This topic has been avoided the entire election, what does Trump intend to do about it?

Hes openly supported spying on Muslim neighborhoods, while I agree with his point of Muslims not speaking out its illegal and unconstitutional for the NSA or whoever to conduct such searches on US citizens.

What do you think will happen?

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop and search dropped NYCs violent crime significantly.

They whined because of racial profiling but you know what? If you look and act suspicious then its your damn fault.

Cops with probable cause isn't the same as surveillance without cause, user.

Clinton wins, all frog posters put under watch. You can see why this is controversial right?

I took it to mean he'll direct the NSA's efforts towards the people actually blowing shit up, instead blanket surveillance so as not to offend certain groups who are blowing shit up

Where we are going we won't need privacy to meme.

There are situations where the office has more influence over the person than the person has over the office. As strange as it may sound, I find it hard to believe that the intelligence community will give up their expanded powers just because they are told to do so. Trump would have three options with regards to the matter:
>tell them to stop blanket spying and drive the practice underground they've learned to hide funding quite well.
>try and likely fail to limit their activities by providing oversight.
I don't see a scenario that goes well.


You could at least try.

I;m as White as they come, and I've been stopped and frisk by the NYPD at least three times. My White-as-fuck brother has been stopped more times than that.

It's not about racial profiling like the niggers and cucks insist. I've been stopped because I live in a high-crime area of the Bronx, and being a blue collar worker, I dress pretty shabbily during the work week. Hoodies, loose pants, etc. And this has resulted in my being stopped by the police. I don't like it, but I'm also aware of the significant impact it's had on violent crime and open drug sales on the street.

I'm still up in the air about it though, because it really is (or should be) unconstitutional. On one hand, it works. On the other hand, it shits all over the 4th Amendment (along with the "all bags and containers are subject to random search by the NYPD" at all MTA facilities, including open-air bus stops). But really, that's NYC in general. The 2nd Amendment was virtually abolished in New York City decades ago, the 1st Amendment is selectively applied to some people while denied to others, and so on.

In the end, it's basically about balancing freedom and security. Personally, I lean towards freedom at the cost of providing my own security. But, NYC is run by kikes, special interest groups, and consists of a massive voting pool of mudskins and their white-guilt enablers. And we know - whenever any of those people are given any power at all, they will hand their freedom and autonomy over to Big Daddy Government. It's easier than being responsible for yourself, and perhaps more importantly, you have someone to blame for your own shortcomings and unhappiness.

Well it's obviously going to be more nuanced than that, politics is all about working the gray areas. And moreover it's about sticks and carrots trading, giving funding in exchange for enforcement in certain areas, etc. That's why vigilance is 24/7 job of the board of peace here.

He'll use it to catch ISIS and other scumbags.
Redditfags will complain about muh privacy.

Surveillance is inevitable to some degree just by the nature of how technology is going.

The thing that matters more than surveillance itself is who is doing it and why. It is up to the people to ensure that the leadership has good morals and good direction for the nation.

There's a difference between these big inner cities and suburban/rural America. Basically it makes sense to have much tighter law on nog-hives. Reminder that the Constitution and all of our rights were written for intelligent people, logical and capable white males to whom these rights can be entrusted.
(polite sage for doublepost)

There is no stopping it my friends, the NSA literally re-writes operating systems of computers to install themselves for data mining purposes. Windows 10 as we already know had remote access and back doors built in.

The NSA, as well as any other intel services having been granted access have access to everything after its posted, have logs of everything you do online. Don't forget that your ISP has some of he same info. Comcast now will automatically port your machine through their routers and modems as apposed to your own, regardless of setting.

I'm perfectly okay with the Feds treading all over niggers and muslims

That's only half true. All Muslims, because of their religion, pose a threat to American democracy. While our Constitution gives the freedom of religion, it also takes away that freedom if said religion is a danger to the People. Our constitution permits kicking out every single Muslim man, woman and child if Trump really wanted to do it. And it certainly permits spying on citizens if they're members of a subversive cult.

We knew pre-election that he was pro-NSA spying, which will be a negative unless he uses it to deport untold millions of illegal immigrants.

After that, it should be cut back until it no longer interferes with the constitution and legal citizens of the US unless they're kikes mudslimes or niggers.

he'll only increase it. having that much power is too tempting for an executive/bureaucrat. you have only two options
1) deflect it (make it focus on shitskins)
2) starve the beast (the norquist option)

Holla Forums is really dropped the ball on this one. everyone on this site is being monitored, and is a target not just for surveillance but harassment. they will break into your house, steal, vandalize, poison – they don't care. these are really ignorant fucks who don't understand shit

Holla Forums needs to get on this and pressure trump to leave internet nerds alone and concentrate on ackbars

a) no it didn't – there is no evidence of that whatsoever
b) its not a race issue, but a 4th Amendment issue – Terry Stops are unconstitutional as fuck

So what does Holla Forums consider to be the most shitlord Linux distro? Or at least the least likely to send your info to the NSA/ADL?

most of the "NSA" is offbook so defunding it won't do much

Terry Stops (ie. Stop and search) had no probably cause. they did it under the guise of "officer safety." so, it worked like this:

a) officer decides to talk to someone - legal
b) once officer has "engaged" someone, he can search them for "weapons" if he "feels unsafe"
c) if someone is being search for weapons and they find drugs it is (arguably) admissible

they took three different court rulings (a b & c)and strung them together into something that was unconstitutional. to wit, (b) was only supposed to happen if the person stopped was actually a suspect of a (violent) crime; (c) was only supposed to happen if they had probable cause to believe there was a weapon and literally just "happened" to find drugs, etc etc. What police were doing was just driving down the street in white vans then jumping out suddenly bc someone was "wearing a hoodie" (or was a nigger) and then searching them. This wasn't officer do-good walking down the street and just "happening" to stop to talk to someone and "legitimately" feeling unsafe and &tc &etc

I hope that made sense


dubs of truth.
I have had people come into my house before when I was gone and not steal anything, it's fucking gas lighting.

Yeah sure, but I don't think it worked well till now, am I right?

The higher ups in the government have been aware of this shit for years. It is not tomorrow that they will do anything about it. In fact shit is only going to get worse and not only for the us. Just look at the new laws that have been passed in the UK lately to facilitate the mass surveillance.

The only the thing you can realistically do is opt out of all this crap, which is itself, is very hard for the average /pol user. And to make matters worse opting out is only going to attract their loop on yourself.

When your very own OS has backdoors, keyloggers, weakened encryption. When your cellphone is literally logging your every move trough your gps data, logging all your email and contacts and shipping it to the NSA ink. And all this backed up by Google, facebook, microsoft, yahoo, you name it they are already in the bed with the nsa. When your ISP have all their data shipped to the NSA to be logged for perhaps indefinitely.

There's very little you can do to stop the machine.

Honestly I hope Trump clarifies that the second amendment is not optional and brings in extremely harsh punishments to state and municipal governments that try to restrict it.

EG, a citizen has their right to keep and bear arms violated in NYC? Mayor does a decade in prison without parole.

He talked about increasing the surveillance capabilities in the early race, don't know if his opinions changed much afterwards. That's kinda what being the "Law & Order" candidate entails. Before people say good, he'll use that to go after mudslimes and beaners. He never specified it was only for them.

Most likely nothing except allocate more time and resources to anti-Islamic terrorism. You can take privacy measures yourself - get a VPN (although this has flaws, and immediately flags you up as suspicious), beware of audio equipment around you (even speakers pick up sound), etc. but no matter what you do spying is going to continue. And have no doubt that all kinds of details about you is already being squirreled away if you're a Holla Forums regular.

I suspect you're a shill, but in the NSA's book visiting this site with any regularity is suspicious. Your own fault I guess.

All the mass data collecting they're doing on humans is also very good for A.I. research and development.

I mean, they even allow crazy amounts of free server room for high definition hour long videos, and other great services, even releasing windows 10 for free. They also fund sites like imageboards and their public archives to continue despite the fact they would die out fast in a real market.

They want all of that data and are willing to give you all of these services at very little to no cost. But I truly wonder how those A.I. projects will effect our society. I suspect some very brutal dehumanizing shit coming.

It's simple. Deprive all Muslims from American citizenship.

I have worked construction in the ghetto's.I get paid as much or less as an illegal Mexican and the only interaction I've had whith police has been checking in making sure we were OK.

Don't where fucking hoodies or those God dam flat brim caps,cops don't stop me even though I don't spend mutch money on clothes.

nothing to hide, nothing to fear :^]

Alright I see the distinction, my bad.

Not everyone is a shill user, sometimes you just dont know any better

I doubt it'll get too far. soon as they deploy spy drones across the country, rednecks and /k/omrades alike will be shooting at them like the worlds most expensive game of skeet.

Delusional, shills or just don't understand technology.

If you don't have privacy you are not free. And if you don't want those two things you're a slave.

Kek wills it

someone got the webm of him singing with the mud people autistically

He should be spying on nigger ones. They're far more likely to murder and commit criminal actions that is detrimental to American society and interests.

I don't think he'll do anything to stop it unfortunately, I voted for him despite that because of how horrible all other alternatives were.

Crime rates dropped, Why should I care about mudslime sensibilities?

kill yourself dumbfuck

Pic related

Jewish mod is bumplocking/deleting any threads that are not pro-trump!!

Board logs can be found here

See related for full understanding

8ch. pl/pol/res/25508.htm


Kill yourself,shill. Reported

How much are they paying you?

Hey dipshits, the fact that flynn's son is pushing pizzagate is evidence to trump subverting the surveillance apparatus against the old order

If you don't understand how the slippery slope isn't a fallacy you're too stupid to be here and clearly don't understand how precedent works.

Did you miss the inb4 part? I was anticipating fallacious reasoning

It's pretty fucking inevitable for someone to come in to claim that spying on mudslimes leads to spying on white population, ergo spying mudslimes is bad as such spying mudslimes is undesirable as it leads to spying on whites.

It didn't occur to you that argument and line of fallacious reasoning could've been possible.

So you didn't even read what I wrote then?

Again, kill yourself. Repeating nonsense trying to sound smart with words like 'fallacious' while ultimately saying 'hurrr these things NEVER progress into further expansion of surveillance' just outs you as a moron who can't even follow basic logic and most likely a shill.

You're a mouth breathing retard if you aren't already aware that they're spying on everyone not just sandniggers.

Feel free to spergout over a comment that wasn't directed to you in the first place. You were given the clear definition and how it's applied in that probable scenario

Stay mad.

Calling you out for being an idiot is not mad. You're seriously here trying to convince us that the expanding police state will eventually roll itself back?

If not then you're confirming slippery slope is real.

The fact is 4th amendment protects against BROAD WARRANTLESS SEARCH. You want to get a warrant to survey anyone who attends a mosque? Fine, but clearly this level of understanding is way over your hide.

Slippery Slope is not a fallacy fyi btw.

I didn't say everyone is a shill dickhead.

I'm English and we have mass surveillance. It's GCHQ (government communication head quarters). It's like the American NSA.
Also 'five eyes' - basically all Anglo countries sharing secrets.

I'm ex British Army and have an understanding of this system.
They can spy on anything that you do. I don't care tbh. If some spook wishes to examine my BBW dominatrix porn folder or my inane mobile text messages, internet searches for recipes, bank balance, whatever.
I don't give a shit.
They look for keywords and phrases. Like 'bomb making', 'dangerous chemicals', 'dirty bomb' etc.
Which are exactly the words that terrorists and enemies don't use.

Yes I am sure they will not use it to censor Truth about the Holohoax or White Genocide. They surely will not manipulate data to hide things like Rotherhams Rape Gang or Gyorgy Schwartz NGOs.They surely will not use it to build databases of good goyim useful idiots and bad goyim "racists" and throw people who speak up against this kike globalism into jail or worse. They bring muslims and niggers in, then use that as a pretext to strip our rights and humanity from us, all for our safety I am sure.

right. which is why we should all be suspicious of their actual intentions such as everything just said or at the very least corporate espionage.

The goyim know, we need to shut them down, is what they really mean. This isn't to watch and contain shitskin Arabs and niggers, it is to put more chains on white law abiding citizens. If they wanted less crime they would NOT IMPORT and PAY these subhumans to come in and commit rape and murder, then use law enforcement, media, and politics to cover for the criminals. The kikes and cucks can't have anything getting in the way of The Hooten Plan, Coudenhove Kalergi Plan, kike Central Bankers, and kike owned pedophile and organ harvesting rings, etc. I wonder how many of Molochs Chosen People will be spied on? None huh, well that is quite a cohencidence…..

Given the ludicrous
nature of this crucifix.
Can't we all agree
to abolish, with great relish
the end of rule of law, with glee?

GCHQs spying is even bigger than NSAs right now. It's got out of control.

en.wikipedia org/wiki/Tempora


that means it's a TOR user

That was a red flag for me, but fuck it if TPP/Obamacare/border is fixed he can't be perfect.

So that's why Italy is a corruption riden shithole?

iirc he praised the patriot act, he'll probably write up another spy bill if terrorists attack.

RMS political opinions in regards to anything not related to tech are in fact pants on head retarded, no doubt about it. But his movement of software free from proprietary shills who siphon your private meta data algorithms illegally so it can be used for the Kike's and bank's NWO is a very legitimate movement. The fact is, is that all this metadata collected is not being used with the best intents as JTRIG and other similar social experiments plus programs have proven.

Free software is a must for truly free societies.

NSA should spy on all non-whites(we should deport them but beggars can't be choosers). Hitler did it and it worked flawlessly.
to the kike-loving lolbertarians incoming, some of you still need to see the light