DAPL Pipeline Changes Route
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Good. I secretly wanted this to happen. Not for muh injuns and leftists. But because protecting the environment from greedy (((corporations))) is part of our National Socialist heritage.
although seeing kike arms explode and heads getting shot with rubber bullets has been fun.
Every time. Was not the original plan to have the pipeline be put right where an existing one already was? This entire thing is a non-issue propped up by jewish agitators.
Any update on whether or not the yidlet lost her arm?
This. I think the pro-pipeline sentiment on Holla Forums has been a shill maneuver taking advantage of our hatred of leftists. Similar to the game of conflating the CO2 global warming myth with environmentalism in general. Pollution of the our environment is a real problem and one that actually weaponized against us (e.g. xenoestrogens from plastics, pesticides, etc., flooding our environment, water supply, food supply, destroying male and female fertility and diminishing strong personality traits), just because false pollution/climate narratives are used to get leftists to beg for the NWO doesn't mean pollution in general is not genuinely bad for legitimate reasons.
I value drinking water more than oil. This is a very simple hierarchy of natural resources.
top shill
I hope you do actually drink out of rivers because it will shorten your useless commie life.
Having went to the Bismarck Oil Conference where Trump spoke back in May, I have a feeling that if he can overturn this decision, he will. Trump wants to make America self-sufficient on our own energy and oil, and this pipeline is important for North Dakota's Bakken formation.
I guess it all depends on how important it is that the pipeline must go through native land/lakes. Is it just oil jews that want to spend the least amount of money as possible, or is rerouting it going to cost so much money that the gain from having a pipeline there in the first place be negated?
As someone living in North Dakota, lets just say a lot of plans are underway to attack out of staters and possibly lynch a few.
Faggots like Soros and Buffet want to keep the monopoly their trains have on transporting the oil.
Needless to say, transporting oil by train is a fuckload more dangerous than a pipeline.
God bless you Dakotanon. Keep North Dakota uninhabited and Jew-free.
If the picture of what's left of it is anything to go by, I doubt she's keeping her arm.
Its not a myth. Its just that it was too late to do anything about it..
In 1995.
This is hilarious.
This isn't the end at all. Obongo is just passing this off to Trump to throw something else in his lap because he has no balls.
I think this is all pretty stupid.
National Socalist heritage my ass.
Our infrastructure is failing anyway. Every bodies water is in danger because the lead pipes are melting under the ground. Just look at Flint.
The scary thing is it is almost impossible to get any facts on this other than the liberal perspective.
Shrug. I could care less about some firewater drinking injuns. Their "tribal" land means jack shit to me.
If you admit that it does that means you have guilt about taking this land and that means you're a cuck imo
So your solution is just to throw more oil in the ground water?
We have to have oil you fucking hippie. How are you going to get to work in the morning?
Trail of tears 2.0 can't come fast enough.
They could just start drilling in Nevada. Way more oil in northern Nevada. And it's not like they set the foundations yet on the pipe in that section. Whats the big deal?
So will he ban exports of US oil,and ratchet oil imports?
If the US has to build 100 nuclear power plants & charge electrics then so be it as longas we don't have to pay the Arabs a single cent.
Deep borehole disposal is the concept of disposing high-level radioactive waste from nuclear reactors in extremely deep boreholes instead of in more traditional deep geological repositories that are excavated like mines. Deep borehole disposal seeks to place the waste as much as 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) beneath the surface of the Earth and relies primarily on the thickness of the natural geological barrier to safely isolate the waste from the biosphere for a very long period of time so that it should not pose a threat to man and the environment.s of 2016, the U.S. Department of Energy is funding an experimental borehole extending over 3 miles (4.8 km) deep, in Rugby, North Dakota. The plans for this five-year project in Rugby do not involve nuclear waste, and instead will test other aspects of the borehole concept
Our environment is important, however the construction of the pipeline would drastically reduce the cost of transporting the oil through the elimination of the use of trains, boats, and trucks. Changing the method of transportation to pipeline would allow us to affordably purchase oil from our neighbor Canada where it literally bubbles out of the earth with a much lower risk of pollution compared to floating it across the atlantic over sensitive habitats. Particularly from Saudi Arabia who fucks with us on a daily basis. Forget the corporations, the construction of the pipeline would drive up demand for skilled labor increasing white working class wages and driving down gas prices benefiting everyone. As of now the majority of our oil prices are determined by big corporations in OPEC with none of the aformentioned benefits. We only win having this pipeline which is the safest, most efficient, and cleanest way of transporting crude oil.
As for xenoestrogens and pollution they're unavoidable for any and all energy sources with the exception of nuclear power. Even then Uranium must be mined, refined, and the waste disposed of. There is no way to prevent any of this without eliminating most technological advances from the last century. If you're up for that, go ahead but I like being able to have a car, a house, and a computer for shitposting.
you act like there is only one solution to this. you are being a jew.
And what makes the power for that station?
I hate to see criminals and liars win. Hopefully Sessions' DOJ puts a fucking RICO suit on these cocksuckers.
Shame. It was going through land not owned by the tribe. Featherniggers didn't want to negotiate and just expected large sums of money to be handed over to them.
That's not to say I'm pro-pipeline, just that I think the protests are illegitimate since it was going through privately owned land, not their own. That and fuck any virtue signalling leftist/kike media cause celebre.
I'm not that well informed about this, but was t the new pipeline supposed to go right next to existing pipelines?
Kind words and good intentions.
yes, a natural gas pipeline already runs under the river in the exact same spot. also there are a number of other pipelines that travel under the river at various points but muh narrative would be destroyed if we talked about those. its the safest way we have to transport the oil. faggots need to get over it
They just wanted more gibs to buy firewater and die off.
Jackson did nothing wrong. I bet the tribal leaders are taking money from the Saudis.
As being a 1/6800 Cherokee in my mind I say fuck them.
One imaginary drop rule redskin, get the fuck off my board.
I didn't cross your board, your board crossed me.
as being a ~2% blackfoot I say fuck you, CONSTRUCT PIPE
I meant fuck the Indians.
We just need to convince them that it's a giant peace pipe. Really though, all they needed to do to stop the protests would be to puts some kegs and other assorted firewater about 5 miles away from the pipeline site.
Reminder that 90% of "American Indians" are larping jews trying to prop up their casino racket.
The retards will defend this.
I thought borders and private property weren't real tho?
It's only not real when there's posturing to be done.
They're still building the pipeline though, just on a longer route that doesn't go over so many water sources.
fantastic. Obama stalled this shit for 8 years caving to protests though and I just hope this thing actually gets done.
Gerbil warming is real goy, look how hot it is this year1
This is highly true. I would wager that trucks>trains>pipeline each is separated by a degree of danger equal to an order of magnitude (10x). So the yidlets could easily be just buffet plants.
But the other end of this is just how the hell we are supposed to get a pipeline anywhere without issue. Preexisting lines seem the best but might not go where new refineries are. Native lands might be polluted but cities could be worse since higher pop density. Wrapped up in all this is the bloodsucking lawyers who will sue over it no matter what so believe schlomo gets paid off it. Either way it is a more technical area than I am ready to pass sound judgment on.
T. Lawfag learning administrative law regarding public works right now
ND guardsman here. I've been deployed to deal with this shit and hearing how King Nig is just caving in to them? Fuck that, I'm pissed.
A fellow NoDak! What do you have in mind, I'd love to conspire. These fucking gommies are a scourge to our great state that I'd love to be rid of.
Anyone have any sources on Standing Rock:
1. Willing to run the pipeline through their land in exchange for money, then EPL backing out when they pushed too hard?
2. The tribe refusing to take meetings with EPL, and refusing the EPL's offer to let the tribe conduct their own surveys?
I have the September court decision that states that the tribe refused the offer to do their own surveys, and that they couldn't prove the danger the pipeline would pose to their sites, but I haven't been able to find much on the tribe being greedy shits willing to sell their land.
At the moment it mostly seems to be a case of businesses banding together and telling them to fuck off, considering the Sioux threw their tools to the curb, and all the idiots are coming north to BisMan looking for shelter. Few folks have already taken it upon themselves to slash tires, buy-out stores of heaters, and sabotage vehicles from out of state.
If only our founding fathers wiped out the natives from the start. I doubt there'd even be a mention about em nowadays if they were all dead.
when will solar ever be viable?
How was this pipeline ever threatening the environment? There is already a pipeline in nearly the same location (The Northern Border Pipeline). All sites of cultural significance were documented in the 80s and marked off so construction won't damage them, and transporting the oil by pipeline is much more sound than transporting by rail, as it is currently done.
This is a plan to provide energy for a north american union along with the existing american pipeline system.
the reason it starts in texas and crosses onto mexico and up to canada is because it is part of a plan with the amero and the great american highway to make a superstate out of mexico,canada and the usa.
Just as in the ussr people who stand in the way of pipelines are murdered and raped, harassed and shot.
the pipeline is owned by a rich masonic probably texan.
pinkerton security is bullyboying just like the raillines since time immemorial.
Endless keks
Nuclear power is the way forward tbh. It's energy dense enough to power the incredible expansion in computing power that will inevitably take place in the next 8 years. Not to mention automation of factories, robots don't run on memes.
Tidal, wind, solar and geothermal are pretty great though. They're just not as efficient.
Everyone who unironically supports le standing rock "[protest" needs to remember one thing
This is a private business decision being altered post-facto due to the arrival of a couple thousand Soros agents.
Your private business decisions are now at the whim of a kike sending his subversives to make le protest meme and his allied media making it a story.
How would you feel if you started to dig a swimming pool in your back yard and Soros sent a couple thousand "peaceful protestors" to start throwing propane tanks at your family and killed your dog? Well, in this future, you'll be forced to stop digging your swimming pool and you'll have to apologize for inconveniencing them.
This is the future you weak faggots beg for.
I could care less about the pipeline itself, I'm more concerned about all these Californians paid by Soros invading my state and calling it a revolution. They are openly hostile to locals and have brought a lot of distrust into our previously very trusting community. These shitbags are straight up anarchists.
Solar will be viable when more efficient photovoltaic materials are developed. The pace will likely be slow, however. Mankind has spent about 50 years sitting on the ability to power a 4 function calculator with the sun.
Every year when I see the waves of obese boomers sliding by on their scooters I sigh with pity for the Dakotas. What in the fuck does the world have against you?
Use the rivers as the pipeline and all your jewish alligator problems will go away :^)
Yes, you are leftard faggots. Hitler was a big fan of infrastructure improvements of all sorts: the autobahn, railroads, dams, and so forth. There are already thousands of miles of oil and natural gas pipelines criss-crossing the USA with orders of magnitude fewer safety incidents than rail. Suggesting not to put them near water is sheer retardation - there would be no point to not pipelining near and across water, because that's where most people live.
This whole "only shills will disagree with me" crap is merely an attempt to cover for the weakness of your arguments and considering I've seen these same exact arguments before and refuted them (which you yourself half-admit), it's also fucking Jewish as hell to pull a full reset with the same refuted material, pretending as if it had not been refuted.
Even discounting the economic benefits of a pipeline, oil is crucial to our national defense, security and sovereignty as a country - that trumps environmental concerns. Their irrational statements stem from the same shitlib "logic" that we shouldn't build a wall to keep spics out because it would adversely affect some migratory tortoise. We can clean up minor oil spills, we can't easily clean up the infiltration of our nation by foreign influences.
We're white, rural, and extremely conservative. In other words, everything liberals think is wrong with the world.
There would be a whole lot less trouble if they just kept to their reservations.
You're using logic and reality, that's racist goy.
Not to take his side because I agree that solar is probably not the solution, but solar energy can be used to create molten salt which can stay hot enough to create steam throughout the night.
I was at this protest. We had BLM and other hate groups come in and fuck everything up. They were bussed in somehow, I have pics to prove this. They came in and demanded free food and tents, trashed and stole shit, and basically were niggers.
The natural gas wouldn't have been nearly as bad as
I agree entirely. Used to work as a nuclear technician, can affirm that properly designed and maintained nuclear power is clean and safe.
Effectively anti-nuclear propaganda that scared an entire generation
We have too many problems with existing systems and the under-education and overt propagandizing of the public to be able to take full advantage of the technology available today. Plus, we should consider developing in the field of energy more, because we will run out of fossil fuels some day, unless we find a system we can use to produce them.
This shit is the biggest goddamn reason I hate climate change alarmism. The only thing they really can do to 'stop carbon emissions' is punish people for using probably the most widely available form of energy we have. Jews line their pockets, but they refuse to let people develop new forms of energy to replace what they want to tax? Sounds pretty Jewish to me.
Shut up, you nation-wrecking kike. We're not going to let you continue ruining our planet just so you can make a few more shekels. Get fucked.
Fuck off you calinigger get out of my state REEEEEEEEEEEE
I'm so tired of faggots shilling for these dumb Mongoloids.
China has us beat, they've nearly finished a Thorium reactor, and pending no interference by Semites in the states trying to sabotage it, it will cement their position as a global superpower.
We should of been the ones to perfect this technology, but thanks to oil,coal and uranium cucks along with their fake environmentalists, we've been left behind squabbling over antiquated methods of harnessing power.
Reminder that chinks are a race of conmen, theives, liars, and will sell their own family out to further their own goals. I highly doubt they are going to have anything more than a proof of concept that 90% of is stolen from US/Russia. And that proof of concept will be the bare minimum to generate enough power to last while people are actually watching the first month.
I not so secretly think people like this should be forced to live without the benefits of oil.
Note this was important to them yet they are all (1)s who showed up early and never came back.
The only thing viable about it is to let it grow plants and animals. It's a handy tool for specific situations, that's it.
I heard that the Pipelines tried to talk with the Injuns about the pipeline but the Council refused to do so, anyone got a link?
soros and his cronies had a 16 year plan. trump winning just fucked it in the ass. theyre going to put everything into fighting, they're not going to accept defeat until theyre dead
oil compaines to business all over the world
grats leaf
Wow I was a trump supporter but after seeing this idk..I can't support someone who can't even spell right!