Tara Strong is rumored to be hostile towards Trump supporters, and she's lending her voice to an anti-Trump project with a description that, unlike most comedy-related Kickstarters, states explicitly that the creators are making it to cope with what they believe is one of the hardest times in American history.
Tara Strong is rumored to be hostile towards Trump supporters...
Does anyone really care what this used up old whore thinks? Also
She's in every animated TV show and Direct-to-DVD movie, so yes. She's as big as Tom Kenny and Billy West combined.
Bad art style, and she is probably ass hurt because she is a canadian and is worried she won't get that stars and stripes dosh
Has anyone here the image where someone chastises her for not behaving like an adult woman, because at age 40 she dresses like harley quinn with cleavage?
I know that feel bro. Arleen Sorkin destroyed her voice by smoking too much.
Oh boy, I can't wait for "I'm silly: the series"
It's shit.
dude, she's been openly sperging about Trump since before he was elected
Yeah, like all celebs. But being rude to his supporters is different.
The more I encounter these people, the less sympathetic I am to them. They are out of their fucking minds and I can only hope that their moronic hysterics convinces more than a few of them to just off themselves.. and I'd say I hope such a thing would wake up enough of these faggots to make them realize that Trump isn't actually all that bad, but it would only make them even more hysterical.
Humanity isn't worth saving if these degenarate shitstains get to reap the benefits of helping our species achieve it's full potential.
I'm guessing the bald eagle is pence, which is the most patriotic thing they could have made him
I don't get the scientist pidgeon, the feminist lioness, the hippy lion with the "friends not food" wife beater, the fish in a bowl on a robot, the beaver, bloodshot parrot, or the ugly dog with the arm band.
Oh I just noticed "president RUMP".
These people probably don't know anything about Trump beyond what they were told by CNN, so they presume he is literally hitler.
Why do what I'm guessing are Rump's children, look exactly like him?
Barron and Ivanka are conventionally attractive. Ivanka's only hated because she's Trump's daughter, and Barron is well-liked because he's cute and constantly uninterested in his dad's shit.
Because it's not bigoted when they deserve it.
Those fucking kids should hate their father. Because I said so!
She's a cunt, but I'd still fuck her regardless.
Part of me wants them to try and start a civil war so then we can finally crush them.
Oh no someone I don't like got elected and is doing things I don't like.
Sometimes a piece of ass isn't worth the headaches you'll be receiving afterwards from chicks like this, user.
I want to fuck tara strong, not because I find her attractive or anything, I just want to record her debasing herself and spam it on every forum that worships her. The autistic screeching could almost reach me through the dim flickering of the CRT
She ever have any nudes leaked?
Also, isn't she a coal burner?
Who knows. She may or may not have had more black guys in her than Harlem central booking on any given night.
What shits me most is she's a horrible Harley. Hynden Walch did a solid job on The Batman, why the fuck is Tara's shit tier version now the main now?
The dude is over 6 feet tall, where do these cucks get off pretending he has a Napoleon complex?
Because she's "popular".
I was so happy when I heard Walch was in Assault on Arkham and not Strong.
Anyone else tired of this whiny bullshit that just fucking keeps going on and on?
then 2016 wraps up with Trump winning
I'm just sick and tired of the hypocritical bullshit. If you have a microphone, it's to make funny voices or sing a song, not to spit up your political views all over me.
I feel your pain fam.
I know, these Hollywood elitists are such hypocrites that it just borders on pathetic.
I'm not a fan of Kevin Smith, but he put it best when he came on Joe Rogan's podcast, he doesn't give a fuck who the president is, he's just gonna keep doing what he's doing. And I wish more Hollywood stars acted like that. I mean let's be real here, what has changed since Trump took office? Jack and shit.
But then again, Tara took part in that shitty video game VA strike that accomplished NOTHING! So it's fair to say that she's a goddamn child who constantly throws a hissy fit when things don't go here way.
BTW I know you're reading this Tara, hi.
The only saving grace is we're not the only ones sick of their bullshit. All these parasites are running of blood to suck.
It sucks, doesn't it? Even David Firth, my favorite animator and a cunt from the UK weighed joined in on bashing Trump.
I've heard that part of growing up is having all of your heroes betray and disappoint you. It certainly feels true.
wew lad
You know what really boils my piss about these whiny faggots? Let's say for the sake of argument Trump really was literally Hitler and started doing all the evil shit they claimed he would do. Or that he would start fucking up the economy for the "average American." It wouldn't fucking affect them one bit. America could literally be in flames and they'd still be sipping on their champagne, eating $300.00 lunches, and driving around their fucking million dollar sports cars. It's all just virtue signaling bullshit because they'll always be whiny rich faggots.
You have to accept that the majority of people, not even just normalfags, treat politics like professional sports. In kind of an ironic way, the intense melodrama and lack of dignity they give it just shows you how little relevance it actually bares on what kind of person they are.
President Rump…?
Oh! I get it! Cause Donald Trump is a butt xD
They say you should never meet your heroes for a reason, problem is, that saying came about before social media was a thing.
Social media has blurred the line between the public and the creators, artists are often privileged and misguided, blind to the strife of the common man who they claim to support. Originally, if you wanted your political opinions to get out there you had to put some thought into it, study it, learn a little more about whatever you planned to discuss. Not anymore, now, people have walled themselves off into communities that circlejerk and regurgitate their own beliefs, and now they have a platform from which to vomit out those unfounded opinions they're so proud of.
It's hard to look up to anybody involved in any medium when they can't fucking stop themselves from shitting up every discussion due to an inflated sense of self importance. I mean, look at these fucking people, look at Tara fucking Strong.
A woman who's most well known for voicing a talking horse in a twenty minute commercial designed to sell toys to perverts and children. What does her stupid ass have to add to any political debate? She's not important, nobody is going to remember Tara Strong in two hundred years, nor are they going to remember Seth Rogan or Amy Schumer or any other fucking slackjaw kiddie diddling Hollywood fuck moralizing to us today.
But you know who is going to be remembered in two hundred years? Donald fucking Trump.
That's one of the big reasons they have such a stick up their ass about the guy. He's a constant reminder that, for all their twitter followers, for all their bluster, for all their media signaling, they mean literally nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Fragile egos make the loudest noise when you shatter them.
Well said user.
I had no idea this bitch was this deep in the kool-aid.
Shoulda made him an electric eel.
Post the webm. You know the one I mean.
Closest thing to nudes is her work in National Lampoon's Senior Trip.
gotta suck more jewish cock