White woman kidnapped and tortured by Hispanics, total media blackout

wew, I remember the media talking about this when she first went missing, but now that she's escaped captivity, they've slammed the lid shut on this story and police are keeping quiet about the particulars. Nothing to see here, goyim.


Other urls found in this thread:



I am amazed she was found alive tbh.

Isnt this a hate crime.

I like how media is trying to demonize the girl and justify the crime.

What do you do?

Race war meow

Mexican bitches kidnapping white women for slavery.

the CNN article actually hinted at it, but didn't draw the conclusions, so maybe someone over there isn't completely evil

I grew up in Redding and still visit often. It's not like the rest of California since it's virtually 100% working class whites. However Mexicans/miscellaneous hispanics started arriving maybe 7-10 years ago and brought gang violence that was nonexistent previously. I think Shasta County voted 65% for Trump since the problems with immigration are so fucking obvious in these smaller, tighter-knit communities. People there are all on-board for the deportations to begin and have the guns to do it themselves if Jerry Brown and the rest of Sacramento try to stop it.
I also notice a lot more support in the area for secession and creating the State of Jefferson. Stories like this will only bolster this further.

First world nations are lucky we could be oblivious to the slave trade for so long until now. South america eastern europe and asia have a huge problem with girls going missing and ending up in saudie dungeons

delet this

Most international prostitues are russian grills, there is a huge market in israeli and saudie arabia to either outright kidnap them or trick them into coming over then taking thier passport so they cant leave

Hes not wrong. Tons of women from Eastern Europe end up missing after leaving for "good" job. Huge slave trade in Israel and Islamic countries for white women.

Fershure, I was born there and I live up in siskiyous nowadays, I went down to Redding this past Thanksgiving day when it was announced. Right as my dad and I got there Sherri's Cousin (what he said) walked over to my uncles next door and told us about how she was picked up in Sacramento after they threw her bound and blinded on a farming road somewhere.

Picked her up on the north outskirt of town somewhere near mountain gate rd while she was jogging. Funny enough, pic related clouds the day she went missing and the day they found her.

Why, Shlomo? Don't want anyone to know how your people kidnap white girls and sell them off to your (((Arab))) brothers?

Israel is the biggest white slavery nation in the world.

The comment was implying those regions are where the women are abducted ya fuckin nerd

It's OK, guys! It's HER fault for being an evil racist!

The media makes me fucking sick.

Expect more victim blaming like this in the future. White women was tortured abducted branded and probably raped, but look at her evil online comment history.

I am worried.

I am not seeing the thoughts and replies that I should be reading on this board. Where are the meme wizards trying to use this as a rallying call to gather support to our cause. Yes.
Something is fishy on this board.

Every mexican should be rounded up and executed.

I would personally love to pull the trigger on some captures.

hola negro.

Why be cagey about the message, you weak-kneed faggots. Fucking worthless journalists. I'm going out on a limb and assuming it was racial. And don't give me shit about protecting the victim when they're trying to imply she had it coming by some tenuous connection from over a decade ago. The wall just keeps getting deeper, taller and wider.

Well I feel a bunch more end up in Tel aviv than

I would put 700.000 mexicans impalled all along the border, no need for a wall.

Why do dumb ass liberals still believe that they can just do normal things in multicult hell hole?

You damned right..with posts right up all their fucking asses.


Normie is in denial to the violence that surrounds them and takes their lives and those of their loved ones.

We MUST have WAR. its the only way now.

and if you stick them close enough to each other, you can rivet their hands together to make a nice fence of friendship

There is a college commercial where the first scene is with some white girl going out jogging when its getting dark/still dark and all I can think is that bitch is going to die.

Is Sean Hannity not even covering it?

do you think they did things to her? sexually

Lol, she's jogging in the dark so someone will chase her to get more motivation to run faster.

bump so that people are aware that whites get kidnapped be beaners and put into the sex trade

murder all beaners

kill all non whites


beaners are the worst people other than jews. people say they work hard and its total bs.

Oh yeah that's definitely relevant these piece of shit cops. WE DON'T KNOW IF IT'S RELEVANT WE'RE JUST TELLING YOU FOR SOME REASON.

What was slogan was branded on the victim? We don't want to say Goy that's not relevant.


Ive seen reported on Good Morning America several times (yeah I watch GMA), Anyway they keep repeating how some many people on the internet a calling it a hoax even though the police have stated several times they have no reason to believe its a false crime

USA actually has more slavery and human traffick than many latin american cunts

for starters you're the place many inmigrants go to, so they attempt to get there illegaly but get caught or compromised in some sexual or drug business

A 3rd world shit hole with a terrible government has a low reported amount of crime.


Yes. I've already read liberal commentators saying this is a hispanohoax but that backwards, incorrectly oriented swastika found on some mudslime house was totally irrefutable proof that everyone who supports trump is a neonazi, guys!

What evidence of a hoax are they citing?

We're already at war. Whites are openly preyed upon, and this is celebrated by the traitorous media.

They "cite" that she must have made it up because they haven't caught anyone, and that a white person claiming to be attacked by two spics sounds like a racist fairy-tale.

…also they don't want to believe their precious "diversity dividend" might have paid off in such a predictable way. But they don't say that.

I pretty sure most of the CandyDoll girls are Ukrainian too

probably feds working for obama. you all have no idea how many darkies he's put in place to torture good white people

also, checked

not Hispanics

I say what's up. Sometimes it's good to see a person who speaks English

A spic is a spic.



How much more of a negligent cuck could the husband possibly be?

She's a white women. They are Holla Forums's biggest enemy. Even worse than the Jews.

Gas thyself.


What are candydoll girls?


some Ukrainian child modeling agency that acts as a go between the public and underground child porn

See you trolling me
How do you know about this?
Are you saying they are trafficking ukrainiann children to Saudi Arabia ?
Is there any proof on this?

Was supposed to mean
Are you not see you

I didnt say that but they are coincidentally
Ukrainian kids get trafficked to israel and saudi arabia and sold as sex slaves to the wealthy kikes
I know about candydoll because ive been here since before the pedos were all banned

How do you not? Their pics used to get posted on 4chan all the time before moot became a cuck, hell even same thing about here with Jim.

I feel like this photographer was trying to sexualize those children to a certain degree.
Maybe I'm just seeing things?

Aren't there some interesting stories about some relics of an advanced civilization living inside of Mt. Shasta? Know anything of it?

The fuck do you think, genius. I'm being trolled, aren't I?

u-u-uh I don't see those look like innocent wedding photos to me

Candydoll is run by nips

Yeah i know
they get their white models from across the slavic regions poor enough to take up the offer

I wasn't getting why you were bringing up Saudi Arabia and Israel

thats a whole seperate kettle of fish unrelated to candydoll
some evil cunts use the donetsk thing as an excuse to make kids go missing and interpols drawn up a new trafficking route for white child sex slaves to the ME

Somebody should tell Trump about this.

Any source on the Interpol stuff?
So candydoll is nips taking pedo pictures? It's not related to child trafficking to Saudi Arabia?

such is life in commiefornia

not that I know of no
comparing it to gateway drugs
marajuana is candydoll
crystal meth is what happens in saudi arabia
I dont have any source it was a while ago like a few months after the Ukrainian situation kicked off and I didnt save any files

i know this is weird, but blacks are actually our allies for the time being against joos, spics, etc

Her lips are for blowing only.

In my country the feminine forms of "Russian", "Ukrainian" and "Moldovan" are effectively synonyms for prostitute, heck "Moldovan" and "Ukrainian" in masculine form are virtually non-existent in colloquial use.

Are you Saudi Arabian or Israeli?

No. I'm Greek. Kikes are not looking for costumers only in mudslime countries, but it's there where they have most of the demand due to muds inferiority complex. Turkey even has commie block-sized brothels with the top roofs being fool of smuggled White slaves.

why did they let her survive? that ain't like shitskins

next time i hear one of you faggots try to shill "based" hispanic whores to me i'll remember this.

The whole, word slave coming from slav thing is more then just a meme Russia and the ukraine has been the favorite spot for sex slavery since the Byzantium empire was a thing

They're probably religious. I was wondering the same thing, then I remembered hispanic women are extremely superstitious. They can convince themselves that torturing and branding gringos is "justice" but killing one might get them in trouble with God.

That's OK. She'll let the world know once she heals up if she really is red pilled enough to frequent skinhead sites.

no they're not, mexicans are literally pagans that interpret the bible however the fuck they want and the catholic church allows them because it's where they get a lot of their supporters. almost no fucking beaner goes to church. I don't know a single beaner that goes to Church or even considers Jesus or God theire prime god. They all pray to Saints which they have twisted into some sort of hispanic flavour. Like La Virgen Maria and San Judans, San Pedro, etc.

delatь this

Her husband called them (the people calling her a white supremacist) subhuman. Who else would use this term?

They're a white family living in California. The only whites remaining are either repilled or full on cuckolds. There's just no way to avoid the subject like you can in other states. Considering the fact that she was targeted and tortured, and there was a history of it (supposedly) I'm certain they weren't very fond of spics and wasn't too shy about it. This is justification for torture in their minds.

I'm aware of their religious practices. It ties in to them being so superstitious. They can torture gringos and pray to their little bone shrines and everything will be fine.

Or maybe I'm giving them too much credit. Letting something like ideology get in the way of exterminating white people. Maybe the cholas let her loose so her "Hitler" husband and "nazi" children could see their work. They wouldn't have branded her if they weren't sure someone would see it.

Also I'd bet that the brand was something like "Viva la Raza" or something similar. This is why the police won't release the information. Spic apologists can now claim it was a random act of torture. She just happened to be white and in the wrong place at the wrong time. If they reveal the cholas were racially motivated, it wouldn't look good to the public.
I can't stand the fact that our judicial system, government, and media does whatever it can to protect spics who literally torture whites for racial reasons.

Yeah because we've been so fucking kind to them and they have no idea that the AngloSaxons were the first to free them from slavery. Thanks to their masters the Jew.

I still don't want to live with millions of them

I read these posts and all I feel is rage. These crimes have to be answered. We have the nukes. We have the germs. We have the guns.

Apparently this woman was racially conscious and had a history of getting into scuffs with beaners since highschool. It's why she was targeted and tortured. The cholas were pissed that she was white and wasn't groveling about it.

Worse than that. They tried to say that she posted anti-hispanic stuff on a skinhead blog in what was obviously a smear attempt. I can understand being doubtful but given that she came back emaciated, beat up and with messages scrawled on her and shit, unless she's a level of crazy beyond batshit then something obviously happened to her.

I would say sex trafficking victim which you'd think means they'd never see her again but if she had a message scrawled on her could mean that she was released for that purpose. Likely it's a Mexican cartel operation and this was their way of saying that their presence in the United States is deeper than anyone wants to admit so the police and MSM are covering it up because not straying from The Narrative and doing anything that could give political points to Trump and anti-globalists is a no-no.

Blacks and beaners hate each other, especially in Cali. The beaners have taken over a lot of formerly black neighborhoods and cities. Remember that engaging in ethnic cleansing of blacks in Cali is one of the explicit stated purposes of a lot of the beaner gangs in that state and once they get the blacks they'll go after the Asians and then the whites.

Smear or not, it won't make the average normie sympathize with the cholas. There's nothing that woman could have said in 2003 that justifies being tortured for 3 weeks straight. Nothing.
It might even make the whites realize maybe all the shit she allegedly wrote was correct. I read the story, and it was very tame. Her recounting being bullied and connecting with her heritage. If they were trying to false flag they should have made her say something normies wouldn't take into consideration, like "kill all beaners race war now". It seemed like this girl was being victimized, and in the end she really fucking was.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she was racially aware. Living in commiefornia, you either hate spics or take dildos up your ass gleefully for them.

Minority infighting is great. The democrats are going into overdrive making their non-white-only party.
Wonder what they'll do when the blacks want more gibs, the arabs want more mosques, and the beans want more section 8 and they're all infighting to see who gets what they want.

Wow she looks gorgeous in the picture.

For the record.


Here's a huge thread (apparently referenced on 20/20) where they're trying to defame her character. This is like Pizzagate in that the immediate attempts to destroy the credibility of the story, before anything is even out in the open, sound suspicious. There is certainly a cover up going on and I'm 100% certain it's covering up a very large cartel presence in Cali (and likely other states).


They already control a national park in California and will kill anyone who wanders onto their operation, even if by accident. There are almost certainly cops and probably various politicians at all levels on the cartel pay roll in states with large problems with Mexican drugs.

Cali's not making a very good argument for it to be saved from purging is it?

can we keep that pedo shit off pol?

Samefagging but I will say the one thing that does kind of tie both things together is that it's very likely the husband is involved in drug trafficking (i.e. pot dealer) given that he works at Best Buy but their finances are really fucking good. Could just as easily see it as a case of him getting on the bad side of some cartel thugs who, in retaliation, get their cholas to kidnap her and hold her for ransom.

Thinking about it like that, that's probably the most sensible case for what happened and why the ovbious cover up/media silence regarding details. The more I think, the more it sounds like case of that family that was killed in Ohio and all information and coverage of it stopped as soon as the marijuana grow operation was found and people realized it was probably a Mexican cartel.

It's very obvious that the cartels have a deep presence in the United States and that is being covered up for political reasons. Again, why? Not to give Trump and the right more ammo and support for border closures? Corrupt cops/feds/politicians being paid off by the cartels much like how Leland Yee was running guns for the Triads?

reminds me of all of the Cologne threads that appeared on reddit new years last year.
After trying to ban the threads, all of the little reddit cucks were saying that the women were lying about being raped. Then they said that right wingers raped them pretending to be pakis.

Now they just call you racist, and that bringing it up incites hate towards muslims.

If true your observation makes lots of sense. Cartels are like the Triads, they don't give a fuck and come after your family if they can't get you.

Lemurians and the like.
Look into Saint Germaine he's of some important mention

Probably because they were blasting her face all over the north state for the 3 weeks she was missing, never letting up in intensity and frequency.

Even thought they had a good prize, they probably thought the trouble wasn't worth the heat and ditched her. Wouldn't be surprised if they just went south or out of state and did the same thing to one of their own and nobody cares.

give me your address so I can find you myself

Lot of the comments and reports are conflicting as hell. I'm selling bullshit.

Here is a good one

Is California really that bad? jesus

All drug dealers are like that. When I was a kid (like 3 or 4), my uncle who's a scumbag criminal and druggie was living with us. He owed some Jamaican drug dealer a couple hundred so the guy came to our house while he wasn't home and threatened my mom that he'd kill her, me and my (at the time) infant brother unless she paid up for him.

Supposedly some time afterwards said drug dealer was found dead. No clue who did it but my parents did coke (this was the '80s after all) and ran in the same circle as bikers and the at the time mayor of our city (not a big city but not small either). The body shop my grandfather worked at at the time may or may not have had some kind of mob connections. He was an Italian from Jersey so who knows.

Actually just a few months ago, the house right next door had a drug related incident too. The people living next door to us were white niggers who I long suspected were dealing weed due to being white niggers and other shit like having people going in and out at all hours. So after Hurricane Matthew grazed us, some black guy who was supplying them weed breaks in to try and steal their safe because they were taking money from him. The two catch him, the black guy and boyfriend fight, white nigger gets stabbed in the hand. Thank god they got kicked out not long after.

Thing is, this is an otherwise pretty nice neighborhood in that it's quiet, mainly some older folk or white families living here. Lot of cops who live around here too. It's gone to shit in the last year or two though, unsurprisingly as more blacks have started moving in.

tl;dr Drug dealers of all stripes, but especially the non-whites, are fucking insane and little better than violent animals who have no objection to going after otherwise unrelated family members to settle drug debts.

Coast and Southern California is pretty bad. Central, and Napa Valley too due to all the agriculture and dairy workers. But pass Sacrament, not many at all.

It was obviously racial if they're not saying what it was. Law enforcement officers are our friends, right guise?

I had thought I misheard that on the car radio when ai first listened to it.

How fucking naive can some whites be?
I fucking called it the first time I heard this story.

Although don't take that anecdote as gospel since I don't have any memory of it myself but it's a story my mom's been pretty consistent about relaying to me whenever my uncle gets arrested for burglary/drugs.

They just don't realize non-whites do things for no other reason but to spite white people. No logical reason needed that is why it sounds so bizarre when trying to explain these things to normalfag whites. Also my first encounter with blacks was watching 5-6 of them in middle school jumping a Italian kid.

Well said. President Duterte did and is doing nothing wrong. I don't even believe in drug prohibition for the most part, but 99.5% of drug dealers are scum that deserve death.

The husband was't calling the people that "tortured and branded" his wife sub-human. He was calling the people that are questioning his wife's story and asking for proof, sub-human. Also seems she made 50K on GoFundMe

A lot of the comments in the reddit thread seem to give well articulated points poking holes in their story. On the other hand, there are a number of comments that are long run-on paragraphs written in fairly poor English, that seem to emotionally attempting to portray her as a liar and a rascist, which smell like a gang's reddit hit-job, but could also be locals who don't usually post on reddit creating accounts to comment.

Also from the thread giving credence to


Yeah…. So is Texas

I was pretty shocked they didn't kill her.

oh go gas yourself you limp-dicked fuckup

A few news outlets still bring it up, but it's not getting anywhere near the attention it was.

l don't think it has anything to do with sex trafficking. When women are kidnapped for trafficking, they don't beat them almost beyond recognition, brand them with a cow prod, and scalp them. They drug them and send them away somewhere else. No one wants to have sex with a hooker that has scars everywhere that looks like leprosy.

There was a radio talkshow saying that there was a blog post made back in the early 2000's with a username of Sherri Pappini, except she was using her maiden name at the time. ln this post, she said some unkind words about hispanic women or something.

Personally, l think she or her husband cheated on someone that the 2 spic ladies knew and they decided to get revenge. They planned on murdering her but with the news coverage at the time they just dumped her on the side of the road.

You know this took place in Northern California? They could easily murder her and dump her in the woods. Would be a long time before anyone found the body. Also using a blog post as an excuse for a kidnapping is bullshit. If that was the case Holla Forums posters an everyone on a White Nationalist forums would be dropping off like flies.

So I found her post that supposedly got her "kidnapped". After reading it I find it even harder to believe she was kidnapped, since this 100lb women can take on 5 men and 3 women and come out as the winner, on top, walk away on a broken Tibia. So how did 1 old and 1 young Hispanic women take her hostage when she "proven" she can take on 8v1 odds and come out the winner?

Where was her Father?
Did nobody feel the need to protect her, well this is what happens when nobody cares even her.

One of them obviously caught her in a Mexican standoff while the other one sneaked up behind her and knocked her out. Typical Mexican behavior.

Hahahaha you're funny we'll leave you alone in the racewar
for the time being.

I don't feel like looking at more of this shit. Another poster frequents /r/benzos. A lot of accounts are a few months old.

reddit.com/user/Rdm898989 fresh acc
reddit.com/user/muwtski fresh acc
reddit.com/user/Sunni332016 fresh acc
reddit.com/user/MervGoldstein merv fucking GOLDSTEIN
reddit.com/user/Sam5377 fresh acc
reddit.com/user/shep2105 made a thread "Do YOU have information about what happened to a missing person and are to scared to tell?" and frequents unsolved mysteries


w ww.reddit.com/user/wheredoesitsaythat

This user made three posts two years ago, then hops on just for that thread and go nuts with the posts.

I forgot all about this, and it was just this past summer. Amazing how fast stories like these get memory-holed.

The amount of throwaways and dead accounts come back to life in that thread is ridiculous.

We need physical removal now. Here's some low effort memes.

Why the fuck is there so much effortposting in that thread?
Also, you niggers shouldn't direct link. Referrer links tell the kikes at leddit that 8ch's been in the thread.
Unless your goal was a "we know" kind of deal.

Kill all journalists.

This theory is highly plausible.

Sauce of image?






Good stuff user. If I was going to make a criticism I'd say remove the raped part, there has been no mention of that. It's very likelythat she was, but when you are combating the "fake news" narrative you have to use information that has been confirmed.

This is an interesting dynamic that I've noticed in other places as well. Non-white populations which have been around for a while seem to begin to see themselves as allies of whites when third worlders begin flooding in. Or at least some percentage of them do.

You have the 'NB', but you forgot the 'C'.

Your dubs reveal that Kek wills a correction.

By the might of our holy atomic fire, blessed smallpox and sacred Zyklon B, let no Aztec pollute our land and prey upon the mothers of our children. In the name of Kek, I pray. So be it.

Reminds me of when CTR was using old/dead Reddit accounts to spam anti-Trump (rarely pro-Hillary) stuff. Looks like (((someone))) is repeating that tactic. I don't think this chick is some saint, probably doesn't like hispanics, I don't know. But I don't think she did anything to herself and do believe she was abducted. Again, the idea of her and her husband (husband mainly since it's always guys) being involved a pot trafficker and getting on the bad side of a cartel or gang who kidnaps her in revenge is the most likely scenario.

The only weird thing about that is that cartels tend to just slaughter people and not really hold them for ransom from what I've seen unless the point was to just make a show of it I guess.

No thanks myatay i dont smoke menthols

You degenerates need to go back to halfchan

we're being swarmed by cuckchan and reddit

Hang on, in the third webm, apparently her "long blond hair had been chopped off." while in the second webm the woman (Allison) says she saw a woman with long blond hair.

He tried to warn us.




Actually the Swedes did part of the transportation.

yes, but not in some areas, you just have to find them because they remain hidden so parasitic spics don't follow you around


cf. Bulgar -> bugger

Actually, I've been following this story on Yahoo news for quite some time, so there's no media blackout.

The libtards & shitskins have been commenting constantly that they think it's a hoax, even though she was beaten severely, branded, and starved down to 87 lbs. The police have repeatedly said they do not suspect a hoax.
But the enemies of the White race & the enemies of decency are doing all they can to discredit her and create an air of uncertainty around her story, regardless of the massive amount of proof.

The human vermin that did this are describes as typical Mestizo-trash gang members, and very probably sold her out to other shit-colored trash as an unwilling sex slave. My understanding is that it is not uncommon for whites to be kidnapped for this purpose in the area where she was taken.

I can't think of any better place for Right Wing Death Squads, right now.

The had a gun.

The gofundme dough was given to charity when she was found.
Its original purpose was for a reward for information leading to her being found.

I haven't seen this said yet but I heard it somewhere that she knew the women who abducted her. The impression I got was that it was some old high school classmates.

There was a (hispanic but that goes without saying) lawyer or investigator on the local news here and he said that all the people sharing information about her, had actually hurt the case because it was difficult now that she had been found to tell who was coming forward with honest information.

I can understand what he's talking about but I thought it was kind of a weird thing to say. If they found her dead in the woods all the information the husband gave would have been so helpful, but because they found her alive now it was too difficult to prosecute the kidnappers?

Anyway he kind of gave that as an explanation for why the media needs to shut up about it. Whatever, the crime was obviously racially motivated.

I hadn't heard about she and her husband being involved in drugs, marijuana, but that makes sense. However I feel like jealousy is the motivating factor here. Most likely she was never quiet about her distaste for spics. Especially in high school, girls are awful to one another and if she wouldn't keep her head down they were probably horrible and relentless to her. Every white lib who tells me colored people can't be racist to whites, I just want to stick them in a California public school.

So my theory is, she grows up gets a husband + kids + successful marijuana operation. In CA Cartels don't have the monopoly on weed that they used to, pretty much anyone can grow it now. Spic girls think she's out of her place AGAIN, kidnap and torture her, taking out all their aggression towards the white devil on her.

With the media coverage they realize they're in over their heads and probably prime suspects due to the past bullying so they dump her.

Media realizes spics in CA are horribly racists to white people, don't want to cover.

The other thing I want to add is that the thing about her hair is not really an inconsistency. They probably chopped chunks of her hair out. It was to humiliate and torture her not give her a G.I. Jane buzzcut. So, her husband would notice that her hair is fucked, but anyone who saw her right after/picked her up off the side of the road would still recognize her as a long haired blonde girl.



Fucking hell I'm scared, should I just go with her from now on if redpilling is basically out of the question?

buy guns

Do YOU have a gun? If not, your only going to get yourself killed, they did have guns, if they wanted just your mom they would put a bullet in your head and taken her.

You won't be able to protect her unless you have a way to protect yourself IE a gun to shoot back.

Get the fuck of Holla Forums and go suck more of that BBC you love so much. Don't even know if you're a jew or a MGTOW faggot. Don't care. RHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I tried to find it for you, but it was just an interview on our local evening news and I can't remember which channel or the name of the guy talking about the case… I did find these though

From her blog post:
“Being white is more than just being aware of my skin, but of standing behind Skinheads ― who are always around, in spirit, as well ― and having pride for my country,”
Although her ex-husband says she didn't write it and “It was a prank by someone at high school."

So either he's lying, she did write it–and that might be why she was targeted–or she didn't write it, and her views were not Holla Forums tier, but someone wanted to make it look so. Don't know which is true, but both serve as evidence that this was a hate crime towards her for being white.

archive.is/h094t detailing another missing white girl she went to high school with. Body never found.

Would really like to know what the message branded on her said. Money is on white bitch or similar.

BTW I was appalled while gathering this info at the amount of sites insisting this was a hoax. Even MSM writing shit likes "allegedly." I know Alex Jones et al. get a lot of flack for calling out "false flags." "omg liek how can u say that! those ppl totally died." Hah, now I can empathize with their disgust.

Race war meow?

Please does someone still have the infographs on this.

My Holla Forums folder is over 15 000 images and I only started sorting things the last couple of years.

Get a family trust and have you be the executor.

Whites are smater than spics.
Nerds are smarter than normies.
It's what normies do to nerds at recess.

It wouldn't surprise me if they do the same shit with whites now that they have been doing with their fellow meximoots for a long time (abducting them and extorting ransom from families). Often women are raped on the phone for a little extra pressure to the family. Look it up. Sometimes they bust safe houses where they keep them slave like until the ransom is paid.

All this happened and they just left her walk out of the hospital without holding her overnight observation? Sorry, calling bullshit any of this happened. The husbands interview just raised more questions. Then their Super Duper International hostage negotiator just happened to work out a deal when their was no demand for ransom and he just happened to live in some backwater shithole? Yea I'm calling this shit a hoax, to many things raise redflags.

Shame the Catholic Church will never, ever call them out on this.
