Less We Forget

1. We demand the union of all Germany in a Greater Germany on the basis of the right of National self-determination.

2. We demand equality of rights for the German people in its dealings with other nations, and the revocation of the peace treaties of Versailles and Saint-Germain.

3. We demand land and territory (colonies) to feed our people and to settle our surplus population.

4. Only members of the nation may be citizens of the State. Only those of German blood, whatever be their creed, may be members of the Nation. Accordingly, no Jew may be a member of the nation.

5. Non-citizens may live in Germany only as guests and must be subject to laws for aliens.

6. The right to vote on the State's government and legislation shall be enjoyed by the citizens of the State alone. We demand therefore that all official appointments, of whatever kind, whether in the Reich, in the states or in the smaller localities, shall be held by none but citizens.

We oppose the corrupting parliamentary custom of filling posts merely in accordance with party considerations, and without reference to character or abilities.

7. We demand that the State shall make it its primary duty to provide a livelihood for its citizens. If it should prove impossible to feed the entire population, foreign nationals (non-citizens) must be deported from the Reich.

8. All non-German immigration must be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans who entered Germany after 2 August 1914 shall be required to leave the Reich forthwith.

9. All citizens shall have equal rights and duties.

10. It must be the first duty of every citizen to perform physical or mental work. The activities of the individual must not clash with the general interest, but must proceed within the framework of the community and be for the general good.

We demand therefore:

11. The abolition of incomes unearned by work.

The breaking of the slavery of interest

Other urls found in this thread:


12. In view of the enormous sacrifices of life and property demanded of a nation by any war, personal enrichment from war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. We demand therefore the ruthless confiscation of all war profits. 13. We demand the nationalization of all businesses which have been formed into corporations (trusts).

14. We demand profit-sharing in large industrial enterprises.

15. We demand the extensive development of insurance for old age.

16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a healthy middle class, the immediate communalizing of big department stores, and their lease at a cheap rate to small traders, and that the utmost consideration shall be shown to all small traders in the placing of State and municiple orders.

17. We demand a land reform suitable to our national requirements, the passing of a law for the expropriation of land for communal purposes without compensation; the abolition of ground rent, and the prohibition of all speculation in land[1].

18. We demand the ruthless prosecution of those whose activities are injurious to the common interest. Common criminals, usurers, profiteers, etc., must be punished with death, whatever their creed or race.

19. We demand that Roman Law, which serves a materialistic world order, be replaced by a German common law.

20. The State must consider a thorough reconstruction of our national system of education (with the aim of opening up to every able and hard-working German the possibility of higher education and of thus obtaining advancement). The curricula of all educational establishments must be brought into line with the requirements of practical life. The aim of the school must be to give the pupil, beginning with the first sign of intelligence, a grasp of the nation of the State (through the study of civic affairs). We demand the education of gifted children of poor parents, whatever their class or occupation, at the expense of the State.

21. The State must ensure that the nation's health standards are raised by protecting mothers and infants, by prohibiting child labour, by promoting physical strength through legislation providing for compulsory gymnastics and sports, and by the extensive support of clubs engaged in the physical training of youth.

22. We demand the abolition of the mercenary army and the foundation of a people's army.

23. We demand legal warfare on deliberate political mendacity and its dissemination in the press. To facilitate the creation of a German national press we demand:

(a) that all editors of, and contributors to newspapers appearing in the German language must be members of the nation; (b) that no non-German newspapers may appear without the express permission of the State. They must not be printed in the German language; (c) that non-Germans shall be prohibited by law from participating financially in or influencing German newspapers, and that the penalty for contravening such a law shall be the suppression of any such newspaper, and the immediate deportation of the non-Germans involved. The publishing of papers which are not conducive to the national welfare must be forbidden. We demand the legal prosecution of all those tendencies in art and literature which corrupt our national life, and the suppression of cultural events which violate this demand.

24. We demand freedom for all religious denominations in the State, provided they do not threaten its existence not offend the moral feelings of the German race.

The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not commit itself to any particular denomination. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit within and without us, and is convinced that our nation can achieve permanent health only from within on the basis of the principle: The common interest before self-interest.

25. To put the whole of this programme into effect, we demand the creation of a strong central state power for the Reich; the unconditional authority of the political central Parliament over the entire Reich and its organizations; and the formation of Corporations based on estate and occupation for the purpose of carrying out the general legislation passed by the Reich in the various German states.

The leaders of the Party promise to work ruthlessly – if need be to sacrifice their very lives – to translate this programme into action.


Lest, user.


I'm not German so, yeah. I'll let the Germans decide what they want, wont speak for them.

what is it?

"Greater Germany" was a dumb idea, tbh. The rest I can get behind.

You keep saying "we." Who is that?

Rembrandt's Man in Armour.

Daily reminder that Germans are the most cucked Whites and literally none of that will happen.



Article 3 and 19 pretty much sums up why it failed.

3. We demand land and territory (colonies) to feed our people and to settle our surplus population.

Such is not demanded. Such is optained, and most often through opportunistic warfare. Your nation has to be ready to grap the opportunity, but if the opportunity isn't there, you are gonna have your Reich-tag used as a flag-pole by whoever you tried to colonize. If such is tried where there is no opportunity, the locals will always have the upper hand. Look up British colonial history and compare that to the different German natsoc collonial attempts. While the former was done to peoples who sought new social order at the time, the latter comes off as possibly less warranted than the Bush-wars for democratization of hostile sand-boxes. If you attack a country which is doing its own industrialization, and you only has industrialization to offer, you are going to loose. If you attack a country which doesnt want democrachy and you only have democrachy to offer, you are going to loose. Your demands and justifications are completely irrelevant in this matter.

Materialism or not, no one has succeeded in creating a coherrent empire, outside of China, which has its own, somewhat similar, Confusian law-code, without the Roman Code. Islamic empires has birefly existed without it, but none of them really lived up to 'coherrent empire' status some of them barely lived up to "coherrent feudal-racket" status.

Btw. There is nothing inherrently materialistic about the Roman Code. It merely respects that the flow of time doesnt reverse. Then defines that guilt is something which is proven. All attempts to work without the Roman Code has either been Sharia-nigger tier, or absolutistic nigger-tier (NKVD, Stasi, KGB and your much beloved Gestapo).
The Roman Code is to simplistic to be the source of your materialistic grievances. There is plenty of space for dragonian punishments within it too.

Why does he have a earring?


Hey if you want to build a gargantuan pan-state and have it suffer from all the problems endemic to every other gargantuan pan-state that's ever existed, knock yourself out.


It's lest we forget, you fucking mongoloid.


I love it, this thread has exposed a few newfags and Holla Forums. At least some actually recognized it OP. Btw it's lest, not less



And sorry for spelling "Lest" Less, I was tired as fuck.

Hail Victory.



>economic illiteracy



Greater Germany of Hitler and national self-determination is a contradiction cuck in fact you wanted to enslave other non-germanics.

Hitler may have been great but his colonialism would have backfired greatly. The average Germanic should disregard totalitarian authority and only is loyal to local proven chieftains or dukes or tribal leader. Not some pan-(anti-)nationalist.

It's good to unite for a common cause but after the goal is succeeded the army should disband and the leader should be tossed.

wanted to enslave other germanics*

can you aussies stop pushing faggotry
thank you

Wouldn't that best be translated as
The abolition of incomes not earned by work?

Would be hilarious if next day somebody elso took half the half and so on.

Fuck Germany tbh.
They keep trying to build empires and they keep having their civilisation collapse.

Good Riddance you dopey cunts. I'd be lying if I said well miss you.


This autistic jerrycuck LARPing has gone too far

Rights don't exist.

wew. Looks like we're being raided by britkikes.


What relevance is this no non-Germans?

Reminder that the EU is Churchill's fault and your grandfather™ fought and bled for it.


Replace German with your race. Idiot.

Good job.

As a Brazilian I learned the disgusting manners of the eternal anglo when they forced my country to free the slaves, by boycoting its products until it was done so. the freed slaves mounted the favelas and the crooked my nation's future.
that was just one of the moments where the cucks endangered one of all white colonies and nations. bottom line the britcucks is the britkike through history time and time again.

even if those posters are not really brits but some JIDF, should be noted.

lot of broken english here, sharpen your wits pal



Lest laddie

leftypol is on suicide watch

look at mr sage here and laugh

and then i fuck up mine. hoisted my own petard there.

Why not the Europa?

yeah… nice program…. But that implies a war with the jews, so a war with Donald Trump, Israel and USA.

But why not…

t. Mr. Sage



Amazing how almost none of the points have become outdated.

2. Only partially.

13. Maybe.

17. outdated.

That's it. Truly a set of rules for eternity.

In Mein Kampf Hitler offers several options for colonisation and decided not to go for Africa for example, because of the British Empire.

The British Empire is gone, so there is no reason for a German or European Nationalsocialist State not to start colonizing Africa.


While the allegations against the leader of this group, Jeff Schoep, are troubling it does not change that these 25 points are good. A modernized version of Adolf Hitler's 25 points of German National Socialism.

I'm sure if the Fuhrer were around today, he would agree with these points completely.

People need to stop treating National Socialism as "German only" and for "back then". The ideas of National Socialism could be applied to America if Americans would stop being cucks and change their point of view.

After seeing that creature, I was forced to make some oc.

For Germany it was a good idea because their entire country is smaller than Texas and breeding above replacement would mean that overpopulation would be a big problem in the near future. Colonies for surplus population are necessary for any fertile country, with the possible exceptions of America, China, Russia, and other countries with a yuge landmass, whether those colonies should be obtained through war and annexation instead of more peaceful means is debatable.


Perkele :DDD

Niinpä niin, meidän miehemme maailmalla :D Jos mielii saada muutosta aikaan, jokaista Holla Forumsiin kirjoitettua viestiä kohden täytyy kirjoittaa ainakin 6 viestiä muualle.


ctrl+f "lest"
17 results

It's lest.




