Finland YES or NO?

Finland Happening

Local Politician, 2 Reporters Killed in Finland Shooting

HELSINKI — Dec 4, 2016, 9:08 AM ET

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and nothing of value was lost

I think it's not yes because reportedly local, with "extensive crimina record"l

But we'll see

Its okay. Hoping the shooter is a muslim.

IM putting my money on one of the slags having an affair gone wrong with the gunman. or something similar

Bad translation or is this copper as dumb as a box of rocks?
Seems reminiscent of the assassination of Joe's Cock tbh.

And nothing of value was lost.

Dead politician and police chief. Any soumalainen to keep us updated and in the know? Kebab or White Death?



I didn't want to sage. It was a mere mistake ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This is not a happening of any sort in my opinion. Just some criminal doing criminal things.

your opinion doesnt matter

Cuckchan still has to go…

Probably just a random wacko unrelated to anything political.

The shot politician told media in 2015 that she thought Finland needs immigration from the Middle East to enrichen our bad genetic stock. Good riddance.

These things dont happen by acciddent in Finland. I'm guessing some deals went wrong and someone wanted her dead and paid someone to do it. Why else would he do it and then just surrender?

Daily reminder Finns, Estonians and Saami weren't white until the Swedes raped them.

Swedes also let Nazis walk over their territory into Norway, true fact.

ANTIFA doesn't represent all Swedes. Chances are Sweden will turn right next election because your average Swedes are getting sick of cultural Marxism.

So what was the ethnicity of the shooter?
Who were the politician and who is in line to take over?

If kebab comes within a mile of any of these two questions, then it was NOT random.
Remember that mudgoblins have been using kike-infiltration tactics for a decade or two in Europe.

If he was white/Fingolian wouldn't we know about it? Why would they withhold it, just like Joes Cock they had the 'Britain first' motive on the news 2 seconds after she was dispatched.

The attack was actually caried out by the finnish Nationalist, confirmed Trumpsupporter and christian fundamentalist Aaprahammi Räikkönen as this footage should proof!

You wouldn't happen to have a video citation of that happening would you?

INB4 we have video citations of White Genocide inwe2017.

Why kill the officers? They're basically just like us trying to make money and only listening to orders just to have money. Should've only killed the politicians.

Holy shit this guy sounds exactly like the hydraulic press channel dude. Are all Finns identical?

More recent footage of Aaprahammi Räikkönen showing his support of Trump.

Where are Current Year Euros getting this retarded fucking idea that European blood needs to be "enriched" by niggers and kebab? European blood is already the best thing you could possibly hope to have! West Asia and Africa are full of nothing but literal retards!

are you fucking retarded?

Not really they not being Indo-Europeans just have to use there mouths differently than us

what's the song?

Seriously nigger?


The Finns, Estonians and Sami were white before any other whites even ever existed in Europe. They were the first peoples in Europe, and were white back then, tens of thousands of years ago.
Are you some kind of idiot who thinks the white races ancestors were niggers and asians like the Jews say? Of course not, all DNA research proves that they were white.



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