The major review by Dame Louise Casey, the government’s community cohesion Tsar, will expose how some communities have created a parallel existence with their own separate housing estates, schools, and television channels.
just build a wall around muzzie zones. violá muzzies are now in KZ
Ryder James
Well, what did you think they meant when they said they wanted to integrate into British society?
Colton Gomez
3 digits away For being a 1400 year old sandnigger religion, Islam is actually very effective at spreading. It can spread by the sword in times of war, and in the modern age it is proving it can spread by immigration "peacefully" as well. Imagine what someone like Churchill would say if you told him in 100 years London would have a muslim mayor. For all his faults he knew what the mohammedans were about
Luke Ortiz
Well, they're not too far from the truth
Joshua Hughes
He's wrong about that, there those who already know this and those who are happy that it is happening
Wyatt Rogers
Sand people live in the cities and big towns. The countryside is still white. Go to Cornwall or North Yorkshire dales. You will not see a muzzie. There is something in them that abhors nature.
I live in County Durham in the Pennine mountains. It's on the border with North Yorkshire and Cumbria. It's in a dale (valley for southern ponces). I only see muzzies when I visit my gf in Newcastle. Muslims do not live in the countryside. They do not integrate. It is actually against their religion to do so.
I've read the Koran. Here's a verse from it: (Quran 2:191-193)
Merciful. Muslims will say that it's out of context or you must read it in the Arabic. We Christians are considered 'polytheists' as we observe the Holy Trinity. Muslims want to kill us.
Easton Kelly
Are you sure? The Holy Trinity is a bit weird, but the three parts are still only one god and nowhere is claimed otherwise.
Juan Lewis
Monotheism is the weird one user. It's the jewish spirit forcing itself on the European one. The Holy Trinity is the European spirit trying to express itself in its stifled condition
Jackson Stewart
Sure the Trinity is not an easy concept. God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Pic should give you a basic idea. There is one god. Only one. God shares with us the mystery of existence. I won't proselytize. Enough said. Peace to you.
Ryan Gray
It pretty much is
Ryan Ward
I sure hope they consulted their local imam and made sure the slaughter was halal
Ethan Parker
Dont forget all the (((help))) it's had throughout history
Tyler Thomas
Jordan Peterson
Britain is still 87% white.
Brandon Morris
It's really not. It's only effective because western countries have been conditioned to avoid 'racism'.
Nolan Price
The amish have been doing this for a long time This is a good thing. Keeps them all together for future cleansing
Mason Ramirez
and 86.8% cuck
Andrew Gutierrez
Ill take british girls any day
Nolan Ramirez
Those British cunts need to stand up and clean house.
We got our own problems.
Carter Robinson
Same as France. Americans are the first to say that San Fran and cie are cancer and don't represent America while saying that the UK is London or France Paris. This is another proof if needed that the USA need to stay as far as possible from Europe.
Muslims are barely past the stone age. They'd be going the way of pre-foreign aid Africans if we weren't so suicidal.
Cooper Long
Good, I don't care.
I don't want the fucking shitskins to "integrate", I want them to leave. Until then they can practice their retarded moon god religion all they want. The more they stick out, the better.
By the way, you're a dumb fuck burger who should be checking his own back yard before throwing stones. I live in a 99% white county (as is the overwhelming majority of rural England), I wouldn't trade it for living in a ~50% "white" hell hole full of violent armed niggers who destroy a major metropolitan area once ever few years if you paid me.
Brody Murphy
well tbh think off all the ancient civilizations forever ruined by islam
Aiden Harris
It really is. They already conquered formerly Christian areas like North Africa, some places in the Balkans, Turkey, Mesopotamia, Iran, and the Caucasian mountains. Also furthering spreading into central Africa, Pakistan, India, and Indonesia.
They also violently pushed into Spain, and tried to push into France and Austria, luckily stopped. When they get their shit together they can amass massive slave armies with suicidal soldiers.
Don't underestimate it user, even when Christians weren't cucked, Islam poses a threat.
Ryder Nelson
Who could have possible seen this coming? I for one am astounded and shocked. Who could possibly see this coming when you make your society into something that allows for every group (except for the native one) to have free reign over things due to fears of being called a racist/bigot/xenophobe? Who could have possibly guessed the result of trying to promote "diversity" while also promoting that foreign peoples should not have to try to adopt the culture of their host?
No one could have possibly seen this happening. How could you? You'd have to have an IQ of like, at least 90 for that; and that's just unheard of!
Michael Cook
last time i checked, it is. sorry nigel, but you're all fucked already. butt fucked.
Wyatt Watson
This is how Serbia lost Kosovo Peaceful islamics settle in your land, outbreed your local people and terrorize the remaining people out after a few generations.
Same will happen all over Europe. There are turks living in Berlin who do not speak German. They work for a turk, they go to turkish stores and give other turks bureaucracy work to do for the tax bureau etc.
Jaxon Johnson
It isnt?
Bentley Torres
This is how Serbia lost Kosovo
Alexander Jackson
Isn't it?
Dylan Moore
I don't know about that. I'm a fan of the theory that Islam is the common cold and leftism is aids, since a common cold is harmless unless aids fucked up your immune system.
Liam Roberts
Many hindus have a similar concept of all their many gods being one god. Nobody hesitates to call them polytheists.
The "trinity" is just a transparent attempt by polytheist christians to reconcile their faith with the old jewish declarations of being monotheist.
Zachary Perry
American is segregated too you fucking dunce.
Angel Collins
Yeah, they're called apostates and heretics. Fuck those scumbags, they're literally the government branch of hinduism, which exists solely to boost assimilation rates.
William White
To be fair though Bradford has always been a place for immigrants since the 1850's with the industrial revolution and all the textile manufacture going on. Germans Jews and Irish where commonplace there. The current muslim population there (Asian,Indian,Pakistani) has nothing to do with the recent influx of immigrants and they have all lived their since after world war two and probably hold different values from the full on indoctrinated mudslime migrants. You can walk through there without any trouble, Bradford has just been a containment zone for them since the 50's and a lot of them are probably enjoying their westernised freedoms too much to give it all up for sharia law and niqabs.
Interesting to note though that Bradford has had a few Jewish mayors starting from as early as 1850, I wonder how much of a role they played in resettling muslim migrants there. Also interesting to know that it is still probably whiter percentage wise then America is as a whole. And a census from a few years back shows that nearly half of it's population are christian.
Adrian Carter
tfw even muslims are not stupid enaugh to believe in muh trinity is one god
Jacob Carter
It's pretty easy actually, it's just a really old instance of doublethink.
Gabriel Watson
What about Rigveda 1.164.46?
Gavin Carter
Except they are, as commanded by Muhammad/Allah. The only Christians they couldn't kill were the "dhimmi"; people who stayed Christian but had to pay a permanent "life-insurance" along with being treated as second-class citizens. Why would Muhammad command that no harm come to the dhimmi? The same reason why a mob boss would tell his cronies to not trash a restaurant they're collecting protection money from. Christians under Islam are either killed or sold into slavery, or they become cash-cows for their muslim conquerors. ISIS is doing the exact same thing, and that's going to be the norm in the west if Islam is not stopped.
Lucas Carter
Nobody believes it except people who have a religious obligation to believe it. Impartial alien observers would conclude that Christianity is polytheistic. Particularly Catholicism….
Anthony Morgan
Who on the left still promotes the idea of integration and assimilation? I thought they've declared assimilation racist and pure hatred.
Adrian Turner
Wat? Do they have the government's chinese cartoon forums control Kaiser too?
Landon Reed
This is just divide and conquer stuff, nothing meaningfull has been gained from this thread.
Matthew Butler
A few decades ago it was 100% white, in a few more decades it will be even less white (if current trends continue). Im not trying to demoralize you but you sound delusional. It doesn't matter how white it is if the majority of the population are colour blind cucks.
Where was the 86% of the population when the news about paki rape gangs came out? Don't delude yourself user a 50% population of racially aware Whites would be better than a 90% population of cucks.
We're not going to be ok just because we have a white majority (for now) we're only going to get better when we have a racially conscious majority.
Grayson Anderson
Only under the right conditions, namely: "anti-racist" leftists and a (((subversive media))) to help push the narrative.
Julian Stewart
We're not "basically 75% Muslim" though are we?
Ryder Collins
This user gets it. Many of my fellow burgers make the same excuses Many western countries are only majority "white" because the population leans to the older side. When you look at countries like Germany, where the actual number of reproductive age whites is probably less than 15 million, and you factor in the already low birthrates and insane immigration rates….shit gets scary fast.
Brandon Rodriguez
I understand they stick to their own areas and so social interaction is limited, but surely they would turn on a tv and see the Queen, Theresa May and other political figures like Corbyn?
do they think the UK is a minority rule state by a white minority?
Charles Moore
Same here in Germany. Sandniggers don't like the countryside somehow and neither for garderning.