4pol here

Could you guys stop raiding us please?

I know it's not you specifically, but can you get your people under control?

Other urls found in this thread:


the same people who raid us are the same people who raid you, dummy

We are not doing anything.
You should stay tho.
This place is better.

You have to go back, but if it makes you feel any better, I know of no raid thread at the moment. You should check Holla Forums and /baph/ or whatever board is currently doing the raping.

Also, it could be the goons or some other pack of cock-engulfers.

leftypol has been raiding us for a couple days now
constant stream of commie threads, coordinated from Holla Forums. Apparently they snuck people into the recent jannie applications and even got a mod on their side


you want >>>Holla Forums we have better things to do

Its probably just your own since only commies go to 4chan.

Every fucking time. I wish there was an actual vetting process.

No, they literally have threads on leftypol and reddit coordinating the raid

meant for:

Ok not our problem and nothing to do with us. Its probably your own people since only commies go to 4chan. Fuck off commie faggot.

Fuck off faggot, nobody cares about cuckchan. There's a reason everyone that isn't a retard left there 2 years ago.

Choose one, 4cuck faggot.

We weren't raiding you… but now we are.
The raids will not stop until you buy over 9000 Kek rings! Got that? Get your ass on shapeways if you everwant your precious board back from us nazi frogs.

We're a team bro

Holla Forums is more like the command center, 4chan is for shitposting and memes
We all have a role to fulfill, that doesn't make us oppositional, it makes us compatible.

No we're not and we never will be. You decided to cuck yourself and we want nothing to do with cucks.

wew laddy

Says someone who got here waaay after the exodus. Go fuck yourself, newfag.

Why in the ever living fuck would we raid your retarded ass board, noone fucking cares, you've been a lost cause for years. Fuck off

Are you that retarded halfcuck arab shitskin from the other thread recently?
Get the fuck out

No we're not, but they are a good front for us so we don't have to deal with cucks checking out halfpol.

Why do you have so much hate for your brothers in arms?

It ain't us nigga
It's probably some board flaseflagging as us
Now go back to cuckchan

Now you've really gotta fuck off

stopped reading there, you have to go back to your cuckolding forum. There is a new bull prepping thread you need to post in.

What part of never being affiliated with cuckolds such as you do you not understand?

You must just be a shill trying to get us to accept cuckchanners, or mabe one of them who's recently migrated. There's a reason we left. There's a reason we hate them. Now go back wherever you came from, and take that "brother" shit with you, faggot.

No I just want Holla Forums to stop raiding us

Seriously, we are getting like 3 commie threads at a time, they are working together to keep them bumped to the main page
It's annoying as fuck.

Nothing wrong. Now fuck off cuckold.

Its the internet haganah and the JIDF. Holla Forums and 4chan are looking more alike by the day, all trash threads, no more red pilling, infographs, hardcore information, no more mentioning the jews, its just the jews infiltrating all over the place.

There is no raid.
But I'd like there to be one. I'd enthusiastically participate.
If anyone is raiding you cunts, it's probably reddit. Focus your energy and savagery on them. You know what to do…
It's probably the Germans getting uppity (((again))).

And you complain to us why? Probably the same reason you're too retarded to see that cuckchan should have been left 3 years ago. Fuck off, you have enough information in this thread to complain to the right boards who do this. Commies here get purged.

You just solved your own connundrum, retard. If it's commie shit, it's leftypol. In case you havn't noticed, we're getting raided too. 8ch is not one board

You are too stupid to live. Please do the socially responsible eugenic thing and lay down in traffic.

i raid whom i want you kike nigger!