Shooter at comet pizza

guys class A happening

guy tried to walk into comet pizza with a shotgun.
all hands on deck

Other urls found in this thread:

Media is asking around on twitter.
Prepare for an all out assault on us by luggen presse



Sam Hyde needs to stop

false flag

anti fake news narrative incoming

0 causalities hes not a hero.
He surrendered before even getting to kill anyone. I'm suspecting false flag



D.C. Police detain suspect with a weapon at Comet Ping Pong restaurant

D.C. Police responding Sunday to a report of a gunman at a popular pizza restaurant in Northwest Washington detained a man armed with an assault rifle, according to a police spokeswoman.

Police received a call about a man with a weapon a just before 3 p.m., said Aquita Brown, a spokeswoman for the department. Officers responded to the scene at Comet Ping Pong, a pizza restaurant on Connecticut Avenue with ping-pong tables that is popular with families.

She said a weapon has been confirmed but there were no reports of injuries and no shots fired.

Spot on, its a god damn false flag if I ever saw one.

just need dubs to confirm it


aaannnnnd there they are checked


bullshit its a shotgun

You didn't even finish asking before kek delivered

Witnesses aid it was a shot gun not an assault rifle.

??? WHICH IS IT ???


probably was. false flag confirmed

Don't believe the media. It was clearly a shotty

They contained it


Fuck this gay earth.


False flag and get ready for the party van goys!



Fuck this nigger tier level of intelligence.

If he had a single axiom in that spastic head he would plan this properly and get away clean with a kill count.

Exactly why I think its a false flag.
specially cuz guns are illegal here in dc

He actually did it, the madman.

Yeah, good luck with that in Washington, DC.

Pleb tier fucking false flag

False Flag!

Just 2 days ago the local DC website wrote a stoy about the Pedo Pizza Palace!

Funny how a gunman could walk in when the Pedo's said they added security????

Read here:

Dubs command us to battle stations!

It's really starting to look like #Pizzagate is a psyop to discredit the reality of jewish pedophile rings.


I know, I know "MUH PR", but this is clearly helping them further their agenda then us getting to the bottom of Pizzagate.

We need to get ahead of this on Twitter.

This. It's almost like he was SUPPOSED to get caught. Now media attacks "White Nationalist conspiracy theorists" because they tried to shoot up innocent pizza shop.



How can it be a false flag if there weren't even any shots fired?

Intresting digits user, in ID and post.

easy to frame all anons involved with pizzagate as potential mass murderers. changes public perception of us.



I hope they stop doing this kind of shit once Trump gets into the white house.

It could backfire and have lots of people who never heard of pizzagate start to look into it.


False flags don't necessarily require shots to be fired user or even for anyone to die, take Sandy Hook for example.



False flag, and not a good one to our cause. Could the perp be a monarch puppet?

Fuck their party van! At this point, if I get v& for exposing pedos I'll take em all down with me.
I'll sieg heil all the way to my grave.

bull nose rings are degenerate

Is that miss alice?

The titty mole is cute though.

that's her nipple user



kek, micro-milk anyone?

I was thinking this exactly. Lots of exposure for comet ping pong and or pizzagate.


Its not impossible to get a gun from Virginia or Maine and drive into DC. But at this point bickering about whether it was a false flag or a total fucking retard with more zeal than brains is counter productive. This plays into their narrative like nothing else, now the pedo fucks get to play victim, and they have an opening to criminalize "fake news" because of "terrorism" We need to get ahead of this on social media, chances are the narrative is going to be deployed int 12-24 hours and we need to preemptively counter meme.

They haven't changed their game. This will help us. Let them come.



some good goy on twitter is streaming from the area:

Reports are saying it was italian-american neo-fascist samuele hidecci, shouting fascist slogans such as "SALUTO IL DUCE"

Honestly nobody died and no shots were fired and it massively increases exposure to this story.

Not entirely sure that this will help them.

Pizzagate isn't a psyop. It's just been flooded with disinfo. When a story is real, their defense against it is to flood tons of disinfo to dilute the truth. Construct many straw men and then tear them down. Same happened with 9-11 for example. It is actually good evidence that pizzagate is onto something.

Guy walks into this place with an (((assault rifle))) in noguns DC and then walks back out into police custody without shooting anyone?

Yeah, nah. This is the most obvious false flag I've ever seen.



yes, but that's a bad example since it was REPORTED that people died

But isn't "pizza" in reference to children something that started on fucking Holla Forums? I'm sure these child sex rings which predate all of that have their own terminology, and also have much more secure means of communication than email.

You would think so, but lugenpresse is going to cherry pick the weakest links in the pizzagate digging, like spooky spirals mean pedophilia because autism instead of the solid financial ties of Pizzapac, Laura Silsby, comets instagram, etc. to discredit us. They will also attempt to criminalize "russian fake news" and shut it down.

Especially since alefaggot already hired armed guards because of "internet harassment", if the attack was legit the guy would have been shot by guards or have shot the guards, either way there would be armed confrontation and gunfire.

In honour of this shotgunman, here is what gets me killed.

It was probably part of the pedo community prior to that. It was introduced to Holla Forums by all the legit pedos who browsed there.

dafuq is this?

Wow, pretty obvious a setup.

They needed a reason to go after the online digging. This is to justify coming after the 'terrorists' researching the very clearly existing elite pedo ring.

Maybe our "shooter" has had everything go to plan. Intentionally not killing anyone and surrendering peacefully may end up to have helped us redpill more normies.

Also add more bullshit discussion on D.C. gun laws. The fucking leftists have been trying to blast the gun laws in D.C for past year, this will only have a faggot discussion on the local news about it.

Oy vey! Moshie send out the police gang stalk unit to Comet Ping pong!!

My understanding is that pedos just started posting on Holla Forums and were using that already established terminology to signal each other.

Yep, that's the disinfo. It is a powerful tool that works on most normies.

just search that page. Please.

This is a prioritized meme ops, good thing there's no bad pr. More exposure for pizzagate is good for us, bad for them no matter if they scream muh fake news.

It will only help if we get ahead of the narrative, especially on twitter, any hashtags they use for this narrative or any outlets used need to be hijacked with relevant infographs, preferably with the solid pieces of info we found instead of conjecture about spooky spirals and shit, I would personally go with the Luzzato/Podesta emails and the Laura Silsby connection as it is most persuasive and the closest thing to a smoking gun without physical evidence.

And it's bullshit too, it's getting so you can't talk about food by its name without it the jewed alternate meaning of the term coming up subconsciously, like (((they))) have done to words like "meat" and "milk".

It's not a bad example. Just because people were reported to have died doesn't change the fact that no one did. False flags are created to set a narrative. This one is to make the pedos seem like the victims. Hook was to force gun control.

why'd you say the same thing twice?


This brings up something crucial. We need to improve our social reach and propaganda effectiveness if we wish to overcome (((their))) lies.

Damn right! Clamp down on gun control in D.C.!

I don't think pedophiles who would be involved in sex rings would be talking to pleb-tier pedos on Holla Forums.

And didn't "pizza" originate from "cp" standing for "cheese pizza"? And relatively recently? I always avoided avoided that shit, but I never saw someone mention "cheese pizza" when I lurked Holla Forums (up until around 2011). It was always "Captain Planet".

And "Captain Picard".

pedos brought the terminology to Holla Forums.
Child Porn = CP. Cheese Pizza = CP. its always been their code.


Good luck with that, They haven't been able to shut down the 1'st amendment yet and I don't see them doing so any time soon.

i remember it being cheese pizza as far back as 08

Someone give me the low down on italian cheese infused pastries? I always figured it was a deep state ruse, so I never bothered reading the threads.





There is a chance it's some retarded user who blew his load too early, but the effect will be the same. Expect backlash.

To show how serious i am



ah looks like they are cleaning house

Dutertenian Hypergamists wreck havoc on US soil!!1!

etc, nigga wut

That's a hoax you're describing. A false flag is a real attack carried out under false identity.

The false flag narrative is how we lose the propeganda war. "See these crazy people with their fake news? They think real tragedies are make believe!"

False flag narratives are D&C shills paid by the same people behind the fake news

They probably won't be able to confiscate guns either but it doesn't stop them from trying and making incremental progress in places like DC, Connecticut, and California. The main angle for the false flag is a psyop to get normies to associate pizzagate with wacky russian trolling and unhinged terrorists and if they manage to get censorship passed it is just a bonus, they will try both.

Podesta email leaks revealed a bunch of pizza places were obviously hiding something, and that something is very heavily hinted to be child sex slaves. There was plenty of digging and a shitload of connections found which are convincing, but nothing that could stand in a court of law. Digging threads got shilled to death with a new tactic - they would start fake leads and turn anons to chase their own tail for threads on end.

Even earlier than that. First time i saw it was 06.

Maybe I'm wrong then.

Still, I think they'd have their own codes. Somebody should listen to those extensive interviews with Paul Bonacci and see if he mentions anything.

Yeah because it's even possible to have more gun control in DC.

This is true. Doesn't matter if they false flagged something or not, suggesting it lets them paint you as a crackpot. Instead this has potential to kick pizzagate into the mainstream if they cover it too much.

if it was a real attack those child fucking faggots would be dead

Sounds like a normal state of affairs on muh ch0ns.

Give me a reason to give a fuck.

how do i get periscope to actually load

i wonder where james was today?

Hasn't worked for me in months.

It tends to go wonky sometimes when a lot of people are trying to view a stream.

ay, good to know it isnt a problem on my end

somebody needs to create a better alternative to periscope, i rarely get that shit to ever work


weak as fuck

We need to comfort fake news so these people don't radicalize.

talking to a poc

I remember a few of the Podesta emails were worded extremely oddly. Stuff like "which pizza of cheese will you do tonight?" and "Let's play dominoes in cheesy pizza!". Stuff that immediately clicked with anyone who has browsed Holla Forums and recognized parts of the code.

so is it a shotgun or an assault rifle
all these witnesses seem to disagree on which
then again these are dc/va liberalfags who probably don't know the difference

Kek. Classmate and we have an assignement due on friday. Forgot to crop the picture. My bad and i will definitely kill myself and her.


and they'll still have the audacity to bring up gun control.


It was clearly an AR-47 assault weapon with extended clips and a shoulder thing (that goes up).

Sandy Hoax was a false flag. It was actual "fake news" because Adam Lanza doesn't exist.

In a roundabout way, you are right. We wouldn't want MAJOR US ALLIES to think that the US is a child murdering, habitually lying, well lubricated machine of industrialized rape, now would we?


crash this plane with just survivors

maybe somebody should've went to sandy hook elementary and do some investigating and see if there was evidence of a high score attempt
its just a coincidence though

No user I think it's called a barrel shroud

Yeah, this is the one thing that stops me from thinking it's a false flag. (((They))) would want to keep all eyes away from anything connected to Pizzagate, unless they have a fucking foolproof get-out-of-jail-free card.
Helps paint us as crazy extremists but they might be flying a bit close to the sun if it is a false flag.

Wow they're not even hiding it anymore, are they?

This is crazy, we need to get the FBI in there to look through everything, every room, every dungeon, to make sure there are no bombs or anything.

Here, this is less cryptic, but do not ignore the poetry.

No, it's 100% a false flag, this is all about serving as a pretext for shutting the place down and then crying victim.

Agreed. There could be a shooter in the dungeon they build illegally

youre supposed to kidnap the guy and get his confession on camera before executing him, you can run up in that bitch with a shotgun and blow down all the employees after that

Don't want to take this off topic, but there's no reason to think Lanza didn't exist. I mean, there are fucking yearbook pictures of him. Unless everybody who want to school in Newtown was part of the conspiracy?

Gun control isn't the lesson from Sandy Hook, the danger of jewish pharmaceuticals is. Pic related (#3).

Yes, yes. The BBC admitted this, right around the time they had a symposium of religious scholars of various faiths debating their POVs with CERn scientists..

Uncouthly honest of them, tbf.

False flag or not we turn up the heat.

nigger nobody died at sandy hook we already came to this conclusion years ago fuck off

kill yerself muh man


I hate false flags and misinformation more than any other tactic these fuckers use. Everyone just eats it up and pities the poor "victims." I really hope it backfires.

Then they would at least have their false flagger shot the ceiling up a bit I mean for fucks sake.

the floor would've been better to expose the dungeon

How does that factor in at all? Adam Lanza doesn't exist, he never did. ((they)) photo-shopped a photo of his brother, who is alive and well, and claimed that this "evidence" was "adam Lanza." Are you implying that Adam was on drugs and "Went on a rampage?" That is pure bullshit.

Nigger, I remember when DallasButtplug first introduced the "nobody died" narrative in the truth movement after the Giffords shooting.

Nigger, we are talking about the narrative and law changes caused by sandy hoax, not what you're jewing about.

No, they wouldn't are you fucking kidding me? They don't need to do that, a guy showing up with a gun posing as a "pizzagate crazy" is all they need to establish pretext to seal that place up and protected it from further investigation.

This is their defense mechanism and it will work.

If he didn't exist, why are their yearbook photos of him? Are you suggesting that the shooting was planned years in advance and that everybody who went to those schools was in on it?

pick one



so some faggot was exercising his second amendment rights and was about to play some pingpong and the owners looked up from eating their cheese pizza to see a man lawfully armed inside their satanic temple to moloch and immediately called the cops?
What are the chances it was a complete coincidence that the place that cried to the police about a firearm was also under investigation by some neckbeards for child sacrifice/rape?

What, and have the police start snooping around the buildings after guns go blazing off? Fuck that, they actually need to move a large structure around. Keep that shit as low key as you can while moving the operation around under the pretext of this event.

It was a cult town, retard


I can see it now:

You should. I have a reflexive physiological response when I see someone burned to death or small children crushed by toppled buildings. I can detach from this and make an attempt to categorize these habbebings with reason, god-given or otherwise. I hope.

Also, yearbook photos don't mean shit

Have you, personally, ever talked to a family involved there? Did you look in the school?

"Don't shoot up the kill room, we just washed all the blood out and polished it for Hillary!"


As soon as the articles come out, start spamming the comment sections with the saved archives of Jimmy Comet's instagram, since that's what the convinced most of us that the place is a pedophile haven to begin with.

No amount of media spin can explain away pictures of a baby with a stack of cash in its mouth, a baby taped to a table, dicks cumming pizzas, and all the other bizarre and grotesque stuff he had on his instagram.

Good guess at the immediate motivation behind the FF: cause to increase security to prevent further grassroot investigations.
Can probably forget the underground exploring…

If there were fake photos added to the yearbook after the fact, somebody would have said something unless they were all in on it.

Sandy Hook being a hoax just isn't a realistic scenario, especially when it would be much easier for the kikes to just kill the fucking kids.

Fix'd. The US government is one thing but I can see them be a lot more careful when it comes to their darker shit like this.


It's all fake, nothing ever happens. No one can possibly go crazy due to dangerous doctor perscribed drugs. Instead just believe they made someone up and no one is telling the truth. Also buy water filters. Fuck off Alex.

I counter your reasoning, Satan, by positing that it would be much easier if there were no bodies.

oh wow it's fucking nothing

Sandy hook?
Ooyyy veyyy

Remembra da gun violence

No it wouldn't, that would require far less conspirators. The Sandy Hoax theories get to the point where the whole town would have to be in on it.

Its not his fault. Its all the hate towards fake news that causes people like this to radicalize. We need to accept all fake news into our communities, or maybe just moderate fake news.

So if you carry a gun now, you are a shooter?

All the better. Fewer mouths.

They had better hope that the people looking into the shooting or blocking further investigations are all well and truly on their side. One detractor leaking info or getting extra pictures could blow up on them.

We might be able to increase exposure with this, but yes I think they'll have protection and a reason to lock shit down because of this.

Pls Batemen, you don't need to have the whole town in on it. You just need to trick the town itself.

I'm saying killing the kids would, as opposed to hiring dozens of actors etc.


Disregarding the copious legal measures associated with the disposal of dead bodies.


i know you're new here but it's been proven the town is full of cia and crisis actors
Holla Forums is always right

also all you yearbook fags check this out

Fuck you too, Kike. Alex Jones said that because he's controlled op, retard.

Holla Forums shitposted some tinfoiler to assault pizzeria with a shotgun. Just as (((they))) planned.

And the more I think about it, the more I wonder why Sandy Hooks used. If (((they))) just wanted to push for more gun restrictions then why not just hire a lone wolf to act out and execute with the eyes of the media on them. It would be a lot easier and you would not leave as big of a trail. What was the main objective of Sandy Hooks? It was obviously a staged event but what was the purpose of the whole damn thing?

why isnt normie media reporting this yet??

This. That whole op was fabricated top to bottom. You don't set something up like massacring a school full of children without having complete control over the narrative.


what's going to be raelly funny is that they're going to use this as an excuse to close down and demolish pedo pizza before anybody can investigate the lower chamber(s)


This is exactly right. They don't care about leaks, because what are we gonna do?

Says the normalfag. And more than likely they are tying it all up before releasing it. If we hear about it tonight or tomorrow morning then it is most likely a false flag, doubly so if we see people move.

If colluding, keeping it a low level article is a good idea.
Just enough coverage that it justifies increased police presence.
Or they're winding up to unveil some lengthy ridiculous "fake news" hit piece defending these fucks.

Sandy Hook "smoking gun" is no longer in play.


Nigger Town officials will update us soon!

Close down temporarily, maybe, but I don't see them demolishing the place. Would be too soon, too suspicious.

Lurk moar, or kill yourself. I don't give a shit, just stop posting.

Desperation. What's one of the easiest ways to get people to agree with something? Make it seem as if children are in danger. Humans are naturally instinctively pushed toward defending their young, and as is right are outraged at the concept of the young being harmed. This is why they go after them.

Protip: next time long press the image and save it.

Proprotip: Don't use your fucking cellphone to post on Holla Forums

Stop acting stupid user you're smarter than that.

it won't get national coverage unless it's being done to instigate national legislation.

Holy fuck am I rustled.

they sure demolished sandy hook elementary quickly

He asked a question faggot, if normie upsets you so much maybe you should get the fuck off the chans you reddit spacing faggot.

had no idea id trigger 2 autists by saying normie.

i dont know how to use reddit or what the site even looks like

what is reddit spacing?

That's because we're not part of the chosen ones.

I'm not disagreeing with you there, what i'm confused about is why not just make a stand alone actor to shoot around a school and wound a few teachers? With as much mudshits around the US I wouldn't think it would be too hard to find trigger happy foreigners to do this. Why go through the trouble of having an entire set of actors and props that would leave incriminating evidence?

Maybe you should fuck off back to TRS, Something Awful, or the Kikebart forums, you fucking asshole.


It's a D&C shill tactic, they've tried to meme "CTR spacing" recently as well. You can generally avoid the first by not double spacing like a faggot between every single sentence like you are currently doing.

Cry harder bitch.

some were posting Captain Planet threads also back then but then they were banned and started posting pizza

Also if this is more padding for the shitty "fake news" meme and they are planning to drop a huge hit piece then my guess is they are waiting for someone like alex jones to report on it.
Easier target to demonize while the press glosses over any detail and just reinforces the "disregard all information we don't supply" narrative.


kill yourself, you thread-derailing kike

A death certificate is a public document, isn't?
Let's assume a landlord grown cynical by experience were to question the given name of his prospective tenant. Would it beyond the law for John person to request a death certificate, just in case?

I don't want to rent John Johnson, expired in 1984, an apartment, right?

You have to be from reddit yourself to actually know what reddit spacing would look like so these people are probably just shills themselves, ignore them like the kikes they are.

Fuck you, normie.


Not really. How would the disposal of kids' bodies shot by an autist be any different than those shot by some Mossad kike?

nodisinfo is one of the most retarded websites I've ever seen, they were claiming Traitor Glenn Miller was an actor.

I see. You guys are working in tandem.

No, faggot. Anybody who says:

Is a Kike

underrated post

where's the "IT'S AFRAID" pic?



Anyone who derails a discussion about kikes trying to suppress pizzagate with a false flag/psyop is a fucking kike, kike. Sandy hook is not directly relevant here, the attempted shooting incident and how it will undoubtedly be exploited by alefaggot and friends is. Stay on topic or get gassed pls.

If the media DOESN'T make an big deal of this over the next few weeks, we will know for sure something IS there.

This. Get people to force the MSM to explain in detail everything about pizzagate. Then it'll be up to public opinion.

Get callers and "innocuous" tweeters and facebook commenters to demand an explanation.

Why would you trust the media?

If the national media picks up the story, we will know it was a false flag, and that they will be running disinfo/interference and tying up any loose ends with the low level guys in the elite pedo ring. If it doesn't get past local media it can safely be assumed that the gunman was just an overzealous idiot.

Idiot. Daily mail commentator. Professional twitterer. Hysterically post-menopausal.

why the fuck is this stickied?

Man with assault rifle enters Comet Ping Pong, victim of fake Clinton-trafficking story



Nigger, MSM will not be "forced" to report anything, they will spin it as "fake news russian conspiracy" we need to hijack their narrative and marginalize them as much as possible, not "convince them to cover it" dumbass.

People are asking question, some are coming back with "I can't believe they are investigating this." This could be a great opportunity to provide an alternative to their MSM links provided in the post. yeah im a newfag, not sure if I used reddit spacing, though.


also for you newfags sandy hook elementary closed in 2008 and reopened right before the shooting

There we go, my man. NDAA in action.

If this is real though (((they))) must be shitting themselves


That's not how the wayback machine works.

Wapo is already reporting, they have a narrative set up already.

Oh boy are they going to be terrified when they see some real shit.

What the FUCK

If they do, it won't hurt getting people to demand a indepth explanation. Getting people to ask questions is always useful.

you can practically smell the haze of sweat the room was filled with as they rambled out that incoherent bullshit.

"normie" originated on 4chan you fucking dipshit

They set up Pizzagate.

meaning it wasn't changed in all that time…stop being retarded

D.C. Police detain suspect with an assault rifle at Comet Ping Pong restaurant

I've been seeing them push "CTR spacing/CTR formatting(in response to using greentext to quote someone)CTR compression(in response to replying to multiple people with a single post)"
Think they are just trying to find new things to cause division.

This thread is getting shilled to fuck by Holla Forums. They're extremely assmad that we made fun of their shitskin towelhead leader.

Stay mad, faggots.

Feed the hungry brains…

Was he a confabulated WaPo employee?


Or that they see fresh reddit users use spacing that is required on reddit. This may come as a shock to some people but people tend to relay this sort of information to others. Are you going to tell me that there is nothing wrong with openly inviting redditors here?

You just might be right.

godfuckingdammit, Holla Forums is becoming stupider by the day

Friendly reminder, don't forget your spacing.

No but the greentext and multiple replies in a single post thing is retarded.

fuck off back to ebaumsworld you nigger

Do we have any infographs?

>>>Holla Forums

I am dissapoint.
There's no coincidence that this happens after rule 41 gives the FBI even more hacking power, and after king nigger made alternative news media illegal and the no-fly zone in syria.
This is going to be the catalyst they use to say that "Russian propaganda is attempting to destabalize the US", go to war with Russia, and declare martial law


Greentexting was just one of those oldfag fights that we lost. Greentexting your story is the hip new thing. Just like using >mfw instead of using >my face when or faggots that have to use that to begin with. Welcome to evolution in hyper speed.

Whatever. I'm sick of the games. Fucking do it you pussies.

self-checking these prophetic dubs.

Fuck off back to 9gag Jew Leon Assandria.

Obviously I was calling people calling it "CTR formatting" and "CTR compression" retarded.
Learn into reading comprehension faggot.

Not likely. The military and the police despise Obama, love Trump, and Trump supporters are the only ones with guns. The libtards would get literally raped to death in under a week.

Anyone complaining about Chan culture in a happening thread is a derailing faggot/kike


reddit spacing is a legitimate complaint, CTR compressing is not and the idiots that push it need to read a fucking book.

They also have to follow orders, the police are not on your side you fucking mouth-breather.
get gassed.

Oh shit, someone actually predicted this on twitter over a week ago that we'd get a false flag like this as an excuse to crack down on sites that are spreading "fake news". I wish I'd saved it but at the time I thought he was just being paranoid over nothing and kind of laughed it off, I sure do feel dumb now.

Besides, the guy was taken into custody. We really can't get too much more info until the lugenpresse does something with it or the police issue a statement.

go to war over pizzagate haha no…they dont want anymore attention to this than there is already, which means it could very well be a pedo-assassin or someone wanting to rob the place


I have a few. These are the most damning and best at circulating for normal fags. The entire pizzagate summary is very hard to concisely put in one infograph so you start with the most damning shit. I need infographs specifically concerning alefaggot and Comet Pizza since that is what MSM is focusing on though.

normie predates 4chan.

im aware of what "reddit spacing" is you absolute fucking autists. jesus christ can you people not once sense a joke?? Yes, I was double spacing and asking what it was to be funny. Also the tounge in cheek part of that joke is pointing out how retarded it is to get asspained about what kind of spacing someone uses. If you dont want to have a discussion with someone or refute what they are saying based on fucking spacing alone, you have high autism. Ive been using this site for years and it still makes me cringe here and there.
For all the talk people put up here saying they are immune to trolling and D&C tactics/jewish tricks, this place is easy as fuck to troll and cause a huge shitstorm. I wasnt even TRYING to piss anyone off and theres a few people sperging out. If I were actual JIDF, my paypal would be full of sheckles…get a fucking grip, people. Is the problem too much oriental cartoons, or what??

Truth. I don't see it as a bad thing. If sandyhoax only resulted in more people buying guns, this won't do shit.


Lol you sound like a faggot.*/*/

They changed the website.


WaPo is property of Amazon. Property of Jeff Bezos. Jeff Bezos is CIA. CIA could not operate domestically, were it not for NDAA.


The CIA is at war with the United States.

How exactly are they going to sell the public that a few internet trolls bullshitting people are sufficient causus belli? Even 9/11 barely allowed them to invade Iraq and Americans have wisened up to their tricks since then and are absolutely fucking sick of stupid wars. If they wanted war with Russia they would do a false flag, not a low energy "fake news" narrative.

Oh please, the only reason they follow orders is because the federal government would stomp them if they didn't. If the federal government tried to declare martial law only the cucks in the cities would abide by it.


What we really need is another Pulse, that shit got gun sales at an all time high for almost two months straight.



and a bunch of faggots bit it and that's always a plus


Always this when it comes to conspiracies and "fake news". Utterly crush the oppositions narrative right out the fucking gate.

If false flag:
Pizzagate was too much pressure for the spirit pedos, so they're forced to make a move thus advancing the plot of 2016 and giving us many happenings
If not false flag:
Praise Kek for the minor happening

so the CIA must hang

He's right, you're pretty fucking retarded.

I went ahead and got a bunch of gun purchases done right after trump got in.
I had never seen such cheap firearms.


wow you guys are bullet proof. nothing gets by you! You should probably post some smug anime girls to tell me off.

A man can dream. This is obviously a false flag but it means so much for us that it happpened.

Most of the damning evidence is with Podesta, if anyone has the autism to make an infograph from Alefaggots most fucked instagram pics it would be appreciated.

Local Fox 5 news in D.C. just said "Pedo claims of comet pizza false and unfounded" At lest they mentioned Hillary Clinton and linked satanic rituals and Podesta e-mails to the story.

They said reports of 1 shot fired to the ground? No motive ever mentioned and gunman said nothing?

Have to wait until fucking Redskins halftime to get any news in D.C. Nobody gives a fuck about a faggot pedo pizza place while Nigger football league in on.

hahahha your salty tears make me masturbatory.
You are an actual retard.

I don't think you understand how close pizzagate is to critical mass, I can imagine them saying "We have to do something"

If it this is its still very good for us and bad for them. More exposure is the key for our support.


I said they would stop Obama from declaring martial law on be on Trump's side, not that they give anyone from Holla Forums a pass because "muh white race" - you stupid faggot.

ok so based on this nothing happened with it in three years (2008-2011)
still pretty telling


It's not over pizzapong, it's over the fucking "fake news" shit.
They are using it to try and say that ruskies are destabilizing the US with their propaganda, no-fly zone in Syria starts the actual war with the support they drum up via this event and the notion that "fake news" is riling up domestic terrorists.
This event might not lead to war directly(Syrian no-fly will), but mass censorship and heavy restrictions on guns/internet at the very least.

holy shit no it doesn't you mouth-breathing faggot.
Normalfag came from /r9k/ in its golden age, redditors who didn't want to adopt the -fag sufffix invented normie so they could pretend they were robots.

And you don't think the federal government would "stomp them" in a martial law scenario.
I do agree, most rural cops are pretty bro-tier though.
Martial wouldn't affect the rural areas as much though, as most of the folks that live in them are self-sustaining.

By claiming that these internet trolls are acting at the behest of the Kremlin - this would be terrible PR for Russia, this combined with the no-fly zone in Syria would lead to the perfect storm scenario.
That comes later to solidify the narrative put forward. Laws that step on our rights are always passed because of emotional appeal ie.



Here's what I have


Fuck off.

I believe it's reasonable to assume that the police men are on our side while the lawmakers are not. If something becomes sufficiently infamous they can't turn a blind eye to it. For example the federal reserve protests, clean cut, open carry protest right in front of the vipers nest and and there were no arrests.

what if the guys is really one of us just trying to shine some unwanted attention onto the pizza joint?
This really could have just been one of us making more news of pizzagate. idk how they would profit from a falseflag like this

I'm gunna check it.

I have that one too but it is tl;dr for normal fags, good info but shit meme efficiency.

Yeah but how many people may see this a think
"What a good fucking idea let's go hunt and kill Podesta!"

If anything (((they))) would want you to think its a false-flag

You're the faggot here that can't get police dick out of your mouth. Self-defense isn't illegal. Wearing a costume isn't illegal. Yet they're still in jail.


can't argue with those digits.


This. I think it was probably some Voat dweeb who wasn't ready to kill some people and spend his life in prison.
He probably just wanted to scare the pedo fucks and also draw attention to Pizzagate.

In the context of Obama using martial law to lock things down I don't think we even need to give a shit about the cities. If the police there slaughter the city-dwellers that's a plus, in just about any scenario whether it's Obama or Trump doing it. The whole point is Obama couldn't use "martial law" to stay in power - none of the police outside of cities nor the military would support him.

Checked. Obviously kek wants us to spread this one. Keep em coming boys.

bumping these digits

No police are on our side.

They Literally are the enforcement of the political wing. They individually may not be bad.
But their organization is as corrupt as the rest of the government body.

You stupid faggot. The government has a monopoly on violence, that's literally all it does.

They can (and do) if they are ordered to. You know nothing about the fraternal order of police or the oaths that bind them to their masters.
your next line is

The military has to support him as do the police, individual policemen are fucking fine but as an order they are not on your side whatsoever.

I would like to argue that this is in the best interest of everyone involved. I'm starting to look like a dumbass, though.

I'm calling it. Gamergate 5.0

You can get off the ride but you can't leave the park.

Keep sucking that dick faggot, better not defend yourself or your family.

kek, u really are asspained. hurt in Uranus

i'm sure that they would make it so a public school website can't be crawled

Could you do me a favor and look at the iris of the MCcann los girl and the eyes/facial structure of the girl in the creepy instagram?


There is literally nothing wrong with being a mason :^)
but seriously though you're kind of making my point for me.
That cuts both ways.

These people are protecting ritual chid abusers.

He is holding a radio set.

triple dubs confirms. hand rubbing intensifies.

Why? Tell me that, stupid faggot, they choose to support or not to support and in the whole of the military you might (MIGHT) get 1% who would support martial law vs civilians in the US, they would all be quickly fucked by the other 99%.

No more clickbait cognitive infiltration psyops pls thx.


give me a break, lets keep our fucking heads on shall we?

If you actually think that people shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves then yes you are a dumbass.


So if someone wanted to put you in an internment camp because you're commuting the high treason of wrongthink and may poison the consensus of the general populace(and are therefore dangerous) the excuse being it was "for their and your own good" you'd willingly march to the guillotines?
Good little sheep.

Are you fucking high? It's very one sided, I do overall agree with you though that the individual officers are decent guys usually but their organization is purely a tool of the ZOG machine.

You are massively fucking wrong, they have two options:
And king nigger has done a real good job pozzing up the military institutions, it's like you have no grasp of the methods cultutal marxism operates on, or the brainwash that every single military grunt and peace officer are subjected to.

I don't check a faggot's digits.

The most solid leads we had were the Podesta's abduction of McCann, and scotland yard recently released a statement of "new leads on the McCann case" regarding a witness and a pedo ring investigation conveniently surfacing 7 years later. They will pin any serious evidence on someone other than Podesta and do similar things for any other evidence.

Check the other schools in the district, same shit. Unless they were all closed too?

Intelius is shit, all that means is that Adam's name wasn't entered in any of those marketing databases, which would make sense for an autisitc shut-in.

it looks like he's holding something

This shit gives me headaches sometimes

Fumigate your breeches, this instance. What you deem to be violence, in this case you proscribe, is what I call common sense.

Violence is a very specific procedure.

Sure faggot, I was never in the military. No idea what I'm talking about, they would happily slaughter US civilians.
(yes, that's sarcasm, aside from the faggot part because you are in fact a giant fucking flaming faggot)

police are on their own side


Read the conversation next time retard because we were specifically talking self-defense.


Wow, the peak of mount stupid gets higher every day.

It isn't about what I deem violent, it's about what our federal government deems violent.

Your average poz-pig navy faggot or flyboy would in an instant.
I take it you were a Marine or did a run on BUDS, you know, the ones that actually do the fighting overseas so the ape in charge hasn't pozzed them as badly.
foreign and domestic threats you. keep sucking cop/grunt dick.

Gee, aren't you a veritable spectrophotometer.

Are these pedo rings so large they can afford to just give up expendable sections of it?!?!

They will jail everybody but the main players.

I knew when all the sjw's went out of their way to defend Sarah Butts and ignored Anita Sarkeesian's ties to a sex offender I just knew it was going to be the sign of something worse to come.

Literally the first few posts were claiming this to be a hoax, you fucking sperg.


and yet nobody mentioned rule 41, the no-fly zone, or the recent measure to outlaw alternative media.
These things are all connected.

Navy don't count, they're all a bunch of buttfuckers with no experience in land warfare.

Yes, in the Dutroux ring they pinned everything on Dutroux himself even though he was just procuring for Dutch elites and not the top of the food chain. They will either pin everything on the low level guys or misdirect entirely and use miscellaneous crime organizations like cartels or the mob as a fall group.

what's your point here then? It sounds like you're just going
>hurr durr the entire military institution is WHITE and REDPILLED and they totally won't cuck out for orders

He'd doing the Merkel hand sign.

Nigger we can all see the trees in the forest. It practically doesn't even need to be said, although thanks for saying it.

I do this sometimes when I'm deep in thought..



You aren't friends with a bunch of crazy Korean voodoo women, are you?

Me too.

No, my life is not that exciting

I watched a documentary called "Boys for Sale" which the main investigator (a shitlib professor at the University of Texas) claims underaged male prostitutes seems to be popular with people in high ranking positions that comes with lots of stress and pressure. Its kinda funny to think the people that should avoid this sort of thing the most maybe the biggest perps of this sort of thing.

says the kike….

No faggot, the parts of the military that would be remotely useful in a martial law scenario would be: Army, Marines, Seals, Airforce. NONE of them would fucking do it for Obama in opposition to Trump.

Obama doing a 3rd term would trigger the end times. There wouldn't be a internet to police at that point.

So it's like pic related then…..shit.

It's their blackmail-ability that gets them into high positions in the first place.

came here to post this

The block surrounding the restaurant was sealed off with police tape. By 4:20 p.m., after the suspect had been apprehended, there were about a dozen police cars in the area as officers conducted sweeps of the scene.
International smoking time it gets wrapped up at 420 ok false flag

And even if it's not a false flag, guarantee that it will be used to strengthen the fake news meme

Huh, so it was all true.

Everything dug up about #PizzaGate was true.
At the beginning I at least thought it was to spectacular to be true but the perfect story has been born for the media.

Although I don't think it was a false flag, what the power structure can also do is distortion. Perhaps he was only in the area and had walked by the restaurant, so the cops find him and say he had gone to Comet Pizza and shot the ground inside.

Kek, mattering on the material type wouldn't a bullet hitting concrete be unrecognizable in a ballistics test?

Ya know The people at the top (minus the clintons) might not even be into this crap. They can just get people who are into that shit,black mail them, and use them as a puppet/fall guy.

What happens if they say "No." to the pedo blackmail?
Death? Even if they're a well known figure and it would seem suspicious as fuck?


Fuck, this is a bit of a (((coincidence))). Is there ANY evidence to say otherwise?

I will not go down without depleting my stock of ammo

SEALS is too small, Marines won't do it, as for the army pic related speaks for itself.

I'm done arguing with you, you obviously have no experience in the military nor any competency in the civilian world.

Post yfw it is an obvious false flag.

get gassed bootlicker.

Achtung! Battle stations! We need to immediately counter the fuck out of their weaponized fake news meme and turn it back on the media establishment. Don't let them convert more normies with this shit. Next phase they'll be pushing for insane legislation that'll give them more control over information flow online, and they're using this to pacify the normies on the issue. I need your finest anti-media memes on #fakenews and reply to all news tweets mentioning fake news. Meme the fuck out of their juiciest lies and use your creative autism. Use their Iraq 'muh WMDs' bs, false polling data, Russian menace fear mongering, media silence on rapefugee crimes, 'it's illegal to read Wikileaks', anything else you can come up with. May Kek watch over you in this fight.

They'll try but it's not so fucking easy in the internet age.

The Franklin scandal and Dutroux was when the luggenpresse controlled the narrative.

Pleasant and unexpected turn of evens. Well has the man managed to kill anyone? Furthermore, where do we think he's from? My money is on reddit, judging by his beard and long hair, along with the general untidiness of his person.

Meet your future replacement with some faggot from San Francisco in a nice air conditioned room convinced he's on the right side of history operating it.

And remember folks, done on a sunday evening so the fake msM news cycle on Monday can kick in gear.


Pizzagate Explodes: Man With Gun Arrested at Conspiracy Pizza Parlor

>Restaurant workers acted quickly, getting staff and patrons—including a number of children—to safety and dialing 911. Authorities were quick to respond. They subdued and arrested the man and secured the restaurant. No shots were fired and no one was injured.

Let's stop with the false-flag meme, we have zero evidence for that. To them Pizzagate needs to be ignored not have massive attention brought to it.

It was a fucking false flag though
Learn how to fucking spot them

Not if they pull the EVIL RIGHT WING meme again.

The one thing that makes me doubt that its a false flag is that I would expect deaths if it were. Shooting into the ground and not even in someone's direction makes it seem like it could just be to draw attention.

uh.. wouldn't it be far more expedient and cost-effective to set up a media outlet that isn't absolute garbage?

Think about this.

The fuck? Do they show up to every armed conflict in their city? No. Fucking false flag confrimed.

He was just raising awareness and the fact that no MSM has reported it confirms.

Here we go. 20 minutes ago

Fake news, real bullets: Suspect with rifle arrested at DC restaurant named in ‘Pizzagate’ story


Because it fits the narrative. Sure, they'll use it as a hate crime or such shit, while trying to cover it.

Instead of larping as the Riddler, why don't you just tell us what you think you've fond?



Does every armed conflict happen at a pedo spot that involved DC elite? In this case them showing up isn't really an indication one way or another as far as false flag goes.

They are getting way too predictable, and yet people keep falling for it.

The real false flag comes when a "real" active shooter walks into CNN or MSNBC studios and shoots some celebrities as a final act of diversion from Pizzagate elitist pedo rings and whatever the fuck their avant-garde ritualistic Satan bullshit they're into

People aren't stupid, even if 'they'''' think so, so just let it flow and make it into the normies mind.


So they can put a stop to the "crazy conspiracy theories" about pizzagate.

Washington police detain gunman who entered restaurant hit by a fake Hillary Clinton scandal

Business Insider

I notice this "incident" is happening less than a week after an actual Somali Muslim immigrant physically attacked people in Columbus, Ohio.


Stio being such a lame pussy. People can read in between the lines these days. Sure, there are the usual faggots, but… Come on :D It's a advertisements of not anything else.

I understand that Jews defy white logic, and Jews are extremely brazen, but logic clearly dictates that Comet Ping Pong would be sanitized of any pedo activity and torture equipment because of the ongoing scrutiny and exposure.

mmmmmmm. nuuskamuikkunen



They're always so fucking adamant that it's fake when everything is up in the air.

Fucking cunts


Those Hitler dubs would suggest at least one multinational corporation is a front for pedophile degeneracy.


nope, Moloch demands more child sacrifices. They must continue, its in their nature. They will keep going even when they get caught red handed. Its how they fuel their jew magic.

Is "child sex ring" not good enough for you?

Every normie I know thinks the Russian hackers thing is bullshit if the media overplays this normies might just get a whiff that something isn't right ((they)) always go too far under the weight of ((there)) lies

well, they'll burn

Sure, but the vast majority of normalfags and city dwellers love sucking kike dick and will eat this and the "russian propaganda" narrative up like flies on shit.

Pizzagate is a very specific term. What can the wayback machine tell us?

Gamergate styled common narrative "Fake news/conspiracy THEORY" inbound.

meme power

Except the people with a half brain wont. Happened here in Finland. The mass media tried and what happened? The alt-media took off and is more popular than the MSM.

jimmycomet's instagram posts aren't fake.

assault ar 47s with extended clips
do they put any trace of effort into everything they're doing


I sure as fuck hope that's what happens, but with king nigger making alt-media illegal I doubt it will.
There will be a crackdown.


Undoubtedly, but you can't let that demoralize you, once someone goes full poz they are a lost cause but the vast majority of Americans are unaligned apolitical normies who are pretty fucking dumb and bluepilled but have enough capacity to wake up if given the right memes. There will always be a demographic of impossibly dense libshits but that is not the target demographic anyways its irrelevant.

It's not illegal. Read the legislation.

You're right, my bad.

False flag. Besides the media, this means they will also now have police protection and surveillance.

that's commie talk

JournoList is probably already on it.

We have one "Chan" called Ylilauta. It's filled with red pills and people calling kikes out aloud every day. 1 million users. sixth of the Finnish population.


And yet when asked about it… they swear you can't make a judgement on all whole group based on one persons actions. It's a mental disease… no cure except mental anguish.

This is probably a Finnish word.

By who? The ground level cops/feds hate king nigger. They have literally no ground support. The fact that this guy walked in but didn't kill anybody is why I don't think this was a false flag. Remember, the last thing they want is for people to find out about their child rape gangs. The only thing they'll do is bring more attention to it. Its better for them if they go unnoticed than try to manage it out in the open.

So now even more eyes are on this operation than before? The more people you add to this, the more likely something will leak.

I hope that would be the case, that never ends well…





Fully Automatic Assault long rifle guns* Fixed that for you.

they moved the traffic cam yesterday!!!!
they moved the traffic cam yesterday!!!!

Or to ensure the police are watching out for "crazies" trying to investigate the premises further.


I mean eyes turned outwards, towards anyone investigating. Unless you think cops in DC will turn on their masters. I hope you aren't that naive.

Sam Hyde grew a beard?

Hmph. Punished reddit confirms.

got here late, any clear pictures/video of his gun? MSM says it was an "assault rifle" while you guys say shotgun. would like to see for myself

The whole department? No. An individual officer who becomes so appalled by what he sees that he takes a hidden camera and captures evidence? Possible.

Oh my fugg

That says a lot.

Prob has exposed hammer like Hi power or 1911 easy to pull a single action trigger.


They already trid this in Finland and it failed badly.

The little former redditors are all grown up and being useful now, it feels like a whole new world.

Oh boy.

It's bad form and will lead to injury sooner of later.

It's not a surprise anymore, but it's still amazing to see.

nigga what?

You're right, not illegal just highly regulated. It's still not good.
I am not shilling for demoralization, I am advocating for awareness and preparedness.
Holy shit this is the most blatant honeypot I have ever laid eyes on, I am glad so many people use it though. Need to look into it more.

The police and feds, who have to fucking follow orders.
They are trying to discredit anyone looking into their mountains of shady shit by labeling them terrorists who fell prey to russian propaganda.
Then why is the mayor of DC and his nigger lackey out there? Do they do this every time some coon pulls his "gat" out in a pizza joint?

This is very possible. This isn't necessarily a good thing for the pedos, silence is golden. We'll have to see how the media deals with this to get a better idea of what thinking went in to his actions. I hope this gets MSM talking about pizzagate more.

Dude you don't actually believe they've exposed themselves to more vulnerability now do you? No cop is going to risk his job over this.

Have you ever been to DC? Ever trained with cops? They're the biggest low-IQ bootlickers known to man, and in this case, in a city consisting solely of the powerful surrounded by the niggest nogs.

Plus pedo rings get people suicided, cops are in it for the retirement. The two don't mix.

nice digits

it'll be a convenient excuse for them to close down shop and gut everything though


It's classic bootlicker mentality

The irony that you post an image made by a satanic serial killer worshiping jew loving satirist who tried to shill this new "OC" here and every other "alt right" website over a couple months.

Just saying, if a shitload of dead kids and fags didn't do anything but sell guns, this won't do shit.

Can't argue with that

What does that have anything to do with what I said?

Who is saying the cops are anyone's friend, the cops are going to fall in line and do their job and not ask any fucking questions. That's the only point that was being made, why are you trying to make this about something that it isn't?

This. Exposing corruption in the state brands you a terrorist.

To normalize pedophilia.

They're on the ropes and are trying to justify their existence in any way they can.

Pure Coincidence!
was there proofs in that thread?

Is he still in jail?


Like they did at sandyhoax?
You have no idea.
I'm at a Walmart right now.
There is a line at the gun counter.

yes they do

I'm not, was refering to the mindset behind the guy you were replying to's post.

You don't live in a city full of pozzed faggots, of course there would be sensible individuals attempting to buy firearms before they're even further restricted.

So what now guys? Is the digging still going to happen or will the fear of being branded a VIOLENT TERRORIST get to the herd? We know the pussies and cucks at reddit will let the trail go cold, hell they've done this multiple times with other HAPPENINGS after all.

Ok fair enough, my mistake.

Remember that thread from the other week where some moron was saying that we should SWAT comet pizza or raid it ourselves with guns? I called him an idiot. Other people called me a shill. Fucking idiots.

Of all the sad words of tongue or pen, I was right again!

Digging at reddit is already shut down, voat isn't stopping the digging, and we sure as fuck aren't either. The fact that they are pulling stunts like this and mobilizing the entire lugenpresse means we were right all along.

*the saddest are these

I wasn't talking about that either, take your word salad to somebody who cares.

Why? If martial law is declared, you can expect shit to start going down the day after. All it would take to unleash the full force of the US armed population would be a rallying call from Trump. The US pop could easily steamroll the entire US government in a war of attrition.

They would've been a lot more effective had there been casualties. The fact that the shooter surrendered peacefully works against them, and, in my opinion, leads to more eyes on pizzagate.

Beside this pizza joint is also a tourist attraction and not in the nigger parts of town. This isn't your average nigger hold up either.

How did wikileaks obtain Podesta's emails? Hacking? Seth Rich was a burnout who probably leaked the info, and was killed for it. There are benevolent actors inside the system.

Its entirely possible for a low level cop to leak that shit. And these people know this, which is why I don't think they would push for an increased presence anywhere near there.

Again, we need to keep an eye on this, but I don't think it was a false flag. They had to blow down the Twin Towers in NYC to get a war in Afgan and Iraq. Sandy vag and Pulse did nothing for their agenda, and they were far higher profile than this. Do you honestly think they'll use a non-casualty producing event to silence alternative media.

If we wanted to get ahead of this, we should start producing a counter narrative right away. That "fake news" angle they're pushing is begging to be hijacked.

Long live italicized I!

Did anyone make archives of these? Would be easy for them to claim its photoshopped.

But this works in our favor yet again.
Pozzed shitholes are pozzed.
But pulse and sandyhoax didn't work to restrict gun rights at all

If they try now when their narrative is weakest…

This was me:


It doesn't, because in the eyes of your average pozzed to all fuck normalfag they are still a terrorist and might as well have gone in there eating a baby's intestines off a harpoon gun.
Exactly, it's a false flag to drum up more surveillance of the internet and of gun owners.
Nice >reddit spacing you retard.

Armed man arrested at DC restaurant that was center of Clinton conspiracy theory

Washington Examiner (blog)

>There is no evidence that the restaurant or its employees engaged in sex trafficking.

The next op needs to compile all these stories. Just wait for the HuffPo and Slate pieces for the kicker

As far as I know only the official pages/whatever they call them were baleeted. Is actual digging banned there? If so, then that cannabilism and pedo link at reddit is just looking more and more legit as the days go by. Anyhow anything happen to the Twitter hosting CP scandal?

I've been cramming for my finals so I haven't kept up with all of these happenings tbh.

I'm not concerned about our gun rights. If our gun rights can survive countless mass murders, they can survive this zero-fatality incident.


What about our rights to shitpost without being hax0r'd?

Here's what I think the goal is

Anyone saying otherwise is either a fool or a shill.

I'm not even mad. I sincerely hope that narrative gets pushed into the ground.

I heard pizzagate mentioned on a normie mildly conservative show, first time I've had the radio on in years and it was in the first 5 minutes.

fug, I've been gone for a few weeks. Have to build up my tolerance. Is number two anything?
I would ask that you spoiler shit, but I think we all need to see that to know what we are against.

unlikely, certainly less likely than one of us doing it. Where would a cop leak to? They know they will die, and they won't trust wikileaks. When was the last time a cop linked anything worthwhile?

They fucking haven't though, each one leads to more regulation.
First it's "felons can't buy guns"
then it's "crazies can't buy guns"
next it will be "right-wingers are crazy and therefore can't buy guns"

I am not one to jump to false flag conclusions but this is so obviously a false flag that only a braindead normie wouldnt be able to tell. Simultaneously paints pedos as victims, delegitimizes pizzagate, propogates "muh gun crime" and "muh white supremacist/alt-right" narratives, and brings attention to Holla Forums if they spin it that way.

No. She died before she was reported "missing". Her parents have hidden her body and for some inexplicable reason the UK government is maintaining the charade. The family who provided descriptions that those two efits are from iirc (which are actually supposed to be of the same man), the one family member actually thought they had seen Maddie's dad that night after seeing a news segment talking about their return to the UK. Gerry was carrying one of the twins off the plane in the same manner the person they had seen the night Maddie went "missing". - 3 part video series on a statement analyst's take on the McCanns and their interviews. analyst comes to the same conclusion the majority of the UK public did when the case first hit the news

The only people who don't see this for the clear false flag that it is are those who are desperate to believe that this is is going to evolve into something it's not because they're desperate to see their fantasies manifest.

Sorry to burst your bubble mate, this was 100% a calculated last-ditch measure to ensure that further investigation is severely if not entirely hindered, and a media narrative can be spun about fake news shaming people into entertaining the idea that anything screwed up was happening.

That I am much more concerned about. See:

Well this dumbass just made things harder for us to work on this. Then again, it could get more normalfags to look more into it, as a lot of them already don't trust the (((MSM))) and are trusting "Fake News" sites.

Whether this really helps or hider us is still to be determined, but we should prepare for the worst should it happen

Reddit spacing is when


apply spacing

for every



why they do this

is beyond me

With that said you're forgetting about the Army's Exoskeleton technology. Reminder that this fully functional super strength donning suit was built 5+ years ago. Reminder that 5 years ago they were starting the untethered trials for it. Reminder that Special Forces fielded these puppies via the TALOS programme.

Yes, absolutely you dumb shit, it's a perfectly acceptable minimum-viable option. You're either a retard or a shill.

Bring it. My militia is still ready and armed up from the election.
Some of us had plans to fight if Clinton won you know.


I'm not convinced.

So WTF is this? Some lame D.C. firearms infraction?

I'm pretty sure it's illegal to hold a banana in D.C.


This is going to discourage most normalfags from giving it a second thought, they're not like the rest of us, they're very pliable when it comes to social manipulation and shaming.

Exactly this. These jerks are going to keep trying to play their same game, but all they're doing is showing their alliance.

just go to and search *jimmycomet
that's where these were pulled from*jimmycomet

pls don't post that kike d&c faggot


Eurofag who doesnt usually read yank papers here.

Do they usually use the term "fake news" like this?
It is a tad weird that every publication uses the same term, have they done it before?

Only thing normies are going to remember 10mins after reading that is "fake news", hillary, gunman, internet pedophilic conspiranoia.

Then you're a retard, the purpose was to brute force a narrative about overzealous crazies taking their investigation of "le fake news pizzagate" too far and subsequently involve the police. If you don't understand that those behind this don't need to incur fatalities to accomplish this end, you're beyond hope.


It's part of a new MSM psyop about labeling all alternative and independent news as "fake news" outlets.

I was on here around the end of the numbered filenames.

It's a new meme, pushed by (((them))) after Hillary lost.

They've been pushing it the past couple months to act like any dirt on Clinton was fake. They've continued using it to try to kill their competition as people have stopped trusting mainstream news networks.

also see:

Dylan Roof brought wrath upon all of the south and confederate symbolism to the point of actual attempts to ban the flag, destroy monuments, etc. But Mr. Ohio needs to be taken as an individual who experienced bad things.

Only thing to do is keep showing the instant replays. Still haven't seen a gun on the guy from today, but there is no doubt this dude had a knife.

We're not a herd of prey animals, faggot. We're a pride or a pack, not a fucking herd

Just a bunch of pedo shit, and references to fucking little kids written all over the walls.


Nope, the "fake news" meme was pushed right after the election when they realized nobody trusts the MSM anymore. Anything exposing legit corruption or not sanctioned by MSM is labelled "fake news" or "Russian propaganda" They are pushing for (((fact checking))) websites to suppress "fake news" on Social Media also.

They would have had casualties to ensure it, they don't need to actually kill people to have casualties. See Sandy Hook.

Kaaos is a bretty gud band tho….

What are you talking about lad? Fake News is the dankest maymay since pepe the frog.


No, this is actually a brand new phenomena. Fake news was just called conspiracy theories from alternative media not too long ago. I don't know about Europe, but here in the US due to the CIA's psy-ops the word conspiracy theory now has a VERY negative connotation.

Conspiracy theory is now used as a straw man to say that any conspiracy out there has about as much validity to it as repitilians and the Annunaki. But I guess people are starting to wise up to this, and so "fake news" is going to be the new buzzword from now on.

It's not really working though.
Only leftist scum believe in fake news.
And their numbers are dwindling

They simply don't need them, you're obsessed with the idea of that as a qualifier when it has no relevance at all. You've done nothing to disprove the legitimacy of my argument.

This is you

OUTCOMES you stupid fuck, it's all about producing desirable outcomes, and in this case killing people was not necessary, get that idea into your retard fucking skull.

the narrative has begun

Actually look around social media.
People are not buying it.

who is this

Yup, they are likely closing up child sex shop at this area.

ya, one of those suits with body armor… would be pretty much unstoppable from small arms fire

"their numbers are dwindling"

I wouldn't say dwindling, but I'm starting to notice more and more people second guessing the current narratives pushed forwards. But then again the only reason I'm seeing this is due to people around me being fired so a fucking wetback/illegal poo in the loo/illegal chink can replace them.

I'm no fan of the reddit spacing meme but that is some shit tier reddit spacing. Wew. Filtered tbh.

I'll break things down slowly for your double digit IQ shitskin self. If there's no body count people aren't going to give a fuck. It won't have the outcome they want. So yes casualties are absolutely relevant.

For what purpose?

Somebody with twitter call her a melodramatic whore.

To signify I don't want to d&c and derail the thread about it newfriend.

Then why weren't there casualties? Why not make it more gruesome to push normies further away?

What was being said about it? We're they calling it fake news?

I live nowhere near DC, but a pizza shop near me that everyone assumed was a front moved out within a week of pizzagate going big. They moved out so fast they broke the front windows. I regret not grabbing their menu/photos before they moved.
When they moved they used personal trucks, no rentals. Could be a coincidence but they booked it out fast with no warning.

That and casualties only result in gun sales.
The enemy cannot change strategy
The enemy does not know it's own forces, or us.
We are sun tzu's supreme excellence in action

I fear you're correct. The mass populace looks for blood, and high body counts. The powers that be would like to achieve their goals with no blood if possible, but not out of mercy or principle, rather out of ease. This leads me to the conclusion that this event is genuine, and not a false flag. They will always claim causality, be it crisis actor or not. This is the only way they can motivate their situation.

Might be salacious trolling or a legal matter. Bumping a thread might be construed by a no-fun-allowed law dweeb as aiding and abetting.

They did the same EXACT shtick a few months ago. That time an old man was brandishing a pistol in the DC underground Visitors center. That would make sense you know have that loophole to secure the White House. Still, Why does the same level of intercession need to be placed on what was a "Fake news" Scandal? The only reason is if it has access to the substructure of DC.

God damn do these kikes work at neck breaking speeds

90% of media companies are owned by 5 banks in the USA. And those 5 banks are own by just 13 families.

Both major News wires, AP and Reuters, are owned by the Rothchilds.

So pretty much every media outlet takes orders from the same people.

So you aren't going to name the place..?

Exactly. Anyone calling this a 'shooter' or 'gunman' is either an idiot or shill.

Anytime you see either of those words being mentioned on social media correct people immediately to take the wind out of the whole thing.

Perception. They need the perception of a bodycount to really drive a point home. How many false flags have shown you actual bodies? Don't forget the video evidence of a faked car bombing in the middle east where after the bomb went off a bunch of sandniggers ran up to it and laid down in death poses to pose for a photo.

I beleive (hope) the MSM , the Clinton Cartel and the political/elitist establishment are all grabbing at straws attempting to continue control of the narrative and influence the Trump administration before he takes control. They're desperately seeking leverage in an attempt to maintain power and prevent the upset (absolute fucking catastrophe) a pedo scandal would cause wether they're involved or not. Self preservation time folks, 'Bama's out no more state controlled media to shield them, a real DOJ, and a Billionaire Bad Ass are Coming to Town

Regular old fire would do the trick.

Intersting, I've just watched a video on washington post and it seems to be unrelated to pizzagate. The official talking said "we are aware of the social media, and at this moment in time we have no reason to believe that it's related to that".

Makes you wonder how the narrative on this one is going to play out. If it's not pizzagate related then they won't be able to pull the fake news card out to blame for this incident.

You're a fucking retard if you actually believe this.

If you look back a bit my post right before that one was pointing out that they could have just done like Sandy Hook and claim fatalities without there actually being any.

But thar perception works against them.
Gun sales SOAR everytime there is one of these.
Sure the usual suspects cry for control of guns and such, but they so so anyway.

Unless their goal is to further arm the population, I'll assume that the government really is just removed from reality.

When you know not your own troops, nor the enemy you will suffer defeat at every turn.

Which is what occurring.

What if instead of a high body count, or body count at all they just CONTINUOUSLY false flag this shit by sending an armed loony every week or so from now on?

They would not shoot their own, this is just to stir up the waters

Maybe it's not as easy to convince people to sell out their country for some bucks when you're pushing a pro pedo narrative ontop of the extra scrutiny and potentiality of less cover for these crimes with your boy on his way out of the house soon

maybe this was all they could scrounge up right now

But there is no bodycount. The perp surrendered peacefully. The chances of this being a false-flag are greatly diminished because of this. Again, 20 supposedly dead kids in CT and a movie theater/nightclub shooting couldn't push gun control, so why would this lead to a crack down on alternative news?

Weak bants mate.

They would haul people out in body bags and have crisis actors claim to be their distraught family.

That is definitely a possibility. The constant threat of armed loons acting on "fake news" is a very good way to push their agenda. The problem is that now they have to deal with Trump, and there's always the chance that something goes wrong.

I don't think this event was a false flag, but what if it was a failed false flag? The shooter didn't know what to do, or the attempt got interrupted?

I fucking hate being right.

Because they can talk any of their people into being 'bearded white man with gun' in a moment if they don't actually have to do anything.

The only way this isn't a false flag is if some retard talked about his plans, cops were ready for him (could account for camera being moved if they knew a day ahead, 'FBI foils FBI terror plot') and the guy was willing to scare people but not do anything.

A faked incident takes much more time and money, as does a real one. False flag does not necessarily mean a fake incident.

Has an actual weapon shown up in any video or photos yet?

Do you have to ask?

What I am seeing is desperate behavior and a shit-tier narrative that normalfags are not even buying anymore.
They never had a solid grasp of strategic thinking anyway, just a basic playbook handed down by the old Jews.

These people are not genius level at all.

They are average at best, playing manipulator with their wealth, thinking themselves geniuses.

This is great for us.

I mentioned that in my post, hothead.

get gets it

Trump team - drop something spicy tomorrow morning to bury this, thanks.

Definitely not a failed false flag, this has killed any further meaningful investigation of Comet Ping Pong, unless somebody from the inside decides to leak something.

jesus fucking christ
I imagine the dungeons and the meat curing rooms are all under 20 feet of fresh concrete right now

Full auto combat shotgunning carbine (EXTRA SHORT model)

i r actually atustic polite sage

thats if they wanted to close the place….

they may just want people to ignore it so they can keep fucking kids

I doubt they have time to setup a new operation quickly.. the whole block is crawiling with pedos

So the Police are corrupt now too?
Wonder if the FOP is involved with this. Would sure as hell make sense considering what they are protecting. In fact this paints a clear picture of the enemy. The most Masonic city in the nation demonstrates its own lack of being effected. you can not marginalize this to something like the media or the police. Or even the masons. However the only thing linking this potential staged conflict with the underground stone tunnels and an elite child trafficking scandal shrouded in the occult is freemasonry.

I don't see why. Frankly any narrative they could push from this is most likely outweighed by the increased attention to the underlying pizza story.

When have the police, much less the DC police not been?

Come on man.

You don't move concrete without someone knowing about it

Sage is what occultist use to clear their personal space.
What exactly are you signifying foe?


Good luck MK Hyde!

He's probably one of the tards who think that because cops respond to chimp outs they're suddenly our greatest ally. You know, despite the fact that white people ARE MANY TIMES more likely to die at the hands of a cop than a fucking nigger.



They are going to spin it falsely. The fact they said no shots fired, then 1 then 2 shots means there was no script. I don't think they would do a high profile location without more planning.

There are other ways like a fake death threat on Half Chan or VOAT etc. this exposes them

I heard on Periscope CPPP is only open 5-11 or 5-9. How can they make a living in that location? Will research the hours. Suspicious. Need forensic accounting of their books.

Those are words and letters. Pix?

In the case they actually are kiddie diddling (>) there, and they have those tunnels and shit, closing the place so the next one coming sees weird shit is stupid.

remember goyo, its all in your head anyways

why close anything

They are getting sloppy.
If this where any other kind of war, I would push.
But in this case, do not interrupt an enemy when they are making a mistake.

pretty sure you could move it in the delivery trucks in flour sacks
but yeah this reeks of false flag

Im a NEET at the moment tbh

Hi shill.

Nice projection btw.

That's what I'm arguing, that they actually have to do something for their agenda to be taken seriously. Normies aren't going to give a shit about this without blood.

I'm not sure about that. They'll try to silence alt news with this, but most people won't care or see right through it. I can definitely see this backfiring if we play our cards right.



That's a very shill-tier response.

Without knowing their goals, getting a guy to surrender to cops may be all they need. A false flag doesn't need to be conform to your expectations, only the circumstances. Which we are speculating about.

We are not Jews you know.
Stop giving the JIDF in this thread boners.

I learned from the best Mr. 198693

I'll be forced to take the necessary measures to defend myself, in a self defense sit- POW POW POW

DC police are the most corrupt right behind NY and Chicago followed by LA.

you don't belong here

No I actually did not want to immediately lambast freemasonry so I explained in a way that anyone can see the connection here to this vague elite. The elite are becoming more defined with this. The police are involved. That shifts the suspected groups capable of coordinating this to only the dark papacy or the masonic-ewish faction.

This is not clandestine satanism.

We know their goals.
And they are behaving sloppy.
Let them make this mistake, and let them push their forced and weka ass "fake news" meme.

I mean, it's worse than Milhouse

I can see that being true.

That is all meaningless speculation, there are now no other cards to play, those people now have not only the police, but the general public as well as news outlets watching potential investigators like a hawk.

There's NOTHING else meaningful we can do from a remote standpoint unless somebody leaks something, period. Most people aren't going to see right through it, they're going to see anyone who endeavors to physically go out and investigate to be some kind of crazy or attention-seeker. You're not living in reality, this is all manufactured hope that has no basis in fact.

*Masonic-jewish faction

Staged false flag if you ever saw one.

He was weirding me out awhile ago. Report him. I did, as 'Likely a shill'.

Stop your defeatist shilling, it didn't work during the election and it won't work now.

But they may not be kiddie fuckers. I mean 3 year olds. I'll bet some of them want to get Comet Pizza real bad.


We can continue to meme and shitpost.
You are a defeatist.
Do the impossible see the invisible faggot.
We elected our candidate at a 1% chance.
Never tell us the odds.
We can do anything.

We continue to push

The gist of what is happening here if conspiracy penis is right would be…
-Mysteriously shutting the place down because of the heat we're putting on them is too suspicious.
-Need a reason or event but they don't want too much attention, so zero kills or shots.
-This event locks the place down, prevents prying eyes from snooping, gives justification for those actions which only is salacious enough to reinforce "fake news" meme and "da ebil alt-right" meme.
Desperate, they're backed against the wall and they're rolling the dice last ditch.

Who knows maybe with Trump it went down like this:


Official sick of this shit: Sure no problems, ill organise a false flag, the best ever flase flag you've ever seen, the greatest false flag, just for you

[sends in one guy half assed with a gun]

It's not defeatism if it's fundamentally true, only retards run up against a wall repeatedly when faced with an impassable obstacle.

and now you are filtered

This 100%

But now any chance we had of figuring out what was really going on inside is basically finished, unless of course somebody leaks info.

Their gambit paid off, all we can do now is hope somebody either fucks up and leaves out some useful data for us to pick through, or somebody deliberately leaks.

We know that normies only give a shit if there's blood. If this was a false flag, it is the most amateur attempt so far. Most normalfags already distrust the whole "fake news" bullshit, partly because they tried it with Fox back in the day. They've seen this movie before.

There's literally nothing they can do to stop anybody going in there with a hidden cam/mic. All it takes is effort on the part of the investigators. You're telling me after this whole year, when we've seen the impossible become possible, that there is no hope? GTFO defeatist.

So a metaphysical response is required?
Is that what you're saying?

Blow it our your ass, fag

Was Trump impossible?
You are weak.
We continue to drill
Ours is the drill the creates the heavens!
We are the infinite
We are the ouroboros

Besides why not?
Now is when you continue to hit the enemy to break their concentration.

Go read sun Tzu and come back.

They've already tried that and they immediately called the police and had them punted out. Do you understand what that means?

They KNOW who is supposed to be there and who isn't, you clearly don't get the extent to which these people have their bases covered, and now after all this, it's going to be even more difficult.

Stop rationalizing.


best girl

I think these sum it up well. There are a few things that could be done, but honestly, I'm not sure which might inadvertently help them.


No, smarty, I'm saying we cannot approach the place nor will it be easy/productive to snoop around organizations and businesses peripherally associated with them.

All we have is internet digging and they're scrubbing everything off the internet, we're now left with few options, it's basically a leak or a hack at this point.

Yep. Couldn't have said it better. Methinks (((they))) doth protest too much.

Their gambit never really pays off because each time the media and law enforcement take a hit and they're probably taking a big hit from this.

See, each time credible stuff comes out and law enforcement and the media don't cover it, they take a hit. Their credibility and trustworthyness goes down and they can keep trying to project it back but at some point you either drop the illusion or get blown out. Something has to give either way imho.

That's what it sounds like to me.

I guess not.

Nice sophistry, but you know the drill.

Got another one, 20 minutes ago.

Fake News Delivers Real Gunman to Pizzeria Caught Up in Alt-Right Conspiracy Treory

The Daily Beast

>During the presidential campaign, some elements of the alt-right began fueling the conspiracy that Comet Ping Pong was in fact the site of a pedeophilia ring used by high-ranking members of the Democratic Party, deeming that supposed conspiracy “Pizzagate.”


When? Are you referring to this incident or another?

whoops, pic not related.

Oh fuck are you one of those fags from that old /k/ facebook page ran by gooknukem? That was the one and only place I ever saw that clown grill get memed.

You don't even know that before this somebody went into the place and pretended to be a customer and broadcast the event on periscope and the cops were called and he was escorted out?

yeah ok, and Britian was never going to vote to leave the EU, and Trump was never going to win the election.

Everyone's a "normie" moron.

I wasn't trying to argue with you because you're not here in good faith to begin with. You have no argument. You have assertions based in things that are fundamentally bullshit and that is it.

Again, don't interrupt the enemy when they make a mistake.

No. Got a link?
That's why. Maintain OPSEC.

The point is, any escalation of investigatory efforts of comet ping pong is basically over at this point, it will only escalate the "crazy pizzagate follower" narrative.

We have fewer and fewer leads to follow up with on the internet, the average dumbfuck normie is going to catch on to the "omg crazies are taking fake news too far" narrative and that's going to stymie many efforts to investigate further.

kenzy my fox12 waifu
leave her alone!

Filter and stop derailing please.

This is all I can find.

Someone went to Comet Pizza acting like a complete retard and was easily spotted and thrown out. Video related. If someone that wasn't an attention whore acting like a goofy twitch camwhore went in with a spy camera they could have easily gotten footage.

user here is doing good work. We can map this.

They forgot all the fake news they spread about trump = hitler, blacks being hunted down etc. Their fake news produced a lot more violence and actual deaths.

This is why if you're going to livestream something like that, you put a massive delay on it and/or use a program that only uploads and broadcasts when filming ends like in vid related.

Fuck off kike.

stop linking russian propaganda!

Yeah, you're right.

I'm saying there's another narrative here, government, law enforcement and the media know all about this shit, could probably prove it anytime… and they do fucking nothing.

Maybe it's unsaid, maybe it's 'unconscious' but it's there and i'm not sure how much longer it's going to stay that way.

Those who would never have believed are those who believe it.
We continue to drill, and dig.

Everytime they try to discredit us our forces grow, and they lose credibility irreversibly.
This is a zero sum game and we are winning.

Keep pushing!

Between this guy and the gun guy, nobody who is likely to try investigating the place is going to get in the door without the management being on to it.

yeah it surprises me to no end how easily normies drink the kool aid
I always use my mother as a measure of how the average normie thinks/reacts since shes a being completely ruled by emotion, self-interest and works in a department full of ethnics, fags and feminists
usually takes about a week or two for the normie population to be 'reassured' by the media that everything is fine

Jews run the media under the umbrella of the global masonic apparatus. This "Fake news" essentially means "Clandestine news". Thats what it means. It means it is spurious or not regular. That is the most blatant masonic signifying I have ever seen. I dare anyone to try and prove fake does not mean clandestine. I dare anyone. They are calling us clandestine journalists. Milo is a freemason. Where has he been on this?



You mean kinsey, and fox 10.

Are you sure you love her?

I was actually thinking more the construction company that excavated their basement/kill room thing.

But nice strawman, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I was just there the Friday before last…
They are feeling the heat for this false flag.

Seems our friends at CNN are very familiar with pizzagate!

and people will buy more guns, then when they try to censor news people'll buy more guns, then when they try to outlaw guns people will buy even more guns. they can't win this, but their ego won't let them see it.

No wonder he got thrown out.

That, and have multiple backups saved automatically to different serves in case you or a server gets taken down.

I disagree. Just maintain a proper normalfag profile so you don't get noticed. Something the video streamer was having trouble doing.

but i was only pretending to be retarded user to see if anybody else had loyalty towards her

i miss her car chase analysis



It's not good enough for me that people still buy guns anyway.

This is the federal government of the USA we're talking about, this isn't a 2 bit troll on the internet that you just ignore.

People made a lot of money out of Sandy Hook, they schmoozed, they wined and dined, they went on tours….

Well Chelsea's goons jumped on it now, it's not too long now until even bigger outlets touch this story.

Concrete angels, that's great. I miss her BLM / trump coverage when Holla Forums occupied the chat and she read stuff



cuckchan says 1 shot was fired into the floor
is this a lie

Interesting why they are more interested in bringing more attention to the Comet, but not this story.


What if I told you that the federal government is run by two-bit shills and incompetent idiots?

Bah… bad paste.

5037 conn

soet Conn

sweet Conn (masculine name)

sweet mind

career ruination/jail/loss of power and influence

Some sources are saying no shots fired, some are saying one into floor, some are saying two into floor. So not particularly clear.

she loves a good chimpout just as much as the rest of us
at least you're not trying to insinuate she's a coal burner like people used to when she was brought up

ok thanks for clarification, one into floor or two would be good, if people are willing to actually look for the bullet


Is someone making new bread for this?

That's just shills. She's a good gal and sorry they shoa'd her. Wonder what she's up to.

(check) the gets in this thread
wew lads

Remember Holla Forums is a board of peace. And those Holla Forumsacks who do bad things are not true Holla Forumsacks.

Haha haha haha
Is that all you have?
We would have been shut down a long time ago if that was viable.

They don't want to play whack-a-noko with us.

Remember we haven't even seen actual pics or video of him even actually having a gun so far.

The meme is mightier than the sword.

Do we have any new information?

Shadilay, brother.


They don't want us to scatter and be decentralized - they won't know who knows what or is doing what. They don't want to fly blind.

pre sure it is

Wall Street Journal writer says suspect gave post-arrest interview where he claims to have gone to "investigate PizzaGate."


I'm meming as hard as I can here!

Kinsey "I'd rather eat glass" Schofield is a pretty cool chick.

False flag confirmed

Good. The enemy spreads our memes.
They have no idea how fucked their credibility is after the election.

looks like someone found the evidence and went "Nu uh, not on my watch!"

Well I hope he at least has the good sense to blame it on 9gag and reddit.

Gotta hammer that message home, hard.

Thanks user. What seems to be the majority online consensus, both for corrupt media and general people?

I bet Byron Tau came up with it.

They're trying too hard. Fucking hoaxer kikes.

First hit I get is an IMDB page

just updated
The man was arrested and identified as Edgar Maddison Welch, 28, of Salisbury, North Carolina. Welch was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon.

Police recovered two guns from inside the restaurant and an additional weapon from his car.

The suspect told police in an interview that he went to Comet Ping Pong to "self-investigate Pizza Gate."

Cuckchan was infiltrated and "normalized" after too many CP dumps and unhinged anons killing people and posting pics, and they had way for traffic and influence at its peak than this little dump of a site.
Taking down or at least (((subverting))) 8ch would be a simple as swatting a mosquito

Beatiful, but missing the color red


fuck these people

… With a weapon?
That doesn't even fucking make sense.

Is there any way we can discredit this shit before it gains more yellow journalism traction? is link


What did she mean by this?

Find this guy's social media accounts before they shut it all down.

why did he walk through the front door in the middle of the day with a small armoury then surrender?
he would have been far more successful going in with a lockpick after practicing for a few weeks, a spycam and a taser

assault is threating somebody
battery is striking them / using a weapon on them

Yes, start spreading the meme that we are frog worshipers. Poison the well, normies will think it so ridiculous it will be impossible for them to take us seriously as a threat.

So he's a crisis actor.

screams false flag to me

Has Roger Stone ever said anything about Pizzagate? I stopped paying attention to him a month or so ago…

Kult of Kek that shit up.
No is going to take nazi frog wizards seriously.