Ready for Michelle? Political Committees Form In Support of Political Run by First Lady
How do you convince someone to lose to Trump?
I guess we soon will see the formation of an Obama Foundation then.
Where will Dems ever find a champion again? It's beyond ogre.
Michelle said last night that she isn't seeking office. Jej at democlaps
Maybe they will go for Laci Green or another liberal e-celeb?
4 years should be plenty of time to at least redpill those around me.
He saw wtf happened when they faced us.
He doesn't want his past drug out in front of everyone.
He likes being the big4u little girl.
He isn't going to sacrifice his happiness just to please Soros.
What can go wrong this time?
What experience does she have?
And I know people will say "hurr durr Trump didn't have experience either!" No you dipshit, he ran successful companies. What has Michelle done? She couldn't even pass as first lady.
Moochelle isn't going to run you jackasses, she was disbarred for a reason, ill let you look it up for yourselves.
The new democratic party will turn into an anti-israel leftist party w/o the old boomers at the helm, you'll see the transformation happen these next 4 to 8 years. They will be less white, more leftist and more radical.
They should pick Milo then, he is a kike and he's gay so he would be a perfect choice.
God I hope this really happens. Just show everyone her fucking senior year thesis and any undecided white voter who's not a complete retard will vote Trump for sure. tfw so many retards I have to just hope against all hope that that's enougth to get the 51% we need
reasons are racist, goy.
First transsexual president
I tell you, there is money to be made off these democucks. Bernie and Jill made millions.
What did she mean by this?
These people are out of touch. No one likes Michelle. Only black people will vote for Michelle.
Cucks love to signal about Michelle
Looks like the perfect dem candidate
All it takes is one little leak.
Reminder, she was killed because of this.
I'd be interested in this just to see what effect it would have in an election.
Progressives are getting more and more progressives.
What works
Black yes
White no
Female no
Male yes
Black and female
Black and trans
For sure.
shit thread
I don't think niggers would vote for a negress, they voted Obama the first time around, and that victory only had white guilt and gullible vote. This time around only the cuckiest would vote, not even the niggest.
They realize they have a better chance with that ape than they do Hillary.
how fucking delusional are they? We are going full fascism and there's no going back.
campaign pasta
Another nigger after that desaster of the first?
And a women? Dont these idiots ever learn? Queen nigger would import africa for more diversity, even more than her shit for brains husband did.
Dems are counting on the demographic shift, probably believing only niggers and beaners will be able to win elections after whites have become a minority.
It's from the game Liberal Crime Squad.
care to explain? I'm too lazy to do research on what seems to be a shit text based game made by mentally ill liberals…
Laci Green should show more of her tits and talk less. It would improve my opinion of her.
How the fuck can they run a candidate that was deported to africa in 2018?
It's a PAC. Most of them are scams. There were a bunch set up for Trump that were scams and Trump even criticised them.
She's not running and no one wants her to. They're just setting up so stupid people give money for them to embezzle.
Wasn't someone making a Conservative Crime Squad? What happened to that?
It's a game made by the Dorf Fort guy. You steal cars, vandalize property, sell weed cookies, and murder conservatives to make the country a more liberal safespace. It's prety fun but suffers from the same autistic GUI as Dorf.
They should pardon and run Snowden, not these losers.
It's a game where you play as a bunch of socialist revolutionaries and try and get shit like bestiality legalized, no joke.
Meh, we have already had a black man for president. No thanks.
What a brilliant plan. The democrats have never lost running a former president's wife.
I think she's a lawyer like her husband. I think she was also forced to give up her law licence, like her husband
John Flynt, AKA Brianna Wu, is thinking of running for office. He hasn't decided which office, though. Do you think we could convince him to run for president? Is he that stupid? Do you think his ego is that large?
Hillary is done, her political career is over. She's lost too many times, despite all the 'help' they could muster. They need a fresh face that's somehow connected with the power of the past. I don't think they are actually going for the presidency in 2020. They are just gonna try to be as divisive as possible to get a civil insurrection going. For this, Michelle Obama will do. She hasn't been emplaced as an instant Senator, nor Sec. of State, but she is black. For the Jews, identity politics and race baiting never gets old.
I'd love if this lunatic ran. He's on the insane end of SJW e-celeb cancer rather than the purely cynical end (like Beata Anita or the Blue Whale), and is actually despised by most of the progressives he purports to speak for. They can't admit it though, because tranny.
I agree, but then I remember that the left thought the exact same thing about Trump. Some part of me is afraid that we've completely miscalculated the risk, and will end up with Flynt as the US president.
This meme needs to die.
Not saying that. It's just a (probably irrational) worry that we will have misevaluated the situation as much as the democrats did. A year ago leftwingers would have mocked the idea that any lunatic (like Trump) has the same skillset as Clinton. I just don't want to end up like John Oliver in embedded video.
The only people doing this are the Alt Right.
Holla Forums isn't Alt Right. It's possible to have a serious discussion here and to dislike faggots on Holla Forums. Radical Right hugbox meme factories are already disappointed that Trump has disavowed his white supremacist supporters.
The Left's loss was the result of DECADES of chickens coming home to roost all at once, which they were blind to from decades of being in absolute power insulated from the rest of the world.
I don't think you have to worry about that from Holla Forums any time soon.
What are you even on about?
Fair enough. As I said, i realise it's an irrational fear.
A hardcore SJW president could be one of the best things to ever for the right.
I was worried about this when someone fucked up Melanias speech, causing her to basically copy from Michelle. This is the kind of intentional sabotage that libshits would smugly cling to and rerun for months to poke fun and sway retarded voters.
Shit I haven't played wow in a decade and I remember that is the first quest. What an addiction fam… holy shit.
It'll go as far as her plan to remove artificial sugar from foods
No one is going to pick a black tranny over Trump.
TRS sucks.
Trump should just update the constitutional amendments saying you may not run for office if you or your spouse have already served two terms.
Can we make this happen?
Berniefags are also pretty in love with her, I find it really confusing. There's a lot of memeing that they're an exemplary family and I just don't get it. Same with Obama's alleged high IQ. I don't think he's dumb, but I don't know why he's supposed to be particularly smart . He's cheeky and he's allowed to run away with a lot of shit because there's no accountability.
Anyways, I welcome this. If you think white women came for Trump in big numbers you haven't seen nothing yet.
My body is ready.
I can never get over how misleading his profile pictures are. Could you imagine the disappointment a man would have had John joined a dating site?
Seems like a fair rule to me. Plus it'll make all the feminists cry about muh misogyny.
There won't be a democratic party to support that tranny after Trump is done flushing the swamp.
not a real woman, kek
Wow this thread again
If Trump does as he is supposed to it won't matter.
Even if it weren't true, it would be so easy to meme this.
If you haven't seen sjw convince themselves that fictional character and even the actors who play them, are in sweet secret gay love and have sham marriages because muh society, you haven't lived.
If Holla Forums tried hard enough through some deep cover work, we could get the ball rolling that the left has already had the gay poc president and the trans poc first lady they've always wanted.
is this his play on "double crossing?"
hmmm maybe milo is a shill, a deep shill, but why so deep and by who? who could possibly have this much foreknowledge of events to put somebody this deep into the field?
Of course they are.
>If you haven't seen sjw convince themselves that fictional character and even the actors who play them, are in sweet secret gay love and have sham marriages because muh society, you haven't lived vomited.
Shipping and slashfic are cancer.
He's just an opportunist kike. He got his name out there with the gamergate bullshit so he's playing for the anti-sjw team now. I'm sure he'll become an icon of the left once he wears out his welcome on the "alt right" or whatever the fuck those faggots call themselves.
Obummer didn't have any experience either. He was a community organizer and maybe half a term of a senator. Funny how that didn't matter then.
Now that would prove racism and sexism in America
Or the fact the Dems are fucked and can go rot in the corner…
And it showed in his shitty presidency.
Looks like a camel toe to me.
It's going to keep happening until you go back, because you have to go back.
Fuck that. We need a RWDS simulator. Take a game like ARMA 3 or GTA and make a mod where you play as RWDS captain, and your goal is to kill/torture/hunt leftists to prevent the subversion of your people and nation.
We need real RWDS
You seriously expect them to vote for a fucking white male?
uh oh D:
…But you'd never get anyone in the Democratic Party to fund him and it wouldn't be worth it if he ran as an Independent
I would love that. Queen Sheboon would lose hard.
How so? Also other people have come out and said Michelle is a tranny
not with that kind of attitude, remember how people thought that Trump would never get the nomination? liberals are now more desperate than ever and it is now a good time to put forward the worst people to front their party, like Flynt and other mentally unstable people
After everything Obama has done to this country do they really think they will vote for his fucking wife?!
Anybody with a brain can figure out if she were elected she would just finish what her husband started.
Like a hydrogen bomb of terrible candidates.
saying so and having evidence are two different ball games.
We could get him at least some funding from SJWs (he already has), although only in the order of magnitude of 1000s of dollars, not millions. If we could just get him onto that debate stage thogh, it would be worth it.
start digging up old clips of her saying stupid shit NOW - keep for 4 years.
start digging up old clips of her saying stupid shit NOW - keep for 4 years.
This is the takeaway of the thread.
I don't believe they'd actually do this. They've got to see that "running wife of ex-president for vagina bonus" already failed them once. And "first black" bonus is already collected, can't do that twice in a row. Even the Democrats ought to be able to see that they need to win people back with a borderline conservative candidate next election.
But to be on the safe side anything Michelle Obama says or does should be noted as future ammo in case I'm wrong.