

You need some tips on how to be cool

It's true that fascism is flawed, but listen here meu caro negro:

If you try to sell drugs, or write "extreme-right-wing literature", see what happens.



It's one thing to not like the bad parts of fascism, which I also dislike. But if there is one thing that fascism in Portugal did well it was:

People who complain about underdevelopment and close-mindedness and lack of certain freedoms and economic opportunities I understand, but people who complain about political persecution (commies) and about getting fucked for breaking the law can go fuck themselves.

The fucking revolution was a disgusting communist coup done with the cooperation of career officers who just wanted more gibs, they were angry that conscripted officers and the like were taking away their power.

It's perfectly fine if someone opposed the colonial war and wanted to dodge the draft, including if they left the country for it. What is NOT acceptable is what guys from the communist/socialist resistance did (like Manuel Alegre) and rat out Portuguese positions in Africa, on Radio Argel while in exile, that got many Portuguese in danger, hurt or killed.

Im British but Ive a Polish friend whose father was an anti-communist writer during the communist rule.
The Polish government wanted to monitor his father and so blackmailed/paid several of his work colleagues to keep an eye on him. One of these colleagues was having an affair for example and the Secret Police threatened to tell his wife unless he became an agent for them.
Of course, when communism collapsed the police records were exposed and everyone found out who had been watching who. In my friend's father's case he cut short several long term friendships when he found out.

like the NSA and all the other 3 letter organisations who will soon jail you for wrongthink?

Serves him right for associating Dear Leader with filthy burgeoise habits.

I know a guy whose dad turned into a commie militant after the colonial war, it's a damn shame tbh, tons of old folk I know are either left-leaning or full blown commie, even though most of them also hate niggers, gooks and mudslimes.

Also, could we benefit if although very unlikely a fashy regime came to rule again? With all the economical and social freedoms the first one denied, not saying it was a bad regime, I would rate 8/10.

Obrigado pelo lindo Pepe

Holla Forums please go.

Not so old (30), been living in China for a couple years, but they leave you alone. It's not real commie anymore. The only ones that ever encountered secret police types are religious cucks and western teachers at universities where the gov wants to be sure they don't try to poz people.

Our real enemy is the Leftist Block (BE), the PCP may still be communist but they are dying and most of their members are patriotic, they are just economically illiterate.

We just have to take the taboo away from the PNR (which is actually a pretty chill party, it just has a few silly members that the media purposely tries to misrepresent has "THESE ARE AALLL NAZZZIIEESS" and add a Right-Wing libertarian party that can siphon people off who are merely "leftists" because they want the freedom to smoke-weed-legally-lmao (aka: "how are politics even real" kind of guys).

This would open the gate for the future of Portuguese politics. A Right-Wing libertarian party, kind of like UKIP or even the American libertarians, since the wealthy part of the Portuguese leftist block would rather go to them for having "muh social freedoms" because we all know they hate the working class and don't hide it very well. Sure that system would actually be better for the Portuguese poor, since it would create the only thing we lack (jobs), but those trendies would also love lower taxes if they had the excuse of legal drugs and the like to justify it.

talk about the Stasi

I'm all for PNR, but how do you propose we "take the taboo away"? From what I can gather, the current generation is at least 50% cucked and it's not going to get any better, I was hoping to redpill the young ones first.

You are absolutely fucked if you think of redpilling the younger ones.
It might be the social circles that I am in but I find very few people who aren't pozzed they are either part of the DUDE WEED LMAO crowd or they are fully owned by the "Controlled opposition" and what I'd say is the fake right CDS PSD and the likes.

I don't know I feel like portugal as much as I like it is always a country of brandos costumes.

I talk about politics so much with people but in general everyone just doesn't seem to consider anything out of the norm to be legitimate.

also on the topic of PNR, as chill as they are they are WEAK trying to fight to bring them to any sort of prominance is a lost battle from the start, I'd really say the best way to bring about change is a party or movement that comes and really comes with a bang. PNR already soiled their image too much you barely see them getting any exposure and they aren't captivating anyone.

Já agora algum dos pretogueses aqui vai aos eventos do PNR?

When my grandma defected to the US supposedly KGB agents were prepared to follow her and kill her. It's not the same but it shows the extent of their reign.

It always baffles me that there are still people (easy to find on leftypol, or reddit, or twitter) that argue for communism. They don't have any good arguments for how it could work and not degenerate into this kind of jealous murderous security state.

lolwut. what do you use to read epub and why is it not more dangerous to download that program?

If you guys care, I can talk about China.

Sure, go ahead.

(excelente Pépe)

We need a Right-Wing Libertarian party, that will captivate the youth and steal the monopoly on social edgy from the left, like more Right Wing capitalist economics than PSD/CDS but more socially liberal than the BE (but as in do whatever the fuck you want but it will not be subsidized). They might give us a Ron Paul/Tea-Party movement that would later open up the way for a Portuguese Trump. You'll understand what I mean if you follow American politics.

1143 gas the cucks, costumes war now

Fore-disclosure: I was born and raised in Hong Kong so I didn't live through it. But my mother did when she was young and lived in Fujian.

I'll start with the whole propaganda and thought-police stuff first, it'll link up to the red guards later.
Kids used to be brainwashed with propaganda in school, the most important one that's constantly repeated being," as close as your parents are, no one is as close to you as Chairman Mao is", where the kids actually buy into it.
The CCP encouraged people to snitch on others for political 'wrongthink', and those that failed to do so and caught, had their whole family killed and those that do get rewarded sometimes.
Anyways, the whole society was basically devoid of trust. You can't trust your neighbors, your husband/wife, or your kids.
I'm sure you can already see the flaw in this. You can piss off your wife on accident or rub off your neighbors in the wrong way, and they might just report your ass to the red guards for shits and giggles.
The kids are even worse.
There were a lot of kids who snitched on their parents just for an opinion they made regarding to the CCP, and the red guards would drag their ass out to beat them and shit. But the worst thing of all, some of the kids actually believed they did the right thing and had no sense of remorse.
Not exactly a fun place to live.

Anyways, moving on to the red guards.
If you think deep enough, you'd realize Communism appeals to the worst parts of humanity. Envy and the lust for power.
The red guards were basically the demonstrators of that.
These fuckers wanted what others have, so they basically go and take others possessions under the name of Communism. Successful farmers had their farm land taken. Any stuff that was of value are taken. And they get a fucking free pass, because they're part of the Communist party.
And then the lust for power. These people wanted to feel 'in charge' and they're not afraid to act on it.
Those parents or people that were reported on? Even if they can't prove they've said any of those things that criticize the CCP or ever said it at all, the red guards would still beat the shit out of them, torture or kill them, just for fun and to test how far their power could extend over the people. There's no justice, and the red guards were basically judge and executioners. They could basically do whatever they wanted to anyone and got away with it, because they were part of the CCP.
Keep in mind, the red guards were mostly young kids who had the same propaganda education given to them at an early age. It's basically the edginess of Holla Forumstards allowed to run rampant in real life, and giving them the cause and reason to feel good about themselves afterwards.
The only people that never got in trouble were people who were either officials and had connections to them.

You gotta give the chinks a tad bit of respect, because they knew how to manipulate and bring out the worst parts in people for their own gains. Using the sadism of the red guards, they knew exactly how to keep people in fear and obedient.

Does anyone know what that video where the guy tells the kid to step on a picture of Jesus or he will cut his head off is from?

The Hong Weibing? Didn't they themselves get purged eventually after they outlived their usefulness?

Tell me more, buddy, if this is true.

Red Guards are just teenage kids who were fervently devoted to Mao Zedong.

BULLSHIT! I have never heard of anyone in gulags getting 3 years. 10 was standard then was increased to 25. If your grandpa got out in 3, he was a rat in the gulag and probably got good men killed.

Yeah. Got wiped out by the PLA themselves.

Like I said, I know the younglings are overcucked, it pains me to say they're a lost cause though.
"Right-wing" kids are hard to find, at least for me, even fake-right kids are hard as fuck to find, everyone is either liberal or communist, I'm still in school and I can safely say that the educational system is cucking children to hell.

I also try to discuss politics with as many lads as I can, most just "ignore" what I'm saying or get slightly upset, I'm not afraid to preach about how good the crusades are and why we shouldn't feel white guilt and how nationalism is not bad and such, it's hard to get to a generation that thinks politics are for old men in suits.
Also my school wants to raise an LGBT flag

(Outro lindo Pépé)
It would take a long time to implement right-wing ideals, at least in this (((current generation), even if it's liberal af, a pretoguese Trump would be dank though.


You'd be surprised where money could get you back in the day.

(that second meme blew my mind)

You don't see it yet, but when you are older like me and your generation sees there are actually ZERO jobs due to socialism, they will luckily wake the fuck up and realize you can't tax yourself into prosperity.

When Portugal sees the younger generations unable to rely on their families as times passes, they will either wake the fuck up or starve. It might take long, but I hope that at least when we reach Greek levels there will be another Salazar.

Damn fucking shame we have to drop to GREECE levels just to wake the younger gen up, really shows how bad it's become.

I never went through commie hell because I am in Australia.

If you had money/ power you didn't even go to the Gulag.

Yes they did. Usually jealous people or government officials needing the rich person's resources would lie to the secret police. The secret police would then take that rich person and beat him until he signed a confession.

Even the children weren't safe. I believe those rich people were called kulaks and their children would be thrown into the gulags just for being their children.

I'm sorry for being a dick. I didn't have my coffee. Is it possible to get some more information out of your grandpa? It would help fighting the war against those goddamn commie fucks.

Wait a sec, doesn't that go against the leftycuck doctrine?

Not against some older "Stalinist" currents. SJW/Feminist cunts in Portugal call those kind of people "machistas-leninistas" it's fucking hilarious.

Because see, Soviet Communism was actually (((very "conservative"))) because they know that's the only way society functions. Subversion was only for the countries they wanted to take down.

For example in the USSR it was illegal to be gay, and they continued on exploiting more of a feudal and nationalist mentality while trying to be communist, that cognitive dissonance was what made Eastern European and Chinese communism work. They are pinkos but they know the system doesn't work, they are all just in a circlejerk where they couldn't escape it.

Because it was KGB/NKVD -> Party -> Government -> Armed Forces -> KGB/NKVD and it was a never ending circle were all of them pretending to believe communism was right and policing the others for status kept everyone in check, until the economy went to complete shit.

If you recall, Stalinist USSR was pretty "nationalist".

Communism is always shit and inefficient, but old fashion communism tends to be misguided and brutal, while subversive marxist parties tend to be useful idiots who will get purged by the Stalinists once they help the Commies get into power. The commie elites KNOW the system doesn't work, they just want to be the absolute controllers of everything even if it leads to collapse (see North Korea or Venezuela).

Today they us social exclusion instead of just sending you to concentration camp.

Pretty much this, as much as they hate nogs and such, they still identify as leftists, I think this comes from the fact that they don't really have a meaningful party to belong to so they cling onto the one "major" party that calls itself nationalist, which is the PCP (Which is the gommie party if you're not Pretoguese)

That's Laura B. Smells like obvious false-flag bullshit.

Afterwards, ages ago with work shit

People were still spying on you, seriously, Lithuania

Had this creepy 40-50ish old russian woman, she had her app on the other side of my flat, so direct view in.

never experienced this creep show

Get home from work all tired sit on the sofa and start the TV.
actually how I discovered it
watch hard back at her, with expression, WTF do you want?
Get this feeling again
I flipped her off and watched really hard at her straight in the eyes
gone again

Kept on doing this shit, I didn't give a rats ass

Now next day at the trolleybusas station and so
people were talking and making signs

like I had a fucking half meter long muh dick
sick creepy shit, never experienced anything like it
People like her still living in commie dimes, I wuz da ebil captialist or something

Adding for the most part, people there were really nice though you got a few of those, or had.

Envy too I guess, but this is not normal.
Come from the shower ready to fuck, you could see what wuz going on behind the curtains due to lights


nobody in Vilnius have any names on their doors or mailbox, just numbers

guess it sticks from the old, I don't want you to know who lives here.

Very sad. Doors were like vaults though, with steel bars everywhere and steel framing. That shit is so alien here.

Where I grew up, people didn't even lock their doors. This turned after 2004 and open borders to eastern europe. Shitskins and niggers stick in the aquarium in oslonistan


As I understood too, same shit in the CCCP/former CCCP.

Post below, shit still hung around the little time I lived there afterwards.

This is what the West is like now. Be very suspicious of anyone in positions of authority.

That's how it is done in the West now. Key positions in society are occupied either by Stonecutters, Skypes, or Christian cult families.

How to use wget? I want to create an archive of this thread that can be viewed offline. Thanks.

I wish more people would understand this. I see all the overanalysis of Juche here and I just cringe. No understanding of human nature whatsoever. The fat baby Kim cares nothing about any ideology of any sort, he just preaches the words of Juche as means to control the peasants so he can drink expensive wine.

trip dubs checked
Excellent point. Half of the western world is secretly communist, in a free country would alphabets monitor and actively derail free speech like they do here? McArthy was right creeping communism was happening.
Data mining thread.

Protip: Do not use Adobe or Foxit with suspicious files.
Libre software only.

All western countries have that, its just that they are secret too. will prove that to you.


the secrets service here in ex-yu did kinda the same bussines as in the rest of the countries, but things went to a shitfest after 1991.
the reason for that is the hysterical naive mentality of people. after tito died prettymuch everyone in politics knew thhe show is over so they all started forming their own little clubs, and taking american and german NED money. After the breakup you had two major groups; the ones who mostly relied on their connections with the former secret service and the ones that mainly relied on western money. both did both and both are still shit tough.
and ofcourse the people were divided between those two camps, still are.
now there isnt really any real difference or intense fighting between the two. both have ex-secret service and both are EU/NATO shills.
they throw some shit at eachother on TV to keep folks from seeing how they sell off whats left from socialist times and corruption.
status quo for over a quarter of a century now.

the secret service now is practically a mix of the police, foregein intelligence agents and stupid fucks who got the job via family and friends.
the only difference is that instead of yugo they now work for merkel and king nigger (soros generally speaking).
same as the goverment. and people ofcourse fall for the D&C, keeping the status quo.

and if you become "an enemy of the state", they just relly on the stupidity and incompetence of the people and smear you. so just like the rest of the (((free world)))

ofcourse you also have those dumbfuck politicians who blame a secret service gone for over 50 years for their fuckups, eventough they served in the secret service.

god bless you old fag

Hello fellow oldfag Croat. Kak si kaj ima?

Croanon here also, Ive heard many stories from older fags about OZNA and crazy stuff happening, like people getting drunk and curse Tito a few times, nextday police comes to pick them up, they return after 4 years of hard labour (informers were everywhere). Similar story happened to my pops roomate when at college in the 1970-80s (the guy literally dindunuffin but his dad was an officer during the time of NDH they just raided the room and pressured(!) the guy to quite college), far worse things happened than that…

I would have shot your kike Grandfather myself, faggot.

oh im sure you wouldnt just hide in a basement and cry if you were in those times like most people bragging on the internet would

(Is actually tripdubs)

Probably not as enforced, but simply look at South Africa & Rhodesia - before and after.
SA being where the kikes could still make $$$.

Thanks Commies.

My dad and grandfather lived in Czechoslovakia during the commie regime. It was pretty shit, but it wasn't Orwellian either – if you weren't a party member or didn't have a stellar, pro-party record in various commie youthgroups and the like, you weren't allowed to go to a university (which actually meant a lot back then - the universities were much more strict and harder to graduate than today, and if you managed to get a title, you were 'Somebody'), so my grandfather had to study with fake papers, while my dad did his time in the youthgroup. Other than that, though, as long as you didn't try to activelly propagate anti-commie thoughts, they left you alone unless you actually went for a political office or something akin to that, but that goes without saying.

If you did decide to be loud, then it depends on which period we're talking about. The regime grew very lax and moved towards a democracy at the end of 60's, up to the point that the soviets decided it's time to "tighten the screws" and sent in an occupation army, leading to probably the most repressive period. The regime grew lax again during the 80's. If you decided to be loudly anti-commie at the end of 40's, beginning of 50's, or during the occupation, you could very well end up dead. Other times, they mostly just threw you in a prison for a few years, especially if you were high-profile.

In summary, the common man learned to keep his mouth shut about politics in public.