I got banned but it was worth it.
Owner of the venue that burned in oakland posted a message lamenting the loss of his warehouse. SJW's are coming out of the woodwork to give him salt deposits. You might want to get in on this you faggots.
I got banned but it was worth it.
Owner of the venue that burned in oakland posted a message lamenting the loss of his warehouse. SJW's are coming out of the woodwork to give him salt deposits. You might want to get in on this you faggots.
Other urls found in this thread:
Full post
My fake facebook account was almost instantly locked down for taunting a «Golden Donna» degenerate. I didn't even cuss or write something excessively spiteful.
Whats up? I just logged off to take a swim
I guess its just my face?
Someone's been consuming just the right amount of Common Filth.
Im fucking loving life right now
I guess we could say that Joey is inZane!
Post yfw we told SJW's to die in a fire and they actually did it
You're on fire today, Carlos !
I thought pedos were okay in CA?
Apparently now the death toll hit 24 and the SJW's are out for the blood of the warehouse owner
Its just an emotionally wrecked SJW desperately trying to label a perceived boogeyman.
Fucking hell OP, I… I don't think I have a reaction image worthy of the asshurt you just caused kek.
Nearly cried with laughter when I saw the picture was of Jim.
But then you had another shot and dropped some more molly and forgot about it because you are an idiot, aren't you Faith…
Just wait, 24 bodies and only 20% searched
Icing on the cake my friend
Only if they are feminists and welcome rapfugees as well
Bless you for triggering these hippies. Them Holla Forums days feels like yesterday with these levels of butthurt.
Artist commune known as ghostship
Link to venue website: oaklandghostship.com
Oakland is close to 40% black. It's the largest enclave of Africa west of Texas. A colony from where they can spread across the entire pacific coast
Im glad hipster heaven burned.
Is the owner also a degenerate?
Fire for the hippies!
The whole place was made of kindling, what the fuck did anyone expect was going to happen?!
The people commenting on Derick ion's post (owner of the venue) are saying he had his kids taken and is crazy but i don't know this for myself to be true so take it with a grain of salt.
At the end of the day I wonder how many white guy dreadlocks were burned
wh-who is Jim?
Owner of Holla Forums.
Mad man.
Meth head horrible guy. Shame he didn't die.
If you check his kikebook it confirms it all. Like many hippies/kikes/faggots he has to post about everything going on in his life, even if it makes him look like a faggot
So the fire was intentional?
24,000 should have died in that fire.
Just looking at those images makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Just be staring at it, it feels claustrophobic and dusty. Like a hoarder home.
Imagine loud music and pyrotechnics blasting in that place.
I think you mean 6,000,000?
Sounds like he was doing some edgelord satanic fire dancer shit at a degenerate party and it went wrong.
I wonder how many kilos of heroine have been injected into a human body in that space over they years.
when u get trapped in a raging bonfire all night and turned into carbon and ashes but niggas STILL roasting u
Don't know for sure, but he sure was tempting fate.
Said he was building a trap, claimed himself to be the son of Manson, pol pot and Hitler, and at odds with everyone. I read that whole rant, he's a smart guy but cognitive dissonancing to the point of insanity.
Also claimed himself to be a dark knight, and proverbially started the fire. I dunno, he memed it.
lol 10/10
I hope trump tweets that
the first thread on this that maxed out had a cap from a woman who specifically said she had called CPS on derrick, and either their intervention or his attempts to avoid their intervention are the actual reason why the kids were staying at a hotel rather than living at the warehouse. apparently people were mad at her for calling cps and her post was her rebuttal to them that she'd literally saved the lives of derrick's kids.
Christcucks everyone, weeping for the same heathens their Lord would have chastised.
Think it's likely a bong who started this fire, thi sis a hippie / junkie shack
kek I'm back in
*the end
You don't have to be an SJW to think that guy is garbage
You should be more subtle
I think he did a good thing. More fire, more incineration!
He is the hero we needed.
I didn't start the chomo thing, people just assume jim is a pedophile.
that, and now he can also stand as an example, for any young and confused white kid, of what it really means to be a countercultural "creative spirit" - it means you become a self-indulgent parasite whose sheer negligence and laziness are likely to result in deaths.
Ive made so many accounts this morning they fucking captcha new accounts! Also mandatory phone conformation!
fucking savage bantz, m8
Did you post anime?
How new are you exactly?
Any idea how to make several twitter accounts without that fucking voice mail activation required everytime?
Those treasonous christian faggots, as usual.
It's not my fault I get confirmation bias all day every day.
Hey don't be an asshole, Jim.
you can bluestacks up a new emulated android phone, and it'll let you create an account without giving a phone number.
but then the moment you post anything that anybody gets triggered by, they will require a phone number anyway.
Are you retarded? He killed 24 people and is asking for sympathy, he'd be tried for manslaughter in Europe.
I revived an old "uncle islam" fake fb acc should i post some quran verses?
They took down those conditions quick and I'm back in
Cell number of the dude who was crying about his building burning down ?
Feel free to post comments you want me to post
Yeah its off now
WTF could possibly go wrong in a warehouse full of old dried wooden furniture?
FFS every single thing in there is either made of wood. All that stuff, the furniture the rafters etc. is old as shit and well dried out. That whole space probably went up in less than 2 minutes.
Jesus watched the whole thing and didn't save anyone.
Lets give him a call then
My fucking sides
He was overseeing the operation to remove cuck.
Aren't these the kind of places that are filled with underage drinking, hardcore drugs and legitimate degenerate activities?
Great entertainment
Thats exactly what it is. Which is why everything about it was illegal (off the books, no permit etc.). It was likely a den of heroin users who consider themselves "artists" but they are in reality failed artists with no talent using drugs and a group of like minded losers to ease the pain.
Fuck codes.
We don't need no stinking codes.
Fuck certificate of occupation.
We don't need no stinking certificate of occupations.
Fuck fire marshall inspections
We don't need no stinking fire marshall inspections
you're shitting me right? So let's say I drop a few redpills and some random faggots reports my tweets, will my account get flagged and I'd have to re-authenticate?
jesus fucking christ.
Have fun getting gangraped by mudpeople, faggot. Don't concern yourself with how we handle our degenerates.
I feel like this is just repercussions from the larger nigger issue, how many shitskins would they have to toss into the streets if they start enforcing shit
It's a shame all of that nice wood was lost, to be honest.
When the hell did this happen? Last night? I went to bed and there was nothing going on.
Kind of a shame, in some ways. It looks comfy as fuck, in an "old home on the frontier" kind of way. Probably good ambiance to play tabletop games in.
I kinda like the aesthetic as well, it is comfy. Why do hipsters have to ruin everything with their smug pretensions and self-righteousness?
We never dun nuffink! Swear daawn on me muvva's life.
Its better off burned than in their degenerate hands
Tell me about it.
I grew up on old black and white movies and had an appreciation for nice hats for most of my childhood. Thanks for ruining that, Reddit.
I got banned of Goybook too for saying that nothing of value was lost. Lmao.
This. The antiques were the real loss here tbh.
And to add, another annoying part is that hipsters are somewhat woke in that they sense that there is something wrong with modern society, but they don't understand the source and reasons why.
Hitler was a hipster that wanted to understand why modern society was shit and what he could do to fix it, instead of shoving his head into the sand.
You heartless monster
What about the loss of the antique furniture?
Also daily reminder that most fag clubs are overcrowded tinderboxes
HEEEEEEEERES DERICK ION! Owner Of the hipster stove!
Cant embed for some reason: youtube.com
This saddens me. The place looks nice. Not fit for raves and such but a cozy place to relax and read some books and listen to some music. It would have made for a nice bookstore.
Okay I have to get back to real life. Im out for a bit. Ill be back to the salt mine later.
Burn the coal, pay the toll
If you guys want to do this right, make Jewish sockpuppet accounts and tell them the goy deserve it for not being chosen.
When I wake ill deliver
Are we the Jews now? But if you want to false flag right, you gotta do it a bit more subtle then that. Channel the self-righteous and superior attitude of the Jew, feel your nose bridge curve with every breath, worry if you made sure to pick up that penny you dropped.
because this isn't gonna go anywhere. Im not trying to turn it into a headline "trump supporters celebrate fire"
Why on earth is that in quotes?
I understand, but it's probably going to show up on at least a couple of the faggier "news" sites. I'm not too concerned over PR, but I also don't want the Donald to have to work harder to MAGA.
Well when you have that many flaming faggots…
Yeah I guess we are Jews now.
I used to think physiognomy was silly, but I'm beginning to think there's something to it since large portions of the cucks and various genderfluid balloon animal otherkin types that keep coming up in these things have strange and off-putting facial proportions….
Hey,how about somebody start a kickstarter for the poor guy?
post the link to it on his comment
all donations from fake names like Burny Sanders and Flammen Werfer
Names to use:
This too
W. Are House
Mr Burnsdown
Why do i feel a faint whisper of old Holla Forums in the wind? Are times truly changing?
Any replies?
That account was deleted before
That Mova-whatetever. Spirit Cooking Bitch.
Checking dubs
Kek confirms that this is devilish and we must do so
and checked
forgot pic
Burners and ex-burners USUALLY means people who go to "burns" which are an excuse to get high, fuck whoever and burn art. It's supposed to be a spiritual experience, but it's usually not. An actual spiritual experience would be renting a trailer for the weekend, going off into the wilderness alone, and getting high off peyote. No burning of art, no degeneration. Just getting on the wild ride and seeing where it takes you.
Burner is a pejorative at this point.
m8 I know what burns are I was just referring to the fact that most of those people are coal burners too
Dubs confirm we are Holla Forumsack in Holla Forumsusiness
How does kick starter give they guy the money since he didn't create it?
I hope it was an ecig that started the fire
Nah, they don't burn coal, they just say they would burn coal to virtue signal. The "artist" community and black community kinda hate each underneath, other cause the artists attract hipsters which gentrify the areas like west Oakland. Also black people aren't into this shit at all. They're street smart and would be spooked out by this building.
t. a local
thank reverse search
That skull in the back of the first photo is like "Soon….."
The owner was Jewish and was doing a ritual sacrifice of goyim.
Just say in the kickstarter youre donating it to him or something
Muhammad Muhammad
Samir Hayid
I have a few $ in a old paypal acc, will gladly donate a symbolic sum to get this rolling like $0.88 or so.
The Ghost Ship, now with real ghosts
Absolutely savage.
Richard Pryor
Nikki Lauda
Michael Jackson
Branch Davidians
Someone say you left your bong (with half a bowl left) there and wondering when you can get it back.
So the owner didn't invite them?
fucking junkies junkied it up.
Literal retard.
Who gives a shit what europoors would do? This isn't europe. In europe you'd get arrested for saying the holohoax didn't happen.
too skinny tbh
I was thinking more of the anti-Trump crowd than the burned-to-a-crisp people.
She's had more work done than Joan Rivers.
not attractive/10
More plastic than a rez car
This can't be real. Kikebook is filled with even worse idiots the I thought. I tried to be as obvious as possible but people still fell for it
Apparently it has only begun, they still have something like 80% of the place to search yet. The ride may just be starting.
Most underrated post I've seen all week.
The rave movement and house and techno music have been used by the cia and gchq to push mind control,drugs,sex and societal decay. Some of it was a scene but alot of it was fake to make money.
1988 in Britain was called the second summer of love. because it was the second time the cia and gchq had instigated such a big operation.
Just like in the 60s people were told "don't go to beatnik events" and don't take acid. people were told "don't go to raves" and "don't take mdma".
If someone this rad looking invited me to a party I would go
Raves aren't like the 90s anymore, nowadays a rave would just entail you and your friends got together to get fucked up and listen to bad music in some hipster faggotry place.
Meaning they were all invited.
This is fun.
Garbage or not, twenty percent of the building searched times twentyfour equals him having a killsheet of over a hundred degenerates which makes him a hero in my books.
"Hipster faggot: Did we, like, start a fire?
Balding aids degenerate: yea dude, it's like, rising."
You are all racists
I don't get it. All I said was #feelthebern
oh lord allmighty
why are you doing this to me you kike
Just save it for later, if you need it that bad.
sorry i don't lust over cuteboys like you user
Steampunk is the worst shit ever. It's a retirement plan for mall goths.
Anyway, a girl who gets fake tits just so she can get betas to buy her free shit is very degenerate.
And you just outed yourself. >>>Holla Forums
Send them this
Post election season. We're just getting back into the swing of things.
Say you dropped your pipe before the fire and couldn't find it. Imblying that your pipe started the fire.
Holla Forums is the new Holla Forums
I'm so out of it, I probably need social media 101. This is facebook? I thought you could only message your "friends"? Or did you message some "group" like "survivors of the fagfire of 2016"?
I mean if facebook was wide open to trolling, these fools would have been trolled to death already right?
Also, feelthebern is perfect for this.
Carlos has to go back, but he can go back last
That assumes they are evenly distributed throughout the building, which is a bad assumption to make. Still though, I expect it to rise higher.
Dude, seriously? There are much hotter women out there than Plastica, goddess of the silicone.
Keep in mind, this is a rave we're talking about. We're talking high human density.
Those 24 could have been just the opening act.
It's within acceptable probabilities that there were a couple hundred more incinerated.
We should expect at least 50, which will make it greater than Omar "Blowback Mountain" Mateen's highscore achievement party
Now this is some proper propaganda. Good work user
Once the panic sets in, the crowd will move like a pack of fish, all moving together with a singular goal. But unlike fish, this is their undoing. I'd wager that 90% of the fatalities are piled up on the stairs, or the 2nd floor entrance to the stairs. I bet at least a few of them died from being crushed, not from smoke inhalation or flame.
A school of fish.
This is what happened at the Station nightclub fire btw. See those 31 bodies piled up by the door.
pretty sure i've been to this restaurant, looks exactly like this waffle house in Berlin
Seems like Patreon would be more appropriate than Firesta- Kickstarter.
low energy bantz tbh
He's right though. Sexy natural big titted kikesses are much better then plastic used up barbie dolls.
I have a feeling the home boy that owned the warehouse is going to be in big shit. There has to be someone to throw under the proverbial bus and he is the prime candidate. Once the DA starts to go over all the shit that he was negligent on they will need a paper towel roll to list all the charges against him.
that guy is too redpilled
Drudge says the body count is up to 30, with most of them being near the center of the building. It seems like the place really was a maze.
These were drug addicts and the tax payer was paying for their high.
Finns were singing about Holla Forums before it was even a website
Not bad
Great screencap, really well done
I just watched the nightly news there were only 2 exits from the warehouse.
There is going to be lots more bodies found once they get into the interior.
So far as far as I can tell they have only been searching the perimeter.
Sucks for you, loser.
Control your primal urges you degenerates.
Wood man might be more appropriate.
People are still posting their rants
More and more I'm thinking this guy really wanted to kill these people.
I know you aren't asking this but his real name is Derick Ion Almena
Derek "Cinnibar Hipsterbar" Ion
Derek "A cheap zippo for blue-haired hippos" Ion
Derek "Firebender these Transgenders" Ion
Derek "Fahrenheits for Faggot Kikes" Ion
Derek "Only You Can Perform Faggot Fires" Ion
Derek "If they're lispy, make em crispy" Ion
looks like sarah silverman nude tbh, 3/10
I think there might be some truth to this. Months ago in a facebook rant he described the warehouse as a "trap house".
Derek "Hipster Honeypot Operator" Ion
Derek "Burning Modern Artists is also a Modern Art" Ion
Derek "The ghosts are real in THIS ghost ship" Ion
Can't ____ the Derick?
Can't ____ the Ion?
No need to get hot under the collar. Just cool down and fire up your favourite meal.
Can I have the "Hipster A La Mode", please?
do you mean Flambé?
Pretty sure that's frog for "with ice cream".
Derick "Safe Space Fireplace" Ion
guy was clearly a meth head, lots of posts from locals make clear he held these events specifically to raise money for drugs. so all the necessary parts of his brain involved in 'liking people' have been long since disabled. even on the offchance that anyone he knew wasn't a freeloading narcissist druggie just like him.
hahahahahaa fucking niiiice.
If this is still going on…
Let's make Oakland great again and burn the entire dump down.
Something about how painful it is to die from burns.
Photos of burn victims :)
Insinuate ISIS did it. If that's too obvious, BLM might work.
Blame the victim with, they were all smoking drugs in there and some junkie dropped their pipe.
Just run with it until you've milked it so good all the friends and family just leave.
A classic.
Derek "My best art piece was a flaming warehouse full of grease" Ion
Derek "Bring Burning Man to Oakland" Ion
Derek "Fire codes are for faggots" Ion
Derek "Cleansing fire is my only desire" Ion
Derek "Stairs are for squares" Ion
Derek "Lesbians and gays are gonna get razed" Ion
Derek "Hipsters make the best stocking fillers" Ion
Derek "Burning Man Fire Escape Plan" Ion
It was lost to a good cause, at least. Better than being wasted in a hipster's crack den for eternity, right?
Derek "Hipsters beware, there's no fire exit up there" Ion
Derek "Taking out the trash with only a single match" Ion
Derek "At least my family's safe" Ion
Derek "Seeing things on fire makes me higher" Ion
Derek "Recycling Oakland's social rejects" Ion
Derek "Rug shacks are making a fiery comeback" Ion
why was I given this name
That was… really good. I liked how the guy kept saying "Hey, Holla Forums" too.
And of course it's in Finnish.
Stupid fucking 4chan retard thread
Stupid fucking 4chan retard thread
Stupid fucking 4chan retard thread
Derek "Druggies and gays enjoy the blaze" Ion
Reported for being a faggot
dead fags and junkies
ayy lmao
here's an interview, apparently they had fire extinguishers, 911 didn't respond to their calls and they had to run to the fire dept.
I don't understand how people can hang out a mall all day. I get annoyed just going to one to do things that I need to do. People walk slow, walk in front of you like retards, walk slow, have no idea how to use a trolley, walk slow, have no idea how to walk quickly.
Derek "My Drug Den is and Oven" Ion
Perhaps it's time to pick up the Bible and put down the memes.
~More like they didn't have any landlines because they were too mainstream.
Took me ten days to make, you better fuckin love it.
Kek. Saved. Will look good alongside this meme.
Jewish mod is bumplocking/deleting any threads that are not pro-trump!!
Board logs can be found here
See related for full understanding
8ch. pl/pol/res/25508.htm
I hope this is a throw away account
It's a shame when LSD and MDA/MDMA can be extremely positive if taken properly
The only good pair of tits is your last pic
Cow utters are just as bad as fake tits
profile pic
Gives this poster a fucking medal.
Noice work user. When I first saw that story break, thought to myself
Good fucking riddance. And not a single fuck was given, they just helped Make America Great Again
So exactly how many of these libtards are into this spirit cooking kind of shit? WHat a "coincidence", no?
All those beautiful relics burned.
Also checked!
Ffs this is the best thread here in ages.
I've found if you set your age to elderly (50+? 60+?) when creating an account you can get around phone verification.
Why do so many people do this. It just makes you look retarded to the enemy.
WTF is going on here OP?
Autism at its finest. Good work user.
They have auto-triggers too. Made a new account yesterday and it was locked instantly after I followed 40 fashy goys and tweeted "gas the jews". I now have to CALL and authenticate to unlock it. Last time it was just a text.
Looks like there's A LOT more to this story.
Maybe some cheese pizza eating going on.
Ayyy NES Mega Man, my niggers
We're the raver faggots even legally in his warehouse or were they squatting?
Was starting the fire part of his plan?
What's the story behind this?
First I'm hearing about this, but what I'm gathering from this thread:
We need to get this guy another warehouse and pack it full of degenerates ASAP
Ive just fucking choked on a biscuit lad, fucking Jim as the profile pic, kekking hell wew.
Sounds like Trump Posting.
Thanks user, I've been looking for this song and the leek animu thing so long. My quest is finished. Please take these dubs as an offering.
Sauce of rare homemade smug?