Italian Referendum №2 After party

New Thread for Italian Referendum. Fuck Renzi. Fuck the EU. Rome shall be reborn.

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First for Trump

Don't you look stupid

So, what does this all mean? Explain to outsiders.

Renzi will Resign. New Elections will be held. We back Grillo (Not the best guy but He's EuroSceptic and a Populist) Grillo Wins and gives us an Outaly referendum.


Im sure Holla Forums will support Beppe Grillo just for his name.

This Image of him already exists.

Jesus fuck..last time I was in Europe it was something like $1 to 1.35. By tomm it will be parity. Great time to take a trip to Europe if you have the shekels. Fuck, I'd have my ass in Europe hunting around for busy this month if I could afford it. Anyone who can should go this Christmas. Might never see these levels again.

The New "Europeans" are not quite as fond of Christmas as the originals…


The last time I was in Europe it was before the Euro. Was pretty nice.

I miss europe so much the winter markets in germany the pretty girls I could chat to almost hitting a frenchmen with my rent a car

I was 6 when the Euro became a the currency. . .
Feels bad

The Lega Nord guy seems a lot more cordial to our cause, explain who we should support and why

This is a pretty shit picture but kind of gives you the idea. Thank you so much, tumbler and leddit for your war on "creep shots" so have to post staged photos instead of regular qt girls walking around.

With the dollar now almost at parity, you won't have to stay near shitskins.

Doesn't he love Israel?

Since when? Everytime I've heard of him he's been described as far left, while the lega nord guy is far right

From what I've seen Beppe Grillo is most likely to win of all the anti establishment candidates (And of all of them tbh). He's not the best. But he is a thorn in the EU's Side. I'm not Italian though.

We must now plant out next step of our masterplan.
The 5 Star Movement is the most internet-wise party out there, it would be easier for our memes to reach them for they even have their own forums somewhere. Being already anti-establishment as well as many of its voters originating from the 'question authority' hippy side, it might be possible to redpill them or move them towards that with meme magic.

Holla Forums here, and im actually really felice about that result

based spaghetti bros!

Salvini is better by far but he can't win.

Kill yourself and fuck off

the italian right is shit, and everyone hates their guts
deal with it, faggott

Why are you happy? Isnt it your master plan to destroy all european peoples. Isnt a leftist multicultural dictatorship like the EU your wet dream

Grillo is a shitbag, but the idea is to get rid of the EU at any cost. "5 star" are fuckups, they will never rule. anything is better than the One World Government, NWO gang of Jews grinning up their sleeves and slamming anyone who can't repay with "austerity."

The miracle is that a bullet hasn't found Merkel's head between the greeks, Italians, and everyone else she and her kosher gang have fucked over.

I don't give a shit about the Italian right, I want you disgusting piece of commie leftypol shit to leave our board

Is this like when the commies won in greece and then destroyed the country

Baby steps. Ideological purity doesn't matter in Europe right now. What matters is whether or not the governments will leave he EU.

So, in effect, you want people do indulge in hedonism? I.e., promote them dressing whorishly and engaging in sexual intercourse without the desire to procreate?

fucko, ever seen the bumper sticker "fuck you hippie, you ARE the system?" You had a nigger running the US for 8 years, niggers and leftists up and down. What did it get you, but the complete destruction of the US middle class?

You aren't edgy or "Radical" anymore. YOU and your kosher kin are the enemy now.

why do you even come here and why do you out yourself you dunce.

I'm late to the party I was in bed with a nasty fever all day, what did I miss? From what I've gathered there was a referendum on whether to abolish the 'house of representatives?' And it didn't pass, this is causing asspain for reasons?

hmm but are the 5 star guys truly commies or just anti establishment? And what is their stance on refugee scum?


it would have given huge amounts of control to the leftist in charge of Italy. Because it failed he will resign, meaning one of the opposition leaders who is anti EU will become prez and this makes an italian EU exit possible

Yes. I have a fucking pulse and a dick and I like to get laid. you, it seems, can't get a piece of ass and try to somehow turn that into a virtue. Yes, absolutely, it's nice to walk around a Christmas market in Europe and girl watch and even nicer to get laid. If you don't agree, either you are queer or obese and couldn't get laid anyway.
Hate how /R9k/ finds it's way into here more and more. Wanting to get fucked doesn't make you degenerate, it makes you a human being.

lel the funny thing is Holla Forums was founded by the fags who hated being disagreed with because they can't defend their dumb shit in the slightest.

This. Nothing wrong with getting you dick sucked by a pretty girl

I'm not sure if we can trust that Grillo guy

It does if you're not in a brothel or it isn't your wife. I'm not against brothels in a society, but I am against just people doing something willy-nilly.

No, you're just a degenerate hednost engaging in the very practices that are contributing to the death of our civilisation. If you're so enamored by acting like a nigger and pumping and dumping a bunch of whores, then you should probably fuck off back to cuckchan.


What other choice do we have? Grillo wants out of the EU and Salvini and the Lega Nord are rather unlikely to win.

hmm seems okay so far, but what's his opinion on rapefugees?

I don't see the big deal.

So he's not a Fascist. At least he wants Italy to rule Italy. He's not an internationalist Communist.

I'll take him over globalist scum any day

Don't know what the fuck that "de-growth" thing is though.

Sounds like utopian bullshit, but honestly nobody should vote right wing if it also means voting globalist. EU needs to die before any vote can have meaningful change in that country (speaking as a non-Italian)

It's the opposite to the "hot economy", i.e. consumerism and debt all over the place. It's mostly environmentalist economics.

He's not perfect by any means, but he's populist and anti-EU.

Lega nord is anti EU and rapefugees tho

Can I get a Sauce on that quote?

Does he have a hope of winning?

no one with that many citations can be bad


Immigrants, Italy? No thanks

>Italy finds itself between a rock and a hard place for the immigrant crisis and Europe is just sitting and watching. The ‘rock’ is the and the Lega was also happy with it at the time but now it’s pretending to have forgotten about that. The effects of the regulation are devastating for those countries of the EU that have a Mediterranean coastline as the migration flows are coming from the South and also from the East. No boat is travelling round Europe to land in Sweden or Germany. The migration flows are concentrated on Italy where the recognition of the status of political refugee takes many months or even years if an appeal is lodged and the undocumented migrants are well aware of this. The countries of northern Europe are the beneficiaries of this situation, while Italy, even thanks to faint-hearted ministers like Alfano and Gentiloni, is paying the consequences.

>When you cannot understand the reason for a paradoxical situation it means that there is a reason that no one wants to tackle. And the reason is that immigration is a business, and Rome is just the tip of the iceberg "Do you have any idea how much they make out of the immigrants? They don’t make as much out of drug trafficking". Salvatore Buzzi, Mafiacapitale.

no idea mane, but I kinda like them more over the five star guys


whats going on? did we win?

Seems alright, but why do they hate each other so much then? It seems as if they've got similar goals

Look at these losers.


Some of the posters that Lega Nord places everywhere

Don't ever think that we "won'' this early.

Not until the EU is a thing spoken of only in history books and its puppeteers a thing of the past will we be even close to a win

But there has a been victory today, yes.

Thank you

Grillo holds some left social views. Looks like he also favors integrating environmentalism into the economy.

seems pretty based

We Won and were planing our next step. Read starting at Down


Seig Heil


I read he's pro fag marriage too. I think Lega Nord are more to our liking

Pretty based tbh.

Just because someone is 'liberal' or 'left' doesn't mean they're a progressive dingbat

Hollande is already out for all intents and purposes. He's not going to seek reelection.

Merkel is seeking a 4th term. Are Germans cucked enough to allow it?

So this means there will be an election and maybe a referendum on the Euro after the election?

But What chance dose Lega Nord have of Winning? Beppe Grillo seems to be the Favorite in the running and if we take to much from him some EU agent could take it.


Germans are sheep, they will keep voting for Merkel until she dies. Germans will always obey their leader because they are untermensch slaves.

I'm seriously concerned it might be the case, the alternative will probably end up to be motherfucking Martin (((Schultz))) and I don't expect the Germans to be uncucked enough yet to vote AFD

Until the nation actually exits, I don't think it's beneficial to create infighting by focusing too much on ideological purity. The question is who has the best chance to provide a path forward.


Yes, they are. Don't EVER place your faith in the post-war Kraut. They're a dangerous, backstabbing, nihilistic people. They should not be considered white by any means. It should very literally be assumed there is a big fat non-white nation in the middle of Europe.


Hmm, you might be right but Lega Nord should have a couple of seats in parliament too



AFD is controlled (((opposition)))

They get their funds from the same people that support the CDU (Merkels party)

Beppe Grillo is the Italian George Carlin. If he ever got fed up with comedic commentary and sought to make a difference himself. He is charismatic, likeable and it is hard to deny he's right when he rants against the system. Grillo is a meme machine.

However his party is a mess, filled with cancer and bullshit. No style, no efficacy, don't expect them coming up with any big idea after bringing the house down. Some of his people are redpilled, others are basically conspiracy theorists.

Grillo is also the last chance for a normal reform before we call up our own Golden Dawn.

Denazification seriously fucked us up… I don't want Schultz or Merkel to be PM, save us pls ;_;

You are right. Post-war west Germans are absolute human trash. East Germans are alright though, they are the only hope for a revolution starting there.

He looks like Sam Hyde's Evil Jewish Half Brother.

It was also part of Berlusconi's government before which had issues with corruption.

Are there any Italanons here that could enlighten us?

who /lombardy/ here?

Exactly what I'm talking about, I couldn't stand to see this guy in office

Is Lega Nord your Golden Dawn?

I wish we had more Italianons to shed some light on the situation.

Nevermind, here one comes to the rescue. Can he win and schedule a referendum?

I expected this tbh, we're seriously going to need a putsch if this shit goes on

what's going on with the greek golden dawn anyway? I haven't heard anything about them for some time, how are their chances for the next election?

Honestly the only thing you can do is have many German children. That way you can at least have a higher chance of recovering from denazification. You can vote AFD, but at this point, how much good is that even going to do? I don't expect much.


Italy votes NO

I don't think you faggots realise just how important this is. BREXIT was coming under increasing attack both in Britain with kikes and traitors pretending the British public were voting for something other than BREXIT (they didn't want to leave the single market, they just wanted to make their own laws. They had no problems with laws from Brussels, it was just about immigration. It wasn't about immigration at all, Brits aren't racist; it was about low unemployment and was a protest vote against Brussels). The EU was pushing their 'Perfidious Albion' line, saying how; Britain never really fit in with the EU and that their loss is to be expected; and who cares anyway? They're just a bunch of irrelevant racist island dwellers!

With Italy following in suit it becomes obvious to all that this problem is not just going to go away. They are not going to be able to pretend BREXIT was about something else, they are not going to be able to blame it on 'racist nationalists who always hated the continent'. The attack grows so much fiercer due to this.

Glory to Italy! We Brits might just have to do something special to thank you guys; maybe we'll build you a nice big tower that actually stands up straight. Sound good?

This may be interesting to the Conversation of "Who to back" Grillo Vs. Salvini

We must make haste to help them. Their Fuhress has a butch thing going on, but is nonetheless a qt3.14.

Is there proof of this? Petry Did Nothing Wrong.

One of their MP's was attacked, rallies, Trump excitement, I'm assuming the leadership is off house arrest by now.

Salvini > Grillo but I wouldn't be sad to see Grillo either


this is good, but I'd like to talk a ritalin and stay up editing the picture of the guy cleaning his weapon on his bed and replace the merchant pics with politicians gone so far and the ones left.

All dem try-hards with their suit 'n' ties; and then Mr Hairy-Chest Open-Collar and Mr.Green T-Shirt Neckbeard. Love it.

Yes she did. She cut her hair.

Her detractors are in denial about the EU connection:



I have to agree. Women, don't do this please.

Thank you

Also this Character Alfano is interesting. His "Popular Area" is a new party but it looks like it is affilated with Merkel's CDU and very very pro EU. We must not forget about them as enemies.

she an average looking woman. marriage age german women do not look very girly.

Would be pretty cool but I read that they hate each others guts, even though I don't understand why

Good job. Fuck Austria. Italy is more important anyway.

Thank god you stopped those Austrian retards from halting this momentum.

Thank you from America.

we really can't do much unless the Germans/people who have lived there are willing to give help (which they are going to be scared shitless to do, even with VPNs or Tor since the Jews are cracking down).

Unless you really know the culture and language, it's almost impossible to do memes correctly. Also, Petry needs a teeth whitening and to dump the dyke haircut and tone up a bit before we could make her into anything like a Marion.

renzi oddly looks like bill clinton

It will depend where you are in Italy. Lega has no chance in the south.

he looks like a movie villain

fuck that, she's a doll. But you're right, anglosphere can't help much with meme magic due to culture and language barricade. Hopefully the Germans learn from exposure to us.

So, are we winning right now? What's going on? Is the referendum today?

No, the Northern League's original goal was secession light and they failed to get home any results even during Berlusconi's governments over a decade. The italian right wing is immensely cucked, Silvio being a terminal case of someone who is given absolute power to change everything, because no less is necessary to break the stalemate, but fails to do so because he's too worried with image and consensus.

Not only the northern league, but the entire right wing in Italy needs to be reborn into something new.

We Won Already. We are planning for the coming Election now. Read from on

Thank you.

She's not "ugly," bu the short hair/tomboy body thing doesn't work. She's not a Trump, he's even as charismatic as Marine Le Pen. She needs to get whoever does Natalia's hair and makeup. she probably can't get a good faggot hairdresser because just being associated with her would kill their business.

I could translate some meme ideas into German, but I don't even understand why they had to choose a woman. I don't trust them in governance. They're biologically controlled by emotion not by rationality

I keep hearing different stories of winning and losing so it's getting hard to tell what's true but it does confirm that disinfo is swarming about.

I'd go with Grillo. He and his party have a good chance; I don't see a real path forward for Salvini. Plus Grillo's name is easily meme-able.

i don't believe "ritalin" counts as either a cigarette or alcohol. Last I checked it was in the ampethamine family.

gee I wonder which candidate we should choose

I would tap that.

Alfano is a center politician, once associated with Berlusconi's government and the defense of family values. After the EU coup that took down Berlusconi and lead to Monti's collaborationist regime, later progressed into Renzi's, he morphed into the scary caricature of a dirty cop. Alfano's job is to enforce that replacement immigration becomes reality that we like it or not: italians are thrown in jail, if they push back against the government resettling rapefugees inside their towns and even homes (they passed a law where unoccupied buildings are to be used for immigration purposes).

Why cant I find a thread on the Austria bullshit?

El faggot enablaro

So Alfano is as Evil as he looks.

I think we need some pasta gondolas.

Forgive me for thinking that regaining sovereignty is a more pressing issue than obvious exploitable fracture points.



Trips confirm.

EU is over. Sieg heil!


Why can't they just work together? If they hate eachother there must be a reason, which must be on a social issue level since their policies aren't so different. Which means they must be cucked in some regard

Grillo gets the same kind of full spectrum opposition as Trump, neither the left or the right wishes to associate with him. So he won't get the same kind of absolute majority that Berlusconi used to (not that he had made anything out of it).

Italy is not unlike Cuba, our left has been living in a bubble for generations and nothing could ever be done to de-hypnotize their drones. When the 100% leftist controlled media declared Grillo a persona non grata overnight, they swallowed it whole and ever since he's a clown or a demon.

He's okay but I wouldn't get too excited over a kike

So much for the North voting "Si"

The mass media gets it wrong, again!

Is there any Italian salt? I don't know the language well enough to find it

We won Italy, but probably lost Austria


Man I feel bad for them aussie cunts


Nice try, pal.
You got dubs though

So where is the Austria thread?

There could be Forza Nuova as Golden Dawn, but it's too fucking weak.

did any province even vote "yes"?

I'm not ya pal, m8

So who has the best chance to both win and call for a referendum?

Hoffer lost. There must be something in the catalog.

That pic makes me sad

I'm not your m8, bud

I'm not ya bud, Satan.

This guy doesn't get it. The old labels don't matter

Yeah a max of 200.000 votes in a country of 60.000.000 is not near enough to win anything.

Its the capitalist oligarchy that pushes for mass new worker influx, your precious entrepreneur "hard working" porky is destroying Europe, not us.

Get with the times, Globalists.

Grillo by far

I don't know why they won't, but I do know that a regional party stands no chance to gain the presidency.

I think we should start pointing what year it is..

Holla Forums I…

It's a shame, really.
And nowadays you don't just gather enough people to march on Rome again.

You thinking flooding Europe with illiterate shitskins is because of "capitalism"? The human garbage pouring into our countries have zero job skills. All they do is collect welfare and rape people.

One day Holla Forums will have to figure out the motivation is not financial but ideological for why Israel wants to dump their unwanted shitskins neighbors in the West.

Even harder or did he just give up in the face of corruption?

what race is he Holla Forums?

Alright but to be fair it's not like your policies wouldn't completely destroy Europe and its history so indirectly, whether you see it this way or not, you are destroying Europe

Reminds me of the reddit cap that mentions shilling 4chan by making them aware of "class consciousness" Hope they're not here now but glad they're easy to catch.

Congrats Italy on winning the referendum. As an ignorant burger, can someone explain what the most likely outcome is from the vote today is? I get that the PM promised to resign but what are the most probable things that will happen in the immediate aftermath?

I had a long argument with some dude that was saying "it has nothing to do with the Jews, it's muh cheap labor"

He conceded extremely early, and I haven't been paying attention since then.




Better than growing up with your own currency only to have it replaced with monopoly money after a lifetime.



top kek, you can just feel the university lefty and pubertal teen reeking from that term

Who else can they import, martians? They take whats available.

And even if its true, the numbers of muslims that will be moved are still low.

I'm sure there's some reason to ignore how crooked all the noses of the elite are for libshits though.

Elections, finally.
But personally, I won't expect anything better after that. No matter who will win.

We musn't lose sight of what's truly important in all this, for if we do we would have lost sight of all our motivations and aspirations, and our goals will follow. Then we'll be no better than the people we set out to destroy. Heres to victory, then.

Whats the score here goombah anons? Did we win and strike a blow against globalism?

please tell me you wop anons pulled through. iv being doing an occult ceremony involving lay lines to send you druidic nationalistic earth current energy from the UK.


Yeah, because owning the means of production would be so bad for you. Reminder, sjw work is anti OWS ops, not leftism.

They ignored it with their own leaders since always, they're dumb goyim falling for the kikes own ideology, no wonder they aren't able to see them

Is the most likely candidate to win the elections anti-immigrant and anti-EU? I'm completely ignorant on Italian politics, but this wouldn't be a great victory if the next PM is a copy of the guy who just resigned?

Don't want to be a downer, I just saw how the Austrian election went today and hope it can be different for Italy.


They're not allowed to work in a lot of places under the current laws. They are a massive drain and will never be anything else. Everyone knows this. Do you understand how retarded you are?

Yes he is or As the (((Media))) like to portray him His name is Beppe Grillo. He's far from perfect. But, he wants out.

Hail Victory

Named Beppe Grillo. Hobbits are very good at cooking over open fires.


"I'm the future billionaire and thats why rich dont have to pay taxes" mentality is present widely in poor people. Of course they need touch with reality.

Awesome, godspeed Italybros. I hope you can get this man elected.

I read somewhere that the President of Italy can appoint an interim replacement for the PM until the 2018 elections – is that news correct, or will there be an immediate election following Rienzi's resignation to choose a new PM?

He's also a moderate environmentalist. The LOTR memes we could make with this guy are nearly limitless.

Man has some really nice hair, for a hobbit.

how about you take your retarded kiked up commie pipe dreams back to your own board before Santa endows you with a free helicopter ride for Christmas

Right here and now? Yes.
But wait for the media to brainwash more on the subject before the elections.

Just to let you know the Yes front has lost because Renzi promised to resign if it would have lose. This is what was pushed down our throats from the beginning. Not the content of the Referendum itself, that was a side note.

So are women, but they still were pushed into a job market. Bad worker still pushes wages down.

Sounds like you got a real problem on your hands then. This isn't about SJW's anymore. This is about the survival of our fucking nations, cultures, families, and children.

You leftists took a fat shit on the people you supposedly represented. I mean, here you are, on Holla Forums, trying to win over people who completely despise your very existence. You might want to cleanse yourself ALOT if you ever hope to have a "real'' left-wing.

If you really want to win people over, I'd highly suggest that you add nationalism and social conservatism to your class awareness. If you leftists did that, you would be far more likely to win people over. But don't worry, that won't happen, and you'll continue to lose, and communism will die as an idea as more time passes.

Gotta look yer finest fer events, Mr. user.

It's illegal for them to be gainfully employed. They are not even in the labor pool, dumb ass.

communism has to be routed out like the cancer that it is

Open borders for capital was the capitalist invention. Now it was extended to people. You have problems too, better stick to Soc in NatSoc.

HAhahaah look at this faggot still going.

Immigration in the UK (and I believe all over the EU but I haven't checked) is a net loss. That means any capitalist would be against it.

Any capitalist who would be for immigration would want, what the UKIP types want; a 'points' system where you can find the people you want with the skills you want and let them in, and they can make you a shit ton of money, whilst the disabled, elderly, lazy and stupid would stay irrelevant in their home nations.

So socialists/democrats will own the means of production eh? Do you as a member of a democratic nation own the police force? How about the military? Do you own the public services like transport or health care?

You don't own anything. Your opinion is fucking irrelevant. You have a better chance of owning things when you can start up your own private company and institute whatever ideas you want into it. That way you actually DO own the means of production; you just have to be fucking competent to get to that point. Is that such a bad thing? Have you not seen what incompetency does to businesses? Just look at the astronomical losses of companies like Gawker? Do you want people like that to have a say in YOUR business?

You people are fucking ridiculous. How do you remain so oblivious to the truth? How long can you believe in subjectivism before actual facts bring reality crushing down on you? How fucking brainwashed are you?!

You have no problem with migrants or destroying national borders

No working class person ever thinks they will be a billionair you reek of upper class college kid

Oh man, I wish I could employ you for a week. If you don't get the Russians tossing wrenches at you I probably would start tossing the file cabinet drawers.

Whos the blind here.

Take it you won then lads?
Well done i miei amici italiani, based goombahs tbh

These are the best, haven't worked a day in their life, everything they ever wanted was given to them without question, never having financial problems except for spending too much money on weed suddenly understanding the plight of the poor man

I really hate it when the bourgeoisie pretends to understand the working class. Don't you?

I believe the correct term is "Italeave."

we already settled on spaghexit, user, get on with the times

Great. Remember that. All of you.

Out of arguments?

He didn't have a leg to stand on in the first place.

The international banks are in power you deluded fuck. Their goal is not primarily to make money, it is to have power. They were the bolsheviks and they were wall street. They will play any and all sides to have power; they will put their minions in positions where they can influence others like the media, government and educational bodies. They will do whatever they can to diminish the strength of others; they will push atheism, homosexuality, 'guilt', pornography, materialism, multiculturalism, immigration and yes, in the most dire of times they'll even push nationalism if it means they can get two of their enemies to go to war with one-another.

They are a parasite. They don't give a fuck about anything except their own survival; they don't believe in anything, they are the original subjectivists. They will do everything and anything to survive, and that means they will eternally try to weaken everyone else in every way that they can. They will undermine our family, our faith, our culture, our blood and our history. They hate us because they fear that if they do not destroy us, we will destroy them. They do not want to co-exist, they want to get us before we can get them. They are the enemy of all mankind.

They are the jews. Welcome to Holla Forums.

confirmed for water lego

But that was it. The poor pollacks got that they wont be rich. Job accomplished. Now act in your (poor person) interest, not dream "how to make some (not you) rich richer".

he acts as if he's some kind if missionary of revolutionary eye opening thoughts

Christ almighty, go back to your gated community and cut your internet line.

You really don't understand us one bit. I'm sorry to disappoint, but we're not like your cuckservative dad.

He's not even trying. He parrots like one stereotypical left-wing argument.

Yay at least you admited your "loads of money" entrepreneur heroes are jews too, and you wont want to work for them becase that means working for jews.

lol who do you think we are? Do you feel in charge?

Do you not understand the difference between production and parasitism?

okay dude you need to browse Holla Forums some more.

We don't give a shit about capitalism, in fact, most of us are National Socialists, Fascists, etc. We don't care about capitalism. I mean, if a white man can work his way up to the top, and serve his people's interests, good for him. But it doesn't matter really.

We care about white people, white culture, the future of civilization. Oh, and we also care about the white working class. I know you marxist rats certainly don't.


Sometimes I wonder if these people actually believe that prosperity is wrong; that we all deserve to go without, and to suffer. Seems like some kind of warped misunderstanding of 'original sin' that is mixed with the multi-culti-atheist-ideology that results in them truly believing that any form of genuine success is evil and is against 'the people'. Presumably in their minds it follows that if no one ever did anything, everything would be perfect and everyone would live in abundance.

Subjectivism is one hell of a drug. You can just make up shit and state that is how the world works and damn the facts and reality and everything else.

Not all of us user! Only the goyim :^)

I will never go unless they need me to bring arms or they free themselves. I was kept out for being white on vacation while african and muslims were being given asylum.

I wanted to get clarification from an user who understands Italian politics because I definitely don't.

It's my understanding the next PM elections were supposed to be in 2018 had the current guy not resigned. Because he resigned today, will there be immediate elections to replace him, or can the President appoint an interim PM (not voted on by the people) to fill his spot until the elections in 2018?

There ought to be elections. The alternative is the ruling parties don't call for an election, but the result would be beyond lame duck (as I understand it).

I'm not Italian, but this is generally how parliament works.

I can't understand their thought process; it's too disjointed. I know what they believe, but I can't wrap my head around why they believe such lunacy.



Year of the Fire cock, here we come!

This is good

Why is a literal commedian on the left that had a female mayor portraited on the italian thread?

Shouldn't want the closest thing to a fascist, aka fucking Salvini?

Added some things. Anyone feel free to change and add whatever was missed

Also, why in the fuck people are going "he can't win"?
We have fucking Kek on our side, have faith you heretics.

There are obviously limits to what we can meme into reality. For example, no amount of shitposting could help David Duke win his senatorial race. We have to choose candidates that push the boundary but are realistic options.

I'm not Italian though, so we'll need their input on whether Salvini or Grillo has the best shot at winning his election.

I am italian and I am telling you while Grillo have some right ideas he's a fucking bitch.
Hell there is the whole issue with his goons rewriting a shitload of signatures, they even tried to sue people bringing into light this shit.

What is the point trying to meme a piece of shit into power?
Fuck that, I'd rather lose with Salvini than win with Grillo.

Sorry, no, we need a 2nd wall

fuck off shill


Why are (((Brits))) the biggest fucking assholes on the planet? Just about every comment I see on the Web bashing Europeans are them. Seems like every other European can get along and have great banter then comes along the Eternal Anglo to ruin everything and take things way too far and ruin the damn mood and get everyone fighting

It's like you dont want to conquer the earth or something

Well, I'm convinced. I haven't the slightest clue on how to go about shitposting about him since I know almost nothing about him. Correct me where I'm wrong.

>Potential separatism
>I'm assuming pasta


Bring more information. We need to get past the language barrier somehow.

I dont wanna be d/c but i thought i was the only one who noticed that, they also seem to be the first ones to dismiss a white nation as non white such as the southern european countries or the white diaspora in Argentina and Brazil
They can be cunts, i dont care, but they have to direct it at the real enemy

I might not be italian but something something tells me a party named Northern League wont get votes outside of the North like a Dixie Autonomy party wouldnt get much outside of Dixie in burgerland.
Salvini does look like a legit nationalist though while Grillo is more like your average politician but wants Italy out of the EU

Underrated post.

Underposted rate.


That's rich coming from the board that bans every dissenting opinion.


Dr Jill Stein intends to ask for a RECOUNT on the Italian Referendum.. She has set up a crowd sourcing site to help get this done. Goal is $20M.

No REFUNDS ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

you guys voted in your supposed nazi party and they did nothing

He has a truly great name. I really wish his party wasn't so retarded.

That image is very outdated, Lega Nord is probably the biggest right-wing party in Italy right now. Do not trust Grillo, he may sound good with all his anti-EU stuff but he's basically left leaning and the party members are a bunch of incompetent and hypocritical fucks.

what? that doesnt even make sense. You bring nothing to the table outside of economic matters. Everyone is talking about culture religion and races and you dipshits are rambling on about rich people. Communists honestly believe that all anyone in the world has ever cared about is money at it is fucking amazing to me, so when people talk about other things you crudely try and shoehorn in some sort of weird labor oppressor dynamic that fits your worldview. Most of us dont want musliums or blacks around because we have to compete with them for jobs we want them gone because they are different races and religions. If they were Germans I wouldnt give a shit. Which is why you come off to real working class people as weird fucking robots and you are easy to spot from a mile away.

Holy shit the elites are gassing themselves!

Karl Marx was a total retard who made a retarded ideology that only seems good to upperclass rich kids who came from a super materialistic environment themselves. Marx look at the history of the world the whole world all the religious wars ethnic conflict culture clashes and everything else and decide the only motivating factor for all mankind was the exchange of wealth. Given his assumption its no wonder children of upper class family's who come from materialistic environments are drawn to Marxism because there lives were dominated by wealth and nothing else. Its also why they simply cannot understand why anyone would care about anything outside of their wealth, they cannot fathom why someone would love a nation because they are rootless, or why someone would be religious because it means nothing to them. They dont understand and do not care to understand what the working class cares about.


See if you can make a sort of confederation with Golden Dawn.

Did we win or no?

Im pretty sure it was a kike invention, marketable to the left and the right

Renzi resigned


What was this about, Italy leaving the EU? Sorry, I haven't been paying attention latley.

If someone like 5-Star got into power, likely. This is all about the deathblow to those who once claimed to be anti-establishment, but were still little good goy EU supporters.

We had a referendum on a constitutional reform, NO won, Renzi the eurocuck resigned. We're now deciding whether to support Grillo or Salvini. I prefer Salvini by far.

What was the constitutional reform about?

Well.. he just said he is a traitor to Germany.
Germans are cool with this kind of zionist shit heads?

Basically they wanted to abolish the Senate (it would have actually become a puppet) and give much more power to the government.

The dickpotato of Italy got screwed over and now won't be able to ultracuck everything

Thanks, user.

No problem brah

Dick potato of Italy BTFO.

You disappoint me. You don't understand National Socialism.
You can't wedge your ideology in with us just because we both tend to agree that letting companies hire illegals for slave labor is wrong. Of course it's wrong. I despise that it's going on. In America, we have good laws that are meant to protect American integrity, jobs, culture, people, and industry. The problem is that nobody enforces it anymore due to corruption. Where we differ is that when things aren't going your way, you throw a tantrum and want to remove the economic question entirely. You don't want to fix anything.
By fixing I mean remove the corruption, enforce the law, get the banks off our backs, and issue state currency based on labor. If this is in place, anyone within our borders can work as much as they like for pay equal to the value of their work. That is National Socialism. It frees our people from (((banks))), ((("evil capitalists"))), and (((corrupt))) government. In everything we do we ask, "Is this good for our country? Is this good for our people?" Remove the "no" and encourage the "yes" and you have NatSoc, which promotes a thriving people and nation. Isn't this what everyone wants?
Your socialism on the other hand just breaks everything for the same reasons. Instead of freeing people to work and earn as they please and uniting all classes under the idea of the nation, everyone is forced to work for the state as one slave class under one heel with no nation.
In our socialism the people take precedence. In yours only the state does, and the people are assets to be used to feed the machine. Don't you see the irony?
The difference is Hitler never stole from the rich to give to the poor. He simply asked every German to help. He gave Germans pride in being German and restored their honor. He promoted a strong connection between them so everyone would work to Make Germany Great Again.

Quality post.

Expansion of power.

5 star post my dude

What does it mean?


i saw some user said quitaly

No one wants your pan-European faggotry


Renzi has been the third "interim" PM in a row we've had so far, as in nominated by the president.

Oy vey goyim, pay us kikes your hard earned monies so we can spend it on the poor oil and banking class in corporate welfare and fund wars for isreal

We promise the rest will go to poor people.

Because they start with a wrong premise: Everyone is equal. Therefore if there's any inequality it means there is injustice, if someone succeeds it is only by oppressing someone else, not by their own work or by being biologically better at succeeding.

Here's what I have so far. Might come back and do portraits later.

oops, missed one flag

Anyone here are a member of based Casapound? For what i have seen they seem really based and redpilled

Sadly… Barring a miracle, she'll win again. The good thing is she recently announced she'd be deporting 100k rapefugees, so at least it's clear such statements get votes now. Overton window going back.

This tbh fam.

You gotta be the change you want to see in the world man.


I think you're spot on, user.

In a sense, the lack of religion is the problem of those rich kids. White people have overdeveloped empathy compared to other races, we do after all long to sacrifice or dedicate our lives to something greater than ourselves. Thus, the atheist or irreligious sorry cunt is quick to gobble up marxist propaganda and think "hurr, what's the best thing I can do for my fellow man? I know! I want errbody to be as rich and privileged as I am!"

Come on now, user.
I agree with the rest of your post, but not that part. He did privatize a lot of Jew-owned business or told them to fuck off to concentration camps and took their wealth.
Wether the holocaust happened or not, he did take those people's riches for the state.
He needed capital, it had to come from somewhere.

That's not it at all, Holla Forums
Poor people work very hard for what they own, and they support the idea of personal ownership BECAUSE of that.
If you tax the wealthy & take their shekels, then you also, by this action, claim the "right" to steal the shekels of the poor…those poor are denying you that "right" because they know damn well you will use it against them in the future.
And the poor do NOT want your goddam charity…and they certainly don't want it when you steal that charity money from others.

The economy can be set up to more functionally distribute wealth among the citizens, it doesn't need taxation & it doesn't need YOU.
Trump is about to push the policies that will increase wages and undermine the methods by which the wealthy keep wages stagnant or dropping, I would think that you would support his efforts…that is, if you REALLY give a flying fuck about rebuilding the middle class and opening up opportunity for the lower class.

But the idea of stealing shekels from some citizens to hand them over, as charity, to other citizens is demeaning to the struggling classes and also undermines the right to own property and money by those same individuals…of course they won't support you, who the hell do you think you are?

Most of Hitler's capital originally came from borrowing it from Jew banks.
He later originated his money from the state, which is probably the REAL reason war was declared against him.
After all, nobody really cared if he took back the German land that had been annexed for Poland…the Soviets invaded Poland & stole land that they had no claim on at all, and nobody declared war on THEM, did they?

When the banking kikes see a threat to their origination of the world's shekels, they use their cronies in government to punish and beat down the threatening country with war.
And if there's anything a Jew knows, it's that you can always manufacture an excuse for war…with anybody at all…


Latium and Tuscany must have had.

Can any Eurofags tell me about rapefugees teeth?

Some of them used to have really great teeth and I'm wondering if they still do.

Confused, did italy leave the EU?

In Trentino-Alto Adige, Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany YES won, but by a little margin. In the rest of Italy YES was basically BTFO

Luxury of not having the sugarjew peddle their shit in all of their food and drinks. Same reason why nigger tribes have pretty good teeth despite having monkey tier methods of cleaning them, if even.

No, but it's one step closer to doing so.

What if I told you sugarjew was a sugarjew?

Non-mixed people have skeletal structures where everything fits together nicely. You'll find the same thing in India.
In places where even slightly different ethnicities have been miscegenating, you'll see crooked teeth due to the teeth not matching the skulls, lower jaws that are too large or too small for the upper jaws, and a need for glasses as the eyes slightly mismatch the eye sockets, causing malformation of the orb.

Look at British teeth, for example. And the only reason American teeth are better is due to better access to orthodontics.

The U.S. is a good example…in regions where genetic types remained relatively isolated within communities, teeth are straight, everything tends to fit, the people are more handsome.
But in the mishmash of the Northeast, where every different kindred from Europe settled & interacted, teeth are a mess in most cases.

Miscegenation is NOT good for the offspring, not in the least.

While we lost the presidential election in Austria the president is just a figure head. The real chancellor election is September 2018. We hope Strache will pull through

Will be watching with anticipation.
Good luck.

A single generation is plenty enough time for malocclusion to occur, but it doesn't happen at conception. It happens through the course of the pregnancy and over the course of childhood.

The key factor here being, that they have nutrients and we do not.

Are you suggesting the Brits & Americans are lacking nutrients?
The problem with crooked teeth occurred in the U.S. & Britain long before the advent of processed, industrial foods.

This thing about teeth and eye sockets is bullshit. East Asians are both genetically homogeneous and have crooked teeth. Not to mention that there has been a boom in myopia going on since the 1970s, and going on much faster than what would be predicted by genetic change.

Just take a look at it.

Italy and Netherlands have good chances, France need some major happening, like the communists being 2nd or something.


all this "muh Germany doesn't do babbys"

I'm fucking 24, I don't plan to get 10 women to shit out babies, because they wouldn't be paid for by the regime, like the roachspawns are.

Also, like anyone who has some sort of brain capability, I like to plan ahead and even if I was in an age to produce kids I probably wouldn't in this country.

Born at just the right time lads.

Jesus, can anything cause this shithole system to fail?

Actually, east Asians are as ethnically interbred as Brits are.
You seem to think that everyone with slanty eyes are all from the same ethnicity…orientals will vehemently tell you that is NOT the case.

Still plenty of German women in the U.S., user.

Could 2016 get better? I don't want it to end, ever.

You forgot, "U.S.A. deports all Mestizos from Mexico."
A nice dream…

It's nice how leftists always project.

Shrinking jaw size and the problems associated with that is likely tied to diet. We're basically eating processed baby food for our whole life in the western world, when our ancestors ate food that actually required them to use their jaw muscles.

Tuscany, Reggio-Emilia and Trentino. All cucked, it didn't surprise anyone.

The South overwhelmingly (70%) voted No.

gee, I wonder why.

I always thought about learning to brew a good beer or bake some quality bread, since I imagine these things sell everywhere and provide a more or less comfortable living.

Now, to go by least uncucked states according to Trumpvotes, I'll have to go to Wyoming, Oklahoma or Texas.

muh free weed really seems to cultivate cuck culture

Doubled Triples!
KEK appears to speak!

KEK appears, KEK blesses

Dude go to Wyoming land is cheap as fuck $500/acre.

God speed Italy, and god speed Europa.


Whereas Salvini IS the perfect choice but instead of helping him out, /italia/nons are being faggots and giving their vote to some unfunny comedian instead of the next RWDS general.

Just look at the fucking bantz

Some Italos confirmed that Renzi, Clinton and Trudeau are basically from the same batch of cloned insufferable leftist cunts

The South will vote mainline parties no matter what, but it's the Northern and Central vote that actually matters. If you were to create an anti-EU Lega Sud tier party, they'd probably dominate the Italian political landscape.

Don't let that fool you, the South is poz'd to hell and back, they just hate the current govt and made this referendum more about telling the PM to sod off

I want to know Salvini program, why the fuck he went to Israel some months ago and what he wants to do about the South.I will not accept any kind of separation: not the South, not Venice, not Trentino, not Aosta. I will gladly genocide the population of those places and substitute them with other italians before i see Italy split up again. More than one fucking thousand year of separation with multiple figures saying how fucking stupid and bad was to keep being separated entities while we got buttfucked by every two pennies country with a national military and people still can't fucking understand.

Yeah fam shes is a qt3.14.

Wait so Hofer lost? was he the guy Holla Forums was supporting? I dont know anything about NZ politics

Oy vey shut it down

I like Salvini but, What chance of winning dose Salvini have with his 4% of the vote?

The problem with people like you is that you don't seem to understand the societal effects the ((sexual revolution)) has had on relationships and how we view them as. What you describe didn't used to be the norm, what you're shilling for isn't the norm in a western society, it's not what we ultimately want.

Think of it this way, would you like your daughter to dress like a whore so that other men would see her and want to fuck her, or would you like her to stay exclusive to one man and raise a family? It's a good test to see if you're a hypocrite or not.

He looks like he has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.


Salvini is a well known sellout in Italy, that's why he's unpopular even though what he 'currently' says is right. He's an ex-socialist of the marxist kind who found a better political career by filling the missing right wing niche in Italy. His party is corrupted as much as Renzi's, personally can only remember his party used to buy diamonds with tax payer's money.

nude pics of her exist. I expect them to erupt in MSM sometime before the election.

sounds good.

what about gun laws there?

I wanna walk around with two loaded colts and a foldable shotgun

I don't know if you'll agree with me, but a bit of fucking around in younger years isn't all that bad.

If a girl gets her heart broken by some chad, she'll value a steady relationship more.
And if user gets laid with shallow bitches, it's because they are shallow bitches and he'll get bored of this sooner or later.

That said, fuck coalburners.

You forgot that humans are genetically monogamous. Our brains go haywire and regions dedicated to love and some other emotional stuff decrease enourmously upon promiscuity.

I fucking love science. And evolution. And Mother Nature.

Nothing you said is morally acceptable. Nobody should ever strive for mediocrity.

Is there a hope?

I disagree. Weed makes some people cucks, others harder and less cucked.

Depends really. It makes them think strangely in all directions.

Ma ste fasce di età le hanno scelte con la ruota della fortuna?

Old Lega Nord was only a regional political power, lately they've been on the telly literally every single day campaigning against Europe, migrants, lack of gun laws and general injustice. Salvini is definitely at the very least around the 10% of the vote, I realize it's not much considering how much shit M5S are pulling thanks to the internet and millennials, but with those guys the only thing that will happen is, they'll fuck up so bad people will want their old long lasting parties in power over a bunch of newcomers. Literally Grillo wants Italy to bend their knee to the (((alternative energy))) faggots, with no actual plan on it. He'll maybe, MAYBE get out of the EURO and drop contributions to Europe, but there's no fucking way he'll ever risk his life over getting us out of the damn union.

italian here. grillo keeps pushing for a new election asap to prevent that mattarella will appoint a new monti-like cabinet (which would blow up our masterplan).

while you're right, it's still important to keep it somewhat real.

idk where you all live, but I think the magical virgin waifu is a myth

plus I lost my virginity to some shallow cunt, I somewhat regret it, but it has changed my perception of sex. Am I even allowed to a virgin waifu now or would that be hypocritical?

Did a postal vote in referendum.

The tldr is that Lega Nord have serious issues with corruption and there policy of 'splitting Italy into two countries' will never win enough votes, especially since the South will NEVER vote for him. Plus he is a corrupt fuck that gave the right a bad name from back in the Berlusconi years. Basically corrupt trash and no more 'right wing' than anyone else.

The 5 star party was created to be neither left wing nor right. It takes policies from both sides and replaces the career politicians who are fucking incompetent with regular people. Downside is that regular people can be retarded.

5 star is viable and anti-refugee+anti-euro
Lega Nord literally want to split Italy in two. Lega Nord talk big but are corrupt opportunists.

As is the normal, we have come to these conclusions because they are in fact the truth.

Women who sleep with just ONE man (have sex) are, according to a study I can't source that someone else probably has here, highly less likely to stick with the second man they have sex with. This goes on and on, and the tenth man is just a drop in the bucket.

That is why having a women who's a virgin is probably one of the most important qualities to look for. Do you want your woman to be faithful? Get one who dedicates her sexual experience to ONLY you. You should do the same, but that's difficult and you can't just reverse sex.

Fuck off faggot, the AfD is currently trying to raise 2 million € because the other parties have repeatedly cut them off from funding and unlike the other parties they don't recieve huge contribs from Bertelsmann and other Atlanticist and kike proxies.

Big difference about Italian politics is that the biggest problem isn't really Left vs Right. The problem is corrupt vs non-corrupt. That's a big part of why 5star say fuck right vs left and have a lot of nobodies as parliamentarians.


And u.

The virgin waifu is a myth because teens have been abandoned to themselves and fall prey to moral relativism. The rest of this argument is trivial and left as an exercise for the reader.

It's an old noble name and means "Cricket".

You're a moron.

Historically ignorant people such as yourself should not even talk on these matters. Poland had demands to give the land back, Germany offered them everything they wanted but England exerted influence on them to get them to refuse anyways. At that point Germany took it.

Very interesting.
This guy has a different perception about malocclusion.

Added new zealand because kek demanded it.

Pauline Hanson could be deputy PM of Australia in 2019 as there is a chance she may get enough seat in the lower house to influence a Hung Parliament, as well as increase the amount of Senate seats she has



Meant this

Yes, some Grllo fanboy made that shoop, probably.

Please replace it with a real Salvini one

Ffs someone replace that shoop

Why is spaghetti man petting the negro?
Why is he the most uncucked politician in Italy yet the only picture that could be found of him includes a black person for the sake of multiculturalism?


Because fake


Lega Nord is simply unvotable, back in 2012 they've been caught buying 5 kilograms of gold and diamonds plus another 200.000 euros of diamonds with taxpayer money.

Sorry for the italian source but it's also an excellent article which might link to older corruption cases back in the '90s.
Also Salvini was a communist, this is a quote from the 16th of January this year: