Holla Forums BTFO'D

How will you recover from the fact that Korrasami has now done what if you criticized it for not doing; showing the relationship?

Show is shit

t. Holla Forumsmic cuck

They literally admitted that they threw it in at the last second to stir up some shit because they knew they would never work with Nickelodeon again. Then, much later, they backtracked and insisted they were planning it from the first season.. Which, if you remember as well as some of us do, was an utter trainwreck which they repeatedly insisted only happened because they only planned for a mini series and then got more episodes.

So you're implying we should be assblasted? You're basically admitting that this is a troll thread in the OP? Learn some damn subtlety.

3rd contrarian thread made today.
Apparently some Antifa fags are shitting up halfchan and here, so be sure to welcome them warmly.

We've already been overrun by shills trying to sway opinion, this isn't gonna be any different.
Be sure to sage and report.

…Retcon torpedo, hoooo!!

But then given some how come you were there is no real criticism of this criticism apart like from this wrong relashionship one?

One of the biggest complaints for why Korrasami failed was because the romance was never touched on and they all of a sudden fall for each other despite being complete cunts to one another.

Oh boy. A Fluffy Pony Thread!


No clue why that was so satisfying to read.

Maybe it's because I absolutely fucking hate MLP and Bronies.

Sweet mother of pearl…you monster! Not an MLP fan but still..who's the real monster here?

Silly anons, you forgot to sage! That's just common courtesy in a Fluffy Pony thread!

Is this Holla Forums's version of Spyro's Subway?

Fluffies were a thing during the first exodus
Whatever happened to em?

There's a booru. It's exactly as autistic as you'd expect. Fullchan /fluffy/ is kill since the hack.

blame Holla Forums
those faggots have been recruiting outside Holla Forums for months now

Heteronormative cishet.

Jesus fucking Christ that's horrible! You don't have to like MLP but that's just fucking sick and monstrous.

Fuck off Bryke, nobody cares about Korra anymore.

It's been three years, give it up already.