Im a new fag and I need the red pill. Boom….
I could say don't hold back but I'm sure it wouldn't matter what I say.
Other urls found in this thread:
Find this thread and read everything in it.
Lurk moar. If you need to be spoonfed then we don't need you, and have no reason to waste our time on you.
that's not how it works. lurk more newfag
good point.. fend for myself
You will get banned for this, au revoir.
Is hard for me to tell you this Mr Newfag, but now Redpill Dump threads are banned for some reason.
You just arrived when mods decided to be fucking controlled opposition and stop the redpilling of the newfags.
Sorry for you, the party is over, i will try to make a full redpill dump thread and hope it wont get banned, but i am no optimist i was banned in the past (2 weeks ago).
see the drama by yourself
you can also visit /polpol/ or /polarchive/ but it would be a lot better to have direct interaction here
godspeed faggot
Posting from TOR for obvious reasons
They want this to be a current events only board for some fucking reason
You'll be met with a lot of hostility, and shouldn't have posted. If you really are a newfag, check out , and ready everything on it. You'll see some statistics you don't like, and words like nigger and kike. We aren't being edgy or "trolling", these races of people are pure cancer. These pills will disgust you at first, but you will get over it. If you can't, I'd suggest staying on reddit or CNN forums, because we can't help you.
"we can only provide you with the truth. You must be the one to accept it."
jews are behind every evil.
Check out and lurk moar faggot
here's the thread in case you're too retarded to be able to find it
(((((some fucking reason))))))
Gee i wonder why.
It is always the Jews, Holla Forums is always right, and lurk for 2/years before ever posting again
Was this always the requirement on old/pol/?
Think of something evil, the Jews are probably behind it.
Germans are the master race, Hitler did nothing wrong except lose, holocaust didn't happen but should have, non-whites are stupider than whites, Putin is simultaneously saviour of the white race/leader of a whitenationalist superstate and is a judeo-oligarch controlled neo-bolshevik, europaganism > semitic religions, TRS agrees with 95% of Holla Forums but isn't anti-fag enough so is D&C, Holla Forumss boardowners/mods are nonwhites, freemasons are tools of the jews, USA founding fathers were freemasons, national socialism > Italian fascism > absolute monarchy >>> anything else > beating your caveman neighbours over the head with clubs >>>>>>>> liberal democracy, and much more
i think he means aryans