It's Not Happened

It's been proven humans, by and large, need positive encouragement and their self worth acknowledged to excell in life. How does a movement spawned in the shitstorm and crabbuckettry of the Holla Forumss and so many cackling comment sections online expect to garner successful offspring?

Our power is that we are told that we have no power.



Fool, this is why you lose.

Fuck off TRS

I have 3 kids and raising them in the ways of Holla Forums and Hitler.


Praise kek

Success breeds success? My WHITE parents were hard working and successful. Now, I am hard working and successful, and so will my offspring.

The majority of whites are not nationalists

So you're going to raise them to kill 6 million innocent people?

Niggers, mudslimes, and women need constant encouragement to succeed because they are weak-minded. White men draw inspiration from themselves and other white men, without needing constant "good job!"s. Recognition is nice and a morale booster, but a properly raised and physically, mentally & spiritually sound white man does not need it.

Step up to the shower, Moshi.

We had to become nothing to become the all.

You must be Jewish, because as a white man I find Holla Forums to be an incredibly positive place against a world devoid of much optimism.

Stop me.

How can you guys justify murdering 7 million people? You guys can't be this heartless…


Fixed. Even up here in Cuckanada, once you get out of the city and into the country, the majority of whites have some sense of nationalist pride.

False. Some exceptional white men have achieved greatness with limited psychological 'strokes'… It's proven that some of those in the sciences can get by with only a few prominent accolades praising them greatly once in a blue moon when they complete a project, but it's not the same for the masses. They require more frequent acknowledgement of self worth, and are deterred by frequent insults. Psych 102


You think genocide is "bait"? How much of a monster can you be, making light of 8 million people dying.

Kek wills it.


pretty sure it was 9.

They are not people.
They are a parasite
10/10 had me going.

My bad

Why would you lowball it? That's absolutely sickening. How would you feel if 10 million of your people were killed off?

I'm sure it was 15 you anti-Semitic monster.

What? I'm not jewish. The holodomor was pretty evil, though.
Damn kikes.
They got the persians and the palestinians, too.

Then the nigger slave trade with their white pod people simulacrum skin that tricked the dumb apes.

Man, kikes are the worst. If only the NatSoc holocaust fabrication had been reality.

Oy gevalt, you goys are missing several zeroes from that figure!

Seriously tho.
The first holocaust is going to be the last.

In more ways than the ignorant wage slaves often will.

Positive reinforcement is just a few short steps away from victim culture.

Hate is all there is user. Hate for your shortcomings. Hate for the shortcomings of others. Hate for those who fail around you.

Not to say you should not love and protect those close to you, but you must be the sword and shield for everything else.

That's what it means to be a man.

Sweet palindrome post number btw.

I like the sound of this, but the data I've seen makes it sound naive. Humans simply don't thrive in a vaccum of external validation.


Which data would that be?

Jew and left wing studies that are funded by liberals? Most of the data we are bombarded with is not about masculine culture.

In-fact the feminist agenda is meant to destroy testosterone in men so we are easier to control.

They aren't going to publish a study about truth.

This isn't about Humans as a group. This is about Men leading and women and children following.

Women are basically children and children are obviously children. They do need positive encouragement, but Men should not.

If you need somebody to tell you you're looking good to go to the gym every day - you'll never get strong.

If you need somebody to tell you that you did a good job at work today - you'll never get ahead.

The world don't fucking run on love.

It's a tough pill to swallow, but if you're not ready, you're not ready.


Okay. What is your criticism of Games People Play by Eric Berne then. Somewhat quintessential read in the field and made sense to me, didn't seem like propaganda

I'd say psychology is a racket created by the jews.

Holla Forums is truth. anything which isn't Holla Forums is false. whatever thing is false should not exist, because it exists solely to corrupt the truth. there is no sugarcoating the truth; while the truth can't be filtered you can choose which truths to reveal and in what manner. For example:

this is Holla Forums's reaction to the Jew, so how do we make it the reaction of the public? first realize Holla Forums reacts this way because he knows about the Jew and his many evils. but if you yell this at some idiot on twitter you're likely going to be ignored on the account of being "another dumb racist." naturally then, this tactic should be avoided when attempting to redpill the masses. here is what you should say:

Those two statements say the exact same thing. To us who know, we say gas the kikes! and soon, because we gave the idiot our knowledge about the Jew, they will chant the same.

Even psychology which is empirically supported?

Now TRShills asking pol about procreation?


Oy vey! Remember the 6 gorillion jews murdered in gass chambers, electrified swimmingpools, killer rollercoasters, head stoping devices, made lampshades, soap, and so on and so on and so on. All this testified by a handful very trustworthy jews, just ignore the technical impossibilities, proven lies, and conflicting testimonies goy, you dont want to be anti-semitic, do you?

No he's going to raise them to kill 18 million people. Anti-fa confirmed for not being able to do simple algebra.